Hepatitis B Therapy in Pregnancy
Hepatitis B Therapy in Pregnancy
Hepatitis B Therapy in Pregnancy
DOI 10.1007/s11901-010-0059-x
Abstract All decisions about initiating, continuing, or stop- horizontal transmission [2, 3]. The risk of progression to
ping therapy of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) during pregnancy chronic HBV infection is inversely proportional to the age
must include an analysis of the risks and benefits for at which the infection was acquired. Without immunopro-
mother and fetus. The trimester of the pregnancy and the phylaxis, up to 90% of infants born to hepatitis B e antigen
stage of the mother’s liver disease are important factors. (HBeAg)–positive mothers become infected. In contrast,
Treatment in the third trimester may be initiated to aid in only 20% to 30% of children exposed between ages 1 and
preventing perinatal transmission, which appears to be most 5 years, and fewer than 5% of adults, become infected [4–
pronounced in mothers with high viral loads. Consideration 6]. Thus, women of childbearing age with chronic HBV
of initiating treatment in the third trimester should occur infection remain an important source for continued spread
after a high viral load is documented in the latter part of the of the virus.
second trimester, to allow adequate time for initiation of This article addresses several issues pertinent to hepatitis
antiviral therapy with significant viral suppression before B therapy in pregnancy. First, the woman of childbearing
delivery. This discussion should include the topic of age who may require therapy for hepatitis B is discussed,
breastfeeding, because it is generally not recommended with particular emphasis on the timing of therapy, choice of
while receiving antiviral therapy. Currently, lamivudine and an agent, and the patient’s desire to have children in the
tenofovir appear to be the therapeutic options with the most future. Second, an approach is outlined for the woman who
reasonable safety data in pregnancy. is newly diagnosed with hepatitis B early in pregnancy. In
addition, whether therapy should be continued, switched, or
Keywords Hepatitis B . Pregnancy . Perinatal stopped if an HBV-infected woman is on treatment and
transmission . Treatment . Antiviral . Nucleoside . becomes pregnant is debated. Finally, the question of
Nucleotide . Lamivudine . Tenofovir whether a pregnant woman should be treated in the third
trimester to help prevent perinatal transmission is addressed
in a proposed algorithm for the management of HBV in
Introduction pregnancy.
therapy. If pregnancy is contemplated in the near future, becomes pregnant, a decision needs to be made whether she
it may be prudent to delay therapy until after the child is should continue therapy for the duration of the pregnancy
born [7]. This approach requires a careful assessment of or if therapy should be withdrawn immediately. As with all
the degree of hepatic activity and fibrosis, with either liver decisions during pregnancy, the health of the mother and
biopsy or noninvasive methods. Although it is not used in the fetus must be considered independently. From the
the pregnant woman, interferon can be used in the woman perspective of the fetus, the major concern is the risk of
of childbearing age, because therapy with this agent is for exposure to medication during early embryogenesis. From
a defined period (48 weeks) and often results in clinical the perspective of the mother, the major issue is whether
remission with HBeAg seroconversion [8]. This scenario stopping or changing medication will adversely affect both
is in contrast to the oral antiviral agents that generally short- and long-term liver disease outcomes. In general, if
require long-term therapy and result in much lower rates the mother is known to have significant fibrosis, therapy
of HBeAg seroconversion [3, 7]. should be continued because the risk of flare with
For those who require therapy, it is advisable to discuss withdrawal of therapy could result in decompensation of
the issue of pregnancy before starting treatment. A her liver disease. This effect on the mother’s health could
“planned pregnancy” is preferable and may influence the also impact the health of the fetus.
choice and timing of therapy, or potentially the timing of All HBV antivirals are inhibitors of either nucleoside or
pregnancy. In addition, given the relative paucity of nucleotide polymerases. Although these drugs preferentially
evidence for most recommendations, decisions about target the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase of HBV, they
treatment during pregnancy can be made with the luxury also interfere with replication of mitochondrial DNA, and this
of time for consideration of all relevant issues. Treatment can result in mitochondrial toxicity leading to the lactic
with tenofovir is an ideal choice, given its efficacy, high acidosis syndrome [11]. Although lactic acidosis syndrome is
barrier to resistance, and safety profile in pregnancy [9, 10]. very uncommon in adults, less is known about the potential
Lamivudine, another agent that is considered safe in ramifications of mitochondrial toxicity in the developing
pregnancy, has a high chance of emergence of resistant fetus. These effects may be more diverse, because toxicity
virus with prolonged therapy and therefore is no longer a may affect organogenesis.
first-line agent in the nonpregnant patient [3, 7, 10]. Safety data on HBV antivirals during pregnancy come
from two major sources: the Antiretroviral Pregnancy
Registry (APR) [10] and the Development of Antiretroviral
Newly Diagnosed Chronic HBV in Pregnancy Therapy Study (DART) [12]. The APR is an international,
voluntary, prospective exposure registration cohort study of
The pregnant woman who is newly diagnosed with HBV women exposed to antiretroviral therapies, most of whom
early in pregnancy should undergo an assessment of her are HIV-1 monoinfected. As of January 2010, data from
infection. Decisions about initiating therapy in this setting 11,867 pregnancies were available. However, these data
must include consideration of the risks and benefits for the included only 112 women with HBV monoinfection, in
mother and the fetus. The risk-benefit equation also whom birth defects were recorded in 2.7% of live births.
depends upon the trimester of the pregnancy. The major This statistic compares favorably to the 2.72% rate reported
determinant of the need for HBV therapy for the mother is by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
the stage of her liver disease (both hepatic activity and birth defect surveillance system. Table 1 shows the number
fibrosis) [7]. Treatment is generally recommended if the of cases of early versus late exposure and the rate of birth
mother is at risk of serious liver disease. Most women of defects for each of the FDA-approved HBV antivirals. No
childbearing age are likely to have mild disease; therefore, significant difference was reported in the rate of adverse
treatment can usually be postponed until after delivery. outcomes if the initial exposure of any HBV drug was in
Because many of these women are in the immune-tolerant the first trimester (2.7%) compared to the second or third
phase of infection (high HBV DNA levels with normal trimester (2.5%) of pregnancy. Although these data are
alanine transaminase [ALT] and inactive liver biopsy), reassuring, it is important to look at the HBV agents
therapy is generally not needed and no indication exists to specifically. Lamivudine and tenofovir are the two agents
start therapy during the early stages of pregnancy [3, 7]. with the most in vivo experience in the first trimester and
appear to be safe. For telbivudine and entecavir, only 5 and
12 pregnancies with exposure in the first trimester are
Therapy for Hepatitis B in Early Pregnancy recorded in the registry, with no adverse outcomes reported.
Although the APR is extremely useful, it has limitations,
No antiviral agent has been approved by the FDA for use in including short follow-up and recording only defects
pregnancy. Thus, when a woman on HBV antiviral therapy identified at birth. Developmental anomalies (eg, cardiac
Curr Hepatitis Rep (2010) 9:197–204 199
1st trimester birth defects/live births 2nd/3rd trimester birth defects/live births
HBV—hepatitis B virus
or neurologic defects) identified at a later date may oral agent approved for the treatment of HBV, extensive
therefore be omitted. clinical experience exists. The APR data also suggest that
The DART study is a 6-year, multicenter, randomized trial lamivudine is safe despite its pregnancy C classification.
of antiretroviral therapy among adults with symptomatic Although there is less clinical experience with tenofovir, it
HIV-1 infection or advanced disease/AIDS in Africa. The 3% is categorized as a class B agent by the FDA and has the
rate of congenital anomalies reported in this study also added benefit of a very high genetic barrier to resistance,
compares favorably to the 2.72% reported by the CDC birth with no reported resistance identified to date [13, 14].
defect surveillance system [12]. However, telbivudine, another class B agent, is seldom
used, for two reasons [13]. First, there is minimal in vivo
experience in pregnancy, and second, telbivudine has a low
Continuing, Switching, or Discontinuing Therapy? barrier to resistance [15].
