Practice Work Anshi Vanshi

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1: Fill In the Blank:

Eyes Nose Ears Tongue

1. We smell with our __________

2. We hear with our ___________
3. We taste with our ___________
4. We see with our ____________

Q 2. Put Tick (√ ) if habit is good and (X) If habit is bad:

1. I do not make noise while chewing my food.

2. I love eating uncovered food from roadside stall
3. I Study on the bed. Laying down.
4. I sleep for at least 8 hours daily.

Q 3. Draw any two things that help you to keep your body clean
and name them.

1. __________________

2 __________________

Q 4. Match the meals

1 Breakfast Afternoon
2 Lunch Night
3 Dinner Morning
Q 5. Give two example of each

1. Vegetables ___________ ____________

2. Fruits ___________ ___________

3. Pulses ___________ _____________

4. Milk Products ____________ _____________

Q 6. Write any two Exercises Which Help us to keep healthy and

1. _______________ 2. __________________

3 _______________ 4. __________________

Q 7. Write True or False

Sleep gives rest to the body. _______________
We must exercise daily. _______________
Green vegetable, fruits & Pulses are not good for health. __________
Exercise make our body weak and lazy. ____________
Q1 Write the name of the clothes in
Summer Winter Rainy

Q 9. Name the picture:






Q 9. Write √ and X
1. Cotton Clothes keep us cool. _________
2. A House is on Wheels called Igloo. _________
3. We Wear Clothes to protect our body. ______
4. Tent Is made of Mud . _______
Q 10. Answer the following questions in short:
1. Why do we need house? ________________

2. Do you like your house? ________________

3. Do you keep your house clean? _____________

Q 11. Matching
1. Caravan Snow
2. Temt wheel
3. Igloo canavas
4. Hut Brick and Cement
5. Flat mud and Straw
Q 12. Write two lines

1. ______________________________________________
1. ______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________

Q 13. Draw Clothes and name them



Q 14. Fill ups
1. We wear _______ clothes in winter.
2. Cotton Clothes keep us __________.
3. Woollen clothes keep us ________.
4. Plastic clothes protect us in __________.
1 सससस सस सससस सससस

ससस - ________
सससस - _________
सससस - _________
ससससस - __________
सससस - _________
ससस - _________
ससस - _________
ससस - _________
ससससस - _________
सससस - _________
सससस - _________
ससससस - _________

ससससस - _________
ससससस - ________
सससस - ________
ससस - _______
सससस - _______
ससस - ________

.2. ववववव वववव

1. वववव -
2. ववववव -
3. वववव -
4. वववववव –
5. ववववव -
3 ववव ववववव वववव
वववव वव वववव वव I


वव वववववव वव वववव I


ववव ववव वव वव वववव

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd

Address: 3rd Floor, L-110 & L-111 Part, Block L, Lajpat Nagar II, Lajpat Nagar, New
Delhi, Delhi 110024


Give 2 Examples

1. Sources Of Water

A. ) _______________ B.) __________________

2. Birds.

A. ) ________________ B. ) __________________

3. Wild Animals

A. ) _________________ B. ) ___________________

4. Place Of Worship
A. ) ________________ B.) ___________________

5. Domestic Animals

A. ) __________________ B. ) ___________________

6. Tree Name

A . _______________________ B. __________________________

7. Cimber Tree

A.) _______________________ B.) ________________________

8. Milk Giving Animals

A .) ___________________ B. ) ______________________

9. Things Get From Trees .

A. ) ___________________ B.) _____________________

10. Creepers

A. ) ___________________ B.) ______________________

11. Use Of Water

A. ______________________ B. ) ___________________________

12. Fill UP
Weak , Big, Climbers , Trees, Beak , Peacock, Wings. Domestic ,

A.) Banana Tree has __________ Leaves.

B.) ___________ need support for stand .

C.) We get wood from __________.

D.) Birds have _________.

E.) Parrot have red ________.

F.) _____________ dance in rain.

G.) Cow is ______________ Animals.

H.) Climbers have _______ Storm .

