Anant K. Sundaram

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Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College
100 Tuck Hall, Hanover, NH 03755
Tel: (603) 646-8248
Fax: (603) 646-8711
Email: [email protected]



PhD in Management Sciences (Finance).
1978 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, Bangalore, India. Post-Graduate Degree in
Business Administration (MBA).
Chennai), India. Master of Science, Bachelor of Science.


2005-Present TUCK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AT DARTMOUTH, Hanover, NH, Visiting Professor of

Business Administration (also Faculty Director of Tuck Executive Education, 2005-08).
MBA Courses: Corporate Valuation; Business and Climate Change.
Executive Programs: Involved in creating, leading, or participating in dozens of client-based
and open enrollment programs in the US, Asia, Europe, and Latin America (details available
on request). Also actively involved in business development on behalf of Tuck Executive
Education. Notable examples: Created “Back In Business” (a program to facilitate re-entry of
women with MBAs who had „off-ramped‟ from their careers), and “Leading Edge Ideas for
the Business Journalist” (a program for high-potential business journalists, for which I built
a consortium that included the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times,
Forbes, Fortune, BusinessWeek, Time, and US News & World Report). Examples of client-
based programs I developed include Autodesk, BMW, Constellation Brands, ING, UBS, and
United Technologies.

1996-2005 THUNDERBIRD SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, Glendale, Arizona, Associate

Professor of Finance (with tenure).
MBA Courses: Advanced Managerial Finance, Corporate Governance, International Finance
and Corporate Valuation, Global Financial Management.
Executive MBA Courses: International Corporate Finance; Mergers and Acquisitions.
Distance Learning Courses: Advanced Managerial Finance
Executive Programs: Involved in leading or participating in numerous company-based and
open enrollment programs in the US, Asia, Europe, and Latin America on the following
topics: cross-border mergers and acquisitions, corporate valuation, corporate governance,
global capital sourcing, entrepreneurial finance, management of analysts, and foreign
currency risk management.

2001-02 TUCK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Hanover, New Hampshire, Visiting Scholar

MBA Course: Corporate Valuation
Executive Programs: Tuck Executive Program, Finance Essentials for General Managers,
Advanced Minority Business Executive Program

1994-96 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Visiting

Associate Professor
MBA Courses: International Corporate Finance
Executive Programs: Numerous company-based and open-enrollment programs in finance
and international finance in the US, Asia, and Europe.

1987- 94 TUCK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Hanover, New Hampshire, Associate Professor of

Business Administration.

May 2010 1
MBA Courses: Finance, International Business Environments, Management of the
Multinational Enterprise, Financial Management, International Finance, and Seminar in
Corporate Finance.
Executive Programs: Numerous company-based and open-enrollment programs in finance
and international finance.

Various Years Visiting Professor at Institut Theseus, Sophia Antipolis, France; European Business
School, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany; Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India.


“The International Business Environment: Text and Cases” (with J. Stewart Black), Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995 (with Instructors‟ Manual).

ARTICLES (Academic)

“Product Market Games and Signaling Models in Finance: Do We Know What We Know?” in C. F. Lee (ed),
Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, Springer, 2009 (with Kose John).

“Limited Liability and Market Power,” Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2006 (with Kose
John, Lemma Senbet and Peter Woodward).

“Stakeholder Theory and „The Corporate Objective Revisited:‟ A Reply,” Organization Science, 2004 (with
Andrew Inkpen).
 Reprinted in Stakeholders, Robert Phillips and Edward Freeman (eds.), Edward-
Elgar Publishing, 2010.

“The Corporate Objective Revisited,” Organization Science, 2004 (with Andrew Inkpen).
 Reprinted in Stakeholders, Robert Phillips and Edward Freeman (eds.), Edward-
Elgar Publishing, 2010.

“Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Governance,” in Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, C. Cooper &
S. Finkelstein (eds), Elsevier Press, 2004.

"Challenges to Corporate Governance," Corporate Governance: An Asia-Pacific Critique, L. C. Keong (ed),

Sweet and Maxwell Asia, Hong Kong, 2002 (with Michael Bradley, Cindy Schipani, James Walsh).

