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Human Capital Management Cloud

Creating and Administering Analytics
and Reports

Release 13 (update 17B)

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports

Release 13 (update 17B)

Part Number E84557-02
Copyright © 2011-2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Author: Lynn Flink

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Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports


Preface i

1 Overview 1
About This Guide ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Creating and Administering HCM Analytics and Reports: Overview ........................................................................... 1
Securing HCM Analytics and Reports: Overview ....................................................................................................... 1
How can I find analytics and reports? ...................................................................................................................... 1
Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained ..................................................................................................................... 2
Business Intelligence Catalog: Explained ................................................................................................................... 2
Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider .................................................................................................... 3
What Happens to Customized Analytics and Reports When an Update Is Applied? .................................................. 4
Setup and Administration Overview .......................................................................................................................... 5

2 Setup and Configuration 9

Mapping to Work Areas ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Setting Up Currency ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Configuring Business Intelligence Publisher ............................................................................................................. 15

3 Subject Areas 21
Data Structure for Analytics: Explained ................................................................................................................... 21
Why do I get a list of all legal employers instead of only one when I create a report? .............................................. 22

4 Flexfields 23
Configuring Flexfields for Use in Analyses: Overview ............................................................................................... 23
Configuring Key Flexfields for Transactional Business Intelligence ........................................................................... 23
Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Transactional Business Intelligence ................................................................. 28
Configuring Extensible Flexfields for Transactional Business Intelligence .................................................................. 29
Importing Changes to Flexfields Automatically ........................................................................................................ 31
Disabling Flexfields as BI-Enabled ........................................................................................................................... 32
Dimensions Supported by Descriptive Flexfields ...................................................................................................... 34
Human Capital Management Descriptive Flexfields for Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence ............................ 34
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports

5 Analytics Customization 41
Creating and Editing Analytics: Highlights ............................................................................................................... 41
Analyses .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Cross-Subject Area Joins ....................................................................................................................................... 45
Reporting for HCM as of a Specific Date: Explained ............................................................................................... 46
Dashboards ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
Cross-Subject Area Analyses .................................................................................................................................. 47

6 Reports Customization 51
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher: Overview .................................................................................................... 51
Style Templates: Explained ..................................................................................................................................... 51
Subtemplates: Explained ......................................................................................................................................... 52
Creating and Editing Reports: Explained ................................................................................................................. 53
Accessing Report Components to Customize: Points to Consider .......................................................................... 54
Using the Customize Option for Predefined Reports: Points to Consider ................................................................. 55
Links Between Original and Custom Reports: Points to Consider ........................................................................... 56
Layouts ................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Data Models ........................................................................................................................................................... 63
Creating a New Data Model for an HCM Report: Worked Example ......................................................................... 64
New Reports ........................................................................................................................................................... 65

7 Analytics and Reports Management 69

Managing Folders ................................................................................................................................................... 69
Using Briefing Books .............................................................................................................................................. 70
Scheduling Analytics and Reports ........................................................................................................................... 71
Adding Analyses to Application Pages .................................................................................................................... 74

8 Maintenance and Migration 77

Performance Tuning for Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider ......................................................................... 77
Reviewing SQL Statements Used in Analyses: Procedure ....................................................................................... 77
Moving Analyses and Reports: Procedure .............................................................................................................. 78
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Preface
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports

This preface introduces information sources that can help you use the application.

Oracle Applications Help

Use the help icon to access Oracle Applications Help in the application. If you don't see any help icons on your page,
click the Show Help icon in the global header. Not all pages have help icons. You can also access Oracle Applications
Help at https://fusionhelp.oracle.com.

Using Applications Help

Watch: This video tutorial shows you how to find help and use help features.

Additional Resources
• Community: Use Oracle Applications Customer Connect to get information from experts at Oracle, the
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• Guides and Videos: Go to the Oracle Help Center to find guides and videos.

• Training: Take courses on Oracle Cloud from Oracle University .

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For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at Oracle
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Access to Oracle Support

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Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Preface
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

1 Overview

About This Guide

This guide is intended for advanced users and administrators who want to modify and create custom analytics and reports,
as well as perform setup and maintenance tasks for business intelligence. The guide contains both conceptual and
procedural information intended to help you build and manage analyses, reports, and dashboards that are tailored to the
content needs of your line of business or company. You can also use the information in this guide to help you set up business

Creating and Administering HCM Analytics and Reports:

The predefined analyses, dashboards, and reports help you meet business intelligence requirements. You might want to edit
them or create new ones for your own purposes. If you have the appropriate roles, you can customize analytics and reports
and make them available for use by others.

Setup and Administration

Several tasks exist that support creating and editing analytics and reports. For example, an implementor or administrator can:
• Secure access to custom analytics and reports.
• Archive and move custom analytics and reports from one environment to another.

For more information about security tasks, see Oracle Applications Cloud: Administering Analytics and Reports

Related Topics
• Creating and Editing Analytics: Highlights

• Creating and Editing Reports: Explained

Securing HCM Analytics and Reports: Overview

All users with appropriate roles can create and access analyses and reports based on role access to subject areas and
catalog folders.
Analyses and reports are secured by applying job roles with associated duty roles to users. Duty role assignments determine
access to subject areas for analyses as well as catalog folders. For information about the job and duty roles provided with
HCM, and how to customize your security model by creating custom job roles and assigning duty roles to them, see the
HCM Security Guide.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

How can I find analytics and reports?

See if the analysis or dashboard already appears on your page, perhaps on a separate tab. Or there might be, for example,
a link to the report you want to use. Also look for the Reports and Analytics pane, which may appear on your work area as a
panel tab or in the regional area. In the pane, you find analytics and reports specific to the work area you're on.
To see all the analytics and reports that you have access to, use the Reports and Analytics work area (Navigator > Tools >
Reports and Analytics).

Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

The Reports and Analytics pane is a central place for you to quickly view or run analytics and reports that are related to your
work. If you have the permission, you can create and edit analytics and reports here. Or, you can add them from the business
intelligence (BI) catalog to the pane. You may find this pane in a panel tab or in the regional area on some work areas. In the
Reports and Analytics work area (Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics), the pane appears as the Contents pane.

What's In the Pane

This table describes what's in the folders of the Reports and Analytics pane.

Folder Content

My Folders Any custom analyses or reports that you saved for your own use only.

Shared Folders • Any predefined analyses and reports that are relevant to your role. Or, in the Reports and
  Analytics work area, all the analytics and reports that you have permissions to access.
Any shared custom reports and analytics in the Custom subfolder. Place your shared reports
and analytics in this folder to protect them during upgrades.

Business Intelligence Catalog: Explained

Reports, analyses, dashboards, and other business intelligence (BI) objects are stored and administered in the business
intelligence catalog.

Navigating to the Catalog

To navigate to the catalog:

1. Click Reports and Analytics under Tools in the Navigator.

2. In the Reports and Analytics pane, click the Browse Catalog icon.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

Identifying Objects in the Catalog

The catalog stores the BI objects in a directory structure of individual files, organized by product family.

BI objects and reports are organized in the following folder hierarchy:

• Shared Folders (parent)

• Product family (example: Financials)
• Product (example: Payables)
• Report groups (example: Invoices)
• Dashboard reports
• Data Models
• Report Components
• BI Publisher reports
• Prompts

The following table describes the common BI objects that you find in the catalog:

Catalog Object Description Location

Analysis Analyses are used primarily by dashboards. Report Components folder


Dashboard Dashboards organize analytical content Reporting group folder

  and catalog objects, and present them in a  
meaningful way.

Dashboard Prompt Dashboard prompts allow users to filter Prompts folder

  dashboard content using provided values.  

Filter Filters are used in dashboards and analyses. Prompts folder


Report Reports are operational reports created in Reporting group folder

  Business Intelligence Publisher.  

Data Model Subtemplates are used by reports created in Data Models folder
  Business Intelligence Publisher.  

Subtemplate Data models are used by reports created in Reporting group folder
  Business Intelligence Publisher.  

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider

You save analyses, dashboards, and reports in the business intelligence (BI) catalog, along with other objects, including
prompts and filters. The catalog has a hierarchy of folders, starting with My Folders and Shared Folders. One important folder
is Custom, which you find under Shared Folders and use to store your custom analytics and reports.

My Folders
You're the only one who can access anything that you save in My Folders. You can see your saved items in My Folders on
the Reports and Analytics work area, but not in My Folders in the Reports and Analytics pane on any other work area. The
only exception is when you create an analysis using the wizard in the Reports and Analytics pane, and save it in My Folders.
In this case, the analysis is available in the pane on all work areas.

Shared Folders
If you have the appropriate roles, you can also save in Shared Folders so that your custom analytics or reports are available
to anyone with the right access. You should save objects under the Custom subfolder, which has subfolders organized by
product family.
Regarding predefined analytics and reports in Shared Folders:

• You should save a copy of the predefined analysis or dashboard in the corresponding product family subfolder under
the Custom folder, and edit only the copy. Directly edit predefined analytics only when necessary, to make sure that
any references to the analysis or dashboard still work properly.
• For predefined reports only, you can use a special Customize option to copy the report and also the folder structure
and permissions. The copy is linked to the original, so editing the copy is like directly editing the original.

Custom Folder
Keep all custom analytics and reports in the Custom folder so that:

• You ensure that customized copies of those objects are not affected during upgrades, which can change predefined
analytics and reports outside the Custom folder. You might lose customizations saved outside the Custom folder
during upgrades.
• You can easily find customized objects.
• You can edit objects in the Custom folder without compromising security on the original objects.

When you copy an object into the Custom folder, the copied object inherits the permission settings of the Custom folder. An
administrator can reset the permissions on the object and the folder that it's in.

Related Topics
• Creating and Editing Reports: Explained

• Creating and Editing Analytics: Highlights

• Using the Customize Option for Predefined Reports: Points to Consider

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

What Happens to Customized Analytics and Reports When

an Update Is Applied?
When saved in the Custom subfolder within Shared Folders, or in My Folders in the business intelligence (BI) catalog, custom
analytics and reports are preserved during an update. Any modified objects in the Custom folder are preserved in any update.
Changes to existing analytics and reports outside the Custom folder, including those you create, are preserved only if the
update doesn't include a new version of those BI objects. If the update includes a new version of a predefined object that you
edited outside the Custom folder, then:
• The new version overwrites the existing predefined object.
• A copy of the existing object (with your edits) is automatically created in the same folder, with a new name that
indicates it's a custom version.

If the update includes a new version of both the predefined object and a folder in its file path, then:
• The new folder, along with the new version of the object, overwrites the existing predefined folder and object.
• A copy of the existing folder (along with your edited object) is automatically created. The folder is renamed to indicate
that it's a custom version, but your edited object is not renamed.

Note: Future updates won't affect renamed custom objects or anything within a renamed custom folder.

Setup and Administration Overview

Tools for Administering Analyses and Reports: Explained

You can use several different tools to manage and administer analyses and reports.

These components support modification and administration of your analyses and reports:
• Use the Business Intelligence catalog to interact directly with your reports and analyses. Use this interface to manage
permissions, properties, and the organization of your analyses and reports.
• Use the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher administration pages to configure settings specific to the running
and scheduling of operational reports, such as setting up your delivery servers, managing scheduler work load, and
setting run-time properties for reports.
• Use the Oracle BI Administration Tool to edit the Oracle BI repository (RPD), which contains the metadata upon
which reports and analyses are built. The Administration Tool is a Windows application that you use to edit the RPD
based on your requirements.You can use the Administration Tool to perform data modeling tasks such as adding
new fact or dimension tables, reorganizing Presentation layer metadata, and creating BI view objects for tables. This
tool isn't available in Oracle Cloud implementations.
• Use the Catalog Manager to perform online and offline management of the catalog. Tasks that you can perform
with the tool include managing folders, shortcuts, global variables, and Oracle BI objects such as analyses, filter,
prompts, and dashboards; viewing and editing catalog objects in XML, and searching for and replacing catalog text.
This tool isn't available in Oracle Cloud implementations.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

• Use the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to monitor your IT environment unattended. It's delivered with a
predefined set of performance and health metrics that enable you to monitor key environment components, access
real-time performance charts, and perform strategic tasks such as trend analysis and reporting. This tool isn't
available in Oracle Cloud implementations.

Define Transactional Business Intelligence Configuration: Overview

Use the Define Transactional Business Intelligence task list in the Setup and Maintenance work area to complete configuration
of business intelligence in your application. Some tasks in this task list are performed during Oracle Applications Cloud
provisioning and require no further action from you. The Define Transactional Business Intelligence Configuration task list
includes the following tasks:
• Optimize Transactional Business Intelligence Repository
Trim unused projects from the business intelligence repository based on configured Oracle Applications Cloud
offerings. This optimization is automated during the provisioning process and requires no further action from you.
• Manage Transactional Business Intelligence Connections
Review data source connections in the physical layer of the business intelligence repository. Connections are set up
and reviewed during the provisioning process, and this task requires no further action from you.
• Manage Security for Transactional Business Intelligence
Review security for business intelligence users. The default security configuration can be modified. Refer to the
security documentation for your cloud services to review or change the default user security model.
• Configure Key Flexfields for Transactional Business Intelligence
Define the key flexfield segments and validation for use as classification keys. You must define these key flexfields for
Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence to operate correctly.
• Configure Descriptive Flexfields for Transactional Business Intelligence
Define validation and display properties of descriptive flexfields, which are used to add custom attributes to entities.
You enable and import flexfields for use in analyses.
• Import Essbase Cubes into Transactional Business Intelligence Repository for Financials General Ledger
Import Essbase cubes into the business intelligence repository. You must perform this task if you're using Oracle
Fusion General Ledger.
• Manage User Currency Preferences in Transactional Business Intelligence
Manage user currency preferences, which control regional currency settings, currency used in reports, and
corporate currency.

Related Topics
• Essbase Rule File and Cubes: Overview

• Configuring Flexfields for Use in Analyses: Overview

• Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Transactional Business Intelligence: Overview

• Importing Flexfield Changes: Overview

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

• Setting Currency Preferences for Analytics

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 1
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Overview

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

2 Setup and Configuration

Mapping to Work Areas

Setting Up the Reports and Analytics Pane: Procedure

You can find the Reports and Analytics pane in many work areas, and the analytics and reports you see in the pane depends
on the work area. You can define what's available for a specific work area, by mapping reports from the business intelligence
(BI) catalog to that work area. In this mapping context, reports refer to both analytics and reports. Your changes apply to all
users who have access to the work area you're mapping.

Mapping Reports from Your Work Area

To map reports to the work area that you're in:
1. Click the Edit Settings icon in the Reports and Analytics pane.
You see all the reports that are currently mapped to your work area.
2. Click Select and Add.
3. Find the report in the catalog and select it.
4. Click OK.
5. To remove any mapping, select the report and click Remove.
6. Save your work.