Put x and

1. Clouds do not bring rain. ____

2. We buy things from market. ____
3. Teacher are teach in post office. ____
4. Doctors brings our Letters . _____
5. Banana tree has small leaves. ____
6. Tailors stiches our clothes. _____
7. Postman treats sick people ____

Match the following

Temple Treat the sick people

Doctor Big Leaves
Postman Place of worship
Banana tree Grape tree
Climbers Police Station
Policeman brings Letter
Creepers Source of water
Sea Water Melon
Animals have wings
Birds dance in rain
Peacock have red beak
Parrot Giving Milk
Goat And Goat have four legs

Circle The right Answers…

a. ( Cat / Crow ) Can fly in the air.
b. ( Dog / Sheep ) Guard Our house.
c. ( Duck / Hen ) Swim IN Water.
d. ( Mouse / lion ) is a big animal.
e. ( Parrot / Peacock ) has a red beak.

Fill up from Help Box

Doctor, Policman , Theif , Shopkeeper , Driver , Nurse , Conductor, Customer

Hospital ________________ __________________

Shop ________________ __________________

Bus stop ________________ _________________

Police Stations ________________ _________________

a. Teachers come here to teach.

SHLOCO ______________

b. Policemen are on Duty here.

PELOCI SAITNTO ______________________

c. Postman picks up letters from here.

PSTOOEFCFI ____________________________

d. We buy things from here.

ERAMKT ______________________

e. Doctor work here.

HSPOTILA ___________________________

ववव. 1 ववववववव वववव वव ववव वव?


ववव व. वववव वव वववव ववव वववव ववव?


ववव व ववव ववव ववववव ववववववववव वव?

ववव 4 वववव वववववव वव वववव वव वववव ववववव

ववव 5 . वववव वववव ववव ववव वव ?


ववव 6 वववव वववव वव वववववव ववव वववव वव

ववववव वव ?

ववव 7 वववव ववव ववव वव ववववव ववववव ववववव


ववव 8 वववव ववववव ववववव वव वववव ववव वव ?


ववव 9 ववववव वववव ववववव वव ववव वव ?


ववव 10. ववववव वव ववववव वववव वव ?


ववव 11 ववव वव वव ववव वववववव ववव वव ?


ववव 12 ववव वव वववव ववव वववव वव ?


1. ववव वव ववव
ग. ________________________________________________________

3 वववव वव वववव वववव

ववववव -
ववववव -
ववववव -
ववववव -
ववववव -

4 ववववव वववव
ववव -

वववव –

ववववव -

वववव –

ववव –

5 सससससस सससस
सससस -
सससस -
सससस -
ससससस -
सससस -
सससस -
सससस -
ससससस -
ससस -
ससस -
ससससस -
वव – वववव
वववव - ___________
ववववव - ___________
वववव - ___________
वववव - ___________
ववववव - ___________
वववव - ___________
वववव - ___________
ववववव - -------------------
ववव - ---------------------
ववव - --------------------
वववव - --------------------

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वववववव वववव


1 Money given to shopkeeper ₹ 10

- ₹ 7
Money Returing by shopkeeper

2. Money given to shopkeeper ₹ 70

- ₹ 50
Money Returing by shopkeeper


1. Clock tell us ________
2. Short hand is _______ hand.
3. 1 hour = ______ minutes
4. 1 minutes = ______ Second
5. Long hand is ______ hand
6. 1 day = _____ hours
7. 1 Week = ________ days

2 X 5 =
3 X 7 =
4 X 8 =
5 X 9 =
2 X 6 =
3 X 8 =
4 X 6 =
5 X 7 =

Add the Money

₹ 40 + ₹ 20 =
₹ 30 + ₹ 10 =
₹ 50 + ₹ 30 =
₹ 10 + ₹ 6 =

Use is / was / am
1 Fill up
a. Today ____ a cold day.
b. Yesterday, I ________ in Kanpur.
c. Today I _____ in Delhi.
d. Last week Neha _______ sick.
e. It ______ raining today.
f. Yesterday _______ my birthday
g. Meeta _______ absent yesterday.
h. My father _______ going to Delhi today.

Write the sentence

Wear – Hat .

Bird – Nest
Cut – Vagetable

Watch – TV

Dog – Table
Cat – chair

Ball – Box

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