Retail Management System7
Retail Management System7
Retail Management System7
Done By:
Ali Ahmed Musleh
Nezar Salem Abdullah Hassani
Retail Management System
Name : _____________________________
Matric. Number : _____________________________
Name : _____________________________
Matric. Number : _____________________________
We are hereby declare that this Bachelor’s Project is the result of our own work, except for
quotations and summaries which have been duly acknowledged.
First and Foremost, praise is to Allah, the Almighty, the greatest of all, on whom ultimately we
depend for sustenance and guidance. We would like to thank Almighty Allah for giving us
opportunity, determination and strength to do our final year project. His continuous grace and
mercy was with us throughout our lives and ever more during the final year project deployment
Second, we would like to thank Assist. Prof. Dr. Mogeeb A. A. Mosleh, Assistant Professor of
Software Engineering, and Dean for Faculty of Computer Science, International University of
Technology Twintech, for his supervision, continuous caring, guidance discussion and
conceptualize the project which enabled us to have clear understanding of our final year project.
We are very indebted to him for his continuous encouragement, unforgettable help and kind feeling
throughout the deployment of this project.
Third, we would like to express our deep gratitude to the head of IT department Dr. Aiman
Alzorqah, and all our doctors and lecturers for their valuable advices, criticism, and continuous
encouragements throughout our academic life.
Finally, we owe everything to our families and friends who encouraged and helped us at every
stage of our personal and academic life and longed to see this achievement come true. Every breath
of our life and drop of blood in our bodies is dedicated to our families. We love you all.
Table of Contents
Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE: - INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background Information ............................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Problem Definition........................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Aim Of The System ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Project Question ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Project Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Product Scope ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 -Limitation And Exclusion: .......................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Thesis Organization ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Background ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Existing System................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Software Based Existing Systems ....................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Research Based Existing Systems ....................................................................................... 14
2.2 Related Work: ............................................................................................................................. 15
2.3 Analysis of Current Problems ..................................................................................................... 16
2.4 Project Justification ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 Critical Review of Current Problem and Justification ................................................................ 17
2.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 18
Chapter Three: - Research Methodology ............................................................................................... 19
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 19
3.2 Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 The Description Of The Current System .................................................................................... 20
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements .................................................................................................... 20
References ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Table Summary of Project Question 5
Table Summary of Project Objectives 5
Table Comparison Between Existing Systems 14
Table 2.5.1: Critical Review of Current Problem and Justification 18
1.1 Introduction
Technology has been part of our life and its one of the key ingredients for the survival of
many kind to living in a fast-phase environment, which helps people makes work easier. Similar
to a computer, a mobile operating system provides the primary execution environment for
applications on the phone.
Analogous to programs on a PC, apps can be downloaded and installed on mobile phones.
Because of the growing general purpose computing capabilities of mobile devices, combined with
their increasing popularity and adoption rate, it is expected that hand-held mobile phones will
become the next PC. These technology trends have enabled innovative, exciting and compelling
mobile applications to become widely available, from gaming to multimedia to social networking,
various middleware/OS platforms have evolved that allow developers to take advantage of the
computing resources to create feature-rich applications that provide compelling user interfaces and
functionality. The development of technology make unexpected change for human life and make
it easy form the business side and take the responsibility to remember him about what he want to
remember, also save the information and date that he needed, and the most thing that technology
is created to do soma of the human task that need a human intelligence to process it and after
processing a task the information came back as a report without any effort from a human and there
is a many benefit that come to helps a human in his life. Incoming technology in our life helps
the human salve his problem that faced and the difficulties for its implementation among these are
the problem we will talking about in our project, it is the management and controlling all the
income and the outcome and show all the report about the business that we heaved for the owner
to monitoring his business and know all thing about his business and all of these information can
helps the owner to take decision for problem that faced and save business from failure.
Usually the normal buyer need to record every transaction that happened in , and calculate
the total price for the customer, for this stage the buyer face a struggles that effect in his
performance and ability to face the business challenge. From this challenges we cannot knowing
the report correctly, and know how many other products in our business, and we will face same
problem in the days sales, and the day-to-day transaction, and we don’t knowing the most products
that we paid, and the diamond of the customer, also the most problem for mangers he don’t know
the right solution of the problem that should take it, and how he knowing the improvement of his
work and achievement of his objective and they are a lot of thing they don’t knowing it, because
he don’t have a really report or statistics about paying, or the data that he heaved to analyzed, a
report need more time and effort to read the date that recorded and to analysis the data from the
journal Book and other Books. The science came with Retail Management system that doing all
this activities and help him for doing these activate in easy way and don’t take a time to displaying
a result.
