Using A Genetic Algorithm To Produce Slogans

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Using a genetic algorithm to produce slogans

Article · January 2015


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3 authors, including:

Polona Tomašič Gregor Papa

OLAII d.o.o. Jožef Stefan Institute


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Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 125

Using a Genetic Algorithm to Produce Slogans

Polona Tomašič
XLAB d. o. o., Pot za Brdom 100, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia and
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: [email protected]

Gregor Papa
Computer Systems Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia and
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: [email protected]

Martin Žnidaršič
Department of Knowledge Technologies, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia and
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: genetic algorithm, slogan generation, computational creativity, linguistic resources

Received: December 1, 2014

Creative tasks, such as creation of slogans for companies, products or similar entities, can be viewed from
the combinatorial perspective – as a search through the space of possible combinations. To solve such a
combinatorial optimization problem, we can use evolutionary algorithms. In this paper, we present our
solution for generation of slogans based on a genetic algorithm and linguistic resources. We also compare
it to the unguided slogan generator.
Povzetek: Na kreativne naloge, kot je snovanje sloganov za podjetja in produkte, lahko gledamo s kombi-
natoričnega vidika – kot na iskanje v prostoru možnih kombinacij. Za reševanje tovrstnih kombinatoričnih
optimizacijskih problemov lahko uporabljamo evolucijske algoritme. V tem članku predstavljamo rešitev
za generiranje sloganov na podlagi genetskega algoritma in jezikovnih virov. Predstavljeno rešitev primer-
jamo tudi z generatorjem sloganov brez vodenja.

1 Introduction dure which is not influenced by the user in any way, apart
from being provided with a short textual description of
Automated generation of slogans is a problem from the the target entity. The method is based on a genetic algo-
field of Computational Creativity [5]. There are very few rithm (GA) [3]. Genetic algorithms are the most traditional
studies dedicated to slogan generation. In fact, the only one evolutionary algorithms and they ensure a good coverage
we came across is the B RAIN S UP framework [19], which of the search space. They have been successfully used
is based on beam search through a carefully defined space for generating recipes [17], poetry [13] and trivial dialog
of possible slogans. This space gets reduced by applying phrases [16]. However, genetic algorithms have not been
user specified constraints on keywords, domain, emotions, previously used for slogan generation. Our method follows
and other properties of slogans. the B RAIN S UP framework in the initial population genera-
High quality slogans are often a result of group brain- tion phase, and it uses a collection of heuristic slogan func-
storming. Several individuals present their ideas and the tions in the evaluation phase.
proposed slogans are then mixed into new slogans, and We tested our slogan generator and compared it to the
some new ideas emerge. This brainstorming process is sim- random slogan generator. The statistical results are in fa-
ilar to the evolution, from which we got the idea of using vor of our method. However, even though the generated
evolutionary algorithms for slogan generation. The initial slogans can present a good starting point for brainstorm-
slogans from brainstorming represent an initial population, ing, their quality is not yet at the desired level.
mixing the best proposed slogans represents recombina- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section
tion, and new included ideas represent mutations. Evolu- 2 we present the linguistic and semantic resources used in
tionary algorithms have already been applied to different our solution. Section 3 provides a detailed description of
natural language processing problems [2]. the entire slogan generation process. It includes descrip-
In this paper, we present our slogan generation proce- tion of the evaluation functions and it clarifies the differ-
126 Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 P. Tomašič et al.

ence between the slogan generator and the unguided slogan 3 Slogan Generation
generator. The performed experiments and the discussion
of the results are presented in Section 4. The conclusions An input of our slogan generator is a short textual descrip-
are drawn in Section 5. tion about the target entity. It is the only required input
from a user. It is used to obtain the name of the target en-
tity and a set of keywords. An output is a list of generated
2 Resources slogans. The whole procedure is shown in Algorithm 1.

