Thesis 1
Thesis 1
Thesis 1
The Certified Public Accountant Licensure examination is considered one of the most
the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), the demand for
professional accountants brought the need to protect the public from rogue practitioners who had
the potential to damage the reputation of genuine, honest accountants. With the sustained
increase in the demand for accountants, a governing body needs to be established and licensure
Professional Accountancy that the world is changing rapidly and professional accountants of the
future need to think ahead. This means they’ll need to have the right combination of skills to
meet the future’s changing needs and opportunity to enhance their employability even further.
In pursuance of the Philippine Accountancy Law (RA 9298,Section 16) clearly states that
to be qualified as having passed the licensure examination for accountants a candidate must
obtain a general average of seventy-five percent (75%), with no grades lower than sixty-
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy that have poor performance of their graduates in ten CPA
Board examinations within a period of five years could lead to the gradual phase-out and
eventual closure of the school‘s accountancy program. With this memorandum, accountancy
schools had to closely monitor the overall passing performance of their BSA graduates and that
the overall rating should not fall below the national passing rating, else the school shall be given
a warning or shall cease to exist. The warning would mean that a less-than-five percent pass-rate,
already a threat for a school offering accountancy or worst case scenario it would bring the
program to an embarrassing closure. However, the passing rates of Saint Paul University Surigao
in CPA licensure examination and the national passing rate which were provided by the PRC is
shown below. This says that the school barely passed the required minimum rate in some
Table 1. St. Paul University Surigao passing rates and the national passing rates in CPA
licensure examination.
This study was intended to assess the performance in the Licensure Examination for
Certified Public Accountants from May 2013 - October 2017 in terms of date of examination and
subjects, to determine the passing percentage and trend of performance rating of examinees in
the CPA Licensure Examination from May 2013 - October 2017 and to develop a plan of action
based from the results of the study. The researchers believe that this study is important in
pursuing for the betterment and improvement in teaching strategies and policies of the program.
This study was anchored from the concepts of Baysa (2015), that the Certified Public
Accountants Board Examination has always been viewed as the ultimate test of competency and
the mark of quality for all aspiring accountants. It has been bannered by accounting schools and
reviewer SPUSs as a gauge of their educational standards, taking pride in their passing
percentages and the number of topnotchers that graduate from their hallowed halls. He added
that the seven subjects in the CPA examination as provided in the Revised Philippine
Accountancy Law of 2004, Republic Act 9298, had been in place for almost half a century. The
seven subjects are Theory of Accounts, Auditing Theory, Management Services, Auditing
Problems, Practical Accounting Problems P1, Practical Accounting Problems P2, and Business
Law and Taxation. These subjects have equal weight, equal number of hours in the examination
but different total number of questions depending on the nature of the subject. Since Section 15
of the Accountancy Law allows amendments to the CPA examination, the Board of Accountancy
(BOA), after considering the developments surrounding the profession and the clamor of the
different sectors of the profession, particularly those in academe during the debriefing conducted
after the May 2015 examinations, decided to have the long-overdue revisions. The highlights of
the revisions are as follows: 1) Reduction in the number of subjects from seven to six; 2)
Merging auditing theory and practice into one subject; 3) Merging accounting theory and
practice and distributing the pertinent topics in Theory of Accounts, Practical Accounting I,
Accounting and Reporting; 4) Segregating Business Law and Taxation into Taxation and
Management Advisory Services. The revised six subjects in the CPA board examinations are
now Financial Accounting and Reporting, Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting,
Management Advisory Services, Auditing, Taxation, and Regulatory Framework for Business
Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the study. This will determine how
effective is the Accountancy Program, specifically on the preparation of its graduates for the
licensure examination.
The input contains The average performance ratings per subjects in the CPA licensure
Examinations, 2013-2017of SPUS. This will be used as bases in tracking the performances of BS
The factors affecting the performance of the candidates in the said examinations:
Total units of major subjects per batch. This affects in a way that students are supplied
Total instructor per batch. This contributes to the point that students are taught with
enough professors.
The following box illustrates the trend of the performance of graduates on the following
Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting. This subject covers the candidates’
knowledge of special transactions and their effects and presentation in the financial statements.
Financial Accounting and Reporting. Covers the application of accounting principles and
standards relating to: nature and composition of accounts; initial recognition; measurement and
Auditing. Covers the candidates’ knowledge of the principles and concepts of auditing
Taxation. It includes the Implementing rules and regulations, circulars, rulings and other
provisions, general principles, concepts, and underlying philosophy of the laws applicable to
The expected output will be the proposed intervention to increase the passing rate in the
The average
performance ratings
per subjects in the Proposed
Trend of the average performance rating of
CPA licensure
SPUS on the following CPA Licensure Intervention.
Examinations, 2013-
2017of SPUS Examination subjects
Advanced Financial Accounting and
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Regulatory Framework for Business
Management Advisory Services
This study aimed to assess the performance of Saint Paul University Surigao in the
1. What is the average performance rating per subjects of SPUS in the CPA licensure
2. To what extent the factors affecting the performance in the CPA licensure Examination:
3. What is the trend of the average performance rating of SPUS on the following CPA
4.3 Auditing;
4.4 Taxation;
4. Is there a significant relationship in the average performance ratings of SPUS in the CPA
licensure Examinations and the factors affecting the performance in CPA Licensure
average performance ratings of SPUS in the CPA licensure Examinations and the factors
The results of the study will be used as additional information pertaining to Bachelor
Science in Accountancy Graduates with regards to the Certified Public Accountant Licensure
Accounting Teachers. The result of this study would help accounting teachers in
evaluating themselves regarding their competency as they take a large part in the student’s
Accountancy Students. The findings of this study can be used by the BSA Students in the
College of Business and Technology Department. The product of this study will
distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of the Accountancy Program in the SPUS; therefore,
the school department will be able to introduce substitute actions to reinforce the strengths and
Institution. The results of the study will give benefit to the SPUS by having direct
Licensure Examination.
