Ward1983 PDF
Ward1983 PDF
Ward1983 PDF
C. A. Ward
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 79, 5605 (1983); doi: 10.1063/1.445681
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.445681
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The effect of reagent energy on chemical reaction rates: An information theoretic analysis
J. Chem. Phys. 63, 4280 (1975); 10.1063/1.431198
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Effect of concentration on the rate of chemical reactions
C. A. Warda)
Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Interfaciale du C.N.R.S., 92195 Meudon Principal Cedex, France
(Received 24 May 1983; accepted 16 August 1983)
A method that has recently been used to examine the rate of molecular transport across a phase
boundary-statistical rate theory- is extended to obtain the expression for the rate of a single step chemical
reaction. The concentration dependence of the newly derived rate expression leads to the prediction of a
higher reaction rate in the period immediately after the reaction has begun than any of the previous theories
and gives a different physical interpretation of the "rate constant". When ions are reacting in solution under
near-equilibrium conditions, the concentration dependence of the newly derived rate expression reduces to the
conventional expression; further under these conditions, the new fate expression leaps to an expression for the
conventional rate constant that is equivalent to the Brtlnsted primary salt effect for the change in the rate
constant with ionic strength. To eltamine the predicted behavior in the initial period, the predictions are
compared with the measurements of ion concentration during electron exchange reactions. When these
experiments were originally conducted, using radioactive labeling techniques, substantial disagreement was
found between the conventional theory and the measurements. To bring them together the concept of "zero-
time exchange" was introduced which amounts to adding a constant to the predictions of the conventional
theory. The physical basis for this concept has remained undefined. When the statistical rate theory
expression is compared with the data from six experiments available in the literature, it is found for five of the
six that there is no measurable disagreement between the data and the theory and only small disagreement for
the other case. From the point of view of statistical rate theory it is unnecessary to introduce the concept of
zero-time exchange.
where C; is the concentration of species i and k f is the where P(R) is the probability that ions approach to a
rate constant in the forward direction. distance R and W(R) is the probability (per unit time)
The assumption of equilibrium between the activated that an electron performs the tranSition between A and
complexes and the reactants has been questioned be- B when they are separated by the distance R. Note
fore, 2,3 but the approach to examining this assumption that by proceeding in this fashion they have hypothesized
has been through the Boltzmann equation and this equa- the concentration dependence of the rate (rather than
tion contains the assumption of molecular chaos 4 (which deriv ing it from quantum mechanics) and the hypothes ized
amounts to assuming that there is no correlation between dependence is the same as that of absolute rate theory.
reacting molecular pairs). Such an assumption is also Thus all of the previous theories for a chemical reaction
questionable when a reaction is occurring at a high rate. of the type shown in Eq. (1) would predict the same Con-
If one considers the level of approximation at which k f centration dependence for the reaction rate as shown in
is time independent and assumes that the distribution Eq. (1), although the basiS for this dependence would
over the internal states of the reactant molecules is the vary.
Maxwellian distribution, then the approach through the In the 1950's it became possible to examine experi-
Boltzmann equation leads to Eq. (2) as well. 2,3
mentally the dependence of the rate expression on the
concentration of the constituents for a single step reac-
aJpermanent address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, tion using radioactively labeled components. 5 This
University of Toronto, Toronto M5S lA4, Canada. method was used to study electron exchange between
J. Chern. PhY5., 79(11), 1 Dec. 1983 0021·9606/83/235605-11 $02.10 © 1983 American Institute of Physics 5605
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5606 C. A. Ward: Effect of concentration on chemical reactions
ions of the same basic chemical component and it was concentration dependence of the derived expression is
possible to follow a reaction sequentially from shortly different from that of any of the previous theories, and
after the reactants were brought together until the sys- the "rate constant" has a different physical interpreta-
tem was near equilibrium. tion. However when the derived expression is applied
to consider the rate of reaction between ions in weak
To predict the concentration as function of time, it
solution under near-equilibrium conditions, the concen-
is necessary to take into account the reverse reaction:
tration dependence of the rate expression reduces to
(4) the conventional expreSSion [Le., Eq. (2)], and when
it is assumed that under equilibrium conditions the ions
The potential between such ions is said to be symmetric 9
fluctuate between associated ion pairs and free ions,
so that kT and kl are taken to be equal. The concentra-
the Brpnsted primary kinetic salt effect20 is predicted
tion of the radioactively labeled product may then be
for the change in the rate constant with ionic strength.