Linguistic and semantic resources are a prerequisite for any

kind of text generation. We use them at several steps of
3.1 Extraction of the Keywords and the
our method – for generation of initial population, mutation, Main Entity
and evaluation. Some are available as extended libraries for The most frequent non-negative words from the input text
programming languages, others are available for download are selected as keywords. Negative words are detected us-
from the Internet, and some databases were created by our- ing the Nodebox English Linguistics library [18]. The main
selves. The origin of the data and the process is briefly entity is usually the name of the company and is obtained
described in the following paragraphs. by selecting the most frequent entity in the whole text using
the nltk library [4].
1. Database of famous slogans: it serves as a basis for
the initial population generation and for comparison
with generated slogans. It contains 5,249 famous slo- 3.2 Generation of the Initial Population of
gans obtained from the Internet. Slogans
2. Database of frequent grammatical relations be- The procedure of generating the initial population of slo-
tween words in sentences: for its acquisition we used gans is based on the B RAIN S UP framework [19], with some
the Stanford Dependencies Parser [14]. Stanford de- modifications. It follows the steps in Algorithm 2. Skele-
pendencies are triplets containing two words and the tons are obtained from the database of slogan skeletons.
name of the relation between them. The parser also Fillers are the words from the database of all grammatical
provides part-of-speech (POS) tags and phrase struc- relations between words in sentences that satisfy all pre-
ture trees. To get representatives of frequent gram- defined dependencies and POS tags. If there are any key-
matical relations between words, we parsed 52,829 words in a set of all possible filler words, the algorithm
random Wikipedia pages, sentence by sentence, and assigns them higher priority for the selection phase. The
obtained 4,861,717 different dependencies. main difference between our algorithm and the B RAIN -
S UP method is in the selection of filler words. We don’t
3. Database of slogan skeletons: slogan skeletons were consider any user specified constraints, while the B RAIN -
obtained by parsing famous slogans with the Stanford S UP framework uses beam search in the space of all possi-
Dependencies Parser. A slogan skeleton contains in- ble lexicalizations of a skeleton to promote the words with
formation about each position in the sentence – its the highest likelihood of satisfying the user specifications.
POS tag and all its dependence relations with other Thus using our method we can produce many different slo-
words in the sentence. It does not contain any content gans from the same slogan skeleton, whereas B RAIN S UP
words, only stop words. An example of a skeleton is produces only one for given user specifications.
shown in Figure 1.
3.3 Evaluation of Slogans
An aggregated evaluation function is used to evaluate the
slogans. It is composed of 9 different sub-functions, each
assessing a particular feature of a slogan, with scores in the
interval [0,1]. Parameter of the aggregation function is a
list of 9 weights that sum to 1. They define the proportions
of sub-functions in the overall score. In this subsection, we
give a short description for every one of them.

3.3.1 Bigram Function

In order to work with 2-grams, we obtained the dataset
of 1,000,000 most frequent 2-grams and 5,000 most fre-
quent words in Corpus of Contemporary American English
Figure 1: Example of a skeleton.
(COCA) [6]. We assume that slogans containing many fre-
quent 2-grams, are more likely to be semantically coherent.
Using a Genetic Algorithm to Produce Slogans Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 127

Algorithm 1: SloganGenerator
1 Input: A textual description of a company or a product T , Size of the population SP , Maximum number of iterations
M axIterations, Crossover probability pcrossover , Mutation probability pmutation , Set of evaluation weights W .
2 Output: A set of generated slogans S.
1: Keywords, Entity ⇐ GetKeywordsAndEntity(T )
2: P ⇐ CreateInitialPopulation(SP , Keywords, Entity)
3: Evaluate(P )
4: Iteration ⇐ 0
5: while Iteration < M axIterations do
6: P arents ⇐ ChooseParentsForReproduction(P )
7: Children ⇐ Crossover(P arents, pcrossover )
8: Children ⇐ Mutation(Children, pmutation )
9: N ewGeneration ⇐ DeleteSimilarSlogans(P, Children)
10: while Size(N ewGeneration) < SP do
11: AddRandomlyGeneratedSlogan(N ewGeneration)
12: end while
13: Evaluate(N ewGeneration)
14: P ⇐ SP BestSlogans(N ewGeneration)
15: Iteration ⇐ Iteration + 1
16: end while
17: S ⇐ P

Algorithm 2: CreateInitialPopulation
1 Input: Size of the population SP , a set of target keywords K, and the target entity E.
2 Output: A set of initial slogans S.
1: S ⇐ ∅
2: while SP > 0 do
3: SloganSkeleton ⇐ SelectRandomSloganSkeleton()
4: while not AllEmptySlotsFilled(SloganSkeleton) do
5: EmptySlot ⇐ SelectEmptySlotInSkeleton(SloganSkeleton)
6: F illers ⇐ FindPossibleFillerWords(EmptySlot)
7: F illerW ord ⇐ SelectRandomFillerWord(F illers)
8: FillEmptySlot(SloganSkeleton, F illerW ord)
9: end while
10: AddFilledSkeleton(S, SloganSkeleton)
11: SP ⇐ SP − 1
12: end while

