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Bernoulli Applications

Venturi Meter
A Venturi meter is used to measure the flow rate through a tube.

It is based on the use of the Venturi effect, the reduction of fluid pressure that results when a
fluid runs through a constricted section of pipe. It is called after Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746-1822),
an Italian physicist.

Look at the construction in figure:

- we assume the flow is smooth and

effectively inviscid, ie. friction is

- the fluid is incompressible, and has

density r throughout the pipe.

- downstream we have a flow through

a pipe section of area A1, with a
flow velocity v1, and pressure p1.

- in the narrow section with area A2,

the fluid flows with flow speed v2,
and has accompanying pressure p2.

- as a result the two meters

indicate the difference in pressure
by means of a height difference h.


Venturi Meter
To find the pressure difference between the downstream flow and the pipe narrow,
we invoke 1) the Bernoulli theorem and 2) the continuity equation. The latter assures that
the rate of fluid flow through any section remains constant, ie. mass is preserved.

1) Bernoulli Theorem:

p11 p 1
 v12  2  v2 2
 2  2
as the flow is horizontal, we do not have
to take into account the gravity term.

2) Continuity equation:

A1v1  A2 v2

Combining both equations, we find for the

pressure difference in the two parts of
the pipe:

1  A2 
p1  p2   v1 2  1 2  1
2  A2 

Venturi Meter
To read of the pressure difference between the two locations 1 and 2 in the fluid, we use
the height difference h between the fluid level in the vertical tubes. To connect this
height difference h to the pressure difference p1 and p2, we invoke the Euler equation:

From this we may then infer

the flow velocity v1
(as well as v2):

3) Euler equation 2 g  h1  h2 
v12 
A 
(for a static medium):
/ A2 2  1
1 p
0 g
 z
With the outside atmosphere pressure being
Patm, we then directly infer for the pressure
P1 and p2,

p1  patm   gh1
p2  patm   gh2


Air Flow along Wing

airflow along the wing of an airplane:

note the condensation over the upper

part of the wing, where the higher flow
speeds corresponds to a lower pressure
and thus lower temperature.

Air Flow along Wing

One of the most interesting applications of the Bernoulli equation,
is the flight of aeroplanes.

Here we will provide a simplified explanation, based on the

Bernoulli equation (reality is somewhat more complex).

Aeroplanes can fly because of the pressure difference between

the flow below the wing and the flow over the wing*. This pressure Forces working on a wing – airfoil.
difference results in a lift force that opposes the weight of the
aeroplane (note that similar lifting forces work on many different
objects, eg. wings of mills or wind turbines, sails on a sailboat,

Flow around an airfoil: the dots move with

the flow. Note that the velocities are much
higher at the upper surface than at the
lower surface. The black dots are on
uu , pu timelines, which split into two — an upper and
lower part — at the leading edge. The part of
a timeline below the airfoil does not catch up
with the one above ! Colors of the dots
indicate streamlines.

ul , pl • Jet fighters often are not kept aflight by

Bernoulli. Instead, they have the thrust
of the jet motor, with vertical component,
to keep them in the air.


Air Flow along Wing

One of the most
According interesting applications of the Bernoulli equation, is the flight of aeroplanes.
to Bernoulli,
Here we will provide
the Bernoulli a simplified
function explanation,
B is constant along anybased on the Bernoulli equation
streamline. CL is the(reality is somewhat
lift coefficient, dependent on
for a horizontally flying plane, we have that various factors, including the angle of
wing wrt. air.
Aeroplanes can fly because of the pressure difference between
pl 1 the2 wingpuand the 1 2 over the wing*. This pressure
the  vl 
1) flow below  vuflow cst. 1 2
 2
difference results in a  2 that opposes the weight of the
lift force
aeroplane (note that similar lifting forces work on many different
p2  p1   v CL
eg. 2
l   Au vu
2) Al vwings of mills or wind turbines, sails on
(Continuity a sailboat,

Along the wing, the flow over the

upper (longer) edge of the wing has
a (considerably) higher velocity uu
than below the wing, ul *.
uu , pu
As a result (Bernoulli), the pressure
pl at the lower end of the wing is
higher than the pressure pu at the
upper end.

ul , pl The resulting pressure difference

generates a lift force Flift

Flift   p2  p1  A The usual assumption of equal crosstime

of upper and lower flow is not correct.

