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International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering

and Research
e-ISSN No.:2349-9745, Date: 28-30 April, 2016

Aircraft Hanger Design

Pre-Engineered Building
Ashwini.M.Kadam 1, Dr.R.S.Talikoti 2
PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sapkal Knowledge Hub College of engineering Nashik,
[email protected].
Head of Department, Department of Civil Engineering, Sapkal Knowledge Hub College of engineering,
Nashik,[email protected].

Abstract— Cost of steel is increasing day by day and use of steel has become inevitable in the
construction industry in general and in industrial building in particular. Hence to achieve economic
sustainability it is necessary to use steel to its optimum quantity. In this paper an attempt has been
achieved by study modeling and design of a Aircraft hanger and analyzing the frames using
SAP2000 Software, ANSYS.
Keywords- Aircraft Hanger Pre-Engineered Building, SAP2000 Software, ANSYS.


The Hanger is where your planes are stored when they’re not in use. The highest point of the
proposed Hanger, including roof equipment, shall be no higher than the building height of Aircraft. a
complete finished product is fabricate at site with a basic structural steel framework with attached
factory finished cladding and roofing components. The structure is erected on the site by bolting the
various building components together as per specifications. PEBs are developed using potential
design software. The onset of technological advancement enabling 3d modeling and detailing of the
proposed structure and coordination has revolutionized.

The present study is included in the design of an Aircraft Hanger structure located at Mumbai. The
structure is proposed as a Pre-Engineered Building of 79.3 meters width, 10 bays each of 8.48 meters
length and an eave height of 22meters. In this study, a PEB frame of 22 meter width is taken into
account and the design is carried out by considering wind load as the critical load for the structure.
The designs are carried out in accordance with the Indian Standards and by the help of the structural
Analysis and design by software SAP2000, ANSYS.
2.1. The Pre-Engineered Building
Pre-Engineered Building concept involves the steel building systems which are pre designed and
prefabricated. The basis of the PEB concept lies in providing the section at a location only according
to the requirement at that spot. The sections can be varying throughout the length according to the
bending moment diagram. This leads to the utilization of non-prismatic rigid frames with slender
elements. Tapered I sections made with built-up thin plates are used. Standard hot-rolled sections,
cold-formed sections, profiled roofing sheets, etc. is also used along with the tapered sections .The
use of optimal least section leads to effective saving of steel and cost reduction. The concept of PEB
International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)
Volume 2, Issue 7, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016

is the frame geometry which matches the shape of the internal stress (bending moment) diagram thus
optimizing material usage and reducing the total weight of the structure.

2.1.1. Load Calculations

The loads acting on the structure includes dead load, live load, wind load.The load calculation for the
structure can be carried out in accordance with IS : 875 – 1987 .For this structure wind load is critical
than earthquake load Hence, load combinations of dead load, live load, and wind load are
incorporated for design.
2.1.2 Dead and Collateral Loads
Dead load comprises of self-weight of the structure, weights of roofing, steel sheets, purlins, sag
rods, bracings and other accessories Collateral or superimposed dead load is a specific type of dead
load that includes the weight of any materials other than the permanent construction. It may account
for the weight of mechanical ducts, pipes, sprinklers, electrical work, future ceilings, and re-roofing.
The IS: 875 (Part 1) – 1987 Code of Practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures suggest the following typical values:
1. Ceilings: 0.25 to 0.74 kN/m2
2. Metal Sheeting: 0.052 to 0.131 kN/m2
3. Service pipes: 0.014 to 0.105 kN/m2
4. Thermal insulations: 1.45 to 2.95 kN/m3
The equipment load, which accounts for the weight of each specific piece of equipment
supported by the roof or floor, should be specified separately. The weight of any HVAC rooftop unit
heavier than 1kN, for example, is best represented by a concentrated downward force in the design of
the supporting purlins. The equipment load could be ―averaged out converted to a uniform
collateral load for the main framing design.
2.1.2 Live Load
Live load refers to the weight of building occupants, furniture, storage items, portable equipment,
and partitions Owing to the fact that live load is relatively short-term, not easily predictable or
quantifiable, it carries large factors of safety (uncertainty, really) in the ultimate design methods.
Other sources of live load arise during construction, repair, or maintenance of the building, and these
are even more difficult to predict and quantify. To deal with this uncertainty, building codes have
enacted conservative values for live loads the framing must be designed to resist the loads which
might occur only once or twice in the lifetime of the structure, if at all. For example, office buildings
are normally designed for the live load of 2.5 to 4 kN/m2 as per IS : 875 (Part 2) – 1987 Code of
Practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures, while the actual weight
of all the people and furniture in a typical office probably does not exceed this load. It is quite
probable that the design live load will occur in a relatively small area of the building at some time or
another; it is much less probable that the whole floor will ever see that load. To reflect this reality,
building codes set forth the rules governing the live load reduction for members supporting relatively
large floor or roof areas. For single-story metal building systems, roof live load, essentially an
allowance for the roof loading during its construction and maintenance, is the load being reduced.
With live load reduction, larger uniform loads are assigned to secondary members supporting limited
roof areas than to primary structural framing. The reduction formulas are included in the building
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International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)
Volume 2, Issue 7, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016