Rather than switching agents, withdrawal of treatment
If the decision is made to continue HBV therapy during for the duration of pregnancy may be preferable, especially
pregnancy, the question then becomes whether the drug to the mother who wants to avoid any potential future risk
should be replaced with an agent that has more in vivo to the fetus. What would be the consequence to the mother
experience during pregnancy (ie, is thought to be “safer”). of stopping treatment completely? The natural history of
For example, because safety data are lacking for entecavir, chronic HBV in pregnancy has not been well described.
and because it is an FDA pregnancy class C drug (Table 2), Limited data exist to suggest that, rarely, severe complica-
switching to an alternate therapy should be strongly tions of HBV occur late in pregnancy, with reports of liver
considered [13]. If desired, the original treatment could failure requiring liver transplantation in previously asymp-
eventually be resumed after delivery. The two most tomatic individuals [16]. Data specifically addressing the
commonly used agents in pregnancy are lamivudine and risk of stopping therapy during pregnancy are anecdotal.
tenofovir. Lamivudine is also categorized as a class C agent Our knowledge of those risks relating to cessation of
by the FDA because of reports of toxicity in rabbits with therapy is derived from early clinical trials in nonpregnant
first trimester exposure. However, because it was the first patients, with less advanced fibrosis. In these early studies,
Pregnancy Adequate and well-controlled human studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy
category A (and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters)
Pregnancy Animal reproduction studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled
category B studies in pregnant women, or animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but adequate and well-controlled studies in
pregnant women have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in any trimester
Pregnancy Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled
category C studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks
Pregnancy There is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience
category D or studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks
Pregnancy Studies in animals or humans have demonstrated fetal abnormalities and/or there is positive evidence of human fetal risk
category X based on adverse reaction data from investigational or marketing experience, and the risks involved in use of the drug in
pregnant women clearly outweigh potential benefits
200 Curr Hepatitis Rep (2010) 9:197–204
therapy was stopped after completion of the trial, even for In a pilot study, eight women with HBV DNA levels
patients who remained HBeAg-positive. Follow-up con- greater than 109 copies/mL were given lamivudine at
firmed that HBV DNA levels rebounded, but rarely did this 34 weeks of gestation. Babies were vaccinated and received
rebound result in clinically significant flares of hepatitis HBIG at birth, and only one became infected, compared to
[17, 18]. In contrast, in those patients with severe fibrosis or 7 of 25 (28%) cases of transmission in a matched historical
cirrhosis at baseline, flares upon treatment withdrawal can control population [28]. This finding led to a randomized,
result in decompensation [19]. double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of lamivudine to
Overall, it appears the risk of an adverse outcome with prevent transmission in highly viremic HBeAg-positive
continuing antiviral therapy during pregnancy is likely very women [29•]. At 1 year of age, 18% of babies of
low. However, therapy could be discontinued with close lamivudine-treated mothers were HBsAg-positive com-
observation of the mother to avoid continued fetal exposure pared to 39% in the placebo-treated arm. Both groups
during the first trimester, especially in the patient who does received vaccination and HBIG. Based on these results, the
not have advanced fibrosis. authors recommended treatment in the third trimester for
women with high viral loads. Unfortunately, because of
major problems with loss to follow-up, the data are
Rationale for Treatment in the Third Trimester extremely hard to interpret. At 1 year, 13% of babies in
the lamivudine arm and 31% in the placebo arm were lost
The majority of perinatal transmission is thought to occur at to follow-up. Evaluating only those with complete data,
delivery, because a combination of passive immunization there was a trend but no significant difference in the rate of
with hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) given within 12 h HBsAg positivity at 1 year (6% lamivudine vs 12%
of birth and active immunization with three doses of the placebo, P=0.37). The study was also underpowered
hepatitis B vaccine in the first 6 months of life resulted in (power=53%), because of slow recruitment. No conse-
preventing most infections in this setting. Early seminal quences were reported to mother or baby with lamivudine
studies by Beasley et al. [20, 21] showed that HBIG treatment in the study. More recently, a meta-analysis was
administration could reduce the rate of HBV transmission reported to evaluate the efficacy of lamivudine in reducing
from more than 90% from HBeAg-positive mothers down in utero transmission of HBV [30•]. A total of 10
to about 26%. When combined with the vaccine, the rates randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining 951 HBV-
of transmission fell to 3% to 7% [22, 23]. When one looks carrier mothers were included [29•, 31–39]. The RCTs
at the vaccine and HBIG failures, almost all occur in evaluated included newborns who received immunopro-
HBeAg-positive women with very high viral loads, phylaxis at birth and women who were treated with
generally above 108 copies/mL [24]. A recent report lamivudine from 24 to 32 weeks of gestation, until delivery
suggested an overall 3% perinatal transmission rate in to 1 month post-delivery. Newborns in the lamivudine
viremic mothers despite the use of immunoprophylaxis group had a 13% to 24% significantly lower incidence of
[25•]. The rate was as high as 7% in viremic HBeAg- intrauterine exposure, indicated by newborn HBsAg (P=0.04)
positive mothers and 9% in those mothers who had viral and HBV DNA (P<0.001) positivity. In addition, newborns
loads greater than 108 copies/mL. This finding raises the in the lamivudine treated group had a 1.4% to 2% lower
question of whether antiviral therapy before delivery would perinatal infection rate at 9 to 12 months, as indicated by
lower the viral load adequately to prevent transmission. HBsAg (P<0.01) and HBV DNA (P<0.001) seropositivity.
