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You and me...

in a vector space:
modelling individual speakers with distributional semantics

Aurélie Herbelot Behrang QasemiZadeh

Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences DFG Collaborative Research Centre 991
University of Trento Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract an individual speaker develops the verbal side of

his or her conceptual apparatus from the linguistic
The linguistic experiences of a person are experiences he or she is exposed to, together with
an important part of their individuality. In the perceptual situations surrounding those expe-
this paper, we show that people can be riences.
modelled as vectors in a semantic space, One natural consequence of the distributional
using their personal interaction with spe- claim is that meaning is both speaker-dependent
cific language data. We also demonstrate and community-bound. On the one hand, depend-
that these vectors can be taken as repre- ing on who they are, speakers will be exposed
sentative of ‘the kind of person’ they are. to different linguistic and perceptual experiences,
We build over 4000 speaker-dependent and by extension develop separate vocabularies
subcorpora using logs of Wikipedia ed- and conceptual representations. For instance, a
its, which are then used to build distri- chef and a fisherman may have different represen-
butional vectors that represent individual tations of the word fish (Wierzbicka, 1984). On the
speakers. We show that such ‘person vec- other hand, the vocabularies and conceptual rep-
tors’ are informative to others, and they resentations of individual people should be close
influence basic patterns of communication enough that they can successfully communicate:
like the choice of one’s interlocutor in this is ensured by the fact that many linguistic ut-
conversation. Tested on an information- terances are shared amongst a community.
seeking scenario, where natural language There is a counterpart to the claim that
questions must be answered by addressing ‘language is speaker-dependent’: speakers are
the most relevant individuals in a commu- language-dependent. That is, the type of person
nity, our system outperforms a standard in- someone is can be correlated with their linguis-
formation retrieval algorithm by a consid- tic experience. For instance, the fact that fish and
erable margin. boil are often seen in the linguistic environment
of an individual may indicate that this individual
1 Introduction
has much to do with cooking (contrast with high
Distributional Semantics (DS) (Turney and Pan- co-occurrences of fish and net). In some contexts,
tel, 2010; Clark, 2012; Erk, 2012) is an approach linguistic data might even be the only source of in-
to computational semantics which has historical formation we have about a person: in an academic
roots in the philosophical work of Wittgenstein, context, we often infer from the papers a person
and in particular in the claim that ‘meaning is has written and cited which kind of expertise they
use’, i.e. words acquire a semantics which is a might have.
function of the contexts in which they are used This paper offers a model of individuals based
(Wittgenstein, 1953). The technique has been used on (a subset of) their linguistic experience. That is,
in psycholinguistics to model various phenom- we model how, by being associated with particular
ena, from priming to similarity judgements (Lund types of language data, people develop a unique-
and Burgess, 1996), and even aspects of lan- ness representable as a vector in a semantic space.
guage acquisition (Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Further, we evaluate those ‘person vectors’ along
Kwiatkowski et al., 2012). The general idea is that one particular dimension: the type of knowledge
we expect them to hold. and read a lot about linguistics, and this correlates
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. with broad features of theirs, e.g. they are com-
We first give a short introduction to the topic putational linguists and are interested in language.
of modelling linguistic individuality (§2) and we So, as particular stylistic features can predict who
discuss how DS is a suitable tool to represent a person is, a specific semantic experience might
the associated characteristics for a given person give an insight into what kind of person they are.
(§3). We describe a model of individuals in a In what follows, we describe how, by selecting a
community using ‘person vectors’ (§4). We then public subset of a person’s linguistic environment,
highlight the challenges associated with evaluat- we can build a representation of that person which
ing such vectors, and propose a prediction task encapsulates and summarises a part of their indi-
which has for goal to identify someone with a par- viduality. The term ‘public subset’ is important
ticular expertise, given a certain information need here, as the entire linguistic experience of an indi-
(§5, §6). Concretely, we model a community of vidual is (at this point in time!) only accessible to
over 4000 individuals from their linguistic interac- them, and the nature of the subset dictates which
tion with Wikipedia (§7). We finally evaluate our aspect of the person we can model. For instance,
model on the suggested task and compare results knowing what a particular academic colleague has
against a standard information retrieval algorithm. written, read and cited may let us model their work