This study is limited in the factors that affect the CPA Licensure Examination
Performance of St. Paul University Surigao from the year 2013-2017.The data were obtained at
the College of Business and Technology office through a request letter to the Dean for an official
result of the CPA Licensure Examination coming from the PRC from the year 2013-2017. A
letter was sent also to the College of Business and Technology for the instructors of those who
took the examination and their prospectus as the basis of the total units of board related subjects.
Likewise, a letter was sent to the guidance office for the results of the Aptitude test. The
researchers obtained data regarding the factors affecting the Certified Public Accountant
Licensure Examination and took their correlation with the average performances. The resources
are limited, as to the Aptitude test only 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years can only be
provided. For the total units for board related subjects the researchers used the prospectus in the
academic years of 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 because those were only available.
Regarding to the total instructor only in the batch of 2014, 2015 and 2016 can be retrieved only.
The study will be conducted in Surigao City, 2nd semester of academic year 2017-2018 and
Definition of Terms
The following terms are hereby defined for enlightenment of the contents of the study:
Passing Rate. The percentage of the number of examinees per school who are passers of
National Passing Rate. The percentage of the total number of examinees who are passers
Average Performance Rating. It is the mean of the performance ratings of those who took
the examination.
is offered twice a year, one on May and another on October, in authorized testing centers around
the country.
Retrospective. It is a look back at events that took place, or works that were produced, in
the past.
Intuitive. It is based on what one feels to be true even without continues reasoning
This section presents the review of the related literature of the study. The concepts and
studies contained within serve as support and bases to the development of this study.
According to McDonough (2010) argues that the CPA exam is a matter of proper
planning, focus and determination. He concludes that the exam is definitely possible. He
suggested exams pitfalls to avoid and tips to pass the exam on your first attempt: Apply early- at
the appropriate time, make a plan- A study plan, quality and quantity- Take the time to
understand the process needed to solve each particular problem, give it your best –Get plenty of
rest before the exam and get to the testing center early, don’t change an answer, take your time
with the simulation and, after the exam, continue studying for your next part.
Public Accountant (CPA) seems to be the most recognized and widely coveted of all the
different accounting career paths, yet very few prospective accountants understand why it
Also, Cruz (2013) added that a license to practice a certain profession is earned through
taking board exams. In the Philippines, the Professional Regulation Commission serves as the
Moreover, O’Callaghan, Elson, Walker, Rao, and Rechtman (2010) according to their
study it examines the different incentives used by CPA firms to motivate their staff to take the
CPA exam and for passing the exam. The authors find that Management personnel at CPA firms
should help staff by designing a success plan that should include how many hours they need to
pass the exam. Management should also advise their staff to ask for family support and
understanding in complying with their study plan. The authors also recommend that candidates
take a live review course with classes near the staff members’ homes. Once a candidate passes
the exam, compensation should be revised to recognize the achievement. Thus, Buenaobra and
Medallon (2013), both concluded that the true measure of any board program is passing the
Aptitude test
According to Neil J. Salkind (2010) that aptitude can be defined as individual differences
that are related to subsequent learning during a fixed time frame. The learning or acquisition of
setting experience or mentoring. This definition can be fruitfully narrowed by specifying the
domain of individual differences cognitive, noncognitive and the type of relationship i.e., rate,
accuracy with learning. Numerous individual differences are related to learning, including
cognitive abilities, personality traits, interests, and values. All of these can be considered
aptitudes, and all can be evaluated in work, school, or avocational contexts. Aptitudes are
Johny Kutty, Joseph Asstt and Professor Smvdcon (2017) that aptitude is both ability and
achievement. Ability: it is present oriented. It tells about one’s present position with regard to
indicates what one has learnt or acquired. Aptitude: it is future oriented. It predicts his future
Dipali B. Gandhi (2010) that individual possess certain specific aptitude or ability in
addition to intellectual abilities or intelligence, which helps them to achieve success in some
specific occupations or activities. Thus aptitude means specific ability or capacity distinct from
general intellectual ability that helps to acquire proficiency or achievement in specific field.
Nugent, Pam M.S.( 2013) that aptitude is the natural capacity of an individual to acquire
Kendra Cherry (2017) an aptitude test is designed to assess what a person is capable of
doing or to predict what a person is able to learn or do given the right education and instruction.
It represents a person's level of competency to perform a certain type of task. Such aptitude tests
are often used to assess academic potential or career suitability. Such tests may be used to assess
Likewise, M Buschkuehl (2010) the gain on Aptitude depends on training features such
as spaced or massed training and how inter individual differences mediate the effects of training
Tests, Why it Matters, and Why it won’t Change Anytime Soon Probably studied that Aptitude
and creativity are more conceptually related than we have thought. He also questioned that do IQ
tests actually measure Aptitude and how well do they predict real-world success. He also
concluded that there are several theories that are not ye) represented in IQ tests that have much to
appropriate entry level technical competence, professional skills, values, ethics and attitudes to
successfully complete their studies, pass their professional certification examination and the
practical experience period. It is composed of a minimum of 173 units, including the general
education curriculum and covers all major areas required by the profession such as accounting,
finance and related knowledge; organizational and business knowledge; and information
technology, knowledge and competencies. The CMO added that the regular teaching load of a
full time teaching personnel shall be not exceed 24 units per term. Instructor should not be
assigned to teach more than three or four different courses in any one term. Neither should be too
much variety in the courses assigned in any one year. The teaching load of a part time or special
lecturers teaching in more than one educational SPUSs shall no case exceed 24 units peer term in
the aggregate.
Amit Paul (2015) Cons of taking a heavy-course-load. The time spent in an extra classes
takes away from the time you could have spent in another, maybe more relevant, class. Your
school may not have a limit to how much units you can take, but time is definitely limited. Why
aim for a broad knowledge when society perhaps values more knowledge in a specific subject?
