Philosophical Statement

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My portfolio will be filled with examples of first day of school activities, my classroom

environment, safety plan, and procedures. For my Classroom Management Portfolio, I want to

focus on 5th grade or 6th grade for the purpose of this portfolio and the activities and ideas

included. I would like to teach either of these grade levels. I plan on teaching English/Language

Arts, but maybe one day switch to history if I decide that and change and for that reason some

of my activities or procedures may be interchangeable for the two. I can hopefully use this

project in the future to refer back to activities and plans that I think of now while still in school

that I could use once I am actually about to teach in a classroom. This project is a way to keep

my ideas in one place and really start thinking about what I want for my students and my

classroom. I think this is an amazing way to do that, to have a beginning cohesive idea of what

would be the most beneficial and fun for my future students.

Philosophical Statement
As a teacher, I feel as though my classroom should be a safe space for my students. They should

come in and know that they will be welcomed and celebrated by every participant in the

classroom without that safe environment my students may not feel comfortable thus not being

able to learn what they need. I believe that students need that positive attitude about

themselves and education, but not to the extent of being lazy, which could happen if you give

them too much slack. I do not believe in rewards to a certain degree. As 10-12 year olds they
are a bit too old for constant small prizes. I could give incentives for the students to read more

by giving reading challenges to all my classes based on the bluebonnet lists or something else,

but this would be once a semester kind of thing. Students at this age that teachers should not

be babying them so I want to be there to help guide them to being more responsible. I do not

want to be harsh because that will not feed into my positive classroom environment that I will

strive for.

First Day(s)


*I made this into a 90 minute class period that will be repeated a total of 3 times for all my

classes throughout the day*

8:30-8:45 Greeting Students and Start of Class

Greet each student at the door

Ask their name and direct them toward their seat for the day. (Alphabetical Order)

Let them know there are instructions on the board I would like them to follow while

they wait for class to officially start.

1. They will have to write two reasons why they are excited for this school year

and one reason why they are not looking forward to this year.

8:45-9:00 Introductions and Class Procedures

Introducing myself and classroom procedures

I will pick up everyone’s warm up then begin to introduce myself

● My name

● Talk about my family

● Education

● Where I’m from, where I live

● Why I’m a teacher and chose that grade

(This is a way for them to get to know me, starting that bond with my students.)

Here I will explain what I expect of them in my classroom

Going over procedures and expectations (This will be gone over multiple times this week

until I see the stupids have grasped what they are expected to do.

9:00-9:30 Icebreakers and Get to Know Everyone

Icebreakers for me to get to know the students and them to get to know each other.

(My homeroom class will be given small papers shaped like puzzle pieces I will explain how to

decorate that they should bring back the next day.)

9:30-10:00 Class Dojo, Supplies, and Parent Foldable

I will introduce Class Dojo to my students and tell them how it works and that I can

speak with their parents through the website. Here I plan on going over the supplies they will

need for my classroom every day and how they will know if they need anything that is not a

regular supply.

I will then go over our content that will be touched on the first week and make sure the

students are prepared for the rest of the school year.

Before switching I will pass out a foldable I have prepared for the students to give to their

parents and that I will send out an email to their parents making sure they are aware of the

foldable going home. This foldable has all the information gone over in class that day and any

extra information that parents should know.

10:00-10:05 Switch Classes

Parent Handbook Foldable

I thought that sending home a put together foldable for parents will allow them to not only

know what happened during their students first day of school, but also has valuable
information they can refer back to as the year progresses. This foldable will be filled with things

such as our class schedule, my expectations, websites that will be useful not only for school

information, but also websites for extra reading help or material. It will also have my contact

information for any questions they may have or need to contact me for. ​IMAGE

Homeroom Puzzle Piece Mural

I did this in a class when I was in High School and I loved seeing everyones pieces come

together. This will feed into my idea and strive for my class to be a team and family. Allowing

them to create a puzzle piece about them and things they like will a good way for them to

express what they like outside of my class. Putting everyone’s pieces together on the wall

shows the students that we may all be different, but we still come together as one unit. ​IMAGE
Fact or Fiction

For the icebreaker I will pass out a slip of paper to each student. On this paper, I will ask them

to write down one fact about themselves and two fictions. Once everyone (Including myself) is

done we will go around the room and share. As a class we will guess what the fact is about our

classmate. This is a fun way to get to know each other, I can gauge the students humor, and see

how well the students know each other prior to this class. I think this is a fun spin on two truths

and a lie and the students will really enjoy this.

