DeltaVSISSafetyManual Dec08
DeltaVSISSafetyManual Dec08
DeltaVSISSafetyManual Dec08
December 2008
Safety Manual
© 1996 - 2005 Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, in whole or in part,
is prohibited.
Printed in UK
Emerson, Emerson Process Management, the Emerson Process Management Design, DeltaV, the DeltaV design,
and PlantWeb are marks of one of the Emerson Process Management group of companies. All other marks are
property of their respective owners. The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes
only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or
guarantees, expressed or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability.
All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available on request. We reserve the right to modify
or improve the design or specification of such products at any time without notice.
Contents iii Analog Input Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Discrete Input Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Using Bad Status in the SIS Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2.2 Faults Detected on Output Channels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Using an SIS Module Template to Meet Operator Notification Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4 Choosing the SLS1508 Scan Rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.5 Configuration Considerations for Online Downloads and Restarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.5.1 Online Downloads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.5.2 Restarts After Power Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.6 System Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.6.1 Database Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.6.2 Configuration Changes After Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.6.3 Uploading Parameter Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
1.1 Certification
The information in this document applies to the following hardware and software
components of DeltaV SIS.
TÜV has certified the SLS1508 hardware and firmware as suitable for use in
applications with a maximum Safety Integrity Level of 3 (SIL3) according to IEC
61508. The SIL3 certification applies to both simplex and redundant SLS1508s.
Redundancy increases availability, but does not increase safety. Both simplex and
redundant SLS1508s provide the hardware fault tolerance and safe failure fraction to
1.3 Restrictions
The practices required in the use of DeltaV SIS are summarized below. Each topic is
discussed in greater detail in “Required Practices (Appendix B).”
You must complete a full functional test of the SLS1508 configuration before the
SLS1508 is allowed to provide the protection function in a running process.
After a subsequent download and prior to the SLS1508 continuing to provide its
protection function unsupervised, you must assess what has changed in the
SLS1508 since the last functional test by examining the CRC values in DeltaV
Diagnostics Explorer. Any SIS module or I/O channel that indicates a change
must be revalidated, that is, a functional test must be completed.
You are allowed to download an SLS1508 while it is providing the protection
function in a running process, under the following conditions:
1. The equipment under control of the SLS1508 must be supervised during the
download and until completion of the functional test (or until it is determined
that a functional test is not required).
2. The shortest process safety time associated with the SLS1508 must be long
enough for operators to monitor and react, and thus manually provide the
protection function during the download and functional test.
The SLS1508 is designed for a deenergized to trip operation such that the tripped
state for the process is achieved when SLS1508 output channels are deenergized.
The SLS1508 can be used in fire and gas and other normally deenergized
applications provided special installation and configuration guidelines are
followed. Refer to “Required Practices (Appendix B)” for more information.
The use of HART Two-state Output channels on the SLS1508 is intended for
certain final elements. You should physically connect a channel of this type to
only a Fisher Controls DVC6000 digital valve controller with ESD tier (firmware
revision 6 or later) or to a digital valve controller certified by Emerson Process
Management as being equivalent. Appendix B has more information on using
digital valve controllers with the SLS1508. For the current list of digital valve
Note It is not necessary to do a functional test after a secure write. You can be certain that the
parameter value in the SLS1508 is the value confirmed.
The secure write operation is in addition to DeltaV security. The user who is logged in
at the DeltaV workstation must have the software key to the lock associated with the
Determine the PFDavg for the SIF by summing the PFDavg for the logic solver
subsystem with the PFDavg for the sensor and final element subsystems.
2. The process safety time must still be longer than the sum of the allowed
repair time and the maximum response time for all subsystems of the SIF.
Refer to “Configuring the SLS1508 Response to Detected Faults” in Appendix C for
more information.
If you allow no repair time for DD failures on input channels, the PFH for the
SLS1508 subsystem of the SIF is the total DU failure rate from Table 2-1.
PFH (LS) = λDU
If you allow time to repair DD failures on input channels, the PFH for the SLS1508
subsystem uses the failure rates from both tables, the allowed repair time, and the
expected demand interval.
