Section16 - Questions and Answers

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Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following is not associated with esophageal webs?

A. Plummer-Vinson syndrome
B. Epidermolysis bullosa
C. Lupus
D. Psoriasis
E. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

2. An 11 year old boy complains that occasionally a bite of hotdog “gives mild pressing pain in his
chest” and that “it takes a while before he can take another bite.” If it happens again, he discards
the hotdog but sometimes he can finish it. The most helpful diagnostic information would come

A. Family history of Schatzki rings

B. Eosinophil counts
D. Time-phased MRI
E. Technetium 99 salivagram

3. 12 year old boy previously healthy with one-month history of difficulty swallowing both solid and
liquids. He sometimes complains food is getting stuck in his retrosternal area after swallowing. His
weight decreased approximately 5% from last year. He denies vomiting, choking, gagging, drooling,
pain during swallowing or retrosternal pain. His physical examination is normal.

What would be the appropriate next investigation to perform in this patient?

A. Upper Endoscopy
B. Upper GI contrast study
C. Esophageal manometry
D. Modified Barium Swallow (MBS)
E. Direct laryngoscopy

4. A 12 year old male presents to the ER after a recent episode of emesis. The parents are concerned
because undigested food 3 days old was in his vomit. He admits to a sensation of food and liquids
“sticking” in his chest for the past 4 months, as he points to the upper middle chest. Parents relate a
10 lb (4.5 Kg) weight loss over the past 3 months. Past medical history and family history are unre-
markable. Vital signs are stable, and physical exam is unremarkable. The ER physician obtains a chest
X-ray AP and lateral that shows dilatation of the esophagus with an air fluid level. What is the best
diagnostic test for this patient’s condition?

A. Endoscopy
B. 24 hour PH monitoring
C. Barium swallow
D. Esophageal manometry

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 625

5. A 26 month old female is referred to the GI clinic with a history of spitting up since 10 month of age.
Mom noticed that symptoms began after the introduction of table food. The pediatrician diagnosed
GERD and started the patient on an H2 blocker. Medication was changed to a proton pump inhibi-
tor without improvement and the patient continued to spit up and have difficulty swallowing with
solids but not with liquids. She was in the 50%ile for height and the 25%ile for weight. Her diet was
mainly liquid. The pediatrician was concerned because in the last month she did not gain weight. Af-
ter your history and physical exam you ordered a barium swallow which showed a posterior impres-
sion of the upper-middle esophagus. Which of the followings is the next step in management?

A. Esophagoscopy
B. 24 hours PH monitoring
C. Barium swallow
D. Esophageal manometry
D. Chest MRI

6. Eosinophilic Esophagitis is associated with the following diseases except:

Atopic Dermatitis
Helicobacter Pylori
Allergic Rhinitis

7. You are seeing an 8 year old male in clinic as a follow-up from a recent EGD you performed for the
sensation of “things getting stuck” while swallowing. A distal esophageal biopsy showed 10 eosino-
phils/HPF. The EGD was otherwise endoscopically and histologically normal, which included a total of
6 esophageal biopsies. What is the most appropriate next step:

A. Start oral fluticasone.

B. Start proton pump inhibitor therapy
C. Start elemental diet
D. Refer to an allergist

8. You have diagnosed a 1 year old child with eosinophilic esophagitis. All of the following are treat-
ment options except:

A. Oral fluticasone.
B. Directed food elimination diet based on food allergy testing (skin prick and patch testing)
C. 6-food elimination diet (eliminating milk, soy, egg, wheat, peanut, and fish/shellfish)
D. Elemental diet
E. Lactose-free diet

9. A 10 year old African-American female presents with complaints of several months of intermittent
symptoms including trouble keeping eyelids open, inability to brush her hair, and trouble getting out
of chairs at school. Her speech is sometimes slurred. She complains of double vision occasionally. Her
symptoms are usually worse in the evening after school. On exam, she has bilateral ptosis. When
asked to raise both extended arms over her head, she can raise them only 3-4 times before tiring. On
laboratory evaluation, she is acetylcholinesterase receptor antibody positive. Which of the following
structures is most likely to be affected?

A. Duodenal villi chloride channels

B. Colonic motility
C. Bile canaliculi
D. Upper esophageal sphincter
E. Pancreatic duct

626 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
10. The ER calls you at 7 PM to see a 2 year old who swallowed an unknown quantity of vanilla scented
hair relaxer. You ask about the presence of facial or oral lesions and you are told none are evident
but the patient is not fully cooperative for a complete exam. You know the endoscopy suite is only
on emergency status so you

A. Request the ER attending to call the ENT service.

B. Request the ER attending to notify the endoscopy suite for an emergent study.
C. Proceed to the ER for your own assessment and finding no lesions or respiratory distress,
you recommend sending the patient home on bismuth subsalicylate to return for F/U in one
D. Proceed to the ER for your own assessment and finding no lesions you or respiratory distress,
you recommend symptomatic treatment and endoscopy the following morning

11. The patient with achalasia may have:

A. Incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter

B. Ineffective peristalsis
C. Absent peristalsis
D. Dysphagic chest pain
E. A and C
F. All of the above

12. Bloody emesis in a 2 day old healthy full term neonate is likely to be secondary to:

Mallory-Weiss tear
Esophageal varices
Foreign body aspiration
Swallowed maternal blood

13. Which of the following statements is true regarding reflux:

A. Thickening formula reduces reflux episodes

B. Proton pump inhibitors have been found to improve infant irritability
C. Treatment with PPI’s for three months is indicated in patients with endoscopically proven
reflux esophagitis
D. Acute life threatening events have definitively been linked to gastroesophageal reflux disease
E. Erythromycin has been proven to be beneficial in patients with GERD

14. Nissen fundoplication is indicated for all except:

A. Institutionalization
B. Intractable pain
C. Recurrent bleeding
D. Recurrent aspirations
E. Neurological impairment

15. ENT complications of GERD may include all of the following except:

A. Sinusitis
B. Otalgia
C. Laryngitis hoarseness
D. Glue ear
E. Recurrent epistaxis

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 627

16. An older sibling finds his 18m/o brother has taken apart a small non-functioning LED flashlight and
the lithium battery is missing. He informs his parents who then bring the toddler to the ER. The ER
attending calls and informs you that by x-ray the battery in the stomach. You proceed to the ER,
review the history, examine the child and find he is in no distress. You then:

A. Call the endoscopy suite to set up for immediate removal

B. Tell the parents since the battery size is <10mm there is no need for concern or follow-up
C. Tell the parents a “dead” battery will not cause tissue damage
D. Arrange to follow the course of the battery with daily radiographs
E. Discharge the patient for F/U in one week but ask the parents to notify you if pain or vomit-
ing evolves and to examine diaper stools for the battery over the next 2-4 days

17. A one week old male infant has crying after feeds that last 2 hours. He spits up and often calms
down after passing gas. He stools after each feed. He takes a standard cows’ milk formula. Mother
recently noted small flecks of blood in the stools. The most likely etiology is

A. Malrotation
B. Pyloric stenosis
C. Hirschsprung’s Disease
D. Milk-protein intolerance
E. Mild ulcerative colitis

18. Which statement is false?

A. E. histolytica infections are asymptomatic in 90% of patients.

E. histolytica liver abscesses tend to occur only in those children
who develop severe dysentery
C. G. lamblia can be zoonotic.
D. B. hominis produces diarrhea, bloating and eosinophilia
E. G. lamblia is predominantly contracted through water.

19. Which statement is false?

A. Salmonella infections can result from contaminated eggs, chicken, salads and cheese.
B. Campylobacter and Shigella sp infection can be very similar in presentation.
C. Yersinia infection of the terminal ileum can mimic appendicitis
D. Bacillus cereus constitutes a major component of probiotic therapy
Bacillus bifidum and Streptococcus thermophilus constitutes major components of probiotic

20. Which is a common association found amongst gastric polyps?

A. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome and juvenile polyps

B. H. pylori infection and hyperplastic polyps
C. Juvenile polyposis syndrome and fundic gland polyps
D. Familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome and hamartomas.

21. With respect to gastric tumors in childhood, which statement is false?

A. Fundic gland polyps associated with familial adenomatous polyposis may undergo
malignant transformation
B. Fundic gland polyps associated with long-term PPI use rarely appear before six years
C. Fundic gland polyps associated with long-term PPI require surveillance for
malignant transformation
D. Nearly all patients with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome require surveillance for gastric hamartomas
E. Gastric teratomas with fetal elements occur exclusively in females

628 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
22. During a fraternity initiation, a 18y/o is forced to swallowed two live minnows. Three days later he
presents to the ER with severe abdominal cramps, nausea and blood tinged vomitus. Physical exami-
nation reveals diffuse abdominal tenderness. You decide to consult a surgeon because you suspect

A. A perforated duodenal ulcer

B. Outlet obstruction by a minnow
C. Gastritis from schistosomiasis
D. Gastritis and perforation by Eustrongylides

23. Regarding H pylori which statement is true?

A. The natural reservoir for H pylori is zoonotic

B. Once gastritis becomes chronic it is usually irreversible
C. 90% of children with duodenal ulcer have antral H pylori infection
D. Approximately 15-20% of children with GERD response to H pylori eradication
C. H Pylori

24. Regarding H pylori infection which statement is false?

A. Patients with MALT lymphoma experience regression of the tumor with

eradication of H pylori
B. H pylori gastric “cobblestoning” is more common in children
C. Biopsy for H pylori is best obtained from the antrum
D. H pylori grows best on chocolate agar medium

25. The metabolic disturbance most typical of pyloric stenosis is:

Hypochloremic acidosis
Hyperchloremic acidosis
Hypochloremic alkalosis
Hyperchloremic alkalosis

26. Which object(s) is LEAST likely to require endoscopic removal from the stomach?

A. 8 cm metal rod
B. A toy with known lead paint
C. 4 magnet balls
D. A nickel from a 9 year old boy

27. Which items is MOST likely to need endoscopic removal from the stomach?

A. A 3 cm-long pen cap in a 14 year old boy

B. A closed safety pin
C. A quarter ingested 4 weeks ago.
D. A 1 cm long toy piece

28. Which of the following is matched with its major site of injury?

Acid ingestion → stomach
Alkali ingestion → stomach
Doxycycline → duodenal bulb
Ibuprofen → colon

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 629

29. An 8 year old female comes to the ER with 12 hours of abdominal pain, vomiting, and low grade
temperature of 100.2. On exam, she has diffuse tenderness with guarding in the right lower quad-
rant and rebound tenderness. The next best step in management is:

A. Oder a CBC, blood culture, and urine culture

B. Order an abdominal CT without contrast
C. Order a surgical consult
D. Order a pelvic ultrasound

30. A 14 year old male has had diarrhea and vomiting for 3 days with fevers up to 102. Today he has
right-sided lower abdominal pain with rebound tenderness. Laparoscopy only shows mild periappen-
diceal involvement. Which of the following is most likely to yield the correct etiology:

A. Blood culture for gram negative sepsis

B. Stool culture for yersinia
C. WBC to look for immunosuppression
D. Colonoscopy for inflammatory bowel disease

31. 3 month old male infant is referred to you because of secretory diarrhea and hypoglycemia. His work
up included normal CBC, and normal Immunoglobulin levels except for elevated IgE. You are sus-
pecting autoimmune enteritis (AIE) as a diagnosis. Which one of the following is true about AIE?

A. IPEX usually presents later in childhood.

B. It only affects boys.
C. Histology is significant for intraepithelial T cell infiltration.
D. Patients usually have normal lymphocyte count.
E. Only the IPEX form has extra-intestinal manifestations.

32. In you discussion with the parents of the above patient, which of which statement is correct?

A. Most of these cases will resolve by adolescence.

B. Diarrhea will decrease with bowel rest.
C. Immune suppression with monotherapy is effective.
D. BMT helps control diabetes and eczema in patients with AIE.

33. Appendicitis is usually characterized by periumbilical pain which moves to the RLQ within the first
12-24 hours. In what situation may a patient not experience the “classic” RLQ pain associated with

A. A long appendix
B. A fecalith impacted appendix
C. A perforated appendix
D. A retrocecal appendix.

34. Which of these would be most likely to cause pain in the LLQ?
A. Sigmoid volvulus
B. Pancreatitis
C. Acute Cholecystitis
D. Peptic ulcer

35. A full-term neonate has nonbilious emesis after each feed since birth. An abdominal radiograph
shows a dilated stomach and you suspect possible gastric outlet obstruction. The next diagnostic test
performed should be:

A. Nuclear medicine gastric emptying study

B. Barium contrast upper gastrointestinal series
C. Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdomen
D. Nuclear medicine biliary scan
E. Left lateral decubitus radiograph

630 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
36. A 2 year old male undergoes an abdominal ultrasound to evaluate the kidneys after an abnormal
urinalysis is discovered. A gastric duplication cyst is an incidental finding on the ultrasound. The cyst
is not large enough to cause compression and the child has no vomiting. The recommended timing
of treatment is:

A. Emergent surgery the same day

B. Surgical excision soon after the lesion is discovered
C. Surgical excision after 5 years of age
D. Surgical excision during adolescence
E. No surgical excision because the child is asymptomatic

37. A 14 m/o male presents with a three month history of chronic diarrhea, anorexia and a fall from the
75th to the 25th percentile in weight. His height however remains on track. There is no vomiting,
but he does have increased foul and rancid flatulence and hydrogen sulfide eructations. This patient

A. Serum tTG antibodies screening

B. IgA/IgG antigliadin antibodies screening
C. Stool analysis for giardiasis
D. DQ2-DQ8 screening
E. A trial of a milk-free diet

38. With respect to celiac disease which statement is false?

A. It is the most common non-surgical cause of asplenia

B. It can be associated with Down syndrome and idiopathic pericarditis
C. The biopsy reveals intraepithelial lymphocytosis
D. African-Americans are at increased risk if they are lactose intolerant
E. Up to 6% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome turn out to have celiac disease.

39. Most duplication cysts arise in:

Ileocecal region

40. Most duplication cysts present in:

Early adulthood
Neonatal period
Before age 2

41. The best treatment option for enteric duplication cysts is:

A. Percutaneous drainage
B. Medical management
C. Surgical excision
D. Establish communication with main intestinal lumen

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 631

42. Which of the following neonates has the greatest risk potential of developing
necrotizing Enterocolitis?

A. Stable 1 day old, full term, female infant with no significant medical findings consuming
breast milk enterally.
B. 2 week old, 32 week gestation, male infant with a birth weight of 1200 grams on hyperos-
molar formula.
C. 3 week old, large for gestational age full term male infant of a diabetic mother.
D. 3 week old, 36 week gestation, male infant with birth weight of 2000 grams and a menin-

43. A 10 day old, ex- 28 week premature female is confirmed to have Stage IIB NEC. You would expect
this infant to display all of the following signs and symptoms except:

A. Temperature instability, lethargy and abdominal distension

B. Pneumatosis intestinalis on abdominal radiograph
C. Severely perforated bowel
D. Thrombocytopenia, diminished bowel sounds and grossly bloody stool

44. Most patients with malrotation present:

A. After one year of age

B. In the first month of life
C. In adolescence
D. Immediately after birth

45. The best modality for diagnosis of malrotation in a child is:

Barium enema
Upper GI series
Abdominal Ultrasoound
Upper endoscopy

46. On an UGI series the location of the duodenal-jejunal flexure ( Ligament of Treitz) is found:

A. Upper right of the spine

B. Upper left of the spine
C. Midline
D. Lower left of the spine

47. You will be following a patient who is s/p successful surgical repair of a gastroschisis.
Your long term concerns will be for:

A. Evolving intestinal dysmotility

B. Cantrell pentalogy defects
C) Development of GERD
D) All of the above
E) A and C

48. Newborns with surgically corrected omphalocele or gastroschisis are both at risk for:

A. Adhesions
B. GER and dysmotility
C. Atresias
D. Bowel ischemia
E. All of the above

632 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
49. Which of the following laboratory findings is NOT likely to be found in a patient presenting with
Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth?

