Lone Star Shopper: Grocery Auction 903-896-2000
Lone Star Shopper: Grocery Auction 903-896-2000
Lone Star Shopper: Grocery Auction 903-896-2000
October 26,2010 - November 2, 2010 / FREE•GRATIS
LONE STAR SHOPPER East Texas Edition
[email protected] • GOOD GOSH CALL JOSH!
2 RETAIL LOCATIONS trashpickup included. Lo- ian Restaurant. For infor- winter or vacation Loaded. 121 K Miles.
mation call Rex Anne at home. 903-896-1950. $6,500 903-385-2067.
FOR LEASE IN KAUF- cated at 100 Crossroads
MAN, 1200 up to 2400 sq/ suites A,B and C, between 214-649-9553 or email to AUTO PARTS
For Sale By Owner;
ft available. Water/sewer/ Curves and Roma's Ital- [email protected]
9 acres in Lavaca FOR SALE: Clutch Kit
REAL ESTATE county, Texas. A Great
Pro - Tex Auctioneers Hideaway vacation
For 90-93 Geo or Isuzu
#KO110-01 $70.00 903-
FOR SALE BY place.361-293-0763.
903-896-2000 Piano
3 bedroom 2 bath
2 car garage Free groceries, free
gas and get paid. Call
Bent Cans • Bent Boxes Lessons Excellent Condition
my cell in Wills Point
Avail NOW
Short Date • All dry Goods Tuesday -
$950 Month 847-732-7830.
$950 Deposit
Non - Perishibles Thursday
214-808-3531 HELP WANTED/ LOCAL
Coffee • Sugar • Flour & More 2PM - 7PM
Wills Point
Suzanne Athey
Now Taking Applications
Re/Max Hi Net
Every Saturday 10 AM RadioShack
For CNA’S ,Housekee-
piong, RN’s & LVN’S
11702 US Highway 80 Certified Simply
Music Teacher Grand Saline Area, 903-
Fruitvale Suzanne Suhum USED LUXURY CAR 962-5957.
Kirk P Wilkinson • TDLR # 16042 903-474-9195 2000 Lincoln Town Car
Signature Series. Fully shopper.com
in 1991, 2 living areas livc creek, fenced on 3 sides Lakewood Mobile Home walk ways. Expanded lifetimes. Naturally, people
want to protect the value
WBFP, also2 BR 2BA MH 40 x 100 barn w/ Subdivision $19,800. front and rear porch and of their precious property.
on property and efficiency corral, $4,250 deck around above ground Homeowners insurance is
that would make good per acre or make offer. C-42 0 .58 acre lot, pool. Inside you are greeted a contract between a home-
Vacant Commercial Lot owner and an insurance com-
investment properties Ready for your business. with an entry with wood pany. As long as the owner
R,ecently Reduced . flooring looking into den pays the required premiums
A-247 l8 acres W ills Point $11,600
to $125,000. with WBFP, bookshelves, and meets the other policy
81,000. requirements, the insurance
C-48 Commercial Metal country gourment kitchen/ company guarantees to re-
HA-249 250, VISD, dining with lots of light.
A-248 3.13 acres Van, Building, 30x50, Ch/A, imburse the owner for any
1992 Double Wide MH, office, bath room, 2 This home boasts of 5 losses incurred due to natural
0.92 acres, apx.1,770 bedrooms, 3 baths, masker disasters or human-caused
sq.ft, 3br/2ba/2car Office: 903-963-5101 Fax: 903-963-5191 Cell: 903-570-9361 damage.
carport, WBFP, open Darlene Tunnell, Owner/Agent [email protected]
2 thelonestarshopper.com October 26, 2010 - November 2, 2010
FOR SALE: 2 birds Cock- R.L. Sharp Fencing
for persons seeking items HANDY MAN! Twenty
atiels? green & white. The farm & ranch over Wise Contractors Ad-
to buy. If you are selling Five Years Experience.
other black, brown & red twenty years experi- vertise In The Lone Star
items you can place the Call 903-288-5775. Ask
903-479-3996. ence. Free estimates Shopper 903-275-5590.
ad for free on our website
www.thelonestarshopper. 903-769-4017,903-
To Advertise Pets for
com. sorry no phone calls.
Guarenteed placement
Sale Or To Give Away,
in the paper is $6.00 per
Pets See Page Twelve Of The Lone Star Shopper Everyone Approved • We Finance
This Publication. 903-275-5590.
week. Over twenty words Quality Cars • Trucks SUV’s
is an additional twenty
cents per word per week. 2002 Dodge Dakota
BARGAINS’ GALORE Runs Great V-6 Auto-
WHO HAS? A World War matic Loaded $300.00
Two Army Dukl? 1-916- All Hanging Clothes, T-Shirts, Month
424-5745? Ladies Pants
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Scrubs & White Tags Loaded Blk With Leather
Priced to Sell - 8 Dog Half Off • 2005 Dodge Caravan Great Family Car
Kennels 6x6x12 with
gates 6 Medium Dog 509 E. Houston • Hwy 80 Only $150 Bi-Weekly.