PFH (LS) = λDU + λDD * RT / DI
Determine the PFH for the SIF by summing the PFH for the logic solver subsystem
with the PFH for the sensor and final element subsystems.
Simplex SLS1508 33 years
Redundant SLS1508 >3000 years
Not all safe failures in the SLS1508 result in a process shutdown. A safe failure on an
analog input channel will not necessarily cause a trip (if it is part of a 2oo3 voting
arrangement, for example), whereas a detected dangerous failure of a CPU will always
result in a reset of the SLS1508 and a process shutdown on a simplex SLS1508.
MTTFS for a SIF is a function of the number and type of channels and the number of
SLS1508s involved. You can estimate MTTFS for a SIF by dividing the number of
years by the number of SLS1508s involved in the SIF.
50 175
100 275
150 375
200 475
Although the probability of an undetected fault being present at the time of a demand
is extremely low, you should assume a fault may be present when allocating the
response time for the logic solver subsystem. At the time of demand a fault such as a
stuck On output channel delays the trip by the amount of time it takes the SLS1508 to
determine that the channel did not go Off and to initiate a reset to remove power. The
maximum fault detection/reaction time for any scan rate is 400 milliseconds.
Therefore you should allocate 575 milliseconds for the logic solver subsystem
response time for an SLS1508 whose scan rate is 50 milliseconds.
Note the following concerning response times for the logic solver subsystem.
1. The response time does not increase if an input channel of the SIF is on an
SLS1508 other than the SLS1508 that is driving outputs.
2. If there are multiple SIS modules involved in the SIF with communication using
secure parameters, the maximum response time increases by the scan rate of the
SLS1508 containing the secure parameter (not the secure parameter reference).
For example, two SIS modules at a 50-millisecond scan rate increases the
maximum response time from 175 to 225 milliseconds.
3. If SIS module logic includes delays such as the trip delay time in voter function
blocks, the response time increases by the length of those delays.
Warning You must complete a full functional test of the SLS1508 configuration before
the SLS1508 is allowed to provide the protection function in a running
After an initial download of an SLS1508 you must ensure that all the output channels
respond appropriately as you manipulate the value of input channels on that SLS1508
(and other SLS1508s, if applicable). This initial test must be a screw terminal to screw
terminal test, preferably from sensor to final element.
The functional test in the SLS1508 is required even if the SLS1508 logic has already
been tested using Control Studio Online/Debug while the SLS1508 configuration is
assigned to the ProfessionalPLUS workstation.
Note Whenever you perform a functional test of the logic in an SLS1508, document the
applicable CRC values along with the test results as part of your safety lifecycle
management procedures.
If the overall CRC value for the SLS1508 matches the value from the previous
download, you can be certain the identical configuration is running in the SLS1508
after the download. However, the overall CRC must have the same value as your
documented, last-tested overall CRC or some functional testing is required. Compare
the overall CRC with your documented last-tested value. If they differ, check for
differences between the current CRC value for each of the four potential SIS modules
and your documented last-tested value for each SIS module. Also check for
differences between the combined I/O CRC value and your documented, last-tested
combined I/O CRC value.
Caution Whenever you download an SLS1508, compare the newly calculated overall
CRC value with your documented last-tested value even if you do not
anticipate a difference.
Any SIS module whose CRC value differs from the last-tested value must have a
functional test done before it can provide its protection function in a running process.
Unless the download is being done online, that is, while the process is running, your
standard test procedure for that SIS module should be followed. For modifications to
the standard test procedure following an online download, see “Functional Testing
After Download to a Running Process” in this section.
If the combined I/O CRC value differs from your documented last-tested value,
examine each of the 16 individual channel CRC values to see which differ from the
documented last-tested value. Any difference implies a change in a configurable I/O
channel parameter value. For channels whose CRC value has changed, perform tests
according to Table 3-1 based on the channel type.
HART Two-state Output DISPARITY_DETECT Not required; HART communication is not safety-critical.
Warning You are allowed to download an SLS1508 while it is providing the protection
function in a running process, with the following restrictions:
1. The equipment under control of the SLS1508 must be supervised during the
download and until completion of the functional test (or until it is determined
that a functional test is not required).
