Welding Parameter Optimization of Alloy Material by Friction Stir Welding Using Taguchi Approach

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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161

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Research Article

Welding Parameter Optimization of Alloy Material by Friction Stir

Welding using Taguchi Approach
Karwande A.H. †* and S.S. Rao‡
†Mechanical Engineering Department, S.N.D.College of Engineering & R.C, Pune University, Yeola, MH,(423401), India
‡Mechanical Engineering Department, KLCOE, K.L. University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, (520001),India

Accepted 01 Oct 2016, Available online 05 Oct 2016, Special Issue-6 (Oct 2016)


Friction stir welding is used as a solid state joining process for soft materials such as aluminium alloys and also for
hard materials like steels. It avoids many of the common problems obtained in fusion welding. In mechanical, civil,
automobile, naval, and aeronautical engineering beams are widely used of the magnesium alloys for different
applications and that are joined by conventional inert gas welding process. Magnesium has less density and low
melting point so due to that large heat generation in the conventional welding process so adaptation of new welding
process is essential. By using frictional stir welding process enhancement of weld is observed under different
mechanical testing which improves weld quality. Also by using different tool size; we implement new techniques of

Keywords: Frictional stir welding, Magnesium alloy, Tool Siz, Taguchi Method

1. Introduction efficient, environment friendly, and versatile. The

principal advantages are low distortion, absence of
1Welding is a fabrication process used to join materials, melt related defects and high joint strength. In FSW
usually metals or thermoplastics, together. During parameters play an important role like tool design and
welding, the work pieces to be joined are melted at the material, tool rotational speed, welding speed and axial
joining interface and usually a filler material is added force. Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid state joining
to form a weld pool of molten material that solidifies to technique that was invented at The Welding Institute
become a strong joint. In contrast, Soldering and (TWI), United Kingdom in 1991 and has found
Brazing do not involve melting the work piece but applications in a wide variety of industries, including
rather a lower melting point material is melted aerospace, automotive, railway and marine. It is an
between the work pieces to bond them together. alternative welding technology process to fusion
Friction stir welding is one of the new entrants to the welding.
solid state joining techniques, which have made
remarkable progress in welding technology. Friction
stir welding was developed in 1991 and is essentially a
solid state joining process. Recently, its applications
have been extended to the welding of high melting
point materials such as various types of steels, Ti
alloys, Ni-based super alloys. With recent
developments in technology of friction stir welding, it
is now possible to carry out dissimilar welding of
various types of steels with alloys of aluminum,
magnesium, copper, titanium and also other alloy (N. T.
Kumbhar, et al.,2011).
Fig. 1 Friction Stir Welding
2. Friction Stir Welding
A defining characteristic of FSW is that the joint is
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a relatively new solid- created by a cylindrical rotating tool, mechanically
state joining process. This joining technique is energy traversed through the materials. Frictional heat is
generated between the wear-resistant welding tool
*Corresponding author: Karwande A.H. shoulder and pin, and the material of the work-pieces.
56| MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India, NCPSM- 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-6 (Oct 2016)
Karwande A.H. et al Welding Parameter Optimization of Alloy Material by Friction Stir Welding Using Taguchi Approach