This facility is covering some retail management system requirement including Possibility
of issuing and recording sales invoices, Possibility of recording and tracking sales returns, Issuing
comprehensive reports, whether detailed, on all sales operations, Electronic archiving of
documents, edit various types of sales invoices and returns of goods by nature of activity, monitor
the sales process at the customer level, know the quantity, issue a report on the store, maintain the
materials and assets in their condition and ensure that they are not damaged or reduced, monitor
Purchase Orders, make a purchase request, follow up requests, follow up prices, provision of goods
not available, matching purchase invoices together and all of this activates can do it from any ware
also form his mobile phone.
Retail management system has online system to make control business Market easier for
all customers especially the buyer. It is a web site application facilities online searching of retail
requirement. It also undertakes the development of easily navigable, user friendly web site for
retail serve as office directory to the buyer and the owner helping them to do
transaction and analysis the data about the supermarket or other Market.
The retail management system is used as a point of sale and record storage of all the RMS
retail’s day to day operations. The administrator only is allowed to record and bill all the purchased
goods, employee details and modify the prices with the aid of a database functions. The goods are
arranged in categories in the database.
When a customer wants to buy goods, the till operator enter product number and the price
of the item will show up then the customer pays the amount required. If there is need for change
after confirmed payment, it will be show on the system interface. The receipt will be printed for
all the vending. The sales details are saved to the database per transaction.
For all the transaction which are done, the system warns if a certain level of stock is
reached. The items are searched in the database in the event of availability.
The Retail Management System is a new self-contained software product which will be
produced by the project team in order to overcome the problems that have occurred due to the
current manual system. The newly introduced system will provide an easy access to the system
and it will contain user friendly functions with attractive interfaces. The system will give better
options for the problem of handling large scale of physical file system, for the errors occurring in
calculations and all the other required tasks that has been specified by the client. The final outcome
of this project will increase the efficiency of almost all the tasks done at the Store in a much
convenient manner
RMS is a new small retail in the suburbs of Sana’a city which sales groceries, domestic
utensils, and butchery. Retail is the process of selling consumer goods and/or services to customers
through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit.
The retail wants to open a large scale branch in the city so, they require a Web based system
to manage the retail.
1 Difficulties in controlling sales and purchases: - Tracking the sales of the day would be
cumbersome with the absence of a computer based management. Even the purchases
of new orders would take hours recording and pricing.
2 Low productivity and production cost are inefficiently high: - Evaluating the sales per
week or per month is difficult, thus low productivity and cost a lot of time to process
the accounting information given that it is needed.
3 Slow vending processes: - Due to the increased number of customers, the vending
process would be slow due to the need to record every sale in a book.
4 Books are being used for records:-These produce redundancy, since the sales records
would be repeatedly recorded in a book. As such books have no backing up of data
5 Pilferages and breakages are hard to control at the moment: - The stock is difficult to
track even if breakages occur they might not be noticed and this causes pilferages or
6 The ability to access the system from anywhere: - I t’s a hard to access the system from
outside the Workplace of the business
7 Type of payment.
Table Summary of Project Question
NO Project Question
1 What is the available or existing software in the market?
2 What is the requirement that needed to work the existing system?
3 What is the customer need and requirement?
4 What is the feature that we don’t heaved in the market?
5 How we can start to build the software?
6 How we know that a software doesn’t have any error?
7 How we know the software give us accuracy result?
NO Project Objective
1 Analysis similar systems.
2 Analysis the requirements similar systems.
3 Analysis customer requirements.
4 Analysis market need.
5 Development of the system.
6 Maintain the system.
7 Test the system.
8 Evaluate the result.
many more easily and better. These functions include sales management, warehouse management,
and procurement
Sales Management
o Possibility of issuing and recording sales invoices
o Possibility of recording and tracking sales returns
o Issuing comprehensive reports, whether detailed or detailed, on all sales operations
o Electronic archiving of documents
o Edit various types of sales invoices and returns of goods by nature of activity
o Monitor the sales process at the customer level
o Know the quantity
o Issue a report on the store
o Maintain the materials and assets in their condition and ensure that they are not
damaged or reduced
o Monitor Purchase Orders
o Make a purchase request
o Follow up requests
o Follow up prices
o Provision of goods not available
o Matching purchase invoices together
The objectives of the automated Retail Management System is to simplify the day to day processes
of the Super Market. The system will be able to handle many services to take care of all customers
in a quick manner. As a solution to the large amount of file handling happening at the Super, this
software will be used to overcome those drawbacks. Safety, easiness of using and most importantly
the efficiency of information retrieval are some benefits the development team going to present
with this system. The system should be user appropriate, easy to use, provide easy recovery of
errors and have an overall end user high subjective satisfaction.