Classroom Environment

Reading Corner

I want to make sure there is a reading corner in my classroom. Near my classroom library I want

to set up an area for students to go and read that is not their desk. This will be a sort of “flexible

seating” for them. They will know that if they go to that area there will be absolute silence and

reading only. They will also have to earn the privilege to sit there when they read. This can help

promote positive reading environments and engagement. I think reading in a more comfortable

or just different setting can allow them to feel better than being stuck in their desk. Depending

how big my classroom is will depend on how big or small the reading area is and what is in it


In my classroom I want to have bins labelled with all school supplies that not only I will need,

but my students. I want them to be properly labeled and organized so we can all find these

things. I also want everything in my classroom organized for the students. They will not have

immediate access to any of these things without asking. I want them to see my organization

and use it as a tool for themselves, if I am organized they will follow my lead potentially. I also

want their turn in bins to be labeled. I will also have a bin behind my desk that is for to grade,

graded, and to file so I know where I am at with assignments.

Classroom Procedures

Procedures and Expectation List

(This is an example of a procedures list I will include in the first day(s) of school information,

potentially sending it home for parents to sign and bring back.)

People use procedures in everyday life in order to function and conduct themselves in acceptable

and efficient ways. Listed below are the procedures for our class. Following these procedures

will help make our class run efficiently and enable us to accomplish our goals this year. Please

take time to learn these


1. Entering the classroom:​​ Please enter the classroom quietly. Grab any handouts, take

your seat, put your backpack under your desk and get out all supplies and materials. Pencils

should be sharpened before the bell rings. Be in your seat and working on the warm-up

assignment when the tardy bell rings.

2. If you are tardy:​​ If you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings, you are tardy.

To be excused, you must have a pass from another teacher or an administrator. If you are tardy,

please sign the tardy log by the front door and quietly find your seat. Tardies will be reset every

9 weeks.

· ​1st​​ Tardy – Warning

· ​2nd​
​ Tardy – Teacher/Student Conference/Guardian phone call
· ​3rd​​ Tardy – Guardian phone call/Note sent home to be signed & returned/Lunch detention
· ​4th​​ Tardy – Referral to the principal

3. Throwing away trash:​​ You may dispose of trash during independent work time or at the

end of the period. Do not throw trash away as you would throw a basketball into a hoop or

during instructional periods. .

4. Using the restroom:​​ Please use the restroom between classes so as not to miss

instructional time. However, if you need to use the restroom, please quietly raise your hand and

display a thumb up. Once given permission, sign out by the door. Write the time of departure,
and your name. When you return, write the time of your arrival and your initials. Only ONE

person may go at a time.

5. Asking & responding to questions:​​ I encourage discussion during my class, I only ask

that you be polite and raise your hand if you wish to comment. Please do not shout out questions

or answers. If you are worried that you’ll forget what you’re going to say, write it down on a

piece of paper and ask again later. Please listen while other students ask or answer question as

you may have the same one!

6. No gum, food or drinks:​​ Do not bring food, colored drinks or gum into our classroom.

7. Intercom announcements:​​ As soon as the announcement starts, the class is to remain

quiet and allow the teacher to listen and respond. At no time should the students respond to the

person on the intercom, that is the sole responsibility of the teacher.

8. Fire drills​​: It is important to take drills seriously. Stay quiet and walk in a single file line

to our assigned spot on the sidewalk by the basketball court. I will take attendance once we are


9. Cell phones and other electronics:​​ All cell phones and electronic devices are to be

TURNED OFF—not turned to silent or to vibrate, but OFF. If your phone disturbs our class, it

will be taken away and given to the dean as per school policy.

10. Test and/or Quizzes: ​All materials are to be placed in you backpack and should not be

visible. Any talking or communicating with other students once the papers are passed out will

result in a zero for cheating. If you are unsure of the directions, please raise your hand and wait

for the teacher.

11. Dismissal: ​Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. It is your responsibility

to ensure that your desk and work area are clean. When I am satisfied with the room’s

cleanliness and you are waiting quietly in your seats, I will dismiss you. Have a nice day!


The first five minutes of every class will be dedicated to the students writing in their agendas

what I have on the board that we are doing that day, then they will being their bellringer which

is already displayed and ready to go. This will be a quick question to get them thinking about

that days lesson, or have them think back on something that was already covered in class. This

whole process should take five minutes and then the students will transition into fifteen

minutes of independent reading.

Agenda and Objectives

I want the students to know what they will be doing before they start class that day. There will

be a portion of the board labeled with that weeks objective and which TEKS will be covered that

day or that week depending on when it changes. I want to write everything that we are doing

that day and before doing the bellringer students will right in their planner the agenda for the

day. This way they can look back on what we did any given day because they wrote it in their

planner. I also want to write an “I will” statement on the board and anytime the objective

changes the statement will change too and I will have a student read it aloud so the class has
something in mind. I think this will be beneficial in class because when they get in the habit of

knowing what we are doing then they are held responsible for those things. ​Image

I’m Done Now What?

