2012 Screw Piles

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The key takeaways are that a residential structure built on uncontrolled fill experienced differential settlement over time leading to cracking. Helical screw piles were used to underpin the structure by installing them around the perimeter through the fill to the underlying dense sand and gravel to stop further movement.

The structure started experiencing differential settlement not long after construction, which continued for several years, leading to excessive cracking in the basement walls and floor, severe misalignment of doors and windows, and cracking of interior walls.

It was discovered that the area of the housing development had previously been used as a commercial sand and gravel pit which had subsequently been used as a local dumping area for miscellaneous refuse and which had then been covered by a layer of sand and gravel.

Missouri University of Science and Technology

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International Conference on Case Histories in (2013) - Seventh International Conference on Case
Geotechnical Engineering Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Apr 29th - May 4th

Underpinning a Residential Structure on

Uncontrolled Fill With Helical Screw-Piles
Alan J. Lutenegger
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

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Recommended Citation
Lutenegger, Alan J., "Underpinning a Residential Structure on Uncontrolled Fill With Helical Screw-Piles" (2013). International
Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 36.

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Alan J. Lutenegger
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts-USA 01003


Underpinning of a private residence using square-shaft helical Screw-Piles is described. A two story wood frame single-family
residence constructed in 1996 in a small subdivision started to experience differential settlement not long after construction. The
settlement continued for several years, leading to excessive cracking in the basement walls and floor, severe misalignment of doors
and windows and cracking of interior walls. It was discovered that the area of the housing development had previously been used as a
commercial sand and gravel pit which had subsequently been used as a local dumping area for miscellaneous refuse and which had
then been covered by a layer of sand and gravel. In order to stop additional movement, a series of square-shaft helical Screw-Piles was
installed around the perimeter of the structure extending through the fill to the underlying dense sand and gravel. Foundation brackets
were attached to the existing concrete footings for transferring load to the Screw-Piles. The site conditions are described and the
results of the test borings are presented to show the composition and variability of the underlying materials with focus on the fill. A
description of the underpinning work is presented to illustrate successful use of Screw-Piles for underpinning lightly loaded structures.


For a variety of reasons, many lightly loaded structures repairs can be made. In this way, the homeowner can return to
undergo distress at some time in their life cycle, often as a some sense of normality and be relieved of the anxiety of
result of poor subsurface conditions that are insufficient to future problems.
support the loads. In most cases, residential structures are
constructed without the benefit of an initial site investigation This paper presents the results of a forensic evaluation of the
to evaluate the soil conditions with respect to construction. cause of excessive settlement experienced by a single family
The added cost of a site investigation and geotechnical report wood frame residential structure and the subsequent repair
are seen as an additional expense that is generally unwarranted work that was performed to underpin the foundation to arrest
simply because of the degree of loading generally considered the movement. The case represents a very typical and common
with one and two story wood frame buildings. situation in which the use of small structural elements can be
implemented with minimal invasive work to the homeowner
The causes of building movements for light residential and the structure to provide a safe and reliable solution. The
structures can vary widely; from the presence of expansive repair work involved the identification of previously unknown
soils with high or moderate shrink and swell behavior to the subsurface conditions that were determined to be the primary
presence of underlying organic soil layers with low support cause of the movement and the use of helical screw-piles
properties to changes in groundwater conditions brought about installed adjacent to the structure to transfer the building loads
by either natural or artificial dewatering to a long list of other to underlying competent soils.
potential causes. The challenge that is presented in these cases
is to correctly identify the principal cause of movement at a
specific site and then to develop a rehabilitation plan to CONSTRUCTION HISTORY
produce an effective solution. In many cases, complete repair
to return a structure to its original position and condition is The residence was constructed in a small housing
often not practical, but instead, a solution that stops future development in Florence, Massachusetts, consisting of a cul-
movement can be applied so that structural and cosmetic de-sac with eight single family residences. All of the homes

Paper No. 3.02b 1

had been constructed by the same contractor who had a
reliable and good reputation. All of the homes consisted of
two-story dwellings with a concrete cast-in-place basement
and an attached garage. Several of the homes also had attached
covered front porches consisting of either concrete raised slabs
or slab-on-grade construction.

Prior to development the area likely resembled a small open

relatively flat field surrounded by mature native softwood and
hardwood trees although the topography rose to the west of
the site and fell to the east.

A building permit was issued in August of 1996, construction

proceeded, and a Certificate of Occupancy was issued in
November of 1996. The Building Inspector visited the site and
inspected the foundations which consisted of conventional
cast-in-place strip footings at a depth of about 7 ft. below
existing grade to accommodate a concrete basement. The soil Fig. 1. Basement Wall Crack on South Side.
conditions at the time consisted of sand and gravel and no
groundwater was encountered in the excavation.

