Wetlands Structural Functional Aspects
Wetlands Structural Functional Aspects
Wetlands Structural Functional Aspects
Although sometimes considered only as transition zones between aquatic and terrestrial environments, wetlands actually are
true ecosystems, holding very peculiar attributes. The study of wetlands has become more pertinent as, all over the world,
conflicting economic and scientific interests very often lead to wetland draining. Water, substrate, and the biota are the most
important factors to consider for wetland characterization. Therefore, these determine the criteria for wetland identification.
Emphasis is made on the ecological functions of wetlands. The validity of constructed wetlands is discussed.
Aunque a veces se los considera erroneamente zonas de transición entre los ecosistemas terrestres y los ecosistemas acuáticos,
los humedales son en realidad verdaderos ecosistemas de características muy particulares. El estudio de los humedales se
hace más pertinente al generalizarse los conflictos entre interéses económicos y científicos que conducen en muchos casos a
su desecación. El agua, el substrato y la biota son los factores más importantes para la caracterización de los humedales, y,
además, proporcionan los critérios para su caracterización como ecosistemas. En este trabajo se hace énfasis en las funciones
ecológicas de los humedales, especialmente los asociados con la eutrofización. Finalmente, se discute la validez de la
construcción y la recuperación de humedales.
conservation to protect species and maintain chemical, and biological features reflective of
biodiversity (e.g. Gibbs, 1993). Full ecological recurrent, sustained inundation or saturation
role of wetlands has become the objective of (Committee on Characterization of Wetlands,
intensive research nowadays. 1995). Hydric soils and hydrophytic vegetation
In Portugal there are no records of how much constitute the most frequently utilized
land was claimed to wetlands in the past to be characteristics for identification of wetlands.
transformed into agricultural fields. However, at The states of the factors water, substrate, and
present and according to the preliminary biota determine the criteria for identification of
inventory of the Portuguese wetlands (Farinha & wetlands. Hence, (1) the hydrologic criterion,
Trindade, 1994) a total of 130,943 ha, referring to a sustainable inundation or
corresponding to 1.5 % of continental Portugal, is saturation, (2) the substrate criterion, i.e. the
constituted of wetlands. This inventory is being physical and chemical conditions of the substrate
reviewed and total wetland area has become reflecting sustained saturation, and (3) the
smaller (author’s personal observation). biologic criterion, referring to the presence of
species particularly adapted to the sustained
flooding or saturation condition of the substrate,
DEFINITION, CARACTERIZATION AND will be summarily described below.
IDENTIFICATION Water constitutes a special attribute, because
both the substrate typical of wetlands and the
In 1971 took place in Ramsar (Iran) The Con- biota characteristic of these ecosystems can be
vention on Wetlands of International Importance present only if the hydrologic conditions are met,
especially as Waterfowl Habitat. A document i.e. when there is sustained inundation or
emerged, abbreviatedly known as the Ramsar saturation of the substrate. Inundation or
Convention. This is an intergovernmental treaty saturation will have to persist over time.
calling for international cooperation for the Disturbances affecting the biota or the soil of a
conservation of wetlands. The Ramsar wetland may have as a result the temporary
Convention defined wetlands as any areas of absence of the organisms or even the substrate
swamp, pond, peat, or water, natural or artificial, characteristic of wetlands. On the contrary, when
permanent or temporary, stagnant or flowing hydrologic properties are discontinued the
water, including estuaries and marine waters wetland will disappear, even when the substrate
down to 6 meters below the low tide mark. The characteristics and the typical species persist for
definition was sufficiently comprehensive to be some time. Thus, when hydrologic conditions
accepted by a number of countries adhering later change, the presence of typical biota and
to the Convention. Portugal ratified the Ramsar substrate in itself does not constitute a safe
Convention in 1980. The number of Contracting indication that the system is a wetland.
Parties (the countries that have signed it) amounts
to about 100 worldwide. Signataries of the
Convention meet every three years, so that Water
definition and purposes are reviewed and updated
to accommodate scientific progress. There are specific hydrologic conditions which
Wetlands are ecosystems that depend on constitute sine qua non conditions for the
shallow inundation (or saturation at or near the development and sustainability of wetland
surface) of the substrate. Inundation/saturation ecosystems. To study the hydrology it is
may be constant or recurrent. Minimum necessary to gather information on at least three
requisites for an ecosystem to be classified as a elements: The duration of the inundation or
wetland are sustained inundation or saturation at saturation with respect to the growing season;
or near the surface and the presence of physical, the critical depth for saturation; and the
Structure and Function of Wetlands 59
frequency of that inundation or saturation. more than 50 % of the dominant taxa are
Saturation must last at least 15 days during the hydrophytic (Committee on Characterization of
growing season in most years. Minimum Wetlands, 1995).
