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Electrical well logging was introduced to the oil industry ried on from station to station until the entire log was
over half a century ago. Since that time, many additional recorded. A portion of this first log is shown inFig. l-l.
and improved logging devices have been developed and
put into general use.
As the science of well logging advanced, the art of in-
terpreting the data also advanced. Today, the detailed
analysis of a carefully chosen suite of wire&x services
provides a method of deriving or inferring accurate values
for the hydrocarbon and water saturations, the porosi-
ty, the permeability index, and the lithology of the reser-
voir rock.
Hundreds of technical papers have been written
describing the various logging methods, their application,
and their interpretation. This abundance of literature is
overwhelming in content and frequently unavailable to
the average well log user.
This document therefore presents a review of these well
logging methods and interpretation techniques. The
various openhole services offered by Schlumberger are
discussed in some detail, together with essential methods
of interpretation and basic applications. The discussion
is kept as brief and clear as possible, with a minimum
of derivational mathematics.
It is hoped that the document will serve as a useful
handbook for anyone interested in well logging. For those
who may be interested in more detailed material, the
references at the end of each chapter and the other well
logging literature can be consulted.

The first electrical log was recorded in 1927 in a well in
the small oil field of Pechelbronn, in Alsace, a province
of northeastern France. This log, a single graph of the
electrical resistivity of the rock formations cut by the
borehole, was recorded by the “station” method. The
downhole measurement instrument (called sonde) was
stopped at periodic intervals in the borehole,
measurements were made, and the calculated resistivity
was hand-plotted on a graph. This procedure was car- Fig. 1-I -The first log: points plotted on graph paper by Henri


In 1929, electrical resistivity logging wasintroduced on that the neutron gained acceptance as a porosity measure-
a commercial basis in Venezuela, the United States, and ment. The Dual Porosity neutron tool combines those two
Russia, and soon afterwards in the Dutch East Indies. neutron measurements into a single tool.
The usefulness of the resistivity measurement for correla- Early attempts at porosity determination employed
tion purposes and for identification of potential microresistivity measurements. The Microlog tool, in-
hydrocarbon-bearing strata was quickly recognized by the troduced in the early 1950’s, uses a miniature linear ar-
oil industry. ray of three electrodes imbedded in the face of an in-
In 1931 the spontaneous potential (SP) measurement sulating pad, which is applied to the borehole wall. A
was included with the resistivity curve on the electrical borehole caliper is provided by the arm carrying the elec-
log. In the same year, the Schlumberger brothers, Marcel trode pad and an opposite backup arm.
and Conrad, perfected a method of continuous recording The Microlog recording is also useful to delineate
and the first pen recorder was developed. permeable beds, and other microresistivity devices help
The photographic-film recorder was introduced in establish the resistivity profile from the invaded zone near
1936. By then, the electrical log consisted of the SP curve the borehole tqthenoninvaded virgin formation. The
and short normal, long normal, and long lateral resistivity Microlaterolog tool was developed for salt muds in 1953.
curves. This combination was predominant in logging ac- The MicroProximity log and Micro%%* log have
tivity from 1936 to the late 1950’s. After about 1946, these followed.
curves were recorded simultaneously. In 1951, the laterolog tool, the first focused deep-
The development of a dipmeter log began in the early investigating resistivity device, was introduced. It uses a
1930’s with the anisotropy dipmeter tool. The three-arm focusing system to constrain the surveying current (emit-
dipmeter device, with an associated photoclinometer, was ted from a central electrode) to substantially a horizon-
introduced in 1943; it permitted both the direction and tal disc for some distance from the sonde. Focused
angle of the formation dip to be determined. Each arm resistivity logs are well adapted for investigation of thin
contained an SP sensor. In 1946, the SP sensors were beds drilled with low-resistivity muds. The laterolog
replaced by short resistivity devices; this made dip device quickly supplanted conventional resistivity logs in
measurements possible in wells where the SP had little salt muds and highly resistive formations.
correlatable detail. Over the years, several laterolog tools were developed
The first continuously recording electrical dipmeter and used commercially. Today, the DLL* dual laterolog
sonde, which used three microresistivity arrays and con- tool, which consists of deep laterolog and shallow
tained a fluxgate compass, followed in the mid-1950’s. laterolog measurements, is the standard. It is usually run
Since then, numerous developments have further refin- with a MicroSFL device as well.
ed the measurement of formation dip. Today, a four-arm In freshwater muds, the original electrical log has been
dipmeter tool records 10 microresistivity curves replaced by the induction log. The induction log was
simultaneously, and a triaxial accelerometer and developed in 1949, as an outgrowth of wartime work with
magnetometers provide highly accurate information on mine detectors, for use in oil-base mud. However, its
tool deviation and azimuth. The processing of these data superiority over the electrical log in freshwater muds was
into formation dip information is now done exclusively soon recognized.
with electronic computers. By 1956, a five-coil induction device was combined with
The gamma ray (GR) and neutron tools represented the SP curve and a 16-i”. normal to make the induction-
the first use of radioactive properties in well logging and electrical tool. In 1959, the five-coil device was replaced
the first use of downhole electronics. Unlike SP and by one with a sir-coil array with deeper investigation.
resistivity tools, they are able to log formations through The DIL* dual induction log, introduced in 1963, is
steel casing, as well as in air- or gas-filled holes or in oil- now the standard. It consists of deep induction, medium
based muds. The neutron log was described by Pontecor- induction, and shallow resistivity measurements. The
vo in 1941. shallow resistivity-measuring device is now a focused
In combination with the GR log, a neutron log resistivity device - a Laterolog 8 on the 1963 tool and
enhances lithological interpretations and well-to-well an SFL device on current tools. A new dual induction
stratigraphic correlations. After about 1949, attention log, the Phasor* induction, provides improved thin-bed
was given to the neutron log as a porosity indicator. response, deeper depth of investigation, and greater
However, the early neutron logs were greatly influenced dynamic resistivity range.
by the borehole environment. It was not until the in- Since the 1930’s, logging cables have been used to lower
troduction of the SNP sidewall neutron porosity tool in geophones into wells to measure long-interval acoustic
1962 and the CNL* compensated neutron tool in 1970 travel times from sound sources at the surface.

