Technicalreport Alcoholtechnology

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DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOL determine Reducing Sugars, Total Reducing Sugars

TECHNOLOGY (TRS), Un-fermentable Sugars (UFS) and Residual

Sugars to control the alcohol and sugar production
Alcohol Technology department is engaged in processes. Estimation of these parameters by routine
research and development work related to alcohol chemical analytical methods is time consuming. The
producing distilleries. The department gives guidance objective of this project is to develop a suitable
to the alcohol industry in obtaining maximum yield of instrumental method for rapid quantitative
alcohol under optimum conditions. The staff of the determination of these parameters.
department visit various distilleries in the State and Based on the basic principles involved drawings
give suggestions and guidelines for improving the for manufacturing of proto type mechanical assembly
performance. The department also helped the alcohol and electronic control system was prepared and
industry in preparation of various reports which need manufactured. The water trials of this instrument were
to be submitted to Pollution Control Board of Central completed and chemical trials were in progress. The
and State Govt. It acts as inspection agency for various trials for estimation of sugars will be initiated after
projects. The department gives technical inputs to the completing the chemical trials.
Govt. agencies. It compiles and publishes book on Drying Incineration and Energy Generation from
technical performance of distilleries affiliated with co- Distillery Spentwash (DIEG-Process)
operative sugar mills in Maharashtra State. It conducts
regular and short term courses in alcohol technology The machinery for this project has been installed
for the workers working in distilleries. at Yashvantrao Mohite Krishna SSK. During the


period under report some modifications were carried
out to improve the performance of the plant. After
Development of Thermotolerant Yeast Strains modification, the plant was successfully continuously
for Alcohol Production run in an integrated manner for twelve hours and spent
wash powder was produced. This was burnt in the
Three thermotolerant yeast strains were isolated
boiler. Cleaning and maintenance work of reboiler for
from fermented broth samples of few distilleries. One
testing its capacity was completed. During the period
of these strains was found to have temperature
under report rectification work was carried out in
tolerance up to 400C. Evaluation of this strain with
evaporator which started producing 1400-1500 liters
different qualities of molasses and alcohol production
concentrated spent wash of 50-550 brix per hour.
capacity at elevated temperatures was being
investigated. Preliminary laboratory scale results were To avoid air leakages rubber cuff were used
encouraging as shown in the following table. (Table towards the bottom of the delivery chamber of the
No. 37 ). Further work on optimization of fermentation dryer unit. Hot air distribution assembly was also
parameters at 40°C with the selected thermotolerant modified. Powder formation takes place with free
yeast strain (TSC 20073) was in progress. flowing powder but it was found that the cyclone filling
problem could not be tackled completely. Further work
Auto-Titrator System for Estimation of Sugars was in progress to tackle the problems.
This project has been undertaken in collaboration
with Electronic and Computer Department. In sugar
factory and allied by product industry, it is essential to
Table 37: Final alcohol concentration using various Thermotolerant yeast strains
Sr. Innoculum Fermentation Time Alcohol %, (v/v)
No Temp. 0C Temp. 0C Hrs. S.C. T.S.C. T.S.C. T.S.C.
Control 20071 20072 20073
1. 32.5 32.5 27 4.85 8.11 9.02 9.32
2. 32.5 37.5 41 4.85 8.91 9.02 9.32
3. 32.5 40.0 41 8.11 8.74 9.08 9.31
4. 37.5 37.5 42 8.74 8.45 9.01 9.25
5. 40.0 40.0 41 Nil 6.17 7.54 7.25
S.C. = Saccharomyces cerevisieae T.S.C. = Thermotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisieae

Development of Guidelines for Water results obtained were compiled under following
Conservation in Distilleries heads,
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) Water Consumption.
New Delhi, has sponsored this project with an Waste water Generation.
objective to study the water requirement, waste water Characteristics of Water and Waste water.
generation and possibility of recycling spent wash, Brief description of existing effluent treatment
spentlees and treated effluent in distilleries. Based on plant.
discussion with CPCB, necessary information was Based on the collected data, 2nd interim report was
called from all the distilleries in India (312 Nos.). prepared and submitted to the CPCB.
However, only 49 distilleries responded. The received
data were compiled. After analyzing data and in Alcohol Quality Improvement in Distilleries
consultation with CPCB six molasses based (Operational Research Project)
distilleries were selected from the country for further Many member distilleries approach VSI for
in-depth studies. The distilleries were selected on the getting guidance on improvement in the alcohol quality
basis of different capacities and technologies of in their plants. The project involves study of
fermentation and distillation. During the period under fermentation and distillation process parameters in
report data collection and on site measurements of distillery plant. Samples of fermentation broth, Impure
five distilleries were completed. Spirit (IS), Rectfied Sirit (RS), Extra Nutral Alcohol
The following five distilleries were studied (ENA), Reflux and Vent condensates, Spent wash,
Spent lees etc. were analyzed in detail at the
Somaiya Organo Chemicals Ltd., Sakarwadi, laboratory.
Dist. Ahmednagar Maharashtra State
Vishwasrao Naik SSK, Yashwantnagar, Dist. Based on analysis, advice was given to the
Sangli, Maharashtra State distilleries for making minor modifications in plant, and
Bannari Amman Sugar Ltd., Distillery Division, fine-tune the process parameters to improve the
Periyapuliyur, Dist. Erode, Tamil Nadu quality.
India Glycols Ltd., Kashipur, Dist. Udham Singh EXTENSION WORK
Nagar, Uttaranchal
Distillery Feasibility Project Reports
Shree Renuka sugar Ltd. Munoli, Karnataka State
The following feasibility project reports were
The data collected, on-site measurement details and prepared by the depatment (Table No. 38).

Table 38 : Feasibility reports prepared

Sr. No. Name of the factory Plant Plant Capacity
1 Majalgaon SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
2 Someshwar SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
3 Loknete Baburao Patil. SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
4 Vaidyanath SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
5 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
6 Chandrabhaga SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol 30 KLPD
7 Tatyasaheb Kore Warana SSK (Pusad Unit) R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 45KLPD
8 Bhima SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol 45 KLPD
9 Loknete Baburao Patil SSK (Partly) R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
10 Rajarambapu Patil SSK Distillery Modernization 45 KLPD
11 Sanjivani SSK (Partly) Distillery Modernization 60 KLPD
12 Laxmi Organic Industries Ltd., Report for availability of raw material
13 Sangamner Bhag SSK Distillery Modernization 45 KLPD
14 Yashwantrao-Mohite Krishna SSK Distillery Modernisation 20 KLPD
15 Tatyasaheb Kore Warana SSK Distillery Modernisation and expansion 60 KLPD
16 Shri Datta. SSK Distillery Modernisation 30 KLPD
17 Nira-Bhima. SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD

CREP Reports
The distilleries have to submit to Pollution Control Board reports on measures taken to avoid pollution. VSI
helped these distilleries to prepare such reports. During the period under report following distilleries were given
help in preparation of such reports as per the CREP norms. (Table No. 39).

Table 39 : CREP reports prepared

Sr. No. Name of factory Sr. No. Name of factory

1 Kopargaon SSK 21 Vighnahar SSK
2 Dnyaneshwar SSK 22 Manjara SSK
3 Rajarambapu Patil SSK 23 Ch. Shahu SSk Kagal
4 Purna SSK 24 Yeshwant SSK
5 Vasantdada Shetkari SSK 25 Dnyaneshwar SSK
6 Gadhinglaj SSK 26 Madhukar SSK
7 Satpuda Tapi SSK, (Partly) 27 Dr. Ratnappa Kumbhar SSK
8 Sangamner Bhag SSK 28 Someshwar SSK
9 Manganga SSK 29 Shriram SSK (Partly)
10 Vitthalrao Shinde SSK 30 Indapur SSK, Indapur
11 Malegaon SSK 31 Tatyasaheb Kore Warana SSK.,Warananagar
12 Shrigonda SSK 32 Dr. Baburao Tanpure SSK, Rahuri
13 Vitthal SSK 33 Vaidyanath SSK
14 Mula SSK 34 Pad. Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil SSK
15 Datta SSK (Partly) 35 Sahyadri SSK
16 Ambajogai SSK 36 Sidheshwar SSK, Kumthe
17 Vasantdada Patil SSK Vithewadi 37 Sidheshwar SSK, Sillod
18 Niphad SSK 38 Tuljabhavani SSK
19 Kumbhi Kasari SSK
20 Kisanveer SSK(Partly)

