The Complete Redux Book
The Complete Redux Book
The Complete Redux Book
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Should I Read This Book? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
How to Read This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i
Code Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Chapter 5. Reducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Reducers in Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Avoiding Mutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Ensuring Immutability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Using Immer for Temporary Mutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Higher-Order Reducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Chapter 6. Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Understanding next() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Our First Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Async Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Using Middleware for Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Other Action Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Parameter-Based Middleware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
The Difference Between next() and dispatch() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
How Are Middleware Used? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Preface ii
The third part of the book contains examples and use cases from real applications. Redux has
a great ecosystem, and there are a lot of tips, tricks, and libraries that can be applied to many
projects of different scale. We provide you with solutions for common problems including server
communication, state management, testing, and more.
It is highly recommended that you start by reading the first part as a whole. Even if you already have
knowledge of Redux and have used it, the opening chapters will clarify all the underlying concepts
and lay down the groundwork for the code we will use throughout the second and third parts of the
No matter who you are—an explorer learning about Redux for fun, or a hard-working professional
who needs to solve real problems fast—this book will provide new ideas and insights to help you on
your path.
Code Repository
The code samples from this book are available in the book’s repository on GitHub¹ and should work
in all modern browsers.
Writing a technical book on a popular JavaScript library nowadays isn’t a simple task. New
techniques, best practices, and opinions keep popping up every other week. Combined with a day
job and a family, it’s even harder. The only way we could succeed is with help from other awesome
people along the way.
To Redux’s creators, Dan Abramov and Andrew Clark, as well as to the many contributors to Redux
and its ecosystem, thank you for improving data management and making this book relevant.
To our technical copyeditor, Rachel Head², thank you so much for fixing our English and making
this book more understandable.
To all our colleagues at 500Tech³, thanks for being awesome and making us feel good every day.
And obviously thank you, our dear readers, for deciding to spend your time and money on reading
this book. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it.
—Boris & Ilya
Part 1. Introduction to Redux
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and
Penicillin, x-rays, and the pacemaker are famous examples of unintended discoveries. Redux, in a
similar way, wasn’t meant to become a library, but turned out to be a great Flux implementation. In
May 2015, one of its authors, Dan Abramov⁴, submitted a talk to the ReactEurope conference about
“hot reloading and time travel.” He admits he had no idea how to implement time travel at that
point. With help from Andrew Clark⁵ and inspired by some elegant ideas from the Elm⁶ language,
Dan eventually came up with a very nice architecture. When people started catching on to it, he
decided to market it as a library.
In less than half a year, that small (only 2 KB) library became the go-to framework for React
developers, as its tiny size, easy-to-read code, and very simple yet neat ideas were much easier to
get to grips with than competing Flux implementations. In fact, Redux is not exactly a Flux library,
though it evolved from the ideas behind Facebook’s Flux architecture. The official definition of
Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. This means that you store all of
your application state in one place and can know what the state is at any given point in time.
What Is Flux?
Before diving into Redux, we should get familiar with its base and predecessor, the Flux architecture.
Flux is a generic architecture or pattern, rather than a specific implementation. Its ideas were first
introduced publicly⁷ by Bill Fisher and Jing Chen at the Facebook F8 conference in April 2014.
Flux was touted as redefining the previous ideas of MVC (Model–View–Controller) and MVVM
(Model–View–ViewModel) patterns and two-way data binding introduced by other frameworks by
suggesting a new flow of events on the front end, called the unidirectional data flow.
In Flux, events are managed one at a time in a circular flow with a number of actors: dispatcher,
stores, and actions. An action is a structure describing any change in the system: mouse clicks,
timeout events, network requests, and so on. Actions are sent to a dispatcher, a single point in the
system where anyone can submit an action for handling. The application state is then maintained
in stores that hold parts of the application state and react to commands from the dispatcher.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 3
Flux overview
This flow ensures that it’s easy to reason about how actions flow in the system, what will cause the
state to change, and how it will change.
Consider an example from a jQuery or AngularJS (prior to version 2) application. A click on a button
can cause multiple callbacks to be executed, each updating different parts of the system, which might
in turn trigger updates in other places. In this scenario it is virtually impossible for the developer
of a large application to know how a single event might modify the application’s state, and in what
order the changes will occur.
In Flux, the click event will generate a single action that will mutate the store and then the view. Any
actions created by the store or other components during this process will be queued and executed
only after the first action is done and the view is updated.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 4
Flux as a Library
Facebook’s developers did not initially open-source their implementation of Flux, but rather released
only parts of it, like the dispatcher. The concept of the Flux flow was immediately taken up by the
JavaScript community and caused a lot of different open-source implementations to be built and
released in quick succession.
Some of the new Flux libraries followed the basic Flux pattern very closely, while others differed
significantly from the original patterns. For example, some moved to having multiple dispatchers or
introduced dependencies between stores.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 5
Application Data
To better understand Redux, let’s imagine an application that helps us manage a recipe book. All the
data for our recipe book application, consisting of a list of recipes and their details, will be stored in
a single large object: the store. It is best to compare this pattern to having a database on the front
end of your application, much like the database on the server side, that might hold multiple tables
(or collections) for each data object.
While many other frameworks divide the data between different services and areas, in Redux we
keep all our data in a central repository accessible by all parts of the UI.
Updating the UI
Each UI framework using Redux (React, Angular, etc.) is responsible for subscribing to the store to
listen to its “store updated” events and updating the UI accordingly.
The core concept of Redux is that our UI always reflects the state of the application in the store.
Sending an action will cause our store to use our reducers to calculate a new state and notify the UI
layer to update the UI accordingly.
Advanced Flows
There are other parts of Redux that make the application easier to build and manage, like the
middleware. Every action gets passed through a pipeline of middleware. Unlike reducers, middleware
can modify, stop, or add more actions. Examples might include logging middleware, authorization
middleware that checks if the user has the necessary permissions to run the action, or API
middleware that sends something to the server.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 6
Redux overview
Redux Terminology
Before going any further, let’s make these concepts more concrete with some examples.
type: 'INCREMENT',
payload: {
counterId: 'main',
amount: -10
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 7
Since these objects might have some logic and can be used in multiple places in an application, they
are commonly wrapped in a function that can generate the objects based on a parameter:
As these functions create action objects, they are aptly named action creators.
Once an action is sent to the store, the store needs to figure out how to change the state accordingly.
To do so, it calls a function, passing it the current state and the received action:
This function is called a reducer. In real Redux applications, there will be one root reducer function
that will call additional reducer functions to calculate the nested state:
return Object.assign({}, state, {
counter: state.counter + action.payload.amount
return state;
This sample reducer copies the original state into a new JavaScript object and overwrites the counter
key with an updated value. The reducer does not change the original state parameter passed to it,
keeping it immutable.
Reducers never modify the original state; they always create a new copy with the needed
Middleware is a more advanced feature of Redux and will be discussed in detail in later chapters.
Middleware act like interceptors for actions before they reach the store: they can modify the actions,
create more actions, suppress actions, and much more. Since middleware have access to the actions,
the dispatch() function, and the store, they are the most versatile and powerful entities in Redux.
Unlike many other Flux implementations, Redux has a single store that holds the application
information but no user logic. The role of the store is to receive actions, pass them through all
the registered middleware, and then use reducers to calculate a new state and save it.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 9
When it receives an action that causes a change to the state, the store will notify all registered
listeners that a change to the state has been made. This will allow various parts of the system, like
the UI, to update themselves according to the new state.
General Concepts
Redux is all about functional programming and pure functions. Understanding these concepts is
crucial to understanding the underlying principles of Redux.
Functional programming has become a trendy topic in the web development domain lately, but it
was actually invented around the 1950s. The paradigm centers around avoiding changing state and
mutable data—in other words, making your code predictable and free of side effects.
JavaScript allows you to write code in a functional style, as it treats functions as first-class objects.
This means you can store functions in variables, pass them as arguments to other functions, and
return them as values of other functions. But since JavaScript was not designed to be a functional
programming language per se, there are some caveats that you will need to keep in mind. In order
to get started with Redux, you need to understand pure functions and mutation.
function square(x) {
return x * x;
If a function uses any variables not passed in as arguments or creates side effects, the function is
impure. When a function depends on variables or functions outside of its lexical scope, you can never
be sure that the function will behave the same every time it’s called. For example, the following are
impure functions:
function getUser(userId) {
return UsersModel.fetch(userId).then((result) => result);
Mutating Objects
Another important concept that often causes headaches for developers starting to work with Redux
is immutability. JavaScript has limited tooling for managing immutable objects, and we are often
required to use external libraries.