expertise, while chatting with them at a barbecue
2 Individuality and how it is seen party might give us insight into their personal life.
We further contend that what we know about a
A speaker’s linguistic experience—what they person conditions the type of interaction we have
read, write, say and hear—is individual in all with them: we are more likely to start a conver-
the ways language can be described, from syn- sation about linguistics with someone we see as a
tax to pragmatics, including stylistics and regis- linguist, and to talk about the bad behaviour of our
ter. One area of work where linguistic individual- dog with a person we have primarily modelled as
ity has been extensively studied is author profiling a dog trainer. In other words, the model we have
and identification (Zheng et al., 2006; Stamatatos, of people helps us successfully communicate with
2009). It has been shown, in particular, how sub- them.
tle syntactic and stylistic features (including meta-
linguistic features such as sentence length) can be 3 Some fundamentals of DS
a unique signature of a person. This research, of-
ten conducted from the point of view of forensic The basis of any DS system is a set of word mean-
linguistics, has person identification as its main ing representations (‘distributions’) built from
goal and does not delve much into semantics, for large corpora. In their simplest form,1 distribu-
the simple reason that the previously mentioned tions are vectors in a so-called semantic space
syntactic and structural clues often perform better where each dimension represents a term from the
in evaluation (Baayen et al., 1996). overall system’s vocabulary. The value of a vec-
This paper questions in which way the seman- tor along a particular dimension expresses how
tic aspects of someone’s linguistic experience con- characteristic the dimension is for the word mod-
tributes to their individuality. One aspect that elled by the vector (as calculated using, e.g., Point-
comes to mind is variations in word usage (as wise Mutual Information). It will be found, typ-
mentioned in the introduction). Unfortunately, ically, that the vector cat has high weight along
this aspect of the problem is also the most diffi- the dimension meow but low weight along poli-
cult to approach computationally, for sheer lack tics. More complex architectures result in com-
of data: we highlight in §5 some of the reasons pact representations with reduced dimensionality,
why obtaining (enough) speaker-specific language which can integrate a range of non-verbal informa-
data remains a technical and privacy minefield. tion such as visual and sound features (Feng and
Another aspect, which is perhaps more straight- Lapata, 2010; Kiela and Clark, 2015).
forwardly modellable, is the extent to which the Word vectors have been linked to conceptual
type of linguistic material someone is exposed to 1
There are various possible ways to construct distribu-
broadly correlates with who they are. It is likely, tions, including predictive language models based on neural
for instance, that the authors of this paper write networks (Mikolov et al., 2013).
representations both theoretically (Erk, 2013) and peatedly been found that simple addition of vec-
experimentally, for instance in psycholinguistic tors performs well in modelling the meaning of
and neurolinguistic work (Anderson et al., 2013; larger constituents (i.e., we express the meaning
Mitchell et al., 2008). The general idea is that a of black cat by simply summing the vectors for
distribution encapsulates information about what black and cat). To some extent, it is also possible
kind of thing a particular concept might be. Re- to get the ‘gist’ of simple sentences by summing
trieving such information in ways that can be ver- their constituent words. The fundamental idea be-
balised is often done by looking at the ‘nearest hind simple addition is that, given a coherent set
neighbours’ of a vector. Indeed, a natural con- of words (i.e. words which ‘belong together and
sequence of the DS architecture is that similar are close in the semantic space), their sum will ex-
words cluster in the same area of the semantic press the general topic of those words by creating
space: it has been shown that the distance between a centroid vector sitting in their midst. This notion
DS vectors correlates well with human similarity of coherence is important: summing two vectors
judgements (Baroni et al., 2014b; Kiela and Clark, that are far away from each other in the space will
2014). So we can find out what a cat is by inspect- result in a vector which is far from both the base
ing the subspace in which the vector cat lives, and terms (this is one of the intuitions used in (Vec-
finding items such as animal, dog, pet, scratch etc. chi et al., 2011) to capture semantically anomalous
In what follows, we use this feature of vector phrases).
