Review Paper
Review Paper
Review Paper
and Research
e-ISSN No.:2349-9745, Date: 28-30 April, 2016
Abstract— Cost of steel is increasing day by day and use of steel has become inevitable in the
construction industry in general and in industrial building in particular. Hence to achieve economic
sustainability it is necessary to use steel to its optimum quantity. In this paper an attempt has been
achieved by study modeling and design of a Aircraft hanger and analyzing the frames using
SAP2000 Software, ANSYS.
Keywords- Aircraft Hanger Pre-Engineered Building, SAP2000 Software, ANSYS.
The Hanger is where your planes are stored when they’re not in use. The highest point of the
proposed Hanger, including roof equipment, shall be no higher than the building height of Aircraft. a
complete finished product is fabricate at site with a basic structural steel framework with attached
factory finished cladding and roofing components. The structure is erected on the site by bolting the
various building components together as per specifications. PEBs are developed using potential
design software. The onset of technological advancement enabling 3d modeling and detailing of the
proposed structure and coordination has revolutionized.
The present study is included in the design of an Aircraft Hanger structure located at Mumbai. The
structure is proposed as a Pre-Engineered Building of 79.3 meters width, 10 bays each of 8.48 meters
length and an eave height of 22meters. In this study, a PEB frame of 22 meter width is taken into
account and the design is carried out by considering wind load as the critical load for the structure.
The designs are carried out in accordance with the Indian Standards and by the help of the structural
Analysis and design by software SAP2000, ANSYS.
2.1. The Pre-Engineered Building
Pre-Engineered Building concept involves the steel building systems which are pre designed and
prefabricated. The basis of the PEB concept lies in providing the section at a location only according
to the requirement at that spot. The sections can be varying throughout the length according to the
bending moment diagram. This leads to the utilization of non-prismatic rigid frames with slender
elements. Tapered I sections made with built-up thin plates are used. Standard hot-rolled sections,
cold-formed sections, profiled roofing sheets, etc. is also used along with the tapered sections .The
use of optimal least section leads to effective saving of steel and cost reduction. The concept of PEB
International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research (IJMTER)
Volume 2, Issue 7, [April 2016] Special Issue of ICRTET’2016
is the frame geometry which matches the shape of the internal stress (bending moment) diagram thus
optimizing material usage and reducing the total weight of the structure.
After analyzing it is observed that Shear force at supports is less as compare to corner.
Deformation is maximum at column and minimum at ridge level.
Using of PEB it reducing the steel quantity.
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