The frictional heat and surrounding temperature

causes the stirred materials to best oftened and mixed.
The principle of the friction stir welding (FSW) is the
rotating pin (tool) is pushed into the material until
shoulder meets the work piece surface this causes the
material to plasticize due to heating by frictional
contact of the tool shoulder and the work piece then
tool moved forward and the joint is formed, the
process is finished when the tool is retracted from the
work piece. The FSW process is as shown in figure 1 Fig. 2 Modelling of material using Pro-E
(N.T.Kumbhar, et al., 2011).
4. Tool used in FSW
3. Material Selection
The weld microstructure may also be affected as a
result of interaction with eroded tool material. Apart
Two of the largest challenges that the automotive
from the potentially undesirable effects on the weld
industry has always faced are lightening the vehicles
microstructure, significant tool wear increases the
and at the same time improving the safety of
processing cost of FSW. Owing to the severe heating of
passengers. The former aim is important to improve
vehicle performance, i.e. acceleration, top speed and the tool during FSW, significant wear may result if the
fuel consumption. The latter is vital to secure tool material has low yield stress at high temperatures.
passengers in case of accidents. Considering both of Stresses experienced by the tool are dependent on the
these factors simultaneously is usually difficult to lead strength of the work piece at high temperatures
to a product. One of the materials that provides enough common under the FSW conditions. Temperatures in
strength and is also lightweight is aluminium.In the work piece depend on the material properties of
general, all aluminum components in a car can be tool, such as thermal conductivity, for a given work
welded by FSW: bumper beams, rear spoilers, crash piece and processing parameters. The coefficient of
boxes, suspension systems, rear axles, drive shafts, thermal expansion may affect the thermal stresses in
intake manifolds, stiffening frames, water coolers, the tool. Other factors that may influence tool material
engine blocks, cylinder heads, dash boards, rollover selection are hardness, ductility and reactivity with the
beams, pistons, engine and chassis cradles, wheel rims, work piece material. The tool hardness is important in
attachments to hydro- formed tubes, tailor welded mitigating surface erosion due to interaction with
blanks (TWBs), etc. The application of FSW in large particulate matter in the work piece Also in part of
vehicles is even more interesting, as this process could material selection one more selection is important for
be used in truck bodies, tail lifts for lorries, mobile the process is the tool material selection. It is very
cranes, armour plated vehicles, fuel tankers, caravans important parameter for the process. While selection
and buses. Motorcycle and bicycle frames are the other
of the tool material we have to consider the effects
potential fields for applying FSW and also in BIW too.
observed on the tool during the process. Mainly we
Body in white or BIW refers to the stage in automotive
have to consider the effect of heat generation and
design or automobile manufacturing in which a car
body's sheet metal components have been welded dissipation on the tool material. The welding tool used
together — but before moving parts (doors, hoods, and along with the forging temperature as shown in table 1
deck lids as well as fenders) the motor, chassis sub-
assemblies, or trim (glass, seats, upholstery, Table 1 Tool material with their forging temperature
electronics, etc.) have been added and before painting.
The name derives from manufacturing practices before Sr. Material
Tool Material Temperature in
steel unibody or monocoque bodies — when No. Alloys 0c
automobile bodies were made by outside firms on a Aluminum Tool steel, WC-
separate chassis with an engine, suspension, and 1. 440-550
Alloys Co
fenders attached. The composition of alloys of Magnesium
2. Tool steel, WC 250-350
magnesium the AZ31 is 2.75% Al, 0.001% Fe, 0.91 % Alloys
Zn, 0.01 % Mn and magnesium for balance and AZ91 Nickel alloys,
Copper and
having the composition as 8.67% Al, 0.002% Fe, 0.85% PCBN(a),
3. copper 600-900
Zn, 0.03% Mn and magnesium for balance and Tungsten alloys,
Tool steel
mechanical properties of alloys as AZ31 having tensile
strength of 272 N/mm2 and elongation is 7.2 %, and 4.
Tungsten alloys 700-950
AZ91 having tensile strength of 240 N/mm2 and Stainless PCBN, Tungsten
elongation is 16.8%. Alloys of magnesium plates 5. 860-1020
steels Alloys
(150mm X 50mm X 5mm) were used for this Low-alloy
experiment. The material of the tool is H13 steel is 6. WC, PCBN 650-800
used. The material is as shown in figure 2. 7. Nickel alloys PCBN 600-800
57| MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India, NCPSM- 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-6 (Oct 2016)
Karwande A.H. et al Welding Parameter Optimization of Alloy Material by Friction Stir Welding Using Taguchi Approach

