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Ultimate Retouch Guide


1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………….…2

2. Description of the panel's functions:

2.1 Block : Basic Work…………………………………………………………………………..3

2.2 Block : Frequency Separation………………………………………..………….……4

2.3 Block : Dodge & Burn……………………………………………………………………14

2.4 Block : Tools……………………………………………………………………………….…18

2.5 Block : Color Correction……………………………………………………………..…22

2.6 Block : Vignetting, Sharp & Save……………………………………………………23

2.7 Block : Custom Buttons, Information……………………………………………24

3. Shift-keys Modifiers………………………………………………………………………………25

4. Troubleshooting ……………………………………………………………………………..……27

You can find base videos and all Ultimate Retouch Tutorials in

Video Tutorials PDF Guide

Notice: You can slow down the speed of the videos in settings of YouTube
if you think that the videos are too fast

To watch tutorial

1. Introduction:
This panel is an amazing tool for a retoucher and for a photographer. It keeps you
away from boring technical Photoshop settings and gives you more time to focus on
your work. Panel includes seven blocks. Bellow you will find the detailed description of
each block. In last block you can link your favorite actions to the panel buttons.
This manual describes ‘Frequency Separation’ and ‘Dodge & Burn’ technics. I've
tried to explain them here as detailed as possible, however I would recommend to see
YouTube lessons to get a better overview of those technics.

In addition, to use this tools you required simply to understand what the Layer Mask is.

Mask is drawing only with white and black color by a simple brush. Above the
layer with a girl there is a red layer, which attached to a mask. White mask allows to see
the red layer. Black mask hide the affect of red layer, therefor we can see the bottom

When we use the black mask, we kind of deleting areas of the current layer, and
anytime we can return back what we deleted, what is impossible to do when we use
deleting tool.

You just need to change the color of the brush from black to white and draw on a
black area. Fast switch of colors controlled by key "x" on your keyboard. When you draw
by retouched brush, you will get smooth transfer from one layer to another.


- How work with masks link

- Changing Brush Size and Hardness (convenient for use in retouching) link

2. Description of the panel's functions:

2.1 Block : Basic Work

Represents a set of basic operations for the image.


- Basic Work and bonuses panels link


2.2 Block : Frequency Separation

Is a block for retouch by frequency separation methods.

Frequency Separation - a way to retouch, in which the image is separated into two
frequencies (low and high or in other words: texture and volume) that allows you to work on
each frequency separately. Together with Photoshop tools, this method provides a very flexible
application and high quality results.

Introduction to the Frequency Separation (to watch tutorial)

1 - high frequency (texture layer)

2 - Low frequency (volume)

High and low frequency together will show you the original picture.

With the Radius parameter we set what values will have a low and high frequencies. The
more we set the radius, the more blurred the lower frequency and the more small and
medium-sized parts is beginning to shift to a higher frequency. This is the flexibility of this
retouching method.

For example:
The image is separated with a radius of 7 pixels. Accurate texture now lies on the one
layer and all the spots, color and volume on the another.

The block of buttons allows you to set the radius of the frequency decomposition
manually. In addition to the separation into two frequencies, you have also option to separate
it into three frequencies, you just need to find the right radiuses.

Separation of the image into two frequencies:

Buttons 2 F-S Gaussian, 2 F-S Surface | Median

Choosing the radius, you must understand that this image will be your low frequency,
and all the little details that got blurred will be in your upper frequency. Tutorial video

In addition to the Gaussian Blur to separate on the frequencies you can use the Surface
Blur. Surface Blur allows for large blur radius not create halos. Means that in case of
contrasting borders blur with Gaussian Blur, Surface Blur allows you to save a contrasting
border. Disadvantage of this method is that using Surface Blur require to spend a lot of
resources of your computer. If you move the Threshold's slider to the right, then you will
almost have blur of Gaussian Blur. Gradually shifting it to the left, we remove blur near the
contrasting borders.
Here is the structure of the frequency separation on two frequencies with a manual
selection of the radius:

The name of each layer already describes itself, but still I would like to note few points:
a. Volume_Retouch – this is a duplicate layer which is used for retouching. If you make
a fatal error on this layer, you can always delete it and make a copy of the bottom
b. Texture_Retouch - the same, but it's for a layer of texture..
c. Texture_Boost – temporarily increases the visual texture appearing. With this option
enabled, all the texture problems are easily noticeable, with no effect on the
retouched layer.

Frequency Separation by a plugin 'Portraiture' (Tutorial video).

Notice: SHIFT + Portraiture - using this method with an automatic mask.