Tender Documents
The department provided guidance to factories in preparation of comprehensive tender documents required
for erection of various plants by member distilleries as listed below.(Table No. 40)

Table 40 : Tender documents prepared

Sr. No. Name of the factory Plant Plant Capacity
1 Nira-Bhima SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
2 Nira-Bhima SSK Bio-gas 30 KLPD
3 Vaidyanath SSK R.S./ Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
4 Vaidyanath SSK Biogas 30 KLPD
5 Chandrabhaga SSK R.S./Absolute Alcohol /ENA 30 KLPD
6 Jawahar Shetkari SSK R.S./Absolute Alcohol 45 KLPD
7 Shri. Datta SSK R.S./Absolute Alcohol 30 KLPD
8 Loknete Baburao Patil SSK R.S./ENA 30 KLPD
9 Yashwantrao-Mohite Krishna SSK Modernization of Distillery unit 30 KLPD
10 Ghodganga SSK R.S./ENA/Absolute Alcohol 30 KLPD
11 Shri. Datta. SSK Biogas plant 60 KLPD

Technical Meetings and Comparison of Analytical Work
Technical Offers (SLMPC) During the year under report 208 samples of
During the period under report the staff of the various products, viz. molasses (54 Nos.), rectified
department attended the State Level Machinery spirit & ENA (31 Nos.), Indian Made Foreign Liquor
Purchase Committee (SLMPC) for the following (116 Nos.), Absolute Alcohol (4 No.) and wine (3 No.),
distilleries received from the industry were tested and chemically
Loknete Baburao Patil SSK-(Distillery) analyzed for variety of parameters.
Yashavantrao Mohite Krishna SSK-(Distillery) GC analysis of total 94 spirit samples including
Malegaon SSK-(Biogas) 34 ENA samples, 42 RS samples, 11 impure spirit
Sanjivani SSK-(Distillery) samples, 6 Absolute alcohol samples, 1 vodka sample
Visits were carried out during the year.

During 2007-08 the staff of department visited IMPROVING PERFORMANCE OF

various member and non-member distilleries for DISTILLERY UNITS
different work. During the period under report total Datta SSK, Shirol
92 visits were paid by the staff. (Table No. 41) Services were extended to Datta Shetkari SSK,
Recommendation of Proposals Shirol for improving alcohol quality. With the help
of Gas chromatographic analysis of various
For modification and rectification of distillery distillation fractions and careful monitoring of
plants VSI’s technical recommendations were fermentation and distillation parameters, it was
required. During the period under report the possible to maintain P.P. time of rectified spirit
department gave recommendations for the following at + 40 minutes.
distilleries (Table No. 42).
Vasantdada Shetkari SSK
Plant and Machinery Inspection
The distillery unit of Vasantdada Shetkari SSK
Different distilleries request VSI to inspect the was facing problems with the rectification
plant and machinery. During the period under report column. All the segments of the column were
the department carried out the following inspection inspected and it was found that most of the plates
work (Table No. 43) were in very bad condition. VSI helped the
Booklet Published factory to prepare estimates for repair of the
column. It was decided to get the column repaired
The department compiled information on
from out side agency on labour rate basis and
performance of distilleries in Maharashrtra State
the required material will be supplied by the
which was published in a booklet form entitled
factory. The column was repaired at factoy site
“Performance of Co-operative Distilleries in
as per VSI’s specifications. After erection of the
Maharashtra for The Financial Year 2005-06 and
column, it was successfully commissioned.
2006-07" which was released during 31st Annual
General meeting held on 22nd December 2007 by Kopargaon SSK
hands of Dr. Patangrao Kadam, Minister of Kopargaon SSK was interested in using ‘B’
Cooperative, Rehabilitation & Relief Work, Govt. of heavy molasses and other intermediates of sugar
Maharashtra. processing for alcohol production. Along with
Yeast Culture Supply Sugar Technology and and Sugar Engineering
Departments the staff of Alcohol Technology
Yeast culture slants were supplied to the following
department visited the factory and collected
member and non member distilleries.
necessary information. Based on data made
Rajarambapu Patil SSK available by the factory the details of economics
Shrigonda SSK of using sugar processing intermediates for
Saswad Mali Sugars Ltd. alcohol production were worked out. It was
The performance of culture supplied by VSI was decided to utilize ‘B’ heavy molasses for
excellent. The Saswad Mali Sugars Ltd. issued a letter increasing alcohol production.
of appreciation to VSI in this regard.

