Vip Industries Limited: Company Background
Vip Industries Limited: Company Background
Vip Industries Limited: Company Background
“Successful acquisition of a well-known international 2000 people.The company recorded net sales
brand offers significant synergies as well as much of 3.2 billion units for the year 2005-06.
desired gateway to the world market. As London
is the hub for world market, successful presence VIP is a well-known and reputed brand name
in UK market is very critical in achieving VIP's in India.VIP has been increasing its presence
global aspirations. We believe we are off to a good in world markets in the luggage industry.The
start with successful acquisition of Carlton and company has operations across the globe in five
promising 2 years of operations, but the long continents. It has offices in the USA, South Asia,
journey has just begun.” Middle East, Africa and Europe.Worldwide,
VIP products are sold across 1300 retail outlets
Company Background in 27 countries.
VIP Industries Ltd. is the flagship company of the It had an export turnover of US$ 8.16 million in
DG Piramal Group. Established in 1971, it is a the year 2004-05, representing an increase of 145
leading luggage manufacturing company, which per cent over 2003-04 when the turnover stood at
manufactures strollys, suitcases, executive cases, US$ 3.25 million . Currently, it exports its products
backpacks and other hard and soft-sided luggage. to West Asia, Europe, the USA, and select African
It owns reputed brands such as VIP, Alfa, Footloose and South East Asian countries.
and Buddy .
VIP Industries Limited in the UK
It has two manufacturing units in India and
various subcontract operations in China and VIP operates in the UK through Carlton Travel
Indonesia. Currently, it has a workforce of nearly Goods Limited. Carlton is a fully owned subsidiary
of VIP Industries.VIP acquired Carlton in April 2004
to gain access to European markets.
Revenue (US$ million)
12 11.3
8 6.5
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 E
Future Plans