Due to the update of the panel version this function is now renamed to ‘2 F-S Portraiture | Auto Mask’.
For the method required plugin ‘Portraiture’. You can find it yourself => find.

The separation of the image on the three frequencies.

Notice: If you want to use the algorithm of Surface blur then hold SHIFT button and click the
button ‘3 F-S Gauss | Surface’.

Happens that the separation into two frequencies is not always enough and need
another frequency.
At first, everything happens as usual, you choose the radius of the lower frequency and
then you have to choose the high frequency radius. Thus, what is left between them will be an
middle frequency. If you imagine all of this abstractly, it would look something like this: you cut
an apple and by radius parameter you specify the depth of the lower and upper cut.

To properly understand this image with an apple, you must first imagine the cuts along
the lines, and then look at an apple on top. Each piece of it will be as appropriate frequency.

Three frequency of separated image:

The structure of the frequency separation into three frequency with manual chose of the

Tools with which you can retouch at frequencies in the separation into two and three
a. On the layer Texture_Retouch you can retouch by using Clone Stamp Tool.
Settings: Clone Stamp

Brush must be 100% Hardness and 100% Opacity otherwise texture will be blured. Look
for a source with good texture, hold Alt and copy, replace the bad texture. But if the texture is
bad in joint, then it makes sense to lower the setting Hardness.
b. On the layer Volume_Retouch you can retouch by Mixer Brush and Clone Stamp tools.
Settings: Mixer Brush

If you want to change the force of brush impact, then change the setting Flow, make it
higher or lower. This tool takes a bit of time to get used to it. Point to the color spot and
holding the left mouse button start to make point movement, color spots and skin will
gradually start to mix. With this method you can make point smoothing of low frequency spots.

Settings: Сlone Stamp Tool

Hardness should be 0-90% and the Opacity vary from 10-40%. Our task is to take a
portion of good piece at a low frequency and gradually copy it to a bad sector to make
smoothing. In the same manner you can retouch the Mid_Retouch layer by when separated
into the three frequencies.
Quick option of rough retouch is a blur of Volume_Retouсh layer with radius, which will
smooth the contrasting spots. Then you cover layer with a black mask and wipe with a white
brush on mask in the appropriate places.

Select block allows you by one-touch get to a layer for retouching, while other layers will
be turned off. If you click it again, all the layers will be turned on and retouching is done kind of
in the original image, but it is on its own frequency.
Block Texture Boost allows you to enable or disable visual display amplifier of the
texture layer. Power of the amplifier can be adjusted by reducing the opacity of the layer
Texture_Boost or by it's duplication.

In addition to the face retouch by this method can be retouched anything: hair, different
materials, subject shot and the most interesting is to get rid of folds on clothes.
The main thing is to find the right radius and remove the clothes defect in all separated
frequencies. Tutorial video

Fast Retouch (1 Method) function lets you quickly retouch photos, but it wouldn't be a
best quality of retouch. This function works as well as the separation into the three
frequencies, the difference is that the middle frequency, which we define, will be completely
cuted. Tutorial video

To get the best from this method, you need to move to the middle frequency as much
as possible skin imperfections. For the low frequency, we select a radius in a way that would
leave only neat volumes, and for the high frequency we leave only a neat texture. After that, in
the appropriate places to wipe black mask by the white brush.

The first phase of retouching is as follows:

The average frequency is removed, but along with it the needed volumes are removed
too - the right side of the face looks like plastic. To fix this, we need to use the function Return
Volume. When pressed, you will be offered to select the layer from which we have to take the
lost volume. In our case it is a Background.

Then you must specify the radius, make it around 50-80. Now you see, that only volume
remains from Background layer, pigment and texture are disappeared.

Next, increasing the Threshold slider contrasted borders are getting blurred.
Wipe by the white brush on the black mask and reduce the opacity to 50-75%.
The second phase of retouching:

Lost volumes returned.

The final stage. When we removed the middle frequency, we removed also the bad
pigment together with it. Now we need to get it back, and make it smooth. Press Return
Pigment. It only remains to adjust the color, saturation and brightness. And also to wipe the
mask with the white brush.

Slider Hue - is responsible for the color of the pigment

Slider Saturation - it's saturation
Slider Lightness - it's brightness.

Also this operation can be used if you need to add freckles to a person.
The final result:

Undoubtedly, for a good result this retouching method requires manual rework. But it
can be used when you don't have enough time for quality retouching, or you can use as a base
template for retouching.

Fast Retouch (2 Method) Tutorial video

1. Start - creates the layers structure for further retouching. To Finish the retouching
process and merge group of layers into a layer hold SHIFT and press this button.