5. Selection of tool characteristics and the variations in a fast and

economic way, while using a signal-to-noise ratio to
The recent study on FSW tool design that increases the analyze the experimental data could help the designers
tool travel speed, increase the volume of material of the product or the manufacturer to easily find out
swept by pin-to-pin volume ratio, and/or increases the the optimal parametric combinations A large number
weld symmetry. Many of these tool designs have of experiments have to be carried out when the
focused on tool motion and not specifically on the tool number of the process parameters increases. To solve
pin design, although each type of complex motion can this task, the Taguchi method uses a special design of
have an optimal tool design. Most complex motion orthogonal arrays to study the entire process
tools require specialized machinery or specially parameter space with only a small number of
machined tools, making these tools unsuitable for basic experiments. Using an orthogonal array to design the
applications. experiment could help the designers to study the
influence of multiple controllable factors on the
1. Skew-Stir Tool 2. Com-Stir tools 3. Dual-Rotation average of quality characteristics and the variations in
Tool 4. Re-Stir Tool a fast and economic way (Ugur Esme, et al, 2009).

Weld quality and tool wear are two important 7. Design of Experiment
considerations in the selection of tool material, the
properties of which may affect the weld quality by DOE (Design of Experiments) provides a powerful
influencing heat generation and dissipation. The means to achieve breakthrough improvements in
material of the tool H13 steel was used. The product quality and process efficiency. From the
Dimensions of the tool is as shown in figure 3. viewpoint of manufacturing fields, this can reduce the
number of required experiments when taking into
account the numerous factors affecting experimental
results. DOE can show how to carry out the fewest
number of experiments while maintaining the most
important information. The most important process of
the DOE is determining the independent variable
values at which a limited number of experiments will
be conducted. For this purpose, Taguchi proposed an
improved DOE. This approach adopts the fundamental
idea of DOE, but simplifies and standardizes the
factorial and fractional factorial designs so that the
conducted experiments can produce more consistent
results. The major contribution of the work has been in
Fig. 3 Tool Used in Welding
developing and using a special set of orthogonal arrays
6. Taguchi Approach for designing experiments. Through fractional
experiments, optimal conditions can be determined by
Optimization of process parameters is the key step in analyzing the S/N ratio (Signal-to-Noise ratio) as a
the Taguchi method to achieving high quality without performance measure, often referred to as ANOVA
increasing cost. This is because optimization of process (Analysis of Variance)(Dong woo kim, et al, 2008).
parameters can improve quality and the optimal If one of these steps or precautions is not well taken
process parameters obtained from the Taguchi method care of, a micro structural or mechanical property may
are insensitive to the variation of environmental be varied or one of the process equipment will be
conditions and other noise factors. Basically classical damaged. Mounting the work holding device is on the
process parameter design is complex and not easy to FSW machine table. The clamping plate should be
use an advantage of the Taguchi method is that it strongly clamped to the table in order to withstand the
emphasizes a mean performance characteristic value forces exerted by the tool during the process. The
close to the target value rather than a value within clamping plate should be flat on the table by making
certain specification limits, thus improving the product
sure the T bolts are fully screwed and that there are no
quality. A large number of experiments have to be
objects under the plate. Otherwise, the tool may go
carried out when the number of the process
parameters increases. To solve this task, the Taguchi deep or out of the work piece while passing between it.
method uses a special design of orthogonal arrays to Before fully screwing the T bolts, the plate should be
study the entire process parameter space with only a adjusted to make a 90° with the FSW machine table; so
small number of experiments. Using an orthogonal different specimen is selected for the testing in
array to design the experiment could help the different size and shapes. Working parameters are
designers to study the influence of multiple Rotating speed (N), Transverse speed (S) and Material
controllable factors on the average of quality are selected as shown in the table 2.
58| MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India, NCPSM- 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-6 (Oct 2016)
Karwande A.H. et al Welding Parameter Optimization of Alloy Material by Friction Stir Welding Using Taguchi Approach