College is not just about academics. College is also an opportunity to socialize, serve others, and
find interests/hobbies. Sleep is important. Quality over quantity. This is why a better GPA in
fewer units is much more valuable than a lower GPA with more units. Those extra units take
away from your effort in another class, leading to less knowledge in that subject and a lower
GPA. Working hard is pointless if you do not reflect on why you’re working hard. What’s your
motivation for taking so many units? It’s easier to collapse completely under the stress of so
many units.
Valerie Strauss (2014) this won’t come as any surprise to many teenagers but here goes:
A new study finds that a heavy homework load negatively impacts the lives of high school
students in upper middle-class communities, resulting in excess stress, physical problems and
little or no time for leisure. The inability to balance or juggle the overload of homework, along
with the number of other out-of-school activities or interests was the single most-often provided
College Students’ Perspective that, academic relevance became synonymous with the practical
perceptions of the usefulness of their academic work as a predictor of persistence. The results of
several studies suggested those students’ perceptions of their academic experience as relevant for
future employment is positively associated with persistence toward the achievement of academic
As stated in the CHED Memorandum Order no. 27 (2017) that the BSA program shall be
good moral character, registered professional accountant and obtained valid accreditation as
accounting teacher. As to the instructor, they should possess the educational qualifications,
productivity and other essential qualifications. This include good moral character, registered
professional accountant and obtained valid accreditation as accounting teacher. The CMO
provided ideas to improve the quality of the instructor members, that there is should be a formal
development program to encourage and help instructor members keep up with new knowledge
and techniques in their field, improve their teaching skills and course materials and continue
At least 30 % of the accounting education and professional subjects in the program shall
be handled by a full-time instructor. There is should be at least 3 full time CPA instructor of
According to JN Hughes (2012) that special issue serve to remind us of the progress
which these relationships affect students’ social, behavioral, and academic adjustment. The
articles also point toward the need for additional research, in order to ensure that all students are
provided the social and emotional supports at school that are critical to their full and positive
participation in school. Both the encouragement and the direction are much appreciated.
performance is also largely influenced by the teachers’ pedagogical approach to teaching. It has
been reported that the teaching methodology largely adopted in schools is the traditional teacher-
fronted, non-committal teachers, lack of interaction and bond between teachers and students.
Learning process should be enjoyable where the teaching approach used could attract the
students’ attention, develop interest in learning, and ensure full participation in the classroom.
Pedagogical approaches hence need to be well structured and systematic for effective learning to
take place.
In addition, higher academic achievement can be attained if the students are made aware
of the learning objectives with clear instructions, learning environment that is conducive and the
extent of students’ participation in the teaching and learning process said by Abdullah et al.,
Moreover, Kareem, J., and Ravirot, B. (2014) mentioned that teaching is delivered by a
teacher to enhance the amount of learning of a learner. To make learning more meaningful,
essential condition. Teacher Educators differ significantly with respect to their Teaching
The following are the CPA licensure examination subjects with their corresponding
descriptions according to the PRC Board of Accountancy Resolution no. 274-2015 (2016):
It covers the candidates’ knowledge of the concepts and principles in advanced financial
accounting and reporting and the application of these accounting concepts including techniques
and methodology to problems likely to be encountered in practice. Candidates should know and
understand problems involving accounting of special transactions and their effects and
presentation in the financial statements including among others: accounting for partnerships,
corporate liquidation, joint arrangements, revenue recognition, home office and branch/ principal
and agency transactions, business combinations and consolidations, foreign currency transactions
and translations, not- for-profit organizations, including government accounting and cost
accounting and treatment and presentation of consolidated financial statements,. Also, a working
knowledge of the standards related to these special topics is expected of the candidates.
accounting principles and standards relating to: nature and composition of accounts; initial
measurement and recognition of losses due to impairment and other causes; related party
It deals with the candidates’ knowledge of the principles and concepts of auditing and the
practical application of these principles and concepts. It also involves the entire auditing process,
including auditing procedures, generally accepted auditing standards, standards related to attest
engagements and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. There shall be two parts of this
It includes the candidates’ knowledge of the principles and concepts of taxation and the
practical application of these principles and concepts. Candidates are expected to know the
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) provisions on income tax, business taxes (value-added
and percentage taxes), estate tax, donor’s tax; the Tariff and Customs Code; Local Government
Code on local taxes; preferential tax or tax exemption provisions and taxes pertaining to senior
citizens and persons with disability, Board of Investments, PEZA, BMBE, various Tax Treaties
and other special laws and issuances that may be legislated in the future. The candidates must be
familiar with the Implementing Rules and Regulations, circulars, rulings and other issuances
pertinent to the implementation of the various taxation laws earlier specified. The candidates
should know the taxation principles in the decisions of the Court of Tax Appeals, Court of
transactions and business organizations/associations, and of business laws including their legal
implications. Candidates should know and understand the pertinent legal provisions, general
principles, concepts, and underlying philosophy of the laws applicable to commerce and
business. The candidates must have sufficient knowledge to enable them to recognize the legal
implications of business situations or transactions and to know when to seek legal counsel or
It concerns with the candidates’ knowledge of the concepts, techniques and methodology
Candidates should know and understand the role of information in accounting, finance and
and decision-making.
According to Rumsey (2010), the correlation coefficient r measures the strength and
direction of a linear relationship between two variables on a scatterplot. The value of r is always
is widely used in statistical analysis to estimate the relationship between different variables.