Mapping Reports to Any Work Area

To map reports to any work area that you have access to:
1. Go to the Setup and Maintenance work area and open the Map Reports to Work Areas task.
2. Select the application of the work area you want to map to.
3. Select the work area.
4. Click Search and see all the reports that are currently mapped to that work area.
5. Click Select and Add.
6. Find the report in the catalog and select it.
7. Click OK.
8. To remove any mapping, select the report and click Remove.

Tip: Click Synchronize to remove all mappings to any reports that are no longer in the catalog. You
synchronize all work areas, not just the one you're mapping.
9. Save your work.

Related Topics
• Setting Reports Up for Scheduling in the Reports and Analytics Pane: Procedure

• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

Why can't I see reports when mapping reports to work areas for the
Reports and Analytics pane?
Either no reports are currently mapped to the work area you select on the Map Reports to Work Areas page, or you don't
have access to the reports that are mapped.
Similarly, when you're selecting a report to map, you can see only the reports that you have access to. Ask your administrator
to either:

• Assign you roles that have access to the reports you want to map to work areas.
• Grant the Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty to someone who already has access to those reports.

Why can't I see reports when I edit settings for the Reports and
Analytics pane?
In the Edit Settings window, you might not see a currently mapped report because you don't have access to it.
Similarly, when you're selecting a report to map, you can see only the reports that you have access to. Ask your administrator
to either:

• Assign you roles that have access to the reports you want to map to work areas.
• Grant the Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty to someone who already has access to those reports.

Setting Up Currency

Setting Currency Preferences for Analytics: Overview

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence gives you the ability to set your personal currency preferences, as well as set
currency preferences which determine how your analyses display currency and calculate exchange rates.

The user preferences for your cloud offering are set in the cloud environment, and the currency preferences for analyses are
set in Oracle Business Intelligence (BI). Both user preferences impact how your report currency is calculated and displayed.
Your application administrator sets the corporate currency as the common currency basis for all users.

There are three ways currency is set in cloud and BI environments:

• User Currency - Set by the business user in Regional settings. This setting applies to the entire application interface
for that user only. The currency options available are set by your application administrator.
• Reports Currency - Set by the business user in BI under My Account in the Reports area. The setting applies to
that user only and only relevant for report production.
• Corporate Currency - Set by the application administrator. This setting applies to all users in that company.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

Setting Your General User Currency: Explained

User currency settings govern the currency that is used as the default for your application interface. User currency is set in the
application and applies to your entire interface for your signed-in session.
To set your user currency:
1. Navigate to Tools, Set Preferences.
2. Select Regional under General Preferences.
3. Select the preferred currency to be used. Available currencies include those set up for your company by your
application administrator.

Setting Your Personal Analysis Currency

The analysis currency determines the currency that is used in reports and analyses. It also determines how and when your
currency conversion rates are calculated.
To set your currency for reports and analyses:
1. Navigate to Business Intelligence.
2. Click Analytics in the navigator menu.
3. Click Browse Catalog.
4. Click your user name and and select My Account.
5. Go to the Preference.
6. Select your choice in Currency.
The following table describes the currency menu options.

Currency Name Description

Currency used on a transaction.

Entered Currency  

Currency set up in each respective Cloud application as the common Corporate currency used
<Application> Currency company-wide.

Conversion to User Preferred Currency is performed at the time your run the report, and is
User Preferred Currency using calculated from the Corporate currency based on the last time the record was updated and saved
Simple Currency Management or closed.

Conversion to User Preferred Currency happens on the date your run the report, and uses the
User Preferred Currency using currency indicated on the record.
Advanced Currency Management  

Setting a Default Currency Conversion Option for All Users: Explained

The default setting for the way currency conversion is handled for analytics is the User Preferred Currency Using Simple
Currency Management. This simple currency management setting provides the best run-time performance when dealing
with currency exchange rate management. But there are cases when your organization might want to standardize the setting
for all system users, by setting the default preference to another option, such as CRM Currency or User Preferred Currency
Using Advanced Currency Management.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

To change the default currency setting for all users, administrators need to add a profile option and a corresponding value.
Note that when administrators change the default currency setting for users in their organization, individual users can still
override that setting and select their preferred currency in My Account.

The following table shows the profile option code parameters to override the default currency setting.

Profile Code Profile Value Description

CRM Currency - Defaults to Application Currency.

User Preferred Currency 1 - Defaults to User Preferred Currency Simple Currency Management.

User Preferred Currency 2 - Defaults to User Preferred Currency Advanced Currency

Adding a Currency Profile: Explained

To set default global currency conversion types for all users, administrators create a currency profile. Currency profiles
are added under Setup and Maintenance, which is one of the options under the user name in the Home Page. Only
administrators can change global currency preferences by creating profiles.
To Add a currency profile:
1. Go to Setup and Maintenance.
2. Search for Manage Profile Options.
3. Click the +(New icon) under Search Results: Profile Options.
4. Enter the following values:
◦ Profile Display Name : BI Default Currency Conversion Method
◦ Application
◦ Module
◦ Start Date : Provide previous day's date to proceed to next step to define values.
5. Click Save and Close.
6. In the Manage Profile Options dialog, you see your new profile. Check the Enabled box for Site.
7. Click Save and Close.

Defining Currency Profile Values: Explained

Once you have created your currency profile, the last step is to define the profile value. This step defines which currency
management option is assigned to that profile.
To define a currency profile value:
1. Go to Setup and Maintenance.
2. Search for "Manage Administrator Profile Values".
3. Click Manage Administrator Profile Values.
4. In Profile Option Code search for your profile: BI_DEFAULT_USER_CURRENCY

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

5. In Manage Administrator Profile Values, Click + (Add icon) .

6. Select Site as the Profile level.
7. Enter "User Preferred Currency 2" in Profile Value.
8. Click Save and Close to close the dialog.

User-Preferred Currency Reporting and Exchange Rates: Points to

The simple and advanced user-preferred currency choices determine how and when your currency exchange rates are
calculated for your reports. For both simple and advanced currency management, when you save or close a report, the
application sets the exchange rate at that time. The option you choose impacts how quickly your reports are generated at run
time. Each case includes trade-offs, as detailed in the examples.

User Preferred Currency using Simple Currency Management

The advantage of this option is performance - the application doesn't have to look up the rate for each transaction because
when you close or save a record, the application converts it to your corporate currency at that day's rate. When you run the
opportunity report, the application multiplies that value by your preferred currency exchange rate for the date you run the
report. This eliminates the need for the application to cycle through each record, and calculate the corresponding exchange
rate to your preferred exchange rate at the time that record was closed or last saved. It simply takes the value on record for
the original transaction exchange to corporate currency, and multiplies it by your preferred currency exchange rate at the time
your run the report.

As an example of user preferred currency using simple currency management, a user updates and saves or closes an
opportunity record with associated revenue of one million Indian Rupees on January 31st with an exchange rate of 0.01403
Rupees to one US Dollar. The user then runs an opportunity report in US Dollars on March 31st. In the report, the US Dollar
Corporate Currency is set at the January 31st rate it was saved at, in this case reporting as $14,030, or one million multiplied
by 0.01403. Finally, an opportunity report on March 31st in Euros uses the March 31st conversion rate for US Dollars to
Euros of 0.75017 to convert the recorded US Dollar amount into Euros, in this example one million multiplied by 0.1403,
which is the January 31st Rupee to US Dollar exchange rate, multiplied by 0.75013, which is the March 31st rate for Euros.
This requires less processing, because the January 31st Rupee to US Dollar exchange rate, while not exact on March 31st, is
used as the basis for the calculation of the March 31st opportunity revenue conversion to Euros at the later exchange rate.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

The following figure describes an example of user preferred currency using simple currency

User Preferred Currency using Advanced Currency Management

This option provides a more precise exchange rate, since it goes through each record to determine the rate on the date
the record was updated or closed. The downside of this option is performance. Your reports will take longer to run. The
application has to cycle through each record and match currency exchange rates to the date the record was closed or
updated and saved.

As an example of user preferred currency using advanced currency management, a user updates and saves or closes an
opportunity record with associated revenue of one million Indian Rupees on January 31st, when an exchange rate of 0.01050
Rupees to one Euro applies. The user then runs an opportunity report on March 31st. In the report, the User Preferred
Currency of Euros is applied, using the March 31st Rupee to Euro rate of 0.01052, requiring calculation during report
processing to resolve the opportunity to 10,520 Euros. Finally, an opportunity report on March 31st in Euros again uses the
March 31st conversion rate for Euros.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

The following figure describes an example of user preferred currency using advanced currency

Why do I see amounts of zero in analyses?

The currency exchange rates might not be set up correctly. For example, you choose EUR as your preferred currency in
general preferences, and your corporate currency is USD. Amounts in analyses are displayed in EUR after conversion from
USD, based on the current exchange rate. But if the exchange rate between EUR and USD isn't set up, or if the conversion
fails for any reason, then the amounts show as zero. If this happens, contact your help desk.

Configuring Business Intelligence Publisher

Managing Report Delivery Servers: Overview

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, the report generation and delivery engine, requires configuration and tuning to deliver
reports to users.

Report requests are received by Publisher from:

• Oracle Enterprise Scheduler

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

• The Reports and Analytics pane

• Application pages

Requests submitted through Oracle Enterprise Scheduler are processed by the Oracle BI Publisher scheduler. Requests
submitted through the Reports and Analytics pane can be either real-time online requests or scheduled requests. Requests
submitted through an application may call Oracle Enterprise Scheduler or may return report request results directly back to
the application page.

Oracle BI Publisher is configured to accept requests from Oracle Applications Cloud. However, before you can deliver report
documents to their destinations, you must define the delivery servers in Oracle BI Publisher. Use the Oracle BI Publisher
Administration page to define your delivery servers.

Once delivery servers are defined, you can further configure the number of report processor and delivery threads to best
handle your processing and delivery requirements. In addition, you can configure report properties for the delivery servers or
at the report level to tune performance of your reports. To diagnose report processing issues, BI Publisher provides a set of
scheduler diagnostics.

Navigating to the Oracle BI Publisher Administration Page: Procedure

You use the Oracle BI Publisher Administration Page to perform most tasks related to report delivery and performance.
Use the Oracle BI Publisher Administration page to:
• Configure delivery servers
• Manage report and delivery processors
• View scheduler diagnostics
• Set system properties and report runtime configuration properties

Request the Oracle Applications Cloud security administrator to assign the BI Platform Administrator duty role (BI stripe) to
the person responsible for administering BI analyses, dashboards, and BI Publisher reports. Administration tasks include
security permissions for objects, organizing objects into folders, accessing log files, and several other tasks.

Navigating to the Administration Page

To navigate to the Oracle BI Publisher Administration page:
1. Under Tools, click Reports and Analytics.
2. In the Reports and Analytics pane, click Catalog.
3. In the Catalog page, click Administration, then click Manage BI Publisher.

Configuring Report Delivery Servers: Procedure

Set up the report delivery servers to support printing.

Configuring Servers
To configure delivery servers:
1. From the BI Publisher Administration page, click Delivery Configuration.
2. Enter values in the Delivery Configuration Options tab to set general properties for email deliveries and notifications.
3. To configure a delivery server, click the appropriate tab.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

Understanding the Report and Delivery Processors: Overview

When Oracle Enterprise Scheduler initiates a job, it is picked up by the BI Publisher scheduler queue.
• Job Processor: Listens for requests from the scheduler queue. When the job information is received, the job
processor executes the data model (and splits the data for bursting jobs), stores the data in the shared temporary
folder, and sends the report metadata to the report queue.
• Report Processor: Listens for requests from the report queue. When the report information is received, the report
processor generates the report documents, stores it in the shared temporary folder and puts the delivery information
in the delivery queue.
• Delivery Processor: Listens to the delivery queue and handles the delivery of reports for its channel. The delivery
processors are:
◦ Email Processor
◦ File Processor
◦ FTP Processor
◦ Print Processor
◦ WebDAV Processor
◦ Fax Processor

Managing Report Processing and Delivery Server Load: Procedure

Manage the processors in the BI Publisher Scheduler Configuration page.

Managing Processing and Server Load

By default, each processor is enabled and the thread count for each is set to five. For each managed server that is running
in the BI cluster, a table for that instance's processors is displayed. Use the table to enable or disable processors for the
instance and configure the thread counts.

To configure processor threads:

1. From the BI Publisher Administration page, click Scheduler Configuration.
2. In the the Cluster Instances region of the Scheduler Configuration page, enter the Number Threads value in the
processor configuration table.
3. All processors are automatically set to use the number of threads defined in the Threads Per JMS Processor value of
the JMS Configuration region of the page. Enter a value in the Number Threads column to change the value from this
After performing the scale-out procedure, configure the processor threads for each cluster instance using the same steps.

Diagnosing Report Processing Issues: Procedure

The Scheduler Diagnostics page provides the runtime status of the scheduler. Among others, it provides status of its JMS
configuration, JMS queues, cluster instances, scheduler Database, and Oracle Enterprise Scheduler.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

Diagnosing Issues
To access the Scheduler Diagnostics page:
1. Navigate to the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Administration page.
2. In the System Maintenance group, click Scheduler Diagnostics.

Configuring System Properties for Reports: Procedure

Use the Oracle BI Publisher Runtime Configuration page to set the system-level runtime properties for reports.

Configuring Reporting Properties

To access the Runtime Configuration page:
1. Navigate to the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Administration page.
2. In the Runtime Configuration group, click Properties.

Uploading PGP Public Key Files to GPG Keystore: Procedure

To support encrypted communication channel from the BI Publisher Server to an FTP site, you upload a PGP public key file to
a GPG keystore on the cloud and then provide it to a registered FTP location.

Uploading PGP Keys

You upload, test, and delete PGP keys in the BI Publisher Administration page.
To upload PGP keys:
1. Navigate to the BI Publisher Administration page.
2. In the Security Center section, click the PGP Keys link to open the PGP Keys page.
3. In the PGP Keys section, click Browse and select the PGP key file in the Open dialog box.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Upload. After the file is uploaded, it is imported into the keystore and its details are visible in the PGP Keys
table. If a key with the same ID is imported again, the file is overwritten.
6. Click the Download icon of the key in the Encrypted Test Output column of the PGP Keys table to download
and decrypt a test output file using the secret key of the imported public key. Successful decryption confirms the
encryption is working for your keys.

Deleting a PGP Key

To delete an imported public key, click the Delete icon.

