Assignment: Ahsan Saleem Roll # 16

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Toxicology & Trace Evidence

FEBRUARY 4, 2019

Roll # 16
Scenario: You are working as medical officer in the emergency department of district head
equator. Middle age unconscious woman was brought to hospital the person accompanying
the patient give the history, he suspect that female was sexual assault after which she
swallowed bleach of toilet cleaning liquid in an attempt to commit suicide. He also found
about a dark brown colored vomitus present on bed when the female was lying. On the
blood test hypocalcemia.

Q1: How will you manage the patient please enumerate the general principle of the
management of the patient?

Ans: We will manage the patient by the following

 Manage air way

 Manage breathing
 Manage circulation
 Stomach wash
 Use of antidote
 Symptomatic treatment
 Check the vital sign
 Elimination of absorbed poison

Q2: What specific treatment on this type of poisoning write in detail?

Ans: Stomach wash with lime water, warm water should not be used for stomach wash as it
may dissolve more acid. The antidote for oxalate poisoning is any calcium preparation which
converts the poison into insoluble calcium oxalate. A suspension of 30 gram of chalk in water
or milk will neutralize about 20 gram of oxalic acid. Alkalis such as soda, potash or ammonia,
should not be given as their oxalates, are soluble. Calcium gluconate may be given by mouth
or 10 ml of 10% solution IV. In severe cases parathyroid extract should be given. The rest of
treatment is symptomatic.

Q3: As this was a case of sexual assault which biological trace evidence will you collect
from the victim body and why do you select that evidence? Explain each in detail.

Ans: Following are the biological trace evidences that are usually collected during sexual

 Blood
 Nails
 Hair
 Saliva
 Swabs & Smears


Blood from the injured victims or suspect, whose blood is likely to be present on exhibits being
sent by the investigating officer, should be collected and preserved, for grouping. About 2-3
ml of blood is sufficient.


Nails scratched during the struggle, should be carefully clipped without damaging the underling
tissue of the persons concerned, and are scraped with the help of tooth prick and collected in
separate envelops. In case of suspected posing all the nails should be removed entire and
collected in separate envelops.


Hair sample are required for specific origin, grouping, and identification. In sexual offences
pubic hair may be useful for detection of semen or blood etc. such hair should be cut, dried and
sent in a sterile test tube. It is not commonly realized that blood grouping and sexing are
possible from the hair root.


Saliva should be collected in sterile tubes, heated in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, cooled
and then transfer to a sterile phial before dispatch also to stains of unheated saliva, with a
diameter about 5 cm each without any preservative, prepared on sterile cotton cloth, properly
dried should be sent in a labeled sterile container.

Swabs & Smears:

In sexual offenses, virginal anal or penile swabs, as required, should be sent along with their
smears on slides for microscopic examination. Swabs should be taken on sterile gauze cloth
and their smears prepared on sterile slides these should be dried in air and the swabs dispatched
in sterile test tubes and slides in clean wrappers.
Why we collect these evidence?

We collect the stains and do DNA analysis of victim and suspected person if DNA match the
persons founds guilty.

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