A. Elevated D-lactate
B. Macrocytic Anemia
C. Microcytic Anemia
D. Elevated Stool pH
E. Hypocalcemia

50. Which of the following pairings of anatomic location and bacterial concentration is INCORRECT?

A. Colon: <1011 – 1012 CFU/mL

B. Ileum: <108-1010 CFU/mL
C. Duodenum and Proximal Small Bowel: <106-108 CFU/mL
D. Stomach: <103 CFU/mL

51. A 4 year old male presented to the ED with a 5d h/o diarrhea, which became bloody for the past 2
days. He was admitted overnight. Labs on admission include WBC 17,000 Hgb 12.5, Plts 195; Na
142, K 4, Creat 1.5 BUN 30. Which of the following organisms is most likely?

A. Yersinia
B. Toxigenic E. Coli
C. Norwalk-like virus
D. C. difficile
E. E. Coli O157:H7

52. A 2yo girl, who attends daycare, is brought to your outpatient clinic with a 3 day history of watery,
nonbloody diarrhea. Mom reports that she had low-grade fever, not checked; since yesterday the
stools have become bloody. She has not received any recent antibiotic therapy. On exam the pa-
tient’s vital signs reveal temperature 40 deg C, blood pressure 85/63, pulse 110, respiratory rate 20,
oxygen saturations 100% room air; she has dry mucous membranes; stool testing reveals multiple
leukocytes. The most likely cause of this girl’s illness is:

A. Salmonella typhi
B. C difficile
C. Enteroinvasive E coli
D. Shigella
E. Giardia

53. What is the most common cause of diarrhea in children worldwide?

A. Rotavirus
B. Norwalk virus
C. Enterotoxigenic E. Coli
D. Salmonella
E. Shigella

54. You were called to evaluate a 48-hr-old male in the newborn nursery for a 12 hr history of bilious
emesis. The patient was born full-term vaginally without complication. A prenatal ultrasound exami-
nation revealed polyhydramnios during the third trimester. On physical exam, the patient is mildly
jaundiced, with a slight abdominal distension and hypoactive bowel sounds. There is no abdominal
tenderness, respiratory distress, or signs of dehydration. He passed meconium 24 hrs after delivery.
You order an abdominal radiograph that shows dilation of the stomach and proximal duodenum and
absence of distal gas. The most appropriate next study for this newborn is:

A. Fetal Karyotyping
B. Upper gastrointestinal radiograph
C. Echocardiography
D. Renal Ultrasound
E. Abdominal CT scan

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 633

55. Which of the following statements about tropical sprue (TS) are true?

A. Tropical sprue (TS) is seen only in visitors to the tropics

B. TS does not occur in epidemic form
C. TS has a uniform geographical distribution in all tropical regions
D. Patients can present with nutritional deficiencies in the absence of diarrhea.

56. Which of the following statements about TS are true?

A. Bacterial colonization of the small intestine is rare in patients with TS

B. Colonic absorption of water remains unaffected in TS
C. Morphological changes in the mucosa in patients with TS resemble those of celiac disease
D. Small bowel transit is reduced in TS.

57. Which of the following is true regarding Clostridium difficile?

A. It’s presence always indicates active infection

B. Primarily causes watery diarrhea
C. Prevalence increases with age
D. Retesting should be done after 2 weeks of treatment

58. Which of the following causes of colitis presents as focal lesions without surrounding inflammation

Crohn’s colitis
Microscopic colitis
Eosinophilic colitis
Behçet ‘s disease

59. Of the following, which best describes graft vs. host disease of the gut?

A. Exclusively involved the upper gastrointestinal tract

B. Significant involvement of the lamina propria
C. Apoptosis is commonly seen
D. Precipitated by food or drug allergies

60. A 14 year old female presents with lower abdominal pain for the past 4 months, diarrhea, weight
loss and intermittent fevers. Blood work shows a hematocrit of 10.2, mean cell volume of 65%,
platelet count of 525, and sedimentation rate of 45. Colonoscopy reveals moderate chronic, active
colitis and ileitis with granuloma. You decide to begin medical therapy for Crohn’s disease. A week
later, her mother calls and informs you she has developed pain in her legs. Which of the following
medications is most likely the cause of her new symptom?

A. Prednisone
B. Mesalamine
C. Metronidazole
D. Infliximab
E. Lactobacillus

61. An 8 year old male presents with chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain waking him from sleep at
night. His school performance has been declining due to frequent absences and inability to concen-
trate. Upper intestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy reveal active esophagitis and linear ulcerations in
the colon. The most common extraintestinal manifestation of this disorder is which of the following:

A. Iritis
B. Erythema nodosum
C. Arthritis
D. Arthralgia
E. Aphthous stomatitis

634 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
62. Which of the following medications for ulcerative colitis works by inhibition of prostaglandin and
leukotriene synthesis?

A. Azathioprine
B. Mesalamine
C. Tacrolimus
D. Infliximab
E. Cyclosporin

63. A 14 year old male comes to your office with 6 weeks of persistent diarrhea containing streaks of
blood and crampy lower abdominal pain. Perianal inspection reveals no lesions, and occult blood
testing confirms the presence of blood. His height is at the 45 percentile for his age. You suspect
ulcerative colitis. Which of the following findings on colonoscopy would most strongly support this

A. Inflammatory pseudopolyps
B. Areas of normal colon mucosa between inflamed regions
C. Inflammation of the terminal ileum
D. Nodularity of the colon mucosa.
E. Linear ulcerations

64. A child with Hirschsprung’s disease would have the following finding on anorectal manometry after
rectal dilation with the balloon:

A. Increased internal sphincter tone and decreased external sphincter tone.

B. Increased internal sphincter tone and increased external sphincter tone.
C. Decreased internal sphincter tone and decreased external sphincter tone.
D. Decreased internal sphincter tone and increased external sphincter tone.

65. The most common cause of constipation in childhood is:

A. Celiac disease
B. Inflammatory bowel disease
C. Hirschsprung disease
D. Functional constipation
E. Cystic fibrosis

66. A 4 year old otherwise healthy male has large-caliber, painful bowel movements, which occur every
5-7 days. On physical exam, there is a hard palpable mass in the left lower quadrant of his abdo-
men. His exam is otherwise normal. He is taking no medications. Which of the following is the
most appropriate next step?

A. Obtain an abdominal x-ray to confirm presence of fecal impaction

B. Start this patient on daily maintenance oral laxative
C. Treat fecal impaction with oral and/or rectal therapies, followed by a maintenance regimen
and close followup.
D. Encourage increased fiber in his diet and close followup.
E. Order a barium enema.

67. Encopresis typically occurs when:

A. The external anal sphincter is no longer able to function to prevent defecation

B. The internal anal sphincter is no longer able to function to prevent defecation
C. The puborectalis is no longer able to function to prevent defecation
D. The external anal sphincter is contracted.
E. The anal canal is lengthened.

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 635

68. Which of the following is the correct statement about hemorrhoids?

A. Internal hemorrhoids cause painful bleeding.

B. Hemorrhoids develop later in life due to chronic straining.
C. Bleeding from hemorrhoids can cause anemia.
D. Patients with portal hypertension have higher risk of developing hemorrhoids.

69. Which statement is incorrect about the management of Hemorrhoids?

A. Acute thrombosed external hemorrhoids can be excised within 24-48 hr.

B. High fiber diet helps shrink hemorrhoids and decrease bleeding.
C. Sclerotherapy is more effective than rubber banding.
D. 5-10 % of patients with hemorrhoids will need surgical treatment.

70. Which of the following statements regarding Hirschsprung disease is TRUE?

A. HD is commonly associated with other congenital malformations.

B. Presence of recto-anal inhibitory reflex is characteristic.
C. Early diagnosis is important to avoid development of enterocolitis and subsequent toxic
D. Surgery for HD is usually performed between 2 and 3 years of age.

71. Which of the following is a common manifestation of HSP?

A. Painful palpable purpura

B. Colicky abdominal pain and occult GI bleed
C. Arthritis of large joints in the arms
D. Proteinuria

72. What of the following is part of the pathophysiology of E coli in HUS?

A. It produces Shiga toxin

B. It produces cholera toxin
C. It produces C diff toxin
D. It is enteroinvasive and ulcerogenic

73. Which of the following is the appropriate diet for an infant with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia?

A. Low protein and low fat diet

B. Low protein and high fat diet
C. High protein and low fat diet
D. High protein and high fat diet

74. You follow a 6 y/o boy with juvenile polyposis coli. Part of your care involves

A. Screening all at risk family members

B. Colonoscopy performed annually with polypectomies PRN
C. Gastroscopy of the index patient beginning at adolescence
D. Only B and C
E. A, B and C

75. A 9 year old girl with presumed Peutz Jeghers syndrome lacks the STK11 mutation on chromosome
number 11. In this patient:

A. The risk of malignancy is greatest in the small bowel over the colorectal area
B. There is no risk for precocity
C. Her risk for breast tumor is under 25%
D. All statements are true
E. All statements are false

636 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
76. 12 month old girl present with her third episode of rectal prolapse during the last 2 months. No
constipation reported by the parents but was prescribed lactulose in the last month with a good
response. Physical examination normal.

Which investigation should be the next step?

barium enema
sweat test
abdominal series

77. An 8 month-old male infant presents to your clinic with 6 weeks of crying with stooling. The parents
have noted small steaks of blood in the diaper after he stools. His nutrition consists of breast milk
and a variety of fruits, vegetables and cereal. He has had no vomiting, signs of abdominal pain, fe-
vers or diarrhea. He was passing hard-consistency stools at the beginning of this course, but this has
improved with daily MiraLax prescribed by his primary physician. Currently, he is passing three softly
formed stools daily. On your physical exam, you note a fissure in the posterior midline, an associated
small non-inflamed skin tag and hypertonicity of the anal sphincter. In addition to careful hygiene,
what is the best management approach?

A. As 0.2% nitric oxide preparation topically three times daily

B. Daily anal dilatation at home
C. Cow’s milk restriction
D. Increased dietary fiber
E. Lateral internal sphincterotomy

78. A 2-year old female has had a three week history of decreased stooling frequency. Her stools have
become hard in consistency and require straining. Her parents have not noted blood in her stools,
but are concerned with the amount of discomfort she has with defecation. She has become ex-
tremely apprehensive with diaper changes and is exquisitely tender to the touch in the diaper area.
On your physical exam, you note a well-demarcated and moist area of erythema in her perineum,
radiating from the anus without induration. She has not had a similar perineal rash in the past. What
is the most appropriate diagnostic test?

A. Direct GABHS antigen

B. ASLO or anti-DNase B
C. Perianal swab culture
D. Sigmoidoscopy with biopsies
E. Stool ova & parasites

79. A previously healthy 7-year-old male was diagnosed with a perirectal abscess by his primary physi-
cian. Initial management of oral antibiotics and sitz baths has been initiated. Which of the following
is considered an indication for surgical management?

A. Persistent perineal pain despite antibiotics

B. Persistent drainage despite 3 months of medical management
C. Underlying inflammatory bowel disease
D. The presence of fistula in ano at initial presentation
E. Current immunosuppressive medications for JIA

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 637

80. A 2-year-old female presents with distended abdomen, feeding intolerance, vomiting, and chronic
severe constipation since infancy. One year ago she had been at the 40% weight for age on the
CDC growth curves and she is now on the 10% weight for age. Past medical history is significant
for multiple urinary tract infections which have required antibiotic prophylaxis. Previous abdominal
ultrasound showed megaureters and hydronephrosis. An abdominal radiograph is notable for a
distended small bowel with multiple air fluid levels and stool-filled colon. Previous home clean-outs
prescribed with osmotic and stimulant laxatives have not helped to resolve her symptoms. She has no
abnormalities in thyroid studies, metabolic problems, celiac testing, or hematocrit. She had a previ-
ous normal anorectal manometry. Exam in your office was notable for distended abdomen which is
tympanic to percussion with mild abdominal pain on palpation throughout. Rectal exam was normal
without stool mass noted.

What next study would give the most diagnostic yield?

A. Upper gastrointestinal contrast study with small bowel follow through

B. Radio-opaque marker study
C. Colonoscopy with biopsies for histopathology
D. Antroduodenal and colonic manometry

81. The hepatic lobule is centered on

Bile duct
Central vein
Portal vein
Hepatic artery

82. You follow an eleven year old boy with ulcerative colitis and he comes in for a routine evaluation. He
claims his symptoms have been well controlled with mesalamine and at this visit he says his stools
are formed with no blood, but he has had new tenderness in his abdomen, occasional nausea, new
fatigue and itching. He denies recent trauma, fever or new medications. On physical examination you
note mild hepatomegaly and tenderness, and subtle conjunctival icterus. You are concerned he may
have acquired hepatitis or is evolving primary sclerosis cholangitis. You order all the following studies
except one.

A. Hepatitis serologies
B. JAG-1 and NOTCH-2 mutational studies
C. Fresh liver function studies
D. Blood cultures

83. Findings in a patient with Alagille syndrome may include all of the following findings except which?

A. Posterior embryotoxon
B. Hemivertebra
C. Periductal hyperplasia
D. Peripheral pulmonary stenosis
E. Portal tracts with bile duct ratio of less than 0.5

638 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
84. During his routine one month check-up a four week old African American male is found to have
woody hepatomegaly and a conjunctiva suggestive of icterus. His mother is concerned he is not gain-
ing weight and that his suck is poor. Your initial studies reveal conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, moder-
ate increase of transaminases but a 4-fold increase of GGT. You order an ultrasound which reveals a
small gallbladder but the sonographer is unable to measure the hepatic ducts. Hepatic scintography
shows normal uptake but delayed and diminished excretion at 24 hours. Your next step is to order

A. A repeat ultrasound to locate the “triangular cord sign.”

B. Schedule a liver biopsy
C. Repeat scintography with a double dose of Phenobarbital
D. Order serologies for CMV, HBV, HCV and Cocksackie B
E. Order a bone marrow for hemophagocytosis

85. You are following a five month old male who is status post Kasai. His liver is firm but not hard and
he has no splenomegaly. He is slowly gaining weight and his nutrition appears adequate. There is no
diarrhea but both his stools and urine are dark. He is on ADEK supplementation and ursodeoxycholic
acid. At this visit, his total bilirubin is 6.4 mg/dL and his stools are guaiac positive. You should at this

A. Schedule endoscopy for possible varices

B. Increase his dose of ADEK and ursodeoxycholic acid
C. Change his antibiotics for possible ascending cholangitis
D. Request a HIDA scan to assess Kasai function
E. Refer the child to the transplant team for preliminary assessment and registration.

86. A 16-year-old female has a 6-month history of intermittent epigastric and right upper quadrant ab-
dominal pain. Her BMI is 35. The pain is often worse after fatty meals and it has not improved with
8 weeks of appropriate proton pump inhibitor therapy. Laboratory testing for pancreatitis, hepatitis,
liver function and celiac disease have been unrevealing. Her WBC is normal. An abdominal ultra-
sound with focus in the right upper quadrant showed a normal appearing gallbladder without any
evidence of gallstones or sludge. The liver parenchyma and pancreas appeared normal. The com-
mon bile duct diameter was 3mm. You suspect that she may suffer from chronic acalculous chole-
cystitis/biliary dyskinesia. Which of the following is the best next step in establishing that diagnosis?

A. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)

B. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with sphincter of Oddi manometry
C. Abdominal CT scan
D. Upper endoscopy with bile sampling for analysis
E. HIDA scan with fatty meal stimulation

87. The risk of childhood cholelithiasis is increased in all these circumstances except:

A. Cystic fibrosis with the mutation of ΔF508 or ΔI507

B. Crohn’s disease limited to the terminal ileum
C. Total abdominal situs inversus
D. Thalassemia and hereditary spherocytosis
E. A pregnant Pima Indian adolescent

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 639

88. A 2-day-old otherwise healthy full-term male infant undergoes an abdominal ultrasound for surveil-
lance of pelviectasis initially diagnosed on a prenatal ultrasound. The kidneys appear normal but the
ultrasound reveals a 3mm, mobile echogenic mass in the gallbladder consistent with a gallstone. No
other gallbladder or liver abnormalities are seen and there is no pericholecystic fluid noted. The child
has a transcutaneous bilirubin consistent with a value of 4.3 mg/dl and is feeding well. What is the
most appropriate next step in the management/evaluation of the gallstone?