predicted as a function of time from Eqs. (2) and (4).5
As a result of the derived concentration dependence
When this predicted concentration was compared with
of the new reaction rate expreSSion, it is predicted that
the measurements strong disagreement was found during
the rate will be initially higher than that predicted by
the initial period of the reaction (e. g., see Refs. 10-12).
the previous theories. To examine this prediction we
The experimental values being considerably larger than
compare the concentration dependence predicted from
those predicted. However by this time the rate expres-
the new reaction rate with the available measurements
sion in Eq. (2) occupied such a hallowed pOSition in
for electron exchange between ions in solution. Close
chemical kinetics that the experimentalists chose to de-
agreement is found even in the initial period, and in
cide that there was something wrong with the experi-
particular it is found that there is no need to introduce
mental technique, rather than to decide that there was the (still unexplained) concept of zero-time exchange. 21
something wrong with the rate expression given in Eq.
(2); they therefore chose to add a constant to the pre-
dicted concentration obtained from Eqs. (2) and (4). II. TRANSITION PROBABILITY AND THE RATE OF
This constant was referred to as the "zero-time ex- CHEMICAL REACTIONS
change". The idea was that this amount of product was Consider an isolated system that is spatially homo-
being produced in some unspecified way in the experi- geneous and consists of r chemical components. Sup-
ment. By adding this constant, they could bring their pose that four of the components react according to the
experimental values into agreement with the theoretical scheme of Eq. (1). Let the number of molecules of com-
expression obtained from Eqs. (2) and (4). This amounts ponent s be denoted N s ; then the number of molecules of
to ignoring the data in the initial period and determining each component at the instant t1 may be denoted as A1
the rate constant approximately from the data in the where
near-equilibrium period; this procedure is discussed
further below. Al : N~, N~, N~, ... ,N; . (5)
We would wish to emphasize the similarity between We propose first to construct the expreSSion for the
this experimental situation and that which was noted probability of the system making a change in molecular
recently for gas adsorption on a solid surface. Many distribution corresponding to it undergoing a single step
experimental studies had indicated a much more rapid in the reaction defined in Eq. (1). We shall adopt the
rate of adsorption immediately after exposure of the quantum mechanical formalism. In determining this
gas to solid than was predicted on the basis of absolute rate from quantum mechanics, it should be noted that
rate theory. 13 Adsorption during this early period was it is impossible to specify the path by which the system
sometimes referred to as nonactivated. 14-16 goes from one molecular distribution to another. One
is concerned only with the molecular distribution before
When a recently developed theoretical procedure for the change and after.
predicting the rate of molecular transport across the
Suppose the molecules of the system are constrained
interface between two phases 17 was applied to predict
to be in a particular distribution Al and let the Hamil-
the rates of nondissociative13 and dissociative adsorp-
tonian operator for the system in this constrained con-
tion,18 it was found to give predictions consistent with
dition be denoted as li o• When the molecules of the sys-
the measurements, even in the period immediately after
tem are free to react (1. e., subjected only to their
the exposure of the solid surface to gas. The same the-
physical potentials), the Hamiltonian operator is de-
ory was also applied to predict the rate of gas absorp-
noted as iI. We may then define a potential operator V
tion by a liquid. 19 For this latter case, it is possible
as follows:
to make a complete prediction of the rate and when the
predictions were compared with a set of measurements (6)
they were found to be in close agreement. 19
and the Schrodinger equation may then be written
Using this same theoretical procedure-called sta-
tistical rate theory16-we propose t'o develop the ex- (7)
pression for the rate at which a chemical reaction of
the type indicated in Eq. (1) proceeds. We adopt the where if! is the wave function for the system; Ii is Planck's
formalism of quantum mechanics and allow it to lead constant divided by 21T and i is the unit imaginary num-
to concentration dependence of the rate expression. The ber. Physically, when both iIo and V are acting, the
components can react at their normal rate. We shall where we have made use of the Boltzmann definition of
assume that I V1/J I is small compared to Iilol/ll; hence entropy. 11
one can apply perturbation theory to construct the ex-
At that same instant that there is a probability for a
pression for the wave function. 22 The eigenfunctions
U::(g) and eigenvalues E~ of flo are obtained from
transition from molecular distribution Ai to Ak, there
is a probability for a transition from Ai to Ai where Ai
If u~(g) = E~ u~(g) , (8) is the molecular distribution resulting from the reac-
tion taking place one complete step in the reverse di-
where g are the generalized coordinates for the system.