Configuring an FTP Delivery Channel Using PGP Keys

To create an FTP channel:
1. Navigate to the BI Publisher Administration page.
2. In the Delivery section, click the FTP link to open the FTP page.
3. Add a new FTP Server and click Test Connection to test it. The Filter Command field is read-only and is updated
automatically when you select a PGP key.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

4. Select the PGP Key ID of the key you uploaded from the drop-down list.
5. Select the true check box for Sign Output to sign the encrypted document. If you select this check box, a -s
parameter is added to the existing filter command.
6. Test the connection again to confirm that an encrypted test file is sent to the remote directory. The FTP delivery
channel can now be used in a scheduled job.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 2
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Setup and Configuration

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 3
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Subject Areas

3 Subject Areas

Data Structure for Analytics: Explained

The business intelligence (BI) repository contains the metadata that defines which columns you can include in analyses, and
the source of that data. The repository is organized into subject areas, which contain folders with the columns.

Note: You can also use the BI repository as a data source for reports.

This table describes the three types of columns available when you create or edit analyses.

Column Type Description Example

Fact Provides a measure of something, meaning Total

  that the values are numbers.  

Attribute Represents a piece of information about a Start Date

  business object, with values that are dates,  
IDs, or text.

Note: Attribute columns can be

flexfield segments imported into the BI

Hierarchy Holds data values that are organized in a

  hierarchical manner. t Time, with sublevels:
• Year
• Quarter
• Month

Subject Areas
When you create an analysis, you first select a subject area, which contains columns related to a specific business object or
area. Then, open folders within the subject area to find the columns to include.

Each subject area has one fact folder and a number of dimension folders. Folders can have subfolders.
• Fact folders:

◦ Contain fact columns.

◦ Are usually the last in a list of folders and are usually named after the subject area.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 3
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Subject Areas

• Dimension folders:

◦ Contain attribute and hierarchical columns.

◦ Are joined to the fact folder within a subject area.

For example, if your analysis has the Currency attribute from a dimension folder, you see currencies in the
results. If you also add the Total fact, then your analysis includes only records with both a currency and a total
amount. The more columns you add, the smaller the query set for your analysis.
◦ Can be common folders, or common dimensions, that appear in more than one subject area.

If your analysis has columns from multiple subject areas, then you:

• Should include columns only from dimension folders that are common to all of those subject areas. At
least one such column is required.
• Must include one column from the fact folder in each of those subject areas.

Related Topics
• Creating and Editing Analytics: Highlights

• Creating and Editing Analyses with Advanced Features: Procedure

• Creating and Editing Analyses Using a Wizard: Procedure

• Customizing Data Models: Procedure

Why do I get a list of all legal employers instead of only one

when I create a report?
If you select only one dimension in an analysis, the dimension is not secured by the data security of the user. The resulting
report returns all dimension values. Add one or more dimensions or metrics to the analysis, to filter the report by the security
profile of the user.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

4 Flexfields

Configuring Flexfields for Use in Analyses: Overview

Flexfields are extensible sets of placeholder fields associated with business objects which can be placed on application
pages. You can use flexfields to extend business objects and meet your data management requirements without changing
the data model or performing any database programming. To include flexfields you have used for extension or customization
for use in analyses, you must enable them for business intelligence.
Extension of analyses using flexfields is available for Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning Cloud and Oracle Human Capital
Management Cloud. For Oracle Sales Cloud, the Extensibility Framework supports extension.

Flexfield Types
The following types of flexfields are available and provide a means to customize application features without programming:
• Descriptive
• Extensible
• Key

Depending on the flexfield type, business intelligence enablement is performed differently and has different requirements.
Once they are enabled for business intelligence, you can import any changes made to flexfields automatically using an import
scheduled process.

Configuring Key Flexfields for Transactional Business


Enabling Key Flexfields for Business Intelligence Reporting: Procedure

To include flexfields in your Transactional Business Intelligence reporting, you must enable them for Business Intelligence.
Extensibility of analysis using flexfields is used for Enterprise Resource Planning and Human Capital Management. For
Customer Relationship Management, the Extensibility Framework supports this.
To designate key flexfields as BI-enabled:
1. Navigate to Manage Key Flexfields in Oracle Applications Cloud.
2. Enter your search value in Key Flexfield Code.
3. Click Manage Structure Instances.
4. Enter your search value in Structure Instance Code.
5. Click Edit to display the Edit Key Flexfield Structure Instance dialog box.
6. Select the BI Enabled option, then click OK.
7. For each flexfield segment instance, repeat steps 5 through 6.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

8. Click Save.
9. Populate the BI Object Name for each of the segment labels:
a. Query the Key Flexfield Code in the Manage Key Flexfields window.
b. From the Actions menu, select Manage Segment Labels.
c. Populate the BI Object Name for each segment label to be mapped. The BI Object Name for the following
qualified segment labels should not be modified:

Segment Label Code BI Object Name

FA_COST_CTR Dim - Cost Center


GL_BALANCING Dim - Balancing Segment


GL_ACCOUNT Dim - Natural Account Segment


Before you deploy a flexfield, you must access the Chart of Accounts Instance and assign the newly created
segment label to the appropriate segment in the Chart of Accounts.
d. Click Deploy Flexfield.
e. Click Save and Close.

Related Topics
• Enabling Key Flexfield Segments for Business Intelligence: Points to Consider

Supported Key Flexfields: Overview

Key flexfields are used to store internally defined codes unique to a particular business, specifying part numbers, general
ledger accounts, and other business entities.

Product Area Key Flexfield Dimension

Fixed Assets Category (CAT#) Dim - Asset Category


Fixed Assets Location (LOC#) Dim - Asset Location


General Ledger Accounting (GL#) Dim - Balancing Segment

Dim - Cost Center
Dim - Natural Account

Payroll Costing Dim - Costing Segments


Supply Chain Management Locator Dim - Inventory Org


Supply Chain Management Item Category Dim - Item


Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Product Area Key Flexfield Dimension

Revenue Management Pricing Dimensions (VRM) Dim - VRM Segment


Budgetary Control Budgeting (XCC) Dim - XCC Segment


Mapping Non-Qualified Segments to BI Objects: Procedure

To map non-qualified segments that must be mapped and used in analysis, create a new label and associate a BI object with
the label. Associate this new segment label with the segment code.
To map non-qualified segments to BI objects:
1. From Manage Key Flexfields, search for the appropriate key flexfield code.
2. From the Actions menu, select Manage Segment Labels.
3. Click the Add Row icon.
4. Enter the details for the Segment Label Code, including name, description, and BI Object name. Enter the BI object
names carefully and note whether there is a space between Segment and the number.
This table provides examples of Key Flexfields and associated BI object names.

Key Flexfield BI Object Name

Accounting (GL) Dim - GL Segment1 through Dim - GL Segment10


Budgetary Control (XCC) Dim - XCC Segment1 through Dim - XCC Segment10

Revenue Management (VRM) Dim - VRM Segment 1 through Dim - VRM Segment 10

5. Complete the mapping by assigning unique segment labels to the key flexfields.

Setting Up the GL Accounting Flexfields: Procedure

This topic describes the workflow for setting up Accounting key flexfields, but these steps also apply for other key flexfields.
• Understanding Accounting Key Flexfields
• Identifying Accounting Key Flexfields
• Assigning Unique Segment Labels
• Performing Column Flattening
• Designating GL Accounting Segment Instances as BI-Enabled
• Deploying Accounting Key Flexfields

Understanding Accounting Key Flexfields

The Accounting Key Flexfield is used to identify GL accounts.
A chart of accounts segment is a component of the accounting key flexfield. Each segment has a value set attached to it
to provide formatting and validation of the set of values used with that segment. The combination of segments creates the

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

account combination used for recording and analyzing financial transactions. You must set up your Chart of Accounts (COA)
as part of implementing Oracle Applications Cloud.

Examples of segments that may be found in a chart of accounts structure include Company, Cost Center, Department,
Division, Region, Account, Product, Program, and Location.

The Natural Account segment of the General Ledger Accounting Key Flexfield defines the account used in the account
combination to record transactions.

The logical segment dimensions in the Oracle BI metadata are Dim - Cost Center, Dim - Balancing Segment, Dim - Natural
Account Segment and all Dim - GL Segmentndimensions. These dimension tables are populated from a Tree value object or
from a Value Set value object. Which value is used depends on whether a tree was associated with the segment in the Oracle
Applications Cloud setup:

• For each segment associated with trees, two value objects are generated (Tree and TreeCode) with the following
naming structure:

FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREE_VS_segmentlabel_VI &


• For each segment without trees, one view object is generated with the following naming structure:

FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_VS_ XXX_VI

In addition to the segment dimension tables, the BI Extension process also extends Flex BI Flattened VO;
FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI. This view object has a pair of columns for each segment; segmentlabel_
and segmentlabel_c.

For example, for your Cost Center segment which has the segment label FA_COST_CTR, there are two columns in this view
object, named FA_COST_CTR_ and FA_COST_CTR_c.

Identifying Accounting Key Flexfield Segments

Identify and map segments of the chart of accounts.
For each Chart of Accounts (Accounting Key Flexfield) used to analyze Transactional Business Intelligence facts, identify the
segments of the chart of accounts. Map them to the Transactional Business Intelligence GL Accounting Segment logical

Accounting Key Flexfield Segment Segment Label Transactional Business Intelligence GL

Accounting Segment Logical Dimension

Balancing GL_BALANCING Dim - Balancing Segment


Natural Account GL_ACCOUNT Dim - Natural Account Segment


Cost Center FA_COST_CTR Dim - Cost Center


Other segments to be equalized across the Other unique segment label Dim - GL Segment n where n is an integer
charts of accounts   from 1 to 10

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Assigning Unique Segment Labels

You must assign a unique segment label to the charts of accounts segments that are the balancing segments or the natural
account segments. The segments must be also used for specific purposes.
For example, assign the Primary Balancing segment label to the segment used for your company or legal entities. That label
provides a correct recording of intercompany transactions and company analysis. You can assign other segment labels when

To assign unique segment labels to charts of accounts segments:

1. Launch the Manage Charts of Accounts task and then navigate to the Manage Chart of Accounts page.
2. In the Search section, enter the GL# for the Key Flexfield Code and click the Search button.
3. In the Search Results section, select Accounting Flexfield and click the Manage Structures button to navigate to
Manage Key Flexfield Structures.
4. In the Search section, enter the chart of accounts code or the name for Structure Code or Name and click the
Search button.
5. In the Search Results section, select the chart of accounts and click Edit to navigate to the Edit Key Flexfield
Structure window
6. Select the Enabled check box to code-enable the Structure code.
7. In the Segments section, select the applicable segments and click Edit to navigate to the Edit Key Flexfield Segment
8. Select the Enabled check box to enable the segments.
9. In the Segment Labels section, select the unique segment labels to equalize the segments across the charts of
accounts. Click theshuttle to move the segments to the selected list.
10. Click Save and Close to return to the Edit Key Flexfield Structure window.
11. Click Done to return to the Manage Key Flexfields window.

Performing Column Flattening

Column flattening of trees is required in order for OTBI hierarchy analyses to be populated with correct data.

To flatten columns for account hierarchies:

1. Launch Manage Trees and Tree Versions and navigate to the Manage Trees and Tree Versions window.
2. In the Search section, enter GL_ACCT_FLEX for the Tree Structure Code and the involved tree code or name, and
click Search.
3. In the Search Results section, select the tree version you want to flatten. If the status of the Tree Version is Draft, to
make the Tree Version active, select Actions, then Status, and then Active.
4. (Optional): After the tree version is specified, perform an audit on the Tree Version to ensure its integrity before
launching the flattening job. Select Actions and then Audit. See the section on working with Trees in the
Developer's Guide.
5. Choose Column Flattening from the Actions menu.
6. Click the Online Flattening button to launch the flattening job immediately. Or, click the Schedule Flattening
button to schedule the flattening job according to your requirements.

Designating GL Accounting Segment Instances as BI-Enabled

Specify the applicable chart of accounts segment instances that are BI-enabled to make them available for use in
Transactional Business Intelligence.
To specify the chart of accounts segment instances as BI-enabled:
1. In the Search Results section of the Manage Key Flexfields window, select Accounting Flexfield and click the
Manage Structure Instances button to navigate to the Manage Key Flexfield Structure Instances window.
2. In the Search section, select the chart of accounts for Structure Name and click the Search button.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

3. In the Search Results section, select the structure instance and click Edit to navigate to the Edit Key Flexfield
Structure Instance window.
4. Check the Enabled check box to code-enable the structure instance.
5. In the Segment Instances section, select the segment instances and click Edit to update. Each of the segment
instances must be selected individually.
6. Select the Business Intelligence enabled check box in the Edit Key Flexfield Segment pop-up window and click
OK to return to Edit Key Flexfield Structure Instance window.
7. After you have enabled all applicable segment instances for Business Intelligence, click Save and Close to save the
changes and return to the Edit Key Flexfield Structure Instance window.
8. Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each chart of accounts to enable all the applicable segment instances for Business
9. Click Done to return to the Manage Key Flexfields window.
10. After you have configured all the charts of accounts, click the Deploy Flexfield button to deploy the Accounting
Flexfield and make the latest definition available for use.

Deploying Accounting Key Flexfields

After you have set up accounting key flexfields, you must deploy them.
Accounting key flexfields have one of the following deployment statuses:
• Edited: The flexfield definition has not been deployed or changes have been made to the structure, the structure
instances, or the value sets.
• Patched: The flexfield definition has been modified through an update, but the flexfield has not yet been deployed so
the updated definition is not reflected.
• Deployed to Sandbox: The flexfield is deployed and available in a flexfield-enabled sandbox.
• Deployed: The flexfield definition is deployed and available to end users.
• Error: The deployment attempt failed.

To deploy accounting key flexfields:

1. Access Manage Chart of Accounts from Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Click Search.
3. Locate the Deployment Status column.
4. Click the icon under the heading.
5. Select Edited.
6. Click Deploy Flexfield.
7. Monitor the Deployment Status and when it reaches 100% click OK.
8. Verify that a check mark displays in the Deployment Status column.
9. Click Done.

Related Topics
• Specifying Performance Options for a Tree Structure: Points to Consider

• Deploying Flexfields Using the Command Line: Explained

Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Transactional

Business Intelligence
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Configuring Descriptive Flexfields for Transactional Business

Intelligence: Overview
Configure descriptive flexfields to track unique information not typically found on business forms.
Descriptive flexfields can store several important details on a form without cluttering it. For example, several details may make
an asset form heavy and unmanageable. However, the user still needs to access those details and therefore, they must be
present on the form. In such cases, descriptive flexfields are convenient to use and are easy to manage.

Descriptive flexfields provide a way for you to add custom attributes to entities and to define validation and display properties
for them. A descriptive flexfield is a logical grouping of attributes (segments) that are mapped to a set of extension columns
which are shipped as part of Oracle Applications Cloud tables.

