11 Bibliography

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Hello, Thank You for sparing your valuable time out to help me with my survey.

My apologies for the size of the questionnaire. Trust me, I’ve tried to keep it as short as

You may be aware about the concept of Ready-To-Eat Food Products. These products are
prepared in advance by the firms and they are consumed as it is purchased. It avoids many
stages of cooking .They are just heated and eaten. Examples of such products are soups,
noodles, readymade chapattis, dosa mix, gravy, rice etc.

We are interested in knowing the factors responsible for the purchase of Ready-To-Eat Food
products and the opinion and satisfaction of different segments of people towards these
products. There is no right or wrong answers. We are only interested in the averages. Kindly
indicate your answers by ticking your choices.

Section I –About Yourself

1) Your Name :
2) Your Residential place:
3) Your Age group( in years) : a) 20-29 b) 30-39 c ) 40-49 d) Above 50
4) Marital status : a) Single b) Married
5) Educational qualification:
a) Up to SSLC b)Diploma c) Plus two d) Graduation e) Post Graduation

6) Monthly personal income (in Rs.):

a) Below Rs.10,000 b) Rs. 10000 to Rs. 50000 c) Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1,00,000

d) Above Rs. 1,00,000

7) Occupational Status:

a) Home maker b) Student c) Employed d) Entrepreneur

8)Your Family’s monthly income (in Rs):

a) Below Rs. 10,000 b) Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 c) Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1,00,000

d) Above Rs. 1,00,000

9)Type of your family

a) Single b) Couple (no children) c) 2 Generation (parents +children)

d) 3 Generation (grand parents + parents + children) d) Others.

10) Number of members in your family.

a) 1-3 members b) 4-6 members c) More than 6

Your eating out pattern:

a) Regularly b) Very rarely c) Never

12) Your eating out expenditure per month:

a) Below Rs.500, b) Rs. 500-1000, c) Above Rs.1000

13) How much do you spend on Ready-To-Eat Food per month?

a) Below Rs. 200, b) Rs. 200-400 , c) Rs. 400-600, d) Above Rs. 600

14) One fine day, you find no time for cooking, and at the same time you feel like having

something tasty and interesting. What will be your option?

a) Order food from restaurant c) get a pack of Ready-To-Eat Food

b) Go to a restaurant d) Make some fast food

15) How often do you use Ready –To-Eat food products?

a) Almost every day b) Once a week c) Once a month d) Very rarely during
emergency e) during special occasions

16) Given below are some situations. For each situation, please select the most preferred
option you like.( Tick the boxes of your choices)
Sl. Situation Go to Serve Order food Cook at
No restaurant Ready- from outside home.
To Eat
1 To Celebrate an occasion like
birthday or anniversary

2 On sudden arrival of guests
3 During festivals
4 Feeling low/ tired
5 When you are travelling
6 Get together for family / friends
7 When you arrive late at home due
to work / shopping

17) Which of the following Ready-To-Eat products do you buy often? (Please Tick your

No Product item Tick

1 Soups
2 Noodles
3 Tiffin Variety
4 Gravy items
5 Rice items
6 Snacks
7 Desserts
8 Others

SECTION-II Brands and product preferences

18) Listed below are some leading brands and varieties available in each products
.Which of the following Ready-To-Eat products do you buy/ use often? (Please Tick
your choices)

No Brand Products
Tomato Sweetcorn Chicken Hot&Sour Veg Mushroom Others
1 Maggi
2 Knorr
4 Aachi
5 Bambino
6 Others

No Brand Products
Veg Chicken Chilli tomato Aata veg Green curry Others
1 Maggi
2 Top Ramen
3 Knorr
4 Sunfeast

5 Horlicks
6 Anil
7 Aachi
8 Others
No Brand Products/Mixes
Dosa Idli Parotta Puttu Paniyaram Chapathi/Poori Others
2 Krishna
3 Aachi
4 Shakthi
5 Anil
6 Ishwaryam
7 Double
8 Others

No Brand Products/Masalas
Paneer Channa Paav Chicken Mushroom Mixed Others
Bhaji /Mutton/ Veg
2 Parampara
3 Mother’s
4 Knorr
5 Kitchens’ of
6 Others

No Brand Products
Sambar Lemon Rasam Tomato Jeera Briyani Others
Rice rice rice rice rice rice
2 Mother’sRecipe
3 Kitchens’ of India
4 Others


No Brand Products
Bajji Bonda Vadai Muruku Aaloo tikki Cheese balls Others
2 Krishna
3 Veg It
4 Aachi
5 Others

No Brand Products
Payasam Jamun Jelebi Athirsam Pudding Cake Icecream
2 Krishna
3 Veg It
4 Aachi
5 Others

SECTION III – Factors influencing towards purchase

19) Why do you prefer these particular brands?

a) Personal preference b) Reference from relatives and friends c) Price d) only

brand available near the locality e) Any other reason please mention -------------


20) Imagine you were to purchase a Ready-To-Eat Food item. How important would you
consider the following 10 attributes for such a food product? Please RANK in order
of importance (1 for most important, 2 for next most important and so on till 10 for
least important.)