This report was limited by the quality of the studies included
(most studies were only rated 3 of 5 on the Jadad scale [40])
Evidence for Treatment in the Third Trimester and the heterogeneity of the definition used for high viral
load that prompted therapy.
Should pregnant women who are HBsAg-positive and In a recent study of 31 pregnant women in China,
highly viremic receive antiviral therapy in the third treatment with telbivudine was commenced between 28 and
trimester to prevent perinatal transmission? No consensus 32 weeks and was continued to 30 days postpartum [41].
on this issue has yet been reached [7]. The principal of Compared with 30 pregnant patients who did not receive
treatment late in pregnancy to prevent or reduce the rate of therapy and had similar viral loads at baseline and at
perinatal transmission has been established with other parturition, the viral loads in the patients treated with
viruses. In HIV-infected mothers, the effect of antiretroviral telbivudine were reduced significantly, from 7.38 log10 at
agents (including lamivudine) on the reduction of mother- baseline to 4.08 log10 prior to parturition (P<0.01). All
to-child transmission of HIV was shown to be efficacious babies received active and passive immunoprophylaxis.
[26]. Antivirals have also been advocated late in pregnancy The infection rate was 0% in those treated with telbivudine
to prevent acquisition of neonatal herpes [27]. and 13.3% in the untreated controls.
Curr Hepatitis Rep (2010) 9:197–204 201
No comparable data exist on efficacy of tenofovir in this occur in utero, particularly in the setting of threatened
area. However, given its potency, tenofovir would be preterm labor with very high maternal viral loads [43].
expected to be at least equally as effective as lamivudine Furthermore, long-term safety data are lacking, and potential
in reducing perinatal transmission. This characteristic, risks to the mother include the development of antiviral
together with its high barrier to resistance, makes it an resistance (relatively unlikely, given the short duration of
attractive agent to consider in the third trimester. therapy) and flare of hepatitis after treatment withdrawal. In
Although treatment in the third trimester would be one study, 42% of those who did not receive antiviral therapy
anticipated to result in a significant lowering of the viral during pregnancy experienced a flare in the postpartum
load (which would help prevent perinatal transmission), this period, compared to 62% among those who had been treated
result has not been clearly shown and remains controver- and then discontinued therapy at delivery [44].
sial. In addition, although a high viral load is clearly
important, it is not the only factor predisposing to failure of
immunoprophylaxis. This is highlighted by a case in which Algorithm for Management of HBV in the Pregnant
a child developed chronic HBV infection, despite suppres- Patient
sion of HBV DNA to undetectable levels in the mother with
lamivudine therapy throughout gestation and appropriate An algorithm for the management and treatment of HBV in
immunoprophylaxis after birth [42]. Rarely, infection may pregnancy is proposed in Fig. 1. Routine antepartum care
includes testing a woman for the presence or absence of the current pregnancy is likely higher [7]. In such cases,
hepatitis B in the first trimester. If she is negative, her child strong consideration for initiating therapy in the third
will be vaccinated at birth. The mother does not have to be trimester is recommended, regardless of the mother’s viral
vaccinated during pregnancy, although it is considered safe load at the end of the second trimester.
and should therefore be administered to those with high-
risk behavior for acquisition.
