Improving Coke Strength
Improving Coke Strength
Improving Coke Strength
Battery Operation
B Chakraborty, A. Gupta and A. Das*
Adoption of suitable pre-carbonisation techniques and optimizing battery operation has become
critical to the success of the coke making industry. Most low rank coals, such as Indian coals,
respond favourably to pre-carbonisation. However, these techniques are not universally
applicable to all coals and the suitability of these techniques have to be assessed in depth before
commercial implementation. Although some plants have adopted some technological innovations
in pre-carbonization techniques and battery operation, more emphasis is needed to adopt and
optimize these technologies to enable production of stronger coke using inferior coals.
1.0 Introduction
The Blast furnace process is becoming more and more intensive with a trend
towards lower coke rate and higher injection rates. Under these circumstances,
the role that coke is required to play in the blast furnace has undergone a subtle
change . Some of its functions like being a source of heat and acting as a
reducing agent have become less important while its other functions like
become critically important for blast furnace operation. Under Indian conditions,
and particularly in SAIL, the high ash content of coke coupled with relatively
inferior strength characteristics are two factors that need to be dealt with urgently
The strength of coke produced is dependent on many factors like input coal/coal
*Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel, Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi-834002
Pre-carbonisation techniques mainly aim at improving the bulk density of the coal
charge and the resulting proximity of the coal particles during softening leads to a
stronger bond between the coke cells, thereby improving the coke strength. The
selective crushing, oil addition, partial briquetting of coal charge, stamp charging
and pre-heating of coal charge. SAIL has opted for differential / selective
crushing, Partial Briquetting of Coal Charge (PBCC) and oil addition as pre-
carbonisation techniques.
In India, stamp charging was used in FCI, Sindri, where it faced frequent
breaking of coal cake. However, Germany perfected the stamping machine and
stamp charging was again introduced in Tata steel in 1989 where it worked
quality of coke even with relatively inferior coals, making it particularly suitable for
the Indian Steel Industry. Coal preheating including Coal Moisture Control (CMC)
Corporation for increasing the usage of weakly and non-coking coals. These
Coke plants use coking coals from a number of sources, which are characterized
Hardgrove Grindability Index, vitrinite content and rank. In the context of SAIL,
indigenous coals, which constitute about 30% of the coal blend, are
characterized by high organic & inorganic inert content. The imported coals used
in the blend are characterized by comparatively low ash (9-10%), higher vitrinite
content (60-70%), high FSI values (7-8) and contain significant percentage (60-
coal charge that is homogeneous in nature. Table-1 gives the typical properties
homogeneity of the coal blend, a prerequisite for producing good coke. Figure 1
different size fractions of a typical coal blend obtained under industrial conditions
coarser size fraction to finer size fraction. The difference in ash content between
and lower volatile matter content characterize the coarser size fractions. While
the +6 mm size fraction shows a total dilatation of 6%, the –0.6 mm size fraction
and difficult-to-grind coals with inferior caking properties in the coarser size
fractions, leading to heterogeneity in the caking/ plastic properties of different
between these particles and the remaining mass, cracks develop which reduce
through 3mm) and the content of different size fractions of coal charge for a
particular moisture level of the coal blend, determine the bulk density of coal
which are centers of weakness in the coke matrix. Due to difference in the
surface area of coal grains which will increase the quantity of plastic
material required for wetting and enveloping the inert materials. The fines
lead to difficulties in conveying and charging of coal into the oven and also
distribution of coal substance in the different size fractions of coal charge 3).
2.1.3 Differential crushing of coal
SAIL, Ranchi. In differential crushing, the different coals are divided into two
properties of individual size fractions (Table-2). The two groups of coals are
crushed to different levels of crushing. Group I (softer) coals are crushed to lower
level and the crushing level of Group II (harder and inferior) coals is kept higher
to finely disperse coals with poor caking properties in the plastic mass.
Differential crushing was implemented at Bokaro Steel Plant Coke Ovens and
coke quality improved even with lower usage of imported coal in blend.
In selective crushing, the –3mm fraction of coal which are richer in reactives is
separated out after the first stage of crushing using a pneumatic classifier and
only the inert rich coarser size fraction is crushed further in the second stage.
particles reduces the quality differences between the various size fractions in the
charge. It also facilitates a higher crushing level thus improving coke strength
without increasing the fines content. The effect of crushing level on coke strength
(M10 and M40) is shown in Figure 2 . The effect of different crushing methods on
coke strength (M10), using the same coal blend with different methods of coal
Briquetting of coal with tar and pitch as binder is an exciting technique developed
originally in Japan, which utilizes the beneficial effects of high density of coal
charge and the swelling property of coal briquettes to improve coke quality.