This chapter discuss about the introduction of the project and the project background as a whole
but in a brief paragraphs. In addition, the chapter 1 discuss about the problem statement, project
question, project objectives, project scope, project contribution, thesis organization and the
This chapter discuss about the related work or the previous work such as identify domain related
tour project with more explanation. It also discuss about critical review of current problem and
justification and proposed solution/further project.
This chapter discuss about project methodology which described each of the selected
methodology and describe the activities that are involve in every stage.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter is intended for exploring studies and the development about the Retail Management
System represented in the form of systems in different countries that have similar system of the
Retail Management System, as well as studies that have major concerns on Retail Management
System influences. Moreover, this chapter talk about development steps of the retailer and problem
that faced. The overall goals of this chapter were firstly to establish the significant of the general
field of study, then identify a place where a new contribution could be made. The bulk of the
chapter is on critically evaluating the different methodologies used in this field so to identify the
appropriate approach for investigating the research question. Literature review is a collecting
related data, analyses processes, analysis of current problem and a conclusion based on situation.
The process involves for literature review are planning, reading, researching and analyzing all the
resources. A literature review can be done in a simple summarization of the resources, but it usually
combination of summary and synthesis, comparison and critique. Summary and synthesis based
on the key findings relevant to this project. Comparison and critique is evaluates the advantages
and disadvantages this project.
2.2 Background
The Retail Management System is for management the information which can also be used
by other retails also. This system will be an absolute solution for any retail since it covers all main
system requirements any retail has. That can do promoting greater sales and customer satisfaction
by gaining a better understanding of the consumers of goods and services produced by a company.
A typical retail management strategy for any business might research the retail process that
distributes the delivery products by the business to consumers to determine and satisfy what buyers
want and require.
Since one of the main goals of any retail is to make profit, the web based system will make
that happen without any complex setups like preparing books and so on. As such, the system will
be of supreme importance in the RMS Retail day to day business since other departments can rely
on it. And there are many systems over the world that have a different function and different feature
for every system. RMS system consider as type of ERP system for facilities that heaved.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is the integrated management of core business
processes, often in real-time and mediated by software and technology. ERP is usually referred to
as a category of business, management software, typically a suite of integrated applications that
an organization can use to interpret data from these business activities collect, store, manage…etc.
ERP software burst onto the scene back in the 1960's and has gained ground as the world became
increasingly computerized. In those early days, ERP software was mainly used in manufacturing
or other companies or organization who saw the benefit of integrating the various departments of
their operation, production and back office processes. Today, its popularity has grown and it's
reported that 88% of business across a broad spectrum of industries use some sort of ERP or
business management system (Who Uses ERP, 2016). ERP systems track business resources,
cash, raw materials, production capacity, and the status of business commitments (orders, purchase
orders, and payroll). The applications that make up the system share data across various
departments manufacturing, purchasing, sales, accounting etc. that provide the data. ERP
facilitates information flow between all business functions and manages connections to
outside stakeholders. Moreover, ERP systems also centralize the data in one place, which can
eliminate the problem of synchronizing changes between multiple systems, and allows business
managers to get a more accurate view of the business’s information, there are many ERP system
planners available on the internet such as SAP, Oracle, NetSuite, EPESI, IQMS etc. Although
there are many of systems that available in the internet including a systems that solving the problem
that we talked in a chapter one (Problem Definition1.3) about the problem that we founded in our
Yemeni environment called Retail Management system that we found it in another centuries that
our Yemeni environment cannot be comfortable with it, because the language of Yemeni people
is Arabic and all a system in the west in English and some of them they needed a Accountable
2.2.1 Existing System
This section will talk about similar existing system that has been used in the market. There
are many Computer based system planners available in our market in Yemen and form these
planner is:-
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2.2.2 Software Based Existing Systems ONYX Pro ERP
ONYX Pro has been serving our clients. Our clients' success, special experience and
expertise in different countries served us as an environment of study and analysis for development
and production renewable versions. One for main systems that are needed by the clients such as
Financial, Administrative and Reports Systems. The other section includes specialized systems
that some of which are needed by the client according to his activity such as POS, MRP, Assets
management or others. The feature of these system in the following (onyxpro, 2014):-
Systems Configuration
System Administration
General Ledger Systems
Inventory Modules
Accounts Receivable Systems
