DLL English Grade 6 Week 4 Quarter 4

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The passage discusses an English lesson plan and log for grades 1-12 that covers topics like spelling, grammar, writing compositions, and identifying propaganda techniques.

The passage mentions that there are techniques for improving spelling.

The example about 9 out of 10 dentists preferring a brand of mouthwash is using the propaganda technique of testimonial or appealing to authority.


GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: MA. DONNA V. MARQUEZ Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JANUARY 15– 19, 2018 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 4th QUARTER


A. Content Standards  Demonstrates understanding of various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information
 Demonstrates understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
 Demonstrates understanding of verbal and non-verbal elements of communication to respond back
 Demonstrate understanding of the research process to write a variety of texts
 Demonstrates understanding that a change in stress entails a change of meaning to evaluate the speaker’s/author’s purpose and meaning
B. Performance Standards  Orally communicates information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences for a variety of purposes
 Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
 Uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback
 Uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts for various audiences and purposes
 Uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
C. Learning Competencies/ Resate portions pf the text heard to Diostinguish text-types according to Use various types and kinds of Determine images/ideas that Plan a composition using a
Objectives clarify meaning purpose and language features sentences for effective are explicitly used to influence outline/other graphic
Inferring meaning of borrowed -Cause and effect communication of viewers(stereotypes, point of organizers
word using Plan a composition using a information/ideas view, propagandas)
-context clues outline/other graphic organizers (Compound Sentence)
-affixes and roots
-other strategies

Write the LC code for each EN6LC-Iva-3.1.14 EN6RC-IVa-3.2.6 EN6SS-IVa-1.8 EN6VC-IVa-7.1 EN6WC-IVa-
EN6V-IVa-12.3.3 EN6VC-IVa-7.2
EN6V-Iva- EN6VC-IVa-7.3
II. CONTENT Clarifying meaning of text heard Cause and Effect .Compound Sentence Used to influence viewers Using outline,other graphic
(Subject Matter) Inferring meaning of borrowed word Stereotypes, point of view , organizer
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide/Pages Curriculum Guide pp 137 of227
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages Essentials English 6 pp.298-299 Essentials English 6 pp.300-301 Essentials English 6 pp.304- Essentials English 6 pp.302-303 Essentials English 6 pp.308-
307 309
4.Additional Materials from Learning
B. Other Learning Resources powerpoint Chart, worksheet powerpoint powerpoint Powerpoint
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Are frog facing extinction? Recall the story about the Two What are the types of Look at the picture. What can you How do we write a
presenting new lesson frogs. sentences? say about the picture. composition?
Where does the two frogs came What are the things that we
from? should always remember in
In way the two character similar or writing a composition?

B. Establishing a purpose for the Why did both frogs want to go to a Look at the picture then tell what
lesson What do you understand about the different place? does it say.
following words?
Imminent extinction The frog who lived in Kyoto wanted
Chytridiomycosis to visit Osaka because he wanted to
Withches’ brew lived in the city.

Study the table below. Part of the selectio’s purpose and

language feature is cause and

A CAUSE iscthe reason why

something happens while EFFECT is
the result or an outcome of a
certain cause or reason.
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson Listening

The Two Frogs

Once upon a time in the
country of Japan there
lived two frogs, one of
whom made his home in
a ditch near the town of
Osaka, on the sea coast,
while the other dwelt in a
clear little stream which
ran through the city of
Kyoto. At such a great
distance apart, they had
never even heard of
each other; but, funnily
enough, the idea came
into both their heads at
once that they should
like to see a little of the
world, and the frog who
lived at Kyoto wanted to
visit Osaka, and the frog
who lived at Osaka
wished to go to Kyoto,
where the great Mikado
had his palace.

So one fine morning in the

spring they both set out
along the road that led from
Kyoto to Osaka, one from
one end and the other from
the other. The journey was
more tiring than they
expected, for they did not
know much about traveling,
and halfway between the
two towns there arose a
mountain which had to be
climbed. It took them a
long time and a great many
hops to reach the top, but
there they were at last, and
what was the surprise of
each to see another frog
before him!

They looked at each other

for a moment without
speaking, and then fell into
conversation, explaining
the cause of their meeting
so far from their homes. It
was delightful to find that
they both felt the same
wish--to learn a little more
of their native country--and
as there was no sort of
hurry they stretched
themselves out in a cool,
damp place, and agreed that
they would have a good rest
before they parted to go
their ways.

"What a pity we are not

bigger," said the Osaka
frog; "for then we could see
both towns from here, and
tell if it is worth our while
going on."

"Oh, that is easily

managed," returned the
Kyoto frog. "We have only
got to stand up on our hind
legs, and hold onto each
other, and then we can each
look at the town he is
traveling to."

This idea pleased the Osaka

frog so much that he at
once jumped up and put his
front paws on the shoulder
of his friend, who had risen
also. There they both stood,
stretching themselves as
high as they could, and
holding each other tightly,
so that they might not fall
down. The Kyoto frog
turned his nose towards
Osaka, and the Osaka frog
turned his nose towards
Kyoto; but the foolish
things forgot that when
they stood up their great
eyes lay in the backs of
their heads, and that though
their noses might point to
the places to which they
wanted to go, their eyes
beheld the places from
which they had come.

"Dear me!" cried the Osaka

frog, "Kyoto is exactly like
Osaka. It is certainly not
worth such a long journey.
I shall go home!"

"If I had had any idea that

Osaka was only a copy of
Kyoto I should never have
traveled all this way,"
exclaimed the frog from
Kyoto, and as he spoke he
took his hands from his
friend's shoulders, and they
both fell down on the grass.
Then they took a polite
farewell of each other, and
set off for home again, and
to the end of their lives they
believed that Osaka and
Kyoto, which are as
different to look at as two
towns can be, were as alike
as two peas.
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts and Tell the relationship as to cause

practicing new skills #2 and effect.
The most powerful typhoon to hit the Korean peninsula in 40 years
lost strength Sunday, after triggering flash floods and landslides in South
Korea that left at least 42 people dead and 26 missing. The death toll
was expected to rise.
F. Developing Mastery Write C before the number that tells Each underlined part could be a sentence by itself. The coordinating
(Lead to Formative Assessment) the cause and E before the conjunction so is used to join them into a single sentence.
sentence that tells the effect.
_______1.The children kissed and
1. The dangers of
hugged Mother. (E)
_______ It was Mother’s smoking are well known,
birthday. (C) yet many people continue
_______2.He was tired. (C) to smoke anyway.
_______ Nick slept early. (E)
_______ 3.Eman was troublesome 2. It's important to put
in class. (C) your goals in writing, but
_______ Everyone hates him. (E) you must also be
_______ 4.Children fly kites on committed to achieving
summer. (E)_______ Summer them.
winds are strong. (C)
_______ 5.Father caught a cold. (E)
_______ He walked in the rain. (C) 3. An assignment
notebook helps you stay
organized, so you should
consider using one.

4. You will be able to see

better if you sit at the
front of the classroom,
and you will also be able
to hear better.

5. He must have lost his

key, for he knocked on
the door for us to let him

G. Finding practical application of Which statements/events show

concepts and skills in daily living. cause-effect relationship? Put a
check () before the number. If not,
put a cross (x).
____ 1. Edna was sick yesterday so
she missed the outing.
____ 2.I love to swim in the river.
Ara loves it, too. (x)
____ 3.The rain was too strong.
There was a storm
coming. ()
____ 4.The leaders had a meeting.
They planted trees. (x)
____ 5.Since I have no homework, I
will sleep early tonight.
H. Making Generalizations and 1.What is cause-effect relationship? Jacob sees an ad that reads
Abstraction about the Lesson Cause-effect relationship describes "9 out of 10 dentists prefer
something that happens and why it
CleenTeem Mouth Wash."
2.How can we identify What type of propaganda
statements/events that show the technique is being used?
cause? a. Name-Calling
A cause is usually preceded by the b. B.Plain Folks Approach
connector because. c. C.Testimonial
3.How can we identify
statements/events that show the
d. D.Appeal to Authority
An effect is usually preceded by the
connector so that.

I. Evaluating Learning Underline the cause and box its Directions: Use a Directions:
effect in each of the following coordinating
(1) Decide which of the four
sentences. propaganda statements is
conjunction to join each pair
1. After the dog bit her, we had to being used.
take her to the hospital. (2) Underline the words in
of the independent clauses
2. Her computer stopped working each statement that tell
due to a virus. which propaganda technique
into a compound sentence.
3. The police arrested him because Example: is being used.
he committed a crime. (3) On the back of the paper
4. She set fire to the curtain first The dictionary contains
create your own propaganda
before the whole house burnt
definitions of words.
using one of the four
It also contains a great deal of techniques discussed in
5. If she gets accepted to university,
class today.
she will become a doctor.
other information. Bandwagon: persuading
people to do something by
The dictionary contains
letting them know others are
doing it.
definitions of words,
Name-calling: negative
and it also contains a
words & images to create an
unfavorable opinion
great deal of Testimonial: using the words
of a famous person to
other information. persuade you.
Emotional Words : words
The dictionary contains
that will make you feel
strongly about someone or
definitions of words,
but it also contains a
1. All your friends have
great deal of Kawakazoo motorbikes.
Shouldn’t you have one too?
other information.
2. On last night’s television
1.Spelling is hard for newscast, rock star Gloria
Upbeat said that she
many people. believes the city should build
the proposed sports stadium.
There are techniques for She said the stadium will
bring renewed life to the
improving spelling. Zante area and provide
2.Tony is an excellent exciting entertainment for the
city’s residents.
3. White sandy beaches and
He received a crystal-clear water attract
hoards of vacation-bound
scholarship. tourists every year to the
Hawaiian Islands. The warm
3.The library is a quiet
tropical sun and cool evening
place to study. breezes provide a vacation
Many students prefer

to study at home. 4. “One More Life” is a dumb

TV show. The stupid scripts
4.Some rivers are
are ridiculous, and the acting
is poor. The sooner that
show goes off the air, the
Many people are
happier the viewers will be.

working to protect them.

5.Wear your seatbelt.

You might be injured.

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation
A. No. of learners earned
80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who
are required additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No.
of learners who have caught up with the
D. Number of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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