Table 2 Working Parameters taken care of mounting the work holding device on the
FSW machine table. The clamping plate should be
Rotating Transverse strongly clamped to the table in order to withstand the
Speed Speed Materials forces exerted by the tool during the process. After
Level making sure the clamping system is safely and
(rpm) (mm/min.)
accurately mounted on the Work table, the tool
1 1000 60 AZ31 rotation speed and welding speed of the experiment
2 1200 75 AZ91 should be well adjusted. Good care of the readings and
the axial force should be taken just before starting of
AZ31 & the experiment. Next, the work pieces should be
3 1400 80
AZ91 grounded in welding zone with a grinding paper of
grade 400 (for aluminium), to remove any stains, oil,
Orthogonal arrays are a set of tables of numbers, each and the Al2O3 layer that is formed on the top of the
of which can be used to lay out experiments for a aluminium sheets. Then, mount the two butt weld
number of experimental situations. The DOE technique plates on the clamp plate and make sure that they are
based on this approach makes use of these arrays to strongly fixed. While fixing them from the side, do not
design experiments. Through the orthogonal arrays, it screw the Alan key screws so tight so that the weld
is possible to carry out fewer fractional factorial plates will not form an angle with the plate. Move the
experiments than full factorial experiments. Also, the tool towards the rigidly fixed weld plates in order to
relative influence of factors and interactions on the centre the tool so that it becomes just above the point
variation of results can be identified. of contact between the two weld plates joining line.
After selecting working parameters for the welding Move the spindle in the downward direction and let
process: the L9 orthogonal arrays are selected. And the weld plate’s just touch the bottom of the tool pin.
according to this parameter welding operation is Check if there is enough clearance between the tool pin
performed in friction stir welding and different weld is and the steel plate by inserting a small piece of paper
obtained. between the pin and the steel plate, sometimes the
sheet thickness may not be uniform and can cause
Table 3 L9 orthogonal array with parameter (P) and
problems, and see if the paper will pass between them
response(R) or not. Enter the corresponding tool offset position in
the panel to set the tool pin penetration through the
P1 P2 P3 R1 R2 R3 weld plates. Wear goggles for eye safety.Bring down
No. the spindle towards the butt line of weld plates and
1. P11 P21 P31 R11 R21 R31 turn on the spindle. Move the tool into the weld plates
until the pin starts penetrating at the joint line. Then,
2. P11 P22 P32 R12 R22 R32 move the spindle downward until the shoulder is just
3. P11 P23 P33 R13 R23 R33 in contact with the sheet surface. Friction Stir welding
method is adopted to carry out the experimental trials
4. P12 P21 P32 R14 R24 R34 by which dissimilar materials of AZ31 and AZ91
5. P12 P22 P33 R15 R25 R35 welded at three different levels listed in table below.
After conducting the experimental trials, it has been
6. P12 P23 P31 R16 R26 R36 observed that input parameters like tool rotational
7. P13 P21 P33 R17 R27 R37 speed, welding speed, tool angle and tool pin profiles
have some significant effect on the tensile strength of
8. P13 P22 P31 R18 R28 R38 dissimilar materials of AZ31 and AZ91 weld joint. The
9. P13 P23 P32 R19 R29 R39 Taguchi Method is a multistage process, namely,
systems design, parameter design, and tolerance
design which used to improve the quality of products
Experiments were conducted as per the design levels and processes. In Taguchi's approach, optimum design
of DOE Taguchi method on vertical milling machine at is determined by using design of experiment principles,
kopargaon. A conventional Vertical Milling Machine and consistency of performance is achieved by carrying
can be used to carry out the FSW process. The machine out the trial conditions under the influence of the noise
must have the ability to apply significant pressure onto factors
the work piece, should offer wide range of tool rotation
and feed rate speeds, provides enough space for its
working table to holding the welding assembly and 9. Result and Discussion
rigidly during the welding operation.
The experiments were being carried out as per Taguchi
8. Welding of Material parametric design concepts and an L9 orthogonal array
will be used to study the influence of various
The FSW process was carried out with outmost care. combination of process parameters. Statistical
There are many steps and precautions that should be optimization technique, ANOVA, will be used to
59| MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India, NCPSM- 2016, INPRESSCO IJCET Special Issue-6 (Oct 2016)
Karwande A.H. et al Welding Parameter Optimization of Alloy Material by Friction Stir Welding Using Taguchi Approach

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