Configuring Descriptive Flexfield Segments: Procedure

If a descriptive flexfield is enabled for Oracle Business Intelligence, you can enable global and context segments for Oracle
Business Intelligence, and you can select segment labels. Not all descriptive flexfields are supported for Business Intelligence.

Configuring a Descriptive Flexfield Segment

If a descriptive flexfield is enabled for Oracle Business Intelligence, you can enable global and context segments for Oracle
Business Intelligence, and you can select segment labels. Not all descriptive flexfields are supported for Business Intelligence.
To configure available descriptive flexfield segments:

1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance window.

2. Navigate to the Manage Descriptive Flexfields window.
3. If the BI Enabled option is cleared, select it.
4. Select the options for deployment of the descriptive flexfields.

Setting Descriptive Flexfields as BI-Enabled: Procedure

If a descriptive flexfield is already defined, you can enable it for use in Business Intelligence reports. Not all descriptive
flexfields are supported for Business Intelligence.

Setting a Flexfield as BI-Enabled

1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Navigate to the Edit Descriptive Flexfields window.
3. Enter the descriptive flexfield name.
4. Check the BI Enabled option on the desired descriptive flexfields. If the option is unavailable, the flexfield is a non-
supported entity.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Configuring Extensible Flexfields for Transactional Business


Configuring Extensible Flexfields: Procedure

You can use extensible flexfields to configure more segments.
An extensible flexfield is similar to a descriptive flexfield in that it provides a customizable expansion space that you can use
to configure additional attributes (segments) without additional programming. As with descriptive flexfields, each segment is
represented in the database as a single column. However, with extensible flexfields, the context values and context-sensitive
segments are stored in an extension table.

Categories and Contexts

You can combine and arrange the segments into attribute groups that are tailored to your specific needs. For example, you
can group related segments so that they appear together on the page. The attribute groups are referred to as contexts. You
can optionally set up an extensible flexfield to enable categorization of contexts.

You can add contexts and segments to extensible flexfields just like the descriptive flexfields. To see the extensible flexfields
in analyses, you need to deploy them and then run the BI Extender Essbase scheduled process.

Configuring Extensible Flexfields

To configure extensible flexfields:
1. Open the Manage Extensible Flexfield task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Search for the EFF you want to configure, then select it and click the Edit icon.
3. In the Edit Extensible Flexfield dialog, highlight the category Display Name, then select Manage Contexts.
4. In the Manage Context dialog, search for the context that contains the segment you want to configure, highlight it,
then click the Edit icon.
5. In the Edit Context dialog, click the Edit icon.
6. Edit the segment, as required, then click Save.

Related Topics
• Flexfield Usages: Explained

Setting Extensible Flexfields as BI-Enabled: Procedure

Extensible flexfields are BI enabled if at least one segment in a context is BI enabled.

Setting Extensible Flexfields as BI-Enabled

To set extensible flexfields as BI-enabled:
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

2. Navigate to Manage Extensible Flexfields.

3. Enter the extensible flexfield name; for example, Organization Information EFF.
4. Select the applicable extensible flexfield, and then click Edit.
5. Select the applicable Category. The category contexts are populated automatically.
6. Click Manage Contexts
7. In the Edit Context page, select the applicable Context, and then click Edit.
8. Select the applicable Segment, and then click Edit.
9. In the Edit Segment page, select the BI Enabled check box.
10. Click Save.

Essbase Rule File and Cubes: Overview

Generate the Essbase rule file by running the Create Rules XML File for BI Extender Automation scheduled process.
The Essbase rule file must be generated for all Oracle Essbase cubes mapped in the repository file (RPD).

Job Status Conditions

The process status displays one of these conditions.
• INIT: The process has just begun and is waiting for the extender command line JAR to update the status with more
• COMPLETED_NO_EXTENSION_NEEDED: No new Flexfield changes were detected in any of the Oracle Applications
Cloud sources; because the RPD is already synchronized with all Flexfield changes, no changes were made in the
• COMPLETED: The RPD was successfully updated with Flexfield changes and uploaded into the Oracle Business
Intelligence server.
• FAILED: Error conditions exist which require manual intervention.

Related Topics
• Submitting Scheduled Processes and Process Sets: Procedure

Importing Changes to Flexfields Automatically

Importing Flexfield Changes: Overview

You can use the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence scheduled process to import
your flexfield changes.

Use the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence scheduled process to automatically
import the following types of changes:
• Key Flexfield changes
• Descriptive Flexfield changes
• Extensible Flexfield changes

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

The Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence scheduled process imports extensible data,
including data in descriptive flexfield segments, key flexfield segments, and General Ledger balances in Essbase cubes.

If you have changes to key flexfields and descriptive flexfields, you can import all the changes in the same scheduled process.

This is an Oracle Applications Cloud scheduled process; it is not related to BI Applications. Detailed information on this
process can be found in Oracle Applications Cloud documentation.

Note: We strongly recommend that you backup the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition prior to
importing any flexfield changes. Running the process disconnects all users from the server. You should not run
this process when maintenance operations or system updates are being performed on the server.

Running the Import Scheduled Process: Procedure

To import changes, run the Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence scheduled process.

Running the Job

To run the process:
1. In the Scheduled Processes window, select Search and Select: Name.
2. Select Search and Select: Name.
3. Highlight Import Oracle Fusion Data Extensions for Transactional Business Intelligence.
4. Click OK.
5. Schedule the process.

Process Status Conditions

When the process is finished, the biExtenderCMDUtility.jar writes the status of the process into the JNDI file
ess_biExtenderEssJob_jobStatus, which can be viewed in Oracle WebLogic Server.
The process status displays one of the following conditions:
• INIT: The process has just begun and is waiting for the extender command line JAR to update the status with more
• COMPLETED_NO_EXTENSION_NEEDED: No new Flexfield changes were detected in any of the Oracle Applications
Cloud sources; because the Oracle Business Intelligence is already synchronized with all Flexfield changes, no
changes were made in the Oracle Business Intelligence.
• COMPLETED: Oracle Business Intelligence was successfully updated with Flexfield changes and uploaded into the
Oracle Business Intelligence Server.
• COMPLETED: PROCESS_ERRORS: Oracle Business Intelligence was updated with the Flexfield changes but with
some warnings that require manual intervention.
• FAILED: Error conditions exist that require manual intervention.

Successful Import Process

If the import process is successful, you can perform the following actions:
• Query subject areas by segment dimensions such as Balancing Segment and Cost Center.
• Access DFF attributes for analyses.
• Use the General Ledger - Balances Real Time subject area to query Oracle Essbase cubes.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Disabling Flexfields as BI-Enabled

If you created a flexfield that you no longer want to use or report against, you can disable the flexfield as BI-enabled.
There may be times, such as during development phases, when you try using a flexfield and later determine it is no longer

Note: If you are considering disabling flexfields, keep in mind that any flexfields created in Oracle Applications
Cloud must be designated as BI-enabled to be exposed in Transactional Business Intelligence. If you disable
a flexfield, it cannot be deployed. Also, error conditions may occur if you disable a descriptive flexfield that
has been implemented in BI Applications. If error conditions arise from disabling flexfields as BI-enabled,
troubleshooting the errors can be difficult and time-consuming.

Disabling Key Flexfields as BI-Enabled: Procedure

If you created a flexfield that you no longer want to use or report against, you can disable the flexfield as BI-enabled.
If you are considering disabling key flexfields, keep in mind that any flexfields created in Oracle Applications Cloud must be
designated as BI-enabled to be exposed in Transactional Business Intelligence.

Disabling Key Flexfields

To disable key flexfields as BI-enabled:
1. Navigate to Manage Key Flexfields .
2. Enter your search value in Key Flexfield Code.
3. Click Manage Structure Instances.
4. Enter your search value in Structure Instance Code.
5. Click Edit. The Edit Key Flexfield Structure Instance dialog box displays.
6. In Edit Key Flexfield Segment Instance, deselect the BI Enabled option.
7. Click OK, then Save.

Disabling Descriptive Flexfields as BI-Enabled: Procedure

If you created a flexfield that you no longer want to use or report against, you can disable the flexfield as BI-enabled.
If you are considering disabling descriptive flexfields, keep in mind that any flexfields created in Oracle Applications Cloud
must be designated as BI-enabled to be exposed in Transactional Business Intelligence.

Disabling Descriptive Flexfields

To disable descriptive flexfields as BI-enabled:
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

2. Navigate to the Edit Descriptive Flexfields window.

3. Enter the Descriptive Flexfield Name.
4. Deselect the BI Enabled option on the desired descriptive flexfields.
5. Click OK, then Save.

Disabling Extensible Flexfields as BI-Enabled: Procedure

If you created a flexfield that you no longer want to use or report against, you can disable the flexfield as BI-enabled.
If you are considering disabling extensible flexfields, keep in mind that any flexfields created in Oracle Applications Cloud must
be designated as BI-enabled to be exposed in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.

Disabling Extensible Flexfields

To disable extensible flexfields as BI-enabled:
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance, then Manage Extensible Flexfields.
2. Enter the extensible flexfield Name; for example, "Organization Information EFF."
3. Select the applicable extensible flexfield and click Edit to navigate to Edit Extensible Flexfield.
4. Select the applicable Category. The category contexts are populated automatically.
5. Click Manage Contexts to navigate to Manage Contexts.
6. Select the applicable Context and click Edit to navigate to Edit Context.
7. Select the applicable Segment and click Edit to navigate to Edit Segment.
8. Deselect the BI Enabled option.
9. Click Save.

Dimensions Supported by Descriptive Flexfields

Human Capital Management Descriptive Flexfields for

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence
This topic lists the Human Capital Management descriptive and extensible flexfields that you can use with Oracle
Transactional Business Intelligence and includes:
• Oracle HCM Cloud page where the flexfield appears.
• Folder in Transactional Business Intelligence that contains the flexfield after you import it.

This table lists the descriptive flexfields.

Descriptive Flexfield Code and Name Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business

ANC_ ABSENCE_ CATEGORIES_ DFF Manage Absence Categories Dimension: Assignment Absences Details
Absence Category Attributes

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Descriptive Flexfield Code and Name Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business

ANC_ ABSENCE_ PLANS_DFF Manage Absence Plans Dimension: Assignment Absences Details
Absence Plan Attributes

ANC_ ABSENCE_ REASONS_DFF Manage Absence Reasons Dimension: Assignment Absences Details
Absence Reason Attributes

ANC_ ABSENCE_ TYPES_DFF Manage Absence Types Dimension: Assignment Absences Details
Absence Type Attributes

PER_ ABSENCE_DFF Record Absence Dimension: Assignment Absences Details

Absence Attributes

PER_ACT_DFF Manage Employment Actions Dimension: HR Action

Additional Action Attributes

PER_ ACT_LEG_DDF Manage Actions Dimension: HR Action

Legislative Action Attributes

PER_ ACT_ REASONS_DFF Manage Employment Actions Dimension: HR Action Reason

Additional Action Reason Attributes

PER_ ADDRESSES_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Location


PER_ ALL_ PEOPLE_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Details


PER_ASG_DF Employment Assignment Dimension: Worker Assignment Details

Assignment Attributes

  Employment Information page, Assignment
Legislative Assignment Attributes tab for these tasks:
• Add Contingent Worker
• Manage Employment
• Add Assignment
• Add Employment Terms (Also appears
on the Terms tab for this task)

Employment Information page, Assignments

tab, Contracts region (Single Contract Single
Assignment) for these tasks:

• Hire an Employee

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Descriptive Flexfield Code and Name Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business
• Add NonWorker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Work Relationship

Job Details page in Manager Self-Service

(Line Manager) for these tasks:

• Promote
• Transfer
• Change Working Hours

PER_ CITIZENSHIPS_ DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Citizenship

Citizenship Attributes

PER_ CONTACT_ RELSHIPS_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Contact Relationship

Contact Relationships Attributes

PER_ CONTRACT_DF Manage Employment - Employment Term Dimension: Employment Contract Details
Contract Attributes

PER_ CONTRACT_ LEG_DDF Dimension: Employment Contract Details

  Employment Information page, Terms tab,  
Contract Legislative Information Contracts region (Single Contract Single
  Assignment) for these tasks for the Line
Manager and HR Specialist:

• Hire an Employee
• Add NonWorker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Work Relationship

Also appears on these pages:

• Manage Employment (HR Specialist) -

Terms tab
• Add Assignment - Employment
Information page, Assignment tab
• Add Employment Terms -Employment
Information page, Terms tab

PER_ DOC_ OF_ RECORD_ LEG_DDF Document of Record Legislative Information Dimension: Document of Record Details
Manage Documents of Record

PER_ DOC_ OF_ RECORD_ LEG_DFF Manage Documents of Record Dimension: Document of Record Details
Documents of Record Attributes

PER_ DRIVERS_ LICENSE_ TYPES_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Driver License
Drivers License Types Attributes

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Descriptive Flexfield Code and Name Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business

PER_ EMAIL_ ADDRESSES_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Email Addresses

Email Addresses Attributes

PER_ ETHNICITIES_ DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Ethnicity

Ethnicity Attributes

PER_GRADES_DF Manage Grades Dimension: HR Grade

Grade Additional Details

PER_JOBS_DFF Manage Jobs Dimension: Job

Job Attributes

PER_ JOB_ FAMILY_DFF Manage Job Family Dimension: Job

Job Family Attributes

PER_ LOCATIONS_DF Manage Location Dimension: Worker Location

Location Attributes

PER_ NATIONAL_ IDENTIFIERS_ DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person National Identifiers
National Identifiers Attributes

PER_ ORGANIZATION_ UNIT_DFF Manage Department Dimension: Department

Organization Attributes

PER_ PERSON_ ADDR_USG_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Address

Person Address Usage Attributes

PER_ PERSON_ CONTACT_ Person Contact Relationship Information Dimension: Person Contact Information
  Manage Person

PER_ PERSON_ DISABILITY_ DFF Manage Person Person Disability

Person Disability Attributes

PER_ PERSON_ DISABILITY_ LEG_DDF Manage Person Person Disability

Person Disability Legislative Information

PER_ PERSON_ DLVRY_ METHODS_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Delivery Methods
Delivery Methods Attributes

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Descriptive Flexfield Code and Name Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business

PER_ PERSONDRIVERS_ LICENSE_ Manage Person Dimension: Person Driver License

Person Drivers License Legislative

PER_ PERSON_ LEGISLATIVE_ Manage Person and New Hire Dimension: Person Legislative Information
Person Legislative Information

PER_ PERSON_ LEGISLATIVE_ DFF Legislative section of Manage Person Dimension: Person Legislative Information
Person Legislative Attributes

PER_ PERSON_ NAME_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Names


PER_ PERSON_ NAME_LEG_DDF Not exposed Dimension: Person Names

Person Name Legislative Information

PER_ PERSON_ PASSPORT_ LEG_DDF Manage Person and New Hire Dimension: Person Passport Details
Person Passport Legislative Information

PER_ PERSON_ TYPE_USG_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Types


PER_ PERSON_ VISA_LEG_DDF Manage Person and New Hire Dimension: Person Work Permit
Person Visa Legislative Information

PER_ PERSONS_DFF New Hire Dimension: Worker

Persons Attributes

PER_PHONES_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Phones

Phones Attributes

PER_ POSITIONS_DFF Manage Position Dimension: HR Position

Position Attributes

PER_ PPS_LEG_DDF Dimension: Work Relationship Details

  Employment Information page, Work  
Work Relationship Legislative Information Relationship Details region for Line Manager
  and HR Specialist for these tasks:

• Hire an Employee
• Add Contingent Worker

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Descriptive Flexfield Code and Name Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business
• Add NonWorker
• Add Pending Worker
• Create Work Relationship
• Manage Work Relationship (HR
Specialist) - Work Relationship Details

Work Relationship Details region in these


• Manager Self-Service (Line Manager

and HR Specialist), Terminate
• Manage Work Relationship (HR

PER_PPS_DF Manage Work Relationship, Termination, Add Dimension: Work Relationship Details
  Person, Create Work Relationship  
Work Relationship Attributes  

PER_ RELIGIONS_DFF Manage Person Dimension: Person Religion

Religions Attributes

PER_ VISA_PERMIT Manage Person Dimension: Person Work Permit

Visa Permit Attributes

This table lists the extensible flexfields in HCM (Core HR and Payroll).