Table 41 : Visits paid by the staff
Name of the Distillery Subject Visit Nos.

Vikas SSK Distillery plant and machinery inspection. 3

Someshwar SSK Distillery plant and machinery inspection. 7
K. Shankarraoji Patil SSK Distillery performance trials. 1
Vitthal SSK Distillery plant and machinery inspection. 4
Vasantdada Shetkari SSK Inspection of rectification column. 1
Ghodganga SSK Attend the meeting for distillery proposal. 1
Malegaon SSK Inspection of bio-gas plant. 1
New Delhi AIDA Seminar. 1
Maharashtra Rajya Sakhar Sugar beet processing meeting with finance Minister. 1
Sangh, Mumbai
Yeshwant SSK, Theur Along with Thailand Cane growers. 1
Vitthalrao Shinde SSK For distillery water conservation project work. 1
Nira Valley Grape Wine Ltd., Along with Alcohol Technology Students. 1
Harneshwar Agro product Visit to beet ethanol plant. 1
Ltd., Indapur
IIT Bombay Attend training programme on Pollution Control 1
Techniques for distillery wastes.
Belganga SSK Restart the distillery plant. 1
SMS Mohite Patil SSK Attend meeting on proposed grain based distillery project. 1
Vighnahar SSK Visit to composting site for inspection of PCC work. 1
Somaiya Organo Chemicals For distillery water conservation project work. 2
Ltd., Kopargaon
Sanjivani SSK For checking biogas performance. 1
Pad. Dr. V. Vikhe Patil SSK For proposed distillery modernization and expansion work. 1
Dr. Ratnappa Kumbhar SSK For CREP work. 1
Vishwasrao Naik SSK For CREP work and alcohol production from B-heavy molasses. 2
Bannari Amman Sugars Ltd., For Distillery water conservation project work. 1
India Glycols Ltd., Kashipur For Distillery water conservation project work. 1
Renuka Sugars Ltd., Munoli For Distillery water conservation project work. 1
Niphad SSK For proposed distillery revamping work. 1
Vighnahar SSK For checking distillery plant. performance 1
Viraj Alcohol Industries Ltd. For distillery erection and inspection work and to attend the 6
coordination meeting.
Yashavantrao Mohite For inspection of existing 20 KLPD distillery plant and for discussion with 1
Krishna SSK Chairman, M.D. and other staff regarding distillery modernization proposal.
SMS Mohite Patil SSK Concentration and Incineration technology presentation. 1
Sonhira SSK Commissioning of distillery plant. 2
Sanjivani (Takli) SSK Distillery modernization proposals 2
Malegaon SSK Distillery Modernization 2
New Delhi (MoEF) Presentation and discussion with Secretary, Food, Govt. of India regarding 2
alternate raw materials for enhancing ethanol production
Pandurang SSK Discussion regarding new distillery proposal. 1
Jawahar SSK To attend meeting distillery proposal. 1
Kopargaon SSK Use of sugar processing intermediates for alcohol production. 2
Kisanveer Satara SSK Distillery performance and use of alternate raw materials. 1