Attribute Rank
Nutrient values
Manufacturing date and expiry date
Purchase place

21) Where do you make your purchases of Ready –To-Eat food products regularly?

a) Super markets b) kiranas or grocery shops c) Fairs and exhibitions. d)


22) Which aspect of this purchase place makes you buy from there?
a) Easy accessibility/ transportation b) Affordable prices c) Trust on the

shopkeeper/ retailer d) Good quality e) Ambience f) Habit

23) In which media did you see the Ready-To-Eat Food Products ads?
a) TV b) Newspapers c) Magazines d) Bill boards /hoardings e) Others

24) You may find that you are influenced by some of your family members while
purchasing the Ready-To-Eat Food Products. Kindly RANK the persons based on
how significantly they influence.( 1 for highly influencing ,2 for next high influencing
and so on till 5 for least influencing)

Influencer Rank
Parents/in laws

25) When do you make most of your Ready-To-Eat Food Products purchases?

a) When you buy a fixed set of products with your monthly grocery purchases

b) Whenever you like, you buy it at the closest store.

c) You buy on impulse when you see new products at the store while you are


26) Which time zone do you consume Ready –To-Eat Food products?

a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Dinner d) Between meals (snacks)

27) Who are the co-consumers of the Ready –To-Eat Food Products at your home?

o Self

o Family

o Friends

o Others.

28) Listed below are some aspects which would have motivated you for consuming

Ready-To-Eat Food Products. Now please RANK these motivational factors .( 1 -

highest motivating factor , 2 for second highest and so on till 5- lowest factor )

Factor Rank
Time convenience
Affordable Price
Diverse cuisine
Home cooking is difficult

Section IV
29) Your interests, preferences and satisfaction towards the purchases and
consumption of Food Products
The following statements are relating to your food lifestyle and consumption. Please tell me how
strongly you agree or disagree with these statements.

Strongly Strongly
Statements Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree

I always check the ingredients of the food

products before buying them.

2 I try to avoid food stuff with much fat content.

It is more important to choose food products for their

nutritional values than their taste.

I always buy healthy, organic and natural food if I have
the opportunity.
The joy of eating is one of the most important things in
my life.
6 I am a lover of good and tasty food.
7 I like to visit new and famous restaurants
8 I do not attempt to save money to have meals
9 New products bring convenience to our lives.
10 I frequently buy pre cooked food at hotels and shops.
11 I do not like spending too much time on cooking.
I frequently eat instant food as they are convenient to
I cannot be satisfied at meals time without eating cooked
rice and other dishes.
14 I prefer only home cooked food.
I take pride in cooking food from scratch and develop
my culinary skills .
I do not like to experiment with new products that appeal
to me and my family.

Section V- Your interests, preferences and satisfaction towards the purchases and
consumption of Ready-To-Eat Food Products

30) And now, please tell me how strongly you agree or disagree with the following
statements which are related to your purchases and consumption of Ready –To-Eat
(RTE) Food Products

Strongly Strongly
Statements Agree Neutral Disagree
agree disagree
RTE food products reduces the time
taken for cooking
RTE saves time without going to
RTE is preferred as home cooking is
RTE food products are costlier compared
to food cooked from scratch
RTE food products are cheaper compared
to restaurants.
I feel that RTE Food Products available
have affordable price.

RTE Food products provide a wide
variety of dishes
RTE Food Products are useful for dishes
8 which I do not know to make or which is
difficult to prepare.
RTE Food products give me pride for
cooking tasty food.
RTE Food Products are of equal quality
when compared to home cooked food.
I find that the information on the labels of
RTE products( eg: Fat content ,
Nutritional values etc. ) are sufficient
enough to know their value and quality
I always read the preparation method on
the package to assure quality.
13 I prefer Ready-To-Eat Food Products

My entire family is excited when the
Ready-To-Eat Food is served.
I will surely recommend Ready-To-Eat
15 Food Products to my friends and

SECTION: VI- Level of satisfaction regarding availability

31) Please state your level of satisfaction over the AVAILABILITY of following Ready-
To-Eat Food Products in your locality. Kindly tick the appropriate column.
Sl.No Products Level of Satisfaction over availability
Very High High Medium Low Very Low
1 Soups
2 Noodles
3 Tiffin Variety
4 Gravy items
5 Rice items
6 Snacks
7 Desserts
SECTION VII- Level of satisfaction towards price
32) Please state your level of opinion about the PRICE of the following Ready-To-Eat
Food Products. Please tick the appropriate answer.
Sl.No Products Level of Opinion about Price
Very High High Medium Low Very Low
1 Soups
2 Noodles

3 Tiffin Variety
4 Gravy items
5 Rice items
6 Snacks
7 Desserts
SECTION VIII- Level of influence of advertisements towards Ready-To-Eat food
33) Please state your level of influence of ADVERTISEMENTS in your purchase of the
following Ready-To-Eat Food Products. Please tick the appropriate answer.

Sl.No Products Level of influence of advertisements

Very High High Medium Low Very Low
1 Soups
2 Noodles
3 Tiffin Variety
4 Gravy items
5 Rice items
6 Snacks
7 Desserts

SECTION IX –Inhibitions for the consumption of Ready-To-Eat food products

34) Are you interested in changing the brand of the Ready-To-Eat Food Products which
you are using currently?

Yes No

35) The following are some reasons why you might NOT prefer to buy Ready –To-Eat
Food Products .Kindly indicate your opinion about the intensity of these risks by
ticking the appropriate box.

Very Very
Reasons High Medium Low
high low
Low quality
Use of unhealthy ingredients (Mono Sodium
Glutamate – MSG)
Costlier compared to other alternatives
No authenticity
High fat and cholesterol

36) What further improvements would you like to have in the Ready –To-Eat Food
Products to reduce the associated risks?
More shelf life
More healthy ingredients
More variety
More quantity packs
More offers
37) Which variety of Ready-To-Eat would you like to have in future, which is not
available now?

No Item Variety/ Flavor- 1 Variety/ Flavor- 2

1 Soups
2 Noodles
3 Tiffin
4 Gravy
5 Rice
6 Snacks
7 Deserts
8 Others

*************************** Thank you very much *************************


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