For those who test positive early in pregnancy, an Transmission of HBV Infection in Breastfed Babies
assessment of the mother’s HBV status should occur,
including a hepatic panel, HBV serologies, and platelet Although early studies claimed that HBV transmission
count. If the patient has very active HBV (significantly could occur through breast milk, more recent studies
elevated ALT with a high viral load), or if cirrhosis is have shown similar rates of acquisition, regardless of
suspected (low platelet count or suggestive imaging), then whether babies were fed with breast milk or formula. In
therapy should be initiated regardless of trimester. However, 1975, before the availability of neonatal immunization,
if therapy is not warranted (inactive disease with low ALT the rates of acquisition of HBV were found to be 53% in
and low viral load), continued surveillance is suggested breast-fed and 60% in formula-fed babies born to
because pregnancy can result in a flare of hepatitis B, HBsAg-positive mothers [47]. These data are limited
later in pregnancy and for several months postpartum because the high vertical transmission rates confounded
[16, 44]. the true rate of acquisition from breastfeeding. After the
Subsequently, it is recommended that all women have introduction of immunoprophylaxis, Hill et al. [48] found
their HBV DNA viral load quantified toward the end of the a similar rate of infection in breast-fed and formula-fed
second trimester (at 26–28 weeks gestation) so that a final infants (0% and 3%). Thus, current guidelines state that
decision regarding therapy can occur shortly thereafter. This breastfeeding is not contraindicated in HBV-infected
assessment will allow enough time in the third trimester to mothers who are not on antiviral therapy whose infants
significantly drop the viral load after therapy is initiated to receive immunoprophylaxis [3].
decrease the perinatal transmission rate. Women with high For mothers on antiviral therapy, breastfeeding is not
viral loads (>107 copies/mL) should consider initiating recommended. According to prescribing information, it
therapy early in the third trimester (28–30 weeks), after a has not been recommended that women breastfeed their
thorough discussion of the risks and benefits, because data infants while taking lamivudine or tenofovir, to avoid
are too limited to mandate therapy. Once started, therapy is risking postnatal transmission of HIV-1 infection [45,
continued for the duration of the pregnancy and can be 46]. Although it is known that lamivudine and tenofovir
discontinued postpartum if desired. The decision to are both excreted into human breast milk, little is known
discontinue therapy is often influenced by the woman’s about the extent of exposure of antiviral agents during
desire for subsequent pregnancies. The timing of therapy breastfeeding. Thus, little is known about the overall safety of
discontinuation postpartum remains unclear. In published breastfeeding in this setting.
studies, therapy is discontinued anywhere from birth to
1 month after delivery [30•]. In practice, therapy is often
continued up to 6 months postpartum. Regardless of when Conclusions
therapy is discontinued, a small but real risk of flare exists,
and the mother should be monitored closely after withdraw- Factors to consider when deciding whether HBV therapy is
al for at least 6 months. Another factor that may influence warranted for either the woman of childbearing age or the
the timing of treatment discontinuation postpartum is the pregnant woman include extent of existing liver disease,
mother’s desire to breastfeed. Few data are available efficacy, and safety of existing FDA-approved antiviral
regarding the safety of breastfeeding while on antiviral agents. Although none of these agents are approved for use
therapy; thus, breastfeeding while on treatment for HBV is in this setting, data are emerging regarding safety. With
not recommended [45, 46]. increasing data, fewer delays occur in treating pregnant
When deciding on therapy in the third trimester, the women who have clinically active disease. However, it
perinatal transmission outcome of prior pregnancies must remains unclear if therapy is beneficial when initiated in the
be considered. If previous pregnancies did not result in third trimester in highly viremic mothers. Additional studies
perinatal transmission, then a viral load of greater than 107 are needed to address this question.
copies/mL should be used to determine if therapy should be
initiated (similar to the woman who has had no previous
children). However, if perinatal transmission did occur with Disclosure No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
a prior pregnancy, then the risk of perinatal transmission in was reported.
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