2. The shortest process safety time associated with the SLS1508 must be long
enough to allow time for operators to monitor and react, and thus manually
provide the protection function during the download and functional test.
Table 3-2 How to Apply SLS1508 Configuration Changes to the Runtime System
Change Made to the Configuration Database How to Apply the Change to the Runtime
System and the Resulting Impact to the
• Change a parameter filter flag or category. Requires neither a download nor a secure
write to take effect. Applies only to the
configuration system.
Discrete Input channel 1. If value of OUT_D of DI function block is 1, do a “force value” on the
destination of wire from OUT_D.
2. Disconnect physical wire on input channel. Confirm value of OUT_D
goes to 0.
3. Restore.
Note 1: For energize to trip applications or when the “Invert Input” IO
option is used, it may be necessary to manipulate the input channel to
confirm the link.
Note 2: Repeat for all DI function blocks in all SIS modules in this
SLS1508, whether the physical channel is on this or another SLS1508.
Analog Input channel 1. Measure the current at the input screw terminals.
HART Analog Input channel 2. Calculate the expected value on OUT of the AI function block using
the value of L_TYPE and OUT_SCALE.
3. Confirm that the expected value matches the value of OUT.
Note 1: Repeat for all AI function blocks in all SIS modules in this
SLS1508, whether the physical channel is on this or another SLS1508.
Note 2: If the value on OUT is the same for multiple AI blocks, it is
necessary to manipulate one or more input channels to confirm the links.
Secure Parameter Reference 1. Do a “force value” on the destination of wire from the parameter.
2. Using Control Studio Debug for the source SIS module, do a “force
value” on the referenced secure parameter.
3. Change the value on the secure parameter and confirm that the value
changes in the destination module.
4. Restore.
Discrete Output channel 1. Open the process bypass valve for the final element.
HART Two-state Output 2. Cause the value on CAS_IN_D of the DO/DVC function block to
channel change state by manipulating the logic using “force value” or other
3. Visually verify that the final element changes state (or measure the
voltage/current at the screw terminal).
4. Restore.
Note: If there is no process bypass capability, it is acceptable to
temporarily block the actuation of the final element. In either case you
must be able to provide the protection function manually.
Warning You are permitted to use the SLS1508 in fire and gas and other normally
deenergized (energize-to-actuate) applications by adhering to the following
3. Each Discrete Output channel on the SLS1508 must interface with the final
element using an Auxiliary Relay DTA-Inverting module and an Auxiliary
Relay Diode module. A supplemental Discrete Input channel is required for
each output for feedback and line fault monitoring. The use of Two-state
HART Output channels is not allowed in energize-to-actuate applications.
5. Fire and gas applications must comply with local fire codes by following
standards such as EN54 in Europe and NFPA72 in the United States.
The DTA-Inverting relay module is installed near the SLS1508 and is wired to both
the Discrete Output channel and supplemental Discrete Input channel. The Diode
module is installed near the final element and is wired to the DTA-Inverting relay
module and final element. The DTA-Inverting relay module adds 30 milliseconds to
the response time of the SIF. Refer to Installing Your DeltaV Safety Instrumented System
Hardware for installation details.
Warning The use of HART Two-state Output channels on the SLS1508 is intended for
certain final elements. You should physically connect a channel of this type to
only a Fisher Controls DVC6000 digital valve controller with ESD tier
(firmware revision 6 or later) or a digital valve controller certified by Emerson
Process Management as being equivalent.
A HART Two-state Output channel is manipulated by SIS module logic through the
use of a Digital Valve Controller (LSDVC) function block. The SLS1508 applies 20
milliamps on the channel when the block’s OUT_D parameter is 1. The value of the
OFF_CURRENT parameter in the DVC block determines the current applied when
the value of OUT_D is 0. Options for OFF_CURRENT include “0 milliamps” and
“4 milliamps.” Table 3-5 summarizes the characteristics of the OFF_CURRENT
Table 3-5 Characteristics of the OFF_CURRENT Options
0 milliamps 4 milliamps
• Power is removed entirely from the • The digital valve controller places the final element
digital valve controller when SIS in the tripped state when SIS module logic drives
module logic drives the channel Off. the channel Off.