Pearson correlation coefficient is widely used in economics, social sciences, medicine, etc., as a
As stated in Minitab Blog Editor (2013) that regression analysis yields regression
coefficients, R-squared and even adjusted R-squared. Regression coefficients represent the mean
change in the response variable for one unit of change in the predictor variable while holding
other predictors in the model constant. This statistical control that regression provides is
important because it isolates the role of one variable from all of the others in the model. The key
to understanding the coefficients is to think of them as slopes, and they’re often called slope
coefficients. Moreover, R-squared is a statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted
regression line. The definition of R-squared is fairly straight-forward and it is the percentage of
the response variable variation that is explained by a linear model. Also, the adjusted R-squared
compares the explanatory power of regression models that contain different numbers of
predictors. The adjusted R-squared is a modified version of R-squared that has been adjusted for
Dtsch Arztebl Int. (2010) mentioned that regression analysis employs a model that
describes the relationships between the dependent variables and the independent variables in a
Synthesis of the Review. The concepts and ideas obtained from the mentioned literatures
provides insights which were related to the study. All the materials used for the purpose of this
study gave knowledgeable facts on the actual performance of the graduates of SPUS in the CPA
licensure examinations and as to the factors influencing the CPALE results of Saint Paul
University Surigao from year 2013-2017. As a whole, the viewpoints of the writers and links
provided a solid foundation of this endeavor. The cited literatures and studies are similar to the
present study because it explained the perceptions or factors that affect the CPA licensure
examination performance. But the present study differs in some aspects in a way that the cited
literatures and studies discusses some of the academic performance of the students in school
while on this study it gives more focus on the analysis in performance in the CPA licensure
This study presents the discussion of research design, participants, data gathering
Research Design
The researchers employed the trend analysis and cohort analysis as techniques to analyse
the performance of Saint Paul University Surigao in the Certified Public Accountant Licensure
Examinations in the years of 2013-2017. The design was deemed appropriate because the
researchers looked through those raw data collected from the past CPA licensure examination
results taken from the PRC and the factors affecting the CPA licensure examination.
The study utilized documents such as results of the CPA Licensure Examinations taken
from the Professional Regulation Commission that were used to analyse the performance of
Saint Paul University Surigao graduates of the academic years 2013 to 2017 who took the
Certified Public Accountants Licensure Examinations. The study used documents such as the list
of instructors and the prospectus in determining the total units of board related subjects that were
taken from the College of Business and Technology. Also, the study used the results of the
Aptitude test from BS Accountancy students retrieve from the guidance office.
The researchers asked the permission of the Dean of Saint Paul University Surigao -
College of Business and Technology Department to acquire and utilized the records necessary
for the study such as the results Certified Public Accountants Licensure Examinations in the
academic years of 2013 to 2017. A letter was sent to the College of Business Technology for the
roster of instructors and the prospectus used by the candidates who took the mentioned
examination. Likewise, a letter was sent to the guidance office to obtain the results of the
Ethical Consideration
The researchers considered the following ethics during the conduct of this research:
The researchers asked the permission of the Dean of SPUS – College of Business and
Technology first before acquiring and utilizing the documents necessary for the study.
Data Analysis
Mean. It was used in order to get the average percentage on a subject in a specified year
difference as to the perceived factors affecting the CPA licensure examinations: the total
instructor per batch and total units of board related subjects to the performance of SPUS in the
said examinations.
t-test. It was used to determine whether there is significant difference as to the perceived
factor affecting the CPA licensure examinations particularly on the Aptitude test to the
Pearson correlation. It was used as a technique for investigating the relationship and
measure the strength of the association between the results of the CPALE and the factors
Simple Linear Regression. It was used to determine the rate of change the factors and the
Trend Analysis. It was used to predict the future movement of SPUS passing rate in CPA
Shewhart chart. It was used whether there is a change in the movement of the trend of the
passing rates of SPUS and the factors affecting the Licensure examinations.
This chapter presents the results and discussion of the data gathered in this study.
The average performance ratings per subjects in the CPA licensure Examinations, 2013-
2017of SPUS
Table 2 shows the results of CPA licensure Examinations in the years of 2013-2017 as to
MAY 2013 OCT 2013 JULY 2014 OCT 2014 MAY 2015 OCT 2016 MAY 2016 OCT 2016 MAY 2017 OCT 2017
This table above shows the average performance rating per subjects in CPALE in the year
2013-2017. During May 2013, the rating of the takers performance was 61.46% for AFAR,
58.88% for FAR, 57.19% for Auditing, 59.08% for Taxation, 52.35% for Business Law, and
55.15% for MAS. On October of the same year, there’s an increase of performance rating for all
the subjects that results to a rate of 67.19% for AFAR, 65.72% for FAR, 60.02% for Auditing,
61.86% for Taxation, 59.88% for Business law, and 58.42% for MAS. However, on July 2014,
some subjects continue to increase while others are fluctuating which result to a rate of 62.76%
for AFAR, 54.29% for FAR, 67.24% for Auditing, 61.81% for Taxation, 56.00% for Business
Law, and 64.52 for MAS. On October of the same year some subjects that fluctuates had able to
increase and some are continue decreasing which result to a rate of 63.07% for AFAR, 52.80%
for FAR, 65.50% for Auditing, 63.53% for Taxation, 62.70% for Business Law, and 52.93% for
MAS . During May 2015, most of the subjects increased from their previous rating which results
to a 62.12% for AFAR, 59.06% for FAR, 66.88% for Auditing, 67.82% for Taxation, 59.71% for
Business Law, and 56.41% for MAS. However, during October of the same year all of the
subjects rating decreased which results to a rate of 61.59% for AFAR, 57.83% for FAR, 66.61%
for Auditing, 66.37% for Taxation, 59.05% for Business Law, and 52.71% for MAS. On the year
2016 of May every subject increases except for Taxation which only had a rating of 65.27%,
while others had a rating of 65.33% for AFAR, 65.87% for FAR, 75.27% for Auditing, 69.80%
for Business Law, and 69.47% for MAS. However, on October of the same year, the rating for
all of the subjects decreases with the rate of 64.36% for AFAR, 61.08% for FAR, 67.94% for
Auditing, 62.61% for Taxation, 59.67% for Business Law, and 61.47% for MAS. During 2017 of
May all of the subjects rating rose gradually but only few subjects continue to rise until October
Factors affecting the performance in the CPA licensure Examination as to Aptitude test,
Total units of board related subjects per batch and Total instructor per batch
This portion describes the factors as to what extent they affect the performance in the
Aptitude test
Figure 5 shows the aptitude test and their corresponding average performance ratings in
the academic years of 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. The arrangement is from very low to superior
with their corresponding average performance ratings to see whether there is a significant change
when students are grouped based on their score on the aptitude test with their average
performance ratings. There is no significant change in the average performance ratings when
students are grouped based on their score on the aptitude test based on the figure presented
0.7 _
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.16 UCL=0.1634
Moving Range
0.00 LCL=0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Table 5 shows whether there is a significant difference in aptitude test from academic
year 2012-2013 to 2013-2014. Based on the table the aptitude test of the BS Accountancy
students of academic years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, this shows no significant difference.