*Mark of Schlumberger

In the late 1950’s, the sonic log gained acceptance as
a reliable porosity log; its measurement responds primari-
ly to porosity and is essentially independent of saturation.
The sonic log, coupled with the focused resistivity logs
- laterolog and induction-made possible modern for-
mation evaluation from well logs. The sonic log provid-
ed a measurement of porosity; the focused resistivity logs,
a measurement oftrue resistivity of the noninvaded virgin
Subsequent improvements in sonic logging included the
BHC borehole compensated sonic, the LSS* long-spaced
sonic, and the Array-Sonic* tools. The latter tools per-
mit the recording of the entire sonic wavetrain. From an
analysis of the wavetrain, the shear and Stoneley transit
times can be extracted as well as the compressional tran-
sit time.
The logging of formation bulk density, another
measurement primarily dependent on formation porosi-
ty, was commercially introduced in the early 1960’s. An
FDC* compensated formation density log, which com-
pensated for the mudcake, quickly followed in 1964. In
1981, the Litho-Density* log provided an improved bulk
density measurement and a lithology-sensitive photoelec-
tric absorption cross section measurement.
The recovery of physical rock samples and formation
fluid samples with wireline tools also has a rich history.
Sidewall coring, using a hollow, cylindrical “bullet” shot
into the formation and retrieved by pulling it out, has
existed since 1937. Obviously, this technique has
undergone continuous improvement over the one-half
century since its introduction. For very hard rocks,
downhole mechanical coring tools exist that actually drill
out the rock samples.
In 1957, a formation tester was introduced. It recovered
a sample of the formation fluids and the pore pressure
was measured during the sampling process. The FIT for-
mation interval tester and the RFT* repeat formation
tester have followed. The older tools could make only
one pressure measurement and recover only one fluid
sample per trip into the well; the RFT tool can make an
unlimited number of pressure measurements and recover
two fluid samples per trip.
To handle those formations in which the formation
water is fresh, or varies in salinity, or in which the salini-
ty is unknown, dielectric measurements have been
developed. The EPT* electromagnetic propagation log
was introduced in 1978; the DPT* deep propagation log,
in 1985.
The preceding historical sketch has not, by any means, Fig. 1-Z-Wireline logging operation.
covered all the measurements now made with wireline well
logging devices. Other logging measurements include THE FIELD OPERATION
nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear spectrometry (both Wireline electrical logging is done from a logging truck,
natural and induced), and numerous cased hole sometimes referred to as a “mobile laboratory” (Fig.
parwneters. l-3). The truck carries the downhole measurement in-

struments, the electrical cable and winch needed to lower receive and process their signals, and the equipment need-
the instruments into the borehole, the surface instrumen- ed to make a permanent recording of the “log.”
tation needed to power the downhole instruments and to

Fig. l-3-A typical CSU wellsite mobile laboratory. The main winch contains up to 30,000 ft of seven-conductor logging cable;
the optional small winch at the rear contains 24,000 ft of slim monoconductor cable for servicing producing wells under pressure.
Data acquisition and computer equipment are inside the logging cab. For offshore-remote locations, the cab and winch assemblies
are mounted on a skid.