The digital valve controller places the • HART communication with the digital valve
final element in the tripped state. controller continues while the final element is in the
tripped state.
Note If you choose “4 milliamps” as the off-current option for a HART Two-state Output
channel, consider installing the digital valve controller (DVC6000ESD or equivalent)
and valve/actuator in a four-wire arrangement.
A four-wire arrangement uses two output channels on the SLS1508. A HART Two-
state Output channel is connected to the DVC6000ESD. A Discrete Output channel
is connected to a 24V solenoid valve installed in the pneumatic line between the
DVC6000ESD and the valve actuator. Visit the following website:
for a link to additional information on installing and using the Fisher Controls
Figure 4-2 Example Use of a CEM Block for Latching Off an Output Fault
The CAUSE3 input of the CEM block has a value of 1 when neither output function
block is in the fault state. FAULT_STATE is normally an internal parameter, but in
this example it is exposed as an output parameter on the DO and DVC blocks and
wired to a NOR block. If either output block detects an open or short on its
referenced channel, a trip occurs on EFFECT1 of the CEM block and both output
blocks drive their outputs Off (because CAS_IN_D becomes 0). The block that
detected the open or short had already driven its output Off. The outputs remain Off
until an operator reset is done on the Effect by changing RESET1 of the CEM block
to True. The fault state condition clears when a Discrete Output channel is driven Off
because the diagnostic no longer detects the condition. The same is true for a HART
Two-state Output channel when OFF_CURRENT is “0 milliamps.”
Maintenance Bypass
During a maintenance activity such as calibration, proof testing, or repair of a
transmitter, a maintenance bypass temporarily prevents the process value on the input
channel from contributing to a potential trip. The Analog Voter and Discrete Voter
function blocks provide the built-in maintenance bypass capability. When an
individual input is bypassed for maintenance, its vote to trip is not considered in
voting logic. A maintenance bypass is set and cleared by an operator or maintenance
technician using a secure write operation from a workstation or a physical key switch,
but could be cleared by the voter block itself upon a configurable timeout.
Startup Bypass
While a process is starting up, a startup bypass temporarily overrides a process value
to allow time for it to reach a value that does not initiate a trip. The Analog Voter and
Discrete Voter function blocks provide the built-in startup bypass capability. The
block output maintains the normal operating value while the startup bypass is active.
A startup bypass is initiated by an operator using a secure write operation or by the
voter block detecting a process startup condition. The startup bypass is cleared after a
configurable time period or optionally when the voter block detects a process
2. A failure occurs in a transmitter, the field wiring, or the input circuitry of the
SLS1508 during normal operation. A maintenance bypass is used to prevent Bad
status from causing a trip in the output function block (if the failure itself did not
already cause a trip).
The bypass is set from a process display in DeltaV Operate, for example, by clicking
on an input check box of the voter function block dynamo and then confirming the
selection. A set bypass is cleared using the same procedure. While the bypass is set,
BYPASS_ALM remains active and the toolbar button for the SIS Alarm List is visible
in the DeltaV Operate toolbar, meaning there is at least one active, unacknowledged,
or suppressed SIS alarm in the list. A click on the toolbar button opens the SIS Alarm
List display. Operators should be aware of all alarms visible on this display. The
handoff at shift change should include a review of the SIS Alarm List. You can create
other alarms related to bypasses by referencing alarm conditions determined in the
voter blocks. These alarms include a reminder that the expiration of a bypass is
imminent and whether a bypassed input is voting to trip.
The history of bypass activity is available in the Event Chronicle of DeltaV Process
History View. No special configuration is required. The setting and clearing of
bypasses and bypass permits are recorded whether they are done using secure writes
from workstations or physical switches. An event record is also created whenever the
block removes a bypass due to a timeout.
The following example scenario illustrates a case where a maintenance bypass is used
following a failure.
The Failure
A HART transmitter fails, resulting in a Field Device Malfunction HART error and a
down-scale output value as configured in the device.
2. Suppose the voting is 2oo3. In this case the operator merely follows up on repair
for the transmitter. No maintenance bypass is needed. The other two
transmitters are providing the protection and there is no concern that a trip
might occur when the transmitter is replaced.