Houses 1 large 6 carri-
ers 903-383-2744.
Wills Point
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Beautiful Mobile Home. www.sewinsams.com FOR TOP DOLLAR
Two Large Bedrooms, 903-763-2191
Two Full Bathrooms. Dogwood Plaza,
The Old Grand Saline Auto Plex
Like New Dishwasher 405 S. Hart, Quitman Is Now Winslow Sales
And Range. READY TO Emblems & names stitched on caps,
shirts, bags, etc.. 217 West Garland St. • Grand Saline
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Information Call (903)- Trust us with your logo 903-962-0202
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U.S. Network. No Depos- $1,200 Down. Please Drive Car. Aftermarket 69 inches tall and 2 inches 0872.
its • No credit Check 903- Call 903-962-0202 Wheels And Tires. Runs is rollers. Width is 55 1/2
And Drives Great $1,200 inches. The depth is 10 FISH TANKS
Down. 903-962-0202. 1/2 The door is 29 inches
FOR SALE:2 fish tanks
wide and 67 1/2 inches
and assorted equipment.
Johnnie Stone FOR SALE :2002 FORD
F-150 Extended Cab.
Special Truck Runs Like
tall and has a beveled
mirror of 17 inches wide
Asking $100.00. 903-
and 39 1/2 inches long. It
New. Must See To Be- is a very deep brown color
lieve. $1,000 Down . Call PERSONAL
with etching along the door
903-962-0202 top. In good condition but NEED NOW! Keyboard or
Caught You Looking! has some scratches. Ask- computer music for origi-
Advertise Here! ing $350.00. But will take nal songs have melody.
My keyboard or yours.
903-352-9170 or 903-
crushed concrete & Chipped Asphalt UNBELIEVEABLE
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Equipment WAS $95
To Build Your NOW $40
Drive-Way OCT 29,30,31
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Metal, Working Or Non- NEW & USED TIRES
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LONE STAR SHOPPER 419 West Garland • Grand Saline 75140
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thelonestarshopper.com October 26, 2010 - November 2, 2010 5
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Call Robert Keener • 214-325-3300
eople that really what I am writing about this have won just about more Other sports teams need to Rangers’ Celebration. You
know me, know week. can tell the team really gets
that I am not likely This is a strange sports along well because manage-
to follow sports. I mean Na- year when both my beloved ment stayed out of the bull-
scar, “yawn”, turn left and New Orleans Saints and The pen and off the field.
go fast. Texas Rangers win their di- And another thing, Jerry
Basketball, “yawn”, watch- vision. They could possibly Jones take a note, “there was
ing tall skinny guys run both win their respective no individual ego here for
up and down the court and championships. this was truly a team effort.”
throw basketballs at a little The Rangers have to be Yeah, I am a Pittsburg Pi-
hoop...Boring. the biggest Cinderella story rates fan, but I feel it is time
Tom Landry is still the since Casey Stengle and The to give credit where credit is
only coach of The Arlington New York Mets won the due.
Cowboys. Can you tell I am World Series back in 1965. The Texas Rangers, may
not a fan of Jerry “Jocks and I mean, here is a team with have not had a perfect sea-
socks” Jones? guts. While all of the “suits” son, but they came real
Well, there are many more were playing “pansy” in the close.
like Hockey, Golf, Badmit- front office, this team figured The Rangers play the first
ton, Women’s sports but out the road to The World Se- game of the 2011 World Se-
naw, I don’t really care about ries. This team went through ries on Wednesday. I just
any of those sports either. I bankruptcy and a sale, while may have to watch a few in-
must admit that I do get a they still kept the focus where nings.
chuckle out of sports blooper it belongs, on the field. Note to self: Daylight
shows. However, that is not So, the New York Yankees Savings Time Ends
November 7, 2010, so fall
take a real close look at how back one hour.
this team swam upstream Another Note to Self:
and accomplished an aston- DON’T FORGET TO
ishing sports feat. VOTE!
• Vinyl Siding One of the things that Thank you for reading this
made me proudest was, Josh week’s Edition of the Lone
• Sofits Hamilton giving glory to Star Shopper. Read a preview
• Fascia God after The Ranger’s vic- copy Friday online at www.
tory. It is indeed a rare treat thelonestarshopper.com.