Immutability means that something can’t be changed, guaranteeing developers that if you create an
object, it will have the same properties and values forever. For example, let’s declare a simple object
as a constant:
const colors = {
red: '#FF0000',
green: '#00FF00',
blue: '#0000FF'
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 11
Even though the colors object is a constant, we can still change its content, as const will only check
if the reference to the object has changed:
colors = {};
console.log(colors); = '#FFFFFF';
Try writing this in the developer console. You will see that you can’t reassign an empty object to
colors, but you can change its internal value.
To make the colors object appear immutable, we can use the Object.freeze() method:
Object.freeze(colors); = '#000000';
The value of the red property will now be '#FFFFFF'. If you thought that the value should be
'#FF0000', you missed that we changed the red property before we froze the object. This is a good
example of how easy it is to overlook this kind of thing in real applications.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 12
Here, once we used Object.freeze(), the colors object became immutable. In practice things
are often more complicated, though. JavaScript does not provide good native ways to make data
structures fully immutable. For example, Object.freeze() won’t freeze nested objects:
orders.milk.price -= 15;
To work around the nature of our beloved language, we have to use third-party libraries like deep-
freeze⁹, seamless-immutable¹⁰, or Immutable.js¹¹.
Redux—or its concepts—is used on the server side too, with implementations in Java,
Python, and more. There are even implementations for other platforms, such as ReSwift¹⁴
for iOS.
The connection to different frameworks is done with the help of third-party libraries that provide
a set of convenience functions for each framework in order to seamlessly connect to Redux. Since
this book aims to be framework-agnostic we won’t be covering the various connectors, but most are
relatively simple and provide ample documentation on setting up the connections.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 13
Using this structure, let’s build a simple application that will implement a counter. Our application
will use pure JavaScript and HTML and require no additional libraries in any modern browser. We
are going to have two buttons that will allow us to increment and decrement a simple counter, and
a place where we can see the current counter value:
<span id='counter'></span>
<button id='inc'>Increment</button>
<button id='dec'>Decrement</button>
let state = {
counter: 3
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 14
To make our demo functional, let’s create a click handler for each button that will use the dispatch()
function to notify our store that an action needs to be performed:
We will come back to its implementation later in this chapter. Also, let’s define a function that will
update the counter’s value in the HTML based on application state received as an argument:
Since we want our view to represent the current application state, we need it to be updated every
time the state (and the counter) changes. For that, we will use the subscribe() function, which
we will also implement a bit later. The role of the function will be to call our callback every time
anything in the state changes:
We have now created a basic application structure with a simple state, implemented a function that
will be responsible for updating the HTML based on the state, and defined two “magic” functions—
dispatch() and subscribe()—to dispatch actions and subscribe to changes in the state. But there
is still one thing missing. How will our mini-Redux know how to handle the events and change the
application state?
For this, we define an additional function. On each action dispatched, Redux will call our function,
passing it the current state and the action. To be compliant with Redux’s terminology, we will call
the function a reducer. The job of the reducer will be to understand the action and, based on it,
create a new state.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 15
In our simple example our state will hold a counter, and its value will be incremented or decremented
based on the action:
// Our mutation (reducer) function creates a new state based on the action passed
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action) {
case 'INC':
return Object.assign({}, state, { counter: state.counter + 1 });
case 'DEC':
return Object.assign({}, state, { counter: state.counter - 1 });
return state;
An important thing to remember is that reducers must always return a new, modified copy of the
state. They shouldn’t mutate the existing state, like in this example:
// This is wrong!
state.counter = state.counter + 1;
Later in the book you will learn how you can avoid mutations in JavaScript with and without the
help of external libraries.
Now it’s time to implement the actual change of the state. Since we are building a generic framework,
we will not include the code to increment/decrement the counter (as it is application-specific) but
rather will call a function that we expect the user to supply, called reducer(). This is the reducer
we mentioned before.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 16
The dispatch() function calls the reducer() implemented by the application creator, passing it both
the current state and the action it received. This information should be enough for the reducer()
function to calculate a new state. We then check if the new state differs from the old one, and if it
does, we replace the old state and notify all the listeners of the change:
dispatch() implementation
function dispatch(action) {
const newState = reducer(state, action);
Again, it is very important to note that we expect a reducer to create a new state and not just modify
the existing one. We will be using a simple comparison by reference to check whether the state has
One remaining task is to notify our view of the state change. In our example we only have a single
listener, but we already can implement full listener support by allowing multiple callbacks to register
for the “state change” event. We will implement this by keeping a list of all the registered callbacks:
subscribe() implementation
function subscribe(callback) {
This might surprise you, but we have just implemented the major part of the Redux framework. The
real code¹⁵ isn’t much longer, and we highly recommended that you take half an hour to read it.
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 17
We then change our previous state definition to be a constant that only defines the initial value of
the state:
const initialState = {
counter: 3
As you can see, we are using our reducer from before. The only change that needs to be made to the
reducer is in the switch statement. Instead of using just the action:
switch (action)
we include the mandatory type property, which indicates the type of action being performed:
switch (action.type)
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 18
The Redux store will also give us all the features we implemented ourselves before, like subscribe()
and dispatch(). Thus, we can safely delete these methods.
To subscribe to store changes, we simply call the subscribe() method of the store:
Since subscribe() does not pass the state to the callback, we need to access it via store.getState():
The last change is in the dispatch() method. As mentioned previously, our actions now need to
have the type property. Thus, instead of sending the string 'INC' as the action, we now need to
send { type: 'INC' }.
<script src=""></script>
<span id='counter'> </span>
<button id='inc'>Increment</button>
<button id='dec'>Decrement</button>
Chapter 1. Core Concepts of Flux and Redux 19
// Our mutation (reducer) function creates
// a _new_ state based on the action passed
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'INC':
return Object.assign({}, state, { counter: state.counter + 1 });
case 'DEC':
return Object.assign({}, state, { counter: state.counter - 1 });
return state;
const initialState = {
counter: 3
In this chapter we briefly covered the history of Redux and Flux, and how Redux works at its core.
We also discussed basic functional programming principles, such as pure functions and immutability.
As they are very important for our real-world applications, we will talk about these concepts more
later in the book. In the next chapter we are going to demonstrate how to actually work with Redux
by building a simple recipe book application.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application
In the previous chapter you learned what Redux is and how it works. In this chapter you will learn
how to use it for a simple project. It is highly recommended that you follow along with and fully
understand this chapter and its code before moving on to more advanced topics.
Starter Project
Modern client-side applications often require use of some so-called “boilerplate” in order to
make development easier. The boilerplate may include things such as directory structure, code
transformation tools like SCSS and ES2018 compilers, testing infrastructure, and production pipeline
tools for tasks such as minification, compression, and concatenation.
To ease the chore of setting up a new project, all the popular frameworks have optional command-
line tools to help developers quickly bootstrap their projects with all the required settings, such as
Create React App¹⁶, Vue CLI¹⁷, or the heavier Angular CLI¹⁸ that offers many more features than
just project initiation.
Besides the official tools, the open-source community has created dozens of different starter projects.
The larger ones, like react-boilerplate¹⁹ and react-redux-starter-kit²⁰, consist of over a
hundred files.
For our purposes we will use a bare-bones boilerplate, just enough to cover all the concepts explained
in this book. As our project will be pure Redux, it will require no React or related libraries, and we
will use the most minimal Webpack²¹ configuration; just sufficient to enable use of ES2015 modules
and live page reloading when we make code changes.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 21
To start things off, we’ll clone the starter project²², install the needed packages, and verify that our
environment is ready:
If everything went smoothly, you should be able to access http://localhost:8080 and see a page
showing “A simple Redux starter” and a running counter. If you open the JavaScript console in
the developer tools, you should also see “Redux started” in the console. The project is ready! Time
to open the code editor and go over the four files currently making up the project.
Skeleton Overview
Let’s take a quick look at all the files that are included within the starter project. The main file we
will be working with is app.js, but it is important to get familiar with the directory structure before
you start working on any project. The project files are:
While the majority of the fields in this file are irrelevant at this point, it is important to
note two sections, devDependencies and dependencies. The former contains a list of all the
tools needed to build the project. It currently includes only Webpack-related packages, just
to enable us to run our app. The dependencies section lists all the packages we will bundle
with our application. It includes only the redux library itself, and jquery to make the DOM
manipulation code look nicer.