spaces to give an interpretable model of an indi- We take this idea further by assuming that peo-
vidual, i.e., we can predict that a person might be ple are on the whole coherent (see (Herbelot,
a linguist by knowing that their vector is the close 2015) for a similar argument about proper names):
neighbour of, say, semantics, reference, model. their experiences reflect who they are. For in-
stance, by virtue of being a chef, or someone inter-
4 A DS model of a community ested in cooking, someone will have many inter-
4.1 People in semantic spaces connected experiences related to food. In particu-
lar, a good part of their linguistic experiences will
Summing up what we have said so far, we follow involve talking, reading and writing about food.
the claim that we can theoretically talk about the It follows that we can represent a person by sum-
linguistic experience of a speaker in distributional ming the vectors corresponding to the words they
terms. The words that a person has read, written, have been exposed to. When aggregating the vo-
spoken or heard, are a very individual signature cabulary most salient for a chef, we would hope-
for that person. The sum of those words carries fully create a vector inhabiting the ‘food’ section
important information about the type of concepts of the space. As we will see in §6, the model we
someone may be familiar with, about their social propose is slightly more complex, but the intuition
environment (indicated by the registers observed remains the same.
in their linguistic experience) and, broadly speak-
Note that, in spite of being ‘coherent’, peo-
ing, their interests.
ple are not one-sided, and a cook can also be a
We further posit that people’s individuality can
bungee-jumper in their spare time. So depending
be modelled as vectors in a semantic space, in a
on the spread of data we have about a person, our
way that the concepts surrounding a person’s vec-
method is not completely immune to creating vec-
tor reflect their experience. For instance, a cook
tors which sit a little too far away from the topics
might ‘live’ in a subspace inhabited by other cooks
they encapsulate. This is a limit of our approach
and concepts related to cooking. In that sense, the
which could be solved by attributing a set of vec-
person can be seen as any other concept inhabiting
tors, rather than a single representation, to each
that space.
person. In this work, however, we do not consider
In order to compute such person vectors, we this option and assume that the model is still dis-
expand on a well-known result of compositional criminative enough to distinguish people.
distributional semantics (CDS). CDS studies how
words combine to form phrases and sentences.
4.2 From person vectors to interacting agents
While various, more or less complex frameworks
have been proposed (Clark et al., 2008; Mitchell In what sense are person vectors useful represen-
and Lapata, 2010; Baroni et al., 2014a), it has re- tations? We have said that, as any distribution in
a semantic space, they give information about the
type of thing/person modelled by the vector. We
also mentioned in §2 that knowing who someone
is (just like knowing what something is) influences
our interaction with them. So we would like to
model in which ways our people representations
help us successfully communicate with them.
For the purpose of this paper, we choose an in-
formation retrieval task as our testbed, described
in §5. The task, which involves identifying a rel-
evant knowledge holder for a particular question,
requires us to embed our person vectors into sim-
ple agent-like entities, with a number of linguis-
tic, knowledge-processing and communicative ca-
pabilities. A general illustration of the structure
of each agent is shown in Fig. 1. An agent stores
(and dynamically updates) a) a person vector; b)
a memory which, for the purpose of our evalua-
tion (§5), is a store of linguistic experiences (some Figure 1: A person is exposed to a set of linguistic expe-
riences. Computationally, each experience is represented as
data the person has read or written, e.g. informa- a vector in a memory store. The sum of those experiences
tion on Venezuelan cocoa beans). The memory make up the individual’s ‘person vector’. The person also
acts as a knowledge base which can be queried, i.e. has a model of their community in the form of other individ-
uals’ person vectors. In response to a particular communica-
relevant parts can be ‘remembered’ (e.g. the per- tion need, the person can direct their attention to the relevant
son remember reading about some Valrhona co- actors in that community.
coa, with a spicy flavour). Further, the agent has
some awareness of others: it holds a model of
its community consisting of other people’s vectors We assume that those agents are fully connected
(e.g., the agent knows Bob, who is a chef, and Al- and aware of each other, in a way that they can
ice, who is a linguist). When acted by a particular direct specific questions to the individuals most
communication need, the agent can direct its at- likely to answer them. Our evaluation procedure
tention to the appropriate people in its community tests whether, for a given information need, ex-
and engage with them. pressed in natural language by one agent (e.g.
