Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester Ganjil

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Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD Semester Ganjil

1. Upin : What are those ?

Ipin : They are

A. hats

B. shoes

C. t-shirts

2. My.........cooks in the kitchen.

A. brother

B. father

C. mother

3. Nadira : Who is she?

Wahda : She is my.....

A. Sister

B. grandmother

C. grandfather

4. My father is.........a cup of tea

A. drinking

B. eating

C. playing

5. Today is Sunday, tomorrow is.........

A. Friday

B. Monday

C. Thursday

Jawablah 15 soal uas bahasa inggris kategori isian dengan jawaban yang kalian anggap benar !

6. This my...............

7. There are pair of.....................(kaos kaki) in my bag

8. I school every day

Number 9-11. Look at the Picture (soal untuk no 9-11 lihat gambar)

9. Kevin has got a..................(ibu)

10. Kevin has got a......................too (nenek)

11. Kevin has got a ...................too (ayah)

12. Nadia likes.................a book (membaca)

13. They (bermain)

14. A monkey likes........................banana (makan)

15. I love ........................(menyanyi)

16. There are........................days on the week

17. The first day is........................

18. Today is wednesday, yesterday was ........................

19. Today is Thursday, tomorrow is........................

20. The sixt day is........................

Pada kategori ketiga pertanyaan berikut ini ada 5 soal bahasa Inggris yang harus kalian jawab dengan benar dan

21. Write 3 clothes that you wear !




22. Write 3 members of your family !




23. Write 3 of your activities on Sunday!

a. _______________________________

b. _______________________________

c. _______________________________

24. Translate into English!

a. Senin :__________________________

b. Rabu :__________________________

c. Sabtu :__________________________

25. Arange these jumble world into correct sentences!

a. Budi / singing / loves__________________________

b. Dina / playing / likes / piano__________________________

c. eating / apple / She / enjoys__________________________

Jawablah Soal Dibawah ini Dengan Nama tempat Umum (Public Places) Yang tepat

1. we can see many animals in the_______

2. my family will eat in a new_______
3. I will go to______with my friends to meet my teacher
4. My mom asks me to buy sugar in the________
5. my father goes to______today to work
6. I will borrow a book in_________
7. will you watch football in the_________?
8. I see prisoners in the________
9. Let’s play in the______
10. I will swim in the_______
11. My grandfather is sicks, so he goes to_______
12. I see many __________in Jakarta
13. Jogjakarta has many______
14. I will wait train in the________
15. _________keeps me from rain and hot
16. Prince and princess live in the________
17. Moslem pray in the______
18. My mom always buys vegetables in the______
19. You can do exercise in the______
20. you can buy book and pencils in _______
21. you can watch movie in____________
22. I buy a gift in the_______
23. I go to bali and sleep in_____
24. The christians pray in the___________
25. You can report a thief in_______

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