A. Start Ursodeoxycholic Acid therapy

B. Consult pediatric surgery for cholecystectomy
C. Order a magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) to assess for
bile duct anatomy
D. No further evaluation if the gallstone does not cause symptoms
E. Technetium 99m–hepatic iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan

89. A 7-year-old boy with nephrotic syndrome who has been hospitalized for 3 weeks for the manage-
ment of edema develops intermittent right upper quadrant abdominal pain. An abdominal ultra-
sound shows the presence of a mobile, 6mm stone in the gallbladder. Which of his medications is
most likely to have played a role in the development of the gallstone.

A. Hydralazine
B. Omeprazole
C. Furosemide
D. Lisinopril
E. Dalteparin

90. Which of the following is a risk factor for the development of black pigment gallstones?

A. Hereditary Spherocytosis
B. Obesity
C. Pregnancy
D. Bile infection
E. Hyperlipidemia

91. 17 year old male has ALF. He was well until 2 wks before admission, when jaundice developed. One
week later he was hospitalized because of progressive confusion. He has slight asterixis. Labs: Hemo-
globin 9.8, ALK PHOS 60, T bilirubin 40, D bilirubin 12, UA 1.1, AST 300, ALT 170, INR 2.5. SMA and
ANA neg. Ceruloplasmin 24 (22-43). Which of the following is true?

A. Normal value for ceruloplasmin excludes Wilson

B. Slit-lamp examination should be done to look for KF rings
C. He is too ill to be considered for OLT
D. Liver Bx should be the next study

92. 20 year old female was admitted for “Liver Transplant”. Three months ago she began gaining wt
(16 lbs). Two mo ago she had dark urine and yellow skin. Tests for HBsAg, HB core AB, HAV IgM,
HCV AB, CMV IgM and IgM to VCA for EBV were all negative. PE showed jaundice, shifting dullness,
hepatomegaly. LABS: AST 624, T Bilirubin 12, TP 8.5, Alb 2, INR 2, ANA 1:40. Tests for SMA and LKM
were neg. What is the next step in her treatment?

B. Observation for 3 mo
C. IFN and Ribavirin
D. Prednisone 60 mg daily

640 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
93. A 15 year old female is admitted to the ICU following intentional acetaminophen overdose. She is
unresponsive, mildly hypotensive and has no stigmata of chronic liver disease. She is most likely to
die of:

Cerebral herniation
Coagulopathy with bleeding
Liver synthetic failure
Renal failure

94. A 12 year old boy is seen for FTT, episodic irritability, lethargy, and refusal to eat animal protein (milk,
eggs, and meat). Which of the following abnormalities is most characteristic of OTC deficiency?

A. Elevated ammonia
B. Elevated plasma citrulline
C. Metabolic acidosis
D. Aminotransaminase levels more than 1000

95. A 5 day old breastfed infant is admitted to the hospital because of lethargy and a poor suck. The
infant appears jaundiced. The total bilirubin is 12 with 25% conjugated. The metabolic disease most
likely to cause jaundice in this infant is:

B Galactosemia
C Hypothyroidism

96. A 2 month old infant who presents with a 1 wk h/o intermittent vomiting appears jaundiced on
PE. At 4 weeks of age the exclusively breastfed baby was gaining wt well and was not icteric. The
mother subsequently returned to work and the infant has been receiving supplements of formula
and apple juice. A urine test for reducing substance is positive.

A. alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
B. Biliary atresia
C. hereditary Fructose Intolerance
D. Cystic Fibrosis

97. Which of the following statements about pyogenic abscess of the liver is true?

A. The right lobe is more commonly involved than the left lobe.
B. Appendicitis with perforation and abscess is the most common underlying cause
of hepatic abscess.
C. Mortality is not determined by the underlying disease.
D. Mortality from hepatic abscess is currently greater than 80%.

98. You follow a 7 m/o cholestatic male with biopsy proven non-syndromic paucity of bile ducts. At this
visit the mother is pleased to report he is no longer scratching himself and is gaining weight. Surveil-
lance LFT reveal persistent cholestasis, elevated AlkP, progressive increase in ALT/AST, but a progres-
sive drop in GGT. You next order

A. Urinary bile acid profile

B. Repeat liver sonography
C. Repeat liver biopsy
D. A followed by B if the profile is abnormal
E. A followed by C if the profile is abnormal

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 641

99.  ou receive a request for a second opinion on a 4 wk/o male with hepatomegaly, increased LFTs with
low GGT, evidence of steatorrhea, and a liver biopsy revealing giant cell transformation, fibrosis and
bile lakes. You suggest as a primary next step to:

A. Seek a hematology consult to r/o a hemophagocytosis syndrome

B. Obtain a urinary bile acid profile
C. Begin an empiric trial of Phenobarbital at 3 mg/kg/day
D. Begin an empiric trial of ursodeoxycholic acid at 15 mg/kg/day
E. Seek a infectious disease consult to r/o enterovirus infection

100. A 5- month old baby presents to the ER with vomiting, diarrhea and poor weight gain for the past
month. He is a full term baby born to a healthy mother with no prenatal or perinatal complications.
There have been no sick contacts. No fevers, rashes, or recent antibiotic use. He has been solely
breastfed, and one month ago he started eating jarred baby foods, but has not been taking them
well. A deficiency in which enzyme should be considered in this case?

Aldolase B
Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase

101. A 3-day old female develops a fever prior to discharge home. She undergoes a complete sepsis
evaluation including blood, urine, and CSF cultures. Urine and blood cultures are both positive for
E Coli. Which of the following should be the initial next step for this patient?

A. Check thyroid studies

B. Obtain an abdominal ultrasound
C. Switch to a soy-based formula
D. Check PT, PTT, INR
E. Obtain chest x-ray

102. Which of the following chemotherapy medications is NOT associated with veno-occlusive disease?

A. 6-thioguanine
B. Busulfan
C. Cytosine arabinoside
D. Dactinomycin
E. L-asparaginase

103. Ground glass cytoplasmic inclusions are typically seen in which types of drug-induced liver injury?

A. Amiodarone
B. Isoniazid
C. Isotretinoin
D. Mycophenolate mofetil
E. Oral Contraceptives

642 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
104. A
 two-year old boy develops URI symptoms 2 days prior to admission. His pediatrician diagnoses
him with a viral pharyngitis. The boy drinks minimal fluids over the next two days. On the day of
admission, parents note that he is pale and extremely sleepy. They drive him to the ER, and the boy
has a seizure in the car on the way there. In the ER, his serum glucose is 25 mg/dL. Blood gas re-
veals pH 7.29, pCO2 31, and HCO3 of 15. Electrolytes reveal Na 131, K 4.4, and Cl 99. Ammonia
is elevated at 95. Urinalysis demonstrates no glucose, no protein, and 1+ ketones. The most likely
diagnosis is:

A. Sepsis
B. Urea cycle defect
C. Congenital heart defect
D. Organic acidemia
E. Fatty acid oxidation disorder

105. A 27-year old woman at 33 weeks gestation presents to the emergency room with nausea, vomiting,
and abdominal pain. She is found to have a mild elevation in her transaminases, and is subsequently
admitted for IV fluid hydration and observation. Over the next 3 days, she develops worsening
elevation in her transaminases and a coagulopathy, and progresses to fulminant liver failure. An
emergency cesarean section is scheduled and the baby is delivered. Both mom and baby go on to do
well. Screening for which of the following mutations should be considered for the baby?

MCAD mutation
G1528C mutation
Trifunctional protein deficiency
SCAD mutation

106. A 16-year-old white female presented with a few weeks history of low-grade-fever and arthritis. On
physical exam, she was noted to have erythema nodosum on both her shins, arthritis of her ankles,
and hepatomegaly. Chest radiograph showed bilateral hilar adenopathy. Liver biopsy revealed non-
caseating granulomas mainly in the portal tract. Skin tuberculin test was negative. What is the most
likely diagnosis:


107. The oncology service consults you for a febrile 12 y/o with hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, hyperbili-
rubinemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase and leucocytosis Ultrasound reveals “bull’s eye” lesions in
the hepatic parenchyma most likely caused by

Systemic candidiasis
Coxiella infection

108. With regards to hepatic granuloma, which statement is false?

A. Up to 10% of all liver biopsies reveal granulomas

B. Brucellosis, Q-fever and Hansen’s disease may cause hepatic granulomas
C. Granulomas occur in about 10% of patients with miliary tuberculosis
D. Acid-fast bacilli can actually be seen in TB granulomas

109. All of the following are associated with NAFLD EXCEPT:

A. Increased TGF-beta
B. Increased adiponectin levels
C. Increased hepatic Fe stores
D. Increased reactive oxygen species
E. Increased free fatty acids

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 643

110. The most common area of presentation of PTLD in pediatric liver transplant recipients include;

A. The kidneys
B. The pancreas
C. The liver
D. The pharyngeal and cervical lymphatic chain

111. Which of the following statements are true regarding the outcome of liver transplantation in children

A. Expected one year patient survival is approximately 99%

B. Chronic rejection results in graft loss in approximately 5% of children
C. Primary non-function has been virtually eliminated as a clinical problem
D. All of the above

112. Nephrotoxicity secondary to calcineurin inhibitors causes the following

A. Afferent arteriole vasoconstriction

B. Endothelial cell damage
C. Interstitial fibrosis
D. Tubular atrophy
E. All of the above

113. In the setting of acute liver failure it is appropriate to proceed with transplantation:

A. Before establishing the etiology of the liver injury

B. When patients exhibit clinical signs of stage II encephalopathy
C. When patients have clinical signs of irreversible neurologic injury
D. Only if some form of bridge therapy is not available
E. None of the above

114. Accepted contraindications to liver transplantation in children include all except the following:

A. Alpers syndrome
B. Cystic fibrosis
C. Advanced pulmonary hypertension
D. Uncontrolled systemic infection
E. The above are all accepted contraindications

115. As compared to patients receiving tacrolimus, patients receiving cyclosporine are less likely to:

Develop DM
Develop hypertension

116. Primary bile acid therapy with cholic acid is effective in which of these peroxisomal disorders?

A. Zellweger syndrome
B. Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD)
C. Refsum disease
D. Methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency
E. Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata

644 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
117. An eight month old infant presents with cholestasis, poor growth and chronic diarrhea. He had
negative TORCH serologies, normal alpha 1 antitrypsin, and normal metabolic screening. His labora-
tory tests revealed GGT 23, Bilirubin 6.0/4.0 and ALT 350. His most likely diagnosis is:

PFIC-1, FIC-1 disease
PFIC-2, BSEP disease
PFIC-3, MDR3 disease

118. Match the finding or symptoms to the gene defect:

A. MDR3 disease 1. Bile duct proliferation

B. BSEP disease 2. Episodes of severe pruritus which resolve
C. FIC-1 disease 3. Associated with liver tumors
D. BRIC 4. Recurrent pancreatitis

119. The family of a child newly diagnosed with AGS asks you what is the risk of their older child or future
children also being affected with AGS. You advise them that:

A. The majority of mutations in AGS occur for the first time in the identified individual
B. If there is a family history then the chance is 50% of a sibling being affected
C. The sibling could carry the same gene mutation as the newly diagnosed child and yet have a
very different range and severity of clinical symptoms
D. All of the above

120. A child with AGS is likely to have:

A. A lifetime risk of needing a Liver transplant of 90%

B. Poor growth
C. Severe itching
D. All of the above
E. B and C only

121. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is caused when:

A. Host lymphocytes are depleted

B. Immunosuppressive therapy is increased
C. Donor lymphocytes attack host tissues
D. Host granulocytes attack donor tissues

122. After bone marrow transplantation, ________ present in the graft, either as contaminants or inten-
tionally introduced into the host, attack the tissues of the transplant recipient after perceiving host
tissues as antigenically foreign.

T Cell
T Helper Cell
Cytotoxic T Cell
Regulatory T Cell

123. The progression of disease in GVHD goes in which order?

A. GI Tract → Liver → Skin

B. GI Tract → Skin → Liver
C. Liver → GI Tract → Skin
D. Liver → Skin → GI Tract
E. Skin → GI Tract → Liver
F. Skin → Liver → GI Tract

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 645

124. During an upper endoscopy where are you most likely to find histologic changes
associated with GVHD?

A. Esophagus
B. Stomach
C. Duodenum
D. Rectum
E. Liver

125. When looking at a histologic sample, what finding is most suggestive of GVHD?

A. Crypt abnormalities
B. Epithelial cell apoptosis
C. Focal fibrosis
D. Focal reactive surface epithelium
E. Lymphocytic infiltrate

126. A 14 year old boy is referred to you for conjunctival icterus. He feels well and has no complaints.
He volunteers that has noted his eyes “yellow” when he has a cold. At the visit, there is no icterus
evident, no visceromegaly and all his liver function tests and hemogram are normal. You next:

A. Schedule a liver biopsy

B. Order an ultrasound
C. Order hepatitis serologies
D. Order a 10 day course of low dose phenobarbital
E. Request a screen from UGT1a1 mutation

127. A 15 year old boy with sickle cell disease presents with jaundice and fatigue. Review of systems
reveals intermittent dark urine and icteric conjunctiva over the last month. Physical exam is unremark-
able except for scleral conjunctiva. Differential diagnosis includes the following except:

A. Hemolysis related to his sickle cell disease

B. Hepatocellular dysfunction
C. Obstruction due to biliary stones
D. Acute cholecystitis

128. A three month-old infant of Canadian descent presents with irritability, mild jaundice and hepa-
tomegaly. Labs are concerning for AST of 130, ALT 170, PT 28, INR 2.4, and serum glucose of 40.
Which of the following tests would be most helpful in confirming the underlying diagnosis?

A. CBC with differential

B. Urine succinylacetone
C. Factor 5 level
D. Serum alpha-fetoprotein level
E. Serum albumin

129. Which condition or syndrome is NOT associated with hepatoblastoma?

A. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
B. Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Syndrome
C. Glycogen Storage Disease 1a
D. Biliary Atresia
E. Cleft Palate

646 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
130. A 3-week old full term, otherwise healthy formula-fed infant presents with new-onset poor feeding
and fever to 38.3°C. Laboratory findings at presentation are significant for leukocytosis, as well as
a mild transaminase elevation (approximately 1.5 times upper limits of normal). Total bilirubin is el-
evated to 6.7 mg/dL with conjugated bilirubin of 2.3 mg/dL. A bacterial infection is found on culture
analysis. What is the most likely bacterial cause and route of infection?

Staphylococcus aureus infection from skin

Streptococcus pyogenes infection from throat
Escherichia coli infection from urine
Listeria monocytogenes infection from blood

131.  1-week old infant is noted to have fulminant liver failure with coagulopathy after presenting with
vesicular rash and seizures. Disseminated herpes simplex virus infection is confirmed by nasopharyn-
geal culture and PCR analysis of CSF. Which of the following is true regarding this infection?

A. Parenteral acyclovir is indicated only in instances of disseminated disease

B. Liver transplantation is contraindicated due to the presence of active viral infection.
C. Mortality rate is high even with acyclovir therapy
D. The majority of mothers of infants with disseminated HSV will have symptomatic
infection at time of delivery
E. Both C and D.

132. Which serologic profile best reflects the “immune tolerant” state of chronic Hepatitis B infection?

A. HBsAg positive, HBsAb positive, HBeAg positive, HBeAb positive

B. HBsAg positive, HBsAb negative, HBeAg positive, HBeAb positive
C. HBsAg positive, HBsAb negative, HBeAg positive, HBeAb negative
D. HBsAg negative, HBsAb positive, HBeAg negative, HBeAb positive

133. Which of the following individuals should receive HBV immune globulin therapy?

A. All infants and children

B. Asymptomatic children with chronic HBV infection
C. Post-HBV exposure, within 24 hours after exposure
D. All household contacts of HBV infected child

134. True or False: Serum Hepatitis C antibody (IgG) is protective and will prevent recurrent infection
upon re-exposure of HCV.