What is Venezuelan chocolate like?), the commu-
5 Evaluating person vectors nity is modelled in a way that an answer can be
successfully obtained (i.e. an agent with relevant
5.1 The task
expertise has been found, and ‘remembers’ some
To evaluate our person vectors, we choose a task information that satisfies the querier’s need). Note
which relies on having a correct representation of that we are not simulating any real communication
the expertise of an individual. between agents, which would require that the in-
Let’s imagine a person with a particular infor- formation holder generates a natural language an-
mation need, for instance, getting sightseeing tips swer to the question. Rather, the contacted agent
for a holiday destination. Let’s also say that we simply returns the information in its memory store
are in a pre-Internet era, where information is typ- which seems most relevant to the query at hand.
ically sought from other actors in one’s real-world We believe this is enough to confirm that the per-
community. The communication process associ- son vector was useful in acquiring the information:
ated with satisfying this information need takes if the querying agent contacts the ‘wrong’ person,
two steps: a) identifying the actors most likely to the system has failed in successfully fulfulling the
hold relevant knowledge (perhaps a friend who has information need.
done the trip before, or a local travel agent); b)
asking them to share relevant knowledge. 5.2 Comparative evaluation
In the following, we replicate this situation us- We note that the task we propose can be seen as
ing a set of agents, created as described in §4. an information retrieval (IR) problem over a dis-
tributed network: a query is matched to some rele- formation about users’ personal experiences. We
vant knowledge unit, with all available knowledge attempt to solve this conundrum by using infor-
being split across a number of ‘peers’ (the indi- mation freely available on Wikipedia. We com-
viduals in our community). So in order to know bine a Wikipedia-based Question Answering (QA)
how well the system does at retrieving relevant in- dataset with contributor logs from the online ency-
formation, we can use as benchmark standard IR clopedia.
software. We use the freely available ‘WikiQA’ dataset of
We compare the performance of our system (Yang et al., 2015).4 This dataset contains 3047
with a classic, centralised IR algorithm, as im- questions sampled from the Bing search engine’s
plemented in the Apache Lucene search engine. data. Each question is associated with a Wikipedia
Lucene is an open source library for implementing page which received user clicks at query time. The
(unstructured) document retrieval systems, which dataset is further annotated with the particular sen-
has been employed in many full-text search en- tence in the Wikipedia article which answers the
gine systems (for an overview of the library, see query – if it exists. Many pages that were cho-
(Bialecki et al., 2012)). We use the out-of-the-box sen by the Bing users do not actually hold the an-
‘standard’ indexing solution provided by Lucene,2 swer to their questions, reducing the data to 1242
which roughly implements a term-by-document queries and the 1194 corresponding pages which
Vector Space Model, in which terms are lemma- can be considered relevant for those queries (41%
tised and associated to documents using their tf-idf of all questions). We use this subset for our ex-
scores (Spärck-Jones, 1972) computed from the periments, regarding each document in the dataset
input Wikipedia corpus of our evaluation. Simi- as a ‘linguistic experience’, which can be stored in
larly, queries are parsed using Lucene’s standard the memory of the agent exposed to it.
query parser and then searched and ranked by the To model individuals, we download a log of
computed ‘default’ similarities.3 Wikipedia contributions (March 2015). This log is
Our hypothesis is that, if our system can match described as a ‘log events to all pages and users’.
the performance of a well-known IR system, we We found that it does not, in fact, contain all pos-
can also conclude that the person vectors were a sible edits (presumably because of storage issues).
good summary of the information held by a par- Of the 1194 pages in our WikiQA subset, only
ticular agent. 625 are logged. We record the usernames of all
contributors to those 625 documents, weeding out
5.3 Data challenges contributors whose usernames contain the string
bot and have more than 10,000 edits (under the as-
Finding data to set up the evaluation of our sys-
sumption that those are, indeed, bots). Finally, for
tem is an extremely challenging task. It involves
each user, we download and clean all articles they
finding a) personalised linguistic data which can
have contributed to.