Figure 2 shows the correlations of aptitude test with average performance ratings.
Pearson correlation of Aptitude test with average performance ratings is 0.380 and P value is
.400. This indicates that there’s a weak uphill positive linear relationship between the Aptitude
test and the average performance ratings which can be shown in this figure. It has an upward
slope with a rate of 3.9 %. Moreover, the equation showed that the coefficient for Aptitude test is
0.0614%. This indicates that for every increase in their Aptitude test level you can expect
performance rating to increase by an average rate of 0.0614%. Furthermore, this figure showed
that an average rating result in CPALE can be explain by their Aptitude test with the rate of
72.00% S 0.0394294
R-Sq 14.5%
R-Sq(adj) 0.0%
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 6 displays the total units of major subjects using the prospectus in the academic
years of 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 and their average performance percentages. The
ratings to see whether there is a significant change when students are grouped based on their total
units of major subjects with their average performance ratings. There is no significant change in
the average performance ratings when students are grouped based on their total units of major
1 2 3 4 5 6
Moving Range
1.00% MR=0.96%
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6
Table 5 shows whether there is a significant difference in the total units of major subjects
using the prospectus in the academic years of 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013. Based on
the table the total units of major subjects of the BS Accountancy students who used the
prospectus in the academic years of 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, this shows no
significant difference.
Figure 3 displays the correlations of total units of major subjects with average
performance ratings. Pearson correlation of board exam related subjects with average
performance ratings is -0.337 and P value 0.513. This indicates that there is a weak downhill
negative linear relationship between the total units board exam related subjects and the average
performance rating which can be shown in this figure, a downward slope with a rate of .83 %. In
addition, the equation showed that the coefficient for board exam related subjects is 0.0992%.
The coefficient indicates that for every increase in the number of units of board exam related
subjects it is expected that the average performance rating would decrease by an average rate of
0.0992%. Also, this figure showed that an average rating result in CPALE can be explain by the
total units of subjects with a rate of 11.4% based on its R-Sq. However adjusted R- Sq. showed
87 88 89 90 91 92 93
Figure 5 shows the total instructor per batch and their corresponding average
performance ratings, the batches are 2014, 2015 and 2016. The arrangement is ascending order
35, 40 to 45 with their corresponding average performance ratings to see whether there is a
significant change when students are grouped based on total instructor per batch with their
average performance ratings. There is no significant change in the average performance ratings
when students are grouped based on total instructor per batch based on the figure presented
Individual Value
1 2 3 4 5 6
Moving Range
2.00% MR=2.27%
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6
There are academic years 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 in this table. The 2011-
2012 batch took their examinations on October 2014 and May 2015, 60.09% and 62.00% are
their average performance ratings respectively. The total instructor on that batch are 35. Similar
route for the remaining academic years on how to obtain the average performance rating and the
R-Sq(adj) 0.0%
Figure 4. Correlations of Total Instructor per Batch and Average performance Ratings
Pearson correlation of total instructor per batch and average performance ratings is 0.421
and P value is 0.406. This specifies there’s a weak uphill (positive) linear relationship between
the number of instructors and the average performance ratings which can be shown in this figure,
an upward slope with a rate of 2.6 %. Moreover, the equation showed that the coefficient for
total instructor per batch is 0.2407%. The coefficient indicates that for every increase in the
number of units of instructor per batch you can expect average performance ratings to increase
by an average rate of 0.2407%. This figure shows that an average rating result in CPALE can be
explain by the changes of number of instructors given by the rate of only 17.7 % based on its R-
the St. Paul University Surigao graduates of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy who took the
examinations as it changes over time. According to Lewis Lester (2016) that trend Analysis it is
looking the overall ongoing characterization of a subject matter. It gives the user a view over
66.00% _
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8.00% UCL=7.71%
Moving Range
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 5. Trend of the average performance percentages in Advanced Financial Accounting and
This figure above presents the trend in the Advance Financial Accounting and Reporting
in 2013-2017 Certified Public Accountants Licensure Examination. During May 2013, the rating
October of the same year. From the latter, the percentage substantially decreased in to 62.7619 %
on July 2014. On October 2014 the average percentage rose gradually to 63.066 %. The average
performance percentage fell steadily during May and October 2015 by 62.176 % and 61.584 %
respectively. Though May 2016, it inflated by 65.333 % yet dipped by .9719 % which resulted in
to 64.3611 %. From 2016’s result it grew up moderately during 2017 examination as it reached
the average percentage to 67.846 % in May however declined a bit by 1.0335% which came up
to 66.8125 % in October. The maximum average performance rating of this subject was during
May 2017.
