Computer Analysis of The Two Versions of Byzantine Chess

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Byzantine chess is a variant of chess played on a circular board that was popular in the Byzantine Empire. Two versions existed: the regular and symmetric versions, which differed in the placement of the white queen.

Byzantine chess is played on a circular board divided into four concentric rings of 16 squares each, for a total of 64 squares like a standard chessboard. It uses the same pieces as regular chess but some have different moves.

The board for Byzantine chess can be thought of as two standard chessboards glued together at their short edges to form a circular strip. It is made up of four circular rings representing the racing tracks of the ancient Hippodrome of Constantinople.

arXiv:math/0701598v2 [math.

HO] 4 Oct 2007

Computer analysis of the two versions of

Byzantine chess
Anatole Khalfine and Ed Troyan
University of Geneva,
24 Rue de General-Dufour, Geneva, GE-1211,
Academy for Management of Innovations,
16a Novobasmannaya Street, Moscow, 107078
e-mail: [email protected]
February 2, 2008

Byzantine chess is the variant of chess played on the circular board.
In the Byzantine Empire of 11-15 CE it was known in two versions: the
regular and the symmetric version. The difference between them: in
the latter version the white queen is placed on dark square. However,
the computer analysis reveals the effect of this ’perturbation’ as well
as the basis of the best winning strategy in both versions.

1 Introduction
Byzantine chess [1], invented about 1000 year ago, is one of the most inter-
esting variations of the original chess game Shatranj. It was very popular in
Byzantium since 10 CE A.D. (and possible created there). Princess Anna
Comnena [2] tells that the emperor Alexius Comnenus played ’Zatrikion’ -
so Byzantine scholars called this game. Now it is known under the name of
Byzantine chess.

Zatrikion or Byzantine chess is the first known attempt to play on the
circular board instead of rectangular. The board is made up of four concentric
rings with 16 squares (spaces) per ring giving a total of 64 - the same as in
the standard 8x8 chessboard. It also contains the same pieces as its parent
game - most of the pieces having almost the same moves. In other words
divide the normal chessboard in two halves and make a closed round strip

2 Analysis
It is convenient to imagine it in the form of rectangular diagram [3], so that.

P Q K P p k q p
P B B P p b b p
P N N P p n n p
P R R P p r r p
This was obtained from the standard 8x8 board separated into two halves:
the first including the Queen-side and the second including the King-side.
Then, the two halves are glued at their short edges and a circular strip is
obtained: the width of 4 cells and the perimeter of 16 cells. In fact, it is no
more than 4 circular roads of the old Hippodrome of Constantinople, since,
according to the Roman tradition, the races were competed between the four
teams: albati (white), russati (red), prasinati (green) and veneti (blue).
Now in the Byzantine chess the pieces move as they do in Shatranj - the
most ancient chess variant. Namely, kings, rooks, knights obey the stan-
dard orthodox FIDE chess rules, but bishops jump two square diagonally
(resemblance with knights), queens move one diagonal, pawns have no
double first step, nor en passant, neither they are promoted. Pawns can
move clockwise and counterclockwise so that two pawns of a player going in
different directions may meet on opposing squares, thus blocking each other
(however, the late Byzantines used to treated it as self-annihilation, and the
player would immediately loose both pawns, without counting a move).
The win is achieved by mating the opponent, by stalemating the oppo-
nent, or by ‘bare king’: taking the last piece of the losing side. In the latter
case, the game may reduce to a draw if the losing side, in turn, manages to
capture the last piece of the opponent and, hence, nothing remaining but the
two bare kings. However, mating is not a trivial task because queens and

bishops are very week and their relative value [4] is equivalent to 1.5 pawn
(while it is 10 and 3.5 in orthodox FIDE chess [5]).
Circular chess [6] is a modern game, derived from the original Byzantine
chess. It is played on the circular board with the same notation and the
same initial setup, but the pieces obey the standard FIDE rules (instead
of the Shatranj rules). Indeed, the FIDE rules are known to the widest
community and the game of Circular chess has become popular for the last
decade and now it will celebrate the 12 th World Championship. This game
involves complicated combinations and analysis although its modern version
was never played in historic Byzantium or Bulgaria of 11-15 CE.
A historic alternative to the regular Byzantine chess [3] is its symmetric
version [7]
P K Q P p k q p
P B B P p b b p
P N N P p n n p
P R R P p r r p
The initial positions of the white king and queen are replaced so that the
white king stands on the light square while the white queen stands on the
dark square: Such replacement results to the clash between the queens.
(Each queen steps one cell diagonally on the squares of its proper color
- as a bishop of orthodox FIDE chess). Now both queens of symmetric
Byzantine chess pass the same set of squares and, hence, may capture each
This symmetric version of Byzantine chess should lead to the change in
the game tactics and strategy. The Queens can encounter (in orthodox FIDE
chess [8]. the endings with similar Bishops are rarely resulting to draw). Will
it imply complication and sharpness of symmetric version? It can be revealed
only in the direct play.
The online Java applets allows to perform the instant analysis. We have
launched one hundred Computer-vs-Computer games for each variant.
In the regular version [3] White won 17 games, lost 13 games, draw was
recorded in 70 games.
In the symmetric version [7] the competition yielded the result: +26=61-
As an alternative method we used the PC program ’Byzantine Chess’
based on Zillions of Games platform [9, 10]. We launched 20 games in
Computer-vs-Computer competition with 20 sec time control per move.