Accounts Payable Systems
Human Capital Management
Assistant Systems
Administration Reports Systems
Industrial Administration Systems
Specialized Systems in Miscellaneous Fields ALMOTAKAMEL
Al-MOTAKAMEL System is a windows Application used in companies or in small or
medium business that have ability to manage the Account of the business. The system need an
Accountability Person to deal with it and know the Perpetrates and the accessibility of the system
in his privacy
The Integrated Accounting System is the most widely used and widespread system in the
Republic of Yemen. It includes all the needs of commercial establishments with medium activity
and is equipped with all the needs of clients from operations and reports required for all accounting
operations related to the movement of sales (almotakamel, 2014) :-
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Account management
Purchase management
Sales Administration
Warehouse Management
The control center dashboard allows merchants to toggle features on and off to meet the demands
of the business and have them be put into effect immediately without the need to restart the
computer or application. VRP’s flexibility provides the retailer an environment that fits a business’
need to operate in real-time (visualretailplus, 2017). Monitoring stock levels is a critical
component of a successful business and VRP’s solution have you covered. The “Inventory Matrix”
module is easy to use and allows a retailer to monitor and change inventory levels without needing
to access different modules. Visual Retail Plus’ one module allows an owner to determine security
rights per employee by assigning usernames and passwords providing users the ability but not
limiting to:
12 | P a g e
Change and maintain size scales, weights and shipping charges
Categorize inventory
Create “open to buy” budget figures
Counterpoint is the art of playing different melodies in combination with one another. We
are built for the independent specialty retail business owner, our software enables your business to
create an independent relationship that is built for success. Our feature rich software enables you
to manage your business basics, through real time inventory management software, a customizable
point of sale, data at your fingertips, and a full suite of solutions to offer a seamless, anytime
anywhere experience to your customers. This robust software sets the stage for you to make it your
own: customize your solution to give an amazing customer performance (counterpoint, 2018).
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Table Comparison Between Existing Systems
Point of comparison
Lass Cost
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Another research titled “Manufacture for Virtual Point of Sale Processing Utilizing An
Extensible, Flexible Architecture “was talk in secure transmission of data is provided between a
pluralities of computer Systems over a public communication System, Such as the Internet. Secure
transmission of data is provided from a customer computer System to a merchant computer
System, and for the further Secure transmission of payment information regarding a payment
instrument from the merchant computer System to a payment gateway computer System. The
payment gateway System evaluates the payment information and returns a level of authorization
of credit via a secure transmission to the merchant which is communicated to the customer by the
merchant. The merchant can then determine whether to accept the payment instrument tendered O
deny credit and require another payment instrument. An architecture that provides Support for
additional message types that are not SET compliant is provided by a preferred embodiment of the
invention. A server communicating bidirectional with a gateway is disclosed. The Server
communicates to the gateway over a first communication link, over which all Service requests are
initiated by the Server. The gateway uses a Second communication link to Send Service Signals
to the Server. In response to the Service Signals, the Server initiates transactions to the gate way
or presents information on a display device. (David A. Berger, Jay C.Weber, & Vilas
I.Madapurmath, 2009)
Based on the (Adewole Adewumi, 2015)in his paper “A Cloud-Based Retail Management
System” Retail management systems have been deployed extensively as web applications and
stand-alone systems. However, in order to maximize return on investment while also improving
on retail business efficiency and performance, it is imperative to explore newer technologies that
can be leveraged. Cloud computing shows great potential in this regard; and so it is our aim in this
paper to develop a cloud-based retail management system. We realize this by first designing the
framework of the system and then implementing it.
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2.3 Analysis of Current Problems
In the old days, sales were difficult and inaccurate date collected in a business and the
report that the human try to collect the information from different books that record the transaction
that happened in the workplace came with error and is not correctly date, also it will be heard for
a human to collect the date and the transaction from start open his/her business or yearly it will
take so long time to collected and knowing profit that get in a year and the income, moreover,
soma problem that a human faced is to know how much goods are in a workplaces and what are
they and separate goods from each other and the quantity of single product that have in business
and the goods that decreased from the payment that happened in day work transaction to came
back this goods for customer and covering the customer needs, also if we can see from this error a
customer order take more time and make a customer annoyed from business.
All this problem in past not helps the owner to attract the customer and make him satisfied
to make sure of customer relationship Management. Finally, all this problem that talk in, prove for
as that we cannot develop our business in fast way and everything that we needed to know or to
achieved or knowing from ware a weakness that we heaved it will take more time, recourses, effort
from a human, etc.
