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Journal of Cas es in
Ob s te tri cs & G yn e co l o g y
Case Report
1Department of nursing & midwifery, School of midwifery, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran.
2Student Research Committee, School of Medicine, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran.
3Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, School of Medicine, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran.
Managing ovarian masses during pregnancy is a critical issue while they can complicate pregnancy either by their size or nature. In this report, the manage-
ment of a large ovarian mass as an interesting incidental finding on ultrasonography will be discussed. In present report, a 33-year-old woman referred with
a dull abdominal pain in 32th weeks of gestation. Her sonographic evaluation revealed a large solid-cystic mass of right ovary about 20 centimeter length.
The patient underwent a laparotomy under regional anesthesia. There was a large mass originating from right ovary without any adhesion to surrounding
tissues and a normal pregnant uterine in third trimester. The right ovary complicated by a multilocular solid-cystic mass was removed and the pathology re-
port showed papillary serous cystadenoma of ovary. In outpatient management, the mother passed a normal pregnancy. In conclusion; physiological chang-
es during pregnancy may complicate manifestations of diseases in pregnancy. Under diagnosis of any abdominal compliant may lead to life-threatening
situations such as overgrowth or torsion of ovarian masses. Gentle action with minimal manipulation of pregnant uterus could prevent adverse outcomes.
Key Words:
Pregnancy, ovarian cysts, cystadenoma, serous, abdominal pain
122 October 2016
Agah et al.
to avoid uterine perforation, open laparoscopy is preferred. Cysts smaller than 5 centimeter can be managed conser-
As this technique requires expert hands and equipment’s, vatively while only masses between 5 and 10 centimeters
this procedure is not widely used in our department and with ultrasonic appearance can be managed conservatively.
open surgery is preferred [11]. While the best time for sur- Septated cysts or cysts with solid or nodular parts should
gery is the beginning of 2nd trimester (to avoid spontaneous be removed as they are less likely to be resolved [12].
miscarriage in the first trimester and the risk of precipitat- Tumor size and gestational age are two independent fac-
ing preterm delivery in the third trimester), some masses tors, affecting the determination of operation type. Lapa-
can be carefully followed till term and removed during ce- roscopy is preferred for managing small tumors or tumors
sarean section (C/S) [2, 8]. Surgery of ovarian tumors in of early gestational age. Laparoscopic management is as-
pregnancy can be delayed until the onset of symptoms un- sociated with short hospital stay and lower estimated blood
less in the presence of a strong suspicion of malignancy. loss [13]. However, this approach is not possible patients
with large ovarian masses especially in the third trimester.
Figure 2. Considering watchful management and reserving surgery
in case of onset of symptoms can be considered for both
groups. Although aspirating simple masses can avoid ma-
jor surgery in some cases. It is not favorable in the case of
complex cysts and laparotomy seems to be the acceptable
approach [3]. It’s also important to keep in mind that sur-
gical intervention of adnexal masses in the third trimester
may be associated with rupture of membranes, preterm la-
bor and low birth weight [3, 14]. In our case, the opera-
tion was mandatory because of disturbing symptoms, en-
largement of the mass and sonographic features expressed
complex mass. As the operation was done with the least
manipulation of the large uterus in a short time, fortunate-
ly preterm labor was not happened. Also, for preventing
postoperative digestive complications one intramuscular
injection of metoclopramide was prescribed before sur-
gery [15]. Interestingly pregnancy was continued to 41
Pathologic specimen of the cyst, papillary serous cystad- weeks of gestation and she delivered under analgesic gas
enoma of ovary of entonox which is safe for both mother and baby [16, 17].
In conclusion, treatment of ovarian masses in pregnan-
cy should be structured individually. While physiological
In cases of acute torsion or rupture, emergency surgery is changes during pregnancy have special impact on clinical
needed and watchful waiting is not indicated [1]. Lee et al. manifestation of disease, paying special attention to even
found that there is no significant difference between women mild abdominal pain in pregnant women is important. Under
undergoing emergency surgery because of torsion and those diagnosis of such problems may lead to life-threatening situ-
undergoing elective surgery in term of adverse pregnancy ations such as overgrowth or torsion of ovarian masses. If the
outcomes [8]. Surgical management is indicated in three operation is scheduled, gentle action with minimal manip-
condition; 1- suspicion of malignancies, 2- development ulation of pregnant uterus could prevent adverse outcomes.
of complications, 3- masses above 5 centimeters near 18
weeks of gestation or rapid growing during pregnancy more
than 30-50% [1]. Thornton JG et al. claim that removing the Acknowledgement
The authors appreciate the manager and staff of Mobini hospital for
cysts which are suspected to rupture, torsion or those which
contribution in follow up the patient and collection the data.
are over 10 centimeter in diameter are reasonable [12].
Cysts occupying pelvis or obstructing labor canal will re- Declaration of Interest
quire C/S at term for preventing possible complications [2]. None
Journal of Cases in Obstetrics & Gynecology
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