Air Flow along Wing

With the pressure difference between lower and
upper wing being
1 2
p2  p1   v CL
the total effective lift force

Flift   p2  p1  A
is, with A the “effective” planform area , and
CL the lift coefficient,

1 2
Flift   v ACL

In other words, we need a certain speed V and

wing area A to get sufficient lift force to lift
a plane into the air … (see right) …


Air Flow along Wing

Reality, of course, is slightly more complex.

The accompanying movie gives an impression …

De Laval Nozzle
Bernoulli Equation: compressible fluids.
A very interesting application of the Bernoulli equation, for compressible fluids, concerns
the de Laval nozzle.

A de Laval nozzle is a tube that is pinched in the middle, making a carefully balanced, asymmetric
hourglass-shape. The nozzle was developed in 1888 by the Swedish inventor Gustaf de Laval for
use on a steam turbine. The principle was first used for rocket engines by Robert Goddard.

The de Laval nozzle forms a nice platform to highlight the differences introduced by the
compressibility of a gas when applying Bernoulli’s theorem.


De Laval Nozzle
The de Laval nozzle is used to accelerate a hot, pressurised gas passing through it to a supersonic

High-pressure gas coming from the combustion chamber enters the nozzle and flows into a region
where the nozzle cross section decreases, dA/dx < 0. The thermal energy is converted into
kinetic energy of the flow, and the flow goes through a sonic point at the critical point where the
nozzle cross section narrows to its minimum (dA/dx=0). At that point the flow speed reaches the
sound velocity. The cross section increases again after the critical point, and the gas is further
accelerate to supersonic speeds.

The de Laval nozzle shapes the exhaust flow

so that the heat energy propelling the flow
is maximally converted into directed
kinetic energy.

Because of its properties, the nozzle is widely

used in some types of steam turbine, it is
an essential part of the modern rocket engine,
and it also sees use in supersonic jet engines.

Astrophysically, the flow properties of the de Laval nozzle have been applied towards
understanding jet streams, such as observed in AGNs (see figure), the outflow from
young stellar objects and likely occur in Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs).

De Laval Nozzle
If we make the approximation of steady, quasi-1-D
barotropic flow, we may write Bernoulli’s theorem
and the equation of continuity as

1 2 dP
u   cst.
2 
 uA  cst.
where A is the local sectional area of the nozzle.

Note that because of the compressibility of the gas we

no longer assume a constant density, and thus have to
keep r in the integral.

Gravitational potential variations are ignored, as for

terrestrial applications the fast flow of jet gases is not
relevant over the related limited spatial extent.
Two illustrations of the de Laval nozzle principle.
The 2nd figure is a measurement of the flow speed
in an experiment.


De Laval Nozzle
The variation of the area A along the axis of the nozzle
will introduce spatial variations for each of the other

To consider the rate of such variations, take the

differential of the Bernoulli equation,
1 2 dp 1 dp
u   cst.  u du  d 0
2   d
Taking into account that the sound velocity cs associated
with the barotropic relation is
cs 2 
we find from the equations above that
cs 2
u du  d  0

We define the Mach number of the flow as the ratio of the
flow velocity to the sound velocity,
Illustration of the run of flow speed u, pressure p
M and temperature T, as the gas passes through the
nozzle and its sonic point.

De Laval Nozzle
From the relation between velocity and density,

cs 2
u du  d  0

we find that the fractional change of density r is related to
the fractional change of the fluid velocity u via the equation

d du
 M 2
 u

This equation states that the square of the Mach number

provides a measure of the importance of compressibility.

In particular, flow of air at subsonic speeds past terrestrial

obstacles can often be approximated as occurring at
incompressibility, because the fractional change of density r
is negligible in comparison with the fractional change of u if
Illustration of the run of flow speed u, pressure p
and temperature T, as the gas passes through the
In contrast, supersonic flight past obstacles necessarily
nozzle and its sonic point.
involves substantial compressions and expansions.


De Laval Nozzle
To relate the change of velocity u to the change of
sectional area A in the nozzle, we take the logarithmic
derivative of the continuity equation,

To consider the rate of such variations, take the

differential of the Bernoulli equation,

 uA  cst.

d  du dA
  0
 u A
which, taking into account the relation between density r and
flow speed u, yields the following relation between u and A:

1  M  duu   dA

A Illustration of the run of flow speed u, pressure p

and temperature T, as the gas passes through the
nozzle and its sonic point.