Not long after construction was complete, the homeowner

requested that the Building Inspector visit the site to examine
some areas surface depressions in the yard surrounding the
house. The Inspector visited in October, 1996, about one
month after the end of construction, and noted “problems with
ground subsiding at rear of house”.

Only one other adjacent house in the subdivision showed

similar signs of distress and differential settlement, the house
located about 70 ft. south of the house described. This
structure showed similar crack patterns in the basement walls
and similar surface depression in the front and side yards in
between the two house.

Fig. 2. Basement Wall Crack on North Side.
An initial site visit performed by the author in November of
2007 included a walk over the site and the surrounding area,
including adjacent properties, a preliminary surface survey of
the topography, and an inspection of the outside and inside of
the structure, especially the basement. At that time, several
large open cracks were identified in the exposed concrete
basement walls on the south side and west side of the house,
as shown in Figures 1 and 2. The opening on both cracks was
about 1 in. at the top and they appeared to extend downward
for a considerable distance. It wasn’t until the inside walls of
the basement were examined that it became clear that the
cracks extended the full height of the walls and were
connected by a crack extending across the concrete floor slab.

At the same time, signs of settlement of the concrete floor slab

in the attached garage were noted and separation between the
slab and concrete perimeter walls was noted, as shown for
example in Figure 3. The author attempted to perform several
hand auger borings near the structure and in the yard but was Fig 3. Separation of Garage from House.
met with refusal on gravel at about 2 ft. in all locations.

Paper No. 3.02b 2

Between 1997 and 2007, the homeowner observed numerous
locations both inside and outside of the house that suggested
that the house was moving. In addition to cracks that
developed in the concrete basement walls a number of
windows and doors experienced chronic binding and difficulty
opening and closing. The movements were not sudden but
continued at a slow, gradual pace and in the homeowners
perception the movements did not correspond to any particular
seasonal variations or dependency. Additionally, the
homeowner felt that the movements were cumulative with the
cracks in the basement walls becoming progressively larger
with time. A level survey indicated that as much as 4.5 in. of
differential settlement had occurred.

In 2007 the homeowner again contacted the Building

Inspector because several more depressions had developed at a
number of locations around the property. The Building
Inspector became concerned that the “subsidence” noted in the Fig.5. Test Drilling Between Adjacent Houses.
yards night lead to distress of utility lines located near the
properties and extending under the street. After visiting the Samples were taken through 4 1/4 in. Hollow-Stem Augers
site in late 2007, the author suggested to the homeowner and using AWJ Rods. Standard Penetration Tests were performed
Building Inspector that a series of test borings should be using a Safety Hammer with a cable and freewheeling
performed in the area around the two houses in order to hydraulic spool. The results of the borings showed that the
determine the subsurface conditions. soils immediately under the footings (at a depth of about 7 to 8
ft. below existing grade, consisted of well-graded sand and
gravel, but at a depth of about 10 ft. (about 4 ft. below the
SITE INVESTIGATION & SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS footings) test borings encountered loose random fill,
consisting of wood, wire, coal, glass, plastic, paper, brick and
In September of 2008 a site investigation consisting of 8 test concrete fragments, metal and other miscellaneous debris
borings drilled to depths of 23 ft. using a truck mounted within a matrix of sand and gravel and also included a few
Mobile Drill Rig was performed at the site, Figures 4 and 5. isolated pockets of highly organic materials. This zone
Borings were placed as close as possible to the house and at extended to depths ranging from about 12 to 19 ft. below
several locations in the yard where depressions had been grade. Underlying this material appeared to be compact native
identified as well as in areas where no depressions were sand and gravel. Figure 6 gives combined results of Standard
present. All of the borings were conducted on the same day Penetration Tests.
and consisted of soil sampling and Standard Penetration Tests
as well as ground water observations in each boring; very
routine site investigation practice. 0
DEPTH (ft.)

16 B-l
18 B-3
20 B-6
22 B-8

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Fig.4. Test Drilling Adjacent to House.
Fig. 6. SPT Results.