135. All of the following hepatitis viruses can result in a chronically infected state, except:


136. 6 week old presents with neonatal jaundice, direct hyperbilirubinemia, markedly elevated GGT and
pale-colored stools. Possible diagnoses include all of the following, except:

Biliary atresia
A1AT deficiency

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 647

137. Cholestatic infants should be monitored for deficiencies in many vitamins, including:

A. Vitamin K
B. Folic acid
C. Vitamin A
D. Iron
E. A and C
F. All of the above

138. Which of the following is true regarding autoimmune hepatitis?

A. Children represent a very small subset of patients diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis
B. Acute hepatitis is the most common presentation
C. Giant cell transformation is a classic histological feature
D. In children, the incidence is equal in males and females
E. HLA A2 is a common association.

139. Patients with Type 1 autoimmune hepatitis:

A. Typically exhibit anti-perinuclear antibody (pANCA)

B. Present at an earlier age than do patients with Type 2 disease
C. Do not have other autoimmune disorders
D. Typically progress to liver transplant in 5-8 years
E. Often demonstrate mildly abnormal cholangiograms

140. An 8 year old girl is being treated for Type 2 AIH with a standard prednisone/azathioprine regimen.
She responded readily with ALT falling from a high of 650 IU/l consistently. A slow prednisone taper
is in progress. With the most recent dosage decrease, ALT was noted to jump from 75 to 180 with
6-MP metabolites in the normal range. The appropriate response should be:

A. This is a treatment failure. Consider addition of CSA

B. Consider overlap syndrome and order MRCP
C. Stop current regimen and start MMF
D. Refer for transplantation
E. Increase prednisone temporarily and resume taper when labs improve

141. Which of the following arteries contributes to the blood supply of the pancreas?

A. Left gastric artery

B. Right gastric artery
C. Proper hepatic artery
D. Superior mesenteric artery
E. Inferior mesenteric artery

142. The major mediator of meal-stimulated pancreatic enzyme secretion is:

A. Secretin
B. Cholecystokinin
C. Pancreatic polypeptide
D. Peptide YY
E. Somatostatin

648 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
143. A ten-year-old male presents to the emergency room with a one day history of vomiting, decreased
appetite, and abdominal pain after falling off his bicycle the day before. Labs reveal an elevated
lipase of 3500 and abdominal ultrasound reveals peripancreatic fluid and pancreatic fullness. Patient
is admitted with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. He is initially managed with bowel rest, IV fluids,
and IV pain medications. Within 4 days, he is no longer requiring IV pain medications, is tolerating a
regular diet, and his lipase has decreased to 485. He is subsequently discharged home. Two weeks
later at his follow-up visit, he complains of mild to moderate diffuse abdominal pain and decreased
appetite. He is noted to have epigastric fullness on physical exam. Lipase is rechecked and is now
1205. Which of the following steps should be taken next in the evaluation of this patient?

A. Follow serum lipase on a daily basis for the next week

B. Repeat abdominal ultrasound
C. Admit the patient for bowel rest and IV fluids
D. Send genetic testing for CFTR mutations
E. Schedule for an upper endoscopy

144.  2-year old male presents with a cough and diarrhea. Weight is below the 5th percentile and
height is at the 10th percentile on the CDC growth curve. His mother states his stool is very foul-
smelling. Stool culture for bacteria and examination for ova and parasites are negative. The parents
want the fecal elastase test performed to rule out pancreatic insufficiency. Which statement is correct
to tell the parents?

A. No sweat test is necessary in this child.

B. A 72-hour fecal fat test is easy to perform.
C. Fecal trypsin testing is more specific than fecal elastase testing
D. Fecal elastase can be artificially lowered if the child has short bowel syndrome.

145. You are giving a medical student lecture regarding the embryology of pancreatic development.
What statement is correct to present to the students?

A. The ventral and dorsal pancreatic segments fuse at the 4th week of gestation.
B. Pancreatic function occurs at the 12th week of gestation.
C. Sonic hedgehog protein is the hedgehog protein necessary for pancreatic
cellular differentiation.
D. The dorsal aspect of the pancreatic segment contains the connection to the
common bile duct.

146. A 2 year old female comes to your office with failure to thrive, steatorrhea, small teeth, nasal ab-
normalities, and microcephaly. An outside lab test reveals hypothyroidism. You suspect pancreatic
insufficiency due to what diagnosis?

Johansson-Blizzard syndrome
Homozygous ΔF508 mutation cystic fibrosis
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
Congenital Rubella

147. Pancreas divisum:

A. Results from lack of fusion of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic ducts
B. Is easily diagnosed with ultrasound
C. Is associated with ectopic pancreatic tissue
D. Is treated with duodenoduodenostomy

148. Annular pancreas

A. Is best diagnosed by ultrasound

B. Results from the failure of atrophy of the ventral bud
C. Is not associated with congenital malformations
D. Occurs at the third portion of the duodenum

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 649

149. Which of the following statements regarding Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome is TRUE?

A. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is a universal manifestation in all patients with SDS

B. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in SDS arises from ductular inflammation
C. Few SDS patients exhibit intermittent neutropenia
D. SDS adolescents commonly have hepatomegaly

150. How would you assess for vitamin D deficiency in a child in whom you suspected inadequate intake/
inadequate sun exposure?

A. Serum 25 (OH) D level

B. Serum phosphorus
C. Serum 1, 25 (OH) D
D. Serum calcium
E. Urinary 1, 25 dihydroxy D

151. A 4-year-old child with biliary atresia, status post Kasai, presents with a direct bilirubin of 3.0, an ALT
of 230, AST of 340 and GGT of 850. Recently his mother noticed that he was walking ‘funny’. On
examination he is jaundiced, has a large spleen and liver. You note that his gait is wide and irregular.
What vitamin deficiency is the most likely cause of his ‘funny’ walking?

A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin E
D. Vitamin K
E. Carnitine

152. You are seeing a family who just moved to the US from Greenland. A family brings in a 1 year old
infant who has failure to thrive, diarrhea, and abdominal distension. The baby has been breastfed ex-
clusively till 6 months of age when solid foods were introduced. Between 6 and 12 months of age,
the weight decreased from the 50th to the 5th percentile, while the height remained at the 50th per-
centile. On physical examination, the alert but thin infant has a distended abdomen and a perianal
rash. The stool is watery and foul-smelling and has a pH of 3. No parasites are identified in the stool.
Fecal fat and fecal alpha-1-antitrypsin measurements are both within normal limits. Of the following,
the MOST likely diagnosis is:

A. Congenital lactose intolerance

B. Cystic fibrosis
C. Hereditary fructose intolerance
D. Intestinal lymphangiectasia
E. Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency

153. A 15 month old female with history of failure to thrive and a mild, persistent diarrhea is brought to
your clinic for further evaluation of a 2 week history of “being wobbly” and “running into things,
especially at night”. Laboratory analysis reveals the abnormality shown below. What is the patient’s

A. Acrodermatitis enterohepatica
B. Congenital chloride diarrhea
C. Abetalipoproteinemia
D. Syndromic diarrhea
E. Vitamin E deficiency

650 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
154. Which is the only amino acid malabsorption disorder that presents with gastrointestinal manifesta-
tions of diarrhea, failure to thrive, and possible hyperammonemic coma with ingestion high protein

A. Cystinuria
B. Lysinuric protein intolerance
C. Hartnup disease
D. Iminoglycinuria
E. Renal tubular acidosis

155. An 18 month old presents to your clinic with history of or diarrhea since about 9 months of age.
Dietary history is positive for 3-4 servings of fruit daily and at least 16 to 24 ounces of juice daily. In
addition, he drinks 16 ounces of whole milk and eats a variety of food including chicken, pasta, and
vegetables. Parents have noticed some relationship to fruit and juice intake. What is likely cause of
his diarrhea and the treatment you would recommend?

A. Congenital Glucose –Galactose malabsorption requiring him to be on Ross Carbohydrate

Free formula supplemented with Fructose as his sole source of carbohydrate
B. Acrodermatitis enterohepatica requiring treatment with zinc
C. Abetalipoproteinemia requiring supplementation with medium chain triglycerides and
fat-soluble vitamins (with especially high doses of vitamin E)
D. Fructose malabsorption requiring them to take fructose in the form of fruit and fruit juice
out of his diet. They can reintroduce in small amounts when he is school-aged.
E. Load dependent lactose intolerance with secondary disaccharide deficiencies.

156. In chronic pancreatic insufficiency, which of the following is absorbed normally?

A. Fat
B. Folic acid
C. Vitamin B12
D. Protein
E. amylopectin

157. Medium chain triglycerides account for 40-50% of the fat content of formulas fed to low-birth
weight infants. Of the following, the BEST explanation for this practice is that

A. Absorption of MCT is similar to that of butterfat

B. Low-birth weight infants have a large pool of bile acids
C. Low-birth weight infants have normal capacity to synthesize bile acids
D. MCT cause less steatorrhea
E. MCT require micelle formation for absorption

158. Lactose enhances the intestinal absorption of which one of the following nutrients?

A. Calcium
B. Chloride
C. Lipid
D. Potassium
E. Sodium

159. Of the following, the most beneficial formula for patients with gastrointestinal allergy, short gut or
cystic fibrosis is:

A. Protein hydrolysate
B. Carbohydrate free
C. Lactose free
D. Low iron
E. Soy based

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 651

160. Of the following fatty acids, which must be added to cow milk-based infant formula?

A. Arachidonic acid
B. Linoleic acid
C. Oleic acid
D. Palmitic acid
E. Stearic acid

161. In regards to gastric emptying, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Solids empty faster after vagotomy

B. Proteins delay emptying more than lipids
C. Solids are emptied in an exponential pattern
D. Liquids are emptied faster than solids
E. Cholecystokinin accelerates emptying

162. An Asian-American family is concerned that their 2-month-old infant’s abdominal distention is due to
lactose intolerance. She is intermittently fussy, with frequent vomiting and poor weight gain, but no
diarrhea. She takes a standard cow’s-milk based infant formula. Which of these options is the most
appropriate first intervention?

A. Trial of a soy-based formula

B. Trial of lactase supplementation
C. Upper GI series
D. IgE RAST testing for cow’s milk
E. Stool pH and reducing substances

163. An adolescent patient with recurrent abdominal pain has a duodenal biopsy showing low lactase
activity, but lactose breath hydrogen test is normal. What is one likely explanation for these conflict-
ing results?

A. His pain is strictly functional in nature.

B. He recently completed a course of antibiotics.
C. He suffers from sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.
D. He ate a high-fiber meal prior to breath testing.
E. He has cow’s-milk protein intolerance.

164. After three weeks of nursing a new mother develops fissured nipples and has to use a breast pump.
At the baby’s one month check-up the mother expresses concerns that when she begins the pump-
ing process the milk seems watery and she is worried about the baby’s nutrition. You assure her that:

A. Foremilk is normally thinner and primarily serves to assure the baby’s hydration
B. The milk has the normal whey : casein ratio of 30 : 70
C. Consuming a diet higher in fat will increase the lipid concentration and nutrition of her milk
D. Consuming more cow milk in her diet will increase the carbohydrate content of her milk
E. It provides sufficient vitamin D for her baby

165. Which of the following statements regarding nutritional evaluation in children is TRUE?

A. Marasmus is defined as severe malnutrition with nutritional edema

B. Prealbumin is a sensitive marker of chronic malnutrition
C. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency in children
D. Folate and vitamin B12 deficiency cause microcytic anemia
E. The first step in management of acute moderate malnutrition is always aggressive hydration
with intravenous fluids

652 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
166. A 10 year old female and her mother present to your office with dietary questions. The patient has
just recently decided to follow a vegetarian diet and her mother is concerned that this diet will be
inadequate for her. Supplementation of which vitamin is recommended for this patient?

A. Vitamin C
B. Thiamine (Vitamin B1 )
C. Folate (Vitamin B9 )
D. Cobalamin (Vitamin B12 )
E. Niacin (Vitamin B3 )

167. A 12 year old male with Crohn’s disease obtains a chest x-ray prior to the start of Remicade therapy.
CXR reveals cardiomegaly. Patient is referred to cardiologist, and Echo reveals cardiomyopathy.
Deficiency of which of the following micronutrients has been associated with cardiac complications?

A. Selenium
B. Iron
C. Copper
D. Vitamin C
E. Zinc

168. What is the most appropriate IV formulation within the first 24 hrs of life for a patient born at
28 week gestation weighing 1,100 grams?

A. Normal Saline
B. 5% Dextrose with electrolytes
C. 5% Dextrose with amino acids
D. 5% Dextrose

169. What is the caloric requirement for a healthy 13 year old male?

70-90 kcal/kg/day
20-30 kcal/kg/day
45-55 kcal/kg/day

170. A 16 year old boy with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 47, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus is interested in a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery for weight reduction. A true
statement regarding this procedure is:

A. Patients undergoing Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass may experience paradoxical weight gain
B. Post-surgery follow-up pediatric care should be limited to a single office visit
C. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass may lead to iron deficiency and other micronutrient deficiencies
D. A post-surgical decrease in insulin resistance is not seen until the BMI decreases by 30%
E. The stomach is removed completely during the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

171. Which of the following statements regarding the ketogenic diet is FALSE?

A. The ketogenic diet is high in fat content and low in protein and carbohydrates.
B. Ketones have a direct anti-seizure effect on the brain.
C. The ketogenic diet is recommended for children with disorders of fatty acid oxidation.
D. Patients following a ketogenic diet require vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 653

172. A twelve-year-old girl who was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and pancreatic insufficiency as an infant
presents for her annual evaluation. Her BMI has fallen from the 60th percentile to the 40th percentile
for age. She is receiving pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy at a dose of 2,500 units of lipase
per kg per meal. Which is the most appropriate next step in management?

A. Reassure the patient and family that a BMI at the 40th percentile is adequate.
B. Provide oral nutritional supplements and conduct a full nutritional and behavioral evaluation.
C. Increase her dose of pancreatic enzymes to 3,000 units of lipase per kg per meal.
D. Refer the patient for surgical gastrostomy tube placement.

173. A three-year-old boy presents for evaluation of diarrhea. His mother states that he has had up to 6
watery bowel movements per day for one week. He also has a fever and nasal congestion. Which of
the following is the most appropriate recommendation?

A. Restrict the patient’s diet to clear liquids until the diarrhea resolves.
B. Remove all sources of lactose from the patient’s diet until the diarrhea resolves.
C. Begin a diet consisting of only bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.
D. Encourage oral rehydration with fluids followed by an unrestricted, age-appropriate diet.

174. A 2 year old with history of short bowel syndrome (secondary to necrotizing enterocolitis), TPN
dependence, and TPN induced liver disease presents to your clinic with a history of persistent anemia
over the last 6 months. On exam, he is afebrile, pale, and significantly jaundiced. He has hepato-
splenomegaly. He has a Mickey button in place and well-healed incision from his previous surger-
ies. Labs are significant for a total bilirubin of 8 mg/dL and a direct bilirubin of 4 mg/dL. His AST
54 units/L and ALT 68 units/L, Albumin 2.5 g/dL, INR 1.5. His hemoglobin is 7.5 g/dL and MCV 70.
What micronutrient deficiency has resulted in his persistent anemia?


175. A 6 year old male develops a duodenal hematoma after routine endoscopy for evaluation of his
chronic diarrhea and failure to thrive. Biopsies shows subtotal villous atrophy, atrophic villi, enlarged
crypts with large amounts of inflammatory cells. The patient is diagnosed with celiac disease Marsh
3b. What vitamin deficiency contributed to the formation of the duodenal hematoma during the

Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

176. A healthy 1 week old male presents to your clinic for evaluation of a questionable anal abnormality
noted by the pediatrician at 2 days of age. In turns out, everything is normal – however, the mother
asks you about vitamin supplementation, specifically of vitamin D, as she is completely breastfed
infant. When should vitamin D supplementation begin and how much?

A. Immediately, 200 IU till patient is 2 months old then 400 IU.

B. Immediately, 400 IU.
C. Not till 2 months of age, 400 IU.
D. Never, as long as patient is breastfed he will get all the vitamin D he needs from mom.