De Laval Nozzle
the relation

1  M  duu   dA

has the following implications:

1) Subsonic speeds:

1  M   02

du  0  dA  0
this corresponds to normal experience, eg. the speeding
up of a river as the channel narrows. Illustration of the run of flow speed u, pressure p
and temperature T, as the gas passes through the
nozzle and its sonic point.


De Laval Nozzle
2) Supersonic speeds:

1  M   0 2

du  0  dA  0 !!!
In other words, an increase in the velocity requires an
increase in the area of the nozzle, dA>0 !!!

This counterintuitive result has a simple explanation:

for M>1, the density decreases faster than the area
increases, so the velocity must increase to maintain
a constant flux of mass.

Illustration of the run of flow speed u, pressure p

and temperature T, as the gas passes through the
nozzle and its sonic point.

De Laval Nozzle
3) A sonic transition , ie.

1  M   02

can be made smoothly, ie. With

only at the throat of the nozzle where

dA  0
To obtain supersonic exhaust, therefore, we must
accelerate the reaction gases through a
converging-diverging nozzle, a fundamental feature
behind the design of jet engines and rockets.

4) Note that the converse does not necessarily hold:

M does not necessarily equal unity at the throat of

the nozzle, where dA=0. If M∫1, the fluid velocity
reaches a local extremum when the area does, i.e.
du=0 where dA=0.

Whether the extremum corresponds to a local maximum Illustration of the run of flow speed u, pressure p
and temperature T, as the gas passes through the
or minimum depends on whether we have subsonic or
nozzle and its sonic point.
supersonic flow and whether the nozzle has a converging-
diverging shape.


De Laval Nozzle
Final Notes:

5) whether supersonic exhaust is actually achieved in

nozzle flow also depends on the boundary conditions.
In particular, on the pressure of the ambient medium in
comparison with the pressure of the reaction chamber.

If a sonic transition does occur, the flow behaviour

depends sensitively on the nozzle conditions, since the
coefficient 1-M2 becomes arbitrarily small near the
transition region.

6) When external body forces are present, we do not need

to have a throat to achieve the smooth transition of
subsonic to supersonic flow. The external forces can
provide the requisite acceleration.

Illustration of the run of flow speed u, pressure p

and temperature T, as the gas passes through the
nozzle and its sonic point.

Potential Flow


Incompressible Flow
Many problems of practical importance, involving a large number of engineering and terrestrial
conditions concern incompressible flows.

For an incompressible flow, we have

 
 u  0
which follows directly from the continuity equation on the basis of the conditions

 
 0;   0
In other words, for an incompressible fluid (a liquid) the variation of pressure p in the

force (Euler) equation equals whatever it needs so that   u  0 .

Note that for an incompressible medium,

 Kelvin’s circulation theorem is valid independent
of the barotropic assumption: because   0 the vorticity equation is true independent of p,
 
       
     u     g    p  0
t 2

Incompressible Flow
Many problems in hydrodynamics involve the motion of a solid body (eg., a ship) through
water that is stationary at infinity.

From the point of view of an observer fixed on the ship, the water flowing past
the ship originates from a steady region of uniform conditions.

æ Uniform flow has no vorticity:

Kelvin’s circulation then guarantees
that no vorticity will be generated
in the flow around the ship.

Note: this is only true as long as

the effect of viscosity can be
  
æ If     u  0 everywhere,
the flow field can be derived from
the gradient of a scalar, the
velocity potential  v
 
u   v


Potential Flow
If we substitute the velocity potential definition
 
u   v
into the continuity equation
 
 u  0
we obtain the condition for potential flow,

 2 v  0
This is nothing else than the Laplace equation.

Thus, the solution of many problems in hydrodynamics boils down to a solution of the
Laplace equation. The problem is well-posed , and there is a vast body of work on its solution.

To solution of the Laplace equation is dictated by the boundary (and initial) conditions that
are imposed.