3.3.2 Length Function gan with no repeated words. If a slogan contains identical
consecutive words, it receives score 0.
The length function is very strict, it assigns score 1 to slo-
gans with less than eight words, and score 0 to longer ones.
The threshold between 0 and 1 was set according to the re- 3.3.4 Entity Function
sults of the experiments, which showed that a large major- It returns 1, if slogan contains the main entity, and 0, if it
ity of the generated slogans that contained more than seven doesn’t.
words were grammatically incorrect and semantically in-
coherent. Also, more than 90% of the famous slogans are
3.3.5 Keywords Function
less than eight words long. This function acts as an abso-
lute constraint and that is why no values between 0 and 1 If one up to half of the words in a slogan belong to the set
are allowed. of keywords, the keywords function returns 1. If a slogan
doesn’t contain any keyword, the score is 0. If more than
3.3.3 Diversity Function half of the words in the slogan are keywords, the score is
The diversity function evaluates a slogan by counting the
number of repeated words. The highest score goes to a slo-
128 Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 P. Tomašič et al.

3.3.6 Word Frequency Function the first parent, from the p-th position forward, is switched
with the part of the second parent, from the r-th position
This function prefers slogans with many frequent words. A
forward. For the small crossover only the p-th word in
word is considered to be frequent, if it is among 5,000 most
the first parent and the r-th word in the second parent are
frequent words in COCA. The frequency score is obtained
switched. Examples for the big and the small crossover are
by dividing the number of frequent words by the number of
illustrated in Figure 2.
all words in the slogan.
3.3.7 Polarity and Subjectivity Functions We [PRP] bring [VBP] good [JJ] things [NNS] to [DT] life [NN].
Fly [VB] the [DT] friendly [JJ] skies [NNS].
Polarity of a slogan indicates whether slogan contains pos-
itive or negative words. For instance, the adjective “happy" We bring friendly skies.
Fly the good things to life.
is a positive word. In a similar way subjectivity of a slogan
indicates whether slogan contains words that express the small:
attitude of the author. For instance, the adjectives “good" Just [RB] do [VB] it [PRP].
and “bad" both represent the opinion of the author and are Drink [VB]more [JJR] milk [NN].
therefore subjective. The polarity and subjectivity scores
are calculated based on the adjectives in the slogan, using Just drink it.
Do more milk.
the sentiment function from pattern package for Python [7].
Figure 2: Examples for the big and the small crossover.1
3.3.8 Semantic Relatedness Function
This function computes the relatedness between all pairs
of content words in a slogan. Stop words are not taken into 3.4.2 Mutation
account. Each pair of words gets a score based on the path Two types of mutation are possible. Possible big muta-
distance between corresponding synsets (sets of synonyms) tions are: deletion of a random word; addition of an ad-
in WordNet [15]. The final score is the sum of all pairs’ jective in front of a noun word; addition of an adverb in
scores divided by the number of all pairs. front of a verb word; replacement of a random word with
new random word with the same POS tag. Small mutations
3.4 Production of a New Generation of are replacements of a word with its synonym, antonym,
Slogans meronym, holonym, hypernym or hyponym. A meronym
is a word that denotes a constituent part or a member of
A list of all generated slogans is ordered descending with something. The opposite of a meronym is a holonym – the
regard to the evaluation score. We use 10% elitism [8]. The name of the whole of which the meronym is a part. A hy-
other 90% of parent slogans are selected using a roulette pernym is a general word that names a broad category that
wheel [11]. includes other words, and a hyponym is a subdivision of
A new generation is built by pairing parents and per- more general word.
forming the crossover function followed by the mutation Functions for obtaining such replacements are embedded
function, which occur with probabilities pcrossover and into the Nodebox English Linguistics library and are based
pmutation , respectively. Offspring are then evaluated and on the WordNet lexical database.
compared to the parents, in order to remove very similar
ones. If the number of the remaining slogans is smaller 3.4.3 Deletion of Similar Slogans
than the size of the population, some additional random
slogans are generated using the method for creation of ini- Every generated slogan is compared to all its siblings and
tial population. After that, slogans proceed into the next to all the evaluated slogans from the previous generation.
generation. These steps are repeated until the predefined If a child is identical to any other slogan, it gets removed.
number of iterations is achieved. If more than half of child’s words are in another slogan, the
two slogans are considered similar. Their evaluation scores
3.4.1 Crossover are being compared and the one with higher score remains
in the population while the other one is removed. The child
We use two types of crossover functions, the big and the is also removed if it contains only one word or if it is longer
small one. Both inspect POS tags of the words in both par- than 10 words. Deletion of similar slogans prevents the
ents, and build a set of possible crossover locations. Each generated slogans to converge to the initial ones. This has
element in the set is a pair of numbers. The first one pro- been checked by testing our method without the deletion of
vides a position of crossover in the first parent and the sec- similar slogans phase.
ond one in the second parent. The corresponding words
1 Slogans used in the examples were or still are official slogans of the
must have the same POS tag. Let the chosen random pair
following companies: General Electric, United Airlines, Nike, and BC
from the set be (p, r). Using the big crossover, the part of Dairy Association.
Using a Genetic Algorithm to Produce Slogans Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 129

