Ghana Off-Grid Solar Farm & Water System Development

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Rev 3/3/19

CONSORTIUM 70% Equity Shareholder

SPE @ tax Sponsor: Strategic Strategic

neutral LOANS DA and JK Ghanaian-ba Ghanaian-ba
G Jurisdiction INC sed Partner sed EPC

Build, Operate, Own and Transfer (“BOOT”)

21 Remote Solar Farm (5MW per

L L site) and Water System (300
O O gallons of fresh water per day per A
A A site) (OSFWS)
S S Landowner is the Government
who allocates ten land sites for
this project. Land valuation at
XX million USD. After 10
Development Loan years from a completion,
(100%, or 90/10% or
USD 250 Govt agency will own 100%
70/30% D/E) terms: 6 to
F 8% fixed interest rate, 10 million
Feasibility Study
years, 24 months & Basic Engineer C
moratorium Package

Project Funding:
USD 250 million
including 10%
OSFWS 1? If yes, D
E proceed.
capital costs &
10% contingency

Important Notes: This 21 OSFWS Project can be implemented for any countries

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