Boundary Conditions
To solve the Laplace equation, we need to specify the boundary conditions. There are a
Variety of boundary conditions. Usually, these involve one (or more) of the following :

a) The value of  v on the bounding surface of the fluid Dirichlet boundary conditions

b) The value of its normal derivatives on the boundaries Neumann boundary conditions

For the problem of a flow past a solid object like

a ship or a sphere, we have the important
condition that the water should not penetrate
the object, ie. there should be no flow normal
to its surface. This translates into the
Neumann boundary condition:

a) for the object at rest:

   
u  nˆ  0  n   0
b) if the object moves with velocity U , then
    
u  nˆ  U  nˆ  nˆ    U  nˆ


Potential Flow
To find the solutions to the Laplace equation,

2 v  0
one can apply the mathematical machinery of potential theory.
To provide an idea of the solutions we concentrate on solutions for

Spherical geometry (of object) and Axisymmetric flow r
The general axisymmetric solution of Laplace’s equation
r is the spherical radius
1   2  v  1    v  q the co-latitude (see figure):
 2   sin  0
r 2 r  r  r 2 sin    r 
z  r cos 
is obtained by the separation-of-variables method in An and Bn are arbitrary constants,
spherical polar coordinates, ie. whose value is determined by
the boundary conditions.
 v  R ( r )  ( )
which yields Pn is the Legendre Polynomial of
degree n:

 A 
P0 (  )  1
v  n r n  B n r  ( n  1 ) Pn (c o s  ) P1 (  )  
n0 3 2 1
P2 (  )   
2 2

I.14 Euler & Potential flow

In the case of potential flow, we find from the fact that it is irrotational,
 
   u  0
and the velocity can be written as the gradient of a potential Fv that the Euler equation
   
  u    u      h

   1    
u 2 

  
 2

 

    u  u      h 

   1  2   
   u       h
t  2 
for barotropic flow and potential external forces can be written as


I.14 Euler & Potential flow

for barotropic flow and potential external forces can be written as

  v   1    
          h
t  2 

   v 1  
      h   0
 t 2 

from which we can immediately infer that the Bernoulli function is a function of time:

   v 1  2 
   u    h   0
 t 2 

 v 1  2  v
 u    h   B (t )  T (t )
t 2 t



Systems where motion is absent altogether, or at least has no dynamic effects, are

in hydrostatic equilibrium: u  0

In those situations, the fluid equations reduce to simple equilibrium equations.

1) Continuity equation: 0
1   
2) Euler equation: p  f  

(the latter identity in the Euler equation is for the body force being the gravitational force).

We will shortly address four typical examples of hydrostatic equilibrium, all of major
astrophysical interest

1) Archimedes’ Principle, bouyancy forces

2) Isothermal sphere

3) Stellar Structure equations

4) Mass determination of clusters from their X-ray emission.




Archimedes’ Principle
In the situation where an object is (partially) immersed in a fluid (see figure),
Archimedes’ principle states, shortly, that

Buoyancy = Weight of displaced fluid

Pressure by water on displaced volume:

1   
p  f  g

   
 p dS    p dV   Vg
F  

This is called the buoyancy force, and underlies a large

amount of practical applications – starting from ships
floating on water.

Archimedes Principle
‘the principle is called after
Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 BC),
Antiquities’ greatest genius.

He got the idea when ordered by

King Hieron II of Syracuse to
investigate whether the

golden crown he had ordered to be

manufactured contained the pure
gold he had provided the goldsmith or
whether the smith had been dishonest
and included silver …

Immersing the crown in water, Archimedes

determined the volume. Comparing its weight
by a balance containing similar amount of
pure gold, he found the density of the the
crown … which turned out not to be pure

Buoyancy = Weight of displaced fluid


Archimedes & Hieron’s Golden Crown

Archimedes Principle

Buoyancy = Weight of displaced fluid


Archimedes Principle: Iceberg

A telling example of how Archimedes’ principle works
is the floating of icebergs.

How much of an iceberg is visible over the

water level depends on the density of ice wrt.
the density of fluid water ?

rice     =0.9167   g/cm3 at    T=0o C

rwater=0.9998   g/cm3 at    T=0o C

With the volume of the iceberg =Vice, and the

volume of the iceberg immersed in the water Vwater :

 waterVwater g  iceVice g

Vwater 
 ice  0.92
Vice  water
Ie., only 8% of the iceberg is visible above the water,
hence ...

Archimedes Principle: Iceberg




Isothermal Sphere
What is the equilibrium configuration of a spherically symmetric gravitating body ?