This is the main Webpack configuration file. This settings file instructs Webpack how to chain
transpilation tools and how to build packages, and usually holds most of the configuration of
the project’s tooling. In our simple project there is only one settings file (larger projects might
have more granular files for testing, development, and production). Our webpack.config.js file
defines app.js as the main file, which acts as an entry point to our application and the output
destination for the bundled project.
index.html, app.js
Single-page applications, unlike their server-rendered cousins, have a single entry point. In
our project every part and page of the application will be rendered starting from index.html,
and all the JavaScript-related startup code will be in app.js.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 22
To begin, let’s clean up the starter project so you have a clean slate to follow along with the
instructions in this chapter.
First, remove all content from the app.js file. Then change the index.html file to the simple version
below, removing all unnecessary code from the body section:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>The Complete Redux Book - Example Application</title>
<div id="app"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>
The only div will be our mounting point to the single-page application. This is where we will
programmatically initiate and update our UI using jQuery.
You’re ready! Once you run npm start, the application in the browser should update automatically
when you make changes to the code. The final application is available for your reference on GitHub
in the full example repository²³.
Example Application
To illustrate how to use different parts of Redux, we will be building a recipe book application. It
will allow adding recipes and ingredients for each recipe, and will fetch an initial recipe list from a
remote server. In accordance with Redux principles, the application will keep all its state—data and
UI—in the global store.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 23
The first step with any Redux-based app is to plan how data will be arranged in the store. Our recipe
object will start out holding only the recipe’s name. We will add more fields later, as needed. To store
the current list, we can use a regular array:
recipes = [
{ name: 'Omelette' },
Ingredients for each recipe will contain a name and a quantity. Connecting them to the state will
be a bigger challenge. There are three general approaches to make this connection.
The nested objects approach is to hold the ingredients as an array inside a recipe itself:
state = {
recipes: [
name: 'Omelette',
ingredients: [
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 2
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 24
The nested reference approach is to store the recipe ingredient information directly in the state and
hold an array of recipe ingredient IDs in each recipe:
state = {
recipes: [
name: 'Omelette',
ingredients: [2, 3]
ingredients: {
2: { name: 'Egg', quantity: 2 },
3: { name: 'Milk', quantity: 1 }
The separate object approach is to store the ingredients as a standalone array in the state, and put
the ID of the recipe the array is connected to inside of it:
state = {
recipes: [
id: 10,
name: 'Omelette'
ingredients: [
recipe_id: 10,
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 2
recipe_id: 10,
name: 'Milk',
quantity: 1
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 25
While all the approaches have their upsides and downsides, you will quickly discover that in Redux,
keeping the structure as flat and normalized as possible (as in the second and third examples shown
here) makes the code cleaner and simpler. The state’s structure implies the use of two separate
reducers for recipes and ingredients. We can process both independently.
The biggest difference between the second and third options is how the link is made (what holds
the ID of what). In the second example, adding an ingredient will require an update in two different
parts of the state—in both the recipes and ingredients subtrees—while in the third approach, we
can always update only one part of the tree. In our example we will use this method.
The subject of state management is covered in detail in the State Management chapter in
Part 3.
Store Setup
We will start by creating the store. In Redux there is only one store, which is created and initialized
by the createStore() method. Let’s open our app.js file and create the store: = store;
The createStore() function can receive a number of parameters, with only one being required—the
reducer. In our example, the reducer simply returns the same state regardless of the action.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 26
To make things more interesting, we can provide a default state to the store. This is useful when
learning, but the real use of this feature is mainly with server rendering, where we precalculate the
state of the application on the server and then can create the store with the precalculated state on
the client. We provide an initial state as follows:
const initialState = {
recipes: [{
name: 'Omelette'
ingredients: [{
recipe: 'Omelette',
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 2
}; = store;
In the last line we make the store globally available by defining it as a property of the global window
object. If we go to the JavaScript console, we can now try playing with it:
// Object {recipes: Array[1], ingredients: Array[1]}
As you can see, we can use the store object to access the current state using getState(), subscribe
to get notifications on store changes using subscribe(), and send actions using dispatch().
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 27
Adding Recipes
To implement adding recipes, we need to find a way to modify our store. As we learned in the
previous chapter, store modifications can only be done by reducers in response to actions. This
means we need to define an action structure and modify our (very lean) reducer to support it.
Actions in Redux are nothing more than plain objects that have a mandatory type property. We will
be using strings to name our actions, with the most appropriate in this case being 'ADD_RECIPE'.
Since a recipe has a name, we will also add that to the action’s data when dispatching:
Dispatching an action
Let’s modify our reducer to support the new action. A simple approach might appear to be the
return state;
While this looks correct (and works when tested in our simple example), this code violates the basic
Redux principle of state immutability. Our reducers must never change the state, but only create a
new version of it, with any modifications needed. Thus, our reducer code needs to be modified:
return state;
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 28
The 'ADD_RECIPE' case has become more complex but works exactly as expected. We are using the
Object.assign() method to create a new object that has all the key/value pairs from our old state,
but overrides the recipes key with a new value.
To calculate the new list of recipes we use concat() instead of push(), as push() modifies the
original array while concat() creates a new array containing the original values and the new one.
More information about the Object.assign() method is available in the Reducers chapter in Part
Adding Ingredients
Similar to adding recipes, this step will require us to modify the reducer again to add support for
adding ingredients:
const newIngredient = {
recipe: action.recipe,
quantity: action.quantity
return Object.assign({}, state, {
ingredients: state.ingredients.concat(newIngredient)
return state;
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 29
Let’s test the new functionality by dispatching some actions from the browser console:
recipe: 'Pancakes',
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 3
If you followed the instructions correctly, you should be able to see the new recipe and ingredient
in the state.
One problem you might encounter while dispatching actions from the console to test the store is
that it’s hard to remember the properties that need to be passed in the action object. This, among
other reasons, is why in Redux we use the concept of action creators: functions that create the action
objects for us. For example:
This function both hides the structure of the action from the user and allows us to modify the action,
setting default values for properties, performing cleanup, trimming names, and so on.
For more information on action creators, consult the Actions and Action Creators chapter
in Part 2.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 30
Now it’s time for the reducers. We create a directory called reducers and put our only reducer in
the root.js file within that directory, renaming it to rootReducer. We can export it using the default
export since we will only have one reducer per file:
const newIngredient = {
recipe: action.recipe,
quantity: action.quantity
return state;
Finally, since we only have a single store, we can put all its configuration code in one file, store.js.
We will now use the new rootReducer we just created, and we’ll export the store so we can use it
later in our application:
const initialState = {
recipes: [{ name: 'Omelette' }],
ingredients: [{ recipe: 'Omelette', name: 'Egg', quantity: 2 }]
}; = store;
After making all these changes, we can use the store and action creators in our main app.js file. Try
the following:
store.dispatch(addIngredient('Pancakes', 'Egg', 3));
If you’ve made no mistakes, you should be able to see the updated store using the store.getState()
method in your browser’s console.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 33
Multi-responsibility reducer
const recipesReducer = (recipes, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_RECIPE':
return recipes.concat({name:});
return recipes;
Since we are using multiple reducers, let’s extract them into their own files to follow the rule of one
reducer per file. We can import the subreducers into the root reducer, which will in turn be used by
the store:
const recipesReducer = (recipes = [], action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_RECIPE':
return recipes.concat({ name: });
return recipes;
return ingredients.concat(newIngredient);
return ingredients;
There are three main benefits to extracting subtree management functionality into separate reducers:
1. The root reducer only creates a new state object by combining the old state and the results of
each of the subreducers.
2. The recipes reducer is much simpler as it only has to handle the recipes part of the state.
3. All the other reducers—root, ingredients, and any future ones—don’t need to know or care
about the internal structure of the recipes subtree. Thus, changes to that part of the state tree
will only require changes to the recipes reducer.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 35
A side effect of the third point is that we can tell each reducer how to initialize its own subtree
instead of relying on a big initialState passed as an argument to the createStore() function.
Setting the initial state for each reducer can be done by using default parameters from ES2015:
Go ahead and define an initial state for each subreducer, and then remove the initialState
definition and argument from store.js: = store;
Since combining multiple reducers is a very common pattern, Redux has a special utility function,
combineReducers(), which does exactly what our root reducer does. Let’s replace our implementa-
tion in reducers/root.js using this combineReducers() function:
Here we created a root reducer that employs two subreducers, one sitting in the recipes subtree
and the other in the ingredients subtree, each responsible for setting its own initial state.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 36
Now in our reducers and action creators we will use the constants instead of the strings:
Using constants
Go ahead and replace strings with action types in all your reducers and actions.