"Management of Exchange Rate Exposure by the Multinational Corporation," Handbook of Modern Finance,
D. Logue and J. Seward (eds), Warren Gorham Lamont, New York, updated in 2001 and again in 2004 (with
Michael Moffett).

"Cross-border Acquisitions of US Technology Assets" California Management Review, Spring 2000 (with
Andrew Inkpen and Kristin Rockwood).
 Reprinted in International Mergers & Acquisitions: A Reader, P. Buckley and P.
Ghauri (eds.), Thomson Press, 2002.

"Comparative Corporate Governance and Corporate Strategy," Thunderbird on Global Business Strategy,
New York: Wiley Publishers, April 2000 (with Michael Bradley, Cindy Schipani, James Walsh).

"Purposes and Accountability of the Corporation: Corporate Governance at a Crossroads," Law and
Contemporary Problems, Summer 1999 (with Michael Bradley, Cindy Schipani, and James Walsh).
 This article is on the Corporate Practice Commentator’s (CPC) list of the Best
Corporate and Securities Articles published during 2000.

"Foreword: Challenges to Corporate Governance," Law and Contemporary Problems, Summer 1999 (with
Michael Bradley, Cindy Schipani, and James Walsh).

"Corporate Governance in a Comparative Setting: The United States, Germany, and Japan," The Academy of
Legal Studies In Business National Proceedings, 1999 (with Michael Bradley, Cindy Schipani, and J Walsh).
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 Distinguished Paper Award, the Academy of Legal Studies In Business national
meetings, July 1999

"Organizational Forms," in Research in Strategic Management and Information Technology, Volume 2, N.

Venkatraman and J. Henderson (eds), JAI Press, 1999 (with N. Venkatraman).

"Contemporary Challenges to Corporate Governance," The Academy of Legal Studies In Business National
Proceedings S, 1998 (with Michael Bradley, Cindy Schipani, and James Walsh).

"Management of Exchange Rate Exposure by the Multinational Corporation," Handbook of Modern Finance,
D. Logue and J. Seward (eds), Warren Gorham Lamont, New York, 1998 (with Michael Moffett).

“An Empirical Analysis of Strategic Competition and Firm Values: The Case of R&D Competition,” Journal of
Financial Economics, March 1996 (with T. John and K. John).
 Reprinted in Essays in Honor of Stephen Ross: Mentor, Mark Grinblatt (ed.),
McGraw Hill-Irwin, 2010.

“Valuation Effects of Foreign Company Listings on US Exchanges,” Journal of International Business

Studies, March 1996 (with Dennis Logue).

“International Financial Markets,” in the Handbook of Modern Finance, Dennis Logue (ed.), Warren,
Gorham, and Lamont, 1994.

“The Environment and Internal Organization of Multinational Enterprises”, Academy of Management

Review, October 1993, (with J. Stewart Black).

“Cross-border Liability of Multinational Enterprises, Border Taxes, and Capital Structure”, Financial
Management, Winter 1991 (with Kose John and Lemma Senbet).

“Multinational Enterprise Liability and Cross-Border Acquisitions”, in Pacific Basic Capital Markets
Research, Volume 2, Elsevier, March 1991 (with Kose John and Lemma Senbet).

“Currency Movements and Corporate Pricing Strategies”, in Recent Developments in International Banking
and Finance, Volume 4/5, S. Khoury (ed.), Elsevier-North Holland, April 1991 (with Veena Mishra).

“Swapping Debt for Debt in LDCs: A Case Study of a Debt-for-Nature Swap in Ecuador”, International
Environmental Affairs, March 1990.

“Syndications in Sovereign Lending”, Journal of International Money and Finance, September 1989.

“Strategic Implications of a Currency Devaluation”, Journal of Corporate Finance, Winter 1988 (with Vijay

ARTICLES (Non-academic)

“A Tale of Two Market Reactions,” New York Times Dealbook Blog, October 5, 2009

“CEOs, It‟s Time to Decouple from Financial Markets.” Financial Times, April 21, 2009.

“Valuation of GM‟s Restructuring Plan: A Chalkboard Session,” Nightly Business Report, December 2008.

“Tending to Shareholders,” Financial Times, May 26, 2006.