saturation depth corresponds to the upper layer
of the majority of plant roots, which is roughly
30 cm. The depth of the phreatic table is a direct Wetland delineation
indicator of the saturation depth (Committee on
Characterization of Wetlands, 1995). Recently, the primary indicators method
(PRIMET) was devised with the purpose of
helping to accurately define the limits of
Substrate wetlands throughout the United States territory
(Tiner, 1993). This method is based on the
Most wetlands are characterized by the premise that every wetland in its natural
existence of the so called hydric soils. These are undrained condition possesses at least one unique
associated to physical and chemical indicators and distinctive feature that distinguishes it from
of long standing, recurrent saturation. One of the adjacent upland. The unique characteristics of
those indicators is cessation of oxygen vegetation and soil are used for wetland
transportation by interstitial water in the identification and delineation. In the words of the
substrate. Permanent lack of oxygen in those author, “PRIMET is not intended to diminish the
saturated soils is caused by roots and associated need for phytosociological studies of wetlands or
microbia and other soil organisms. All of them detailed descriptions of hydric soils, but simply
take up oxygen and the diffusion of this gas in seeks to produce accurate, consistent, and
water is extremely slow as well. Therefore in reproducible wetland delineations with minimal
most cases there is no oxygen replacement, the effort”. Tiner believes that the concept should be
loss will be permanent. As a consequence, adaptable worldwide.
reduced compounds will accumulate to large Most often wetlands are at boundaries between
quantities. Hydric soils are therefore characte- terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This is true for
rized by lack of oxygen and very low redox all coastal wetlands as well as for many
potentials during saturation, which in turn leads freshwater wetlands, which constitute transition
to alteration of color of the soil. Many terrestrial zones between the terrestrial environment and
plants can not tolerate conditions such as these, streams or lakes. Emphasis should be given to the
and will not survive the environmental condi- fact that, although so located, these wetlands are
tions associated to the lack of oxygen (Commi- ecosystems in themselves.
ttee on Characterization of Wetlands, 1995). Other transition zones, also adjacent to
streams, although having certain attributes of
wetlands e.g. flooding and some phytosociolo-
Vegetation gical properties, can not be classified as wetlands.
Because these do not fulfill all the conditions
All countries should have a plant list designated required to be a wetland: The fundamental
“National List of the Plant Species that Occur criterion for identification of a wetland is its
in Wetlands”, known by the abbreviation hydrology, the area must be recurrently flooded
“Hydrophytes List”. This document would for at least as many as 15 days during the
allow decision on whether one is in presence of growing season on repeated years.
vegetation typical of wetlands. As a practical The above mentioned transition zones are
rule there is a frequently utilized criterion – the designated riparian zones (Committee on
dominance measure, or 50 % rule: A given Characterization of Wetlands, 1995). Their
plant community is typical of wetlands when importance is extraordinary: Despite their different
60 Boavida
hydrologic regime, riparian zones perform many Retention of nutrients in the sediments
ecological functions of wetlands. Examples are constitutes a very important ecological function
conservation of biodiversity, prevention of flood of wetlands. The first stages of sediment
damage to river ecosystem communities, habitat deposition are not important, since surficial
for waterfowl, among others. sediments are subjected to disturbances,
bringing previously settled materials back to the
water. Just like in lakes, materials concealed in
ECOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF the deep sediments (say, below 20 cm into the
WETLANDS substrate) are those considered out of circulation
in the biota for a long time.
In wetlands certain ecological functions are Walbridge and Lockaby (1994) measured
naturally intensified which contribute in large significant annual carbon exports from forested
scale to improvement of the (ecological) quality wetlands, accomplished through biological
of adjacent ecosystems, in particular the processes such as microbial immobilization. The
aquatic ones. In the following paragraphs same authors in the same paper mention
attention will be driven to the most important transformation of appreciable quantities of
of those functional aspects, yet with no inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus to organic
particular presumption for establishing an order forms subsequently exported downstream.
of importance. Wetlands are extremely important in the
Among the most conspicuous functions of processing of organic matter (Wetzel, 1992).
wetlands is protection of adjacent land/water Although being depositional zones by ex-
ecosystems during storm flooding events. The cellence, wetlands functioning as organic matter
wetland helps smoothing of the flooding deposit and further processor will ultimately
hazardous effects and permits avoidance of depend on hydrology. This dependence will in
undesirable consequences such as human injury turn influence the rates of decomposition.
(at times catastrophic) and material damage. This However, in most wetlands of the world the
is sometimes called flood abatement. slope gradients are very modest, rendering
Another aspect related to flooding is the surface hydrological flows very diffuse – hence
prevalent gradient in the frequency of inundation water from precipitation events tends to migrate
occurring within a wetland or a group of similar slowly over and through decaying organic
wetland types. This, synergistically with the matter rather than physically transporting the
frequently observed continuum of flooding particles (Wetzel, 1992). Therefore, exportation
depth, generates landscape- and resource-based of organic matter from the wetland is largely as
transitions which will affect the whole dissolved organic matter.