2.1.3. Wind Load

To design wind-resisting structures, the engineers need to know how to quantify the wind loading
and distribute it among various building elements. IS : 875 (Part 3) – 1987 Code of Practice for
design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures gives basic wind speed map of
India, as applicable to 10 m height above mean ground level for different zones of the country. Basic
wind speed is based on peak gust velocity averaged over a short time interval of about 3 seconds and
corresponds to mean heights above ground level in an open terrain (Category 2). Basic wind speeds
have been worked out for a 50 year return period. By using the code – provided formulas it is
possible to translate the basic wind speed into a corresponding Design wind speed in m/s by applying
probability, terrain and topography factor. From the design wind speed design wind pressure on the
building as a whole can be determined.
Table 1.Structure Parameters.
Type of building Aircraft Hanger
Location Mumbai
Eave height 27m
Span width 79.3m
Number of bays 10
Total bay length 84.8m
aircraft height 19.54m
PEB roof slope 10
aircraft length 64.92m


A. Dead Load on Pre-Engineered Building:
Weight of the G.I sheeting = 0.131 kN/m2
Weight of fixings = 0.025 kN/m2
Weight of services = 0.1 kN/m2
Total weight is = 0.256 kN/m2
Total weight on purlins = 0.256 × 1.26 = 0.322 kN/m
B. Live Load
The Live load is calculated according to IS:875 (Part 2) –1987.
Live Load on Conventional Steel Building:
Live load on the sloping roof is =750 –20(α -10) N/m2Where α = 10 ,̊
Therefore live load = 0.514 kN/m2
Live load on purlins = 0.514 × 1.35 = 0.9179 kN/m
C. Wind Load
Wind load is calculated as per IS: 875 (Part 3) –1987
Basic Wind speed Vb = 50 m/sec
Risk Coefficient K1= 1

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International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)
Volume 2, Issue 7, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016

Terrain, Height and Structure size factor K2 = 1

Topography factor K3= 1
Design Wind Speed Vz= Vb
K1 K2 K3 = 50 m/sec
Design Wind Pressure P = 0.06 Vz2= 1.5 kN/m2
The Internal Coefficients are taken as +0.5 and -0.5.
Wind Load on individual members are then calculated by F = (Cpe –Cpi) x A x P Where, Cpe –
External Coefficient Cpi –Internal Coefficient A –Surface Area in m2,Design Wind Pressure in
In the present study, ANSYS software has been used in order to analyses It gives the, Directional
deformation, maximum shear force, maximum principle stress.

Figure 1. maximum shear force Figure 2. Directional deformation

Figure 3. maximum principle stress

 After analyzing it is observed that Shear force at supports is less as compare to corner.
 Deformation is maximum at column and minimum at ridge level.
 Using of PEB it reducing the steel quantity.

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International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)
Volume 2, Issue 7, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016

 Reduction in the steel quantity definitely reducing the dead load.

 Reduction in the dead load reducing the size of Foundation.
 Using of PEB increase the Aesthetic view of structure.

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[6] 4.IS: 800 -2007:-General Construction In Steel -Code of Practice.
[7] 5.IS: 875 (Part 1) -1987:-Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake)for Buildings and Structures-
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[9].IS: 875 (Part 3) -1987:-Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures-
Wind Loads.

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