Extensible Flexfield Name and Code Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business

PER_ ASSIGNMENT_ EIT_EFF • Hire an Employee (Line Manager Dimension: Worker Assignment Details
  and HR Specialist) - Employment  
Information page, Assignment tab
• Hire an Employee (Line Manager
and HR Specialist) - Employment
Information Page, Contracts Region
(Single Contract Single Assignment)
• Manage Employment (HR Specialist) -
Assignment tab

PER_ JOBS_EIT_EFF Manage Jobs Dimension: Job


PER_ JOBS_LEG_EFF Manage Jobs Dimension: Job


PER_ LOCATION_ INFORMATION_ EFF Manage Locations Dimension: Worker Location


PER_ LOCATION_ LEG_EFF Manage Locations Dimension: Worker Location


PER_ ORGANIZATION_ INFORMATION_ EFF Manage Departments Dimension: Department


Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 4
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Flexfields

Extensible Flexfield Name and Code Location in Oracle HCM Cloud Location in Transactional Business

PER_ PERSON_ EIT_EFF Manage Person Fact - Person


PER_ POSITIONS_ EIT_EFF Manage Positions Dimension: HR Position


PER_ POSITIONS_ LEG_EFF Manage Positions Dimension: HR Position


Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

5 Analytics Customization

Creating and Editing Analytics: Highlights

Edit and create custom analytics to provide ad hoc reporting on your transactional data. The predefined analyses and
dashboards help answer many of your business questions, but you can also create your own to meet custom requirements.
This table gives a just a few examples of creating or editing analytics.

Task Example

Create an analysis Your team needs a simple list of all your accounts, sorted by account ID. You include the account
  name, ID, and address in a new analysis, and add sorting on the ID column.

Create a view A predefined analysis has a bar graph. You save a custom version of this analysis with a table view
  added to the graph.

Create a view selector You later decide that you want to toggle between viewing a table and a graph. You add a view
  selector that includes the table and graph views.

Edit a dashboard prompt A predefined dashboard has a Start Date prompt. You make a copy of the dashboard and replace
  Start Date with a date range prompt.

Create a dashboard You create a dashboard that includes an analysis and a report to view both together.

Tip: A wizard in the Reports and Analytics pane is available to help you create or edit analyses.

Data Source Customization

Administrators can customize the business intelligence (BI) repository to determine the columns available for you to use.
• They enable flexfields (which support custom attributes) for BI, and import them into the repository.
• You can then select attributes from flexfields to include in your analyses.

Related Topics
• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

• Data Structure for Analytics: Explained

• Configuring Flexfields for Use in Analyses: Overview

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

Creating and Editing Analyses Using a Wizard: Procedure

You can use a wizard that guides you through creating and editing analyses. Even though the wizard doesn't give you all
available features, you can still use it to make typical changes, for example adding views or filters. For other tasks, such as
creating dashboards or deleting analyses, use the advanced business intelligence features.

Creating an Analysis
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.
2. Click Create and select Analysis.
3. Select the subject area that has the columns you want for your analysis.
4. Optionally, add more subject areas or remove any that you no longer need.
5. Select the columns to include, set options for each column, and click Next.
6. Optionally, enter a title to display for the analysis.
7. Select the type of table or graph to include, specify the layout of the views, and click Next.

Note: At any point after this step, you can click Finish to go to the last step, to save your analysis.

8. Optionally, set more options for the table or graph, and click Next.
9. Optionally, add sorts or filters based on any of the columns you included, and click Next.
10. If you have a table, optionally define conditional formatting for select columns, for example to display amounts over a
certain threshold in red. Click Next.
11. Enter the name of your analysis and select a folder to save it in.
12. Click Submit.

Editing an Analysis
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics if available in other work areas where you
can find the analysis.
2. Select your analysis in the pane and click Edit.
3. Perform steps 4 through 10 from the preceding Creating an Analysis task, as needed.
4. To update an existing analysis, select the same name in the same folder. To save this analysis as a new copy, either
name it with a new name or save it in a new folder.
5. Click Submit.

Related Topics
• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

• Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider

• Data Structure for Analytics: Explained

Creating an Absences by Department Analysis: Worked Example

You are an HR specialist and you want to create an analysis to help you review what types of absences are occurring across
all departments.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

The following table summarizes key decisions for creating the analysis.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What information to include? • Department name

  • Absence reason
• Number of absences

What type of layout is required? Table with a bar graph below it.

Do the table columns require any special formatting? Yes, for the purpose of easier scanning. For the table, associate
  colors with thresholds so that 30 or more absences of one type are
highlighted in red. And, associate colors with thresholds so that 10 or
fewer absences of one type are highlighted green.

Is this analysis available for others to use? No. Save it to My Folders.


To create an analysis of absences by department, complete these tasks:

1. Select columns
2. Define the layout
3. Add column formatting
4. Save the analysis

Selecting Columns
1. Navigate to the Reports and Analytics work area.
2. Click Create.
3. Select Analysis.
4. In the Select Subject Area window, select the Workforce Management - Absence Real Time subject area.
5. On the Create Analysis: Select Columns page, expand the Workforce Management - Absence Real Time folder.
6. Expand the Department folder.
7. Select Name and click the Add icon button to move the column to the Selected Columns area.
8. Expand the Absence Reason folder.
9. Select Absence Reason Name and click the Add icon button to move the column to the Selected Columns area.
10. Expand the Assignment Absences folder.
11. Select # Of Absences and click the Add button to move the column to the Selected Columns area.
12. Click Next.

Defining the Layout

1. On the Create Analysis: Select Views page, enter Absence by Department in the Name field.
2. Next to the Table field, click None to open the Table menu.
3. Select Table (recommended).
4. Next to the Graph field, click None to open the Graph menu.
5. Select Bar (recommended).
6. Use the default layout value of Table above Graph.
7. Click Next.
8. On the Create Analysis: Edit Graph page, click Next.
9. On the Create Analysis: Sort and Filter page, click Next.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

Adding Column Formatting

1. On the Create Analysis: Highlight page, click Add Column Format in the Formatting region.
2. Select # Of Absences.
3. In the first Threshold field, enter 10, and click the down arrow in the first Color field. Select the color Green.
Tip: If you hover over the colors, hover text shows the name of the color.
4. In the second Threshold field, enter 30, and click the down arrow in the third Color field. Select the color Red (leave
the second color yellow).
5. Click Next.

Saving the Analysis

1. In the Create Analysis: Save page, Save In region, enter Absence by Department in the Analysis Name field, enter a
description, and then select My Folders.
2. Click Submit.
3. Click OK.

Creating and Editing Analyses with Advanced Features: Procedure

Even though you can use a wizard to create or edit analyses, you might have to use advanced features for complicated
analyses or specific requirements. For example, you can create view selectors so that users can toggle between views within
an analysis, or define criteria for filters using SQL statements.
You can also perform other actions on analyses, for example delete them or copy and paste them within the business
intelligence catalog.

Creating or Editing an Analysis

1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.
2. Click the Browse Catalog button.
3. Click the New button, select Analysis under Analysis and Interactive Reporting, and select a subject area.
Or, select your analysis in the Folders pane and click Edit.
4. Use the tabs as described in this table.

Tab Task

Criteria Select and define the columns to include.

Add filters.

Results Add views and set options for results.


Prompts Define prompts to filter all views in the analysis.


Advanced View or update the XML code and logical SQL statement that the analysis generates.
Set options related to query performance.

5. Save your analysis.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

Performing Other Actions on an Analysis

1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas where
you can find the analysis.
2. Select your analysis in the pane and click More.
3. Click More for your analysis and select the wanted action, for example Delete or Copy.

Related Topics
• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained
• Data Structure for Analytics: Explained
• Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider

Cross-Subject Area Joins

Cross-Subject Area Joins: Overview

You can create analyses that combine data from more than one subject area. This type of query is referred to as a cross-
subject area analysis. Cross-subject area analyses can be classified into three broad categories:
• Using common dimensions.
• Using common and local dimensions.
• Combining more than one result set from different subject areas using set operators such as union, union all,
intersection and difference.

Common Dimensions
A common dimension is a dimension that exists in all subject areas that are being joined in the report. These dimensions are
considered common dimensions between subject areas and can be used to build a cross-subject area report.

Common and Local Dimensions

A local dimension is available only in one of the combined subject areas in a cross-subject area query.

Creating a Cross-Subject Area Analysis: Procedure

To create a real-time analysis that includes more than one subject area, which is referred to as a cross-subject area analysis,
the analysis must include a measure from each of the subject areas to support the join if it uses a local dimension. You can
hide the measure in the results if you don't want it to appear in your analysis.

Creating a Cross-Subject Area Analysis

1. In the Reports and Analytics work area, click Browse Catalog.
2. Click New and select Analysis

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

3. In the Select Subject Area window, select a subject area.

4. In the Criteria tab, expand the dimensions and add a column to the analysis.
5. In the Subject Areas region, click Add/Remove Subject Areas.
6. In the Subject Area region of the Criteria tab, expand the dimensions and add a column to the analysis.
7. If the column is a local dimension, add a measure from the subject area. If it's preferable to hide the measure in your
analysis, select its Column Properties, and in the Column Format tab of the Column Properties dialog box, select the
Hide check box and click OK.
8. If you are using a local dimension, in the Advanced tab, navigate to the Advanced SQL Clauses section, select
Show Total value for all measures on unrelated dimensions, then click Apply SQL.
9. Click the Results tab to see the results of the analysis.
10. Click the Criteria tab again to return to the analysis definition.

Reporting for HCM as of a Specific Date: Explained

The ability to report as of a specific date depends on whether you are reporting on event-type measures or non-event type

Event-Type Measures
Event-type measures in Transactional Business Intelligence are those that include a time dimension, or specific date
associated with them. Examples include assignment events, absences, and performance. Because these measures have
specific dates associated with them, you can run queries against them as of a specific date. You can produce trend reports
for any subject area that has the time dimension, meaning any subject area that contains event-type measures.

Non-Event Type Measures

Non-event type measures don't have a specific date associated with them. Examples include headcount and salary.
Transactional Business Intelligence is designed to report on non-event measures as of the current date. To report on non-
event measures as of a specific date, add a prompt for the date to your analysis. And, add this SQL statement to the

Related Topics
• Creating a Date-Effective Headcount Analysis: Worked Example


Creating and Editing Dashboards: Procedure

You can create and edit dashboards to determine their content and layout. In addition to objects in the business intelligence
(BI) catalog, such as analyses, reports, and prompts, you can add text, sections, and more to a dashboard.

Creating a Dashboard
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

2. Click Browse Catalog.

3. Click New and select Dashboard under Analysis and Interactive Reporting.
4. Enter the dashboard's name and description, and select a folder to save in.
5. With the Add content now option selected, click OK.
6. Optionally, add more pages, or tabs, within the dashboard.
7. Drag and drop items from the Dashboard Objects or Catalog pane to add content to a page.
8. Click Save.

Note: The first dashboard page is saved with the page 1 name by default. To rename this page:
1. Click the Catalog link.
2. In the Folders pane, select your dashboard.
3. For page 1, click More and select Rename.
4. Enter the new name and click OK.

Editing a Dashboard
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas where
you can find the dashboard.
2. Select your dashboard in the pane and click More.
3. Click Edit.
4. Perform steps 5 and 6 from the preceding Creating Dashboards task, and make other changes as needed, for

◦ Remove content from the dashboard.

◦ Drag and drop within a page to move content around.
◦ Change the layout of a page.

Related Topics
• Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider

• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

Cross-Subject Area Analyses

Cross-Subject Area Analyses: Explained

You can create analyses that combine data from more than one subject area. This type of query is referred to as a cross-
subject area analysis. Cross-subject area analyses can be classified into three broad categories:
• Using common dimensions
• Using common and local dimensions
• Combining more than one result set from different subject areas using set operators such as union, union all,
intersection and difference.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

Common Dimensions
A common dimension is a dimension that exists in all subject areas that are being joined in the report. For example,
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time and the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Event Real
Time subject areas have Worker, Job, and Department available. These dimensions are considered common dimensions
between these two subject areas and they can be used to build a cross-subject area report.

Common and Local Dimensions

The Worker Assignment Details dimension in the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time subject area is not
available in the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Event Real Time subject area. Therefore it's a local dimension
for the purposes of a cross-subject area query between these two subject areas.

Creating a Cross-Subject Area Analysis for HCM: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create a real-time analysis that includes more than one subject area, which is referred
to as a cross-subject area analysis. In this example, you create an analysis of headcount by department with the annualized
salary in the local currency.
The following table summarized key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Which subject areas are needed? For headcount by department, select Workforce Management -
  Worker Assignment Real Time.
For salary, select Compensation - Salary Details Real Time.

Does the analysis require an SQL statement? Yes, to join the two subject areas.