60.00% X=60.96%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Moving Range
5.00% MR=5.54%
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 6.Trend of the average performance percentages in Financial Accounting and Reporting
This figure displays the movement in Financial Accounting and Reporting in 2013-2017
licensure examinations. On May 2013 and October 2013 the average percentage was 58.8846 %
and 65.7209 %, respectively. July of 2014 it dramatically reduced to 54.2857 % and continued to
slope during October 2014 by 52.8 %. Nevertheless, on May 2015 it grew up to 59.0588 % and
decreased a bit by 1.2295 % which resulted to 57.8293 %. Throughout 2016, average percentage
heightened up by 65.8667 %in May and 61.0833 % in October. The improvement constantly
developed on 2017 when 68.3077 % but 65.75 % was the result in October.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12.00% UCL=11.83%
Moving Range
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The figure shows the trend of average performance percentages of Auditing during 2013-
2017 licensure examinations. The average percentage in the said subject during May 2013 was
57.1923 % while 60.0233 % during October of the same year. On July 2014 the average
percentage inclined up to 67.2381 %. Within October 2014 it reduced with the percentage of
65.5 %. On May 2015 the rate increased to 66.8824% but decreased to 66.6098% during
October. On May and October of 2015 the results prospered up to 75.2667 % the dropped in to
67.9444 %. During May 2017, the result commenced and reached 69.4231 % yet on October
65.00% _
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Moving Range
2.00% MR=2.22%
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
This figure illustrates the trend of the average performance percentages in Taxation in
average performance percentage was at 59.0769%. However, on October 2013 the average
performance rating got better for it increased to 61.8605%. But it dropped during the July 2014
examination at just 61.8095%.Within the examinations of October 2014 and May 2015 the
average performance rating improvedto 63.5333% and 67.8235% respectively. This indicates
that the school is improving in the CPA licensure examination. Though, for the periods of
October 2015, May and October 2016 examinations there were a declination of rating that
resulted to66.3659%, 65.2667% and 62.6111% respectively. But it rose up during May and
Individual Value
60.00% X=60.71%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Moving Range
5.00% MR=5.53%
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 9.Trend of the average performance percentages in Regulatory Framework for Business
examinationall the way through 2013-2017. On May 2013, the average performance percentage
was at 52.3462%. During October 2013 CPA licensure examination it grew to 59.8837 % but
then declined during the July 2014 examination at 56%. However on October 2014 the average
performance rating increased to 62.7% but it reduced immediately in May 2015 by 59.7059%. It
continued to decline in October 2015 by just 59.0488%. However, on May 2016 examination
there was an improvement of the SPUS because it garnered the rate of 69.8% but on October
2016 the rating resulted to a decrease with59.667%. On May 2017 it increased to 64.9231% but
Individual Value
60.00% X=60.47%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Moving Range
0.00% LCL=0.00%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 10. Trend of the average performance percentages in Management Advisory Services
2013-2017. On May 2013, the average performance percentage was at 55.1538%. On October
2013 and July 2014 CPA licensure examinations the average performance percentage increased
to 58.4186%and 64.5238% respectively. During October 2014 the rating dramatically declinedto
52.9333% but recovered in May 2015 with a rating of 56.4118 %. The average performance
rating decreased in October 2015 to 52.7073%. However, on May 2016 the rate strongly
improved to 69.4667% but then during October 2016 the rating resulted to 61.4722%. However
on May and October 2017 it increased to 66.3462% and 67.25% respectively. It would mean that
during the May and October 2017 examinations, the SPUS got the highest ratings among the 5
According to Minitab Blog Editor (2013) that the p-value for each term tests the null
hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to zero (no effect). A low p-value (< 0.05) indicates that
you can reject the null hypothesis. In other words, a predictor that has a low p-value is likely to
be a meaningful addition to your model because changes in the predictor's value are related to
changes in the response variable. T Test was used in the Aptitude test. According to J
Anesthesiol (2015) that t test is a type of statistical test that is used to compare the means of two
groups. It is one of the most widely used statistical hypothesis tests in pain studies. There is the
independent t test, which can be used when the two groups under comparison are independent of
each other, and the paired t test, which can be used when the two groups under comparison are
The remaining factors and the average performance ratings used the analysis of variance.
It is appropriate since Restor Dent Endod (2014) mentioned that for a comparison of more than
two group means the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the appropriate method instead
of the t test. As the ANOVA is based on the same assumption with the t test, the interest of
ANOVA is on the locations of the distributions represented by means too. The ANOVA method
assesses the relative size of variance among group means compared to the average variance
within groups.
The main purpose of the study is to increase the passing rates of St. Paul University
Surigao. According to the results of SPUS in the Certified Public Accountant licensure
examinations taken from the Professional Regulation Commission it indicates that the school
barely passed the required minimum rate in some examinations. Thus, there must be an invention
The input used was the result of St. Paul University Surigao in the CPA licensure
examinations in the years of 2013-2017. The factors were limited to three factors, they are used
to analyze the performance in the mentioned examination namely Aptitude test, total units of
board related subjects and total number of instructors per batch. The subjects include Advanced
Accounting and Reporting, Financial Accounting and Reporting, Auditing, Taxation, Regulatory
The researchers employed the trend analysis and cohort analysis as techniques to analyze
the performance of Saint Paul University Surigao in the Certified Public Accountant Licensure
Examinations covering the years 2013-2017. The data were analyzed and interpreted using mean,
analysis of variance (ANOVA), t test, Pearson correlation, regression analysis and trend analysis.
Based on the results of the study, the following findings were drawn:
has upward slope with a rate of 3.9 %. The coefficient for Aptitude test is 0.0614%. R-Sq
2. In terms of total units board related subjects per batch, Pearson correlation to average
performance ratings is -0.337. A downward slope with a rate of .83%. The coefficient for
performance ratings is 0.421. An upward slope with a rate of 2.6 %. The coefficient for
total number of instructors per batch is 0.2407%. R-Sq is 17.7 % and adjusted R- Sq is
Accountants Licensure Examination. During May 2013, the rating of the takers
the same year. From the latter, the percentage substantially decreased in to 62.7619 % on
July 2014. On October 2014 the average percentage rose gradually to 63.066 %. The
average performance percentage fell steadily during May and October 2015 by 62.176 %
and 61.584 % respectively. Though May 2016, it inflated by 65.333 % yet dipped by
maximum average performance rating of this subject was during May 2017.
