Reflexes That Control Cardiovascular Function
Reflexes That Control Cardiovascular Function
Reflexes That Control Cardiovascular Function
Cheryl M. Heesch
Realistically, most professional and general physiology ARTERIAL BAROREFLEXES ARE A NEGATIVE
courses will have only one or two lecture hours FEEDBACK SYSTEM
devoted to cardiovascular reflexes. Therefore, it is
Under a variety of environmental and physiological
important to choose carefully the points you consider
circumstances, arterial blood pressure is regulated
the most important and focus your lecture(s) to stress
around a narrow range and arterial baroreflexes are
these points. In writing this article, I have tried to
critically important for the beat-to-beat regulation of
highlight the concepts that, in my opinion, are the most blood pressure. Figure 2 is a schematic that is useful in
important. I have geared the discussion to a presentation introducing the concept of a negative feedback sys-
of one to two lecture hours, and have indicated areas that tem. Even with a limited amount of time, it is very
may be covered in more depth if time is available. useful to provide a concrete example of a negative
feedback system (Fig. 2A). Students at almost any level
When teaching autonomic reflexes that control the can readily grasp the concept of a negative feedback
cardiovascular system, I focus on the arterial barore- system, which buffers changes in room temperature.
flex. This topic should be presented after the students Analogies can then be made to the arterial baroreflex,
have learned about the autonomic nervous system and which is a negative feedback system that buffers
basic hemodynamics. As a brief introduction, it is fluctuations in arterial pressure (Fig. 2B). After this
helpful to review the autonomic innervation of the presentation, schematics showing the anatomic loca-
cardiovascular system (Fig. 1) and the relationships tion of the arterial baroreceptors, the afferent nerves,
between mean arterial pressure (MAP), cardiac output the central pathways, and the efferent systems under
(CO), total peripheral resistance (TPR), heart rate the influence of the arterial baroreflexes can be
(HR), and stroke volume (SV): MAP ⫽ CO ⫻ TPR and discussed in more or less detail, as time allows.
CO ⫽ HR ⫻ SV. The major point to make is that the However, during this initial introduction of the arterial
sympathetic nervous system can rapidly increase MAP baroreflex, it is wise not to stray too far from the
by constricting arterioles, or by increasing heart rate overall picture and the concept of a negative feedback
or stroke volume. The predominant effect of activa- system.
tion of the parasympathetic nervous system is a rapid
decrease of heart rate, which will influence cardiac In presenting the arterial baroreflex, the determina-
output. This review of the cardiovascular effects of activat- tion of set point should be briefly discussed. In normal
ing the efferent limb of the autonomic nervous system sets animals there is a narrow range of blood pressure that
the stage for discussing how efferent outflow is controlled is ideal for the maintenance of adequate blood flow to
by afferent input from sensory receptors. the various vascular beds, and although the exact
FIG. 1.
Autonomic innervation of cardiovascular system. ACh, acetylcholine; NE,
norepinephrine; E, epinephrine; SA, sinoatrial node; AV, atrioventricular
node. [Reprinted from Sparks and Rooke (18) with permission.]
mechanism is not known, determination of this set ever, over time mean arterial pressure returns to
point ultimately involves the central nervous system predenervation levels so that the average level of
(central nervous system). Although arterial barorecep- arterial pressure is not different between normal and
tor input to the central nervous system is critical for baroreceptor-denervated animals. Also notice that
buffering deviations from the set point, the arterial variability around mean arterial pressure is much
baroreceptors are not the major determinant of set greater in baroreceptor-denervated animals because
point. A figure from the classic study by Cowley et. al. the moment-to-moment buffering system (arterial
(3), which shows traces of blood pressure recordings baroreflex) is no longer operative.
from baroreceptor intact and chronically barorecep-
tor denervated conscious dogs, is an impressive graphi-
cal illustration of this (Fig. 3). Initially when arterial
baroreceptor afferent nerves are severed, there is a In my opinion, understanding the concept of baseline
profound rise in arterial pressure (not shown). How- neural tone in both the afferent and efferent limbs of
FIG. 2.
Negative feedback systems. A: negative feedback system for controlling room temperature.