be split into coherent ‘linguistic experiences’; b)
In summary, we have a dataset which consists of
realistic natural language queries; c) a gold stan-
a) 662 WikiQA queries linked to 625 documents
dard matching queries and relevant experiences.
relevant for those queries; b) a community of 4379
There is very little openly available data on peo-
individuals/agents, with just over 1M documents
ple’s personal linguistic experience. What is avail-
spread across the memories of all agents.
able comes mostly from the Web science and user
personalisation communities and such data is ei- 6 Implementation
ther not annotated for IR evaluation purposes (e.g.
(von der Weth and Hauswirth, 2013)), or propri- Our community is modelled as a distributed net-
etary and not easily accessible or re-distributable work of 4379 agents {a1 , . . . , a4379 }. Each agent
(e.g. (Collins-Thompson et al., 2011)). Con- ak has two components: a) a personal profile com-
versely, standard IR datasets do not give any in- ponent, which fills the agent’s memory with in-
formation from the person’s linguistic experience
Ver. 5.4.1, obtained from http://apache. (i.e., documents she/he reads or edits) and cal-
For an explanation of query matching and simi- culates the corresponding person vector; b) an
larity computation see http://lucene.apache. ‘attention’ component which gets activated when
a communication need is felt. All agents share where freq(t) is the frequency of term t in the doc-
a common semantic space S which gives back- ument and H(t) is its entropy, as calculated over
ground vectorial representations for words in the a larger corpus. The representation of the docu-
system’s vocabulary. In our current implemen- ment is then the weighted sum of the 10 terms5
tation, S is given by the CBOW semantic space with highest importance for that text:
of (Baroni et al., 2014b), a 400-dimension vec- X
~e = wt ∗ ~t. (3)
tor space of 300,000 items built using the neu-
t∈t1 ...t10
ral network language model of (Mikolov et al.,
2013). This space shows high correlation with hu- Note that both vectors ~t and ~e are normalised to
man similarity judgements (i.e., ρ = 0.80) over unit length.
the 3000 pairs of the MEN dataset (Bruni et al., For efficiency reasons, we compute weights
2012). Note that using a standard space means the only over the first 20 lines of documents, also fol-
we assume shared meaning presentations across lowing the observation that the beginning of a doc-
the community (i.e., at this stage, we don’t model ument is often more informative as to its topic than
inter-speaker differences at the lexical item level). the rest (Manning et al., 2008).
Person vectors: A person vector is the nor- Attention: The ‘attention’ module directs the
malised sum of that person’s linguistic experi- agent to the person most relevant for its current in-
ences: formation need. In this paper, it is operationalised
as cosine similarity between vectors. The module
X takes a query q and translates it into a vector ~q by
p~ = e~k . (1)
summing the words in the query, as in Eq. 3. It
then goes through a 2-stage process: 1) find po-
As mentioned previously, in our current setup, tentially helpful people by calculating the cosine
linguistic experiences correspond to documents. distance between ~q and all person vectors p~1 ...p~n ;
Document/experience vectors: we posit that 2) query the m most relevant people, who will cal-
the (rough) meaning of a document can be ex- culate the distance between ~q and all documents in
pressed as an additive function acting over (some their memory, Dk = {d1 ...dt }. Receive the docu-
of) the words of that document. Specifically, we ments corresponding to the highest scores, ranked
sum the 10 words that are most characteristic for in descending order.
the document. While this may seem to miss out on
much of the document’s content, it is important to 7 Describing the community
remember that the background DS representations 7.1 Qualitative checks
used in the summation are already rich in content:
As a sanity check, it is possible to inspect where
the vector for Italy, for instance, will typically sit
each experience/document vector sits in the se-
next to Rome, country and pasta in the semantic
mantic space, by looking at its ‘nearest neigh-
space. The summation roughly captures the doc-
bours’ (i.e., the m words closest to it in the space).
ument’s content in a way equivalent to a human
We show below two documents with their nearest
describing a text as being about so and so.