In principle the eigenfunctions for the operators flO could
be constructed corresponding to all possible molecular AI : N~ + 1, N~ + 1, Nb -1, Nb -1, ... , N: . (18)
distributions of the system and the wave function ex- Following the same procedure as that outlined above,
pressed as one finds for this rate, i. e., J~, that
t=tk - tj . (12) In the following section this expreSSion for the net rate
at which the chemical reaction proceeds will be put in
To describe the fact that the system is initially in mo-
lecular distribution AJ we adopt the ensemble description a more usable form by making use of thermodynamic
relations to evaluate the difference in the entropies.
so that the initial value of the coefficient b,,(ti ) satisfy
where the double bar refers to the ensemble average of
a quantity. One may now follow the standard procedure The system will be assumed to be close enough to
of first order perturbation analysis to construct the ex- equilibrium so that the thermodynamic properties are
pression for the probability of a transition from Ai to well defined and the entropy may be expressed:
Ak at any instant in time, r(Aj' Ak)22'23: ~
First, we consider the expression for the rate when constraints we consider, there is one stable equilibrium
the system has reached the stable equilibrium state. state for the system; thus Kx is a constant. However,
A necessary condition for equilibrium of a system in to determine its value will require speCification of the
which the reaction of Eq. (1) occurs is that mechanism by which the exchange takes place under
equilibrium conditions; i. e., such quantities as the num-
ber of encounters between the reactants and the prob-
where Ae denotes the equilibrium molecular distribution: ability of a reaction occurring in an encounter. However,
since we are only concerned with equilibrium conditions,
Ae: ~,N"s,N2,~, ... ,N;. ; (28)
a number of simplifications are applicable.
N".is the equilibrium value for the number of molecules
From Eqs. (17), (19), (23), (24), and (26), one can
of component s. Let AI' Ad denote the molecular distri-
see that the rate at which the reaction takes place in the
butions on either side of equilibrium:
forward direction is Kx.:l and in the reverse direction is
Af : N;. - 1, ~ - 1, m+ 1, ~ + 1, ... , N'. , (29) Kx.:l- 1 • The non equilibrium effects are contained in the
term.:l. Note that the non equilibrium effects do not by
Ad: N;.+I,~+I,m-l,~-l, ... ,N'.. (30)
themselves create a net chemical reaction. If under
According to Eq. (27), .:le is unity and since the equi- equilibrium conditions the exchange rate for the reaction
librium state is supposed stable, the net rate of decay is zero, then under nonequilibrium conditions it is zero
from this state must vanish so that from Eq. (25) one as well.