Thermostat (comparator) receives information about desired room temperature (set point) and
actual room temperature (controlled variable), which is measured by a thermometer (sensor). If
desired temperature and actual temperature differ, an appropriate output is generated to bring
room temperature up or down to desired level. B: arterial baroreflex. If arterial pressure
(controlled variable) deviates from desired arterial pressure (set point), arterial baroreceptors
(sensors) change their firing rate and the central nervous system (CNS; comparator) changes neural
and humoral output to bring arterial pressure back to desired level. SNS, sympathetic nervous
system; PNS, parasympathetic nervous system; ANG II, angiotensin II; AVP, arginine vasopressin.
the arterial baroreflex is the single most important be emphasized. When students have trouble predict-
factor in understanding arterial baroreflex function. At ing reflex responses to a perturbation in resting blood
normal resting blood pressures, the central nervous pressure, usually it is because they do not truly
system is receiving information continuously from the understand the concept of baseline neural tone. There-
afferent baroreceptor projections. At rest, the heart is fore, when the afferent and efferent responses to
receiving information from both the sympathetic and changes in arterial pressure are presented, the fact
parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous that there is neural activity at rest should be stressed.
system, and the balance between activity of these
efferent systems will determine baseline heart rate. At
rest, the vasculature is receiving tonic information
from the sympathetic nervous system. This means that Baroreceptors do not actually sense pressure; rather,
under normal resting conditions the arterial barorecep- they sense stretch. Because of their arrangement in
tors are serving as a ‘‘brake’’ to keep heart rate and the vessel wall, when arterial pressure is increased,
arterial pressure lower than they would be in the the sensory nerve endings (baroreceptors) are
absence of baroreceptor input. Although this may stretched and afferent nerve discharge is increased.
seem like a simple concept, it is not trivial and should Most textbooks of physiology have drawings showing
FIG. 5.
Baroreceptor afferent nerve discharge curve. r, Base-
line mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). Baroreceptor
afferent nerve activity increases when MAP is in-
FIG. 3. creased above baseline level (r) and decreases when
Recordings of pulsatile arterial pressure in a normal MAP is decreased below baseline level. Note that
dog (top) and in same dog (bottom) several weeks after relationship between baroreceptor afferent nerve dis-
baroreceptors have been denervated. [Adapted from charge and MAP is most steep (sensitive) on either side
Cowley (3) with permission of American Heart of baseline MAP.
the location of arterial baroreceptors in the vessel wall
of the carotid sinus and the aortic arch and their
afferent projections. Figure 4 demonstrates the pulse-
synchronous nature of afferent baroreceptor dis-
charge at rest and illustrates the fact that the barorecep-
tors are discharging at baseline mean arterial pressure
(⬃100 mmHg). With each arterial pressure pulse, the
highest rate of firing occurs when pressure is rapidly
rising, demonstrating that the arterial baroreceptors
are sensitive to the rate of stretch. When pressure is
decreased, baroreceptor discharge decreases, and
when pressure is increased, baroreceptor discharge
increases. It is worthwhile to also point out that an
increase in pulse pressure, even with the same mean
arterial pressure, will increase arterial baroreceptor
discharge. A simple schematic of a baroreceptor
function curve similar to that shown in Fig. 5 demon-
strates that baroreceptors send information about
blood pressure to the central nervous system over a
range of pressures, but the most sensitive part of this
relationship is directly above and below resting blood
pressure. Because the role of the baroreceptor reflex
is to buffer fluctuations from baseline pressures, it is
FIG. 4. important that the most sensitive portion of the curve
Relationship of phasic aortic blood pressure to firing
of a single baroreceptor afferent nerve fiber at differ-
is around baseline pressure. Discussion of these dia-
ent levels of mean arterial pressure. [Adapted from grams will provide the most critical information on
Berne and Levy (1) with permission.] baroreceptor function. Discussion of baroreceptor
FIG. 6.
Sympathetic nerve discharge and arteriole diameter. Under baseline
conditions (middle), there is tonic sympathetic activity to the vascula-
ture and arterioles are partially constricted. If sympathetic activity
increases (right), arterioles constrict further. If sympathetic activity
decreases (left), arterioles dilate.
afferent fiber types and differences in discharge pat- balance between these two opposing influences and
terns and function between baroreceptors connected the relative contribution of the sympathetic and
to myelinated and unmyelinated afferent fibers (see parasympathetic nervous systems varies among spe-
e.g., Refs. 5, 11, and 15) should be reserved for an cies. In conscious humans, basal parasympathetic
advanced course. nerve activity to the heart is the major determinant of
baseline heart rate, whereas basal sympathetic nerve
activity has small or negligible effects (14). In addition,
variation in resting heart rate among individuals is
Figure 6 illustrates the effects of changes in efferent caused mainly by differences in basal parasympathetic
sympathetic nerve activity on the diameter of resis- tone. For example, compared with sedentary individu-
tance vessels. At baseline there is activity in sympa- als, the lower baseline heart rate seen in endurance
thetic nerves providing neurogenic sympathetic tone exercise-trained humans is a result of augmented
to the arterioles, and therefore the vessels are partially parasympathetic tone at rest (17). Stroke volume is
constricted. This is the normal resting condition. If influenced by venous return and cardiac contractility.