Paper No. 3.02b 3

The SPT results show considerable variability across the site 2. Remove a short section of the exposed leg of the
and a wide range with SPT values ranging from N = 2 to N > footing so that the footing is flush with the wall;
50. The measured SPT Recovery also varied considerably with 3. Clean the exposed footing concrete and slightly
% Recovery ranging from 0 to 100%. No ground water was undercut soil along a short length;
encountered in any of the test borings. 4. Structurally attach a steel underpinning bracket
(often L-shaped) to the exposed and undercut footing
Even though the SPT N-Values show the average conditions section;
to be reasonably dense, the composition of the materials 5. Install a helical screw-pile through the underpinning
encountered caused concern. Sometime after the drilling was bracket and advance into competent soil;
complete it was discovered that the site had previously been 6. Attach the screw-pile to the underpinning bracket and
used as a local sand and gravel pit and that after several years use a hydraulic load system to prestress the pile;
of removal of material the site had been uncontrollably used as 7. Lock off the load and secure the pile to the bracket.
a local dump site for a variety of construction waste and
miscellaneous debris. This accounted for the wide range of fill
materials encountered in the test borings below the upper sand
and gravel. At the time of the inspection of the foundations by
the local Building Inspector during construction, the materials
in the excavation appeared to be natural sand and gravel,
which had unknowingly been placed sometime at the site to
cover the underlying debris materials.


In many case, depending on the site conditions and site access,

Screw-Piles are considered an economic and attractive
alternative to the more traditional forms of underpinning, such
as open-hole micropiles or jacked/driven minipiles. A Screw-
Pile consists of a central steel shaft that may be either circular
or square in cross section and one or more helical plates
welded to the tip. Most screw-piles currently being
manufactured and used in the Civil Construction industry have Fig. 7. Typical Square-Shaft Screw-Pile Lead Sections.
either a central hollow pipe section or square shaft steel bar as
shown in Figure 7.
In some cases, a small concrete “buttress” or “haunch” may be
Helical foundation technology is not new to Civil poured to encapsulate the new underpinning bracket and
Construction and was introduced in the mid 1800s by Irish and create a monolithic concrete section integral with the existing
English engineers to support lighthouses, bridges, piers, footing. After the bracket and pile are secured to the existing
buildings poles and signs, and a variety of other structures footing, the work is complete and the excavation can be
(Lutenegger 2011). backfilled. This sequence is illustrated in Figure 8 and is
similar to many other forms of structural underpinning used
When underpinning with Screw-Piles there is a series of throughout the industry, with the exception that in this case the
logical steps that the Contractor follows: structural element being used to transfer load from the
structure to an underlying competent soil is a helical Screw-
1. Make a small excavation adjacent to the structure to Pile.
expose a section of the concrete footing;

Paper No. 3.02b 4

hot-dipped galvanized. Figure 9 shows a typical L-style
foundation bracket.

Fig. 9. Typical L-Style Foundation Bracket


The Engineer recommended that underpinning would only be

needed in about 1/3 of the footprint of the structure, mostly in
the back corner of the house in the area where the most
prominent wall and floor cracking had occurred and in the
back and side of the attached garage. The footings for the
garage were only located at a depth of about 5 ft. below
existing grade while the footings for the house were about 8 ft.
Fig. 8. Sequence of Underpinning Existing Foundations with below grade. The repair work was performed in June of 2009.
The Contractor, who had extensive experience with similar
projects and with the installation of helical piles selected 1.5
If appropriate, given the condition of the structure and the in. x 1.5 in. square-shaft helical piles with a triple-helix
degree of distress, a small amount of lifting may also be configuration consisting of an 8 in., 10 in. and 12 in. helix at
performed using hydraulic jacking system to provide vertical spacings of 24 in. and 30 in. between successive helices. The
adjustment to the structure and preloading of the Screw-Pile. pitch on all helical plates was 3 in. A total of 14 Screw-Piles
If needed, the existing foundation may also be reinforced were installed; 6 Screw-Piles were installed from the outside
using either thread bars or grouted bars inserted into the along the side and back of the garage to support the garage
existing foundation blocks or a small section of reinforced footings; 5 Screw-Piles were installed inside the house
concrete may be cast in place and tied to the existing through the basement floor to support the side and back
foundation. The concrete also provides additional protection footings and walls of the house; and 2 Screw-Piles were
against corrosion of the steel, although in most cases the installed in the center of the house to support steel columns
foundation brackets are hot-dipped galvanized. supporting the floor joists.