Creating a Cross-Subject Area Analysis

1. In the Reports and Analytics work area, click Browse Catalog.
2. Click New and select Analysis.
3. In the Select Subject Area window, select the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time subject
4. In the Subject Area region of the Criteria tab, expand the Department folder.
5. Click Name and drag it to the Selected Columns area.
6. Expand the Worker Assignment folder.
7. Click Head Count and drag it to the Selected Columns area to the right of the Department Name column.
8. In the upper-right corner of the Subject Areas region, click Add/Remove Subject Areas.
9. In the Add/Remove Subject Areas window, select Compensation - Salary Details Real Time.
10. Click OK.
11. In the Subject Areas region of the Criteria tab, expand the Compensation - Salary Details Real Time folder.
12. Expand the Salary folder.
13. Click Annualized Salary and drag it to the Selected Columns area to the right of the Head Count column.
14. Click the Results tab to see the results of the analysis.
15. Click the Criteria tab again to return to the analysis definition.
16. In the Subject Areas region on the Criteria tab, expand the Salary Details folder in the Compensation - Salary Details
Real Time folder.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

17. Click Apps Local Currency Code and drag it to the Selected Columns area to the right of the Annualized Salary
18. Click the Results tab to view the report again. The Head Count column is now blank.
19. To correct the blank headcount, click the Advanced tab.
20. On the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Advanced SQL Clauses region.
21. Select the Dimensionality check box.

When you select this check box, the logical SQL is appended with the following request variable value, enabling you
to join the two subject areas: SET VARIABLE ENABLE_DIMENSIONALITY = 1;
22. Click Apply SQL.
23. In the Message from Web page window, click OK.
24. Click the Results tab again to see that the Head Count column now has numbers.
25. Click Save Analysis.
26. Save to My Folders, and enter Headcount by Department in the Name field, and enter a description for your

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 5
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics Customization

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

6 Reports Customization

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher: Overview

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher allows you to author, generate, and deliver all types of highly formatted documents
and operational reports. You can use familiar office desktop tools to create rich text format (.rtf) documents and reports
against any data source. You can view reports, schedule them to run, and distribute them to predefined destinations.
A BI Publisher report consists of one or more .rtf layouts, a reference to a data model, and a set of properties. A report may
also include style templates and subtemplates, which allow reusability of functionality and maintain consistency of design. In
the logical architecture depicted in the figure, the report includes a data model and a layout, and the layout references two
style templates in the catalog which in turn reference subtemplates.

In the BI Publisher logical architecture, the data model accesses data sources and the layout and its
optional style template and subtemplates determine the formatting of the report output, which can
include email, print, fax, or files, and others. The layout is designed using common office applications,
for example Microsoft Word and Excel and Adobe Acrobat and Flash, among others.




Data Model
Style Template



Word, Excel, PDF, Flash, other

layout tools

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Style Templates: Explained

A style template is a .rtf template that contains style information that can be applied to report layouts.

A style template is a .rtf template that contains style information that can be applied to report layouts at runtime to achieve
a consistent look and feel across your enterprise reports. You associate a style template to a report layout in the report
definition. Using a style template has the following benefits:

• Enables the same look and feel across your reports

• Enables consistent header and footer content, such as company logos, headings, and page numbering
• Simplifies changing elements and styles across all reports

Use style templates to define paragraph and heading styles, table styles, and header and footer content.

Paragraph and Heading Styles

When the named style is used in a report layout, the report layout inherits the following from the style template definition:

• font family
• font size
• font weight (normal, bold)
• font style (normal, italic)
• font color
• text decoration (underline or strike through)

Table Styles
Style elements inherited from the table style definition include:

• font style
• border style
• line definition
• shading
• text alignment

Header and Footer Content

The header and footer regions of the style template are applied to the report layout. This includes images, dates, page
numbers, and any other text-based content. If the report layout also includes header and footer content, then it is overwritten.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Subtemplates: Explained
A subtemplate is a piece of formatting functionality in .rtf or .xsl format that can be defined once and used multiple times
within a single layout template or across multiple report layout template files. Rich Text Format (RTF) subtemplates are easy to
design using native features in Microsoft Word, while subtemplates using Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) can be used
for complex layout and data requirements. Both .rtf and .xsl subtemplates are stored in the business intelligence catalog as a
subtemplate object, and both can be called from .rtf layout templates.

Some common uses for subtemplates include:

• Reusing a common layout or component (such as a header, footer, or address block)

• Handling parameterized layout
• Handling dynamic or conditional layouts
• Handling lengthy calculations or reusing formulas

RTF Subtemplates
An RTF subtemplate is an RTF file that consists of one or more <?template:?> definitions, each containing a block of
formatting or commands, that when uploaded to Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher as a subtemplate object in the catalog
can be called from within another RTF template.

XSL Subtemplates
An XSL subtemplate is an XSL file that contains formatting or processing commands in XSL for the Business Intelligence
Publisher formatting engine to execute. Use an XSL template to include complex calculations or formatting instructions not
supported by the RTF standard.

Creating and Editing Reports: Explained

Use reports to generate and print documents for internal operations, external business transactions, or legal requirements. To
meet specific requirements, you must create or edit reports to capture different data, or present data in another way.

Report Components
Each report has components that you can customize, as described in this table:

Report Component Description Tool for Customizing

Data model Defines the data source, data structure, and Data model editor in the application
  parameters for the report. Multiple reports  
can use the same data model. Each report
has one data model.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Report Component Description Tool for Customizing

Layout Defines the presentation, formatting, and

  visualizations of the data. A report can have Depending on the template file type:
multiple layouts. Different types of layout
templates are available, for example Excel • XPT: Layout editor in the application
and RTF. • RTF: Microsoft Word
  • PDF: Adobe Acrobat Professional
• Excel: Microsoft Excel
• eText: Microsoft Word

Properties Specifies formatting and other settings for the Report editor in the application

What You Can Create or Edit

This table gives just a few examples of creating or editing reports.

Task Example

Edit the layout of a report. Add your company logo to the report output.

Add a new layout to a report. Design a new layout template that provides less detail than the existing template.

Edit a data model. Add two fields to the data model used by a report so you can add those new fields to a custom
  layout for the report.

Create a new report based on a new Create a new data model based on data from an external system, and create reports using the
data model. custom data model.

Accessing Report Components to Customize: Points to

To create or edit reports, you must access the business intelligence (BI) catalog. In the catalog, objects of type Report
represent the report definition, which includes report properties and layouts. Data models are separate objects in the catalog,
usually stored in subfolders called Data Models.

Accessing the BI Catalog

You can access the BI catalog in any of the following ways:
• In the Reports and Analytics pane, click Browse Catalog to open the BI catalog, and find your report or data model
in the Folders pane.
• In the Reports and Analytics pane, find your report and select More to go to the report directly in the catalog. The
data model associated with the report should be in the Data Models subfolder within the same folder as the report.
• Sign in to the application directly (for example: http://host:port/analytics/saw.dll) to open the catalog.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

• Sign in to the BI server directly (for example: http://hostname.com:7001/xmlpserver) to open the catalog.

◦ Alternatively, once you are in the catalog using another method, for example, through the Reports and
Analytics pane, change the final node of the URL. For example, change (http://host:port/analytics/
saw.dll) to xmlpserver. So the URL you use would be: http://host:port/xmlpserver.

Predefined Reports
A special Customize option is available only:
• For predefined reports, not data models.
• Through direct access to the BI server using the /xmlpserver URL. When you find your report in the BI catalog,
select Customize from the More menu.

The Customize option automatically creates a custom copy of a predefined report and stores it in the Shared Folders >
Custom folder within the catalog. The new report is linked to the original, so that when users open or schedule the original,
they are actually using the custom version.

If you don't have access to the Customize option or don't want the original version linked to the new report, make a copy of
the predefined report and save it in the Custom folder.

Predefined Data Models

Don't edit predefined data models. Instead, copy the data model into the Custom folder and edit the copy.

Related Topics
• Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider

• What Happens to Customized Analytics and Reports When an Update Is Applied?

Using the Customize Option for Predefined Reports: Points

to Consider
The Customize option automatically creates a custom copy of a predefined report and stores it in the Shared Folders >
Custom within the business intelligence (BI) catalog. The custom copy includes the report definition, folder structure, and
original report permissions, and is linked internally to the original report. You can edit the custom copy of the report, leaving
the original report intact. When users open or schedule the original report, they are actually using the custom version.

Benefits of the Customize Option

In addition to conveniently copying a predefined report to the Custom folder, the Customize option:
• Makes it unnecessary to update processes or applications that call the report. For example, if the original report is
set up to run as a scheduled process, you don't need to change the setup. When users submit the same scheduled
process, the custom report runs instead of the original.
• Automatically copies the security settings of the original report.
• Removes the risk of patches overwriting your edits. If a patch updates the original report, the custom report is not
updated in any way.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Note: The custom report still references the original data model. The data model is not copied. A patch
that updates the data structure of the data model might affect your custom report.

Accessing the Customize Option

To access the Customize option:

1. Sign in to the BI server (for example, http://hostname.com:7001/xmlpserver).

2. In the Folders pane, select the predefined report.
3. Select Customize from the More menu for the report.
4. The copied report in the Custom folder opens, so proceed to edit this report.
To edit the custom report again later, you don't need to be in the BI server. Just go to the BI catalog and either:

• Select the Customize or Edit option for the original report.

• Find your custom report in the Custom folder and select Edit.

Related Topics
• Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider

• What Happens to Customized Analytics and Reports When an Update Is Applied?

Links Between Original and Custom Reports: Points to

The Customize option for predefined reports creates a custom copy of the report that is linked to the original. Consider the
following points when you work with both the original and custom versions.

Maintaining the Link Between Reports

The link between the predefined and custom report is based on the name of the custom report and its location within the
Custom folder in the business intelligence (BI) catalog.

• If you manually create a report with the same name as a predefined report, and give it the same folder path under
the Custom folder, then the new report becomes a custom version of the original. It would be as if you had used the
Customize option to create the custom report.
• You can edit the custom report so that it uses a different data model. But if the original data model is updated later,
then your custom report doesn't benefit from the change.

Important: The link to the original report breaks if you rename the custom or original report.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Tasks Performed on Original Reports

This table describes what happens when you use the original report and a corresponding custom report exists.

Task Performed on the Original Report Result When There Is a Custom Report

Open Opens the custom report.


Schedule Creates a report submission for the custom report.


Edit Edits the custom report.


Delete Deletes the original report only. If you delete the custom report, the original report is not deleted.

Copy Copies the original report.


Cut and Paste Cuts and pastes the original report.


Rename Renames the original report. The custom report name is not changed.

Caution: This breaks the link between the original and custom reports.

Download Downloads the custom report.


Customize Edits the custom report.


History Opens the job history of the custom report.


Related Topics
• Saving Analytics and Reports: Points to Consider

• What Happens to Customized Analytics and Reports When an Update Is Applied?


Creating and Editing Report Layouts: Overview

The layout determines what and how data is displayed on report output. Each report has at least one layout template. This
topic describes the following aspects of report templates:
• Layout templates
• Layout template types

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

• Overall process of managing layouts

• Deleting layout templates

Layout Templates
To customize a layout, you edit the layout template, which:
• Defines the presentation components, such as tables and labeled fields.
• Maps columns from the data model to these components so that the data is displayed in the right place.
• Defines font sizes, styles, borders, shading, and other formatting, including images such as a company logo.

Layout Template Types

There are a few types of template files to support different report layout requirements.
• RTF: Rich text format (RTF) templates created using Microsoft Word.
• XPT: Created using the application's layout editor, these templates are for interactive and more visually appealing
• eText: These templates are specifically for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and electronic funds transfer (EFT)

You can also create and edit other types of templates using Adobe PDF, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Flash, and XSL-FO.

Overall Process to Create or Edit Layouts

Editing or creating report layout, for example using Microsoft Word or the layout editor, involves making the actual changes to
the template file. But that task is just one part of the entire process for customizing layouts.
1. Copy the original report and save the custom version in Shared Folders > Custom in the business intelligence (BI)
catalog. You create or edit templates for the custom copy of the report.

Tip: You can use the Customize option if the original is a predefined report.

2. Review report settings for online viewing.

3. Generate sample data for the report.
4. Edit or create the layout template file.
5. Upload the template file to the report definition. Skip this step if you're using the layout editor.
6. Configure the layout settings.

Deleting Layout Templates

To remove a layout template for a report:
1. Select your report in the BI catalog and click Edit.
2. In the report editor, click View a list.
3. Select the layout template and click Delete.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Making Reports Available for Online Viewing: Procedure

Some reports are set up so that you can only view them through another application or submit them as scheduled processes.
To view your report online while you're editing it, you must define a few settings. When you're done editing your report, make
sure that you reset these settings as needed.

Updating Report Properties

1. Select your report in the business intelligence catalog and click Edit.
2. In the report editor, click Properties.
3. In the Report Properties dialog box, select Run Report Online and deselect Report is Controlled by External

Updating Layout Settings

1. Back in the report editor, click View a list.
2. Make sure that the View Online check box is selected.

Generating Sample Report Data: Procedure

Depending on the type of report layout changes you're making, sample data can be required or optional. You generate
sample data, and then load it for use with your layout so that you can map data fields to layout components. For example, for
the Start Date table column in your layout, you can set it so that the data displayed in that column comes from the Start Date
field in the sample data.
You can generate sample data from the:
• Report data model
• Report viewer
• Scheduler

Generating Sample Data from the Data Model

Follow these steps:
1. Select your data model in the business intelligence (BI) catalog and click Edit. Alternatively:
a. In the catalog, find the report to generate sample data for and click Edit.
b. Click the data model name in the report editor.
2. In the data model editor, click View Data.
3. Enter values for any required parameters, select the number of rows to return, and click View.
4. To save the sample data to the data model, click Save As Sample Data.
If you're designing a .rtf template, click Export to save the file locally.
5. Save the data model.

Saving Sample Data from the Report Viewer

For reports that are enabled for online viewing, you can save sample data from the report viewer:
1. Select the report in the BI catalog.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

2. Click Open to run the report in the report viewer with the default parameters.
3. On the Actions menu, click Export, then click Data.
4. Save the data file.

Saving Sample Data from the Scheduler

For reports that are enabled for scheduling (not necessarily as a scheduled process), you can save sample data from the
1. Select the report in the BI catalog.
2. Click Schedule.
3. On the General tab, enter values for any report parameters.
4. On the Output tab, ensure that Save Data for Republishing is selected.
5. Click Submit.
6. Open the Report Job History page.
7. On the global header, click Open, then click Report Job History.
8. Select your report job name in the Job Histories table.
9. On the details page, under Output and Delivery, click the XML Data Download icon button.

Layout Templates
Creating and Editing Report Layout Templates Using the Layout Editor: Procedure
The layout editor in the application provides an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface for creating pixel-perfect reports with PDF,
RTF, Excel, PowerPoint, and HTML output. The layout template files you create with this tool have an .xpt extension. The
layout editor tool is the only editing tool that provides dynamic HTML output. Users can interact with this output in a browser,
for example by sorting, applying filters, and so on.

Make sure that sample data is generated from the data model that your report is using.

Using the Layout Editor

To customize XPT templates:
1. Select the report in the business intelligence (BI) catalog and click Edit.
2. In the report editor, click Edit to update a template.
Or, click Add New Layout and select a template type under the Create Layout section.
3. Create or edit the layout.
4. Click Save to save the layout to the report definition.