A Simple UI
To give you an idea of how a basic UI can be connected to Redux, we will be using a bit of jQuery
magic. Note that this example is very simple and should never be used in a real application, although
it should give you a general feeling of how “real” applications connect to Redux.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 37
Let’s store our current UI in ui.js. The jQuery UI will create a simple view of the current recipes in
the store:
function updateUI() {
const { recipes } = store.getState();
const renderRecipe = (recipe) => `<li>${ }</li>`;
We are using jQuery’s append() method to add a new div to our application container and using
the updateUI() function to pull the recipes list from our state and display the recipes as a list of
unordered elements.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 38
To make our UI respond to updates, we can simply register the updateUI() function within our
store, inside loadUI():
Now it’s time to connect this UI logic into our application. We can do that by importing the loadUI()
function from the file we’ve just created and calling it inside the app.js file:
store.dispatch(addIngredient('Pancakes', 'Egg', 3));
If you’ve done everything correctly, you should now see the UI in your browser.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 39
To support adding recipes, we will add a simple input field and button and use our store’s dispatch()
method together with the addRecipe() action creator to send actions to the store:
function updateUI() {
const { recipes } = store.getState();
const renderRecipe = (recipe) => `<li>${ }</li>`;
function handleAdd() {
const $recipeName = $('.recipes > input');
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 40
Now that our UI allows us to add new recipes, we find that it’s hard to see what actions are sent to
the store. One option is to log received actions from the root reducer—but as we will see shortly, this
can be problematic. Another option is to use the middleware we discussed in the previous chapter.
The store holds connections to all the middleware functions, which receive actions before the
reducers. This means they have access to any actions dispatched to the store. To test this, let’s create
a simple logging middleware that will print any action sent to the store.
Go ahead and create a middleware directory and a log.js file within it:
The structure might seem strange at first, as we are creating a function that returns a function that
returns a function. While this might be a little confusing, it is required by the way Redux combines
middleware. In practice, in the innermost function we have access to the dispatch() and getState()
methods from the store, the current action being processed, and the next() method, which allows
us to call the next middleware in line.
Our logger prints the current action and then calls next(action) to pass the action on to the
next middleware. In some cases, middleware might suppress actions or change them. That is why
implementing a logger in a reducer is not a viable solution: some of the actions might not reach it.
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 41
To connect the middleware to our store, we need to modify our store.js file to use Redux’s
applyMiddleware() utility function: = store;
Sadly, we can’t handle the action inside a reducer. Since the action requires server access that might
take time, our reducer will not be able to handle the response—reducers should return the modified
state immediately.
Luckily, we have middleware, which has access to the store and thus the store’s dispatch() method.
This means we can catch the action in middleware, submit a network request, and then send a new
action to the reducers with the data already inside.
Once the data arrives we will dispatch a special SET_RECIPES action that will pass the response from
the server to the recipes reducer, which will in turn update the state using the data provided by the
Chapter 2. Example Redux Application 42
Why do we need two actions? The first action, FETCH_RECIPES, is sent by the UI to tell Redux that
a server API request needs to be performed. After the request is successfully completed, the data
received from the server is saved to the store with a new SET_RECIPES action.
Let’s create a SET_RECIPES action type in the constants/actionTypes.js file and add a setRecipes()
action creator to actions/recipes.js:
Here is a simple API middleware that listens to FETCH_RECIPES and dispatches SET_RECIPES when
the data arrives. We will put it in a separate middleware/api.js file:
The main code of our middleware is a simple if statement that calls the fetchData() function and
passes it a callback that dispatches setRecipes() with the returned data: = store;
export default store;
We also need to modify our reducers/recipes.js to support the new SET_RECIPES action:
return recipes;
The code for the reducer is surprisingly simple. Since we get a new list of recipes from the server,
we can just return that list as the new recipes list:
Finally, let’s replace our dispatch() calls in app.js with the new fetchRecipes() action creator:
If you were curious enough to check the server response for the FETCH_RECIPES action, you might
have noticed that it includes not only recipes, but also ingredients. We encourage you to take some
time and implement setIngredients() to practice everything you have learned in this chapter. The
final application is available for your reference on GitHub in the full example repository²⁴.
In a real application the API middleware will be more generic and robust. We will go into
much more detail in the Middleware chapter in Part 2.
In this chapter we have built a simple Redux application that supports multiple reducers, middleware,
and action creators. We’ve set up access to a server and built a minimal UI using jQuery. Now you
should have enough Redux knowledge to dive deeper into more advanced aspects of various Redux
actors and APIs.
Part 2. Redux in Depth
Chapter 3. The Store
In contrast to most other Flux implementations, in Redux there is a single store that holds all
of the application state in one object. The store is also responsible for changing the state when
something happens in our application. In fact, we could say that Redux is the store. When we talk
about accessing the state, dispatching an action, or listening to state changes, it is the store that is
responsible for all of it.
Sometimes the concern is raised that storing the whole state in one huge JavaScript object
might be wasteful. But since objects are reference-type values and the state is just an object
holding references to other objects, it doesn’t have any memory implications; it is the same
as storing many objects in different variables.
Creating a Store
To create the store we use the createStore() factory function exported by Redux. It accepts three
arguments: a mandatory reducer function, an optional initial state, and an optional store enhancer.
We will cover store enhancers later in this chapter and will start by creating a basic store with a
dummy reducer that ignores actions and returns the state as it is:
Sample store
const initialState = {
recipes: [],
ingredients: []
The initialState parameter is optional, and usually we delegate the task of building an
initial state to reducers, as described in the Reducers chapter. However, it can be useful
when you want to load the initial state from the server to speed up page load times. State
management is covered extensively in the State Management chapter.
Chapter 3. The Store 47
The simple store that we have just created has five methods that allow us to access, change, and
observe the state. Let’s examine each of them.
// => { recipes: [], ingredients: [] }
Now we can rewrite our reducer to make it able to create an updated state for actions of type
'ADD_RECIPE' and return the current state otherwise:
Listening to Updates
Now that we know how the store updates the state, we need a way to update the UI or other parts
of our application when the state changes. The store allows us to subscribe to state changes using
the subscribe() method. It accepts a callback function, which will be executed after every action
has been dispatched:
The callback in subscribe() does not receive any arguments, so in order to access the state
we must call store.getState() ourselves.
The return value of the subscribe() method is a function that can be used to unsubscribe from the
store. It is important to remember to call unsubscribe() for all subscriptions to prevent memory
Code splitting—separating the production bundle into multiple files and loading them on
demand when the user performs some interaction or visits a specific route—is commonly
done if the application is too large to bundle into a single file or if you want to gain extra
performance. Implementing lazy loading is outside the scope of this book, but you might
want to know that code splitting also can be applied to the Redux store, thanks to the
replaceReducer() method.
Chapter 3. The Store 49
Let’s look at a simple example with some functionality available only for authenticated users. At
initial load, our store will only handle the currentUser substate—just enough for the authentication:
After the user signs in, we load the new functionality. Now we need to make sure our store is aware
of the new subset of our application state and the function that should handle it. Here is where the
replaceReducer() method comes in handy:
Keep in mind that when you call replaceReducer(), Redux automatically calls the same initial
action it calls when you first create the store, so your new reducer automatically gets executed and
the new state is immediately available via the store.getState() method. For more on the initial
action, see the Reducers chapter.
The same technique can be used by development tools to implement the hot reloading mechanism
for a better developer experience. Hot reloading is a concept where source code changes don’t cause
a full page reload, but rather the affected code is swapped in place by special software and the
application as a whole is kept in the same state that it was in before the code change. Hot reloading
tools are outside the scope of this book, but you can easily find more information online.
Store as Observable
Starting from version 3.5.0, the Redux store can also act as an Observable. This allows libraries like
RxJS to subscribe to the store’s state changes. This subscription method is different from the regular
subscribe() method of the store: when subscribing to the store as an Observable, the latest state is
passed without the need to call store.getState().
Chapter 3. The Store 50
This basic API is interoperable with most common Reactive libraries (e.g., RxJS). Any library that
exports the next() method can subscribe and receive updates. This implementation also conforms
to the ECMAScript Observable proposal²⁶.