“Op-ed: Five Questions About „Murdow‟,” New York Times DealBook Blog, June 5, 2007.

“Strategies for Pricing in Japan Given the Appreciated Yen,” Global Competitor, March 1994.

“Sovereignty to Blame for the BCCI Scandal”, the Wall Street Journal, October 24, 1991.
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“Exchange Rates and Performance Evaluation in Multinational Enterprises”, in Management Control
Systems, R. Anthony, J. Dearden and V. Govindarajan, Irwin, Boston, 1991.

“Debt for Sustainable Development: Some Institutional Considerations”, in Debt Swaps for Social Purposes,
Harvard Institute of International Development, October 1991.

“Technology Transfer, Adaptation and Diffusion among State- and Privately-Owned Enterprises in India”, in
J. James (Ed.), Technology Transfer to LDCs, Macmillan, London, 1989 (with Anil Deolalikar).


“Acquisitions and Performance: A Re-assessment of the Evidence,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper,
February 2006 (with Michael Bradley).

“The Emergence of Shareholder Value in the German Corporation,” Duke University Working Paper,
December 2003 (with Michael Bradley).

“A Safe Landing? Golden Parachutes and Corporate Behavior,” University of Michigan Business School
Working Paper, July 2000 (with M. P. Narayanan).

“Market Value Impact of the U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Trade Agreement”, July 1998.

“Divestitures as Good News or Bad News: The Role of Creditors and Management,” July 1997 (with B.

“Corporate Limited Liability and the Design of Corporate Taxation”, NYU Working Paper, June 1995 (with
Kose John and Lemma Senbet).

“Corporate Diversification, Strategy, and Finance”, September 1991 (with Dennis Logue).

“Market Power and State-Dependent Systematic Risk”, August 1991 (with Lakshmi Shyam-Sunder).


American Finance Association/American Economic Association, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2003
European Finance Association, 1991-1993, 1999, 2003-2004 (Program Committee in 1999, 2003-2008)
Western Finance Association, 1991, 1992
Academy of Legal Studies in Business, 1998, 1999 (Co-author presentation).
Academy of Management, 1991, 2009
NBER Conference on Public Economics, 1992
Financial Management Association International, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 (Program Committee in 1995,
1997, 1998)
The Annual Conferences on Finance and Accounting, NYU, 1992; Univ. of Michigan, 1994
UCLA Conference on International Capital Structure, 1991
Academy of International Business, 1988, 1989, 1990
Academy of Management, 1988, 1992
French Finance Association, 1986, 1990

Invited Research Presentations

London Business School; Stockholm School of Economics; University of Michigan Business School; McGill
University; Georgetown University; University of Maryland; Darden Graduate School of Business, University
of Virginia; Harvard University Center for Population Studies; MIT Sloan School of Management; Harvard
Business School; Thunderbird School of Management.

Non-academic Invited Presentations/Panel Appearances (Selected Examples)

Tuck Clean Energy Panel (2010); Tuck Business and Society Conference, Hanover (2009); Allwin Initiative
for Corporate Citizenship Board, Boston (2008); Newsroom of The Wall Street Journal, New York City

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(2007); CriticalEye Forum, London (2007); Tuck School Advisory Board, Hanover (2006); Tuck
International Forum, Hanover (2006); Tuck World Economic Forum, Tokyo (2006); Arizona Club/Western
Institute of Corporate Governance, Phoenix (2003); Snell & Willmer Corporate Governance Forum, Phoenix
(2002); Thunderbird Global Business Forum, New York (2002); Snell & Willmer Forum on the Asia Crisis,
Scottsdale (1998); Forum on International Business Ethics, Harvard University (1991); Panel on Globalizing
the Business Curriculum, University of Wisconsin, Madison (1990); Member, Panel of Experts to Resolve
LDC Debt Crisis, World Bank, Washington, DC (1986)