Setting Up for RTF and Excel Report Layout Templates: Procedure

You can use Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel to create or edit RTF and Excel layout templates, in addition to the layout
editor in the application. If you use Word or Excel directly, you must download and install the appropriate add-in so that the
Microsoft application has the features you need to design report layouts.

Note: If you're designing a new layout for your report, consider using the layout editor instead unless you are an
experienced layout designer.

Installing the Add-In

1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

2. Click the Browse Catalog button.

3. Click Home.
4. Under the Get Started pane, click Download BI Desktop Tools.
5. Select the add-in for the type of template you're working with.

◦ Template Builder for Word: RTF templates

◦ Analyzer for Excel: Excel templates

6. Save and then run the installer.

Creating and Editing RTF Report Layout Templates: Procedure

An RTF template is a rich text format file that contains the layout instructions to use when generating the report output. Use
Microsoft Word with the Template Builder for Word add-in to design RTF templates.

Install the Template Builder for Word add-in, and generate sample data.

Using Template Builder for Word

To customize an RTF template:

1. If you are editing an existing layout:

a. Select your report in the business intelligence catalog and click Edit.
b. In the report editor, click the Edit link of the layout to download the RTF file.

If you are creating a new layout, skip this step.

2. Open the downloaded RTF template file in Microsoft Word. Or, if you're creating a new template, just open Microsoft
3. Load the sample data that you generated.
4. Edit or create the layout template.
5. Save the file as Rich Text Format (RTF).

eText Report Layout Templates: Explained

An eText template is an RTF-based report template that is used for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI). The template is applied to an input XML data file to create a flat text file that you transmit to a bank or other
organizations. Use Microsoft Word to create or edit eText templates.

File Format
Because the output is for electronic communication, not printing, you must follow specific format instructions for exact
placement of data on the template. You design eText templates using tables.

• Each record is represented by a table.

• Each row in a table corresponds to a field in a record.
• The columns of the table specify the position, length, and value of the field.

Special Commands
You must set up special handling of the data from the input XML file. This table describes the two levels of handling and
where you declare the corresponding commands.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Level Example Setup

Global Character replacement Declare global commands in separate setup


Record Sorting Declare functions in command rows, in the

    same table as the data.

Uploading the Layout Template File to the Report Definition:

If you're creating or editing a report layout using the layout editor, the layout is automatically saved to the report definition, so
you can skip this step. For all other layout types, for example RTF, upload the template file to the report definition after you're
done making layout changes.

Uploading the Template File

1. Select your report in the business intelligence catalog and click Edit.
2. In the report editor, click View a list.
3. In the table that lists the layouts, click Create.
4. Under Upload or Generate Layout, click Upload.
5. In the Upload Template File dialog box:
a. Enter a layout name.
b. Browse for and select the layout template file that you created or edited.
c. Select the template file type.
d. Select the locale, which you can't change once the template file is saved to the report definition.
e. Click Upload.
6. Save the report definition.

Configuring Layout Settings for Reports: Procedure

As part of creating or editing layout, you can set report properties related to layout. These settings determine, for example,
which layouts users can choose from when viewing or scheduling the report. The settings apply only to your report.

Setting Layout Properties

1. Select your report in the business intelligence catalog and click Edit.
2. In the report editor, click View a list.
3. Set layout properties, some of which are described in this table.

Setting Usage

Output Formats Depending on the requirements for a report, you may want to limit the output file formats (for
  example. PDF or HTML) that users can choose. The available output formats vary depending on
the template file type.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Setting Usage

Default Format When multiple output formats are available for the report, the default output format is generated
  when users open the report in the report viewer.

Default Layout When multiple layouts are available for the report, you must select a default layout to present it
  first in the report viewer.

Active Active layouts are available for users to choose from when they view or schedule the report.

View Online Select this check box so that layouts are available to users when they view the report. Otherwise,
  the layout is available only for scheduling the report.

4. Click Save Report.

Data Models

Customizing Data Models: Procedure

A data model defines where data for a report comes from and how that data is retrieved. If a data model can't give you all the
data that you need in your report, then you can either copy and edit an existing data model or create a new one.

Creating a Data Model

1. In the business intelligence (BI) catalog, click the New button and select Data Model under Published Reporting.
2. Optionally click the Data Model node in the Data Model pane to set properties for the data model.
3. Click the Data Set node in the Data Model pane to create or edit data sets, which determine where and how to
retrieve data.
4. Click the New Data Set button and select a data set type. It's best practice to use the BI repository as a data
source, so you should select either:

◦ Oracle BI Analysis: To use columns from a selected analysis.

◦ SQL Query: To use a Query Builder tool to define what to use from the repository. Select Oracle BI EE as
the data source.
5. Optionally, to limit the data included in the report output, click the Parameters node in the Data Model pane to
define variables that users can set when they use the report.

Note: The order of parameters is important if there are job definitions defined for reports that use your
data model. If you change the order in the data model, you must also update the job definitions.

6. Optionally, define other components of the data model.

7. Save your data model.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Editing a Data Model

1. To edit a predefined data model:
a. Find the data model in the BI catalog and click Copy.
b. Paste within Shared Folders > Custom in a subfolder that has a folder path similar to the folder that stores
the original data model.
c. For the data model you pasted, click More, and select Edit.
2. Optionally click the Data Model node in the Data Model pane to set properties for the data model.
3. Click the Data Set node in the Data Model pane to create or edit data sets.
Most predefined data models are of type SQL Query, and are set up to get application data from the following

◦ ApplicationDB_FSCM: Financials, Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Procurement, and

Incentive Compensation
◦ ApplicationDB_CRM: Sales
◦ ApplicationDB_HCM: Human Capital Management
4. Perform steps 5 through 7 from the preceding Creating a Data Model task, as needed.

Related Topics
• Setting Reports Up to Run as Scheduled Processes: Points to Consider

• Data Structure for Analytics: Explained

Creating a New Data Model for an HCM Report: Worked

This example shows how to create a data model for an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report. In this example, you
create a data model using an absence by department analysis that you created previously.

Creating a Data Model

1. Navigate to the Reports and Analytics work area and click Browse Catalog to open the Oracle Business
Intelligence Catalog.
2. On the OBI EE home page under Create, Published Reporting, click More and select Data Model.
3. On the Diagram tab, click New Data Set and select Oracle BI Analysis.
4. In the New Data Set - Oracle BI Analysis window enter a name for your data model.
5. In the Oracle BI Analysis field, click Search.
6. In the Oracle BI Catalog window, click Users.
7. Click the name of the person who created the analysis.
8. Locate and select the absence by department analysis that you have previously created.
9. In the Time Out field, enter 120.
10. Click OK.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

11. Click the Structure tab.

12. In the XML Tag Name field for the Department Name, replace the default value with DEPT_NAME, and replace the
default value in the Display Name with Department.
13. In the XML Tag Name field for the Absence Reason, replace the default value with ABSENCE_REASON, and
replace the default value in the Display Name with Reason for Absence.
14. In the XML Tag Name field for the Assignment Absences, replace the default value with NUMBER_ABSENCES, and
replace the default value in the Display Name with Number of Absences.
15. Click the Data tab.
16. On the Data tab, click View.
17. View the report structure and click Save As Sample Data.
18. Click OK.
19. In the upper-right corner, click Save.
20. In the Save As window, select My Folders, and enter Absence by Department Data Model.

New Reports

Creating Custom Reports: Procedure

Create a custom report when the predefined reports don't provide the data you need. Or, if you want to use a predefined
data model, and also want to change other aspects of the report other than layout. Save your custom report to Shared
Folders > Custom in the business intelligence catalog. Saving content in the Custom folder is the only way to ensure that
the content is maintained upon upgrade.

Creating a Report
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.
2. Click Create and select Report.
3. Select the data model to use as the data source for your report.
4. Continue with the wizard to create the report layout, or choose to use the layout editor and close the wizard.
5. Define the layout for the report.
6. Click the Properties button in the report editor to set specific formatting, caching, and processing options for your

Setting Up Access
You or your administrator can:
• Create a job definition so that users can run your custom report as a scheduled process.
• Set up the report for scheduling in the Reports and Analytics pane.
• Secure general access to your report and its job definition, if any.

Related Topics
• Setting Reports Up to Run as Scheduled Processes: Points to Consider

• Setting Reports Up for Scheduling in the Reports and Analytics Pane: Procedure

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Creating an Absence by Department Report: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher report. In this example, you use a
data model that you created using an Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence analysis for reporting on absence data by
The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decision to Consider In This Example

Which data model to use? Use the Absence by Department data model that you previously

Which layout options to use? Select Landscape and select Chart and Pivot table.

Add any additional charts to the report? Yes. Add a chart with the same configuration as the graph. Add this
  chart above the graph. When you click the different bars in the chart, it
filters the graph by that criteria.

Are filters needed for the report? Yes. Add filters to the chart, graph, and table to exclude records
  where the Reason for Absence is blank.

Is conditional highlighting needed? Yes. Add conditional highlighting to the pivot table so that
  departments with 20 or more absences are highlighted in red.

Creating a Report
1. Click Browse Catalog to open the BI Catalog.
2. On the OBI EE home page, under Published Reporting, click Report in the Create region.
3. In the Create Report window, verify that Use Data Model is selected.
4. Click Search in the Data Model field.
5. In the Select Data Model window, select the absence by department data model that you created.
6. Click OK.
7. On the Create Report page, verify that the Guide Me option is selected, and click Next.
8. On the Create Report, Select Layout page, select Landscape for the layout.
9. Select the Page Header and Page Footer options.
10. Select the Chart and Pivot Table option.
11. Click Next.
12. On the Create Report, Create Chart page, drag Number of Absences and drop it onto the Drop Value Here box.
13. Drag Reason for Absence and drop it onto the Drop Series Here box.
14. Drag Department and drop it onto the Drop Label Here box.
15. Click Next.
16. On the Create Report, Create Table page, review the location of each element in the table to make sure it's
formatted correctly.
17. Click Next.
18. Select View Report, and then click Finish.
19. In the Save As window, save your report in My Folders, and name it Absence by Department Report.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

20. Click OK.

21. The report appears.

Adding Additional Details to the Report

1. In the upper right corner of the Absence by Department Report tab, click Actions to view the options for exporting,
editing, and so on.
2. Click Edit Report.
3. Click Edit.
4. On the Insert tab, select Chart.
5. Drag the Chart component down to the report area, and drop it directly below the report title.

When you drag the chart component down to the report area, use the blue bar as a guide to decide where to drop
the chart. Drop the chart when the blue bar is directly below the report title.
6. In the Data Source region, select Number of Absences, and drag and drop it onto the Drop Value Here box.
7. Click Reason for Absence and drag and drop it onto the Drop Label Here box.
8. Click the new graph. A yellow border appears.
9. Click the bottom right corner of the yellow border, and drag the corner to the right so that the graph occupies the
entire page.
10. In the Filter options on the Chart tab, click Filter.
11. In the Filter window, select Reason for Absence from the Data Field menu.
12. In the Operator field, select is greater than or equal to from the drop-down list.
13. In the Value field, enter 0.
14. Click OK.
15. Toggle 3D Effect on and off and choose one of the settings, based on your preference.
16. Repeat steps 9 through 14 for the second graph.
17. Click the pivot table to refocus the page on the pivot table. The yellow border appears.
18. In the Filter options on the Table tab, click Filter.
19. In the Filter window, select Reason for Absence from the Data Field drop-down list.
20. In the Operator field, select is greater than or equal to from the drop-down list.
21. In the Value field, enter 0.
22. Click OK.
23. Click the cells in the Number of Absences column.
24. In the Conditional Formatting region of the Pivot Table Data tab, click Highlight.
25. In the Operator field, select is greater than or equal to from the drop-down list.
26. In the Value field, enter 20.
27. Click in the Background Color field.
28. In the Color Picker window, select Red (ff0000)
29. Click OK.
30. In the Highlight window, click OK.
31. Click Save to save the changes to your report.
32. Click Return.
33. Click View Report.
34. In the upper graph, click the different bars to see how the lower graph filters the results.

Related Topics
• Creating an Absences by Department Analysis: Worked Example

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 6
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Reports Customization

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

7 Analytics and Reports Management

Managing Folders

Creating Folders: Procedure

You manage analyses and reports in the business intelligence catalog, where you create folders to organize them.

Creating Folders
Follow these steps:

1. In the catalog, navigate to the desired location of the new folder in the Folders pane.
2. In the catalog toolbar, click New, and select Folder.
3. In the New Folder dialog box, enter the folder name, and click OK.

Addressing Automatically Created Folders

If conflicts are detected during upgrade, folders named backup_nnn are automatically created in the catalog. After reviewing
and resolving any conflicts, Oracle recommends that you manually delete the backup folders from the catalog. You can
contact your help desk to request an automated removal if you have a large number of folders to delete.

Setting Folder Permissions and Attributes: Procedure

Business intelligence catalog folder properties control folder permissions and other attributes. You can access the properties
of any object or folder in the catalog to perform tasks such as viewing system information or changing attributes or
ownership. All other users can only access and modify the properties of the objects that they create or own.

Setting Folder Properties

Follow these steps:

1. In the catalog, select the folder you want to assign properties to.
2. In the Tasks pane, click Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog box, select any of the options in the Attributes section:

◦ Hidden: Specifies that the object is hidden.

◦ System: Specifies that the object is a system object.

◦ Read Only: Specifies that the object is read-only.

◦ Do Not Index: Excludes the object from the index used by the full-text catalog search. Excluded objects do
not display in the results of any full-text catalog search; the object can still be found using the basic catalog

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

4. Use the Ownership section to take ownership of a folder or object in the catalog. This area displays only if the proper
privileges were assigned to the user, group, or role. Note that the owner of an object or folder can't automatically
access the object or folder.

◦ Set ownership of this item: Click to become the owner of the folder or object.
◦ Set ownership of this item and all sub items: Click to become the owner of the folder and any sub folders or
sub items contained within the item. For example, if you click this link for a dashboard folder, then you take
ownership of all of the dashboard's components.

Setting Folder Permissions: Procedure

You can assign permissions on folders and other objects.

Accessing and Setting Permissions

You can set permissions or change ownership for any catalog object or folder. Nonadministrative users can access and
modify the permissions of the objects that they create or own.
To set folder permissions:
1. In the catalog, select the folder or object.
2. In the Tasks pane click Permissions.
3. In the Permissions dialog box, the owner and any other users, roles, or groups with permissions are listed in the
Permissions list. To add a user or role, click Add users/roles in the toolbar and search for users or roles to add
them to the Selected Members list in the Add Application Roles, Catalog Groups and Users dialog box. To delete a
user or role, select the account or role in the Permissions list and click Delete selected users/roles.
4. In the Permissions list, to set ownership for a user, select Custom in the Permissions drop-down list for the account,
then select Set Ownership in the Custom Permissions dialog box and click OK. You can also select the Owner
option for the user or role.
5. Use the Permissions drop-down list to set permissions for the object. Object permissions vary by object.
6. Use the Apply permissions to sub-folders option to assign permissions to the folder's subfolders, and the Apply
permissions to items within a folder to assign them to objects in the folder but not to subfolders.