If you don’t use Reactive libraries, you can still subscribe to the store by accessing the Sym-
bol.observable property (or using the symbol-observable polyfill, like Redux does):
Subscribing with a generic observer will cause the observer’s next() method to be called on every
state change and passed the current store state:
Subscribing to changes
const observer = {
next(state) {
console.log("State change", state);
Chapter 3. The Store 51
To unsubscribe, we simply call the function returned from the call to subscribe():
1. getState()
2. dispatch()
3. subscribe()
4. replaceReducer()
5. Symbol.observable
Together they make up the whole of the store’s API and most of the API Redux exports. In the first
chapter of this book we learned how the first three are enough to build a fully functional application.
This small API footprint, coupled with strong versatility, is what makes Redux so compelling and
easy to understand.
Higher-Order Functions
Before we proceed, let’s do a quick overview of what higher-order functions are. We can define
the term as referring to a function that either takes one or more functions as arguments, returns a
function as its result, or does both. Here’s an example:
function output(message) {
function addTimeStamp(fn) {
return function(...args) {
console.log(`Executed at: ${}`);
timedOutput('Hello World!');
Here, the output() function prints our message to the console. The addTimeStamp() function is a
higher-order function that can take any other function as an argument and logs the time of execution.
Calling addTimeStamp() with output() as the parameter creates a new “wrapped” function that has
enhanced functionality. It still has the signature of the original output() function but now also
prints the timestamp.
Chapter 3. The Store 53
Multiple decoration
Using multiple decorators is a valid and practical approach, but the resulting code can be hard to
read and appear somewhat cumbersome. Instead, Redux provides the compose() function to handle
multiple wrappers in a cleaner manner:
The simplest implementation of that function is very neat. Notice the use of the reduceRight()
method on the array of functions, which ensures that wrapping of higher-order functions happens
from right to left:
compose() implementation
function compose(...funcs) {
return (...args) => {
const last = funcs[funcs.length - 1]
const rest = funcs.slice(0, -1)
return rest.reduceRight(
(composed, f) => f(composed),
Chapter 3. The Store 54
Store Enhancers
Store enhancers are higher-order functions used to enhance the default behavior of the Redux store.
In contrast to middleware and reducers, they have access to all internal store methods (even those
not available to middleware, such as subscribe()).
To give a few examples, there are store enhancers for:
Let’s build an example store enhancer that will persist state changes and load initial state from
localStorage. To enhance or decorate a store, we need to write a higher-order function that receives
the original store factory function as a parameter and returns a function similar in signature to
return store;
Chapter 3. The Store 55
We start by creating a store. We first check if an initialState was originally passed. If it was, we
create the store with it. Otherwise, we read the initial state from localStorage:
let store;
Right after our store is initiated, we subscribe to state updates and save the state to localStorage
on every change. This will ensure our state and localStorage are always in sync. Finally, we return
the decorated store:
return store;
This example doesn’t handle errors or edge cases, but it shows the basics of a store enhancer. To
simplify the syntax, Redux allows us to pass the store enhancer as a parameter to createStore():
If you’ve been following along carefully, you may have noticed that in the sample code at the
beginning of the chapter the second parameter to the createStore() function was initialState.
Both parameters are optional, and Redux is smart enough to distinguish between the state object
and the store enhancer when you pass only two arguments. However, if you also need an initial
state, the parameters of createStore() should come in the following order:
We can use multiple store enhancers to create the final store for our application, and the same
compose() method we saw earlier can be used for store composition as well:
One of the best-known store enhancers is applyMiddleware(). This is currently the only store
enhancer provided by Redux (we’ll look at middleware in more detail in the Middleware chapter):
applyMiddleware() implementation
var middlewareAPI = {
getState: store.getState,
dispatch: (action) => dispatch(action)
chain = => middleware(middlewareAPI))
dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch)
In this example, the word “middlewares” is used to distinguish the plural form from the
singular form in the map() function. This is the actual source code of applyMiddleware().
At its core, applyMiddleware() changes the store’s default dispatch() method to pass the action
through the chain of middleware provided:
var middlewareAPI = {
getState: store.getState,
dispatch: (action) => dispatch(action)
First a store is created, and the core getState() and dispatch() methods are wrapped into
something called middlewareAPI. This is the object our middleware receives as the first parameter
(commonly confused with store):
The array of middleware is transformed into the result of calling middleware() with middlewareAPI
as its argument. Since the structure of a middleware is api => next => action => {}, after the
transformation chain holds an array of functions of type next => action => {}.
The last stage is to use the compose() function to decorate the middleware one after another:
dispatch = compose(...chain)(store.dispatch)
This line causes each middleware to decorate the chain of previous ones in a fashion similar to this:
Chapter 3. The Store 58
The original store.dispatch() is passed as a parameter to the first wrapper in the chain.
This implementation explains the strange syntax of the Redux middleware (the three-
function structure):
const myMiddleware =
({ getState, dispatch }) => (next) => (action) => { ... }
Other Uses
Store enhancers are powerful tools that allow us to debug stores, rehydrate state on application
load, persist state to localStorage on every action, sync stores across multiple tabs or even network
connections, add debugging features, and more. If you’d like an idea of what’s available, Mark
Erikson has composed a list of third-party store enhancers²⁷ in his awesome redux-ecosystem-links²⁸
In this chapter we learned about the central, most important part of Redux: the store. It holds the
whole state of the application, receives actions, passes them to the reducer function to replace
the state, and notifies us on every change. Basically, you could say that Redux is the store
We learned about higher-order functions, a very powerful functional programming concept that
gives us incredible power to enhance code without touching the source. We also covered uses for
store enhancers in Redux, and took a look at the most common store enhancer, applyMiddleware().
This function allows us to intercept and transform dispatched actions before they are propagated to
reducers, and we will take a deeper look at it in the Middleware chapter.
In the next chapter we will look at actions and action creators, the entities we dispatch to the store
to make changes to the application state.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action
In Redux, changes to the global state are not done directly but rather encapsulated in “actions.” This
approach allows us to more easily understand the cause of changes and control the flow.
Actions can be triggered by events like keypresses or mouse clicks, timers, or network events. The
receiver of an action could be a middleware or a reducer.
A connection between a sender and a receiver is not necessarily one-to-one. A keypress might cause
a single action to be sent that will in turn cause both a middleware to send a message to the server
and a reducer to change the state, resulting in a pop-up appearing. This also holds true in the other
direction, where a single reducer might be listening to multiple actions. While in very simple Redux
applications there might be a reducer for each action and vice versa, in large applications this relation
breaks down, and we have multiple actions handled by a single reducer and multiple reducers and
middleware listening to a single action.
Consider a logout action which is usually caught by multiple reducers, each cleaning its
own part of the state.
Since the side emitting the actions doesn’t know who might be listening to it, our actions have to
carry all the information needed for the receiving end to be able to understand how to respond.
The simplest way to hold information in JavaScript is to use a plain object, and that is exactly what
a Redux action is:
Actions are plain objects with one required property, type. The type is a unique key describing the
action, and it is used by the receiving end to distinguish between actions.
The value of the type property can be anything, though it is considered good practice to
use strings to identify actions. While on first thought numbers or ES2015 symbols might
sound like a better solution, both have practical downsides: using numbers makes it hard
to debug an application and gives little benefit spacewise, whereas ES2015 symbols will
cause issues with server rendering and sending actions across the network to other clients.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 60
In Redux, we send actions to the store, which passes them to middleware and then to reducers. In
order to notify a store about an action, we use the store’s dispatch() method.
Unlike many Flux implementations, in Redux the store’s dispatch() API is not globally available.
You have a few options to access it:
Here’s a simple example of dispatching actions by holding a direct reference to the store:
recipeId: 21
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 61
To keep our actions consistent across a large code base, it is a good idea to define a clear
scheme for how the action objects should be structured. We will discuss the scheme later
in this chapter.
Action Creators
As our applications grow and develop, we will start encountering more and more code like this:
type: 'ADD_RECIPE',
title: title.trim(),
description: description ? description.trim() : ''
If we decide to use the same action in other places, we will end up having to duplicate the logic in
multiple locations and remember all the parameters. This code will be hard to maintain, as we will
have to synchronize the changes between all the occurrences of the action.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 62
A better approach is to keep the code in one place. We can create a function that will create the
action object for us:
dispatch(addRecipe(title, description));
Any modification to the content or logic of the action can now be handled in one place: the action
creation function, also known as the action creator.
Beyond improving the maintainability of our applications, moving the action object creation into a
function allows us to write simpler tests. We can test the logic separately from the places where the
function is called.