Note that Figure 8 illustrates that the Screw-Pile can also The Contractor elected to work inside the finished basement
include a column of grout around the central shaft to increase for two reasons; 1) there was no exterior access to the side
the structural rigidity or it may be installed without a grout wall since this wall was adjacent to the existing garage and
column, depending on the soil conditions and the design of the would have required removal of the garage floor to allow
pile for bearing capacity. The entire steel bracket may be access.; and 2) there was a large attached deck on the back
encased in concrete creating a new integral foundation system. side of the house which would have been required to be
The concrete also provides additional protection against removed to provide access to the back wall. Instead, to reduce
corrosion, although in most cases the foundation brackets are disturbance to the perimeter of the property as much as
possible, the Contractor installed all of the screw-piles for the

Paper No. 3.02b 5

house footings from inside through the unfinished basement.
Flexibility of Pile Geometry
Also, rather than remove all of the concrete from the perimeter
on the sides where screw-piles were to be installed, the Screw-Piles are available from a number of manufacturers in a
Contractor only cut small access holes of about 2 ft. x 2 ft. and variety of configurations, including single and multi-helix lead
removed the concrete and existing soil to expose the footing. sections with a variety of diameters. This allows considerable
This eliminated the need to replace the entire floor slab and flexibility for the designer to select an appropriate geometry
only required a small amount of concrete to be replaced after for a specific project to suit the soil stratigraphy. Increasing
the screw-piles and foundation brackets had been installed. the helix diameter and/or number of helices or modifying the
The screw-piles were placed about 7 ft. on center around both installation length to achieve the required load capacity is
the garage area and the house area to support the footings and generally very easy. In this project the same lead helix section
transfer load through the fill and into the underlying dense was used and was able to be screwed through the existing site
sand and gravel. soils into a suitable bearing strata below the fill. Extension
sections are also available with additional helical plates that
The screw-piles ranged in total length from 8 ft. to 22 ft. with could be used to achieve higher bearing capacities.
the two longest screw-piles of 20 and 22 ft. installed on the
back corner of the garage where the fill materials seemed to be In cases where increased bending stiffness is needed to
thickest. All screw-piles were installed to a minimum torque support eccentric loading, the use of the grouted shaft may be
of 2500 ft.-lbs. When the load was transferred to the screw- desirable. Even when a grouted shaft is used, the additional
piles the Contractor was able to raise the perimeter walls of equipment needed to mix and place the grout is minimal.
the garage and back wall of the house slightly to reduce the
differential settlement to about 50% of what had been Minimal Construction Vibration
There are essentially no vibrations produced by the hydraulic
Along the perimeter of the garage, the soil was removed and a plant during installation of the Screw-Piles. This may be
trench dug down to the level of the footings using a small particularly important in situations where the existing structure
rubber tired track excavator. It was necessary to temporarily may be sensitive to construction vibrations, such as historic
move an air conditioning compressor during the installation of structures. Most Screw-Piles for restoration work may be
the screw-piles. Installation of the screw-piles inside the installed with small light duty construction equipment such as
structure was accomplished by using portable hydraulic a rubber track mini excavator or skid steer or portable hand
equipment with the power pack setting outside the building held equipment.
and hydraulic hoses run through a basement bulkhead
doorway. The low headroom in the basement presented no Installation in High Ground Water
difficulties since square-shaft pile extension rods with lengths
of 3, 5 and 7 ft. are readily available. The installation of Screw-Piles is unaffected by high ground
water condition since only minor excavation is required below
the foundation level. Of course if ground water is above the
POTENTIAL ADVANTAGES OF SCREW-PILES FOR foundation level, dewatering may be required as in most other
UNDERPINNING foundation upgrading methods. Working inside the basement
in this project reduced the potential for ground water issues as
The use of Screw-Piles for underpinning shallow foundations the basement had never experiences water problems and the
of lightly loaded structures such as the case described her test borings encountered no ground water table at the time of
offers a number of potential advantages that in many cases drilling.
cannot be realized by most traditional underpinning
techniques. Construction in Confined Space

Minimal Disruption to Existing Structure Screw-Piles may be installed in areas of limited access or low
head room, such as basements of existing structures, as in this
The installation of Screw-Piles is generally minimally invasive case. The portable equipment can easily be managed by a
work involving slow rotation using a high torque hydraulic single operator. Short extension sections may be used inside to
torque head. There are no excess soil cuttings to dispose of install the Screw-Piles to the required depth. The power unit
from installation of the Screw-Piles. Soil from the excavation used to operate the portable torque motor can be placed
to expose the existing foundation may be carefully stockpiled outside and hydraulic hoses can be routed through a window
and used as backfill at the completion of the repair work. In or small opening in the structure. Since lead helix sections
many cases, the structure may still be used while the work is may be as short as 1 ft. and shaft extension rods typically
in progress. In this case, the homeowner retained full use of range in standard lengths of 3 to 5 ft. installation in low
the structure while the work was accomplished with only headroom situations is relatively simple. No axial reaction is
minor noise nuisance. required to advance the Screw-Pile and reaction for a

Paper No. 3.02b 6

hydraulic torque motor was provided by the existing concrete
wall using a lightweight torque arm. Figure 10 shows a worker
installing a screw-pile through a floor access in a basement of
an existing structure using light-duty hand-held portable
hydraulic equipment.