May 2013 and October 2013 the average percentage was 58.8846 % and 65.7209 %,
during October 2014 by 52.8 %. Nevertheless, on May 2015 it grew up to 59.0588 % and
improvement constantly developed on 2017 when 68.3077 % but 65.75 % was the result
in October.
in the said subject during May 2013 was 57.1923 % while 60.0233 % during October of
the same year. On July 2014 the average percentage inclined up to 67.2381 %. Within
October 2014 it reduced with the percentage of 65.5 %. On May 2015 the rate increased
to 66.8824% but decreased to 66.6098% during October. On May and October of 2015
the results prospered up to 75.2667 % the dropped in to 67.9444 %. During May 2017,
the result commenced and reached 69.4231 % yet on October 2017 it fell in to 67.75 %.
However, on October 2013 the average performance rating got better for it increased to
61.8605%. But it dropped during the July 2014 examination at just 61.8095%.Within the
examinations of October 2014 and May 2015 the average performance rating improvedto
63.5333% and 67.8235% respectively. This indicates that the school is improving in the
CPA licensure examination. Though, for the periods of October 2015, May and October
2016 examinations there were a declination of rating that resulted to66.3659%, 65.2667%
and 62.6111% respectively. But it rose up during May and October 2017 having ratings
accountant licensure examination all the way through 2013-2017. On May 2013, the
average performance percentage was at 52.3462%. During October 2013 CPA licensure
examination it grew to 59.8837 % but then declined during the July 2014 examination at
56%. However on October 2014 the average performance rating increased to 62.7% but it
by just 59.0488%. However, on May 2016 examination there was an improvement of the
SPUS because it garnered the rate of 69.8% but on October 2016 the rating resulted to a
examination during 2013-2017. On May 2013, the average performance percentage was
at 55.1538%. On October 2013 and July 2014 CPA licensure examinations the average
October 2014 the rating dramatically declined to 52.9333% but recovered in May 2015
with a rating of 56.4118 %. The average performance rating decreased in October 2015 to
52.7073%. However, on May 2016 the rate strongly improved to 69.4667% but then
during October 2016 the rating resulted to 61.4722%. However on May and October
2017 it increased to 66.3462% and 67.25% respectively. It would mean that during the
May and October 2017 examinations, the SPUS got the highest ratings among the 5
10. There was no significant difference in the average performance rating from May 2013 to
October 2017 and factors affecting the CPA licensure examination. The P-Value of
average performance rating, aptitude test, total units of subjects per batch, total instructor
In terms of Aptitude test, there was a positive correlation between the Aptitude test and
the average performance percentages which means that the students who have a high result in the
Aptitude test, they have higher performance in the CPA Licensure Examination.
In terms of the total units of board related subjects per batch, there’s negative correlation
between the numbers of units of the board exam related subjects and the average performance
rating. This implies that the more loads of unit, the student is likely to have poor performance in
the CPA Licensure Examination. But the conclusion of this factor is counter intuitive.
In terms of total number of instructors per batch, there’s a positive correlation between
the number of instructors and the average performance rating. This shows that the batches of
students who have more instructors are likely to have a higher average performance ratings in the
In terms of the trend of average performance ratings in every subjects, the perceived
factors are not guaranteed to be the cause of the changes of average performance ratings.
There is no significant difference in the average performance ratings of SPUS from May
2013 to October 2017 CPA licensure examinations, and the factors affecting the mentioned
examination results namely Aptitude Test, Total Units of Board Related Subjects, and Total
number of instructors per batch from October 2016 to October 2017, October 2013 to May 2016,
In the light of the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are offered.
Aptitude test. The guidance office may create specific programs or activities that improve
one’s aptitude and there may be an intervention like mentoring and training right after assessing
them. According to Neil J. Salkind (2010) that aptitude can be defined as individual differences
that are related to subsequent learning during a fixed time frame. The learning or acquisition of
setting (experience or mentoring).The program chair may conduct evaluation of grades per
semester and assist students who have concerns with their subjects and refer them to the
guidance office for counselling and intervention. M Buschkuehl (2010) the gain on Aptitude
depends on training features such as spaced or massed training and how inter individual
differences mediate the effects of training broaden their measures of Aptitude, as well as
Total units of board related subjects. Further study is required with regards to this topic,
since the finding for the total units of board related subjects is counter intuitive, because the
results showed that when the board related subjects increases, the performance in the CPALE
decreases which means that the higher the units of board related subjects of a student, he has
likely to have to poor performance in the CPALE. This contradicts the principles of JEG adviser
(2012) that a “major” is simply an academic area in which you choose to concentrate your
studies. And David K. Moldoff (2010) that majors are also called concentrations. An academic
major or concentration is a college or university student's main field of specialization during his
or her associates or undergraduate studies. It prepares you for a range of job opportunities and
professions giving you the basis for more specialized training once you graduate. However, the
researchers believe that the potential causes of the result are the misdistribution of board related
subjects in every semester and the inclusion of many non-board related subjects. Suggested
Total number of instructors per batch. First, the SPUS may hire more CPAs and lawyers
at least three full time CPAs as mentioned in CHED Memorandum Order no. 27 (2017) that
there is should be at least 3 full time CPA instructor of CHED recognized BSA program. Second,
the teacher may not be allowed to handle more than 24 units for both part timer and full timer per
semester. Also as stated in CHED Memorandum Order no. 27 (2017) that the regular teaching
load of a full time teaching personnel shall be not exceed 24 units per term. The teaching load of
a part time or special lecturers teaching in more than one educational SPUSs shall no case exceed
24 units per term in the aggregate. Third, the SPUS may create specific programs that improve
the instructor members in order to provide a more quality education. According to CHED
Memorandum Order no. 27 (2017) that there is should be a formal development program to
encourage and help instructor members keep up with new knowledge and techniques in their
field, improve their teaching skills and course materials and continue their professional growth.