sympathetic nerve activity increases, the vessels con- Increases or decreases in sympathetic nerve activity to
strict and arterial pressure will increase. If sympa- the capacitance vessels and the ventricles therefore
thetic nerve activity decreases, the vessels will dilate will affect stroke volume. It is worth spending time on
and arterial pressure will decrease. this diagram to discuss how a change in blood
pressure, and thus baroreceptor afferent nerve dis-
Figure 7 summarizes arterial baroreflex control of charge, will change efferent nerve activity and how
sympathetic and parasympathetic outflow. At normal each change in efferent nerve activity could act to
arterial pressures (Fig. 7, middle) there is activity from buffer the initial perturbation. Figure 8 illustrates a
all neural components of the arterial baroreflex: both simple arterial baroreflex function curve for control of
afferent and efferent limbs. Both resistance and capaci- sympathetic outflow, which is a major determinant of
tance vessels are partially constricted. With regard to total peripheral resistance and arterial blood pressure.
determinants of heart rate, the sinoatrial and atrioven- The inverse relationship between this and the arterial
tricular nodes receive sympathetic and parasympa- baroreceptor afferent nerve discharge curve (Fig. 5) should
thetic innervation, and both efferent outflows are be briefly discussed. The point should be made that the
active at rest. Baseline heart rate is determined by the baroreflex is operative over a range of arterial pressures
FIG. 7.
Baroreceptor reflex responses to changes in arterial pressure. When arterial pressure is elevated, afferent firing
increases in carotid sinus nerve, which results in decreased sympathetic nerve activity to heart and blood vessels
and increased parasympathetic nerve activity to heart, responses that will decrease arterial pressure. When arterial
pressure is lowered, the opposite responses occur. [From Schmidt and Thews (16) with permission.]
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM PATHWAYS (e.g., Refs. 4, 6, and 19) and can serve as background
reading for an advanced course.
With limited time, the discussion of central nervous
system integration of cardiovascular reflexes should
be kept simple. The main point to be made in
discussing the central nervous system pathways is to As pointed out previously, the arterial baroreceptors
point out that, by virtue of the ‘‘wiring’’ and transmit- are very important for the beat-to-beat regulation of
ters used, activation of baroreceptor afferent nerves arterial pressure and represent the most rapidly re-
can have opposite effects on the sympathetic versus sponding system of the regulatory systems for buffer-
the parasympathetic nervous system and can also ing fluctuations in blood pressure. However, they do
affect humoral systems. Baroreceptor afferent fibers not determine the absolute level of blood pressure for
project to an area in the medulla in the brain stem that long-term regulation. If, for whatever reason, arterial
receives afferent sensory input from many sources. pressure is changed for a period of time, the arterial
With regard to control of heart rate, increased afferent baroreceptors will reset to operate around the new
nerve activity leads to excitation of parasympathetic pressure to which they are exposed. This process
motor neurons and, through a different pathway, to begins within a matter of minutes and is virtually
inhibition of neurons that project to, and normally complete within a couple of days (9) to weeks (10,
excite, sympathetic motor neurons in the spinal cord. 11). Figure 9 shows that exposure to an elevated
With regard to control of vascular resistance, activa- arterial pressure will result in a rightward shift in the
tion of baroreceptor afferent nerves ultimately results baroreceptor and baroreflex function curves toward
in inhibition of medullary neurons that normally higher blood pressures, and exposure to decreased
excite sympathetic motor neurons in the spinal cord. blood pressure will result in a leftward shift in the
Through a central pathway that projects to the hypo- baroreceptor and baroreflex function curves toward
thalamus, arterial baroreceptors influence the secre- lower blood pressures. Although the arterial barorecep-
tion of vasopressin such that activation of arterial tors do not strictly maintain blood pressure around
baroreceptors inhibits the secretion of vasopressin. one set point, this rather acute baroreceptor and
There are several good reviews of central baroreflex baroreflex resetting may be viewed as functionally
integration that are useful resources for the instructor advantageous. Should there be an overriding influence
FIG. 9.
Short-term pressure-dependent baroreceptor reflex resetting. A: hypothetical curves showing barore-
ceptor afferent nerve discharge under control conditions (solid line) and after baseline arterial
pressure (r) is elevated for several days (dashed line) or lowered for several days (dashed-dotted line).
B: hypothetical curves showing predicted baroreflex responses under control conditions (solid line)
and after an elevation (dashed line) or lowering (dashed-dotted line) of arterial pressure.