Table 41 : Visits paid by the staff (contd.)
Name of the Distillery Subject Visit Nos.
Mula SSK Distillery performance and compliance of CREP norms. 1
NABARD – Mumbai Ltd., Attend NABARD meeting and presentation at NABARD – 1
Head Office Mumbai
Kumbhi-Kasari SSK Biogas plant revamping. 3
Datta Shetkari SSK Alcohol quality improvement. 2
Bhogavati SSK , Attend interview and distillery expansion. 1
M.R.S.S.K. Sangh Ltd., SLMPC meeting at MRSSK Ltd. Mumbai, for distillery modernization 4
Mumbai proposal of Sanjivani SSK and Malegaon SSK-Biogas, Yashavantrao 2
Mohite Krishna SSK and Loknete Baburao Patil SSK-New Distillery
Ganesh SSK For distillery process problem and maintenance work. 2
New Delhi Attend BIS-FAD-14 meeting and discussion at CPCB, New Delhi. 1
Kumbhi Kasari SSK Fuel ethanol plant. 1
Rayat SSK New distillery proposal. 1
DAM, Mumbai Attend DAM meeting regarding formation of new committees, 1
CREP and Carbon Credits.
Pandurang SSK Meeting regarding take over of distillery unit of BMSS and new 2
distillery proposal.
Dharani Sugars Ltd., Attend meeting regarding consultancy for Dharani Sugars. 1
Nira-Bhima SSK Attend meeting regarding distillery proposal. 3
Natural Sugar& Allied Ind. Ltd., Evaluate the performance of distillery and spent wash evaporation unit. 1
Hyderabad Attend AIDA seminar on New Technologies and Zero Discharge 1
at Hydrabad.
Chh. Shahu SSK Distillery process problem. 1
Renuka Sugars Ltd. Work related to CPCB project on “Water Conservation in Distilleries” 1
along with Mrs. H.D. Varalaxmi of CPCB.
Malbros Int., Amritsar Evaluate the performance of distillery plant supplied by KBK. 1
Bhoruka Power Co. Ltd., Attend meeting with Bhoruka Energy Ltd. regarding distillery 1
Datta Shetkari SSK Meeting regarding distillery modernization and expansion on BOOT basis. 1
Bank of India, Star House, For delivering lecture on present status of alcohol industry. 1
Yashavantrao Mohite For DIEG trials. 5
Krishna SSK
Vridheshwar SSK For attending board meeting regarding new distillery project. 1
Total visits 99

Table 42: Recommendations given

Sr. No. Name of proposal Name of factory
1. Spentwash evaporation system Dnyaneshwar SSK
2. Installation of new bottling units Kopargaon SSK
3. Revamping of Biogas plant Kumbhi-Kasari SSK
4. Revamping of Distillery plant Niphad SSK
5. Revamping of rectification column Vasantdada SSK
6. Valuation of distillery plant Vanivilas co-op. sugar factory (K.S.)