evolution of gases and compress the surrounding coal fines to promote cohesion
density of briquettes produced are much greater than that of fine coal and this
results in increase in mutual contact areas of coal grains in the briquettes. High
density briquettes when carbonized along with fine coal exhibit strong swelling
power in plastic zone and exert comprehensive action as the softened blend,
thus accelerating the agglutination among grains not only of themselves but also
of the fine coal. Higher bulk density results in decrease in void volume of coal
charge thereby reducing the requirement of plastic material for the bonding
action. Use of coal tar pitch binder increases the caking substances. The
coal charge continues to increase beyond this point (Figure 4), the improvement
in coke strength (M10, M40) tapers off (Figure 5) and using more than 40% can
cause dangerous wall pressure. For maximum effect, the technology has to be
reducing segregation, pillow shaped and tear drop shaped briquettes are
preferred over the oval shaped briquettes. Segregation can be controlled by use
of baffles (to avoid horizontal movement) and by controlling the level of coal
charge in the coal towers. A poor charging facility could also cause segregation
of briquettes & coal inside the oven and too much of segregation would result in
high wall pressure at certain points. The two well known systems in operation
Nippon Steel System – Here the briquettes are mixed with fine coal in a
are pre mixed with fine coal and stored in the service bunker.
Apart from its effect on coke strength, PBCC results in a slightly lower yield of
gross coke (0.3 to 0.5%), higher yield of BF coke (4.1%) due to improved
strength of coke, increase in dry charge by 8.2% (at 30% briquette level),
increase in crude tar yield (0.5%) and marginal improvement in gas yield by
0.4%. The adoption of this technology in SAIL at BSP (1990 ) and RSP (1996 )
has improved M10 by 1 point and Coke Strength after Reaction (CSR) by 4-5
points. At Baoshan Steel works, China it was possible to produce coke with CSR
and CRI in the range of 57-65 and 26-30 respectively by adopting this
technology. Newcastle works of ISCOR, South Africa has also reported a marked
improvement in the M10 index and CSR of coke after the introduction of this
High moisture content of coal adversely affects the bulk density of coal charge
and coke strength, increases thermal shock to coke oven refractory and
increases coking time. Coal moisture also reduces the flowability of coal charge,
developed for reducing moisture by pre heating of coal before charging. In this
the moisture completely, but also to raise the coal to an elevated temperature
before charging directly into the ovens. As a result, bulk density increases by 10-
12% while coking period reduces by 35%. Coke strength in terms of M10 & M40
not sustained well in the world due to problems associated with the handling of
preheated coal which led to explosions one after another in almost all
Nippon Steel and it started commercial operation at Oita works in 1983. In this
process, coal moisture is reduced from 9 - 10% to 5 - 6% utilizing the heat of the
exhaust gas from the ovens, and thus reduces the heat consumption of coke
making. The benefits achieved due to lower moisture content of coal charge are:
The reduction in coal moisture results in fine coal being emitted to the
environment during transportation and charging into coke ovens, and this leads
due to carbon deposition on coking chamber walls and poor quality of tar,. This
by separating fine coal from lump coal and forming the fine coal into
agglomerate. In the DAPS process, coal is dried in a fluidized-bed dryer, fine coal
grains (≤ 0.3 mm) are separated from coarser grains by the gas flow, collected by
a cyclone separator, formed into agglomerate by a roll compactor, mixed with the
coarser grains, and charged into coke ovens. The mass fraction of the fine grains
is approximately 30%. The charging density of coal is 0.80 t/m3; an even density
dust occurrence, the DAPS has improved the caking property of fine coal by
The strength of the DAPS coke is markedly better than that of the CMC
The charging density of coal with the DAPS is approximately 0.80 t/m3,
and together with the reduction of coking time due to the decrease in coal
The DAPS decreases the heat consumption of coke making due to lower
Coal pre-heating/ coal moisture control is also a part of the SCOPE 21 process.
through the increased use of low-grade coals, to conserve energy and reduce
CO2 emissions. The first commercial model of the SCOPE 21 coke oven has
been commissioned at the Oita Works of Nippon Steel Corporation in May 2009.
preheating , the coal is heated slowly to 300°C in a fluidized bed dryer, and then
oven. The effect of rapid preheating of coals on the coal chemical structures and
the resultant coke strength shows that the cracking reactions of the coals are
suppressed compared to slow preheating: the ratios of O/C and H/C in the
untreated coals4). An NMR study has revealed the enhanced mobility and
structural relaxation of the coal molecules due to the rapid preheating. The rapid
preheating of the coals improved the resultant coke strength. The enhanced
coals at the melting stage, which leads to improved strength of the resultant
In this technology, fine coal is stamped into a cake outside the oven chamber and
introduced into the oven through the pusher side door by a special machine
known as Stamp Charging cum Pushing (SCP) machine. The coal blend is
gradually discharged from a bunker into the stamping box and a series of
hammers compact the coal mass into a solid cake. A stamping energy of 450-500
Nm/Kg is imparted to the coal mass having around 10% moisture to achieve a
typical bulk density of over 1100 kg/m 3 and the requisite cake stability. Stamp
Indian context. The improvement in coke strength (M10 and CSR) of coke by
Stamp Charging is shown in Figure 7. The current coal and coke quality from
granulometry of coal , precise moisture control and control on rank of coal blend
Oil-water emulsion addition has been tried out at SAIL plants at DSP, BSP and
BSL (Figure 8). Apart from increasing the bulk density of coal charge, the
chambers are charged and the coal carbonized for a scheduled coking period
under a set heating regime. However, the process of oven charging and pushing
coke pushing at the right time is a prerequisite for producing strong coke.