In a large project, most—if not all—of our actions will have a corresponding action creator function.
We will try to never call the dispatch() method by manually creating the appropriate action object,
but rather use an action creator. This might appear to be a lot of overhead initially, but its value will
become apparent as the project grows. Also, to help reduce boilerplate, there are a number of libraries
and concepts that ease the creation and use of action creators. Those will be discussed later in this
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 63
Directory Organization
Since the same action might be sent from multiple parts of our code, it becomes apparent that we
need a place to share the action creator functions. A common pattern is to create a separate directory
for all the action creators in the code base. For smaller projects, it may be enough to group actions
in files according to their usage in reducers:
recipes.js // Recipe manipulation actions
auth.js // User actions (login, logout, etc.)
But as our projects grow in size and complexity, we will subdivide our action creator directory
structure even more. A common approach is to nest actions based on the data type they modify:
favorites.js // Handle favorite recipe logic
resetting-password.js // Handle password logic
permissions.js // Some actions for permissions
At first glance it might look easier to put action creators with their corresponding reducers,
sometimes even in the same files. But while this approach might work perfectly at the beginning,
it will soon start breaking down in large projects. As the complexity grows, the application might
have multiple reducers acting on the same action or multiple actions watched by a single reducer.
In these cases the grouping stops working, and the developer is forced to start decoupling some of
the actions or moving them, ending up with the structure suggested here.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 64
const action = {
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 65
type: 'ADD_RECIPE',
payload: {
title: 'Omelette',
description: 'Fast and simple'
If the action were in the error state (for example, in the event of a rejected promise or API failure),
the payload would hold the error itself, be it an Error object or any other value defining the error:
const action = {
type: 'ADD_RECIPE',
error: true,
payload: new Error('Could not add recipe because...')
String Constants
In the Example Redux Application chapter, we briefly discussed the idea of using string constants.
To better illustrate the reasoning behind this approach, let’s consider the problems that using strings
for type can cause in a large code base:
1. Spelling mistakes. If we spell the same string incorrectly in the action or the reducer, our
action will fire but result in no changes to the state. Worst of all, this will be a silent failure
without any message to indicate why our action failed to produce its desired effect.
2. Duplicates. Another developer, in a different part of the code base, might use the same string
for an action. This will result in issues that are very hard to debug, as our action will suddenly
cause that developer’s reducers to fire as well, creating unexpected changes to the state.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 66
To avoid these issues, we need to ensure a unique naming convention for our actions to allow action
creators and reducers to use the exact same keys for the type parameter. Since JavaScript doesn’t
have native enum structures, we use shared constants to achieve this goal. All the keys used for type
are stored in a single constants file and imported by action creators and reducers. Using a single file
allows us to rely on JavaScript itself to catch duplication errors. The file will have this form:
In large applications the naming convention will be more complicated to allow developers more
freedom to create constants for different parts of the application. Even in our simple example, being
able to mark both recipes and comments as favorites will require two different MARK_FAVORITE
// Recipes
export const ADD_RECIPE = 'ADD_RECIPE';
// Comments
export const ADD_COMMENT = 'ADD_COMMENT';
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 67
export markFavorite;
describe('actions/recipes', () => {
it ('addRecipe', () => {
const title = 'Omelette';
const description = 'Fast and simple';
const expectedAction = {
expect(addRecipe(title, description)).to.equal(expectedAction);
expect(addRecipe(null, description)).to.equal(expectedAction);
More complex action creators might use helper functions to build the action object. A simple example
might be a helper function trimTitle() that removes whitespace from around a string and is used
by a SET_TITLE action. We would test the method separately from the action creator function itself,
only verifying that the action creator called that method and passed it the needed parameters.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 69
The real power of actions comes with the use of various middleware (discussed further in the
Middleware chapter). One of the most common and useful ones for learning Redux is redux-thunk³⁰.
In contrast to what we’ve said before, actions passed to dispatch() don’t have to be objects—the
only part of Redux that requires actions to be objects is the reducers. Using middleware, we can
transform non-object actions into objects, before they reach the reducers.
With the use of redux-thunk we can create asynchronous action creators that have access to both
the Redux state and the dispatch() function.
Adding redux-thunk
Adding redux-thunk to a project takes two steps:
1. Add the middleware to your project by running npm install --save redux-thunk.
2. Load the middleware by adding it to the store using the applyMiddleware() function:
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 70
With redux-thunk installed, we can start writing action creators that return functions instead of
objects. Going back to our previous example, let’s create an action creator that simulates server
communication by using a delay:
function addRecipe(title) {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
const trimmedTitle = trimTitle(title);
() => dispatch({ type: ADD_RECIPE, title: trimmedTitle }),
The main difference from our previous action creators is that we are now returning a function:
function addRecipe(title) {
return function(dispatch, getState) {
// Action creator's code
Let’s examine the new action creator in detail. First, we remove all whitespace around the title:
Next, we dispatch an action that might show a spinner in our application by setting a fetching flag
somewhere in our state:
Dispatch on load
The last step is to send the ADD_RECIPE action, but delayed by one second:
() => dispatch({ type: ADD_RECIPE, title: trimmedTitle }),
Notice that in this example, a single action creator caused the dispatch of two actions: ADD_RECIPE_-
STARTED and ADD_RECIPE. This gives us a new tool, allowing us to generate as many granular actions
as needed and even to dispatch no actions at all in certain conditions.
Server Communication
We can use the redux-thunk method to allow simple server communication by replacing the
setTimeout() call from the previous example with a network call to the server:
export getRecipes;
This code might be good for a very simple project, but it includes a lot of boilerplate that will be
needed for each API call we make. We have a whole Server Communication chapter to discuss a
more generic and cleaner approach to server communication.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 73
Using State
Another feature we gain by using redux-thunk is access to the state when processing the action. This
allows us to dispatch or suppress actions according to the current application state. For example, we
can prevent actions from trying to add recipes with duplicate titles:
payload: { title: trimmedTitle }
Two new concepts can be seen in this code. We used getState() to get access to the full application
state and used a return statement that made our action creator emit no action at all:
It is important to consider where such checks are performed. If multiple actions might dispatch
recipe-related manipulations, we might think it is best to do the check on the reducer level (as it is
the one modifying the state). Unfortunately, there is no way for the reducer to communicate any
problems back to us, and while it can prevent an action from adding a duplicate title to the list, it
can’t dispatch an action out. The only thing a reducer can do in this case is add the error directly to
the state tree.
While this approach might work, it adds complications to the reducer and causes it to be aware of
multiple parts of the state tree—in our example, not just recipes but also the notifications area—
which will make it harder to test and break down to multiple reducers. Thus, it is better to have the
validation logic in actions or middleware.
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 74
When you start writing a large number of actions, you will notice that most of the code looks
the same and feels like a lot of boilerplate. There are multiple third-party libraries to make the
process easier and cleaner. The redux-actions³¹ library is one of the recommended ones, as it is
simple and FSA-compliant. The library allows us to easily create new actions using the provided
createAction() function. For example:
This code generates an action creator that will return an FSA-compliant action. The generated action
creator will have functionality similar to this function:
function addRecipe(title) {
return {
payload: {
If the title is our only payload, we could simplify the call by omitting the second argument:
Chapter 4. Actions and Action Creators 75
function addRecipe(title) {
return {
payload: title
We can also pass metadata to the FSA action. For that, we could include a metadata object as a third
Passing metadata
Or, instead of a metadata object, we could use a function to calculate the metadata based on the
parameters we pass in the payload:
Dynamic metadata
The usage of the action creator is the same as before. We simply call it with the desired parameters:
dispatch(addRecipe('Belgian Waffles'));
The action creator will automatically handle errors for us if passed an Error object. It will generate
an object with error = true and the payload set to the Error object:
Dispatching errors
createAction() Example
Here’s a full example of using createAction():
Full example
In this example, we use the axios library to determine whether to create a successful action or an
error one:
The redux-promise library can automatically dispatch FSA-compliant actions and set the error and
payload fields for us. It adds the ability to dispatch a promise (not just an object or function) and
knows how to automatically handle the resolve and reject functionality of promises:
The magic part here is that we pass a promise to addRecipe() that will take care of creating the
appropriate FSA-compliant action depending on whether the promise is resolved or rejected.
This line doesn’t return data, but only modifies the promise that we return from the action creator
and that the caller will send to dispatch().
In this chapter we covered action creators, the fuel running our application’s engine. We saw
that Redux is all about simplicity—actions are plain objects and action creators are just functions
returning plain objects.