2. Retouch Control – allows you to control the level of retouching.

3. Texture Control – It increases or reduces the skin's texture.

4. Edit Surface Blur – allows you to change the basic blurring of the skin using the
Surface Blur method.

5. Edit Global Mask – allows you to go to the layer with a mask and edit it with a black
and white brush.

6. Dodge and Burn – rapid increase in basic contrasts of the face.

 Blurs – blurring of the halo map.

 Contrast – increase the radius of the halo map.
 Opacity – change the opacity of the halo map.


- Introduction to the Frequency Separation link

- Retouch I method: Frequency Separation and Mixer Brush tool link

- Retouch II method: Frequency Separation by a plugin 'Portraiture' link

Notice: For method II required plugin ‘Portraiture’. You can find it yourself find

- Fast Retouch 1. Retouch by inverted High Pass, Return Volume, Return Pigment link

- Fast Retouch 2. An alternative way of fast retouching link

- How to get rid of cloth's folds link


2.3 Block: Dodge & Burn

Dodge & Burn - a method of retouching that works with dimming and brightening tools. By
using this method you can emphasize the volume or you can make a full face retouching,
because all imperfections are just incorrect shadows and lights. If we can make it properly
lighten and darken, then eventually we will get a clear picture. This method return a very high
quality results, but it also take a lot of time to process each image.

Dodge & Burn with Help Layers

The most splendid results are achieved by combining the two techniques Frequency
Separation and Dodge & Burn Tutorial Video

Block of standard tools for retouching and Liquify

Methods of Dodge & Burn:

Soft Light – creates a layer filled with 50% gray color that is neutral (clear) for this blend
mode. On the result layer we working with tools Dodge and Burn in the Midtones range. The
strength of the tool is determined by the parameter Exposure. Instead of constantly switching
from Dodge tool to the Burn tool you can use key Alt, but firstly you must configure both tools

Overlay – repeats the work of Softlight mode, but acts on the image more aggressively.
Curves – creates layers with curves that are covered with a black mask. With the white
brush we wipe on the white masks, which lightening and darkening the spots we need.

Help Layers - allows you to boost the visual appearance of imperfections. You can call
assistants one by one or all at once (button All Help).

We should also mention the layer assistant Solar Curve - its goal is to show unevenness
of gradient transitions that need to be smooth to get a good result.

In order to get a best quality from retouching method Dodge & Burn you have to
practice. This button creates a document with the scope for exercises. This scope is
contaminated, same as contaminated a human skin on a face. Your task make it clear by using
only the tools Dodge & Burn.

In the beginning it wont be very good. But if you will exercise every day, the quality of
your retouching with this method will improve.
We make retouch on gray layers by using tools Dodge & Burn. Every time you create an
exercise file, the pigment is always created unique.
For this method, you must have a tablet, because it's much easier to make retouching
with it. As an option you can use a mouse, but after long use your hand will get tired. Tablet
provides more accurate positioning and not require clicks.

Brush settings for the tablet should be as follows:



- Dodge & Burn with Help Layers link

- Combination techniques Frequency Separation and Dodge & Burn link

- Dual Vision for easy managing of Dodge & Burn link

- Exercises the Dodge & Burn technics link


2.4 Block: Tools

The block includes a variety of support tools for retouching, curves and work with

Volume – a tool to enhance the existing volumes in the image.

Volume HRLA – increase the volume of the entire image. This tool is based on Unsharp
Mask - High Radius Low Amount. You need to wipe on mask in the appropriate places and to
reduce the opacity of the layer to make an effect of this layer smaller.

Anti-Highlights – restores overexposed areas on the image. You just need to arrange the
mask curves, blur and wipe on the mask in bright areas.

Tan Skin – gives a tan for a skin. The impact force is controlled by the opacity of the layer.

Remove Pores – removes black dots, as well as the little pores, making the skin velvety.
Set the impact by the slider Radius, then wipe by the white brush in the appropriate areas.

Face & Lips – first you choose the color of the lips, then the color of the face (choosing
color vertically changes the brightness of the color, and if the horizontal, its saturation). Then
wipe by the whit brush on masks. To make lips more saturated use Darker_Lips layer, on the
gray layer you can make for lips the necessary volume. Also at any time you can change the
color as you like.

Iris Enhancer – enhance the iris of the eye. Must be done for each eye separately. Impact
is set by Amount slider in the first window and by Radius in the second.

Eyes Tool – multifunctional tool for complete eyes retouch. It makes iris clearer, removes
red and blue shades from eyes, change a color of the iris, bright the iris and enhances the glare
from the light source. Also creates layers for the Dodge & Burn, and allows to change the color
of eyelids. To change the color, move the Hue slider to the right direction.