Table 43 : Plant and machinery inspected Technical Performance Data of Co-operative
Distillery Type of Inspection Distilleries
Rajarambapu Patil SSK 20 KLPD ENA plant There are 58 co-operative distilleries in
Viraj Alcohols & 30 KLPD grain based Maharashtra. The data on technical performance of
Allied Industries Ltd. distillery different co-operative distilleries were compiled for
Sonhira SSK 30 KLPD distillery the previous five years and are presented in the
Vikas SSK 30 KLPD distillery following Table. (Table No. 44).
Indapur SSK 30 KLPD distillery
Technical Guidance To Government and Non-
Vitthal SSK 30 KLPD distillery Government Organizations
Someshwar SSK 30 KLPD distillery
The member distilleries are required to get
Ganesh SSK administrative as well as financial clearance from the
Distillery unit of Ganesh SSK was facing serious State Government when they intend to replace their
problem of contamination and increase in volatile old machinery by new one or go into new project. To
acidity. VSI provided guidance to the factory to arrive at decision, in this regard the Commissioner of
control the contamination level. After using Sugar often seeks technical guidance from VSI, which
proper biocide for fermentation, the problem was is provided by this department. Similar support was
brought under control. also provided to State Level Purchase Committee,
Mumbai, M.S., Karkhana Purchase Committee,
Compilation Of Distillery and Its ETP Distillers Association of Maharashtra, Maharashtra
Performance Data Pollution Control Board and NCDC.
The department came out with its annual ACADEMIC
publication “Performance of Co-operative Distilleries
Regular courses
in Maharashtra for The Financial Year 2005-06 and
2006-07”. The publication included detailed information The Division is involved in teaching activities for
about the distilleries including capacity utilization, thePost-Graduate Diploma Course in Industrial
alcohol production and consumption of chemicals, Fermentation and Alcohol Technology (DIFAT)
water and energy. It also included the effluent offered by the Institute.
treatment data of these distilleries i.e. the performance
Short-term courses
of biogas plants and composting units. These data
were collected by sending questionnaires to the A one week training programme entitled, “
respective distilleries and the following up with visits “Fermentation and distillation processes for distillery
or phone calls, wherever necessary.
Table 44 : Last five years technical performance of distilleries affiliated to
co-operative sugar industry in Maharashtra
Sr. No. Technical Parameter Year
2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
1 Production Capacity (Million lit./300days) 564.00 573.90 573.90 591.00 618.00
considering all distilleries.
2 Production Capacity (Million litres/300days) 473 70 478.50 423.90 489.48 540.01
Based on received information
3 Number of distilleries whose information was compiled 41 39 35 43 48
4 Average net working days 167.82 176.49 125.83 143.61 190.15
5 Molasses consumed (million tons) 1.088 1.067 0.645 0.870 1.332
6 Alcohol produced (million litres) 283.27 277.77 162.28 221.07 338.40
7 Average Fermentation Efficiency (%) 88.68 88.61 88.82 88.78 89.21
8 Average Distillation Efficiency (%) 98.26 98.15 98.26 98.24 98.29
9 Recovery of Alcohol (litres/Ton of molasses) 260.36 260.32 258.42 264.81 565.35
10 Capacity utilization (%) 59.80 58.05 36.54 45.15 62.65

operators” was organized during the year. Operators Represented VSI successfully at International
from member distilleries participated in the same. Technical Symposium-2008 organized by All India
Achievements (2007-08) Distillers Association and presented two papers.
Completed CREP project report preparation work Completed almost 90 % of the work on the CPCB
for almost all member distilleries (about 50). A sponsored project on “Development of Guidelines
committee consisting of representatives of MPCB, for Water Conservation in Distilleries”. Submitted
Commissioner of Sugar and VSI approved all 2nd Interim report to CPCB.
reports prepared. Full technical support was Prepared and submitted a new research project
provided and guidance was given to all member to CPCB on “Evaluation of Technologies for
distilleries to undertake the CREP work. Biomethanation of distillery spent wash and further
Secured consultancy assignments from private treatability studies”. This project has been
reputed organization such Dharani Sugars Ltd., approved by CPCB for funding.
Tamilnadu, Bhoruka Power Corporation Limited, Additional emphasis was given on theory and
Bangalore, Grainotch Industries Limited, practical course in Brewing and Wine making and
Maharashtra and cooperative member factories therefore, many students found placements in
such as Loknete Baburao Patil SSK, Yeshwantrao these industries.
Mohite Krishna SSK , Malegaon SSK. Consultancy Arranged successfully placement interviews for
assignments are also expected from Pandurang students of DIFAT course. This year almost all
SSK, Nira Bhima SSK, Kisan Veer SSK, students reported to have secured jobs.
Chanrabhaga SSK and Ghodganga SSK
On R & D level, efforts were made to develop
Department of Alcohol Technology prepared 17 new thermo-tolerant yeast strain for molasses
DPR and 11 tender documents for member and based alcoholic fermentation. Preliminary results
non-member distilleries. Attended Pre-bid, were quite encouraging.
Technical Sub-Committee and SLMPC meetings
for member distilleries. Efforts were made to bring
down the prices for supply of distillery and effluent
treatment plants during SLMPC meetings and at
the same time up-grade the technical specifications
and offer flexibility of operations.


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