3.1 Coal charging
and bulk density. While charging, the proper sequence has to be maintained and
full charging of each oven chamber has to be ensured. Screw feeder based
Optimum amount of leveling should be done to ensure a level free space and
minimum spillage with compaction of the top layer. The straightness of the leveler
bar should be checked from time to time and if sagging is detected, corrective
action should be taken. Microwave based radar sensors for measuring the level
of coal in the coke oven can be installed for ensuring full charging. The sensors
are installed on the charging car to measure the pile height (±30mm accuracy)
The process of heating and regulation of coke ovens is of utmost importance with
2. Uniform heat distribution throughout the oven such that coking proceeds
considered the same for all ovens. The heating regime is dictated by the coke
production target based on which the average coking period and the average
base temperature of a few selected vertical flues (control verticals) with hand
The Coal cake inside the oven is a huge mass of about 14 -17 m. length, 0.4-0.5
m. width and 4-7 m. height. Bulk density of coal is also not uniform throughout. It
is estimated that bulk density beneath the charging hole is more than in between
charging holes and maximum bulk density occurs beneath coke side charging
hole. Obviously, if the driving force for coal carbonisation, i.e., the temperature in
heating canal is maintained same, all parts of coal charge is not likely to be
rational way of heating control is demand oriented heat input. For this, we must
have sufficient information about the heat demand. In other words, we must know
crushing index etc. Likewise, we must have sufficient information about heat
input parameters, viz., underfiring gas pressure, volume, calorific value etc.
prolongation of coking period improves coke quality in terms of MI0 and CSR
profile of coke oven gas measured at the gooseneck can help in optimizing the
coking period.
Automatic heating control systems which have come up during the last 10-15
years variously seek to measure the heat demand, follow the progress of
carbonisation, calculate and supply exact heat load, get feed back about the
product quality (in terms of temperature), and re-adjusts heat supply with the help
system known as the Integrated Coking Control System (ICCS). This system was
Heat demand model calculates the heat demand of ovens from heat
Surface heat losses and heat losses from waste gases are subtracted to
taking on-line data of heating gas fed per reversal and its calorific value.
Preliminary heat demand for the next reversal is computed from the above
and preliminary heating gas flow, pressure and draught for the next
modified depending on the values obtained from the feed back loops –
Coking index module is a critical part of the coking control system where
the temperature of the raw gas is measured on-line for each oven through
pushed. This additional time is known as the soaking period. The soaking
period that is required for optimum coke strength is specific to the coal
in the form of a ratio known as the coking index . The optimum range of
coking index for the battery is determined (Figure 12 ) and the model
ensures that the battery is operating under the specified coking index by
adjusting the heat input thus ensuring optimum coke quality and heat
Cross-wall leakage of gas from the coke oven chamber to the heating flues is a
major cause of inefficient combustion. It not only leads to a loss of coke oven gas
yield but it also significantly disturbs the pressure distribution throughout the
Recently, RDCIS, SAIL has developed a process for the quantification of cross-
leakage (patent pending) based on waste gas analysis. The process has been
successfully used to determine cross-leakage from selected ovens and all the
batteries at BSP (Table 5). The process is currently under implementation in all
4.0 Conclusion
operation has become critical to the success of the coke making industry. Most
However, these techniques are not universally applicable to all coals and the
suitability of these techniques have to be assessed in depth before commercial
1. Coke quality for a modern Blast Furnace; A. Babich, D. Senk et. al. ; Proc.
Parthasarthy, NK Ghosh et. al.; 21st Pittsburg coal conference, Sept., 2004
Matsuura et. al., Tetsu to Hogane, vol 89, No.5, 2003, 565
5. Monograph on coal & coke at Tata Steel; Edited by A. Chatterjee & PVT
Rao, 1992
Table 1 : Typical properties of Indian and foreign coals
Source Properties
Ash, % VM, % FSI Vitrinite, % MMR, %
Indigenous coals
Dugda 21.4 20.3 2 45.0 1.23
Bhojudhi 19.8 24.1 3 49.3 1.14
Sudamdih 18.5 24.0 3-3½ 45.6 1.18
Kargali 21.8 22.9 3-3½ 40.2 1.08
Kathara 19.6 25.9 2 41.8 0.96
Swang 20.6 27.8 3 47.7 0.95
Rajrappa 18.7 29.6 2-2.5 50.8 0.91
Foreign coals
Oaky Creek 9 24.2 8 69 1.25
German Creek 9 21.6 8 70 1.36
Gooneyella/B 9.1 23.4 7-8 62 1.22
Barwon 8.2 26 7.5-8 57 1.23
Malvern 9.2 22.8 7.5-8 57 1.25
Arco blend 7.5 25.5 7½ 56-60 1.16
New Zealand coking coal 3 29-30 9 92 1.19
fluidity (ddpm)Ruhr Dilatometer
(Easy-to-grind with better
caking properties)Munidih
Table 3: Effect of stamp charging on coke strength (M10, M40)
Table 4: Stamp –charged coke quality at Tata Steel and JSW Steel
Fig 2