• Windows & Doors
• Eaves & Overhangs
• Home Improvements
• Ten Years Experience
• Call For A Free Estimate
8 thelonestarshopper.com October 26, 2010 - November 2, 2010
news. The bad news is that for other reasons, too. It For more financial help
it will probably go up. The doesn’t take into account please visit daveramsey.
good news is that it won’t the fact that you may have com.
go up nearly as much as the been smart with your mon- Editor’s note: Hear
interest you’d have to pay to ey and accumulated some Dave Ramsey Daily on
some bank to maintain your wealth along the way! KTBB 92.1 FM and KLIF
credit score! — Dave* 570 AM from 1 till 4 PM.
My personal insurance is
higher, because I don’t have
a credit score. That’s be-
cause I don’t borrow money
Counseling before marriage anymore, and haven’t bor- BUY• SELL • REPAIR
rowed for several years. But Honda Elite 250 CC. Elec. Start
a good idea? the FICO score has way too
much control over our lives
Mowers • Roto Tillers Farm Equipment • Trailers
Eagle Carport Sales & Installition
these days. It’s just not an ac-
Dear Dave, ter chance of experiencing
curate measure of how well
Downtown Yantis
I just got engaged, and al- a successful marriage and
ready people are telling us
that pre-marital counseling
spending long, happy lives
you handle your money.
You can easily have a re-
ally high FICO score and
is a good idea. What is your Unity creates romance,
still be losing financially.
opinion? whether you’re talking about
holding hands or handling Think about this. If I Lindale Mail & Shipping House
Dear Bradley, money. And it’s not just handed you a million dol- & Business Service Center
lars you’re FICO score
It doesn’t necessarily mean about coming to an agree-
wouldn’t change one
We Make Signs • Banners
that someone thinks you ment, either. It’s about shar-
aren’t right for each other ing your innermost thoughts, point. We Ship Packages
when they suggest you think goals, and dreams, and map- The only thing a FICO Notary On Site • 8:30 - 5:30 Weekdays
score really does is mea-
about pre-marital counsel-
ing. In fact, I think it’s a
ping out a life together that
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debt. That’s why I call it
great thing, a smart thing,
and something every couple
— Dave
the “I love debt score.” It’s 903-882-5443
Car insurance really a pretty bad idea
should do prior to marriage.
and the great FICO
There are four areas in
which you and your fiancé Dear Dave,
should be in agreement be- How will it affect my auto
fore you walk down the aisle. insurance if I’m debt-free,
These are religion, children, and have a zero, or low,
parents, and money. Stud- FICO score?
ies show that couples who Anonymous
agree on these issues prior to Dear Anonymous,
marriage have a much bet- There’s good news and bad
271 CR 1518 (903)-765-2-87 For Chocolate Sauce:
t's true - the kitchen is the 1 tablespoon vanilla
Alba, Texas 75146 Fax (903) 765-2087 COMBINE morsels and
heart of the home. Ever extract
evaporated milk in small,
notice how people al- 1 package (6 ounces)
heavy-duty saucepan. Cook
ways gather there? Whether dried cherries (about 1 1/3
over low heat, stirring fre-
baking treats, making dinner cups)
quently, until morsels are
or spending time with fam- Chocolate Sauce
melted. Remove from heat;
ily and friends, the kitchen 1 cup (6 ounces) Nestlé
stir in vanilla extract. Makes
is my favorite place to be. Toll House Semi-Sweet
about 1 cup. Store any re-
Since my day job is Con- Chocolate Morsels
maining sauce tightly cov-
sumer Test Kitchen Project 2/3 cup (5 fluid-ounce
ered in refrigerator.
Manager for the Nestlé Test can) Nestlé Carnation Evap-
Kitchens, you can bet I love orated Milk Rich 'N Creamy Mint Cocoa
to stir things up. This col- 1 teaspoon vanilla ex- Makes 10 1/2-cup servings
umn lets me pass along to tract 2 cans (12 fluid ounc-
GARRY HESTER (903)-262-8183 you some of my best reci- For Bread Pudding:
pes, tips and baking secrets.
es each) Nestlé Carnation
PREHEAT oven to 400° Evaporated Milk
I love it when the days are F. Grease six 6-ounce rame- 1 2/3 cups (10-ounce pack-
Beyond The Garden Floral cool and the evenings have kins.
just a bit of a chill in the
age) Nestlé Toll House Dark
USE a 2 1/2-inch-round Chocolate & Mint Morsels
Elegant Floral Decor air. It's cool enough
for my favorite fall
1 c u p
sweater, but I can 1 tea-
leave the winter coats spoon vanilla
Full Service Florist 943 South Oak Street in the closet for a lit- extract
Wedding Specialist Van, TX tle bit longer. Topping
Garden Center (Next To Sonic) Days like these suggestions:
903-963-7400 call for something to
warm the family up
whipped cream
and Nestlé Toll
www.beyondthegardenfloral.com from the inside out. House Baking
Rich 'N Creamy Mint Cocoa
Cocoa is perfect for HEAT evap-
a cool afternoon or orated milk,
on an early weekend morsels and
morning. And this water in me-
scrumptious Warm dium, heavy-
Cherry Bread Pud- duty saucepan
ding with Chocolate Sauce cookie cutter or glass to cut over medium-low heat, stir-
is a little bit of comfort food circles in bread slices (save ring frequently, until hot (do
heaven! remnants for another use). not boil). Remove from heat.