177. Which of the following patients does not require folate supplementation?

A. A 10 year old male with inflammatory bowel disease on methotrexate for

maintenance therapy.
B. A 2 year male with seizure disorder on phenytoin.
C. A 6 year old female with cystic fibrosis.
D. A 12 year old female with eosinophilic colitis being tried on sulfasalazine therapy.

654 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
178. A 6 month old male develops a weepy, crusted dermatitis around the eyes, nose, mouth, diaper area,
hands and feeds about 4 weeks after being weaned from breast milk to formula. He recently devel-
oped a watery diarrhea and has stopped gaining weight over the last month. On exam, he appears
listless. His hair is sparse. What is there is fine and lightly pigmented. What nutritional deficiency has
resulted in this patient’s current condition?


179. A 6 month old female with a history of short bowel syndrome secondary to multiple intestinal atre-
sias presents with complaints of increased work of breathing, poor feeding, and cough over the last
week. She is diagnosed with RSV. It is noted on chest x-ray that her heart size is significant enlarged
and that on exam her heart rate seems irregular. Further evaluation is concerning for evolving car-
diomyopathy. The ICU physician is concerned that the patient receives her TPN from a new, small
emerging pharmaceutical company by her home in rural Texas. What micronutrient deficiency is the
ICU physician concerned about?


180. A 2 year old male with diagnosis of abetalipoproteinemia moves to your area. He has recently been
diagnosed and comes to your office for establishment of care. The mother’s chief complaint for
this visit is that he stumbles while walking despite walking with a wide-gait. The stumbling is much
worse at night. In addition to a single supplementation with AquaDEK – which of the following
vitamins should be supplemented further that the standard dosage in AquaDEK.

Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

181. Considered one of three major nutrient deficiencies in the world by the World Health Organization,
this deficiency is the primary cause of blindness in children in the developing world.

Vitamin A

182. A 16 year old adolescent male has undergone resection of the terminal ileum because of an ileal
stricture. Of the following nutrients, which is MOST likely to become deficient in this patient?

A. Folic acid
B. Thiamin
C. Pantothenic acid
D. Cyanocobalamin
E. Vitamin K

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 655

183. A 15 year old boy with well–controlled ulcerative colitis is noted to have a hemoglobin of 10.2 gm%.
He denies any symptoms of bowel disease. He has a good appetite and eats a varied diet. He takes
sulfasalazine and azathioprine for maintenance therapy. Which of the following vitamin levels is likely
to be abnormally low.

Vitamin C

184. A healthy 13 y/o male is referred to GI clinic due to elevated alkaline phosphatase which is 2-3 times
the upper limit of normal. Aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, total bilirubin, and
albumin are normal. What should be your next step to assess for cholestatic disease?

A. Nothing. This is definitely not hepatobiliary disease as this patient is a rapidly growing male
and elevated alkaline phosphatase is due to increased bone activity.
B. Liver Ultrasound
C. Obtain gamma glutamyltransferase or 5’-nucleotidase
D. Repeat Alkaline Phosphatase, AST,ALT, and total bilirubin in 6 months
E. HIDA scan

185. The endoscopic definition for hiatal hernia involves:

A. Ascension of the Z line more than 2 cm above the hiatus

B. Ascension of the Z line 3 cm above the hiatus
C. Presence of folds in the distal esophagus
D. Open an incompetent hiatus.

186. Six hours after an upper endoscopy a 6 year old develops abdominal pain and vomiting.
Upper abdomen is tender, KUB is unremarkable. Best next step:

A. Pain medication and antiemetic

B. Imaging study
C. Surgery consult
D. Reassure mom and follow patient in 1 week

187. A 5 year old with abdominal pain and diarrhea is undergoing combined breath hydrogen/methane
testing. A standard dose of lactulose is given while the patient is NPO. Results from the study show
an increase in hydrogen production and peak 3 hours after ingestion of the test dose. No change in
methane production is noted.

The most correct interpretation of these results is:

A. The results indicate small bowel bacterial overgrowth

B. The results indicate lactose intolerance
C. The results are normal
D. The results are inadequate for interpretation
E. The results indicate fast intestinal transit time

188. Which of the following represents the most distinctive feature of the duodenum, as compared to the
rest of the small bowel?

A. Generally taller and more slender villi

B. Increased proportion of goblet cells within the epithelium
C. Abundance of lymphoid aggregates localized within the lamina propria
D. Predominance of tubuloalveolar glands known as Brunner’s glands throughout the
mucosa and submucosa
E. The plicae circularis are the tallest and most numerous within the small bowel

656 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
189. Which of the following could distinguish celiac disease from autoimmune enteropathy on small
bowel biopsies?

A. The degree of villous blunting is far less in autoimmune enteropathy

B. An increased number of plasma cells in the lamina propria in autoimmune enteropathy
C. The lack of increased intraepithelial lymphocytes in autoimmune enteropathy
D. The patchy nature of scalloped and ulcerated mucosa seen in autoimmune enteropathy
E. The increased presence of submucosal eosinophils in autoimmune enteropathy

190. Fecal elastase may be used to diagnose chronic pancreatitis. Which of the following conditions does
not result in abnormal levels of fecal elastase?

A. Celiac disease
B. Crohn’s disease
C. Diarrheal illness
D. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
E. Short bowel syndrome

191. Which of the following tests can detect mild pancreatic dysfunction?

A. Lundh test meal

B. Fecal elastase
C. Secretin stimulation test
D. Serum immunoreactive trypsinogen
E. Fecal fat measurement

192. An contrast UGI reveals a corkscrewed duodenum ending blindly suggesting the
possible diagnosis of:

A. Duodenal web
B. Duodenal protein enteropathy
C. Malrotation
D. Congenital microcolon of disuse
E. Annular pancreas

193. The radiological signs of necrotizing enterocolitis can include

A. pneumatosis intestinalis, pneumoperitoneum and hepatic pneumatosis

B. Colonic “thumb printing”
C. Punctate adrenal calcification
D. A and B
E. A and C

194. You see in follow-up a 12 y/o boy who sustained a bicycle handlebar injury 6 weeks prior. He reports
he is feeling well with no fever, vomiting or pain, but on physical examination, you notice he
grimaces when you palpate a smooth fullness just to the left of the umbilicus. You next order:

A. Plain film of the abdomen

B. Contrast UGI
C. US of the abdomen
D. CAT scan
E. Tc99m scan

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 657

195. A 5 year old boy is referred to your clinic for the evaluation of chronic diarrhea and failure to thrive.
You would like the parent to perform a 3 day collection for fecal fat. Which of the following is NOT
true regarding this test?

A. Steatorrhea is present in a child or adult if more than 7% of ingested fat is excreted.

B. It allows one to determine whether fat malabsorption is pancreatic or nonpancreatic
in nature.
C. The test involves the meticulous weighing of food and careful dietary records in order
to calculate mean daily fat intake.
D. Every single stool during a 3 day period should be collected.

196. Limitation of stool electrolyte testing include:

A. Can only be done on solid stool

B. Special media are needed
C. Subjects often ingest non-absorbable sugars
D. No standard exists for electrolytes in stool therefore results must be used in a comparative
values to prior or future stools
E. There are few genetic tests available for differentiation of congenital causes of diarrhea

197. A 3 year old male with a past medical history significant for small bowel resection including the
terminal ileum following necrotizing enterocolitis at 2 weeks of age presents with perianal
excoriation and diarrhea. Which antidiarrheal agent would be most appropriate?

A. Bismuth subsalicylate
B. Cholestyramine
C. Loperamide
D. Octreotide
E. Clonidine

198. All of the following are true EXCEPT:

A. Pruritus related to cholestatic liver disease is thought to be due to centrally mediated causes
related to endogenous opioid neurotransmission.
B. Diphenhydramine can help ameliorate pruritus in cholestatic liver disease
C. Opiate antagonists is the first line treatment for pruritus associated with cholestasis
in children
D. Cholestyramine is a hydrophilic, water insoluble anion-exchange resin that binds bile acids,
preventing their absorption through the enterohepatic circulation

199. Regarding blood transfusions in children, which statement is false?

A. Blood volume in children varies more dramatically in the first year of life than in latency
B. A unit of pRBCs has a hematocrit of 90%
C. Transfusion in children raises hemoglobin approximately 2 to 2.5 g/dL for every 10 ml/kg
of pRBCs given.
D. Hematocrit equilibrium post transfusion is generally evident within 24 hours
E. Newborns have a blood volume of about 85 ml/kg

200. What is the gold standard for measuring dehydration?

A. Serum electrolytes
C. Urine specific gravity
D. Percent loss of body weight
E. Heart rate

658 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
201. A 7 month old boy with biliary atresia underwent liver transplantation. His medications include tacro-
limus and prednisone. Two months postoperatively he is noted to have elevated transaminases. An
infectious work up is initiated and a liver biopsy is performed, which shows dense periportal lympho-
cytic and eosinophilic infiltration with endotheliitis and bile duct damage. One week after starting
high dose steroids his transaminases are still elevated. Which of the following agents may be consid-
ered in this situation?

A. Tacrolimus at an increased dose

B. Cyclosporine

202. A 13 year old girl has a liver transplantation for autoimmune hepatitis and is started on prednisone
and tacrolimus in the post operative period. Her hospital course is complicated by a central line infec-
tion and adenovirus infection. She is discharged home on Prednisone, tacrolimus and MMF. Several
months after discharge she develops pharyngitis and is treated with an antibiotic.

One week later, her labs are as follows: Albumin - 4.1 mg/dL; total protein - 6.3 mg/dL; total biliru-
bin – 2.0 mg/dL; direct bilirubin - 1.0 mg/dL; ALT – 35 IU/L, AST – 22 IU/L, GGT – 45 IU/L; Na: 135
mEq/L; K: 6.8 mEq/L; CL – 110 mEq/L; CO2 – 24 mEq/L; glucose – 120mg/dL, BUN – 45 mg/dL; Cr -
2.3 mg/dL; Mg – 1.1

Which antibiotic is most likely to be the cause of these abnormal laboratory findings?


203. A 3 year old girl underwent liver transplantation for hepatoblastoma. Her post operative course is
complicated by biliary leak and multiple episodes of ascending cholangitis. She receives 10 days of
parenteral antibiotics with one week of fluconazole. She is discharged home on Tacrolimus, Predni-
sone and Multivitamins.

Two weeks later laboratory assessment shows Albumin – 3.5 mg/dL; total protein - 6.8 mg/dL, total
bilirubin - 5.0 mg/dL, direct bilirubin 3.2 mg/dL, ALT – 375 IU/L, AST – 450 IU/L, ALP – 315 IU/L. A
liver biopsy is suggestive of rejection.

Which of the following factors may be responsible?

A. Tacrolimus toxicity
B. Discontinuation of Fluconazole
C. Intercurrent viral infection
D. Incorrect HLA typing of donor

204. A twelve year old male who was diagnosed with Crohn disease 3 years ago has been on q8 wk Inf-
liximab infusions for one year. The parents reported that he developed erythematous, vesicular, skin
lesions in the right posterior rib cage area. The patient was afebrile but complained of skin tingling
sensation. According to above history, your recommend is:

A. Observation
B. Start 3rd generation cephalosporin
C. Discontinue Infliximab
D. Start p.o acyclovir
E. Admit for IV acyclovir

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 659

205. A 16 year old female has been on maintenance Infliximab mono therapy for 3 years. She was previ-
ously treated with 6-mercaptopurine. She presents with night sweats and splenomegaly.

What rare life threatening tumor must you be concerned about:

A. Burkitt’s Lymphoma
B. Hepatosplenic T-cell Lymphoma
C. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
D. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
E. Signet Ring Carcinoma

206. A 13-year-old female has a draining peri-rectal fistula. You choose to use infliximab therapy to heal
the fistula. What problem with using the therapy must you think about before starting therapy?

A. Walled off abscess formation

B. Systemic infection
C. Increased pain
D. Alternative site of fistulization
E. Constipation

207. A 17-year-old male has Crohn disease and has responded to Infliximab monotherapy for two years
without complication. He has been on 5 mg/kg/dose every 8 weeks. He develops 6 bloody stools per
day at 7 weeks and a trough level is obtained. It is undetectable. Stool studies for infection and CMV
PCR of colonic tissue is negative. Your best choice to treat this patient is:

A. Change to Adalimumab
B. Obtain a HACA
C. Increase to 10 mg/kg/dose or change interval to 4 weeks
D. Start prednisone
E. Start methotrexate or 6-mercaptpurine

208. A 7 year old female with cystic fibrosis is seen in follow up. She has not lost weight but has had
little weight gain over the last six months despite adequate caloric intake. She has 2 stools per day,
and sometime sees oil droplets. She has no other symptoms. She takes 2000 units/kg of pancreatic
enzymes with all meals. The next best step in management is:

A. Increase the pancreatic enzyme dose to 4000 units/kg before each meal
B. Offer reassurance that no intervention is needed unless there is weight loss
C. Add loperamide to her daily medications
D. Add a PPI to her daily medications

209. You are interested in assessing the possibility that a child has steatorrhea. What question would you
not ask the parents?

A. Are the stools hard to wipe off during a diaper change?

B. Do the stools float?
C. Do the stools smell rancid?
D. Are the stools difficult to flush?
E. Are the stools loose and oily?

210. A 4 month old infant presents to the emergency department with a four day history of progressive
lethargy, bradycardia, loose stools, and diminished deep tendon reflexes. She is afebrile and has no
rhinorrhea or exanthema. History revealed that her parents were mixing antacids into her bottles to
help with reflux symptoms. Her symptoms are MOST likely explained by

A. Hypermagnesemia
B. Hypomagnesemia
C. Hyperkalemia
D. Hypokalemia
E. Hypoglycemia

660 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
211. In a 12 year old boy with Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, which of the following is the BEST
medical therapy?

A. Sodium bicarbonate
B. Nizatidine
C. Lansoprazole
D. Famotidine
E. Calcium carbonate-ranitidine compound

212. Probiotics have been shown to be of benefit in

Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease

213. In regard to the colonization of the newborn gut, which statement is false?

A. It is initially colonized by facultative maternal vaginal and fecal flora consisting of
Streptococcus, Enterococcus and Coliform genera
B. C-section babies are initially colonized by Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Clostridia genera
C. Breast fed babies have higher concentrations of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera
D. Formula fed babies have higher concentrations of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera
E. After 10 days both vaginal and C-section babies share the same flora

214. Probiotics are live microorganisms, that when consumed in adequate numbers, confer a health ben-
efit to the host. They also:

A. Lower intestinal pH and decrease the adherence of pathologic bacteria

B. Increase the production of short chain fatty acids and increase motility
C. Contribute to the production of riboflavin and folate
D. All above statements are false
E. All above statements are true

215. Misoprostol is thought to treat and prevent NSAID-associated peptic ulcers by which of
the following mechanisms:

A. Decreasing gastric acid secretion

B. Increasing mucosal resistance to injury by decreasing bicarbonate secretion
C. Providing mucosal protection by decreasing mucosal blood flow
D. Blocking histamine receptors
E. Activating adenylate cyclase in parietal cells.

216. Which of the following is true concerning the properties and action of Sucralfate on gut mucosa?

A. Sucralfate is a sulfated aluminum hydroxide that selectively binds to ulcers and erosions.
B. Sucralfate is a sulfated magnesium hydroxide that selectively binds to ulcers and erosions.
C. Sucralfate binds to ulcers and erosions and is activated by non-acidic conditions.
D. Sucralfate should be taken together with antacids for optimal binding activity.

217. A dialysis patient being treated for a gastric ulcer presents with bone pain, mental status changes
and proximal muscle weakness. Which medication was responsible for these side effects?

A. Ranitidine
B. Cimetidine
C. Sucralfate
D. Terfenadine

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 661

218. Which one of these drugs have reduced bioavailability when co-administered with Sucralfate?


219. You are called at 3 am from the ER about a 3 year old female who has a history of severe constipa-
tion. The ER physician performed a history and a physical exam and there is no evidence of constipa-
tion or any acute problem but the mother demanded an X-ray of the abdomen to be taken since
“that is how her doctor diagnosed the constipation”. The X-ray showed scattered stool around the
colon. Thereafter the mother insisted on an admission for a clean-out. The ER physician is asking you,
would you admit this patient under your service for a Go-Lytely clean-out?