Miscellaneous Scholarly Activities

 Faculty Director, Tuck Environmental Sustainability Forum (a consortium of Chief Sustainability
Officers of Fortune 200 companies), 2009, 2010.
 Shephered the formal application process for, and led a team of Tuck MBA students to attend the COP15
in Copenhagen. The first business school to be formally involved in this forum. December 2009
 Member, Financial Management International VP Search Committee, 1996-97; Financial Management
Editor Search Committee, 1995-96.
 Member, Editorial Board, Journal of International Business Education (2000 - Present); Journal of
Multinational Financial Management (1996- Present); Journal of International Finance (1991-1995);
Global Competitor (1992-1995).
 Co-organizer, Conference on the International Capital Acquisition Process, Tuck School, Dartmouth
College May 1993.
 Visiting Scholar at the Finance Department, University of Maryland, Fall 1990.
 Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Finance, Journal of
Business, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of
International Finance, Financial Management, Management Science, Journal of Banking and Finance,
Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal,
Economic Journal, Journal of Economics, Organization Science, Journal of International Business
Studies, Columbia Journal of World Business, McGraw Hill, Harvard Business School Press, Pearson

CLASSROOM CASES (topics in parentheses; teaching material available to accredited

instructors upon request)

“Carbon Footprint and Clean Energy at Simon Pearce” (Measurement and management of carbon footprint;
Scopes 1/2/3 emissions; NPV analysis of wind and solar installations; developing a corporate carbon
strategy). Tuck Case (2010).

“Carbon Strategy at Vital Communities” (Measurement and management of carbon footprint; Scopes 1/2/3
emissions; individual vs. collective corporate carbon strategy). Tuck Case (2010).

“ING and Sapphire Chile in May 2007” (Cross-border corporate valuation, financial services, Latin
America, flow-to-equity valuation), Tuck Executive Education Case.

“United Technologies Corporation in 2007” (Corporate valuation, equity analysis), Tuck Executive
Education Case.

“Cadence Design Systems Convertible Debt Issue” (Corporate financing, convertible debt, software), Tuck
Executive Education Case.

“BMW 2007” (Profitable growth analysis, WACC versus ROIC, financial analysis, ROIC decomposition),
Tuck Executive Education Case.

“Constellation Brands International 2007” (Corporate valuation, equity analysis), Tuck Executive Education

“Tech Corporation” (Free cash flow derivation and interpretation), Tuck Executive Education Case.

“Adobe‟s Acquisition of Macromedia, 2005” (M&A, corporate valuation) Tuck Executive Education Case.

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“Oil and Natural Gas Corporation of India Public Offering: March 2004” (Cross-border valuation, public
offering, exchange rates, country risk, India), Indian School of Business Executive Education Case.

“Currency Markets and Parity Conditions,” (Foreign currency markets; basics of international finance), in
the Thunderbird Case series

“A Global Manager‟s Guide to Currency Risk Management,” (Foreign currency markets; basics of
international finance), in the Thunderbird Case series.

“Eurodisneyland SCA” (Project financing; APV valuation) in the University of Michigan CIBER Case Series

“Perrier, Nestlé, and the Agnellis” (Cross-border mergers and acquisitions; France, Italy, EU; corporate
governance in France; battle for corporate control; WACC valuation) in the Thunderbird Case Series.

“Cadbury Schweppes plc and Aguas Minerales S.A.” (Cross-border mergers and acquisitions; UK and
Mexico; APV Valuation) in the Thunderbird Case Series.

“Schneider SA and Square D Company” (Cross-border mergers and acquisitions; France and the US;
comparative corporate governance; battle for corporate control; WACC valuation) in the Thunderbird Case

“Boeing vs, Airbus: GATT or Mouse?” (Strategic trade policy; trade disputes; commercial airframes
industry) in The International Business Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“The Chips are Down” (Strategic trade policy; trade disputes; semiconductor industry) in The International
Business Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“World Wildlife Fund and Debt-for-Nature” (Cross-border lending decision; LDC debt; Innovative
financing in LDCs) in The International Business Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“Piermont Inc.” (Transaction exposure to exchange rates) in The International Business Environment: Text
and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“Campbell Soup in Japan” (Economic exposure to exchange rates) in The International Business
Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“DuPont de Nemours in Japan” (Economic exposure to exchange rates) in The International Business
Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“Dresser France S.A. and the Soviet Gas Pipeline Project” (Cross-border regulation; national security,
foreign policy and the MNE; Export Administration Act) in The International Business Environment: Text
and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“Union Carbide and Bhopal” (Cross-border liability; cross-border regulation) in The International Business
Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“Nicolo Pignatelli and Gulf Italia” (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; Ethics; HQ/Subsidiary Relations in the
MNE) in The International Business Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“Gulfstream and Sukhoi: The Supersonic Business Jet” (Country and political risk analysis; joint ventures;
former Soviet Union) in The International Business Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

“Note on Supersonic Transportation and the Corporate Jet Market” in The International Business
Environment: Text and Cases (Prentice-Hall).