The two equations governing the system are the hydrostatic equilibrium (Euler) equation
and the Poisson equation:
 
p    

 2  4 G 
Because of spherical symmetry, we write the Laplacian in spherical coordinates:

1   2 f  1   f  1 2 f
2 f  r  2  sin   2 2
r r  r  r sin   
  r sin   2
Therefore, in spherical coordinates the hydrostatic and Poisson equation become:

dp d
 
dr dr
1 d  2 d 
r   4 G 
r 2 dr  dr 


Isothermal Sphere
Integration of the second equation gives:

r2  Gm(r )
where m(r) is the mass contained within the shell of radius r,
m( r )   4 x 2  ( x ) dx
To solve this equation, we have to invoke the nature of the gas, ie. the equation of state p(r).
We assume an ideal gas, for which

p  T   cs 2

We make the assumption that it cconcerns a gas with constant molecular weight m and a
constant temperature T (an isothermal sphere). This yields the following equation:

d  r 2cs 2 d  
   4 Gr 

dr   dr 

Isothermal Sphere
The equation for isothermal sphere hydrostatic equilibrium,

d  r 2cs 2 d  
   4 Gr 

dr   dr 
has the solution

cs 2 cs 4
  2
; p
2 Gr 2 Gr 2
This is the well-known isothermal sphere solution.

Notice that the isothermal sphere solution is singular at the center. Nevertheless,
it provides a useful analytic approximation for various astronomical problems
(sometimes a core is added).

Note: in real stars the temperature and, with it, the pressure increases with depth,
Which provide enough support against self collapse without the need for a singularity at r=0.


X-ray Emission:

Hydrostatic Equilibrium

Clusters of Galaxies
• Assemblies of up to 1000s of galaxies within
a radius of only 1.5-2h-1 Mpc.

• Representing overdensities of δ~1000

• Galaxies move around with velocities ~ 1000 km/s

• They are the most massive, and most recently,

fully collapsed structures in our Universe.


Clusters of Galaxies

Coma Cluster

Cluster X-ray Emission


Cluster X-ray Emission

X-ray emitting Hot Gas Spheres
‐ T ~ 10‐100 million Kelvin !!!
‐ in Hydrostatic Equilibrium:
Gravity =  Pressure
‐ assume perfect spherically  M51

symmetric gas sphere:

Fpressure  Fgrav

GM (r )
4 r 2 dP   2
 (r ) 4 r 2 dr
ROSAT X‐ray image Coma Cluster


X-ray emitting Hot Gas Spheres
Hydrostatic Equilibrium:

Pressure =  Gravity

Fpressure  Fgrav

GM (r )
4 r 2 dP   2
 (r ) 4 r 2 dr
where M(r) is the mass within radius r:
M (r )   4 x 2  ( x)dx

1 dp GM (r )
 dr r2

X-ray emitting Hot Gas Spheres
For an ideal gas:

p  knT  kT
 mp

k 1 d GM (r )
 (r ) T (r )   2
 m p  dr r

Which, after some algebraic manipulation, leads to ... 


X-ray emitting Hot Gas Spheres
k 1 d GM (r )
 (r ) T (r )   2
 m p  dr r

Which, after some algebraic manipulation, leads to ... 

k r d
M (r )   T (r )r  T 
mp T dr
k d ln  T 
 T (r )r
mp d ln r
k  d ln  d ln T 
 T (r )r   
 mp  d ln r d ln r 

X-ray emitting Hot Gas Spheres

‐ T ~ 10‐100 million Kelvin !!!
‐ in Hydrostatic Equilibrium:
Gravity  =   Pressure
GM (r ) k BT  d log  d log T 
   dr  dr 
r2  mp  
‐ Radiation = Bremsstrahlung
L( r )   ( r ) 2
density r measured from 
image (L).  ROSAT X‐ray image Coma Cluster


Stellar Structure:

Hydrostatic Equilibrium

Stellar Structure


Stellar Structure Equations

Continuity equation:
dr 1
conservation of  mass 
in shell (r,r+dr) dmr 4 r 2

Hydrostatic Equilibrium:
dP Gmr
Pressure =  Gravity 
dm r 4 r 2
dP = pressure difference over  
shell mass dmr

Energy conservation & generation:
Energy generated by shell dmr:   n   g  
‐ nuclear  energy en dmr
‐ thermodynamic energy eg
‐ energy loss neutrinos en

Energy transport dT 3 Lr

dmr 64 ac r T
2 4 3
radiative & conductive energy 
transport,  shell opacity k

Stellar Structure


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