Far to often do students finish their work with a portion of class still left that was set for them

to do their independent work. Instead of having students continue to ask what they should do

now, I will have an already posted list of options for that. Students can choose from those

options only and if they are not doing those things they will be asked to do what they are

supposed to. This way I know they will be quiet and respectful to their still working classmates. I

will have a bin of reading task cards the can do, they can finish homework or make ups for my

class or another class, they can read silently, flash cards, and I may come up with more options.
This is also a way that I don’t have students just sitting in their seats staring at each other or


Discipline Systems

Classroom Rules

During the first week of school, I will have the students come up with a social contract of what

they believe are good rules to follow in my classroom. I will also make contributions to this

contract to help guide the thought as well as let them know what I expect also. After all rules

have been established I will have the student sign their names at the bottom to show they will

follow the rules. I will have all my periods do this, then I will hang them up on the wall.
Class Dojo

I want to implement Class Dojo for all my students so there is a way for their parents to see

how their students are doing in my classroom. Class Dojo can be used to give conduct marks

and praises. There are multiple options on marks from “off task” to “participating”. I also will be

able to message parents through the app to let them know the circumstances of the marks if

need be. I also want to give the class or individual rewards for getting to certain points.
Discipline Center

I want the students to have a set place in the room that all of their consequences, expectations,

rules, things of that nature. This will be where they can see it and where they can reflect on

what I ask of them. I will also keep the hall passes here. Having this in a prominent location

makes the kids well aware of the rules. I also want to have the social contract here as well.

When students are not following the rules I want to ask them what they are doing and why and

then tell me which rule they are breaking.

Behavior Reflection

If I have a student that is constantly disrupting or has a behavior issue that is outrageous then I

want to give them a Reflection sheet. This is a way for them to write down and reflect on what

they did and why it is wrong or against the rules. If they turn in their reflection and I can tell

they rushed it and do not actually care, I will make them redo it so I know that they know what

they did is wrong. By reflecting on themselves, this gives students time to understand what

happened and really think about the consequences of that.

Student Motivation

Dojo Rewards

Since I will be using Class Dojo as a conduct system, I want to use a sort of reward system for

getting a certain number of positive points. I want to allow the students to cash in their points

for prizes, they will be able to either cash the points in as the immediately get to that number

or they can wait and get a higher prize. For example if they get to 45 points they can go ahead

and cash in that prize or they can wait for the points of a higher prize. This is a way for the

students to do what they are supposed to to gain points. I will keep track of those points with a

“Dojo Log” I’ll keep on my desk. I could also make this individual rewards and points or I can

make this as a whole class.

Classroom Jobs

I want to give my students classroom jobs they actually want and are proud to have. I’ve seen

too many times that teachers will give jobs, but forget about them or not use them. The

teacher will give jobs that the students do not care about. This could be a problem because it

just depends on the students and their responses. However, I think that students are more

likely to enjoy their jobs if I make sure that I use them and not forget about them. For multiple

classes different ones may have different tasks. Like potentially my first class will have a

manager that takes the lunch count, but my afternoon class will have a manager that is in

charge of an after lunch task. I would change jobs once a month or so and make sure the list of
jobs is visible to everyone to see. To get a job they must apply for it, giving me an application as

to why they want this job.

Classroom Engagement

Teach in Small Groups

For this I love the idea of being more one on one with students. I think I will incorporate this

with stations and mini lessons. Students will get put in groups and each group will start at a

different station. The stations will be a mix of hands on, oral, reading and writing, games things

of that nature depending on the objective. One of the stations however will be with me a

refresher on the topic they have learned and are practicing here. Being in smaller groups gives

them more room to be individuals than if we did this as a whole class. Being in smaller groups in

my opinion really focuses on engagement. They will also be given an accountability sheet that

they need to fill out for each station so I know they are doing what they are supposed to be


Interactive Notebooks

I can not stress interactive notebooks enough, it is an organized way for students to keep notes

and topics together. We are doing them as a class so how would they not be able to be

organized with how it will look. I want students to be creative in their notebooks so they can do

what they need to know the material and not just throw the notes in and be done. This is a

more hands on way for them to take notes and not just writing nothing or just not writing what

is important. As an extra end of term assignment or project I can grade the notebooks. Since we

are doing them together, I should be an easy 100 for all my students.

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