Although, because the decrease of efficiency in work and the decision making for any
change or development it will hart to teak it and choses what the right thing to chased, also we
need to improve our services and don’t let the customer to wait and make him annoyed from our
Save managers’ time –the system analyze the data and information from sales process
and presents all information through tables, charts, or graphs.
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Sales management has a better control throughout the system since the system will
send out all the all the updates, order information, product knowledge.
The system can setup to statistical representation for:
1. The sales manager
2. The market research results.
3. Other departments.
The system can acceptance any type of payment like debit cards and master cards or
cash or OMFLOS.
This mobile server which is used provides good performance and ability to manage
performance with techniques such as support for speed search process.
In conclusion productivity, profits can be increased and as well as reducing production cost.
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started. So there is no similar Application here in Yemen and Mobile application in Yemen that
make our system is unique in our country and easier for our people. Also after we finished and
make our Application to be popular we will challenge the international Application in the world
and developed our application more and more.
Author/Com Purpose Description Platform/Rang
pany e Price
A Cloud-Based Adewole The essential Retail management Web server,
Retail Adewumi guide to getting systems have been Small PC
Management started with the deployed extensively platform
System Cloud-Based as web applications
2.6 Conclusion
As a conclusion, by project a literature review are able to critically summarize the current
knowledge in the area under investigation and identifying any advantages and disadvantages in
previous work. It helps to identify the purpose and help to collect any information that related to
this project. Besides that, it helps in critical analysis as it enhance my ability to apply analytical
principles in identifying unbiased and valid research for this project.
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Chapter Three: - Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will discuss about the theoretical analysis of the process and methods applied
to the field of a since. It will companies the theoretical analysis of the parts of the methods and the
principles related with all the other fields of knowledge. Mainly, it companies all the concepts and
methods such as theoretical, paradigm, phases and quantitative or qualitative models techniques.
The methodology not created to provide the solutions it provides the bases to set up methods which
will be the best practices that can be installed to outcome the best results.
3.2 Methodology
In this methodology waterfall model will be used so the progress will show flowing steadily
downwards which will show all the phases of the planning, the requirements, the design, the
implementation, the testing, the maintenance and finally the documentation. Waterfall model
designed to originates all the construction and manufacturing industries which will be highly
structured in the physical environments in the way that the final outcome will prohibitively costly,
if not can be changed after words. Since this is a new system and there is no a formal model for it.
The software developed will be adopted to the hardware components.
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3.3 The Description Of The Current System
The retail management system is used as a point of sale and record storage of all the RMS retail’s
day to day operations. The administrator only is allowed to record and bill the all the purchased
goods, employee details and modify the prices with the aid of a database functions. The goods are
arranged in categories in the database.
When a customer wants to buy goods, the till operator enter product number and the price of the
item will show up then the customer pays the amount required. If there is need for change after
confirmed payment, it will be show on the system interface. The receipt will be printed for all the
vending. The sales details are saved to the database per transaction.
For all the transaction which are done, the system warns if a certain level of stock is reached. The
items are searched in the database in the event of availability.
Error handling
o The system should have error handling for:
o Data entry/capture
o Data/ user details analysis
Security issues
The system must have a log on screen where a username and corresponding password are
o Password should be encrypted.
o Password should be long enough
System efficiency and throughput
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According to the key objectives outlined in previous chapters, the user cannot be trained on the
application usage. The use view has to be designed in a way that it is intuitive to use and is self‐
explanatory in tablet devices. At the same time, the design should be simple and fast as the key
measure of success is to reduce the order processing time. A complicated system with many
screens or many scrolls up and down would defeat the purpose of the Retail management system.
The application design should thus comply with the three usability principles of early focus on
users and tasks, empirical measurements, and iterative design.
Technical constraints.
In the development of the system, the following may be encountered during the different stages of
1. Effectiveness
2. Reliability
3. Maintainability
All these features should be present in the proposed Retail Management System.
Effectiveness: A well-designed system should be easy to work with and result in some
benefit or reduction of costs. Whoever is going to use the system should be involved in
designing the system so that they can operate it in the most efficient and effective way. The
users should be able to use the system comfortably.
Reliability: A well-designed system should be reliable in that it would face the problems
that happen in the existing manual system. The system should handle any expected errors
for example input, processing, hardware or human mistakes.
Maintainability: The system must be easy to maintain, in cases were developments need
to made or new features need to added-on to the system. The System must flexibly adapt
to changes, making it easy for modifications and updates.
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