The Basic Anaesthetic Machine

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An anaesthesia machine is an assembly of various components and devices that include

medical gas cylinders in machine hanger yokes, pressure regulating and measuring devices,
valves, flow controllers, flow meters, vaporizers, CO2 absorber canisters, and breathing
circuit assembly. The basic two-gas anaesthesia machine has more than 700 individual

The anaesthesia machine is a basic tool of the anaesthesiologist and serves as the primary
workstation. It allows the anaesthesia provider to select and mix measured flows of gases,
to vaporize controlled amounts of liquid anaesthetic agents, and thereby to administer safely
controlled concentrations of oxygen and anaesthetic gases and vapours to the patient via a
breathing circuit.

The anaesthesia machine also provides a working surface for placement of drugs and
devices for immediate access and drawers for storage of small equipment, drugs, supplies,
and equipment instruction manuals. Finally, the machine serves as a frame and source of
pneumatic and electric power for various accessories such as a ventilator, and monitors that
observe or record vital patient functions or that are critical to the safe administration of

Gas Flow in the Anaesthesia Machine and Breathing System

The internal piping of a basic two-gas anaesthesia machine is shown in Figure 1. The
machine has many connections and potential sites for leaks. Both oxygen and N2O may be
supplied from two sources: a pipeline supply source and a compressed gas cylinder supply

In hospitals, the pipeline supply source is the primary gas source for the anaesthesia
machine. Pipeline supplied gases are delivered through wall outlets at a pressure of 50-55
psig through diameter indexed safety system (DISS) fittings or through quick-connect
couplings that are gas-specific within each manufacturer's patented system.

Because pipeline systems can fail and because the machines can be used in locations
where piped gases are not available, anaesthesia machines are fitted with reserve cylinders
of oxygen and N2O. The oxygen cylinder source is regulated from approximately 2,200 psig
in the tanks to approximately 45 psig in the machine high-pressure system, and the N2O
cylinder source is regulated from 745 psig in the tanks to approximately 45 psig in the
machine high-pressure system.
Figure 1.

The flow arrangement of a basic two-gas anaesthesia machine. A, The fail-safe valve in
some machines is termed a pressure sensor shut-off valve; in other machines it is the
oxygen failure protection device (OFPD).
Figure 2.

The supply of nitrous oxide and oxygen may come from two sources: the wall (pipeline)
supply and the reserve cylinder supply. Compressed gas cylinders of oxygen, N2O, and
other medical gases are attached to the anaesthesia machine through the hanger yoke
assembly. Each hanger yoke is equipped with the pin index safety system, a safeguard
introduced to eliminate cylinder interchanging and the possibility of accidentally placing the
incorrect gas tank in a yoke designed for another gas tank.

Figure 3 shows the oxygen pathway through the flowmeter, the agent vaporizer, and the
machine piping, and into the breathing circuit. Oxygen from the wall outlet or cylinder
pressurizes the anaesthesia delivery system. Compressed oxygen provides the needed
energy for a pneumatically powered ventilator, if used, and it supplies the oxygen flush valve
used to supplement oxygen flow to the breathing circuit. Oxygen also “powers" an in-line
pressure-sensor shutoff valve ("fail-safe" valve) for other gases to prevent their
administration if the O2 supply pressure in the O2 high pressure system falls below a
threshold value.
Figure 3.

Oxygen and N2O flow from their supply sources via their flow control valves, flowmeters and
common manifold to the concentration-calibrated vaporizer and then via the machine
common gas outlet to the breathing system. The high-pressure system of the anaesthesia
machine comprises those components from the compressed gas supply source to the gas
(O2 and N2O) flow control valves. The low-pressure system of the anaesthesia machine
comprises those components downstream of the gas flow control valves.

Once the flows of oxygen, N2O, and other medical gases (if used) are turned on at their flow
control valves, the gas mixture flows into the common manifold and through a concentration-
calibrated agent-specific vaporizer where a potent inhaled volatile anaesthetic agent is
added. The mixture of gases and vaporized anaesthetic agent then exits the anaesthesia
machine low-pressure system through the common gas outlet and flows to the breathing

The circle system shown in Figure 4 is the breathing system most commonly used in
operating rooms (ORs). It is so named because its components are arranged in a circular
manner. The essential components of a circle breathing system (Figure 5) include a site for
inflow of fresh gas (common [fresh] gas inlet), a carbon dioxide absorber canister
(containing soda lime or barium hydroxide lime) where exhaled carbon dioxide is absorbed;
a reservoir bag; inspiratory and
Figure 4. Basic circle breathing system.

expiratory unidirectional valves; flexible corrugated breathing tubing; an adjustable pressure-

limiting (APL) or "pop-off" valve for venting excess gas; and a "Y" piece that connects to a
face mask, tracheal tube, laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or other airway management device.
Figure 5.

Essential components of a circle breathing system.

Once inside the breathing system, the mixture of gases and vapours flows to the breathing
system’s inspiratory unidirectional valve, then on toward the patient. Exhaled gases pass
through the expiratory unidirectional valve and enter the reservoir bag. When the bag is full,
excess gas flows through the APL (or pop-off) valve and into the scavenging system that
removes the waste gases. On the next inspiration, gas from the reservoir bag passes
through the carbon dioxide absorber prior to joining the fresh gas from the machine on its
way to the patient. The general use of fresh gas flow rates into anaesthetic systems in
excess of those required to compensate for uptake, metabolism, leaks, or removal of
exhaled carbon dioxide results in variable volumes of anaesthetic gases and vapours exiting
the breathing system through the APL valve.

When an anaesthesia ventilator is used, the ventilator bellows functionally replaces the
circle system reservoir bag and becomes a part of the breathing circuit. The APL valve in the
breathing circuit is either closed or excluded from the circuit using a manual ("bag")
automatic (ventilator) circuit selector switch. The ventilator incorporates a pressure-relief
valve that permits release of excess anaesthetic gases from the circuit at end-exhalation.
These gases should also be scavenged.

Sources of Leaks Within the Anaesthesia Machine and Breathing System

No anaesthesia machine system is totally leak-free. Leakage may originate from both the
high-pressure and low-pressure systems of the anaesthesia or analgesia machine.

The high-pressure system consists of all piping and parts of the machine that receive gas at
cylinder or pipeline supply pressure. It extends from the high-pressure gas supply (i.e., wall
supply or gas cylinder) to the flow control valves. Leaks may occur from the high-pressure
connections where the supply hose connects to the wall outlet or gas cylinder and where it
connects to the machine inlet. Therefore, gas-supply hoses should be positioned to prevent
strain on the fittings and constructed from supply-hose materials designed for high-pressure
gas flow and minimal kinking. High-pressure leakage may also occur within the anaesthesia
machine itself. Other potential sources of leaks include quick-connect fittings, cylinder
valves, absent or worn gaskets, missing or worn yoke plugs in a dual yoke assembly, and
worn hoses.

The low-pressure system of the anaesthesia machine (in which the pressure is slightly
above atmospheric) consists of components downstream of the flow-control valves. It
therefore includes the flow meter tubes, vaporizers, common gas outlet and breathing
circuit, (i.e., from the common gas outlet to the patient). Low-pressure system leaks may
occur from the connections and components anywhere between the anaesthesia gas flow
control valves and the airway. This leakage may occur from loose-fitting connections,
defective and worn seals and gaskets, worn or defective breathing bags, hoses, and tubing,
loosely assembled or deformed slip joints and threaded connections, and the moisture
drainage port of the CO2 absorber, which may be in the “open" position.

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