Equation (34) gives the basic expression for the pre-
K(Ae, Ad) =K(Ae, AI) • (31) dicted rate of the chemical reaction. Below we apply
For later use it is important to have a physical under- it to the special case of electron exchange between ions
standing of K(Ae, Ad), K(A e, Af). We find they are the in solution with the aim of assessing its validity.
equilibrium exchange rates for the reaction. This may
be seen by noting that according to Eqs. (17), (19), (23), IV. REACTIONS IN SOLUTION
(24), and (27) the unidirectional rates for the reaction
Suppose the reactants are ions in solution; the chemi-
J(A., Ad) and J(Ae, Af) reduce to K(Ae, Ad), K(Ae, AI) respec- cal potentials may then be written:
tively in equilibrium, and according to Eq. (31) these
unidirectional rates are equal. Thus they are the equi- IL" := IL ~ (T, P) + k T In a", , (35)
librium exchange rate for the reaction and will be de- where 0' can be equal to A, B, C, or D; a", is the activity
noted Kx. In Ref. 17 it is pointed out that Kx may also of component 0' and IL~ is the reference chemical poten-
be examined at the microscopic level. It is found to be tial of that component in the solution.
the average rate at which the system makes a transition
between microscopic states of neighboring molecular For a system in which a reaction of the type shown in
distributions. Eq. (1) takes place, the condition for equilibrium is
given in Eq. (27); thus for equilibrium to exist
From Eq. (16) we may rewrite Eq. (31) as
K - aCe aD. (36)
K(Ae, Aa) =K(A e , Af) =Kx • (32)
e-aAeaBe '
Then following Ref. 17 we shall introduce the hypothesis where the subscript e on a property indicates an equi-
that an equation of the type shown in Eq. (32) is valid librium value; Ke is the equilibrium constant and is
for transitions between any two distributions; thus given by
Kx:= K(Ad' Ae):= K("Ae, Af) Ke = exp[(IL~ + IL~ - IL~ -1L~)/kTl . (37)
(33) Then .:l from Eq. (26) may be written
At the microscopic. level, Eq. (33) amounts to assuming
that the average rate at which the system makes transi- (38)
tions between microscopic states of neighboring molecu-
lar distributions is the same for all distributions; thus Thus the unidirectional rate at which the reaction pro-
this rate is independent of the number of states corre- ceeds to the right J/(A j , Ai) is from Eqs. (17), (23), (26),
sponding to a distribution. 17 At the macroscopic level and (33) given by
this rate must, according to Eqs. (31) and (32), be (39)
equal to the equilibrium exchange rate for the reaction.
One finds Similarly for the unidirectional rate at which
One of the immediate consequences of Eq. (33) is that
the reaction of Eq. (1) proceeds to the left, i. e. ,
the expression for the net rate at which the chemical
Jr(A j , AI) that
reaction proceeds may be written for any distribution as
Jr(A j , AI) :=KxaDaC/KeaAaB , (40)
and for the net rate of the reaction J from Eq. (34) that
and since J j and .:lJ only depend on the instantaneous
molecular distribution we have dropped the subscript j. J=Kx [(KeaAaB/aDaC> - (aDaC/KeaAaB)] • (41)
The important considerations of the equilibrium ex- The expression in Eq. (41) is the expression for the
change rate Kx remain to be made. For the macroscopic rate obtained from statistical rate theory when the re-
action of Eq. (1) takes place in the solution. Below we um constant given in Eq. (36) and using Eq. (45) in Eq.
shall use it to predict the concentration as a function of (41), we may write the chemical reaction rate expres-
time for a particular set of reactions, but first we com- sion as
pare a limit of this relation with the conventional expres- (46)
Since E is small compared to unity, one may expand
Eq. (46) and write
and retaining terms to second power in E one finds that
From Eqs. (2) and (4) one finds that the expression the near equilibrium limit of the rate J. is
for the net rate of the reaction, J', according to all
J. =Kx(4E) (48)
previous theories is of the form
(42) and thus
As the definition of the near-equilibrium condition, where <5 denotes the associated ion pair and Zl +Z2 is its
we suppose that the parameter E is small compared to charge. Since we are considering equilibrium condi-
unity where E is defined by tions we may write without assumption:
where K~ is the equilibrium constant between the ions
and we shall suppose that the displacement from equi- a·l , ~2 and the complex (0)·1··2. Then equation (52)
librium by both reactants and products is symmetrical may be written
so that the following sum has the same value in the non-
equilibrium states as it does in equilibrium, i. e. ,
where Y~e is the activity coefficient for the ion com-
-1 (a. a.. + ---"'--"'-
----"'--"- an aro) = 1 (44) plexes and c 6e is their concentration.