A. The abdominal X-ray and the history/physical exam are enough evidence that this patient has
constipation and needs a clean-out.
B. Parental insistence on admission may be reasonable given what appears to be a knowledge-
able parent.
C. The history/physical exam and X-ray do not support a diagnosis of constipation. You will
request history of admissions, ER visits and test results before deciding.
D. You recommend no admission; there is no indication to admit the patient. Refer the patient
and the mother to a psychiatrist.
E. You Recommend a CT scan of the abdomen since is more reliable than X-ray to diagnose

220. You are consulted for admission of a 5 year old male who has G-tube issues. The patient has a his-
tory of severe recurrent asthma and is followed by the pulmonology service. He was diagnosed with
GERD for which he received a Nissen-fundoplication and G-tube. Recently, he started spitting up
again at home but it has not been witnessed by nurses. Mother believes the vomiting is caused by
fundoplication failure and a blocked G-tube and that an endoscopy is the best test to diagnose failed
fundoplication. At the end of the interview she gives you a gift and thanks for your time and asks
when you would do the scope and if you can also change her G-tube to a G-J tube since this will
help with the vomiting. The next best course of action is:

A. Accuse mother of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and call hospital security to protect the
child and the mother
B. Ask the mother to go out of the room to interview the child alone and ask him questions
about child abuse
C. Immediately leave the room and call Child Protective Services to take him into custody.
D. Call physicians and staff involved in his care to get details of the history. Obtain medical
records and document details of the encounter.
E. Schedule upper endoscopy and G-J tube placement as soon as possible. Consult surgeon for
repeat fundoplication.

221. Infant rumination best responds to

A. Anticholinergics
B. Soy formula
C. NG tube feedings
D. Frequent holding and social interaction
E. PPI therapy

Clostridium difficile colitis is found in what percentage of children with antibiotic associated diarrhea:

Greater than 30%

662 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
223. Which of the following statements regarding congenital chloridorrhea is true?

A. Stool Cl- level less than 90 mmol/L

B. Results in metabolic alkalosis
C. Results in metabolic acidosis
D. First detected after the patient first gets solid food
E. Due to defective chloride-bicarbonate exchange in the colon

224. Which of the following conditions is usually suspected after protracted diarrhea begins after the first
few weeks of life?

A. Microvillous inclusion disease

B. Tufting enteropathy
C. Congenital chloridorrhea
D. Autoimmune enteropathy
E. Enterocyte heparan sulfate deficiency

225. Erythromycin when used as a prokinetic:

A. Stimulates motilin
B. If given to a one week old increased the risk of pyloric stenosis
C. Can safely be given to a nursing mother
D. All are true

226. Pill esophagitis is commonly associated with these medications except:

A. Doxycycline
B. Tetracycline
C. Bismuth subsalicylate
D. Theophylline
E. KCl

227. What is the most common finding in a 15 year old male with IgA deficiency?

A. Recurrent infections with E. histolytica

B. Celiac disease
C. Inflammatory bowel disease
D. None of the above

228. Which immunodeficiency should be suspected in a 6yo male with recurrent infections and perianal
disease with gastric granulomas?

A. Leukocyte adhesion defect

B. Severe combined immunodeficiency
C. X-linked chronic granulomatous disease
D. IgA deficiency

229. Regarding IgA deficiency, which statement is false?

A. IgA deficiency is the most common form of immunodeficiency.

B. Most patients with confirmed IgA deficiency are asymptomatic.
C. There is variable penetrance of the IgA deficiency defect but all cases have <2 SD of normal
IgA levels for age.
D. Sinopulmonary infection is the most common manifestation, followed by recurrent gastroin-
testinal parasitosis of various genera including protozoa, flagellate, nematodes and platyhel-
E. The diagnosis is most accurate after the age of four years.

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 663

230. You are consulted for a jaundiced 9 y/o male who is 3 weeks post bone marrow transplant. He is
afebrile and has right upper quadrant tenderness. All viral serology is negative except HBsAg. ALT is
78, AST is 59, TB is 8.2 with a direct of 3.9. AP is 181. His coagulation studies are normal. His RUQ
ultrasound report is unremarkable. You suspect hepatic GVHD and advise beginning with

A. Treatment with steroids

B. Treatment with steroids plus ursodeoxycholic acid
C. Liver biopsy to confirm the diagnosis
D. HIDA scan
E. Bone marrow aspiration for culture.

231. A 14 year old female with poorly controlled hyperthyroidism is evaluated for diarrhea. Which is the
following is not a possible cause for diarrhea is in this patient?

A. Decreased bile output

B. Decreased trypsinogen levels
C. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
D. Lactase deficiency
E. Accelerated oral to cecal transit

232. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is associated with which one of the following conditions?

A. Autoantibodies against liver antigens

B. Chronic hepatitis C
C. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
D. Iron overload
E. Copper overload

233. Which of the following is not associated with hypothyroidism?

A. Ascites
B. Esophageal compression
C. Delayed gastric emptying
D. Delayed small bowel transit
E. Pernicious anemia

234. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is caused when:

A. Host lymphocytes are depleted

B. Immunosuppressive therapy is increased
C. Donor lymphocytes attack host tissues
D. Host granulocytes attack donor tissues

235. The ethical precepts described in the Belmont Report include adherence to the principles of
Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and:


236. In human subjects research involving minors, ethical considerations include:

A. Assent must be obtained from all children.

B. Clinical trials may not involve a greater than a minor increase
over minimal risk to individual subjects.
C. Investigator conflicts of interest are permissible, as long as they are reported to the local IRB.
D. A subpart D (Code of Federal Regulation) determination is required for all studies.

664 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
237. Choose the technique used to assess a statistical models assumptions:

Cost-effective analysis
Sensitivity analysis

238. Match each word with the corresponding answer choice:

Validity A. Measure of agreement

Reliability B. Measurement of what is intended
Accuracy C. Measure gives same results on repeated trials
Precision D. Measure of the internal consistency of a test
Kappa statistic E. How close measurement is to actual value
Cronbach’s alpha F. How close repeated measures are to each other

239. If a researcher wants to increase the power of the study from 80% to 90% but keep all other
parameters the same, the original sample size will:

Stay the same
Unable to tell

240. A control group compared to the intervention group should vary by:

A. Gender
B. Age
C. Education
D. None of the above

241. Analysis of variables by the original group assignment regardless if they remained or
adhered to that group is called:

A. Intention to treat analysis

B. Per protocol analysis
C. Post-hoc analysis
D. Cost-effectiveness analysis

242. The measure of how results of a study can be generalized to the population as a whole:

External validity
External variation

243. A 17-year-old boy who has evidence of Crohn’s disease in the terminal ileum develops severe
radiating inguinal and scrotal pain.

The MOST likely visceral source for the referred pain in this patient is the

A. Appendix
B. Diaphragm
C. Gallbladder
D. Small bowel
E. Ureter

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 665

244. Which of the following represents the MOST likely mechanism for peptic injury associated with
chronic administration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)?

A. Generalized ischemia of the gut

B. Genetic predisposition
C. Inhibition of prostaglandin
D. Promotion of growth of Helicobacter pylori
E. Topical caustic injury

245. A 6 year old girl has had abdominal pain and nonbilious vomiting for 8 hours. History reveals cough
and fever for the past 3 days. Findings on physical examination include temperature, 39°C (102.2°F);
tachypnea; toxic appearance; diffuse, voluntary guarding; and quiet bowel sounds.

Of the following, the examination MOST likely to establish the etiology of the abdominal pain and
fever in this patient is a(n):

A. Abdominal radiograph
B. Chest radiograph
C. Complete blood count
D. Rectal examination
E. Upper gastrointestinal series

246. A 9-year-old girl has the height age of a 7-year-old and the bone age of a 6-year-old.
Among the following, the MOST likely cause of her short stature is

A. Achondroplasia
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Malnutrition
D. Normal variant short stature
E. Silver-Russell syndrome

247. An antral or pyloric web (diaphragm) is considered in the differential diagnosis of a 6-month-old girl
with failure to thrive syndrome and nonbilious vomiting.

The MOST specific study for diagnosing this condition is

A. Gastric emptying study

B. Plain abdominal radiography
C. Ultrasonography
D. Upper gastrointestinal contrast study
E. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

248. A 10-year-old child has had intermittent diarrhea and weight loss over the past year.
A TRUE statement regarding testing with guaiac or orthotolidine for occult blood in
this patient’s stool is:

A. Microscopic examination of the stool is a better test for detecting occult blood
B. Negative results exclude lower gastrointestinal bleeding
C. Positive results confirm the presence of occult blood
D. These tests detect peroxidase activity in hemoglobin
E. These tests quantitate the amount of hemoglobin in the stool

666 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
249. An 18-year-old girl who is taking tolmetin for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis develops gastritis.
Which of the following medications would have been MOST likely to prevent the development of
peptic disease in this patient?

A. Antacids
B. Corticosteroids
C. H2-blockers
D. Misoprostol
E. Sucralfate

250. A 3 year old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in hematologic remission is receiving vincristine,
methotrexate, and 6-mercaptopurine. He develops abdominal pain and distention and nausea with-
out fever or diarrhea.

These findings are MOST likely caused by

A. Escherichia coli gastroenteritis due to granulocytopenia

B. Intestinal candidiasis due to lymphopenia
C. Intestinal mucosal ulcerations due to methotrexate toxicity
D. Necrotizing enterocolitis due to 6-mercaptopurine toxicity
E. Reduced intestinal motility due to vincristine toxicity

251. A term infant is born with gastroschisis that is repaired at birth. The infant is placed on total
parenteral nutrition.

The serum level of which of the following is likely to become abnormal FIRST?

A. Alkaline phosphatase activity

B. Bile salt concentration
C. Direct bilirubin concentration
D. Indirect bilirubin concentration
E. Transaminase activity

252. A previously healthy 12-year-old boy is icteric. Physical examination reveals a noncommunicative,
moderately ill-appearing boy who has an enlarged, soft, tender liver and ascites; there is no sple-
nomegaly. Pitting edema of the ankles and sacral area and scattered bruising of the extremities are

Among the following, the MOST critical set of studies to include in the initial laboratory evaluation is

A. Hepatitis A and B serologies

B. Hepatocellular enzyme activities
C. Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time
D. Total and fractionated serum bilirubin levels
E. Total serum protein and albumin concentrations

253. A 2 year old girl has a history of recurrent pneumonia, short stature, and failure to thrive. Studies
reveal absolute neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, normal sweat chloride concentration, and me-
taphyseal dysplasia of the head of the left femur. The MOST likely diagnosis for this patient is:

A. Alagille-Watson syndrome
B. Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
C. Sideroblastic anemia
D. Trypsinogen deficiency
E. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 667

254.  f the following, which condition is the MOST common presentation of infection with
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli?

A. Dysentery-like illness with fever

B. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
C. Hemorrhagic colitis
D. Self-limited illness with watery stools and cramps
E. Severe diarrhea and dehydration

255. A 7-day-old breastfed infant born at term has had decreased appetite, irritability, and vomiting for
24 hours. On physical examination, the infant appears listless. Respiratory rate is 40/min; heart rate,
160/min; and blood pressure, 68/38 mm Hg. The skin and conjunctiva are icteric but no other abnor-
malities are noted. Laboratory studies reveal: hemoglobin, 12 gm/dL; total bilirubin, 16 mg/dL; and
direct bilirubin, 8 mg/dL. Urinalysis is negative for reducing substances.

Of the following, the MOST likely diagnosis is

A. Bacterial sepsis
B. Blood group incompatibility
C. Breast milk jaundice
D. Hypothyroidism
E. Intrauterine infection

256. Which of the following metabolic alterations is most commonly seen with re-feeding syndrome?

A. Hyperlipidemia secondary to increased serum ketone bodies

B. Wernicke’s encephalopathy secondary to thiamine deficiency
C. Severe hypophosphatemia affecting myocardial and respiratory function
D. Hypernatremia and hypertonic dehydration affecting mental status

257. A 29 year old male is referred from an optometrist for evaluation. The patient’s liver profile shows
AST 78 IU/L, ALT 92 IU/L, Bili 1.4 mg/dL, Alk Phos 88 IU/L, and albumin 3.4 g/dL. The photo of the
patient’s eyes is below. All of the following statements are true except:

A. The patient’s diagnosis is Wilson’s disease if the ceruloplasmin is low.

B. This finding on the eye exam can be seen in primary biliary cirrhosis and
autoimmune hepatitis.
C. The pigmentation will disappear with effective therapy.
D. Neurologic symptoms typically do not occur in the absence of this finding.
E. The mechanism that causes the disorder associated with this finding occurs
as a result of over-absorption of copper.

668 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
258. A 10-old male with HIV on HART therapy is evaluated for elevated liver enzymes (ALT 119 IU/L, AST
101 IU/L, bilirubin 1.3 mg/dL, Alk Phos 390 IU/L). A liver biopsy showed numerous blood-filled cysts
that do not have an endothelial lining. This liver biopsy finding is most likely secondary to:

A. Cytomegalovirus
B. Protease inhibitors
C. Rochalimaea henselae
D. Caroli disease
E. Congenital factors (e.g., cystic Von Meyenburg complexes)

259. An infant boy does not pass stool during the first 36 hours of life. Following rectal examination, he
passes a meconium plug. During the next 2 weeks, he has intermittent episodes of both watery and
hard, pellet-like stools. Barium enema reveals dilation of the large bowel with narrowing immediately
proximal to the rectum.

The MOST appropriate management of this patient’s problem is to

A. Add table sugar to the present formula

B. Arrange for a rectal biopsy
C. Change to a soy-based formula
D. Observe without intervention
E. Order an upper gastrointestinal series

260. Lactose enhances intestinal absorption of which ONE of the following nutrients?

A. Calcium
B. Chloride
C. Lipid
D. Potassium
E. Sodium

261. A 2 week old boy has short-bowel syndrome following surgery for severe necrotizing enterocolitis.
Management has included total parenteral nutrition. Clinical findings include a wasted appearance;
dry, flaky skin; a poorly healing abdominal incision; and thrombocytopenia.

The patient MOST likely has a deficiency of

A. Calories
B. Essential amino acids
C. Essential fatty acids
D. Iron
E. Vitamin E

262. A 14 month old African-American infant, exclusively breastfed since birth, has just begun walking.
Physical examination reveals prominence of the costochondral junctions. Radiographs reveal widen-
ing of the distal end of the radii. The laboratory test MOST likely to confirm the diagnosis is measure-
ment of the serum concentration of:

A. Albumin
B. Lactate dehydrogenase
C. Phosphorus
D. Vitamin A
E. Vitamin C

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 669

263. A 6 year old boy who has had a relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia has had a 4.8 kg (10 lb)
weight loss during a course of combination chemotherapy with prednisone, vincristine, and high-
dose methotrexate. He has had a poor appetite but no vomiting or diarrhea.

Of the following, the MOST appropriate next course of management would be

A. Administration of anabolic steroids

B. Administration of intravenous gamma globulin
C. Discontinuation of methotrexate
D. Enteral hyperalimentation
E. Parenteral hyperalimentation

264. The basal energy or metabolic requirement for children is calculated MOST accurately by considering

A. Body surface area

B. Creatinine-height index
C. Serum protein concentration
D. Total lymphocyte count
E. Triceps skinfold thickness

265. An infant boy born at term is delivered at home without medical supervision. At 48 hours of age, he
is brought to the emergency room because of a bloody discharge from the umbilical cord and bloody
stools. Until the results of laboratory studies are available, the BEST initial management is to adminis-
ter intravenous:

A. Ampicillin and gentamicin

B. Cryoprecipitate
C. Factor VIII concentrate
D. Fresh frozen plasma
E. Vitamin K

266. A 3 1/2 year old boy with chronic diarrhea and failure to thrive is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.
Neurologic examination reveals absent deep tendon reflexes, truncal ataxia, and muscle weakness.
A nutrient deficiency is suspected. Given this constellation of findings, what additional physical sign
is MOST likely to be present in this child?