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Amit Paul (2015) Pros and cons of taking a heavy college course-load (18+ units) Retrieved
Valerie Strauss (2014) Homework hurts high-achieving students, study says Retrieved
hurts-high- achieving-students-study-says/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.16ad6eb6b412
Lewis Lester (2016) What is trend analysis? Why is it so important? Retrieved from:
Surigao City
Dear Sir:
Greetings of Peace!
As a part of the academic requirement for the degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, the
undersigned are conducting a study about the “Analysis of the performance of St. Paul University
Surigao in CPA licensure examination covering the years of 2013-2017”.
In this connection, the researchers respectfully ask for the kind approval from your good office to
allow the undersigned to gather information needed for the completion of this study.
The researchers are gratefully anticipating your kind response and approval to this request.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by
Approved by
Surigao City
Dear ______:
Greetings of Peace!
As a part of the academic requirement for the degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, the
undersigned are conducting a study about the “Analysis of the performance of St. Paul University
Surigao in CPA licensure examination covering the years of 2013-2017”.
As part of our data gathering are the list of the instructors from year 2009-2017 and the
prospectus of accountancy program from the year 2009-2013. In this view, we would like to ask
permission to get a copy of the above mentioned lists from your good office. Rest assured the all
of the gathered information shall be treated with the highest confidentiality.
The researchers are gratefully anticipating your kind response and approval to this request.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by
Approved by
Surigao City
Dear Ma’am:
Greetings of Peace!
As a part of the academic requirement for the degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, the
undersigned are conducting a study about the “Analysis of the performance of St. Paul
University Surigao in CPA licensure examination covering the years of 2013-2017”.
In this connection, the researchers respectfully ask for the kind approval from your good office to
allow the undersigned to gather information about the parameters of intelligence test, importance
of intelligence test in the taking a board exam, and recommendations on how to improve one’s
The researchers are gratefully anticipating your kind response and approval to this request.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by
Approved by
Surigao City
Dear Sir:
Greetings of Peace!
As a part of the academic requirement for the degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, the
undersigned are conducting a study about the “Analysis of the performance of St. Paul University
Surigao in CPA licensure examination covering the years of 2013-2017”.
In this connection, the researchers respectfully ask for an official result of the CPA Licensure
Examination coming from the PRC from the year 2013-2017.
The researchers are gratefully anticipating your kind response and approval to this request.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by
Approved by
Dear Ma’am:
Greetings of Peace!
As a part of the academic requirement for the degree Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, the
undersigned are conducting a study about the “Analysis of the performance of St. Paul University
Surigao in CPA licensure examination covering the years of 2013-2017”.
In this connection, the researchers respectfully ask for the kind approval from your good office to
give us a copy of instructors of Accountancy program
The researchers are gratefully anticipating your kind response and approval to this request.
Thank you very much.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by
Approved by
Surigao City
2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017
AFAR 61.46% 67.19% 62.76% 63.07% 62.12% 61.59% 65.33% 64.36% 67.88% 66.81%
FAR 58.88% 65.72% 54.29% 52.80% 59.06% 57.83% 65.87% 61.08% 68.31% 65.75%
AUD 57.19% 60.02% 67.24% 65.50% 66.88% 66.61% 75.27% 67.94% 69.42% 67.75%
TAX 59.08% 61.86% 61.81% 63.53% 67.82% 66.37% 65.27% 62.61% 64.00% 68.50%
BUS LAW 52.35% 59.88% 56.00% 62.70% 59.71% 59.05% 69.80% 59.67% 64.92% 63.06%
MAS 55.15% 58.42% 64.52% 52.93% 56.41% 52.71% 69.47% 61.47% 66.35% 67.25%
Surigao City
Surigao City
General Average
General Intelligence (October)
Average 65%
Below Average 78%
Below Average 54%
High 70%
High 72%
High Average 54%
High Average 83%
High Average 66%
High Average 50%
High Average 69%
Outstanding 63%
Outstanding 70%
Outstanding 73%
Superior 85%
Superior 61%
Superior 67%
Superior 76%
Very High 65%
Very High 76%
Very High 55%
Very High 60%
Very High 52%
Surigao City
Casana, Alexel
Academic Year 2013-2014 Clamor, Kenneth
Compe, Graciano Jr.
Dano, Richard
Eliot, Christine Ferl
Febrero, Rebecca Academic Year 2016-2017
Galido, jeffrey
Cyrus Ben U. Ramoga
Lorenzo, Andress III
Sanchez, Johanne Jay Ma. Isabel M. Eguna
Atty. Zander J. Plaza
Academic Year 2014-2015 Atty. Leonardo del Carmen
Anamae D. Alsong
Kenneth M. Clamor Gletzmar B. Igcasama
Anjenette M. Ebueza Rodolfo B. Ravelo
Cherry May Mamasu Kim H. Telarma
Alexcel G. Casaňa Bemar F. Caranay
Jeffrey P. Galido Mary Ann Ensomo
Rebecca E. Febrero Ryan Dave Alutaya
Andres D. Lorenzo III Vlademer Brit
Seth Claire R. Sanchez Charlie Dechos
Jose Almay Joy T. Tibay
Rodolfo Ravelo
Personal Information:
Nationality :Filipino
Educational Background
Personal Information:
Nationality :Filipino
Educational Background
Personal Information:
Nationality :Filipino
Educational Background