3.5 Correction of Grammatical Errors comprised of a network of sensors and a central informa-
tion hub. It ensures the vessel is monitored at all times. The
Crossover and mutation functions may cause grammatical
input text was obtained from the Sentinel’s web-page [21].
errors in generated slogans. For instance, incorrect usage
of determiners (e.g., “a apple" instead of “an apple"), se-
quence of incompatible words (e.g., “a the"), and others. 4.1.2 Algorithm Parameters
Spelling mistakes were much less frequent. Different combinations of weights of the evaluation func-
In order to remove both types of errors in the final slo- tion were tested on a set of manually evaluated slogans. We
gans, we tested different spell- and grammar checkers. One added one constraint – the weight of the keywords function
example of a spell-checker is Hunspell [12]. Its downside had to be at least 0.2 in order to include keywords in the slo-
is that it works on one word at a time and does not take gans. Without this constraint the computed weight for the
the word’s context into account. As the majority of er- keywords was almost zero. The comparison of the com-
rors in slogans originated from grammar, we tested sev- puted and the manually assigned scores showed that the
eral grammar checkers. They, on the other hand, work on highest matching was achieved with the following weights:
the sentence level rather than on the word level. Most of [bigram: 0.25, length: 0.01, diversity: 0.01, entity: 0.1,
these grammar checkers are available as online services, keywords: 0.2, frequent words: 0.25, polarity: 0.01, sub-
and don’t support API calls. One that does is python- jectivity: 0.02, semantic relatedness: 0.15].
ginger [10] – a Python package for fixing grammar mis- Probabilities for crossover and mutation were set to
takes. It comes with an unofficial Ginger [9] API. This tool pcrossover = 0.8 and pmutation = 0.7. The probability
corrects different types of grammatical mistakes. It is also for mutation was set very high, because it affects only one
used for contextual spelling correction. We used python- word in a slogan. Consequently the mutated slogan is still
ginger only on final slogans, the ones that are displayed very similar to the original one. Thus the high mutation
to the user, because the corrected slogan may not have the probability does not prevent population from converging to
same structure anymore. Possible added words, or replac- the optimum solution. For the algorithm to decide which
ing a word with another one with different POS tag would type of crossover to perform, we set probabilities for the
cause errors while executing crossover, mutation and eval- big, the small and both crossovers to 0.4, 0.2 and 0.4, re-
uation functions. spectively. The mutation type is chosen similarly. Proba-
bilities of the big and the small mutation were set to 0.8 and
3.6 Unguided Slogan Generator 0.2. These algorithm parameters were set according to the
results of testing on a given input text, as their combination
For the purpose of evaluation of our slogan generation empirically leads to convergence.
method, we also implemented an unguided slogan gener- We performed three experiments and for each of them
ator (USG). This generator produces random slogans, such we executed 20 runs of the algorithm using the same input
as the ones in the initial population. The only difference parameter values. The difference between these three tests
between our method and the unguided slogan generation was in the size of the population (SP ) and the number of it-
method is in the production of a new generation. USG has erations (NIt ). Those were chosen according to the desired
no crossover and the mutation steps. Instead it produces a number of all evaluations (≈ 6, 800 NoE), and the NoE was
new generation using a method for creation of initial popu- set according to the desired execution time for one run of
lation. Thus children are independent of the previous gen- the algorithm – approximately 2 hours.
eration. The algorithmic steps are shown in Algorithm 3. 1. SP : 25, NIt : 360
2. SP : 50, NIt : 180
4 Experiments 3. SP : 75, NIt : 120