neighbours, as output by our system:
We need to individually build document vectors Artificial_intelligence:
for potentially sparse individual profiles, without ai artificial intelligence intelligent
necessitating access to the overall document col- computational research researchers
computing cognitive computer
lection of the system (because ak is not necessar-
ily aware of am ’s experiences). Thus, standard Anatoly_Karpov:
measures such as tf-idf are not suitable to calcu- chess ussr moscow tournament ukraine
russia soviet russian champion opponent
late the importance of a word for a document. We
alleviate this issue by using a static list of word en- We also consider whether each user inhabits a
tropies (calculated over the ukWaC 2 billion words seemingly coherent area of the semantic space.
corpus, (Baroni et al., 2009)) and the following The following shows a user profile, as output by
weighting measure: our system, which corresponds to a person with
an interest in American history:
f req(t) 5
We experimented with a range of values, not reported
wt = , (2) here for space reasons.
log(H(t) + 1)
# agents # docs # relevant docs # agents containing doc
2939 1-100 176 1
944 100-500 169 2-4
226 500-1000 100 5-9
145 1000-2000 64 10-19
82 2000-5000 45 20-49
49 50-99
15 10000-200000
19 100-199
3 200-399
Table 1: Distribution of documents across peo-
ple. For example, 2939 agents contain 1–100 doc- Table 2: Redundancy of relevant documents
uments. across people. For example, 176 documents are
found in one agent; 169 documents are found in
name = [...] 2–4 agents, etc.
topics = confederate indians american
americans mexican mexico states army
soldiers navy
coherence = 0.452686176513
0.01. So despite a high disparity in memory sizes,
p_vector:0.004526 0.021659 [...] 0.029680 the coherence is roughly stable. For reference, a
The profile includes a username and the 10 near- cosine similarity of 0.32 in our semantic space cor-
est neighbours to the user’s pk vector (which give a responds to a fair level of relatedness: for instance,
human-readable representation of the broad exper- some words related to school at the 0.30 level are
tise of the user), the corresponding coherence fig- studied, lessons, attend, district, church.
ure (see next section for information about coher- Information redundancy: we investigate the
ence) and the actual person vector for that agent. redundancy of the created network with respect to
our documents of interest: given a document D
7.2 Quantitative description
which answers one or more query in the dataset,
Distribution of documents across agents: An we ask how many memory stores contain D. This
investigation of the resulting community indicates information is given in Table 2. We observe that
that the distribution of documents across people is 176 documents are contained in only one agent out
highly skewed: 12% of all agents only contain one of 4379. Overall, around 70% of the documents
document, 31% contain less than 10 documents. that answer a query in the dataset are to be found in
Table 1 shows the overall distribution. less than 10 agents. So as far as our pages of inter-
Topic coherence: We compute the ‘topic coher- est are concerned, the knowledge base of our com-
ence’ of each person vector, that is, the extent to munity is minimally redundant, making the task
which it focuses on related topics. We expect that all the more challenging.
it will be easier to identify a document answer-
8 Evaluation
ing a query on e.g. baking if it is held by an
agent which contains a large proportion of other The WikiQA dataset gives us information about
cooking-related information. Following the intu- the document dgold that was clicked on by users
ition of (Newman et al., 2010), we define the co- after issuing a particular query q. This indicates
herence of a set of documents d1 , · · · , dn as the that dgold was relevant for q, but does not give us
mean of their pairwise similarities: information about which other documents might
have also be deemed relevant by the user. In this
Coherence(d1...n ) = mean{Sim(di , dj ),
respect, the dataset differs from fully annotated IR
ij ∈ 1 . . . n, i < j}
(4) collections like the TREC data (Harman, 1993).
where Sim is the cosine similarity between two In what follows, we report Mean Reciprocal Rank
documents. (MRR), which takes into account that only one
The mean coherence over the 4379 person vec- document per query is considered relevant in our
tors is 0.40 with a variance of 0.06. The high vari- dataset: X
ance is due to the number of agents containing one M RR = P (q), (5)
document only (which have coherence 1.0). When
only considering the agents with at least two doc- where Q is the set of all queries, and P (q) is the
uments, the mean coherence is 0.32, with variance precision of the system for query q. P (q) itself is
0.3 only uses simple linear algebra operations over
MRR score raw, non-lemmatised data.
M RR figures are not necessarily very intuitive,
0.1 Lucene
Our system so we inspect how many times an agent is found
0 who can answer the query (i.e. its memory store
5 10 15 20 contains the document that was marked as holding
cut-off point the answer to the query in WikiQA). We find that
the system finds a helpful hand 39% of the time for
Figure 2: MRR for Lucene and our system (best 5 m = 5 and 52% at m = 50. These relatively mod-
person vectors). est figures demonstrate the difficulty of our task
and dataset. We must however also acknowledge
that finding appropriate helpers amongst a com-
given by:
munity of 4000 individuals is highly non-trivial.
if rq < cutoff Overall, the system is very precise once a good
P (q) = , agent has been identified (i.e., it is likely to re-
0 otherwise
turn the correct document in the first few results).
where rq is the rank at which the correct docu- This is shown by the fact that the M RR only in-
ment is returned for query q, and the cutoff is a creases slightly between cut-off point 1 and 20,
predefined number of considered results (e.g., top from 0.29 to 0.31 (compare with Lucene, which
20 documents). achieves M RR = 0.02 at rank 1). This behaviour
The MRR scores for Lucene and our system are can be explained by the fact that the agent over-
shown in Fig. 2. The x-axis shows different cut- whelmingly prefers ‘small’ memory sizes: 78% of
off points (e.g., cut-off point 10 means that we are the agents selected in the first phase of the query-
only considering the top 10 documents returned ing process contain less than 100 documents. This
by the system). The graph gives results for the is an important aspect which should guide further
case where the agent contacts the p = 5 people modelling. We hypothesise that people with larger
potentially most relevant for the query. We also memory stores are perhaps less attractive to the
tried m = {10, 20, 50} and found that end results querying agent because their profiles are less top-
are fairly stable, despite the fact that the chance ically defined (i.e., as the number of documents
of retrieving at least one ‘useful’ agent increases. browsed by a user increases, it is more likely that
This is due to the fact that, as people are added they cover a wider range of topics). As pointed out
to the first phase of querying, confusion increases in §4, we suggest that our person representations
(more documents are inspected) and the system is may need more structure, perhaps in the form of
more likely to return the correct page at a slightly several coherent ‘topic vectors’. It makes intuitive
lower rank (e.g., as witnessed by the performance sense to assume that a) the interests of a person
of Lucene’s centralised indexing mechanism). are not necessarily close to each other (e.g. some-
Our hypothesis was that matching the perfor- one may be a linguist and a hobby gardener); b)
mance of an IR algorithm would validate our when a person with an information need selects
model as a useful representation of a community. ‘who can help’ amongst their acquaintances, they
We find, in fact, that our method considerably only consider the relevant aspects of an individ-
outperforms Lucene, reaching M RR = 0.31 for ual (e.g., the hobby gardener is a good match for
m = 5 against M RR = 0.22. This is a very inter- a query on gardening, irrespectively of their other
esting result, as it suggests that retaining the natu- persona as a linguist).
ral relationship between information and knowl- Finally, we note that all figures reported here are
edge holders increases the ability of the system below their true value (including those pertaining
to retrieve it, and this, despite the intrinsic diffi- to Lucene). This is because we attempt to retrieve
culty of searching in a distributed setting. This is the page labelled as containing the answer to the
especially promising, as the implementation pre- query in the WikiQA dataset. Pages which are rel-
sented here is given in its purest form, without evant but not contained in WikiQA are incorrectly
heavy pre-processing or parameter setting. Aside given a score of 0. For instance, the query what
from a short list of common stopwords, the agent classes are considered humanities returns Outline
of the humanities as the first answer, but the cho- Acknowledgements
sen document in WikiQA is Humanities.
We thank Germán Kruszewski, Angeliki Lazari-
dou and Ann Copestake for interesting discussions
9 Conclusion about this work. The first author is funded through
ERC Starting Grant COMPOSES (283554).
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