The downhole measurement instruments are usually tains seven insulated copper conductors. New cable
composed of two components. One component contains developments include a fiber optics conductor in the
the sensors used in making the measurement, called the center of six copper conductors. The cable is wrapped
sonde. The type of sensor depends, of course, upon the with a steel armor to give it the strength to support the
nature of the measurement. Resistivity sensors use elec- tool weight and provide some strength to pull on the tool
trodes or coils; acoustic sensors use transducers; radioac- in case it becomes stuck in the borehole. The cable and
tivity sensors use detectors sensitive to radioactivity; etc. tools are run in and out of the borehole by means of a
The sonde housing may be constructed of steel and/or unit-mounted winch.
fiberglass. Well depths are measured with a calibratedmeasuring
The other component of the downhole tool is the car- wheel system. Logs are normally recorded during the as-
tridge. The cartridge contains the electronics that power cent from the well to assure a taunt cable and better depth
the sensors, process the resulting measurement signals, control.
and transmit the signals up the cable to the truck. The Signal transmission over the cable may be in analog
cartridge may be a separate component screwed to the or digital form; modern trends favor digital. The cable
sonde to form the total tool, or it may be combined with is also used, of course, to transmit the electrical power
the sensors into a single tool. That depends, of course, from the surface to the downhole tools.
upon how much space the sensors and electronics require The surface instrumentation (Fig. l-4) provides the
and the sensor requirements. The cartridge housing is electrical power to the downhole tools. More important-
usually made of steel. ly, the surface instrumentation receives the signals from
Today, most logging tools are readily combinable. In the downhole tools, processes and/or analyzes those
other words, the sondes and cartridges of several tools signals, and responds accordingly. The desired signals are
can be connected to form one tool and thereby make output to magnetic tape in digital form and to a cathode-
many measurements and logs on a single descent into and ray tube and photographic film in analytical form.
ascent from the borehole. The photographic film is processed on the unit, and
The downhole tool (or tools) is attached to an electrical paper prints are made from the film. This continuous
cable that is used to lower the tool into and remove from recording of the downhole measurement signals is refer-
the well. Most cable used in openhole logging today con- red to as the log.

the data rate that can now be handled by the newer
downhole sensors, by the logging cable, and by the sur-
face instrumentation as a result of digital techniques.

Table 1
Data rate transmission requirements of some well logging

ISF Induction-Sonic
200 BitslBorehole Ft
High-Resolution Dipmeter
10 Dip Channels
25,000 BitslBorehole Ft
Array Sonic
Full Waveform
60,000 BitslBorehole Ft
Fig. M-The CSU is a computer-based integrated data ac- Inelastic Spectroscopy
quisition and processing system. The main elements are- Energy Spectrum
Right: a video data display and optical film units to record 20,000 Bits/Second
data. Center:Jhe keyboard/printer unit below three cartridge
tape drives. Left twin DEC 1134 computers each having 256K Well Seismic Tool
memory; at the top, a dual hard-disk drive with 42-megabyte &Second Wavetrain
capacity and a backup 4%megabyte cartridge tape unit. 80,000 Bits/Second
Wireline-logging technology is being changed by the rapid
advancements in digital electronics and data-handling
methods. These new concepts have changed our think-
ing about existing logging techniques and remolded our DATA PROCESSING
ideas about the direction of future developments. Signal processing can be performed at at least three levels:
Affected are the sensors, the downhole electronics, the downhole in the tool, uphole in the truck, and at a cen-
cable, the cable telemetry, and the signal processing at tral computing center. Where the processing is done
the surface. depends on where the desired results can most efficient-
Basic logging measurements may contain large ly be produced, where the extracted information is first
amounts of information. In the past, some of this data needed, where the background expertise exists, or where
was not recorded because of the lack of high data-rate technological considerations dictate.
sensors and electronics downhole, the inability to transmit Where it seems desirable, the logging tool is designed
the data up the cable, and inability to record it in the log- so that the data are processed downhole and the processed
ging unit. Similarly, those limitations have prevented or signal is transmitted to the surface. This is the case when
delayed the introduction of some new logging little future use is envisioned for the raw data or when
measurements and tools. With digital telemefry, there has the amount of raw data precludes its transmission. In
been a tremendous increase in the data rate that can be most cases, however, it is desirable to bring measured raw
handled by the logging cable. Digital recording techni- data to the surface for recording and processing. The
ques within the logging unit provide a substantial increase original data are thus available for any further process-
in recording capability. The use of digitized signals also ing or display purposes and are permanently preserved
facilitates the transmission of log signals by radio, for future use.
satellite, or telephone line to computing centers or base A wellsite digital computer system, called the CSU*
offices. unit, is now standard on all Schlumberger units
In Table l-1 the data rate for one of the older tool throughout the world (Fig. l-4). The system provides the
systems, the induction-sonic combination, is contrasted capability to handle large amounts of data. It overcomes
with the data-rate transmission requirements for some of many of the past limitations of combination logging
the newer tools. It illustrates the tremendous increase in systems (the stacking or combination of many measure-
ment sensors into a single logging tool string). It also ex-


