Convexity of Ceby Sev Sets in Hilbert Spaces: Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 4, 2009, No. 12, 573 - 576

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Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 4, 2009, no.

12, 573 - 576

Convexity of C̆ebys̆ev Sets

in Hilbert Spaces
H. Haghshenas and M. R. Farmani

Department of Mathematics, Birjand University, Iran

h− [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The aim of this paper is state of conditions that ensure the
convexity of a C̆ebys̆ev sets in Hilbert spaces.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20

Keywords: distance function, C̆ebys̆ev set, metric projection, Kadec norm,

smooth space, strictly convex space, uniformly convex space

1. Introduction
The approximation theory is one of the important branch of functional
analysis that C̆ebys̆ev originated it in nineteenth century. But, convexity of
C̆ebys̆ev sets is one of the basic problems in this thoery. In a finite dimensional
smooth normed linear space a C̆ebys̆ev set is convex[2]. Also, every boundedly
compact C̆ebys̆ev set in a smooth Banach space is convex [3,7] and in a Banach
space which is uniformly smooth, each approximately compact C̆ebys̆ev set is
convex[4]. In addition, in a strongly smooth space, every C̆ebys̆ev set with
continuous metric projection is convex[5,6]. Regarding convexity of C̆ebys̆ev
sets, there are still several open problems. It is a wellknown problem whether
a C̆ebys̆ev set in a Hilbert space must be convex. Of course, in a finite-
dimensional Hilbert space, every C̆ebys̆ev set is convex. For inverse, we know
that every closed convex set in a strictly convex reflexive Banach space and
in particular Hilbert space is C̆ebys̆ev. However, this problem that whether
every C̆ebys̆ev set in a strictly convex reflexive Banach space is convex is still
574 H. Haghshenas and M. R. Farmani
2. Basic definitions and Preliminaries
In this section we collect some elementary facts which will help us to establish
our main results.
Definition 2.1. Let (X, .) be a real normed linear space, x ∈ X and X ∗
be its dual space. For a nonempty subset K in X, the distance of x from K
is defined as dK (x) = inf {x − v; v ∈ K}. The K is said to be a C̆ebys̆ev
set if, each point in X has a unique best approximation in K. In other words,
for every x ∈ X, there exist a unique v ∈ K such that x − v = dK (x).
(This concept was introduced by S. B. Stechkin in honour of the founder
of best approximation theory, C̆ebys̆ev). The metric projection is given by
PK (x) = {v ∈ K; x − v = dK (x)} which consists of the closest points in
K to x. The PK is said to be continuous if, PK (x) is a singleton for each
x ∈ X \ K and it is sequently continuous.
Definition 2.2. A norm . on X is said to be Kadec if, each weakly
convergent sequence (xn )∞ n=1 in X with the weak limit x ∈ X converges in
norm to x whenever xn  → x as n → ∞.
Definition 2.3. The space X is said to be strictly convex if, x = y whenever
x, y ∈ S(X) and ∈ S(X), where S(X) = {x ∈ X; x = 1}.
Remark 2.4. Every Hilbert space is strictly convex. Hence the dual of each
Hilbert space is strictly convex.
Related to the notion of strict convexity, is the notion of smoothness.
Definition 2.5. For each x ∈ X the element x∗ ∈ S(X ∗ ) satisfying x =
x∗ , x is called the support functional corresponding to x and X is smooth in
a non-zero x ∈ X if, the support functional corresponding to x is unique.
Of course, the Hahn-Banach extension theorem, ensures the existence of at
least one such support functional.
Smoothness and strict convexity are not quite dual properties. There are
examples of smooth spaces whose duals fail to be strictly convex.
Theorem 2.6. [1] Each Hilbert space is smooth.
Example 2.7. The space R2 with Euclidian norm,

(x1 , x2 ) = x21 + x22
is a smooth and strictly convex space.