In the next chapter we will look at reducers, the components of our Redux application that respond
to actions.
Chapter 5. Reducers
The word reducer is commonly associated in computer science with a function that takes an array
or object and converts it to a simpler structure—for example, summing all the items in an array. In
Redux, the role of the reducer is somewhat different: reducers create a new state out of the old one,
based on an action.
In essence, a reducer is a simple JavaScript function that receives two parameters (two objects—the
previous state and an action) and returns an object (a modified copy of the first argument):
[1,2,3].reduce(sum); // -> 6
Reducers in Redux are pure functions, meaning they don’t have any side effects such as changing
localStorage, contacting the server, or saving any data in variables. A typical reducer looks like
A basic reducer
case 'ADD_RECIPE':
// Create new state with a recipe
return state;
Reducers in Practice
In Redux, reducers are the final stage in the unidirectional data flow. After an action is dispatched
to the store and has passed through all the middleware, reducers receive it together with the current
state of the application. Then they create a new state that has been modified according to the action
and return it to the store.
Chapter 5. Reducers 80
The way we connect the store and the reducers is via the createStore() method, which can receive
three parameters: a reducer, an optional initial state, and an optional store enhancer (covered in
detail in the Store chapter).
As an example, we will use an application similar to the one used in the Example Redux Application
chapter—a simple recipe book application.
Our state contains three substates:
A Simple Reducer
The simplest approach to building a reducer would be to use a large switch statement that knows
how to handle all the actions our application supports:
// TODO: handle fetch recipes action
But it is quite clear that this approach will break down fast as our application (and the number of
actions) grows.
Reducer Separation
The obvious solution would be to find a way to split the reducer code into multiple files, or multiple
reducers. Since createStore() receives only one reducer, it will be that reducer’s job to call other
reducers to help it calculate the new state.
Chapter 5. Reducers 81
The simplest method of determining how to split the reducer code is by examining the state we need
to handle:
const state = {
recipes: [],
ingredients: [],
ui: {}
We can now create three different reducers, each responsible for part of the state:
Since each of the reducers calculates a new state (or returns the original if it does not recognize the
action), we can build a new state by calling all the reducers one after another:
return newState;
Chapter 5. Reducers 82
While this approach works correctly, you might have noticed a potential problem. Why does the
recipesReducer reducer need to access and calculate the whole state, instead of only the recipes
substate? We can further improve our reducers by having each one act on only the substate it cares
return newState;
With this new code, each reducer receives only the part of the state that is relevant to it and can’t
affect other parts. This separation proves very powerful in large-scale projects, as it means developers
can rely on reducers being able to modify only the parts of the state they are connected to and never
causing clashes.
Another side effect of this separation of concerns is that our reducers become much simpler. Since
they no longer have to calculate the whole state, a large part of the code is no longer needed:
Combining Reducers
The technique of reducer combination is so convenient and broadly used that Redux provides a very
useful function named combineReducers() to facilitate it. This helper function does exactly what
rootReducer() did in our earlier example, with some additions and validations:
We can make this code even simpler by using ES2015’s property shorthand feature:
In this example we provided combineReducers() with a configuration object holding keys named
recipes, ingredients, and ui. The ES2015 syntax we used automatically assigned the value of each
key to be the corresponding reducer.
It is important to note that combineReducers() is not limited only to the root reducer. As our state
grows in size and depth, nested reducers will be combining other reducers for substate calculations.
Using nested combineReducers() calls and other combination methods is a common practice in
larger projects.
Default Values
One of the requirements of combineReducers() is for each reducer to define a default value for
its substate. Using this approach, the default structure of the state tree is dynamically built by the
reducers themselves. This guarantees that changes to the tree require changes only to the applicable
reducers and do not affect the rest of the tree.
This is possible because when the store is created, Redux dispatches a special action called
@@redux/INIT. Each reducer receives that action together with the undefined initial state, which
gets replaced with the default parameter defined inside the reducer. Since our switch statements do
not process this special action type and simply return the state (previously assigned by the default
parameter), the initial state of the store is automatically populated by the reducers.
To support this, each of the subreducers must define a default value for its first argument, to use if
none is provided:
Tree Mirroring
This brings us to an important conclusion: that we want to structure our reducers tree to mimic the
application state tree. As a rule of thumb, we will want to have a reducer for each leaf of the tree.
Mimicking this structure in the reducers directory will make it self-depicting of how the state tree
is structured.
Chapter 5. Reducers 85
As complicated manipulations might be required to add some parts of the tree, some reducers might
not neatly fall into this pattern. We might find ourselves with two or more reducers processing the
same subtree (sequentially), or a single reducer operating on multiple branches (if it needs to update
structures in different branches). This might cause complications in the structure and composition
of our application. Such issues can usually be avoided by normalizing the tree, splitting a single
action into multiple ones, and other techniques.
While it is most common for a reducer to examine the type property of the action to
determine if it should act, in some cases other parts of the action object are used. For
example, you might want to show an error notification on every action that has an error
in the payload.
The redux-actions library described in the previous chapter provides the handleActions() utility
function for reducer generation:
}, initialState);
If you are using Immutable.js, you might also want to take a look at the redux-immutablejs³³ library,
which provides you with createReducer() and combineReducers() functions that are aware of
Immutable.js features like getters and setters.
Avoiding Mutations
The most important thing about reducers in Redux is that they should never mutate the existing
state. There are a number of functions in JavaScript that can help when working with immutable
objects. Before we look at those, however, let’s consider why this is so important.
The main reason for using reference comparison is that this method ensures that each reference
to the previous state is kept coherent. We can examine the reference at any time and get the state
exactly as it was before a change. If we create an array and push the current state into it before
running actions, we will be able to pick any of the pointers to the previous state in the array and
see the state tree exactly as it was before all the subsequent actions happened. And no matter how
many more actions we process, our original pointers stay exactly as they were.
This might sound similar to copying the state each time before changing it, but the reference system
will not require 10 times the memory for 10 states. It will smartly reuse all the unchanged nodes.
Consider the next illustration, where two different actions have been run on the state, and how the
three trees look afterward.
Chapter 5. Reducers 88
The first action added a new node, C3, under B1. If we look closely we can see that the reducer
didn’t change anything in the original A tree. It only created a new A’ object that holds B2 and a
new B1’ that holds the original C1 and C2 and the new C3’. At this point we can still use the A tree
and have access to all the nodes like they were before. What’s more, the new A’ tree didn’t copy the
old one, but only created some new links that allow efficient memory reuse.
The next action modified something in the B2 subtree. Again, the only change is a new A’’ root
object that points to the previous B1’ and the new B2’. The old states of A and A’ are still intact and
memory is reused between all three trees.
Since we have a coherent version of each previous state, we can implement nifty features like undo
and redo (we save the previous state in an array and, in the case of “undo,” make it the current
one). We can also implement more advanced features like “time travel,” where we can easily jump
between versions of our state for debugging.
Chapter 5. Reducers 89
What Is Immutability?
Let’s define what the word mutation means. In JavaScript, there are two types of variables: ones
that are copied by value, and ones that are passed by reference. Primitive values such as numbers,
strings, and Booleans are copied when you assign them to other variables, and a change to the target
variable will not affect the source:
In contrast, collections in JavaScript aren’t copied when you assign them; they only receive a pointer
to the location in memory of the object pointed to by the source variable. This means that any change
to the new variable will modify the same memory location, which is pointed to by both old and new
Collections example
referencedObject.number = 42;
As you can see, the original object is changed when we change the copy. We used const here to
emphasize that a constant in JavaScript holds only a pointer to the object, not its value, and no error
will be thrown if you change the properties of the object (or the contents of an array). This is also
true for collections passed as arguments to functions, as what is being passed is the reference and
not the value itself.
Luckily for us, ES2015 lets us avoid mutations for collections in a much cleaner way than before,
thanks to the Object.assign() method and the spread operator.
Chapter 5. Reducers 90
The spread operator is fully supported by the ES2015 standard. More information is
available on MDN³⁴. Complete Object.assign() documentation is also available on
MDN³⁵. MDN is great!
