Hse-Roza-Pmp Si
Hse-Roza-Pmp Si
Hse-Roza-Pmp Si
HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT Report IJM/HSE/INS/13- Previous Score: Score & 50.86%
Project & location: Infrastructure Type of Infrastructure Site SHO/SSS/ EO: Shahril
(Highway) Development: (Highway)
Kuchai Lama
Person in charge: Work progress: Assessor 1: Nur Ezzazulianie
Date & Time : 14/02/19 (2pm) Activity: Assessor 2: Roza Azalea
Item Rating
Edge Protection and Floor Opening Protection 1
Non-compliance Non-compliance
Compliance: Proper guardrail provided for exposed floor edges. Guardrail not properly provided-Missing upper railing.
Trade: C&S PIC: Zone: Trade: C&S Trade: PIC:
Item Rating
Erosion, Sedimentation and Flood Control 1
Non-compliance Non-compliance
Water puddled and Sedimentations runoff on road. Sandbags to be replaced and maintained to reduce water runoff
on roadside.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone:
Non-compliance Compliance
Uneven site gradient causing difficulty for water to flow to Silt trap made available to filter out sedimentations before
drainage. released to drain.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone:
Item Rating
Machinery and Equipment 1
Non-Compliance Compliance
No secondary containment tray/ spill tray provided. Cylinders properly placed in up-right manner and stored in a
suitable cylinder rack / trolley
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics Trade: PIC:
Item Rating
Scaffolding 0
Compliance Compliance
Sole plate used to avoid potential of penetration. Scaffold Green Tag affixed and inspection by competent person
was done within 7 days.
Trade: C&S PIC: Zone: Trade: C&S PIC: Zone:
Item Rating
Solid Waste Management 0
Compliance Compliance
Bins for domestic waste properly provided. Dumpster for construction waste properly provided.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics Trade: PIC:
Item Rating
Excavation 2
Non-Compliance Compliance
Not following piling design process; sheet piling not supported by Checking were carried out to detect underground utilities before
bracing/shoring due to difficulty in implementation of works. any excavation is conducted.
Trade: C&S PIC: Zone: Trade: C&S Trade: PIC:
Item Rating
JKKP Registration No. / Safety Signage 0
Compliance Compliance
Necessary signage provided for safety measures, way finding and Machinery registration valid and displayed at workplace.
demarcation of areas.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics Trade: PIC:
Item Rating
Hoisting Machinery 2
Non-Compliance Non-Compliance
Steel plate as base for outrigger jack whish was extended Missing safety latch on crane hook. Lifting strap-belt worn off
properly but not placed on even ground due to space limitation. and not in reliable condition.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics Trade: PIC:
Item Rating Rating
Material Arrangement 0 Welfare Provision 0
Compliance Compliance
Materials generally in adequate physical arrangement and kept in Portable toilet provide for welfare of workers.
tidy condition.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics Trade: PIC:
Access ladder to be extended at least one meter above landing/ Lorry accessed to site without inspection before work
work platform to ensure adequate handhold. commenced.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics Trade: PIC:
Non-Compliance Non-Compliance
No public sidewalks provided for pedestrian circulation around No flagman or watchman to warn the public on the movement of
the site. Pedestrians enter site area without proper PPE. vehicle/trucks in/out of the property.
Trade: Logistics PIC: Zone: Trade: Logistics Trade: PIC: