Presentation Document: PART A-Evelina
Presentation Document: PART A-Evelina
Presentation Document: PART A-Evelina
PART A- Evelina
For our presentation today we are going to talk about
the aging problem in the world. Everyone knows that
the aging problem has become more and more serious
in some of today’s societies, but we don’t know yet how
much it can influence our world or our lives. So, today
in this presentation we will try give you some answers.
PART C- Adeline
And also in industrialized countries, the number of
people reaching retirement age is growing, while the
number of working age people is declining. The number
of people of age 80 and older is growing at a faster rate
than any other age group worldwide. By the year 2050,
there will be almost twice as many older non-working
people than there are now, in contrast to the total
numbers of workers. We can see that the aging
problem is very serious. (PP 4)
PART E- Dooyoung
Another country is The United States. In 1990, over
the age of 65, elder people is 12.3% of total
population. In 2025, over the age of 65 elder people is
20.7% of total population. The american society is
experiencing a gradual aging process, and this process
will be more serious because of the increase of elderly
population. In 1950, there were 12 people of working
age for every person age 65 or older. In 2010, there
are only 9 contributing to old age support in their
countries. That means that in the US, fewer people are
contributing to Social Security and Medicare in
proportion to the number of people needing and use
those programs.
PART F -Regana
Having a look at the situation of the worldwide aging
problem, let’s now move to what kind of serious
problems that has appeared because of the aging
And why can the aging society bring these problems?
There are some reasons.
• Improvement of medical treatment
• Longer education
• High social stress
• The rapid development of economy
• The one-child policy (China)
1. Set up a social security system.
To set up a stable security system is very good because
the older people can make their self-independent.
PART I - Wanqi
3. Implement encourage birth policy.
Now days, many countries encourage couple to have
more children, and also the government will give some
allowances if the couple have one more child.
PART J- Aona
And finally, we want to show you a video, its about the
caring for the elderly.