We tested the slogan generation method on different input 4.1.3 Comparison with the Unguided Slogan
texts and for different values of algorithm parameters. We Generator
analyzed the results of every iteration of the genetic algo-
For comparison, we performed three experiments with the
rithm to see how the slogans’ scores changed and made
unguided slogan generator. For each of them we executed
further assessment of the generator by comparing its results
20 runs of the algorithm using the same input parameter
with the results of the unguided slogan generator.
values as in the experiments with slogan generator. The
initial populations were also identical. The number of iter-
4.1 Experimental Setting ations were again chosen so as to match the number of all
4.1.1 Input Text evaluations (≈ 6, 800 NoE) in the experiments with slogan
In the presented experiments, we use a case of the Croatian 1. SP : 25, NIt : 300
provider of marine solutions, Sentinel. Sentinel is a control 2. SP : 50, NIt : 150
module that provides more security to boat owners, and is 3. SP : 75, NIt : 100
130 Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 P. Tomašič et al.

Algorithm 3: UnguidedSloganGenerator
1 Input: A textual description of a company or a product T , Size of the population SP , Maximum number of iterations
M axIterations, Set of evaluation weights W .
2 Output: A set of generated slogans S.
1: Keywords, Entity ⇐ GetKeywordsAndEntity(T )
2: P ⇐ CreateInitialPopulation(SP , Keywords, Entity)
3: Evaluate(P )
4: Iteration ⇐ 0
5: while Iteration < M axIterations do
6: Children ⇐ CreateInitialPopulation(SP , Keywords, Entity)
7: N ewGeneration ⇐ DeleteSimilarSlogans(P, Children)
8: while Size(N ewGeneration) < SP do
9: AddRandomlyGeneratedSlogan(N ewGeneration)
10: end while
11: Evaluate(N ewGeneration)
12: P ⇐ SP BestSlogans(N ewGeneration)
13: Iteration ⇐ Iteration + 1
14: end while
15: S ⇐ P

In USG, children in new generations are frequently identi- few iterations of the genetic algorithm. After that, they do
cal to parents, and therefore need no evaluation (we already not increase much anymore. In SG slogans’ scores increase
have the scores of the parents). We wanted to compare the a little bit slower, but at some point they exceed the USG
two generators based on the number of evaluations, not the scores.
number of iterations. For our slogan generator to reach the From the two graphs in Figures 3 and 4 one might con-
same number of evaluations as the unguided slogan gen- clude that the unguided slogan generator is at least as good
erator, it needs to perform more iterations of genetic algo- as our developed slogan generation method. However, the
rithm. That is why the numbers of iterations in SG and numbers are calculated on slogans from a whole genera-
USG differ. tion. In practice we don’t expect the user to go through all
75 final slogans, but only a few. Thus only the best few
4.2 Results and Discussion slogans from the final list are important. Table 3 shows the
average scores for the 10 best final slogans. In this case the
Comparing the statistical results of the initial and final pop- slogan generator outperforms the unguided slogan genera-
ulations of slogans, there were no major differences be- tor.
tween the 20 runs of the algorithm on the same input data In the following two lists, there are examples of slogans
for all 6 experiments. The number of evaluations for each for one specific run of the algorithm. The first list contains
run is approximately 6, 800. 10 best-rated initial slogans and the second one contains
Statistics of average initial slogans’ scores are in Table 1. 10 best-rated final slogans for the case when the size of
The numbers are the same for both generators. Average fi- the population was set to 50. Evaluation scores are in the
nal slogans’ scores are in Table 2. The average minimum brackets. The final slogans list contains the corrected ver-
score is much higher using the unguided slogan generator sions of slogans using the Ginger API.
(USG). This is because in our slogan generator (SG) many
slogans get deleted in the deletion phase of the algorithm. Initial Population:
Consequently some new random slogans are automatically
included in a new generation, and they can have very low 1. Former offices for all its members houses. (0.692)
evaluation scores. However, SG has higher maximum slo- 2. The lowest water to play Sentinel build. (0.664)
gan scores. This suggests that the usage of crossover and 3. Land routes to better places. (0.663)
mutation functions actually increases the slogan scores. 4. The Sentinel performance is topic. (0.662)
The average score of the 10 best slogans is higher using 5. On day to perform. (0.642)
the SG. 6. The side take in region. (0.639)
Numbers in both tables show that average slogans’ 7. Even now right as not. (0.638)
scores increased a lot from the initial population to the fi- 8. A precise application consists with a pair. (0.632)
nal one. Figures 3 and 4 show the relation between average 9. Draft the choice of allowing. (0.629)
slogan scores and the number of performed evaluations in 10. The initiative in pursuing systems and weapons.
a genetic algorithm using SG and USG. Using the USG (0.623)
causes the scores to increase immensely already in the first
Using a Genetic Algorithm to Produce Slogans Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 131

Table 1: Comparison of average initial slogans’ scores for population sizes 25, 50 and 75.

