Lay Paving Stones

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Paving Stones

In this tutorial we explain how to lay a paving block path. For added style and ease
we have replaced traditional paving stone concrete edging with 125x125 senton
posts. This method of edging not only creates a great look, but also makes the
project easier for those attempting it. We are using common solid concrete
cobblestone paving blocks 230mm long x 190mm wide x 60mm thick. These pavers
come in a variety of colours for individual tastes. Other materials required include
basecourse metal (gap 20) and sand. All materials are ready avaliable in the
Auckland area. This project is suitable for moderate to firm ground. If your ground is
soft, you will need to excavate deeper and replace with basecourse metal.

Step 1: Excavations Dig out the proposed pathway to a depth of 150mm

below finished path height (usually existing ground level) and the
required path width. Try to plan the width of the path so that full pavers
can be placed without the need for cutting. When working out the overall
path width, allow an extra 3mm between each paver (spacings that allow
sand to penetrate around the pavers). Some pavers have space nibs
(packers) already on them.
Step 2: Putting down the edging. Lay a bed of sand along each side of the
path excavation approximately 40mm thick and about 200mm wide.
Lay the edge boards (125x125 senton posts) on top of the sand and
tamp down into place until the top of the edge boards are at the required
path finished height. Retain them in place with stakes nailed to the
outside and trim the stakes off 20mm below the top of the edging board.
(see drawing below)
Step 3: Base course Add a layer of GAP 20 base course in between the
edging boards. (GAP 20 is a mixture of rock. The abbreviation, GAP 20,
General All Passing, means the metal is graded to one certain size,
20mm in this case, and everything below this size is included in the
Add and compact the base course with a mechanical plate vibrator until
the finished height is 85mm down from the top of the edge boards. At the
same time compact the soil against the outside of the edge boards thus
ensuring they stay in place parellel.
You can hire a plate vibrator from your local hire centre.
Step 4: Bedding sand Add a layer of bedding or paving sand (approximately
35mm) and level with a screeding board so the finished height is 50mm
down from the top of the edge boards.
Step 5: Laying the paving stones Commence laying the pavers from one
end of the path. (work uphill). Space the pavers approx 3 mm to allow
filling sand to penetrate around the pavers. Kneel on a board across the
area you have already laid. Use full pavers only, go back later and fill in
with the cut ones.
Step 6: Compacting and putting in joint sand The pavers should now be, prior
to compacting, 10mm above required finished height. Compact the
pavers consistantly with the plate vibrator. The final step is to brush
jointing or filling sand over the surface. This fills the joints and binds the
pavers together. Vibrate again.

note 1: Purchase all the pavers from the same place and batch to ensure
consistancy of colour.
note 2: Any paving against buildings should be at least 150mm below concrete
floor level or below ground level under timber floors. The paving should slope away
from the building.

125x125 senton comes in various lengths. Sold at most timber
posts, h5 treated merchants.
Cobblestone paving
A common paver. Comes in a variety of colors.
blocks. 230mm x
Requires 23 pavers per sq meter.
190mm x 60mm thick
Sold loose in increments of quater cubic metre.
or in handy bags (more expensive). One cubic
Paving / filling sand
metre would be enough to do a path 1m wide x
30m long or 30 sq metres
GAP 20, General All Passing, is a mixture of
crushed rock graded to 20mm and everything
GAP 20 Base course
below. One cubic metre would be enough to do
a path 1m wide x 12m long or 12 sq metres

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