Abdes Salem 2012
Abdes Salem 2012
Abdes Salem 2012
Saber Ben Abdessalem1,2, PhD, Salem Ben Mansour2, Helmi Khelif1
Textile Laboratory of Technology High School of Ksar Hellal, Ksar Hellal, Monastir TUNISIA
Correspondence to:
Saber Ben Abdessalem email: [email protected]
Delayed timing is a complex adjustment of large- some knitting parameters on fabric quality such as
diameter circular knitting machine (LCKM). It elasticity and spirality. Other parameters, such as
corresponds to the delay between cylinder and dial delayed timing between cylinder and dial, have a less
needles knock-over. It is generally not well-known by obvious incidence on knitting process and fabric
machines users and its impact on fabric properties has quality. The impact of delayed timing on fabric
not been enough studied in literature. Knitters characteristics is not well-known by knitters who
generally use experience during delayed timing generally know roughly that this adjustment has a
adjustment in order reach needed fabric relation with yarn tension, yarn consumption and loop
characteristics. The aim of this paper was to shape. In fact when the yarn is not enough resistant a
investigate the relation between delayed timing delayed timing can be a solution to avoid cotton yarn
intensity and yarn tension, yarn consumption, fabric breakage during knitting. This kind of yarn has
weight as well as loop length and shape. The obtained generally low resistance when compared to synthetic
results showed that delayed timing has an incidence yarns and causes sometimes breakage problems
on fabric weight and loop shape especially at fabric during knitting especially with double jersey
back side. The origin of this influence has been machines.
discussed and related to needles feeding mechanisms.
In a double jersey machine, synchronised and delayed
INTRODUCTION needle timing can be employed. Synchronised timing,
Knitted fabrics are known for their high structural called also simultaneous timing, is obtained when
sensitiveness to machine adjustment parameters. The cylinder and dial needles reach the knock-over
research work can focus on macro and micro level position at the same point. The knock-over position is
aspects of fabric quality control. Today the market the deepest needle position during loop formation.
demand is on micro level [1]. The improvement of When delayed timing is set, the dial needles knock
knitted structure at micro level calls for better over their loops later than the cylinder needles lying
understanding of mechanisms of loop formation and opposite to them. Based on synchronised timing, the
their influence on fabric quality. adjustment of delayed timing corresponds to a
peripheral displacement of dial cam plate in the
The adjustment parameters of a large-diameter direction of rotation of the machine over a distance
circular knitting machine (LCKM) are very numerous equalling about five to six needles pitches [4, 5]
and contribute collectively to fabric characteristics (Figure 1).
and quality. The literature relating to specific
adjustments of the LCKM is extremely rare and
generally limited to short instructions provided by
machines manufacturers. These instructions are often
brief and do not treat specifically the impact of the
adjustments on fabric properties.