These are two of my favor- Place on ungreased baking Stir in liqueur and vanilla ex-
ite ways to warm up to fall sheet. Bake for 5 minutes or tract.
- what are yours? You can until golden brown. Remove POUR into ten 4-ounce
get some new ideas at www. from oven. Reduce oven demitasse cups or five mugs.
VeryBestBaking.com. temperature to 350° F. Top with whipped cream and
COMBINE evaporated dusting of cocoa.
Warm Cherry Bread Pud- milk, water and sugar in me- VARIATION: Substitute
ding with Chocolate Sauce dium, heavy-duty saucepan. evaporated lowfat 2% milk
Makes 6 servings Cook over low heat, stirring for the regular evaporated
occasionally, until sugar is milk.
Bread Pudding dissolved. Whisk eggs in Jenny Harper is Con-
18 1/2-inch slices (1 large bowl. Gradually whisk sumer Test Kitchen Project
pound loaf) Challah or other warm milk mixture into Manager for the Nestlé Test
egg bread eggs. Stir in rum and vanilla Kitchens and VeryBestBak-
1 can (12 fluid ounces) extract. ing.com.
Nestlé Carnation Evaporated PLACE prepared ramekins Photo courtesy of Nestlé
Milk on baking sheet. Place one #10229_AR
1/2 cup water bread round in each ramekin. Source: Nestlé
4 large eggs Top with level tablespoon of
1 1/4 cups granulated sug- cherries. Repeat layers, then
ar top each ramekin with a third
10 thelonestarshopper.com October 26, 2010 - November 2, 2010
Making Medications
More Accessible
(NAPS)— Looking
There’s good forward, the
news for Part D drug
seniors about benefit will
the Medicare continue
Part D providing
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d r u g access to
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tens of millions of people Medicare & Medicaid
with unprecedented access Services, which oversees 4972 North Highway 110
to life-enhancing medicines. the Part D benefit, reports Tyler, Texas 75704 - 6061
What’s more, the benefit is that the average monthly
costing taxpayers far less premium will increase only
than originally projected. a dollar by the end of 2011.
According to a recent Open enrollment season
survey by the nonpartisan for Medicare health plan
Medicare Today coalition, an and prescription drug plan
overwhelming 84 percent of beneficiaries begins on
older Americans say they are November 15 and runs until
satisfied with their individual December 31. The annual
plan and coverage. This is a open enrollment period
nearly 10-point increase in lets enrollees change their
just four years. The survey existing plan or choose a
offers the latest evidence that different one. Making any
seniors continue to see the changes, sooner rather than
drug program as a success. later, can help ensure that
The survey also found the drug benefit is in place
more than nine in 10 seniors before coverage starts.
report that their plan works For more information on
well, is convenient, gives the Medicare Today coalition
them peace of mind and and its Medicare drug
makes them feel fortunate benefit satisfaction survey,
to have their coverage. visit: http://medicaretoday.
In addition, more than 80 org/. To learn more about
percent of seniors say their the Medicare Part D Drug
Part D premiums and co- Benefit open enrollment, First Monday Trade Days
payments are affordable, visit www.medicare.gov/. 3 blocks East of Downtown Canton • 542 Hwy 64 East - Canton, Texas
with 94 percent saying that If you are uninsured
their coverage gives them and having difficulty
peace of mind.
Starting in January 2011,
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enacted health care reform the Partnership for
law, biopharmaceutical Prescription Assistance
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PPARx.org or call
Over 500 Shops on 100 Acres!
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their medicines.
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If you have any question or just need answers, come by and see us.
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Give Away And Lost & Found Pet Ads Are Free. Who Has? Non - Business Ads Remain Free. (Sorry NO Phone Calls For These Ads)
(Payment Must Acompany Copy Information() Please Run This Ad For ___________ Weeks.
Please Run In The_______________ Category. I Have Enclosed $___________________
Or Bill Credit Card See Below For Info.
VISA-MASTER CARD-DISCOVER #________________________ Exp Date.________ Sec. #______
Approved By(Name)____________________Address_____________Telephone__________________
(Note: Deadlines Are Thursday At 4:00 P.M. Questions? GOOD GOSH! CALL JOSH!