White Teeth – tool which makes your teeth white. You just need to wipe by the white
brush on a black mask.

Noise Texture – creates a small noise on the current layer. To enhance the effect, press
more times.

Skin Pigment – tool to add freckles. Sliders Hue, Saturation, Lightness set up the way
they look.

Contrast – creates a curve which enhancing contrast

Matte – create a curve which make a cut-off in the shadows and highlights.

Tool for working with channels.

Red, Green, Blue – creates a new layer with a given channel.

Red Mask, Green Mask, Blue Mask – creates a mask from the channel on the current
layer (To make tool work correctly, you must stand on the mask)

Invert – allows you to invert the current layer or mask

Make Mask – lets you create a mask of the layer.


You can slow down the speed of the videos in settings of YouTube

if you think that the videos are too fast

To watch tutorial

- Part I: Manual HRLA, HDR Kit, Tan Skin, White Teeth, Anti-Highlights link

- Part II: Face and Lips (5 in 1), Skintone Gradient Map link

- Part III: Skin Pigment, Noise Texture, Manual Noise, Eyes tool (10 in 1) link

2.5 Block: Color Correction


- Color Correction and options link


2.6 Block: Vignetting, Sharp & Save

This block is made for the final processing of the image.

Each button creates a vignette of the selected type, you just need to make a selection in
any way you know. Change vignette effect by changing the opacity of the layer.

Unsharp Mask – standard sharpness of Photoshop

HighPass Sharp – sharpness through the High Pass, you just need to choose the force of
sharpness (parameter Radius)
Local HP Sharp – the same sharpness, but covered with a black mask which allows you to
make sharp just chosen areas of the image
Multi Sharpen (Web) - qualitative method of sharpen for social network. Reduce or
enhance opacity of three groups for flexible adjustment of sharpen

Save, Save As, Save for Web – standard features of Photoshop.

Horizontal и Vertical – Resize your image up to 1300 pixels on the selected side. This
type of saving is best for uploading pictures into social networks.

- Vignetting, Sharp and Save link

2.7 Block: Custom Buttons, Information:

For those buttons you can link your favorite actions. To do this, open Photoshop
and click Window - Actions. Then find your action and disclose it, select the first action
press and hold "Shift" and select the last action. Now transfer all actions into the action
"A1". Action is now linked to the button "A1".

- Custom Buttons and record actions link

3. Shift-keys Modifiers:

There are modifiers in the panel now. A modifier is a secondary function when you
hold Shift and press one other key. link

I Basic Operations: 0 keys

II Frequency Separation: 9 keys

1. Shift + 2 F-S Surface/Median - run frequency separation with 'Median' algorithm

2. Shift + Select Volume - show all hide layers in folders '2 F-S'

3. Shift + Portraiture - using this method with an automatic mask

4. Shift + Select Texture - show only 'Texture' layer with 'Texture Boost'

5. Shift + Return Volumes - create gray layer in overlay blend mode for quick Dodge & Burn

6. Shift + Return Pigment - create blank layer in color blend mode for edit colors

7. Shift + Selection - select 'Rectangular Marquee Tool'

8. Shift + Noise TXT - using three times 'Noise TXT'

9. Shift + Auto Merge - standard command 'Merge down'

III Dodge & Burn: 4 keys

1. Shift + Patch Tool - select 'Eraser Tool'

2. Shift + Soft Light - create blank layer in 'Soft Light' blend mode for alternative method D&Burn

3. Shift + Overlay - create blank layer in 'Soft Light' blend mode for alternative method D& Burn

4. Shift + Over Saturation Check - delete this layer

IV Local Tools: 7 keys

1. Shift + Anti-Highlights - run this function with the ability to change settings

2. Shift + Volume - run this function with the ability to change settings

3. Shift + 3 Points - create '3 Points'function' with special settings for gain highlights

4. Shift + 4 Points - create '4 Points'function' with special settings for gain highlights

5. Shift + Red - create image from red channel and set it in 'Soft Light' blend mode

6. Shift + Green - create image from green channel and set it in 'Soft Light' blend mode

7. Shift + Blue - create image from blue channel and set it in 'Soft Light' blend mode

V Color Correction: 1 key

1. Shift + All CC - create preview file for all color presets with manual resolution. After that create
all color presets

VI Vignetting, Sharp & Save: 1 keys

1. Shift + Colored - create colored vignette in 'Normal' blend mode

VII Custom Buttons: 0

- Using shift-keys Modifiers link

4. Troubleshooting:

To avoid some function’s minor errors, I would recommend you to close the
group with actions and click on the upper layer when you want to use a new
panel's function.

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