3. Suppose the transmitter failure results in an up-scale output value. With a 1oo1
or 1oo2 voting arrangement, a false trip occurrs. A 2oo3 voting arrangement has
the same result as a down-scale output value. But 2oo2 voting starts the fault
state timer in the output block because there are not enough good inputs to
ensure a proper response to a potential demand.
Whenever Bad status enters an SIS module and a determination is made that a repair
is required, the repair should be completed within the allowed repair time for the SIF
to prevent the PFDavg or PFH from exceeding the SIL verification value.
2. A DeltaV SIS alarm occurs when the SLS1508 detects a fault; the SLS1508
continues providing its protection function.
The SLS has detected a non-fatal condition. An alarm occurs because the
condition requires an operator action such as initiating maintenance or taking
steps to clear the condition. When a non-fatal condition is active, the SLS1508 is
still able to respond to a process demand. In some cases a demand results in a
reset of the SLS1508 if an error condition is already present, for example, an
output channel is stuck On.
3. DeltaV SIS logs an event record when the SLS1508 detects a fault; the SLS1508
continues providing its protection function.
Refer to the “SLS Diagnostic Parameters” topic in the DeltaV SIS book of DeltaV
Books Online for details on the subsystem status and alert bitstring parameters.
Note Persistent fatal errors generally require a hardware repair. The hardware must be
returned to Emerson for repair. Before returning the hardware, perform a manual reset
of the affected SLS card using Diagnostics Explorer. If the error continues to be present
after power-up tests complete, which is expected, please contact the Global Service Center
(GSC) for technical support prior to contacting Customer Service for a Material Return
Tracking (MRT) number. The GSC will help determine the necessary action and
forward the call to Customer Service if needed. For contact information, visit:
Non-Fatal, Inact-Unack alarm Check Event Chronicle Inact-Unack alarm Check Event Chronicle
Momentary (MAINT or records to determine (MAINT or ADVISE) records to determine error
ADVISE) error condition. condition and affected
Record error
occurrence; report to Record error occurrence;
Emerson if there is a report to Emerson if there
repeat occurrence. is a repeat occurrence.
Simplex SLS1508
1. Initiating a manual reset on a simplex SLS1508 results in all outputs being
deenergized. If you must proof test a simplex SLS online, you need to temporarily
bypass or block final elements and provide manual supervision.
2. The SLS must be Unlocked to initiate a manual reset. Select the SLS1508 under
SIS Network in Diagnostics Explorer. If the value of the Locked parameter is
Yes in the contents pane, right-click on the SLS1508 and select Unlock. Click
Confirm on the secure write confirmation dialog.
4. The SLS1508 goes through power-up testing and returns to the configured state.
The proof test timer resets to 0. There are two event records, one for the user
reset command and one from the SLS1508 confirming that power-up tests
completed successfully.
1. The SLS must be Unlocked to initiate a manual reset. Select the SLS1508 under
SIS Network in Diagnostics Explorer. If the value of the Locked parameter is Yes
in the contents pane, right-click on the SLS1508 and select Unlock. Click
Confirm on the secure write confirmation dialog.
2. Right-click on the SLS1508 and select “Force Reset on Standby.” Click Confirm
on the confirmation dialog.
3. Wait several minutes for the Standby card to complete power-up tests and
become configured by the Active card. The Partner Not Available maintenance
alert goes inactive when the Standby card is fully configured.
5. The previously reset Standby card becomes the new Active card and the new
Standby card goes through power-up tests and is configured by the new Active
card. The proof test timer is 0. There are four event records, two for the user
reset and switchover commands and two for the SLS cards, confirming that
power-up tests completed successfully.
1. Bypass the AVTR function block input wired from the OUT parameter of the AI
block assigned to the HART device’s channel using the AVTR dynamo on the
process display in DeltaV Operate. If the TRIP_STATUS parameter of the
AVTR block becomes “Trip Inhibited” as a result of the bypass, manually
monitor the SIF while the input is bypassed.
3. Use Control Studio Online to make the equivalent change to the OUT_SCALE
parameter of the associated AI function block.
4. Check to see that the OUT parameter of the AI block has the expected online
engineering units value.