A. Desquamating skin lesions

B. Ophthalmoplegia
C. Positive Trousseau sign
D. Purpura
E. Stooped posture

267. Which of the following BEST explains why solutions containing 1.2 to 2.5% glucose, rather than
5% glucose, are used for oral rehydration?

A. Absorption of sodium and water in the gut is maximized

B. Glomerular filtration rate is enhanced
C. Hyperglycemia and glycosuria are less likely to occur
D. Potassium absorption is decreased
E. Stomach distention with vomiting is less likely to occur

268. A TRUE statement about the sugar content of infant formulas is:

A. All lactose-containing formulas are cow milk-based

B. All cow milk-based formulas contain only simple sugars
C. All soy-based formulas are corn syrup-free
D. All soy-based formulas contain lactose
E. Proprietary formulas do not contain sucrose

670 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
269. Shortly after birth, a 3,500 g term newborn is found to be jittery and to have a high-pitched cry.
Physical examination reveals tachypnea and a liver edge that is palpable several centimeters below
the umbilicus. Blood glucose concentration is 14 mg/dL. Among the following, the MOST likely cause
of the hypoglycemia in this newborn is:

A. Galactokinase deficiency
B. Glycogen storage disease
C. Insulinoma
D. Maternal diabetes mellitus
E. Prolonged maternal labor

270. A breastfed infant who appeared healthy at birth develops chronic diarrhea, failure to thrive, and
hepatomegaly during the first few weeks of life. Ultrasonography reveals adrenal enlargement and

Of the following, the MOST likely explanation for these findings is:

A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Glucose-galactose malabsorption
C. Glycogen storage disease
D. Niemann-Pick disease
E. Wolman disease

271. Among the following, the gastrointestinal disease MOST likely to respond to treatment with anti-
cholinergic medications is:

A. Constipation
B. Dysentery
C. Gastroesophageal reflux
D. Irritable bowel syndrome
E. Poor motility

272. Examination of a developmentally normal 7-month-old boy reveals moderately enlarged cervical
lymph nodes; a hemorrhagic seborrhea-like rash on the forehead, scalp, and trunk; and hepato-
splenomegaly. Laboratory findings include: hemoglobin, 12.0 g/dL; mean corpuscular volume, 82
fL; white blood cell count, 10,700/mm³, with 40% neutrophils and 60% lymphocytes; and platelet
count, 260,000/mm³.

These findings are MOST consistent with

A. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

B. Aplastic anemia
C. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
D. Neuroblastoma
E. Niemann-Pick disease

273. A 14 year old boy is being evaluated for jaundice that was first noted 1 week ago following an upper
respiratory tract infection. He reports not feeling very hungry for the past month. Physical examina-
tion reveals a firm liver, an enlarged spleen, and an intention tremor.

Among the following, the test that would be MOST helpful for making a definitive diagnosis
in this patient is a:

A. Liver biopsy for copper content

B. Serum bilirubin concentration
C. Serum ceruloplasmin level
D. Serum transaminase activity

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 671

274. A 3 month old infant girl is admitted to the hospital for evaluation of recurrent episodes of hypogly-
cemia. Physical examination reveals hepatomegaly. After 2 hours of fasting, she develops hypoglyce-
mia. Measurement of which of the following would be MOST helpful in determining the etiology of
this patient’s hypoglycemia?

A. Ammonia in the serum and the arterial pH

B. Cortisol and growth hormone in the serum
C. Insulin and glucose in the serum
D. Ketones and reducing substances in the urine
E. Organic acids in the urine and lactate in the serum

275. The mother of a 3 month old infant reports that the boy is demanding frequent feedings and has
a noticeably protuberant abdomen. Physical examination reveals doll-like facies and marked hepa-
tomegaly. Laboratory findings include a serum glucose level of 20 mg/dL and an elevated venous
lactate level of 44 mg/dL (normal, <18 mg/dL).

Of the following, the most appropriate INITIAL management of this infant is:

A. Administration of a formula that has high concentrations of fructose and galactose

B. Daily injections of glucagon
C. Insertion of a portacaval shunt
D. Nocturnal infusion of glucose via a nasogastric tube
E. Referral for liver transplantation

276. The mother of a 3 month old boy reports that he has a poor appetite and constipation. Findings
on physical examination, when compared to those 2 months ago, include poor interim growth,
increased lethargy, hoarse cry, decreased tone, large fontanelles, and a more pronounced umbilical

Of the following, the MOST likely cause of this infant’s problem is

A. Agenesis of the thyroid gland

B. Endemic goitrous hypothyroidism
C. End-organ unresponsiveness to thyroid hormone
D. Inborn error of thyroxine synthesis
E. Thyroid gland unresponsiveness to thyrotropin

277. Which of the following is the most common cause of pancreatitis in childhood?

A. Viral
B. Drug induced
C. Idiopathic
D. Familial
E. Abdominal trauma

278. Which of the following is not part of the Currarino triad characterizing caudal regression syndrome
which can present as infantile constipation?

Dysplastic sacrum
Anal abnormalities
Tethered cord
Pre-sacral mass

279. Which of the following is NOT associated with Wilson’s Disease:

A. Fatty liver
B. High serum uric acid
C. Low serum zinc level
D. Low serum alkaline phosphatase
E. High serum bilirubin

672 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
280. Which statement is false?

A. 90% of Vitamin A is stored within the liver

B. Vitamin A deficiency Xerophthalmia is irreversible
C. Can cause a hypochromic microcytic anemia with low Fe but normal Fe stores
D. Hypervitaminosis A is associated with head aches

281. Which of the following is NOT a common feature of BOTH kwashiorkor and marasmus:

A. Irritability
B. Decreased serum lipoproteins
C. Markedly Depressed serum albumin
D. Increased susceptibility to infection
E. Anemia

282. Tyrosinemia is associated with:

A. Boiled cabbage smell

B. Mousey smell
C. Blue Cheese Vinaigrette smell
D. Maple syrup
E. All of the above except D

283. Which statement about Hepatitis A is true?

A. Leading cause of fulminant hepatitis in Pediatrics

B. Has been associated with chronic hepatitis
C. Recurrence of the disease can occur up to 6 months after primary infection
D. Treatment for non-fulminant hepatitis A includes Lamivudine for 4 weeks
E. Severity of disease decrease with increasing age

284. Acute lower GI hemorrhage in HIV infected patients is most often caused by:

A. CMV colitis
B. Lymphoma
C. Kaposi’s sarcoma
D. Idiopathic chronic colitis
E. Nonspecific colitis

285. First line of treatment of esophageal candidiasis in HIV infected patient is:

Amphotericin B

286. Organism causing intestinal microsporidiosis in AIDS patients is:

Encephalitozoon intestinalis
Isospora Belli
Enterocytozoon Bieneusi

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 673

287. A 7 year old girl who had undergone a surgical repair for long-segment Hirschsprung’s disease in
early infancy presents with a fever, abdominal distention, and bloody diarrhea for 2 days. Which of
the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Diversion colitis
B. Enterocolitis
C. Ulcerative colitis
D. Colonic stricture
E. Viral gastroenteritis

288. A 6 year old boy just arriving from Eastern Europe has had malodorous diarrhea since early infancy,
even though he was breast-fed. He is small, has some bruises from bumping into furniture going
to the bathroom at night, and has recently developed some difficulty walking. Physical examination
shows that he is small and undernourished, with depleted subcutaneous fat. He has a protuber-
ant abdomen and 1+ edema in his lower extremities. He has no deep tendon reflexes in his lower
extremities. Which one of the following explains the finding on the small intestinal biopsy from this

A. Gluten enteropathy
B. Congenital lactase deficiency
C. Abetalipoproteinemia
D. Glucose-galactose transport defect
E. Chronic nonspecific diarrhea of childhood

289. A 5 year old boy is referred for evaluation of liver disease after presenting to his primary physi-
cian with chronic pruritus. His evaluation reveals a small child (below the fifth percentile for height;
weight for height tenth percentile) with excoriations on his trunk and extremities. He has no icterus.
A grade 2/6 systolic murmur is heard at the left upper sternal border. His liver is soft, about 1 cm
below the right costal margin and nontender. Spleen was not palpable. He has diminished but sym-
metric deep tendon reflexes in his lower extremities. Laboratory studies reveal:

Hemoglobin 12.8
Platelet count 239,000
AST 129
ALT 134
Alkaline phosphatase 678
GGTP 948
Total bilirubin 0.7
Prothrombin time 13.9
INR 1.2

Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis (e.g., Byler’s disease)

B. Sclerosing cholangitis
C. Niemann-Pick disease, type A
D. Alagille syndrome
E. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency

290. All of the following statements about hepatitis E are true, except

A. Outbreaks of hepatitis E tend to be very large because of the high rate of secondary
(case-to-case) spread
B. Cases of hepatitis E in the United States are rare
C. Infection with hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pregnancy is associated with high mortality rate
D. Anti-HEV appears to be protective, and prospects for developing a vaccine are good
E. HEV is not closely related in structure or function to any of the other viral hepatitis agents

674 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
291. All of the following agents are effective for both induction of remission and maintenance of
remission in patients with ulcerative colitis except

A. Oral mesalamine formulations including Asacol and Pentasa

B. Sulfasalazine
C. Olsalazine (Dipentum)
D. Rectal mesalamine (Rowasa enemas and suppositories)
E. No exception

292. Which one of the following statements is false with respect to the use of cyclosporine in patients
with inflammatory bowel disease?

A. Cyclosporine administered as a continuous intravenous infusion at a high dose of 4 mg/kg/d

is effective for severely active ulcerative colitis
B. Cyclosporine administered orally at a dose of 5 mg/kg/d is ineffective for the induction of
improvement or remission in patients with active Crohn’s disease
C. Cyclosporine administered orally at a dose of 5 mg/kg/d is ineffective for maintenance of
remission in patients with Crohn’s disease
D. Cyclosporine is slow acting and thus is not useful as a bridge therapy to other slower acting
medications such as 6-mercaptopurine, azathioprine, or methotrexate
E. None of the above

293. A young adult with a life-long history of mild jaundice, but no bilirubinemia or evidence of chronic
hepatitis or hemolysis is likely to have a genetic defect in:

A. Sinusoidal bilirubin uptake pump

B. MRP2 (canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter)
C. Bilirubin-UGT
D. UDP glucuronic acid synthetase
E. Cholesterol 7-á-hydroxylase

294. Alpha- l-antitrypsin deficiency leads to liver injury by way of

A. Uncontrolled proteolytic enzyme activity in the portal tracts

B. Chronic pancreatitis and focal biliary cirrhosis
C. Inability to transport divalent cations into the endoplasmic reticulum
D. Accumulation of abnormal glycoprotein in the liver cells
E. Pulmonary fibrosis and the development of cardiac cirrhosis

295. Which serological test is most commonly abnormal in autoimmune hepatitis?

A. Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA)

B. Anti-smooth muscle antibody
C. Anti-LKM antibody
D. Anti-SLA
E. Anti-HCV

296. A patient with photosensitivity is referred to you because of abnormal transaminases (ALT=120,
AST=150). Physical examination shows pigmentation and blisters on the dorsa of the hands. What
results of laboratory testing is the least likely to be found?

A. Positive hepatitis C antibody

B. High levels of excretion of ALA (aminolevulinic acid) and porphobilinogen (PBG)
C. Serum ferritin of 300 ng/mL
D. Elevated MCV (mean corpuscular volume)
E. Elevated gamma glutamyl-transpeptidase

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 675

297. Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II is typically treated by:

A. Liver transplantation
B. Lifelong phototherapy
C. Ursodeoxycholic acid
D. Gene transfer of UGT using adenovirus vectors
E. Phenobarbital

298. A 15 year old boy with decompensated cryptogenic cirrhosis presents with a 2 week history of
increasing anorexia and weakness. Four weeks prior to presentation he was treated for an episode
of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and was discharged after 5 days of IV antibiotics on prophylac-
tic Bactrim, spironolactone and furosemide. Physical examination is remarkable for jaundice and
ascites. Laboratory data reveal a serum creatinine of 3.1 mg/dl (4 weeks prior: 0.8 mg/dl), and BUN
of 52 mg/dl (4 weeks prior: 14 mg/dl). At the present time, all of the following are appropriate steps

A. Decrease diuretics by half, liberalize sodium intake and obtain follow-up blood studies.
B. Obtain urinalysis, urine sodium measurement, and urine eosinophil count
C. Renal ultrasound
D. Discontinue diuretics and give saline or colloid challenge
E. Repeat diagnostic paracentesis

299. Hepatitis A occurs in cyclical outbreaks in the United States.

These outbreaks spread largely because of:

A. HAV infection among injection drug users

B. Promiscuous sexual behavior
C. Infected food handlers
D. Widespread vaccination programs
E. Close personal contact with infected but asymptomatic individuals, particularly children

300. A previously healthy two year old boy is referred to you for elevation of liver function tests. When a
liver profile was drawn during an episode of fever, his serum alkaline phosphatase concentration was
elevated. He has no recent history of fractures. His growth and development have been normal. He
did not have neonatal liver disease. Review of symptoms is negative for pruritus, chronic diarrhea, or
acholic stools. His physical examination is normal. Laboratory studies at your institution confirm the
biochemical findings. Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels are within the normal range.
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step to manage this child?

Patient’s results Normal range

Calcium 9.2 mg/dL 8.8-10.7 mg/dL
Phosphorus 4.2 mg/dL 3.0-5.0 mg/dL
Blood urea nitrogen 8 mg/dL 5-20 mg/dL
SGOT 28 IU/L 20-60 IU/L
SGPT 18 IU/L 5-45 IU/L
GGT 12 IU/L 6-20 IU/L
Conjugated bilirubin 0.1 mg/ dL < 0.3 mg/dL
Alkaline phosphatase 2800 IU/L 65-525 IU/L

A. Abdominal ultrasound
B. Liver biopsy
C. Radiographs for rickets survey
D. 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D level
E. No further laboratory tests

676 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
301. The following statements regarding the management of foreign bodies in the stomach
are true EXCEPT:

A. The clinician should consider removing objects that are more than 2 cm in diameter or
more than 5 cm in length, because they are unlikely to pass through the duodenum.
B. In the case of battery ingestion, levels of heavy metal in the blood and urine
should be measured.
C. Batteries that have passed through the esophagus to the stomach should always
be removed.
D. Between 80% to 90% of ingested foreign bodies that reach the stomach will pass
without specific therapy.
302. Which of the following metabolic alterations is most commonly seen with re-feeding syndrome?

A. Hyperlipidemia secondary to increased serum ketone bodies

B. Wernicke’s encephalopathy secondary to thiamine deficiency
C. Severe hypophosphatemia affecting myocardial and respiratory function
D. Hypernatremia and hypertonic dehydration affecting mental status

303. Which of the following statements concerning hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is false?

A. The phenotypic expression in the United States is 1/200-1/250.

B. HH is one of the most common, identified, genetic disorder in Caucasians.
C. The genetic defect causes an excessive absorption of iron.
D. Compound heterozygosity (C282Y, H63D) accounts for 3-5% of cases.
E. HH should be considered in any male patient with transferrin saturation greater
than 30 percent.

304. What is not a result of ascorbic acid deficiency?

Perifollicular hemorrhage
Subperiosteal hemorrhage
Hyperkeratotic hair follicles

305. An asymptomatic duplication cyst that is found incidentally should be

A. Watched expectantly
B. Excised in a patients under the age of three years
C. Excised regardless of age
D. Undergo MRI and if it communicates with intestinal lumen, then excise
E. Undergo MRI and if it does not communicate with intestinal lumen, then watch

306. With respect to candidal esophagitis which statement is false?

A. It results in dysphagia, substernal pain and odynophagia

B. It can be treated with oral fluconazole
C. It is highly unlikely in the absence of thrush
D. It can be mimicked by cryptococcosis
E. Patients with AIDS may have candidal esophagitis with thrush

307. With respect to herpetic esophagitis which statement is false?

A. It is highly unlikely in the absence of herpetic stomatitis

B. It may be accompanied by drooling, fever and generalized malaise
C. Esophageal biopsy may show multinucleated giant cells
D. It can occur in children with normal immunity
E. Ulcerations may resemble CVM esophagitis

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 677

308. A previously healthy 2-month-old infant suddenly develops bilious vomiting. Physical examination
reveals an ill-appearing child with abdominal distention and diminished bowel sounds. Which of the
following is the MOST likely diagnosis?

A. Antral web
B. Cholelithiasis
C. Duodenal atresia
D. Malrotation with midgut volvulus
E. Peptic ulcer disease

309. Meckel’s diverticulum

A. Can be lined by ileal mucosa with external serosa but no muscularis layers
B. Can be lined by ileal mucosa, ectopic gastric mucosa and muscularis – serosa layers (*)
C. Can be lined with total gastric mucosa
D. Often has pancreatic rest which ulcerate
E. Can be lined with non-HCL secreting gastric mucosa

310. A toddler presents with edema of the hands, feet, and scrotum. Hypoproteinemia, lymphocytopenia,
and decreased levels or serum albumin, immunoglobulins, transferrin, and ceruloplasmin are noted.
Small bowel contrast study shows thickened mucosal folds. Characteristic histopathology will most
likely reveal

A. Eosinophilia in the lamina propria

B. Dilated lymphatics in the villous tips
C. Neutrophils invading the crypts
D. Basal lymphocytosis
E. Haloed inclusions bodies within the enterocytes

311. You are consulted on a 19 m/o with corrected tricuspid atresia and moderate anasarca. Upon hearing
the history and performing a physical examination you ask for a screening stool alpha-1-antitrypsin
level because you suspect

A. Hypoproteinemia secondary to alpha-1-antitrypsin liver disease

B. Protein losing enteropathy from heart surgery
C. Pulmonary hypertension secondary to alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency fibrosis
D. Chaperon disease of enterocytes
E. Neutrophil elastase enteropathy

312. Which of the following laboratory findings is NOT likely to be found in a patient presenting with
Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth?

A. Elevated D-lactate
B. Macrocytic Anemia
C. Microcytic Anemia
D. Elevated Stool pH
E. Hypocalcemia

678 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
313. A 9-year-old girl with no previous illness is admitted with RLQ abdominal pain of one month dura-
tion, worsening over the last few days. Her pain is constant, non-radiating, moderate to severe
in intensity, and associated with nausea and vomiting. She has suffered a weight loss of10 lb. On
examination, she has RLQ tenderness without abdominal rigidity, guarding or rebound pain. Bowel
sounds are normal. She has no fever. CBC, serum chemistries, CRP, amylase and lipase were normal
except for mild normocytic anemia and moderately elevated CRP. Abdominal CT scan with contrast
reveals mesenteric adenopathy measuring 3 cm maximum and an irregular filling defect involving the
terminal ilium. EGD and colonoscopy reveals 3 polypoidal mucosal lesions in the cecum measuring
2.5 cm maximum. The ileocecal valve is edematous and the ileum is hard to intubate. Biopsies reveal
mild focal active cecitis and normal mucosa in the rest of the colon and upper GI tract. The most ap-
propriate next step is:

A. Small Bowel Series

B. Start Treatment with Steroids
C. Diagnostic laparoscopy
D. TB skin Test
E. Send IBD panel
F. Abdominal/Pelvic Ultrasound

314. Gastric acid secretion is inhibited by

A. Gastrin
B. Secretin
C. Motilin
E. Histamine

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 679

680 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Answers for Board Review

1. C (Congenital Anomalies of the Esophagus)

2. C (Congenital Anomalies of the Esophagus)
3. B (Deglutition)
4. A (Dysphagia)
5. E (Dysphagia)
6. C (Eosinophilic Esophagitis).
7. B (Eosinophilic Esophagitis).
8. E (Eosinophilic Esophagitis).
9. D (Esophageal Anatomy, Development and Physiology)
10. D (Esophageal Caustic Injury)
11. F (Esophageal Motility)
12. D (Upper GI Bleed)
13. C (Gastroesophageal Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
14. A (Gastroesophageal Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
15. E (Gastroesophageal Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
16. E (Esophageal Caustic Ingestions)
17. D milk-protein intolerance (Colic)
18. B (Food and Waterborne Illness)
19. D (Food and Waterborne Illness)
20. B (Abdominal Masses)
21. A (Abdominal Masses)
22. D (Gastritis)
23. D (H Pylori)
25. C (Pyloric Stenosis)
26. D (Gastric Foreign Body)
27. C (Gastric Foreign Body)
28. A (Gastric Foreign Body)
29. C (Appendicitis)
30. B (Appendicitis)
31. D (Autoimmune Enteropathy)
32. D (Autoimmune Enteropathy)
33. D (Abdominal Pain)
34. A (Abdominal Pain)
35. B (Stomach Congenital Anomalies)
36. B (Stomach Congenital Anomalies)
37. A (Celiac Disease)
38. D (Celiac Disease)
39. C (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
40. D (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
41. C (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
42. B (Necrotizing Enterocolitis)
43. C (Necrotizing Enterocolitis)
44. B (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
45. B (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
46. B (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
47. E (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
48. E (Small Intestine – Congenital Anomalies)
49. D (Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth)
50. C (Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth)
51. B (Enteric Infections)
52. D (Enteric Infections)
53. A (Enteric Infections)
54. B (Small Intestine – Obstruction)

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 681

55. D (Tropical Sprue)
56. C (Tropical Sprue)
57. B (Colitis not due to inflammatory bowel disease)
58. D (Colitis not due to inflammatory bowel disease)
59. C (Colitis not due to inflammatory bowel disease)
60. C (Inflammatory bowel disease – Crohn’s Disease)
61. C (Inflammatory bowel disease – Crohn’s Disease)
62. B (Inflammatory bowel disease – Ulcerative Colitis)
63. A (Inflammatory bowel disease – Ulcerative Colitis)
64. B (Colonic Motility)
65. D (Constipation)
66. C (Constipation)
67. A (Constipation)
68. C (Hemorrhoids)
69. C (Hemorrhoids).
70. C (Hirschsprung Disease)
71. B (Other inflammatory lesions of the bowel)
72. A (Other inflammatory lesions of the bowel)
73. C (Other inflammatory lesions of the bowel)
74. E (Polyps)
75. E (Polyps)
76. C (Rectal Prolapse)
77. B (Perianal Disease)
78. B (Perianal Disease)
79. B (Perianal Disease)
80. D (Pseudo Obstruction)
81. B (Biliary Tree Normal Microanatomy)
82. B (Other disorders of the bile ducts)
83. C (Other disorders of the bile ducts)
84. B (Biliary Atresia)
85. E (Biliary Atresia)
86. E (Cholecystitis)
87. C (Cholecystitis)
88. D (Cholecystitis)
89. C (Cholecystitis)
90. A (Cholecystitis)
91. B (Fulminant liver failure)
92. D (Fulminant liver failure)
93. A (Fulminant liver failure)
94. A (Fulminant liver failure)
95. B (Fulminant liver failure)
96. C (Fulminant liver failure)
97. A (Bacterial, parasitic and other infections of the liver)
98. E (Bile acid synthetic defects)
99. B (Bile acid synthetic defects)
100. A (Carbohydrate Metabolism)
101. C (Carbohydrate Metabolism)
102. E (Drug Induced Liver Injury)
103. D (Drug Induced Liver Injury)
104. E (Disorders of Lipid Metabolism)
105. B (Disorders of Lipid Metabolism)
106. B (Granulomatous hepatitis)
107. A (Granulomatous hepatitis)
108. C (Granulomatous hepatitis)
109. B (Non alcoholic fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis (NAFLD/NASH))
110. D (Liver transplantation)
111. B (Liver transplantation)
112. E (Liver transplantation)
113. A (Liver transplantation)
114. B (Liver transplantation)

682 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
115. A (Liver transplantation)
116. D (Peroxisomal Disorders)
117. A (Familial hepatocellular cholestatic disorders)
118. A = 1, B = 3, C = 4, D = 2 (Familial hepatocellular cholestatic disorders)
119. D (Familial hepatocellular cholestatic disorders)
120. E ( Familial hepatocellular cholestatic disorders)
121. C (Acute graft vs Host disease and veno occlusive disease)
122. A (Acute graft vs Host disease and veno occlusive disease)
123. F (Acute graft vs Host disease and veno occlusive disease)
124. B(Acute graft vs Host disease and veno occlusive disease)
125. B (Acute graft vs Host disease and veno occlusive disease)
126. E (Disorders of bilirubin metabolism)
127. A (Jaundice)
128. B (Disorders of amino acid metabolism)
129. D (Liver masses)
130. C (Congenital hepatic infections)
131. E (Congenital hepatic infections)
132. C (Viral hepatitis)
133. C (Viral hepatitis)
134. F (Viral hepatitis)
135. A (Viral hepatitis)
136. B (Neonatal Cholestasis)
137. E (Neonatal Cholestasis)
138. B (Chronic hepatitis - Autoimmune Hepatitis and Crossover Syndromes in Children)
139. A (Chronic hepatitis - Autoimmune Hepatitis and Crossover Syndromes in Children)
140. E (Chronic hepatitis - Autoimmune Hepatitis and Crossover Syndromes in Children)
141. D (Pancreas - Normal anatomy, development and physiology)
142. B (Pancreas - Normal anatomy, development and physiology)
143. B (Acute Pancreatitis)
144. D (Pancreas – Exocrine Function)
145. B (Pancreas – Exocrine Function)
146. A (Pancreas – Exocrine Function)
147. A (Congenital anomalies of the pancreas)
148. B (Congenital anomalies of the pancreas)
149. A (Shwachman-Diamond syndrome)
150. A (Nutritional consequences of cholestasis)
151. C (Nutritional consequences of cholestasis)
152. C (Congenital enzyme and transport defects)
153. C (Congenital enzyme and transport defects)
154. B (Congenital enzyme and transport defects)
155. D (Congenital enzyme and transport defects)
156. B (Normal digestion and absorption)
157. D (Normal digestion and absorption)
158. A (Normal digestion and absorption)
159. A (Normal digestion and absorption)
160. B (Normal digestion and absorption)
161. D (Normal digestion and absorption)
162. C (Disaccharidase deficiency)
163. B (Disaccharidase deficiency)
164. A (Comparison of human milk and cow-milk based formulas)
165. C (Malnutrition)
166. D (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
167. A (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
168. C (Nutritional requirements of pre-term and term infants, children and adolescents)
169. D (Nutritional requirements of pre-term and term infants, children and adolescents)
170. C (Obesity)
171. C (Nutritional Therapy)
172. B (Nutritional Therapy)
173. D (Nutritional Therapy)
174. B (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 683

175. D (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
176. B (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
177. C (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
178. C (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
179. A (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
180. C (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
181. D (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
182. D (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
183. A (Vitamin and mineral absorption, function and deficiency states)
184. C (Alkaline phosphatase)
185. A (Endoscopy)
186. B (Endoscopy)
187. C (Breath tests)
188. D (Intestinal Biopsy)
189. C (Intestinal Biopsy)
190. D (Pancreatic Function Testing)
191. C (Pancreatic Function Testing)
192. C (Radiologic Evaluations)
193. D (Radiologic Evaluations)
194. C (Radiologic Evaluations)
195. B (Stool Testing)
196. C (Stool Testing)
197. B (Anti-diarrheals)
198. C (Anti-pruritic agents)
199. B (Blood Replacement)
200. D (Fluid Therapy)
201. D (Anti-rejection and anti-inflammatory)
202. C (Anti-rejection and anti-inflammatory)
203. B (Anti-rejection and anti-inflammatory)
204. E (Biologics)
205. B (Biologics)
206. A (Biologics)
207. C (Biologics)
208. D (Pancreatic Enzymes)
209. B (Pancreatic Enzymes)
210. A (Acid Control)
211. C (Acid Control)
212. A (Prebiotics/Probiotics)
213. D (Prebiotics/Probiotics
214. E (Prebiotics/Probiotics)
215. A (Prostaglandins)
216. A (Sucralfate)
217. C (Sucralfate)
218. A (Sucralfate)
219. C (Munchausen by proxy syndrome)
220. D (Munchausen by proxy syndrome)
221. D (Rumination)
222. B (Chronic Diarrhea)
223. C(Chronic Diarrhea)
224. D (Chronic Diarrhea)
225. D (Drug induced bowel injury)
226. C (Drug induced bowel injury)
227. D (GI manifestations of immunodeficiency).
228. C (GI manifestations of immunodeficiency)
229. D (GI manifestations of immunodeficiency)
230. C (GI manifestations of immunodeficiency)
231. C ( GI manifestations of endocrine disorders)
232. C (GI manifestations of endocrine disorders)
233. D (GI manifestations of endocrine disorders)
234. C (Graft versus host disease)

684 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
235. B C (Ethics)
236. D (Ethics)
237. C (Study Design and Statistics)
238. Validity- B; Reliability- C; Accuracy- E; Precision- F; Kappa statistic-A;
Cronbach’s alpha- D (Study Design and Statistics)
239. C (Study Design and Statistics)
240. D (Study Design and Statistics)
241. A (Study Design and Statistics)
242. A (Study Design and Statistics)
243. E (Abdominal Pain)
244. C (Prostaglandins)
245. B (Abdominal Pain)
246. B (GI Manifestations of Endocrine Disease)
247. E (Endoscopy)
248. D (Stool Testing)
249. D (Prostaglandins)
250. E (Drug Induced Bowel Injury)
251. B (TPN)
252. C (Acute Liver Failure)
253. B (Schwachman Diamond Syndrome)
254. D (Enteric Infection)
255. A (Neonatal Cholestasis)
256. C (Malnutrition)
257. E (Wilson’s Disease)
258. C (GI Manifestations of Immune Deficiency)
259. B (Hirschsprung Disease)
260. E (Normal Digestion and Absorption)
261. C (Essential Fatty Acids)
262. C (Vitamin and Mineral Absorption, function and deficiency states)
263. D (TPN)
264. E (Nutritional Assessment)
265. E (Vitamin and Mineral Absorption, function and deficiency states)
266. B (Vitamin and Mineral Absorption, function and deficiency states)
267. A (Normal Digestion and Absorption)
268. A (Infant Formula)
269. B (Glycogen Storage Disease)
270. E (Disorders of Lipid Metabolism)
271. D (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
272. C (Hematologic Manifestations of GI Disease)
273. A (Wilson’s Disease)
274. E (Hepatomegaly)
275. D (Glycogen Storage Disease)
276. D (Constipation)
277. E (Acute Pancreatitis)
278. C (Constipation)
279. B (Wilson’s Disease)
280. B (Vitamin and Mineral Absorption, function and deficiency states)
281. C (Malnutrition)
282. A (Tyrosinemia)
283. C (Viral Hepatitis)
284. A (GI manifestations of Immunodeficiency)
285. C (GI manifestations of Immunodeficiency)
286. C (GI manifestations of Immunodeficiency)
287. B (Hirschsprung Disease)
288. C (Abetalipoproteinemia)
289. D (Alagille syndrome)
290. A (Viral Hepatitis)
291. E (IBD – Ulcerative Colitis)
292. D (IBD – Crohn’s Disease)
293. C (Disorders of bilirubin metabolism)

Section 16 - Questions and Answers 685

294. D (Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency)
295. A (Chronic Hepatitis)
296. B (Porphyria)
297. E (Bilirubin Metabolism disorders)
298. A (Liver Transplant)
299. E (Viral Hepatitis)
300. E (Alkaline Phosphatase)
301. B (Gastric Foreign Body)
302. C (Malnutrition)
303. E (Iron Storage Disease)
304. D (Vitamin and Mineral Absorption, function and deficiency states)
305. C (Congenital Anomalies of Small Intestine)
306. C (Infectious Esophagitis)
307. A (Infectious Esophagitis)
308. D (Congenital Anomalies of Small Intestine)
309. B (Congenital Anomalies of Small Intestine)
310. B (Protein-losing Enteropathy)
311. B (Protein-losing Enteropathy)
312. D (Small bowel bacterial Overgrowth)
313. C (Abdominal Mass)
314. B (Stomach Anatomy, Development and Physiology)

686 The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

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