There are many proposed mechanisms for the etiol- responses to immediate decreases in pressure are
ogy of hypertension, and it is not necessary to discuss attenuated (Fig. 11). The attenuated ability to compen-
them here. During the initial development of hyperten- sate for a hypotensive challenge likely explains the
sion, when arterial pressure is elevated, the arterial increased incidence of orthostatic hypotension in
baroreflex will shift to operate around the new pregnant women. Overall, the baroreflex resetting
elevated pressure with maintained sensitivity to incre-
ments in pressure (Fig. 9B). With time, if blood
pressure remains elevated, the sensitivity to incre-
ments in pressure will be decreased (10, 11). Changes
in the blood vessel wall, and thus baroreceptor
afferent activity, and central nervous system mecha-
nisms have been proposed to contribute to baroreflex
resetting in chronic hypertension. The end result is
that in established hypertension, the arterial barorecep-
tor reflex operates at higher pressures and is less able
to correct for immediate fluctuations in blood pres-
sure (Fig. 10). This chronic baroreflex resetting may
contribute to the maintenance of established hyperten-
that occurs in pregnancy could be viewed as a active under normal conditions and operate as a
protective mechanism to limit abrupt increases in negative feedback system in much the same way as
sympathetic outflow in a hemodynamic state charac- the arterial baroreceptors. Differently from the arterial
terized by a substantial elevation of resting blood baroreceptors, which are located on the high-pressure
volume and cardiac output (12). side of the circulation, these receptors are located on
the low-pressure side of the circulation. Although
ARTERIAL BAROREFLEX CONTROL OF cardiopulmonary reflexes can contribute to the over-
HUMORAL SYSTEMS all regulation of arterial pressure similar to the arterial
baroreflexes, they are involved mainly in volume
In addition to controlling the autonomic efferent regulation. The receptors are located in regions that
outflow to blood vessels and the heart, arterial barore- will be stretched when blood volume is increased.
flexes modulate the secretion of vasoactive humoral Activation of these receptors has powerful effects on
agents. Increased arterial blood pressure results in an renal sympathetic nerve activity and secretion of
increase in afferent baroreceptor discharge and de- vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) such that an in-
creased circulating levels of adrenal catecholamines, crease in blood volume is compensated for by a rapid
vasopressin, and angiotensin II. The effects on catechol- loss of fluid into the urine.
amine secretion are mediated through efferent sympa-
thetic nerves to the adrenal medulla. The effects on
vasopressin secretion are via a central pathway to the Arterial Chemoreflex
hypothalamus. Sympathetic efferent nerves to the The arterial chemoreceptors are collections of chemo-
kidney control secretion of the enzyme renin, and, sensitive cells in the carotid and aortic bodies. They
through the renin angiotensin system cascade, changes are located in the same general regions as the arterial
in renal sympathetic nerve activity will result in baroreceptors. The chemoreceptor afferent nerves
changes in circulating levels of angiotensin II. These travel in the same nerve bundles as the arterial
humoral substances have vasoconstrictor properties baroreceptors. The chemoreceptors receive a very
and contribute to reflex adjustments in vascular resis- high blood flow and are sensitive to changes in the
tance. However, the main effects of vasopressin (anti- PO2, PCO2, and pH of arterial blood. They are mainly
diuretic hormone) and angiotensin are on the kidney, involved in control of respiration and serve to buffer
and they influence arterial pressure primarily by changes in arterial blood gases. Discharge in afferent
regulating blood volume. chemoreceptor nerves is increased when arterial PO2
or pH drops or when arterial PCO2 rises above normal.
For later discussions, it is important to mention that Reflex changes in alveolar ventilation serve to bring
these humoral systems are modulated by baroreflexes. blood gases back to normal. Although arterial chemo-
However, this brief explanation is sufficient. In a reflexes are not a major mechanism for blood pressure
general physiology course, avoid discussion of more regulation, arterial chemoreceptors are activated by
complex interactions. For example, although there is blood pressures below the normal arterial pressure
ample evidence that both vasopressin (2, 8) and range, and chemoreceptor reflexes have an effect on
angiotensin (2, 13) have central nervous system ef- arterial blood pressure. Increased chemoreceptor affer-
fects on baroreflex function, discussion of the recipro- ent nerve discharge stimulates central nervous system
cal relationship between neural and humoral systems vasoconstrictor sites and results in increased sympa-
belongs in an advanced course. thetic outflow to resistance and capacitance vessels,
and thus an increase in arterial blood pressure. Heart
OTHER REFLEXES AFFECTING THE rate responses to arterial chemoreceptor stimulation
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM will vary depending on the respiratory effects.
and avoid unnecessary detail. I concentrate on the Functions, edited by A. D. Loewy and K. M. Spyer. New York:
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Research Park, Columbia, MO 65211-3300 (E-mail: heeschc@ 41): R924–R934, 1997. 13. Reid, I. A. Interaction between angiotensin II, sympathetic
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