Trancated Multiplier Pepr
Trancated Multiplier Pepr
Trancated Multiplier Pepr
ABSTRACT: Multiplication is a major building block of Digital Signal Processing applications. The
truncated multiplier has shown much more reduction in device utilization as compared to standard multiplier.
The basic idea of this technique is to discard some of least significant partial products and to introduce
compensation circuit to reduce approximation error. Thus area and power consumption of the arithmetic unit
are significantly reduced, which also decreases the delay. In addition to this power consumption can be reduced
using reversible logic gate. It has been shown that in any logic functions kT*log2 joules (where k is Boltzman’s
constant and T is the absolute temperature) of heat energy is dissipated per state transition. This loss can be
reduced using reversible logic gate; in fact zero power dissipation can also be achieved. In this paper
Trancated multiplier using reversible logic is implemented using 180nm CMOS technology which gives 19ns
delay & 9.5uW power at 1Mhz.
KEY WORDS: FPGA, Truncated multiplier, Reversible logic
The advancement in higher-level integration and fabrication process has emerged in better logic
circuits and energy loss has also been dramatically reduced over the last decades. This trend of reduction of heat
in computation also has its physical limit according to Landauer, who proved that in logic computation every bit
of information loss generates kTln2 joules [2] of heat energy, where k is Boltzmann’s constant of 1.38x10-23J/K,
and T is the absolute temperature of the environment. At room temperature, the dissipating heat is around 2.9 x
10-21 J. Energy loss by Landauer limit is important because it is likely that the growth of heat generation due to
information loss will be noticeable in future. Bennett showed that zero energy dissipation would be possible if
the network consists of reversible gates only. The Reversible adder circuits design which has combined
advantages of less chip area, improved power dissipation and timing delay can be used as the building blocks in
the design of reversible multipliers, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), successive approximation registers etc..
The three key factors in choosing an optimum multiplier for all DSP applications are area, power &
delay. By parallel processing and pipelining a high speed multiplication can be achieved for DSP applications,
this could be made more efficient by introducing truncated multiplication. The basic idea of this technique is to
discard some of the least significant partial products and to introduce compensation circuit to reduce
approximation error [10]. Thus area and power consumption of the arithmetic unit are significantly reduced,
which also decreases the delay.
In this paper we are implementing a Truncated Multiplier using reversible logic gates [peres].Doing so
we can reduce the power dissipation due to the rapid switching of internal signals. The paper is organized as
follows. Section II presents an overview of Peres reversible logic gate & truncated multiplier. In Section III, we
present the related work. Section 4 describes the FPGA implementation of the multiplier. Section 5 discusses the
future improvements and section 6 concludes the paper. 44 | Page
Fpga Implementation of Truncated Multiplier…
There are many types of reversible logic gates currently being used .eg fennyman gate, toffoli gate,
peres gate etc. For our implementation we have used Peres reversible logic gate.
Peres gate:
Truncated multiplier:
As shown above, the LSB computation is not done in a truncated multiplier. Multiplication and
squaring functions are used extensively in applications such as DSP, image processing and multimedia. Here if
use truncated multipliers instead of parallel multipliers the power consumption of the arithmetic unit are
significantly reduced, and in many cases the delay also reduces.
The circuit for a truncated multiplier constructed using full adders is as shown below: 45 | Page
Fpga Implementation of Truncated Multiplier…
The first step is the design of half adder & full adder using peres gate as shown below: 46 | Page
Fpga Implementation of Truncated Multiplier…
In this paper we presented the design of truncated multiplier using peres reversible logic gate and its
implementation on FPGA (Spartan-3) using VERILOG coding.
It was observed that the combinational path delay remained the same even with the use of reversible
gates for the construction of the circuit, the two images are compared using normal multiplier and using
truncated multiplier. its found that number of bits required for storage is very less compared to normal
multiplication. The results shows the use of truncated multiplication for DSP application is encouraging. 47 | Page
Fpga Implementation of Truncated Multiplier…
[1] Reversible logic gates, Maii T. Emam, Layle A. A.Elsayed, Computer System Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
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[2] R. Landauer, “Irreversibility and Heat Generation Process in Computational”, IBM Journal of Research and Dev., 5, pp.183-191,
[3] Maii T.Emam and Layle A.A. Elsayed, “reversible full adder/ subtractor” international workshop on symbolic and numerical
methods, 2010.
[4] S. R. Kuang, and J. P. Wang, “Low-error configurable truncated multipliers for multiply-accumulate applications,” Electronics
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[5] Spartan -3AN field programmable gate arrays truncated multipliers delay study American journal of applied sciences 554-
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[7] Realization of adder using Reversible Logic X. Susan Christina, M.Sangeetha Justine, K.Rekha, U.Subha and R.Sumathi,
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering,Vol. 2, No. 3, June, 2010
[8] Michael P. Frank, Reversibility for Efficient Computing, , Ph. D. Thesis , May 1999.
[9] is.html
[10] Xilinx, Spartan-3 FPGA family datasheet, (2009).
[12] Muhammad H. Rais, Member, IAENG, Mohamed H. Al Mijalli, and Mohammad Nisar Resource Efficient Design and
Implementation of Standard and Truncated multipliers using FPGAs Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011
Vol II WCE 2011, July 6 - 8, 2011, London, U.K. 48 | Page