functioning of the wetland along environmental Among organisms inhabiting wetlands,
gradients (Brinson, 1993). aquatic macrophytes, and specially their
A usually intense process occurring in associated microbial communities, exert a
wetlands is denitrification (NO3, NO2, N2). particularly relevant role in organic matter
The product, molecular nitrogen, is rapidly decomposition and nutrients cycling. According
volatilized to the atmosphere, therefore to Wetzel and SØndergaard (1998) submerged
denitrification is a process of nitrogen removal macrophyte communities, and the attached
from the ecosystem. While still in the water, microflora, are fundamental in structuring
molecular nitrogen may be taken up by microbial metabolism and biogeochemical
cyanobacteria, thus making the link cycling at the ecosystem level of organization.
inorganic–organic. However, this uptake by With no doubt the long appreciated function
producers is much less important, quantita- of wetlands as place for nesting and preferential
tively, than volatilization into de air. habitat for waterfowl is one of the most
Structure and Function of Wetlands 61
important ecological functions of these animals. Obviously scientists are in a
ecosystems. Although relevant for sedentary disadvantageous position when it comes to those
waterfowl, wetlands are absolutely essential for polemics. In a market where one side is able to
migratory aquatic birds. establish a monetary value and the other side is
The peculiar conditions of the substrate, with not, there is no sense in negotiating.
permanent or almost permanent anoxia, allow for Ecological functions of wetlands ought to be
the development of plant species unique of considered as a peoples’ right. Such as it is
wetland environments. This generates very typical progressively being accepted by society that
phytosociological associations, distinctive of the peoples are entitled to their own sources of
wetlands as well. Preservation of this type of good quality water, those same peoples will
plants and plant associations in wetlands will soon start claiming the conservation of
contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity. wetlands. The Portuguese government, as well
as the governments of all other countries
subscribing the Ramsar Convention, publicly
THE VALUE OF WETLANDS committed to preserving the wetlands located
in the respective territories.
Unlike in past decades, at the present time
there is a general acceptance by the society of the
usefulness of wetlands. People are starting to CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS
understand the ecological role of wetlands
as a unique type of ecosystem. Perhaps the most One of the first concerns respecting wetland
striking feature for the public in general is how creation is their future location on the
the processes occurring in wetlands contribute to landscape. This location will have to be
improve water quality of adjacent rivers and determined according to the purpose for which
lakes. Society recognizes the value of wetlands as the wetland is constructed. One of the basic
people understand the utility of these ecosystems concepts of landscape ecology is that the
in improving their own quality of life. relative location of ecosystem components will
It is difficult, however, to establish an actual influence the functioning of the ecosystem
price for wetlands. Ecological value is not (Greiner & Hershner, 1998). Likewise, if this
susceptible to pricing. When economic (or notion is transposed to a level of organization
industrial) interests confront scientific interest, higher than the ecosystem, it will still be
the match is never fair. On one side economists applicable: The manner in which ecosystems are
place a monetary value per square meter of distributed in space will affect the mode of
wetland, on the other side scientists can not functioning of those ecosystems.
determine a price for the (actually beyond Usually, the objective to reach with the
estimation) ecological functions of wetlands. construction of a wetland is improvement of
This is the reason why there are problems to water quality of an aquatic system, a river or a
implement conservation of wetlands. The value lake. When the goal is to improve water quality
of the object of negotiation is different for each of a river the wetland should, for a better
group, industrialists and scientists. While the achievement, be constructed at a high altitude
former would like to eradicate wetlands to plant in the watershed, while the best results with
e.g. monocultures of trees for the wood industry lake water quality improvement are reached
because they want the sales profit, the latter see when the wetland is constructed at a low
in the wetland, and above all, its ecological altitude in the watershed (Greiner & Hershner,
functions – regulation of the hydrologic cycle, 1998). Often water quality is improved in
the role in the biogeochemical cycling of freshwater systems through reduction of
nutrients, habitat for waterfowl and other nitrogen and phosphorus inputs. These and
62 Boavida
other nutrients will have to be retained in the Because ecosystems are similar only in general
wetland before reaching the river or lake which terms, and because individual peculiarities may
water quality is to be improved. In this context, affect their overall functioning, construction of
it is important to know the nutrients load, and wetlands must not follow the same pattern for
that this will be dependent on land-use in the different locations. Each case will have to be
watershed: For the same surface area, a much studied independently. In spite of that, and
larger load will be expected from agricultural because results in the future will depend on past
fields than from forested land. Retention in success and failure, it is recommended
wetlands is the main process. Therefore, (McKinstry & Anderson, 1994) that accurate
retention will apply not only to nutrients but records be kept of wetlands creation and
also to pollutants originated in industry, which restoration projects.
will be prevented from reaching river or lake
waters through retention in the wetland as well.
Another priority to consider is the area of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
constructed wetland. Hydrogeomorphic assess-
ment can be used to determine the minimum area My interest in wetlands and the biogeochemical
the wetland should cover to achieve an objective processes occurring in these ecosystems
of no net loss in any wetland function (Rheinhardt increased considerably after I attended several
et al., 1997). This method was devised for of R.G. Wetzel regular lectures at the University
situations of restoration of wetland areas altered by of Alabama.
(industrial or other) project impacts.
Vegetation to plant in the constructed
wetland is extremely important. Also in this REFERENCES
aspect constructed wetlands will have to
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