2 a"'eaBe aDeaCe .
To understand this relation physically we consider it
Equations (43) and (44) may then be solved simultaneous-
in the dilute limit in which the Debye-Hiickel expres-
ly to give
sion for the activity coefficients is valid. If we suppose
a",aB ~ _ 1+E the ions are in aqueous solution at 25 ee, then the
a"'e aBe aD ac - 1- E Debye-Hiickel relation may be written 26
and after making use of the expression for the equilibri- (56)
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5610 C. A Ward: Effect of concentration on chemical reactions
where I is the ionic strength; for the associated com- We consider electron exchange between ions of the
plex: same basic component in solution and suppose that the
reaction is followed by radioactively labeling one of
them; thus as a special case of Eq. (1) we may write
After taking the logarithm of Eq. (55), inserting Eq.
*A+A+=*N+A, (60)
(57), and simplifying, one finds the result may be
written in the form: where the superscript • denotes a radioactively labeled
component; A is an ion and A+ is an ion of the same ele-
log10kf=B+1.018z1zzI1/Z, (58) ment in one higher state of ionization. We suppose that
where B is defined by the activity coefficients for the labeled and unlabeled
ions are equal (which would be exactly true within the
B =10g10 (~K,,/ c 6e ) • (59) Debye-Huckel approximation); then according to statis-
Note that B is constant for a given system. The rela- tical rate theory, the net rate may be written from Eq.
tion given in Eq. (58) is equivalent to the well-known (41):
Brpnsted primary salt effect showing the effect of the J =Kx (C A+ C.AKe/CAC. A+ - C AC.A+/K.,CA+C.A). (61)
ionic strength on the conventional rate constant. 20 It
has substantial experimental support. Z4,25 Note that in After introducing the reaction variable Y that is equal to
obtaining this relation no concept is introduced of equi- the concentration of the labeled product, one finds that
librium between an "activated complex" and the reac- Eq. (61) leads to
tants while the reaction is taking place. (dy/dt) =Kx {(a - y) ({3- y)/l- [l/(a - y)({3- y)]} ,
VI. ELECTRON EXCHANGE REACTIONS BETWEEN where a, (3 are the initial concentrations of components
IONS IN SOLUTION • A and A+, respectively, and the equilibrium constant
has been taken as unity because of the similarity of the
It has been seen above that the statistical rate theory labeled and unlabeled ions. From Eq. (36) one then
expression for the rate of a chemical reaction reduces finds that at equilibrium:
to the conventional rate expression in the near-equi-
librium limit. However, comparing the statistical rate
Ye =('l!{3/a +(3) . (63)
theory expression (41) with the conventional expres- Equation (62) may be integrated exactly. One finds
sion (4) shows that they predict very different re- from separation of variables and expansion in partial
sults when the amount of products is small, i. e., in fractions that if y vanishes initially and if the initial
the early period of the reaction. In this section we pro- ratio of the concentrations satisfies the condition
pose to examine this difference in the predictions by
0.1715<{3/a<5.82 , (64)
comparing the two rate equations with the previously
reported experimental results. then
Kxt = [a{3( a Z+ (3z)/ 4( a + (3)3] (Y/Ye) - [a Z{32 /4( a + (3)3](y/ Ye)Z - [aZf /2( a + (3)3] In(1 - Y/ Y.) + [(a + (3)/ 16] In[2a{3(1/ a + (3)2
X (y/y.)z _ (Y/ Ye) + 1] + (a - (3)2/8'; 6a {3 - (a Z+ (32) [tan -1({[ 4a{3y/ Y.( a + (3)] - (a + (3)}/v' 6a13 - (a Z + (3Z»
- tan- 1 [- (a + (3)J" 6a{3 - (a 2 + (32)]] . (65)
When (3/ a does not satisfy the condition of relation (64) one finds
~t = ya{3(a z + f)/4Ye( a + (3)3 - aZ{3V/4y~(a + (3)3 - [a zr:J2j2(a + (3)3] In(1 - y/Ye) + (a z - {3zW640(a + (3)z
+ [(az _ fW640(a + (3)Z] In { [4( a{3/ Q! + (3)(y/ Ye) - (0' + (3 + 40)] (40 - 0' - (3) } + (0' + (3/16) In{2[a{3/(O' + (3)Z]
[4(O'{3/a +(3) (Y/Ye) - (0' +(3- 40)] (-41i - 0' - (3).