In the regular version White won 5 times, lost 4 times, draw was recorded
in 11 games.
In the symmetric version the competition yielded the result: +5=12-3.
In fact, to demonstrate the smoothness of the Byzantine chess with
respect to the Circular chess, we launched the latter [11] in a 100-game
Computer-vs-Computer match, that scored as +42=34-24 (of course White

3 Conclusion
According to computer analysis, the symmetric version of Byzantine chess [7]
reveals a bit less ’peaceful policy’ with respect to the regular version [3]. We
could recognize the similarity with the bishop-vs-bishop endgames of or-
thodox FIDE chess [8]. Namely, the endings with dark-vs-light pieces usually
admit ’peaceful’ coexistence, but dark-vs-dark and ligth-vs-light pieces can-
not live without a ’war’. In fact, the latter case corresponds to the symmetric
version of Byzantine chess.
We have also compared the Byzantine chess and Circular chess (played on
the same round board but according to the FIDE rules), and discovered that
in the latter variant draws occur approximately two times less frequent (1/3
and 2/3 of all games, respectively). Large number of draws is not strange for
the Byzantine chess. There is no pawn promotion and many endgames are
played upto the stage of a bare king (the condition of loss). The game tends
to draw when the major pieces (rook and often knight) are removed off
the board - the remaining pawns, bishops and queens bring no tension in
spite of possible extra piece belonging to the opponent. Moreover, Knight-
vs-Bishop and Knight-vs-Queen endgames do not promise any chance
to win, for bishop and queen can provide perpetual survival against the
stronger piece. However, a small deviation from equilibrium in Pawn-vs-
Pawn endgame [12] often results to drastic circumstances. As for mating,
it is possible only in the opening or, at least, in the middlegame, especially,
if there is some difference between the skill of the players. Computer-vs-
Computer program has considered this situation only 3 times in 200 games,
although a serious player will mate any existing online- or, offline-program:
the Elo rating of the Byzantine chess engines is still lower the FIDE master
(FM) level.
Much more strange that White has advantage over Black. It is absolutely

evident in the symmetric version of Byzantine Chess. Have we discovered
the specific effect resulted from the queens belonging to the same color
(e.g. both move on the dark squares)? We cannot explain this strange fact,
perhaps it is due to the peculiarity of the chess engine, while human player
may never encounter this effect.
Anyhow, the best game strategy is now outlined: achieve advantage in
the middlegame, exchange all minor pieces (bishop, queen) and reduce to
pawns and major pieces (rook, knight) in the endgame. Otherwise, there
would be no use of one or two extra minor pieces. On the other hand, it is
possible to avoid the evident loss by exchange of all major pieces and pawns,
thus, reducing to the only minor pieces (but not pawns instead!).:

4 Perspective
If we compare Byzantine chess with Circular chess, - that is a Byzantine-
FIDE hybrid of usual chess played on the circular board - we see that the
Byzantine chess is a quiet game with plain development and absence of com-
plicated combinations (perhaps pertaining to the style of live and mind of
the late Byzantine scholars and noblemen) - no wonder that stalemate and
bare king are defined as loss. Mating the opponent’s king is so brilliant
event that we believe it should be rewarded 1.5 points (instead of standard
1 point).
Another note concerning the rule of draw: many endings are deprived
of real possibility to win and it is reasonable to stop the game if there is
no capture, say, within 20 moves. The evident draw endgames (Bishop-
vs-Queen, 2Bishops-vs-Bishop&Queen etc.) should be also stopped
without further play.
In spite of the prosperous development of Circular chess [6] in the last
decade, the native original Byzantine chess is played sporadically. The orga-
nization of regular tournaments is still under discussion, and it is important
to regulate the rules. What we cannot know is the exact scores of Byzantine
chessmasters but we can discover and restore the theory of game.

[1] H.L. Bodlaender Byzantine chess. A variant of
Shatranj, played on a round board (1997).

[2] The Alexiad of Anna Comnena. Book XIV. (Penguin Books, 1969).

[3] E. Friedlander Byzantine Chess Java-Applet.

[4] A. Khalfine and E. Saperow. Towards the theory of Byzantine Chess.


[5] ChessBase Platform.

[6] Circular Chess Society.

[7] E. Friedlander Byzantine Chess Java-Applet, Symmetric version..

[8] M. Euwe and H. Kramer. The Middlegame - Book I : Static Features

(Hays Pubs 1994)

[9] R. Price. Byzantine Chess (2001). PC Program on the Zillions-of-games


[10] Anatoly Khalfine and Ernst Saperow. Toroidal Byzantine Chess

Rectangular (2002). PC Program on the Zillions-of-games platform.;id=926

[11] E. Friedlander Circular Chess Chess Java-Applet.

[12] E. Saperow. Byzantine Chess endgames. Queen vs Pawn. (2003)

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