pedites field operations. Tool calibration is performed programs range in scope from single-well evaluation pro-
much more quickly and accurately, and tool operation grams to a series of special application products to reser-
is more efficiently and effectively controlled. voir description services that evaluate entire fields.
The CSU system provides the obvious potential for Statistical techniques can be employed more extensively,
wellsite processing of data. Processing of sonic both in the selection of parameters and in the actual
waveforms for compressional and shear velocities is computations.
already being done, as is the processing of nuclear energy Log processing seems to be moving more and more
spectra for elemental composition and, then, chemical toward integrated treatment of all log measurements
composition. More sophisticated deconvolution and simultaneously. Programs are being designed to recognize
signal filtering schemes are practical with the CSU system. that the log parameters of a given volume of rock are
Nearly all the common log interpretation models and interrelated in predictable ways, and these relationships
equations are executable on the CSU unit. Although not are given attention during processing. New programs can
quite as sophisticated as the log interpretation programs now use data from more sources, such as cores, pressure
available in computing centers, the wellsite interpretation and production testing, and reservoir modeling.
programs significantly exceed what can be done manual-
ly. Wellsite programs exist to determine porosity and DATA TRANSMISSION
saturations in simple and complex lithology, to identify The CSU system is able to transmit logs with a suitable
lithology, to calculate formation dip, to calculate communication link. The receiving station can be another
permeablity, and to determine many more petrophysical CSU system, a transmission terminal, or a central com-
parameters. In addition, data (whether recorded, process- puting center. Data can be edited or reformatted before
ed, or computed) can be reformatted in the form most transmission to reduce the transmission time or to tailor
appropriate for the user. the data to the recipient. Built-in checks on the transmis-
The demand for wellsite formation evaluation process- sion quality ensure the reliability of the transmitted
ing will undoubtedly increase and programs will become information.
more sophisticated. With the LOGNET* communications network, graphic
The computing center offers a more powerful com- data or log tapes can be transmitted via satellite fromthe
puter, expert log analysts, more time, and the integra- wellsite to multiple locations (Fig. l-5). This service is
tion of more data. Schlumberger computing centers are available in the continental U.S. and Canada, onshore
located in major oil centers throughout the world. They and offshore. Virtually any telephone is a possible receiv-
provide more sophisticated signal processing and forma- ing station.
tion analysis than the wellsite CSU system. Evaluation

Fig. l-S-Schematic of LOGNET communications system.