i. e., when the predictions from statistical rate theory or from the
conventional rate expression, it is necessary to choose
{3/O'<0.1715 or {3/O'> 5.82 . (67) a value of either Kx or k. We shall choose values of
If one adopts the conventional rate expression (42), each of these such as to minimize the square of the total
then it may be simply integrated as well. One finds, error in each of the respective cases.
since k f and kr are said to be equa1 9: Suppose that a set of data is available so that a set of
kt =(0' + (3)"11n(1 - y'/Ye)"1 , (68) n values of Y/Ye are given at times tl> then we take as
the definition of the square of the error:
where Y' is the concentration of the labeled product and
it has also been required in this case that y' is initially (69)
To compare the available measurements with either where t~ is the predicted time at which the concentra-
The value of Xx determined in this way will be used be- tions except the hydrogen ion concentration was 0.4 M. See
low to compare the predicted concentration with the Table I.
For the conventional rate expression one may also A. Comparison of predicted concentration as a function
use this procedure to obtain a value of k which mini- of time with available experimental data
mizes the error. If Eq. (68) is viewed as being of the
form: Previous studies of electron exchange between ions in
solution provide some data on the concentration as a
kf=!(y'/Ye) , (73) function of time for a reaction of the type shown in Eq.
then the value of k which minimizes the total error (60). The usual procedure is to label an ion radioac-
squared is tively, mix the components together, and measure the
rate of charge transfer by measuring the appearance of
(74) a product ion, using separation techniques. 27.28
Although these reactions have been extensively stud-
In comparing the predictions from the statistical rate ied,5.6 very little of the data has been reported in suffi-
theory approach and from the conventional rate theory cient detail to allow it to be examined from a new theo-
expression we shall choose Xx and k on the same basis, retical point of view. Rather, the usual procedure is
i. e., from Eq. (72) and (74), respectively. to give only the rate constant inferred from absolute
rate theory. The principal exception to this is Wahl
and his co-workers who usually report the concentration
as a function of time for at least one experiment. 10-12
1.0 This will allow us to compare our predictions with their
experiments for three different types of ions. It was
also Wahl and his co_workers10- 12 ,29 who most clearly
~0.8 pointed out the difficulty of the zero-time eXChange, al-
~0.7 though the concept was later briefly discussed by Rey-
o nolds and Lumry in their reviewS and by Lipkowski et
ii 0.6
a: . al. 21
c 0.5,
~ 0.4
1 A second method that has been used to study these re-
actions is nuclear magnetic resonance. 30,31 In this
-=~ 0.3
method there is no change in the concentration as a func-
§ 0.2 / tion of time; however as will be discussed below these
u / methods measure K" directly.
0.1 I
1-------- ~------------~----
(A) Electron exchange between y2+ and y3+ at 25°C; see Figs. I, 2, and 3
W/M a/f {3/f K:r Xl04/f min-l k o/(fminr1 k/(fminr1
1.00 0.086 0.086 3.87 1.273 0.79
0.40 0.086 0.086 6.5 1.415 1, 06
0.19 0.086 0.086 11.44 2.7 2.01
(C) Electron exchange between Ag+ and Ai+; see Figs. 5 and 6
15 0.2 potentials. For the case of a reaction between ions in
solution one finds that the concentration dependence of
0.2 D.3 0.4 0.5 O.S 0.7 DB 0.9 the reaction rate is different than that predicted by ab-
Time Isec)
solute rate theory or any of the previous theories, with
FIG. 6. The same comparisons as in Fig. 5 and under the the statistical rate theory expression predicting a higher
same conditions except the temperature was 11. 4 ·C and the rate during the initial period.
initial conditions are as given in Table I.