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„Honorable Mention‟ from Page Prize for Environmental Sustainability Curriculum, awarded by the Darla
Moore School of Business at University of South Carolina for my MBA course „Business and Climate Change,‟
December 2009.

Created a metric called the “Fossil Fuel Beta (FFß)” to score companies (within an industry) on their stock
market exposure to fossil fuel price changes and contingent GHG exposures, for CFO magazine. The first
scorecard was published in December 2008.

Created and taught the first ever US MBA course on climate change and its implications for corporations,
Tuck School, Spring 2009.

Created many innovative, new executive programs, including: „Back In Business,‟ „Leading Edge Ideas for
the Business Journalist,‟ Tuck-Citi Distance Learning Initiative

Outstanding faculty award, Thunderbird School of Management: 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.

Honored by the Excellence Project at Thunderbird (a student-led initiative that examined „excellent‟ practices
in various areas of the school): 2003-04

The article 'Purposes and Accountability of the Corporation: Corporate Governance at a Crossroads' is on the
Corporate Practice Commentator‟s (CPC) list of the Best Corporate and Securities Articles published and
indexed during 2000.

Co-Editor, special issue on Corporate Governance, Law and Contemporary Problems: 1999

Distinguished Paper Award for the paper "Comparative Corporate Governance," presented at the Academy of
Legal Studies In Business national meetings, July 1999

Recipient, Thunderbird Faculty Competitive Research award: 1997 - 2003

Recipient, University of Michigan CIBER award for research: 1996

Co-recipient (as part of University of Michigan Business School team) of $250,000 grant from the Sloan
Foundation to research corporate governance: 1994

Recipient of: Citibank (1988) and Schneider SA (1992) research awards at the Tuck School.


 Member Curriculum Design Committee for the proposed Tuck School-Dartmouth Institute Masters‟
degree program on the Science of Health Care Delivery.
 Member, Advisory Board, The Energy & Resources Institute School of Management, New Delhi, India
 Founding member, Foundation for Advancement of Research in Financial Economics
 Member, Forbes Intelligent Investing Panel
 Faculty Associate, Allwin Initiative for Corporate Citizenship, Tuck School
 Faculty Associate, Center for International Business, Tuck School
 Faculty Advisor, The Dartmouth Energy Collaborative

 Area Coordinator, Finance Department, Thunderbird School of Management (2002-04 and 1998-00)
 Member of numerous faculty committees at the Thunderbird School, including the Performance
Evaluation (Tenure/Promotion) Committee, Faculty Development Committee, and Faculty Senate.
 Member of the Sloan Foundation-funded project team on “The Role and Accountability of the
Corporation” at the University of Michigan Business School.

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 Member of the initial team whose discussions led to the creation of the "MBA Enterprise Corps" by a
consortium of leading US business schools.
 Numerous presentations to Tuck and Dartmouth alumni.
 Member of numerous Tuck and Dartmouth faculty committees


Print BusinessWeek, CFO, Economist, Financial Times, Forbes, Fortune, India Today, Les Echos, New
York Times, Times of India, Times of London, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post

Video ABC News, CNBC, CNBC World, CNN-IBN, Fox Business Report, Nightly Business Report

Radio American Public Radio, BBC Worldwide, Christian Science World Monitor Service, National Public



1983-85 Consultant, The World Bank, Washington, D. C.

1980-82 Consultant, A F Ferguson and Co. (strategy consulting), Bombay, India.
1979-80 Senior Research Executive, Operations Research Group (public policy consulting),
Bombay, India.
1978-79 Analyst, Systems Research Institute (public policy consulting), Pune, India.

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