Theorem 2.8. [1] If X be a reflexive and smooth space, then the dual space
X ∗ is strictly convex.
Definition 2.9. The space X is uniformly convex if, for every sequences
(xn )∞ ∞
n=1 and (yn )n=1 we have, lim xn − yn  = 0 whenever, lim xn + yn  = 2
n→∞ n→∞
Theorem 2.10. [1] Every uniformly convex space, is strictly convex.
Convexity of C̆ebys̆ev sets in Hilbert spaces 575
Remark 2.11. [1] The inverse of theorem (2.10) is not true, necessary. For
example, define a norm |.| on C[0, 1] by |x|2 = x2∞ + x22 , where .∞
and .2 , denote the norms of C[0, 1] and L2 [0, 1], respectively. Then |.| is
strictly convex but, not uniformly convex on C[0, 1].
Theorem 2.12. [1] Each Hilbert space, is uniformly convex.
Theorem 2.13. [1] Every uniformly convex Banach space, is reflexive.
Theorem 2.14. [1] The norm of every uniformly convex space, is Kadec.

3. Main Results
In this section, we state the conditions that ensure the convexity of a C̆ebys̆ev
sets in Hilbert spaces
Theorem 3.1. Let K be a weakly closed set in a reflexive space X with
Kadec norm. Then the metric projection PK is continuous.
Proof. Let x ∈ X\K, v ∈ PK (x) and suppose (xn )∞ ∞
n=1 ⊆ X, (vn )n=1 ⊆ PK (xn )
such that xn → x in norm. It is sufficient show that PK (x) is a singleton and
vn → v in norm. Since that dK is continuous, we have :
dK (x) = x−v ≤ vn −x ≤ xn −vn +xn −x = dK (xn )+xn −x → dK (x)
So, lim vn − x = x − v and hence (vn )∞ ∞
n=1 is bounded. Thus (vn )n=1 is
contained in an set A such that A is weakly closed and boundedly in norm.
Since X is reflexive, the set A is weakly compact. Hence there exists a weakly
convergent subsequence (vnk )∞ ∞
k=1 of (vn )n=1 whose weak limit v0 lies in A:
Such an v0 must be in K. Note that the norm on a normed space is lower
semicontinuous for the weak topology. Then
x − v = dK (x) ≤ x − v0  ≤ lim inf vnk − x = dk (x) = x − v

This implies v0 = v and so PK (x) is a singleton. The (x − vnk )∞

k=1 is weakly
converges to x−v and satisfies lim vnk − x = x − v. Since the norm on X
is Kadec, the sequence (x − vnk )∞
k=1 is normly convergent to (x − v). Therefore,
(vnk )k=1 converges to v in norm and consequently (vn )∞

n=1 converges to v in
norm . This proves that PK is continuous.
Now by the theorems (2.12), (2.13), (3.1), we have:
Corollary 3.2. Let K be a weakly closed set in a uniformly convex Banach
space X. Then the metric projection PK is continuous.
Theorem 3.3. [5,6] Every C̆ebys̆ev set K with continuous metric projection
PK , in a Banach space X with strictly convex dual X ∗ , is convex.
Now by remark (2.4) and the previous theorem, we have:
Corollary 3.4. Every C̆ebys̆ev set with continuous metric projection, in a
Hilbert space is convex.
576 H. Haghshenas and M. R. Farmani
Now by the theorems (3.3), (2.12), (2.8) and corollary (3.2), we have:
Theorem 3.5. Every weakly closed C̆ebys̆ev set in a smooth uniformly
convex Banach space, is convex.
Finally, by the theorems (2.6), (2.11) and the previous theorem, we have:
Corollary 3.6. Every weakly closed C̆ebys̆ev set in a Hilbert space, is convex

4. Acknowledgments
We wish to express our appreciation to our supervisor Dr. A. Assadi for his
advice and encouragement in the preparation of this dissertation.

[1] L. Carothers, Short course on Banach space theory, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
[2] V. Klee, Convexity of Chebyshev sets, Math. Annal. 142 (1961), 292-304.
[3] L. P. Vlasov, Chebyshev sets in Banach spaces, Soviet Math. Dokl. 2(1961), 1373-1374.
[4] L. P. Vlasov, Approximately convex sets in uniformly smooth spaces, Math. Notes
Acad. Sci. USSR 1(1967), 295-299.
[5] L. P. Vlasov, Chebyshev sets and approximately convex sets, Math. Notes Acad. Sci.
USSR 2(1967), 600-605.
[6] L. P. Vlasov, Almost convex and Chebyshev sets, Math. Notes Acad. Sci. USSR 8(1970),
[7] L. P. Vlasov, Approximative properties of sets in normed linear spaces, Russian Math.
Surveys 28(1973), 1-66.

Received: September, 2008

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