When the statistical rate theory expression is exam-
ined in the near-equilibrium limit, it is found to reduce
initial concentrations do not satisfy Eq. (64). Note that to the same concentration dependence as used in previous
no disagreement is observed between the calculations theories and an expression is obtained for the conven-
from statistical rate theory and the data of Gordon and tional rate constant k in terms of quantities ariSing from
Wahl. the statistical rate theory approach.
By contrast, the calculations from previous theories To evaluate the expreSSion obtained for the conven-
for the mechanism that assumes first order kinetics tional rate constant, a dilute electrolyte system is con-
for both Ag+, Agz+ [i. e., from Eq. (68)] are shown in sidered and it is assumed that in equilibrium the ions
these figures as well (dashed line) and they show little fluctuate between associated ion pairs and free ions.
agreement with the data. This is particularly true in When the derived expreSSion for the conventional rate
Fig. 6 where the shape of the prediction from the pre- constant is evaluated for this system, the well known
vious theories for the first order mechanism does not empirical relation between the ionic strength and the
have the same shape as the data. Thus one can see why conventional rate constant (called the Brpnsted primary
Gordon and Wahl found it necessary to abandon this salt effect) is obtained.
(3) To examine the prediction of a higher reaction rate
From the point of view of statistical rate theory then, during the initial period made from statistical rate the-
so far as one can tell from the data given, there is no ory, this approach was applied to examine the electron
reason to abandon the mechanism of Eq. (79), but it exchange reaction between ions in solution. Data avail-
is the rate expreSSion that assumes first order in each able in the literature that gave the concentration as a
reacting component, i. e., Eq. (2), that should be function of time for six different experiments was ex-
abandoned. amined. This data was obtained by Wahl and his co-
workers using radioactive labeling techniques for vana-
VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS dium, manganate-permanganate, and silver.
(1) In the preceding development, the formalism of According to statistical rate theory, Kx should be con-
quantum mechanics is used to obtain the expreSSion for stant for these experiments. After integrating the the-
the probability of a system undergoing a change in mo- oretical expreSSion for the reaction rate and chOOSing
lecular distribution corresponding to a single step of a the value of K" to be that which gives a minimum total
chemical reaction in an element of time, This formal- error between the theory and experiment, one finds
ism does not require that the path by which the system that there is no measurable disagreement between the
makes the change in distribution be specified. One only theory and experiment for five of the six cases examined,
considers the molecular distribution before and after and that the disagreement is small for the other case.
the step. From the expression for this probability the This general agreement exists throughout the experi-
statistical rate theory approach is used to obtain the mental period, even in the period initially after the re-
expression for the net rate of the chemical reaction. actants are brought together.
The form of the expression is that of a product of the This is in contrast to the results obtained from pre-
equilibrium exchange rate Kx with a factor ariSing from vious reaction rate theories. All of these have the same
nonequilibrium effects that is ultimately expressed in
concentration dependence. They all disagree with the
terms of the chemical potentials of the products and re- data in the initial period. To obtain agreement in this
actants. H under equilibrium conditions, the exchange period, it has become conventional to introduce the con-
rate for a reaction vanishes; then the reaction rate is cept of zero-time exchange. This amounts to adding a
zero at all times; thus non equilibrium effects do not constant to the relation expreSSing the concentration as
create a reaction but they only accelerate it in one di- a function of time that is obtained by integrating the rate
rection or the other. expressions. Although adding this constant does lead
To determine the value of the equilibrium exchange to agreement between the calculations and the measure-
rate one must consider a speCial case and specify the ments except in the case of silver, the zero-time ex-
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C. A. Ward: Effect of concentration on chemical reactions 5615
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and Y. S. Weisskopt (Interscience, New York, 1964), Vol. 1,
gestions; the Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Interfaciale
p. 549.
du CNRS, France for one year of residence and the Na- 23R. C. Tolman, Principle of Statistical Mechanics (Oxford
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