less any sum saved during the indemnity period in respect of such of the
charges and expenses of the business payable out of the gross profit as
may cease or be reduced in consequence of the accident,
provided that if the annual sum hereunder is less than the sum produced
by applying the rate of gross profit to the annual turnover, the amount
payable is proportionately reduced.
Period of Insurance
The period of insurance shall be the period stated in the Schedule to this
Endorsement. However, it shall automatically cease earlier, ie at the date
the CECR policy expires or is terminated.
Gross Profit
The amount by which the value of the turnover exceeds the amount of
the specified working expenses.
The money (less discounts allowed) paid or payable to the Insured for
goods sold and delivered and for services rendered in the course of the
business at the insured location(s).
Indemnity Period
The period not exceeding the indemnity period limit stated in the Sched-
ule commencing with the occurrence of the accident during which the
results of the business are affected in consequence of such accident.
Time Excess
The period stated in the Schedule for which the Insurers are not liable.
The corresponding amount shall be calculated by multiplying the average
daily value of loss sustained during the indemnity period by the number
of days agreed upon as time excess.
Standard Turnover
The turnover during that period in the twelve months immediately before
the date of the accident which corresponds to the indemnity period to
which such adjustments are made as may be necessary to provide for
the trend of the business and for variations in or special circumstances
affecting the business either before or after the accident or which would
have affected the business had the accident not occurred, so that the
figures thus adjusted represent as nearly as may be reasonably practi-
cable the results which but for the accident would have been obtained
during the relative period after the accident.
Annual Turnover
The turnover which the Insured would have been able to obtain but for
the accident during the twelve months immediately before either the date
when the business is no longer affected or when the indemnity period
ends, whichever occurs first.
Special Exclusions Applying This Endorsement shall not cover any loss resulting from interruption of
to this Endorsement or interference with the business directly or indirectly attributable to
5 non-availability of funds;
9 any loss due to fines or damages for breach of contract, for late or
non-completion of order, for any penalties of whatsoever nature;
Memo 3 - Overhauls
In calculating the loss, due allowance shall be made for the time spent
on any inspections, overhauls or modifications carried out during any
period of interruption.
Special Conditions Applying 1 The Insured shall be obliged to keep complete records. All records, eg
to this Endorsement books of account and balance sheets, for the three preceding years shall
be held in safe keeping and as a precaution against their being simulta-
neously destroyed, the Insured shall keep separate sets of such records.
2 In the event of any occurrence which gives rise or is likely to give rise
to a claim under this Endorsement, the Insured shall
b do and concur in doing and permit to be done all such things as may
be reasonably practicable to minimize or establish the extent of any inter-
ruption of or interference with the business or to avoid or diminish the
loss resulting therefrom;
d discontinue the use of any damaged items unless the Insurers author-
ize otherwise; the Insurers shall not be liable in respect of any further
interruption or interference arising out of the continued use of any dam-
aged items without their having given their consent to such use until
said items have been repaired to the satisfaction of the Insurers.
3 In the event of a claim being made under this Endorsement not later
than thirty days after the expiry of the indemnity period or within such
further times as the Insurers may allow in writing, the Insured shall at his
own expense deliver to the Insurers a written statement setting forth par-
ticulars of his claim together with details of all other policies covering the
5 The Insurers shall not be liable to pay for or contribute to any loss
which but for the existence of this Endorsement is or would be insured
by any Loss of Profits policy covering Marine risks or Fire, Fire and
Extended Coverage (F&EC), Difference in Conditions (DIC), Force
Majeure (FM), and/or Explosion risks.
6 The indemnity shall fall due two weeks after its final determination. If
after the expiry of one month since the beginning of an interruption of or
interference with the business and after the expiry of each further month,
it is possible to determine the minimum amount which the Insurers are
liable to pay for the elapsed period of interruption, the Insured shall be
entitled to demand that such amount be paid to him as an instalment of
the total indemnity.
The Insurers shall not be liable to pay interest other than interest for de-
then this Policy shall be void unless its continuance is admitted by a spe-
cial written statement signed by or on behalf of the Insurers.
Renewal date: