New Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique of A Grid-Connected PV System With Subtractive Clustering
New Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique of A Grid-Connected PV System With Subtractive Clustering
New Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique of A Grid-Connected PV System With Subtractive Clustering
Abstract— With great increasing concerns about fossil fuel composes PV system. It contains solar panels, Maximum
shortage, global warming, and damage to the environmental Power Point Tracking (MPPT), solar inverter besides storage
system, the encouraging to increase in the alternative energy batteries [2]. The solar cell model is fabricated from
resources which have low operation cost and low pollutant semiconductor materials commonly silicon. An electrical one-
emissions have a great concern. The photovoltaic (PV) system is diode model representation defines the solar cell model [3].
one of the renewable energy resources widely spread in the The MPPT is a simple DC-DC converter which is inserted
energy market in the globe as well as Egypt. Several natural between the PV array and the load. Its control is accomplished
conditions affect the output power of the PV system such as over different tracking algorithms.
solar irradiance and ambient temperature. Maximum Power
Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques for controlling DC-DC boost A solar tracking system may be used to improve the
converter tend to reach for the maximum output power. Various overall performance of the system [4]. A large number of
MPPT based techniques have been designated in the literature. MPPT techniques are introduced over the last decades such as
In this paper, the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Perturbation and Observation (P&O), Fuzzy Logic Controller
technique based on Subtractive Clustering method is proposed (FLC), Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
and compared with other previously used techniques. A grid- based on Grid Partition generating Fuzzy Inference System
connected PV system of 100kW is considered and investigated. (FIS) [5] in addition to ANFIS based on Subtractive
From results, the system response with the proposed technique
Clustering (Sub-Clust) generating FIS. P&O algorithm is the
for MPPT is faster, robust, and more stable than other
most commonly used technique in practice because of its ease
techniques. In addition, there are no any overshoots in the DC
link voltage and the value of AC output power is increased the
of implementation but it has unavoidable oscillation problem
obtained results are promising. [6]. FLC is a very successful method in the application for
finding maximum power point but it is a non-linear control
Index Terms-- Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System; Grid- method as presented in [7]. To design a compatible fuzzy-
Connected PV System; Maximum Power Point Tracking; based controller it is necessary to make use of the expert
Subtractive Clustering Method. knowledge of an experienced user. Under variations of the
environmental parameters, the controller provides robust
I. INTRODUCTION performance [7].
The continuous increase in energy demand, with nation’s Neural networks may be combined with fuzzy logic
economic development, pushes looking for alternative sources resulting in a new robust Artificial Intelligence (AI) method
of energy (renewable energy) that is not harmful and does not so-called ANFIS. The information extracted from the fuzzy
damage the environment system. Among the used renewable control experiences is used to initialize the parameters of
energy alternatives, the energy through the Photovoltaics ANFIS controller. The parameters of ANFIS are updating
(PVs) is one of the widely spread energy sources. It can be adaptively by using an online learning algorithm based on the
considered the most necessary and qualified sustainable Back-Propagation (BP) method. ANFIS is able of coming
resource. In spite of the non- continuous sunlight, solar energy with the input-output mapping of training data sets when
is commonly available and totally free of cost. Lately, PV trained with a sufficient number of epochs [8].
panels are familiar and can be widely utilized to the forefront In this paper, a new MPPT technique with using ANFIS
in electric power applications. These panels have the ability to based on Sub-Clust method is proposed and compared with
provide DC electricity without environmental influence and previous techniques in the literature. The MPPT techniques
contamination free when is exposed to solar radiation [1]. for the DC-DC boost converter based on Perturbation and
The solar panel is the vital part of a complete PV system. Observation, Fuzzy Logic Controller, and ANFIS technique
It is considered a power system that supplies solar power by based on Grid Partition method are to be compared with the
means of PV. An arrangement of several components proposed ANFIS technique based on Sub-Clust method. In
From the simulated PV model, there is a group of data set
used for training ANFIS. It can be collected by recording
Initially, fuzzification step, a crisp set of input data (E(k) each pair of the input data (DC Link Voltage and current of
and CE(k)) are assembled and then transformed into a fuzzy PV) and duty cycle as the output of the controller. This input-
set by using fuzzy linguistic variables, fuzzy linguistic output table is in form of crisp data. ANFIS has the skillful of
relationships, and membership functions. Finally, an developing the input-output mapping of these data sets once it
inference is prepared based on a group of rules (stored in the is trained with an adequate number of epochs [18].
Knowledge Base). Defuzzification step, the succeeding
output of fuzzy is transformed again to a crisp output using ANFIS produces the set of fuzzy rules to develop
the membership functions [15]. appropriate output for different values of inputs. Parameters
of membership functions are adjusted or improved so that the
The rule base, in a fuzzy system, is designed to adjust the error is minimized to the least value. When totally the
output variable (Duty cycle). A fuzzy rule can be expressed parameters of the membership function are adjusted, then
by a simple IF-THEN rule using a condition and conclusion. ANFIS model becomes organized to control the MPPT
It can be described by the matrix table as illustrated in Table scheme. Though, before using the ANFIS learning model for
1. The basic input parameters Error (E) and Change in Error the MPPT control, the results are checked by using the
(¨E) are placed along the axes, and the conclusions are laid checking data that is different from the training data. If the
on the table. A 49 rule base is implemented for the grid- error is more than the acceptable value, parameters of
connected PV system to achieve maximum power with high membership functions are adjusted to eliminate the error [19].
Fig. 3 represents the flow chart of ANFIS technique
The system contains two inputs (I_PV, V_PV) and one based MPPT. The data can be collected and trained by
output (D). The inputs are described generally by an error ANFIS editor [20]. To train the ANFIS a group of 10000
E (k ) and a change in error ΔE (k ) , as described in equations training data sets with 333 epochs used and training error can
(2), (3): be reduced to about 1%. ANFIS, therefore, creates the Fuzzy
Inference System (FIS) file by the group input-output data
ΔI I sets and the membership function parameters. MFs are altered
E (k ) = + (2)
ΔV V by means of the hybrid optimization process that is an
arrangement of the least-squares type and back propagation
ΔE (k ) = E (k ) − E (k − 1) (3) algorithm [21].
Where; I is the DC output current from PV module, ΔI
equals I (k ) − I (k − 1) , V is the DC output voltage from PV
module and ¨V equals V (k ) − V (k − 1) .
Recently, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
(ANFIS) technique has been recommended for MPPT in the
PV systems. An adaptive neural network has the benefits of
learning capability, optimization, and balancing. Though, a
fuzzy logic is a technique based on rules created by the expert
knowledge of the designers [16]. The great performance and
efficiency of FLC have been appropriate in nonlinear and
complex systems.
ANFIS associates the benefits of using a mix of adaptive
neural network and fuzzy logic together. ANFIS creates an
input-output mapping that based both on knowledge of the
experts (in the form of fuzzy if-then rules) and the generated
input-output data resulting from using a hybrid algorithm that
is the grouping of the least-squares and backpropagation
gradient descent method [17].
The ANFIS structure implemented by the MATLAB is
shown in Fig. 4. It includes five layers. The two inputs
represent DC link voltage and current output of PV model.
Both the two inputs have 7 membership functions. The
structure displays the two inputs which are expressed into
proper membership functions. This network is trained for 333
epochs. The training process is ended as soon as the outputs
of the trained system reach very close to the proposed outputs
[22]. There are two methods used by ANFIS to generate FIS:
i) Grid Partition
In this method the number also the type of input and
output of membership functions (MFs) are selected manually
[5], [15].
ii) Subtractive Clustering
This method is used when the number of clusters there
should be for a given set of data are not obviously
recognized. Sub-Clust contributes the benefit that it has fast
response and has one-pass algorithm to estimate the number Figure 4. Implemented ANFIS model structure.
of clusters and the cluster centers in a group of data. The
estimated cluster, achieved from the subclust function, is used Sub-Clust method benefits from the MATLAB subclust
to initialize iterative optimization-based Sub-Clust function to develop the clusters. This method is proposed in
approaches and model identification methods (like ANFIS). the current research and compared with other controllers to
prove its effectiveness.
IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS: These all controllers are implemented using MATLAB
/Simulink applying to a 100kW grid-connected PV system as
displayed in Fig. 5. This model is put up originally by a team
The comparison results of P&O, FLC, ANFIS technique of math works then adapted to make use of each part to get the
based on Grid Partition and ANFIS technique based on Sub- best performance grid-connected PV system [6]. The
Clust based MPPT is investigated in this section. The simulation will be performed for the above methods using the
considered four MPPT Techniques are listed as follows: same input and the same load and grid.
• Perturbation and Observation P&O [6]. The performance of PV array is affected by many
• Fuzzy logic Controller [7]. influences. Irradiance and ambient temperature are essential
• ANFIS technique based on Grid Partition generating FIS factors that disturb the output of PV model. They can be
[5], [15]. displayed in Fig.s 6 and 7 as inputs of the PV system. In the
• The proposed ANFIS technique based on Sub-Clust Fig.s 6 and 7, the collected data for the sun is drawn as curves
generating FIS. that present irradiance and temperature, respectively.
Figure 6. Irradiance (Ir) as the input of PV arrays.
STC KV , %
VOC (T ) = VOC + (T − 273.15) (4)
100 The value of duty cycle is in the range from 0.38 to 0.58,
Then Fig.s 8~13 show the DC Terminal Voltage of PV and it is very good to track maximum output power by
Arrays, duty cycle, DC Link Voltage and PV Output AC adjusting PV output voltage. By using P&O algorithm the
Power in response to the variations in irradiance and value of duty cycle looks like a nonlinear performance
temperature by implementing the different MPPT techniques. whereas the others look good. The duty cycle generated by
For the different previously discussed controllers, it is noted ANFIS technique based on Sub-Clust method achieve a
that the output power is affected by irradiance and preferable performance and consequently the value of output
temperature. The increasing or decreasing of the value of this voltage and power as shown.
input leads to power minimization. The proposed output Fig. 10 introduces DC Link Voltage of PV model after
power is achieved at 25c° and 1000w/m2 as stated at regulation using the four different values of duty cycle
Standard Test Condition (STC) [3]. produced. To distinguish between the DC links voltages of
Fig. 8 illustrates the DC terminal voltage of PV arrays each controller, Fig. 10 is magnified in Fig. 11. The duty
according to input parameter variations. It generally depends cycle variation boosts the DC terminal voltage from 273.5V
on temperature. The current rises with temperature but very to around 500V. It can be seen from this figure that the
little and it does not regulate the reduction in the voltage voltages using the four considered techniques have major
produced by temperature growth and consequently power differences. In the P&O technique, there are high overshoots
moreover decreases. The DC terminal voltage and current are in the voltage response.
used as inputs for MPPT controller to detect power as well as The ANFIS technique based on Sub-Clust method appears
generating a reference voltage (Vref) to track the maximum as more stable and faster than the others, which can be useful
power point. Fig. 9 illustrates duty cycle of the different four when connected to load through an inverter.
techniques considered. This signal is fed to boost converter to
raise the voltage. At the beginning of simulation (0:0.05sec),
the controller is disabled and there is no pulse to boost
converter also the system appears to be unstable [5].
Figure 10. DC link voltage in response to the variations in Ir and T with Figure 12. PV output AC power in response to the variations in Ir and T with
using the different MPPT techniques. using the different MPPT techniques.
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