Using Briefing Books

Creating Briefing Books: Procedure

A briefing book is a collection of updatable or static analyses or dashboard pages (which can contain reports). The static
snapshots give you a picture of what's going on at the time that the analysis or dashboard page is added to the briefing
book. You can download briefing books as PDF or MHTML for viewing or printing, and share them with others. The PDF file
includes a table of contents for the book. Like analytics and reports, briefing books are stored in the business intelligence (BI)

Adding Content to New Briefing Books

Follow these steps:
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.
2. Click the Browse Catalog button.
3. Select your analysis, then click More and select Add to Briefing Book.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

Or, find your dashboard and click Open.

a. Go to the dashboard page you want to add.
b. Click the Page Options button and select Add to Briefing Book.
4. Indicate if you want the analysis or dashboard results to change (Updatable) or not (Snapshot) whenever the
briefing book is downloaded or rerun.
5. Click Browse.
6. Name your briefing book and save it in My Folders.

Adding Content to Existing Briefing Books

Follow these steps:
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.
2. Click Browse Catalog.
3. Select your analysis, then click More and select Add to Briefing Book.
Or, find your dashboard and click Open.
a. Go to the dashboard page you want to add.
b. Click the Page Options button and select Add to Briefing Book.
4. Indicate if you want the analysis or dashboard results to change (Updatable) or not (Snapshot) whenever the
briefing book is downloaded or rerun.

Downloading and Editing Briefing Books

Follow these steps:
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.
2. Click Browse Catalog to locate your briefing book.
You can find briefing books only in the BI catalog.

Related Topics
• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

Scheduling Analytics and Reports

Setting Reports Up to Run as Scheduled Processes: Points to

You can create a job definition for predefined or custom reports so that users can run them as scheduled processes. Use the
Define Custom Enterprise Scheduler Jobs task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to create job definitions. Otherwise,
users can open reports (which are set up to be run online) through the Reports and Analytics pane, or open and schedule
them from the business intelligence catalog.

General Job Definition Information

This table describes the general information to enter for your job definition.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

Field What You Enter

Job Type BIPJobType


Report ID The path to the report in the catalog, starting with the folder beneath Shared Folders, for example:
  Custom/ <Family Name>/ <Product Name>/<Report File Name>.xdo.
Make sure to include the .xdo extension for the report definition.

Default Output A default output format.


You can define parameters to be available to users when they submit scheduled processes based on your job definition.
When users run the scheduled process, the values they enter for the parameters:

• Are passed to the data model that the report is using.

• Determine the data to be included in the report.

The parameters that you define must be in the same order as parameters in the data model. For example, the data model has
parameters in this order:


You create parameters as follows:

• Start Date
• End Date
• Currency

Note: Because you define parameters using the list of values sources from the Define Custom Enterprise
Scheduler Jobs task, you should not define lists of values in the data model.

User Property
The only user property you must define is EXT_PortletContainerWebModule. Only lists of values associated with the application
that you select are made available for parameters in this job definition.

Related Topics
• Customizing Data Models: Procedure

• Creating Custom Reports: Procedure

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

Setting Reports Up for Scheduling in the Reports and Analytics Pane:

You can set up reports as scheduled processes, which means users can submit them from the Scheduled Processes and
other work areas. If you want users to also submit these scheduled processes from the Reports and Analytics pane, then you
must configure properties for the corresponding reports.

Enabling a Report for Scheduling

To enable scheduling in the Reports and Analytics pane:

1. Select the report in the business intelligence catalog and click Edit.
2. Click Properties.
3. On the General tab in the Properties dialog box, enter the following fields:

Field Value

Enterprise Scheduler Job Package The path for the job definition, for example: / oracle/ apps/ ess/<product family>/ <product>/
Name <business area>/ Jobs

Enterprise Scheduler Job Definition The job definition name (not display name), for example: ABCDEFG

Related Topics
• Setting Up the Reports and Analytics Pane: Procedure

• Accessing Report Components to Customize: Points to Consider

Scheduling Analytics and Briefing Books: Procedure

Analytics and briefing books can run based on a schedule that you define. You can set up other automated tasks, for
example to deliver results to specific recipients or send notifications. You create what's called an agent to set this all up for an
analysis, dashboard, or briefing book. The agent itself is saved as an object in the business intelligence (BI) catalog.

Creating an Agent
1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas.
2. Click the Browse Catalog button.
3. Click New and select Agent under Actionable Intelligence.
4. Ensure that you enter information on the Delivery Content tab to specify the analysis, dashboard, or briefing book to
5. Save the agent in My Folders.

Note: To edit an agent, browse the BI catalog to find the agent.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

Related Topics
• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

Scheduling Reports: Procedure

Reports can run based on a schedule that you define. You can set up other automated tasks, for example to deliver results to
specific recipients or send notifications. You submit a report with the schedule and criteria for other automated tasks defined.
If a report is set up as a scheduled process, you submit the process as you would any scheduled process. You can schedule
them from:

• Any work area where there is a link to the report.

• The Scheduled Processes work area, where you can submit all processes that you have access to.
• The Reports and Analytics work area or pane, if the report is set up for submission from there.

Submitting a Report or Scheduled Process

Follow these steps:

1. Open the Reports and Analytics work area, or the Reports and Analytics pane if available in other work areas where
you can find the report.
2. Click the name of your report.
3. Click Schedule if the option is there. The report is set up as a scheduled process.

a. Enter any parameters to avoid unnecessarily large results.

b. Click Advanced to enter a schedule, deliver results to a specific destination (including e-mail or printer), or
define criteria for sending notifications.
4. If you don't see Schedule, then click View.

a. Click the Actions button for the report and select Schedule.
b. Enter information similar to step 3.

Related Topics
• Scheduled Processes: Explained

• Reports and Analytics Pane: Explained

• Managing Scheduled Processes That You Submitted: Points to Consider

• Submitting Scheduled Processes and Process Sets: Procedure

Adding Analyses to Application Pages

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

Adding an Analysis to the Human Resources Dashboard: Worked

This example shows how to add an analysis to the Human Resources dashboard. This dashboard is a page in the
application, not a dashboard in the business intelligence (BI) catalog.
You can add predefined or custom analyses to any desktop page that you can personalize or customize.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Which analysis do you want to add? Position Occupancy.


Warning: Make sure that the analysis isn't querying against a

large volume of records. If the query is against many records,
then the Human Resources dashboard can take a long time to
open after you add the analysis.

Do you have to change the layout of the page? Yes, to a two-column layout that is wider on the right side.

Note: The one- or two-column layout gives enough space to

properly display analyses.

Do you want all or only one view of the analysis? All views.

Are these changes for you only, or for all users of the Human You only.
Resources dashboard?  

Adding an Analysis to the Human Resources Dashboard

1. Open the Human Resources dashboard.
2. Click your name in the global area and select Edit Current Page.
3. Click Change Layout and select Two columns, narrow left.
4. Click Add Content for the wider column.

The Reports and Analytics folder in the Add Content dialog box contains what's in the BI catalog.
5. Click through the folders in the catalog until you see the name of the analysis, and click Add to include all views of
the analysis.

If you instead click Open or Position Occupancy, you can select a specific view to add.
6. Click Close after you see the analysis added to the top of the wider column on the dashboard.
7. Click Save and then Close.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 7
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Analytics and Reports Management

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 8
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Maintenance and Migration

8 Maintenance and Migration

Performance Tuning for Analytics and Reports: Points to

When you create analytics and reports, don't use blind queries and include sufficient filters when creating analytics or reports
with hierarchies.

Blind Queries
Avoid blind queries because they are performed without filters and therefore fetch large data sets. Performance could be
an issue with these queries and can easily overload the application. All Transactional Business Intelligence queries on large
transaction tables must be time bound. For example, include a time dimension filter and additional filters to restrict by key
dimensions such as worker. In addition, apply filters to columns that have database indexes in the transaction tables. This
ensures a good execution plan is generated for the Business Intelligence query.

Hierarchies and Trees in Transactional Business Intelligence

Queries on trees and hierarchical dimensions such as manager can have an impact on performance. Transactional Business
Intelligence uses a column-flattening approach to quickly fetch data for a specific node in the hierarchy. Still, because there
is no pre-aggregation for the different levels of the hierarchy, carefully craft any query involving hierarchies to ensure that
sufficient filters are applied to keep the result set small.

Reviewing SQL Statements Used in Analyses: Procedure

You can review logical and physical SQL statements using either of the following procedures.

Logical and Physical SQL

Logical SQL is non-source specific SQL that is issued to the Oracle BI Server for an analysis. Logical queries use column
names from the Presentation Layer in the repository (RPD) metadata. Based on the logical request, the BI Server issues
optimized source-specific SQL to the actual data sources in the Physical Layer of the repository metadata. If you have proper
administrative privileges, you can review both logical and physical SQL for analyses.

Using Analysis in Edit Mode

1. Open the analysis in Edit mode and click the Advanced tab.
2. In the SQL Issued section, review the logical SQL statement.

Using Administration Page

1. On the Administration page, in the Session Management section, click the Manage Sessions link.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 8
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Maintenance and Migration

Note: You must be a Business Intelligence Administrator to access the Administration and Manage
Sessions page.
2. On the Manage Sessions page, in the Action column, click the View Log link to review the SQL statement.

Moving Analyses and Reports: Procedure

You can archive to bundle the entire catalog, specific folders, or multi component objects as a .catalog file and upload
the .catalog file to unarchive the data to another location in the catalog. Use the archive process to transfer specific data
across environments, for example from a development environment to a production environment.

Creating an Archive
To create an archive file:
1. Locate the object in the catalog.
2. Select More and then select Archive.
3. In the Archive dialog box, select one or more of the following options:

◦ Keep Permissions: Maintain the object or folder's existing permissions. If you do not select this option, then
the archiving process does not include any permissions. Upon unarchiving, the parent folder's permissions are
assigned to all of the objects and folders.
◦ Keep Time stamps: Maintain the Creation Time, Last Modified, and Last Accessed times assigned to the
object or folder. Upon unarchiving, the LastModified time is updated to indicate the time at which the object
or folder is unarchived. If you select this option, the Old option in the Paste Overview area of the Preferences
dialog box is available when unarchiving. You use the Old option to overwrite existing catalog items that are
older than the catalog items in the archive.

If you do not select this option, then the archiving process does not include time information and the Old
option in the Paste Overview area of the Preferences dialog box is not available.
4. Click OK to download the archive file.

Moving a File to a New Location

To unarchive a file:
1. Select the folder in the catalog where you want to upload the archived file.
2. In the Tasks pane click Unarchive.
3. In the Unarchive dialog box, browse for and select the archive file.
4. Use the Replace option to specify whether to replace an existing folder or object with the same name.

◦ All: Select this option to replace any existing folders or objects with the same names as folders or objects
included in the archive file that you are uploading.
◦ Old: Select this option to replace folders or objects except those folders or objects that exist, unless they are
older than the source.
◦ None: Select this option to add any new folders or objects, but preserve any existing folders or objects.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 8
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Maintenance and Migration

◦ Force: Select this option to add and replace all folders or objects.
5. Use the ACL option to specify how the folders or objects are assigned permissions using Access Control Lists
(ACLs) when unarchived.

◦ Inherit: Inherits the folder or object's permissions (ACL) from its new parent folder.

◦ Preserve: Preserves the folder or object's permissions (ACL) as it was in the original, mapping accounts as
◦ Create: Preserves the folder or object's permissions (ACL) as it was in the original, creating and mapping
accounts as necessary.
6. Click OK.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Chapter 8
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports Maintenance and Migration

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Glossary
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports

A selection of data displayed in one or more views, such as a table or chart, to provide answers to business questions.

Business intelligence objects such as analyses and dashboards that provide meaningful data to help with decision making.

briefing book
A collection of static or updatable analyses or dashboard pages that you can download, print, and share with others.

business intelligence catalog

The repository where all business intelligence objects, including analytics, reports, briefing books, and agents, are stored. The
catalog contains separate folders for personal, shared, and custom objects.

business intelligence repository

The metadata that determines all of the columns, or pieces of data, that you can include in analytics. You can also use the
repository as a source of data for reports.

A change to the predefined artifacts of the application. Customizations impact multiple users.

A collection of analyses and other content, presented on one or more pages to help users achieve specific business goals.
Each page is a separate tab within the dashboard.

data model
The metadata that determines where data for a report comes from and how that data is retrieved.

desktop page
A page that's optimized for extended periods of use with monitors.

Abbreviation for electronic data interchange.

Acronym for Electronic Funds Transfer. A direct transfer of money from one account to another, such as an electronic
payment of an amount owed a supplier by transferring money from a payer's disbursement bank account into the supplier's
bank account.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Glossary
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports

A flexible data field that you can customize to contain one or more segments or store additional information. Each segment
has a value and a meaning.

flexfield segment
An extensible data field that represents an attribute and captures a value corresponding to a predefined, single extension
column in the database. A segment appears globally or based on a context of other captured information.

global header
The uppermost region in the user interface that remains the same no matter which page you're on.

job definition
The metadata that determines what a job does and what options are available to users when they submit the scheduled
process. A job is the executable for a scheduled process.

panel tab
A tab that provides supplemental information or functionality for the page. Each panel tab is on the right side of the page, has
an icon as the tab label, and slides out when you open the tab.

A change that users make to control the look or behavior of the application. Personalizations impact only the user making the

A parameter that you set when you use analytics, limiting the data in the analysis or in all analyses on the dashboard or
dashboard page (tab).

regional area
The collapsible region in the work area that lets you control what's in the local area, for example by selecting a task or running
a search.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Glossary
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports

An output of select data in a predefined format that's optimized for printing.

Controls access to application functions and data.

scheduled process
A program that you run to process data and, in some cases, generate output as a report.

Style template
An .rtf template containing style information that's applied to report layout templates to achieve a consistent look and feel
across reports.

subject area
A set of columns, or pieces of data, related to a specific business object or area.

An .rtf or .xsl format that is defined once and used multiple times within a single report layout template or across multiple
layout template files.

A specific way to present the results of an analysis, for example as a table or graph. Other types of views, such as the title
view, show other components of the analysis.

work area
A set of pages containing the tasks, searches, and other content you need to accomplish a business goal.

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Glossary
Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports


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