Size of the population Minimum Maximum Average Median Standard deviation

25 0.000 0.713 0.287 0.359 0.257
50 0.000 0.740 0.289 0.302 0.257
75 0.000 0.730 0.274 0.295 0.251

Table 2: Comparison of average final slogans’ scores using our slogan generator (SG) and the unguided slogan generator
(USG) for population sizes 25, 50 and 75
Size of the population Minimum Maximum Average Median Standard deviation
25 (SG) 0.578 0.906 0.801 0.823 0.088
50 (SG) 0.511 0.927 0.793 0.807 0.090
75 (SG) 0.488 0.939 0.773 0.791 0.094
25 (USG) 0.763 0.840 0.795 0.796 0.021
50 (USG) 0.723 0.837 0.767 0.761 0.032
75 (USG) 0.707 0.840 0.750 0.743 0.036

Table 3: Comparison of average scores of 10 best final slogans, using our slogan generator (SG) and the unguided slogan
generator (USG) for population sizes 25, 50 and 75

Size of the population Minimum Maximum Average Median Standard deviation

25 (SG) 0.833 0.906 0.869 0.870 0.023
50 (SG) 0.877 0.927 0.895 0.892 0.019
75 (SG) 0.871 0.939 0.902 0.902 0.023
25 (USG) 0.799 0.840 0.816 0.813 0.013
50 (USG) 0.804 0.837 0.819 0.813 0.011
75 (SG) 0.801 0.840 0.818 0.814 0.013

Final Slogans: API, while the percentage of corrected final slogans for SG
is 33.9%. But we need to take into account the fact that
1. Enjoy the part like water for sentinel. (0.958) Ginger API does not work without mistakes. Some of the
2. Enjoy a take of routine on sentinel. → corrections are strange or unnecessary (e.g., see example 4
Enjoy a track of routine on sentinel. (0.958) in the final slogans list).
3. Make all safety in safe for sentinel. →
Make all safety in safe for a sentinel. (0.958)
4. Demand and enjoy the use in sentinel. → 5 Conclusion
Demand and enjoy the ease in sentinelthe sentinel.
(0.958) The proposed slogan generation method works and could
5. Write a base for demand on sentinel. (0.948) be potentially useful for brainstorming. It produces slo-
6. Demand the of potential as sentinel. (0.945) gans solely from the textual description of the target en-
7. Enjoy a sentinel performance show. (0.922) tity. No other user specifications are needed. The genetic
8. Themes for head on sentinel. (0.913) algorithm ensures higher slogan scores with each new iter-
9. Contents with application on sentinel. → ation. Our method outperforms the unguided slogan gen-
Contents with application of sentinel. (0.913) erator whose best 10 final slogans have significantly lower
10. Make the sentinel performance plays. (0.897) average scores. The unguided slogan generator also needs
more than six times more time to produce and evaluate the
The analysis of initial populations and final slogans in same number of slogans as our slogan generator.
all runs of experiments shows that the majority of slogans The evaluation function is inherently hard to formalize
are semantically incoherent and have grammatical errors. and seems not yet fully aligned with human evaluation.
However, slogans produced with the unguided slogan gen- The definitions of evaluation sub-functions need further
erator seemed more structured and semantically coherent. improvement in order to increase the quality of slogans,
This is understandable, since the crossover and mutation not only their scores.
functions in our slogan generator affect the sentence struc- The current algorithm is suitable only for production of
ture a lot. The percentage of corrected final slogans is also slogans in English. The lack of resources and different lan-
in favor of the unguided slogan generator: 24.6% of final guage properties would require a lot of work in order to
slogans produced with USG got corrected with the Ginger adapt our algorithm to another language.
132 Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 P. Tomašič et al.


Average Slogans’ Scores


Population size: 25
Population size: 50
Population size: 75
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000
Number of Evaluations
Figure 3: Slogan generator: average scores of slogans in a relation to the number of evaluations.

Average Slogans’ Scores


Population size: 25
Population size: 50
Population size: 75
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000
Number of Evaluations
Figure 4: Unguided slogan generator: average scores of slogans in a relation to the number of evaluations.

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134 Informatica 39 (2015) 125–133 P. Tomašič et al.

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