Syllabus Strategic Planning

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Urdaneta City, Pangasinan


DM 214


I. Course Description:

This course takes you through a series steps needed to develop and
complete a strategic plan. It also provides you with the techniques and tools
necessary for implementing actions-flowing from the strategic planning
process. Strategic planning and implementation in addition to content and
theory. In the introduction of the course we will focus on the major
components of strategic planning. We will consider the importance of creating
a vission and mission statement early in the process and learn about
stakeholders in depth by conducting a stakeholders analysis. We will discuss
the various methods that organization can use to determine their key strategic
issues and learn how to develop goals and objectives that follow from these.
You will then develop specific strategies and action plans to address those
goals. The final chapter include the implementation steps of strategic
planning, such as scheduling and budgeting, as well as critical assessment of
the plan implentation.

II. Course Objectives :

The students should be able to:

1. Describe the basic components of strategic planning and

2. Illustrate the steps involved in the cylcle of strategic planning.
3. Utilize appropriate processes to create mission, vission and value
4. Link strategic planning implementation with project initiation.
5. Analyze stakeholders and develop specific goals and objectives
for their involvement.
6. Explain the relationship between strategic issue identification,
strategy formulation and implementation strategy.
7. Identify management strategies, such as strategic
communication, needed for sucessful project completion.
8. Assess the success of the strategic planning completion.
9. Apply your knowledge and skills to strategic planning in the

III. Course Content

1. Strategizing

a. Adaptive Strategizing
b. Ideological Strategizing
c. Creative Strategizing
d. Rational, Sequential and Analytical Strategizing
e. Fourteen F” of Effective Strategies
2. Strategic Planning Process

a. Right to Left Planning

3. External Assessment: A Framework for Organizational Strategizing

a. Macro Environment
a.1 Mapping the Terrain
a.2 Critical Thinking
a.3 Moving Through the Terrain: Strategies and Tactics
a.4 Forecasting and Scenario Setting

b. Industry, Sector and Area Analysis

b.1 Industry Analysis
b.2 Sectoral Analysis
b.3 Area Analysis

c. Market Analysis
c.1 Actual Demand and Supply
c.2 Potential Demand and Supply Analysis
c.3 Product Substitutes and Market Implications
c.4 Trend Analysis and Determination of Critical Variables
c.5 Market Traits, Characteristics and Consumer Behavior

d. Micro Market Analysis

4. Internal Assessment: A framework for Organizational Diagnosis

a. First Level of Assessment: Evaluating Performance Outputs and

b. Second Level of Assessment: Evaluating Organizationa
Competencies and Capabilities
c. Third Level of Assessment: Evaluating Utilization of Resources
d. Fourth Level of Assessment: Evaluating Management Processes
e. Fith Level of Assessment: Evaluating the Four Management
e.1 The Marketing Function
e.2 The Operations Function
e.3 Human Resource Management Function
e.4 Finance Function
e.5 Programs and Projects

f. Sixth Level of Assessment: Evaluating Teams and Individuals

g. Seventh Level of Assessment: Evaluating Physical Assets and Set-
Up, Working Conditions and Environmental Surroundings
h. Eight Level of Assessment: Evaluating Organizational Affiliations,
Alliances and Linkages
i. Ninth Level of Assessment: Evaluating Top Management, Board
Members and Leadership
j. Tenth Level of Assessment: Evaluating Strategic Fit or VSOP
5. Strategy Formulation and Evaluation

a. Adaptive Strategizing

b. Creative Strategizing

b.1 Benchmarking against Other Industries

b.2 Reconfiguring the Product or Service
b.2 Altering Customer Attitudes and behavior
b.4 Metephoring and the Bonsai Method
b.5 Brainstorming and Prototyping

c. Ideological Strategizing
d. Rational Strategizing
e. Strategy Evaluation

6. Strategy Implementation and Resource Mobilization

a. Major Components of Strategy Implementation

a.1 Action Programs
a.2 Activities
a.3 Tasks
a.4 Program Evaluation and Justification
a.5 Resource Mobilization

7. Organizing

a. Organizational Diagnosis

b. Organizational Design
b.1 Organizing for Customers
b.2 Organizing for Operations
b.3 Organizing for Suppliers
b.4 Organizing for Support Services
b.5 Organizational Structuring

8. Organizational Development

a. Direction Setting
b. Competency and Capability Building
c. Culture Nurturance
d. Installing Systems, Processes and Procedures
e. Achieving the VSOP Fit
f. Morale Raising
g. Provision of Proper Guidance

IV. Course Requirements and Percentage Distribution of Rating

To pass the course, the students should have complied with the

a. regular attendance and substantive and insightful class

participation (10%)
b. satisfactory and timely submission of seminar paper (30%)
c. final examination (30%)
d. satisfactory presentation of a seminar paper (30%)
V. References:

Bartlett, C.A., Elderkin, K. And McQuade, K. (2011). The Body Shop

International. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.

De Bono, E. (2017). Lateral Thinking. London: Pelican Publishing Co.

Gordon, W. H. H. (2015). Synectics. New York: harper &Row.

Machiavelli, N. (2012).The Prince. Translated by Marriott, W. K. New

York: Everyman’s Library.

Mattimore, B. W. (2014). 99% Inspiration. New York: American

Management Association.

Minzberg, H., Quinn, J. B. and Ghosel, S. (2009). “Kao Corporation.”

The startegy Process Concepts, Contexts and Cases. London:
Prentice Hall, pp. 558-580.

Osborn, A. F. (2013). Applied Imagination: Principles and Procedures

Of Creative Problem-Solving. 3rd ed. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Porter, M. E. (2008). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing

Industries and Competitors. New York: Free Press.

_____. (2008). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining

Superior Performance. New York: Free Press.

_____. (2008). The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free


Theroux, J. (2011). Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream Inc.: Keeping
The Mission(s) Alive. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.

Tzu, S. (20133). The Art of War. Translated by Giles, L. And adapted by

Clavell, J. New York: Delacorte Press.

Prepared by:


Updated for1st Semester, A.Y. 2018-19



Executive Director

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