A small transportable communications antenna at the 9. Russell, J.H. and Bishop, B.G.: “Quantitative Evaluation of Rock
wellsite permits transmission of the well log data via PorosUy by Neutron-Neutron Merbcd,” Pet. Eng. J. (April 1954).
10. Bush, R.E. and Mardack, ES.: “The Quantitative Interpretation
satellite to a Schlwberger computing center and then by
of Radioactivity Logs,” J. Pa. Tech. (1951) 3, No. 7; Per.
telephone to the client’s office or home. Since the system Tmns., AIME, 192.
is two way, offset logs or computed logs can be tram- 11. Russell, W.L.: “Interpretation of Neutron Well Logs,” Bull.,
mitted back to the wellsite. The system also provides AAPG (1952) 36, No. 2.
normal two-way voice communication. There are several 12. Wyllie, M.R.J.: “Procedures for me Direct Employment of Neu-
Won Log Data in Electric-Lag Interpretation,” Geophys. (April
receiving station options: 1952) 17, No. 4.
A standard digital FAX machine will receive log 13. Allen, L.S., Tinle, C.W., Mills, W.R., and Caldwell, R.L.?
graphic data directly at the office. “Dual-Spaced Neutron Logging for Par&y,” Geophys. (Jan.
1967) 32, No. 1.
A Pilot 50* portable telecopier plugged into a stan- 14. Alger, R.P., Locke, S., Nag& W.A., and Sherman, H.: “The
dard telephone outlet at the office or at home allows Dual-Spacing Neutron Log - CNL,” J. Per. Tech. (Sept. 1972)
clients to take advantage of the 24-hour service. 24, No. 9.
15. Doll, H.G.: “Inuoduction to Induction Logging and Application to
A Pilot lOO* log station can be installed in the Logging of Wells Drilled With Gil-Base Muds,” 1. Per. Tech.
client’s office to receive tape and log graphics and (June 1949); Per. Trans., AIME, 186.
to make multiple copies of the log graphics. Since 16. Dumanoir, J.L., Tixier, M.P., and Martin, M.: “Interpreration of
the Induction-Electrical Log in Fresh Mud,” J. Pet. Tech. (July
this station is automatic, it can receive data
1957) 9, No. 7; Tram., AIME, 210.
unattended. 17. Tixier, M.P., Alger, R.P., Biggs, W.P., and Carpenter, B.N.:
An ELITE lOOO* workstation can be installed in the “Dual Induction-Later&g: A New Twl for Resistivity Analysis,”
paper SPE 713 presented at the 1963 SPE Annual Meeting, New
client’s office to receive data from the LOGNET Grleans, Oct. 1963.
communications network. A complete library of en- 18. Doll, KG.: “The Microlog - A New Electrical Logging Method
vironmental corrections as well as the entire range for Detailed Determination of Permeable Beds,” J. Per. Tech.
of Schlunberger advanced answer products are avail- (he 1950) 2, No. 6; Per. Tmns., AIME, 189.
able with this new workstation. 19. Doll. H.G.: “The Later&g: A New Rcristivify Logging Method
with Electrodes Using an Automatic Focusing System,” J. Pet.
All data are encrypted to provide security while trans- Tech. (Nov. ,951) 3, No. 11; Per. Trans., AIME, 192.
mitting over the airways. 20. Schuster, N.A., Badon, J.D., and Robbins, E.R.: “Application of
Other local transmission systems exist elsewhere in the the ISFlSanic Combination Tool to Gulf Coast Formations,”
Trans., Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Sm. (Oct. ,971,.
world using telephone, radio, and/or satellite communica- 21. Doll, KG.: “The Microlaterolog,” J. Pet Tech. (Jan. 1953) 5,
tions. In some instances, transmission from the wellsite No. 1; Per. Trans.. AIME, 198.
is possible. In others, transmission must originate from a 22. Doll, KG., Dunmoir, J.L., and Martin, M.: “Suggestions for
more permanent communication station. With some Better Electric Lag Combinations and Improved Inrerpretations,”
Geophys. (April 1960) 25, No. 4.
preplanning, it is possible to transmit log data from near-
23. Stripling, A.A.: “Velocity Log Charaererisrics,” J. Pet. Tech.
ly any point in the world to another. (Sept. 1958) 10, No. 9; Per. Tmm., AIME, 213.
24. Arm, J., Murray, 1.. and Seeman, B.: “Formation Compressional
REFERENCES and Shear Interval-Transit-Time Logging by Means of Lang Spac-
ings and Digital Techniques,” paper SPE 7446 presemed at the
1. Schlumberger, C., Schlumberger, M., and Leonardon, E.G.: 1978 SPE Annual Meeting.
“Electrical Caring; A Method of Determining Bolmm-Hole Data
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3. Doll, E.G.: “The SP Dipmeter,” Per. Tech. (Ian. 1943) 6.
27. Gardner, J.S. and Dumanoir, J.L.: “Litho-Density Log Interpre-
4. Stratton, E.F. and Hamilton, R.G.: “Application of Dipmeter Sw t&on,” Trans., 1980 SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium.
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28. Lock, G.A. and Hoyer, W.A.: “NB,“IB, Gamma Ray Spectral
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6. Allaud, L.A. and Ringot, I.: “The High-Resaluion Dipmerer Trans., 1980 SPWLA Annual Logging Symposium.
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1. Pontecorvo, B.: “Neutron Well Logging - A New Geological
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