Fig. 11. Installation of a Screw-Pile Adjacent to Existing

Drain Line.

In addition, field quality control can also include the number

of rotations and time for each foot of advance. This will assist
Fig. 10. Installation of a Screw-Pile Through a Cutout in a the engineer to evaluate if proper installation has occurred.
Basement Floor. The combination of these field measurements can also allow
for rapid field modifications of the geometry of Screw-Piles to
Minimal Disruption to Existing Utilities insure that the required load capacity will be achieved.

The installation of Screw-Piles produces minimal disruption to

existing utilities since the actual structural member is 0
relatively small and produces minimal ground disturbance. 3a-AG , Helix Diameter = 8"
Figure 11 shows the successful installation of a Screw-Pile 2
adjacent to an existing drain line. Depth = 15ft
Field Verification of Installation for QC
Depth (ft)

During installation of screw-piles the hydraulic torque can be
monitored to provide a continuous record of the installation 8
torque. This attribute of Screw-Piles allows for field
verification of the soil conditions at each pile location and for 10
verification of load capacity. In effect, measurement of the
installation torque means that load capacity of each Screw-Pile 12
can be validated during installation; much like using a Pile
Driving Analyzer during the installation of driven piles. This 14
is particularly important when installing Screw-Piles for an Fig. 11. Screw-Pile Installation Torque Record
existing structure where the soil conditions under the structure 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

are often unknown and difficult to determine at ever pile Torque (ft-lb)
location ahead of time, especially at interior locations. The
installation torque record of every Screw-Pile provides an Fig. 12. Typical Screw-Pile Torque Installation Record.
excellent quality control tool and should be included as a part
of every project. The engineer can also use available empirical Rapid Installation and Construction
correlations to estimate capacity based on installation torque.
Figure 12 shows a typical Screw-Pile installation torque In most soil conditions, Screw-Piles may be installed very
profile. quickly. A typical installation time using conventional
construction equipment such as a skid steer or mini excavator
is about 30 minutes for a 30 ft. length of pile. Only a small
amount of additional time is needed when using a grouted

Paper No. 3.02b 7

shaft Screw-Pile. In this case, the project was completed in a conditions at many locations and in some cases gave very low
week while the actual total time needed to install the screw- Recovery. In New England this can be indicative of the
piles was only a day. With concrete removal, exterior presence of cobbles or large gravel. However, in this case, the
excavation and concrete and soil replacement, the total project screw-piles were able to penetrate without great difficulty and
lasted a few days longer. were advanced through the fill.

Immediate Capacity/Load Transfer

In most soils Screw-Piles allow for load transfer from an
existing foundation to essentially take place as soon as the pile A case of underpinning a single-family wood frame residence
has been installed. This can be important in some cases where using helical Screw-Piles has been described. The case is not a
emergency repairs are needed before additional damage can new application of helical technology but represents a very
occur. In the case of grouted shaft Screw-Piles it is common typical application of helical Screw-Piles for successful
practice to wait anywhere from 5 to 7 days before for the grout underpinning of lightly loaded structures. Engineers need a
to attain sufficient strength before the load is transferred from variety of solutions to solve problems with soils that often
the existing foundation to the pile. develop after construction. Screw-Piles represent another
alternative that Engineers can consider as a viable economic
Low-Cost Mobilization of Equipment option. Every geotechnical project is different and every
project requires a unique solution. Screw-Piles present an
Screw-Piles do not require the mobilization of specialized option for the Engineer to consider. Working with an
foundation installation equipment, such as pile hammers or experienced Contractor who has an understanding of the
large rotary drill rigs. For confined space work, inside existing issues and who can work with the Engineer to develop a
structures, as in this project, portable equipment is available. solution provides the Owner with an end product that best
In some situations, small power equipment, such as skid-steers suits the problem.
and mini- or micro-excavators can be quickly and easily
retrofitted with Screw-Pile installation hydraulics and can still
operate inside existing buildings. REFERENCES

LIMITATIONS Lutenegger, A. J., “Historical Development of Iron Screw-Pile

Foundations: 1836 – 1900”. International Journal for the
As with every foundation system, Screw-Piles are not without History of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp.
limitations, mostly related to installation. They cannot be used 108-128.
to penetrate bedrock although they can be installed to
effectively become end bearing elements on bedrock. They are
sometimes difficult to install through large debris fill or large
granular materials such as cobbles or boulders. In the current
project, the Standard Penetration Test results indicated dense

Paper No. 3.02b 8

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