3) Mangaser - Beja SR V CA (d2017)

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Digest Author: Bugsy PROVISION: Book IV, Chapter 7 of the Administrative Code of 1987


Petitioner: Fidencio Y. Beja, Sr. RULING + RATIO:
Respondent: Court of Appeals, Hon. Reinerio Reyes, Commodore YES
Rogelio Dayan, DTC, AAB, Justice Onofre Villaluz, DOTC  The PPA GM is the disciplining authority who may, by himself and
Ponencia: Romero, J. without the approval of the PPA Board of Directors, subject a
respondent in an administrative case to preventive suspension.
DOCTRINE: An attached agency has larger measure of independence borne  Preventive suspension is not a penalty in itself and is merely a
by the lateral relationship between the Department and the attached agency. measure of precaution so that the employee who is charged may be
separated, for obvious reasons, from the scene of his alleged
FACTS: misfeasance while the same is being investigated.
1. BEJA was employed by PFA as arrastre supervisor in 1975. He
became Assistant Port Operations Officer in 1977. NO
2. As a result of the reorganization of the PHILIPPINE PORTS  P.D No. 857 substituted P.D No. 505 and "attached" (for policy and
AUTHORITY (PPA), he was appointed Terminal Supervisor. program coordination) the PPA to the then Department of Public
3. PPA General Manager, DAYAN, filed an Administrative Case against Works, Transportation and Communication.
BEJA and one VILLALUZ, allegedly erroneously assessed storage o "Attachment" of an agency to a Department is one of
fees resulting in the loss of P38,150.77 the three administrative relationships mentioned in Book
4. The two were preventively suspended. But after a preliminary IV, Chapter 7 of the Administrative Code of 1987, the
investigation conducted by the district attorney, the case was other two being "Supervision and Control" and
"considered closed for lack of merit." "Administrative Control."
5. Few months after, another charge sheet was filed against BEJA by o An Attached Agency has a larger measure of
the PPA GM also for dishonesty, grave misconduct, violation of independence from the Department to which it is
reasonable office rules and regulations, conduct prejudicial to the attached than the one which is under departmental
best interest of the service and for being notoriously undesirable. supervision and control or administrative supervision.
6. The PPA GM indorsed it to the ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION BOARD (Borne by the "lateral relationship" between the
for "appropriate action." Department and the Attached Agency)
7. AAB exonerated BEJA from the charge against him and VILLALUZ, o With respect to management of personnel, an Attached
and ordered that BEJA be dismissed from service. AAB also Agency is free from Departmental interference and
pronounced BEJA to be disqualified from re-employment and control.
recommended that his eligibility be cancelled.  THE PPA GM, along with the power to investigate personnel below
8. BEJA elevated the case to the SC through an appeal by certiorari the rank of Assistant Manager who may be charged with an
with preliminary injunction and/or temporary restraining order. administrative offense, has the power to remove erring employees
with the approval of the PPA BOD.
ISSUES:  In this case, PPA GM's complaint to the AAB was premature, there
 WON PPA GM has the authority to issue preventive suspension being failure on the part of PPA GM to seek the approval of the
 WON the DOTC and/or the AAB has the jurisdiction to initiate and PPA BOD.
hear administrative cases against PPA personnel below the rank of
Assistant GM
DISPOSITION: the decision regarding the power of the PPA GM to subject
BEJA to preventive suspension is AFFIRMED and that of the jurisdiction of
the DOTC and/or ABB to act on BEJA's case is hereby REVERSED.

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