Object.assign() can be used to copy all the key/value pairs of one or more source objects into one
target object. The method receives the following parameters:
Since our reducers need to create a new object and make some changes to it, we will pass a new
empty object as the first parameter to Object.assign(). The second parameter will be the original
subtree to copy and the third will contain any changes we want to make to the object. This will
result in us always having a fresh object with a new reference, having all the key/value pairs from
the original state and any overrides needed by the current action:
Example of Object.assign()
Deleting properties can be done in a similar way using ES2015 syntax. To delete the key name from
our state we can use the following:
Chapter 5. Reducers 91
Arrays are a bit trickier, since they have multiple methods for adding and removing values. In
general, you just have to remember which methods create a new copy of the array and which change
the original one. For your convenience, here is a table outlining the basic array methods:
The basic array operations we will be doing in most reducers are appending, deleting, and modifying
an array. To keep to the immutability principles, we can achieve these using the following methods:
Ensuring Immutability
The bitter truth is that in teams with more than one developer, we can’t always rely on everyone
avoiding state mutations all the time. As humans, we make mistakes, and even with the strictest pull
request, code review, and testing practices, sometimes they crawl into the code base. Fortunately,
there are a number of methods and tools that strive to protect developers from these hard-to-find
One approach is to use libraries like deep-freeze³⁶ that will throw errors every time someone tries
to mutate a “frozen” object. While JavaScript provides an Object.freeze() method, it freezes only
the object it is applied to, not its children. deep-freeze and similar libraries perform nested freezes
and method overrides to better catch such errors.
Another approach is to use libraries that manage truly immutable objects. While they add additional
dependencies to the project, they provide a variety of benefits as well: they ensure true immutability,
offer cleaner syntax to update collections, support nested objects, and provide performance improve-
ments on very large data sets.
The most common library is Facebook’s Immutable.js³⁷, which offers a number of key advantages
(in addition to many more advanced features):
It is important to carefully consider your state tree before choosing an immutable library. The
performance gains might only become perceptible for a small percentage of the project, and the
library will require all of the developers to understand a new access syntax and collection of methods.
Chapter 5. Reducers 93
Another library in this space is seamless-immutable³⁸, which is smaller, works on plain JavaScript
objects, and treats immutable objects the same way as regular JavaScript objects (though it has
similar convenient setters to Immutable.js). Its author has written a great post³⁹ where he describes
some of the issues he had with Immutable.js and what his reasoning was for creating a smaller
The last approach is to use special helper functions that can receive a regular object and an
instruction on how to change it and return a new object as a result. The immutability-helper
library⁴⁰ provides one such function, named update(). Its syntax may look a bit weird, but if you
don’t want to work with immutable objects and clog object prototypes with new functions, it might
be a good option:
When writing reducers it can sometimes be beneficial to temporarily use mutable objects. This is
fine as long as you only mutate new objects (and not an existing state), and as long as you don’t try
to mutate the objects after they have left the reducer.
Chapter 5. Reducers 94
Immer is a tiny library that expands this idea and makes it easier to write reducers. It is comparable
in functionality to the withMutations() method in Immutable.js, but applied to regular JavaScript
structures. The advantage of this approach is that you don’t have to load an additional library for
data structures. Nor do you need to learn a new API to perform complex mutations in reducers. And
last but not least, TypeScript and Flow are perfectly able to type-check the reducers that are created
using Immer.
Let’s take a quick look at Immer. The Immer package exposes a produce() function that takes two
arguments: the current state and a producer function. The producer function is called by produce()
with a draft.
The draft is a virtual state tree that reflects the entire current state. It will record any changes you
make to it. The produce() function returns the next state by combining the current state and the
changes made to the draft.
So, let’s say we have the following example reducer:
Example reducer
return state
Chapter 5. Reducers 95
This may be hard to grasp at first glance because there is quite a bit of noise, resulting from the fact
that we are manually building a new state tree. With Immer, we can simplify this to:
The reducer will now return the next state produced by the producer. If the producer doesn’t do
anything, the next state will simply be the original state. Because of this, we don’t have to handle
the default case.
Immer will use structural sharing, just like if we had written the reducer by hand. Beyond that,
because Immer knows which parts of the state were modified, it will also make sure that the
modified parts of the tree will automatically be frozen in development environments. This prevents
accidentally modifying the state after produce() has ended.
Chapter 5. Reducers 96
To further simplify reducers, the produce() function supports currying. It is possible to call
produce() with just the producer function. This will create a new function that will execute the
producer with the state as an argument. This new function also accepts an arbitrary amount of
additional arguments and passes them on to the producer. This allows us to write the reducer solely
in terms of the draft itself:
If you want to take full advantage of Redux, but still like to write your reducers with built-in data
structures and APIs, make sure to give Immer a try.
Higher-Order Reducers
The power of Redux is that it allows you to solve complex problems using functional programming.
One approach is to use higher-order functions. Since reducers are nothing more than pure functions,
we can wrap them in other functions and create very simple solutions for very complicated problems.
There are a few good examples of using higher-order reducers—for example, for implementing
undo/redo functionality. There is a library called redux-undo⁴⁴ that takes your reducer and enhances
it with undo functionality. It creates three substates: past, present, and future. Every time your
reducer creates a new state, the previous one is pushed to the past states array and the new one
becomes the present state. You can then use special actions to undo, redo, or reset the present state.
Chapter 5. Reducers 97
Using a higher-order reducer is as simple as passing your reducer into an imported function:
Another example of a reducer enhancer is redux-ignore⁴⁵. This library allows your reducers to
immediately return the current state without handling the passed action, or to handle only a defined
subset of actions. The following example will disable removing recipes from our recipe book. You
might even use it to filter allowed actions based on user roles:
In this chapter we learned about the part of Redux responsible for changing the application
state. Reducers are meant to be pure functions that should never mutate the state or make any
asynchronous calls. We also learned how to avoid and catch mutations in JavaScript.
In the next and final chapter in this part of the book we are going to talk about middleware, the
most powerful entity provided by Redux. When used wisely, middleware can significantly reduce
the size of our code and let us handle very complicated scenarios with ease.
Chapter 6. Middleware
Middleware is one of Redux’s most powerful concepts and will hold the bulk of an application’s
logic and generic service code. To understand middleware, it’s best first to examine the regular data
flow in Redux. Any action dispatched to the store is passed to the root reducer together with the
current state to generate a new one. Middleware allow us to add code that will run before the action
is passed to the reducer.
In essence, we can monitor all the actions being sent to the Redux store and execute arbitrary code
before allowing an action to continue to the reducers. Multiple middleware can be added in a chain,
with each running its own logic, one after another, before letting the action pass through.
The basic structure of a middleware is as follows:
This declaration might seem confusing, but it should become clear once it’s examined step by step. At
its base, a middleware is a function that receives from Redux an object that contains the getState()
and dispatch() functions. The middleware returns back a function that receives next() and in turn
returns another function that receives action and finally contains our custom middleware code.
The getState() and dispatch() methods should be familiar as they are APIs from the Redux store.
The action parameter is the current Redux action being passed to the store. Only the next() function
should look unfamiliar at this point.
It is sometimes incorrectly noted in teaching material that the parameter passed to the
middleware is store, as it has getState() and dispatch() methods. In practice, it’s an
object holding only those two APIs and not the other APIs exported by the Redux store.
Chapter 6. Middleware 99
Understanding next()
If we were to build our own implementation of middleware, we would probably want the ability to
run code both before an action is passed to the reducers and after. One approach would be to define
two different callbacks for before and after.
Redux middleware takes a different approach and gives us the next() function. Calling it with an
action will cause it to propagate down the middleware chain, calling the root reducer and updating
the state of the store. This allows us to add code before and after passing the action to the reducers:
const logMiddleware => ({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action => {
console.log("Before reducers have run");
console.log("After reducers have run");
This nifty trick gives us more power than might initially be apparent. Since we are responsible for
calling next() and passing it the action, we can choose to suppress next() in certain conditions or
even modify the current action before passing it on. Failing to call next(action) inside a middleware
will prevent the action from reaching the other middleware and reducers.
Folder Structure
A common approach is to keep all our middleware implementations in a middleware directory
at our application root, similar to reducers and actions. As our application grows, we might find
ourselves adding more subdirectories to organize the middleware, usually by functionality (utility
or authorization).
As with “software” and “hardware,” we use “middleware” as both the singular and the plural
form of the word. In some sources, including the code for applyMiddleware() shown in
the Store chapter, you may see “middlewares” used as the plural form.
Chapter 6. Middleware 100
The measureMiddleware
Our time-measuring middleware looks like this:
To create this middleware we use the time() and timeEnd() console methods that record a
benchmark with the name provided as a string. We start the timing before running an action, using
the action.type as a name. Then, we tell the browser to print the timing after the action is done.
This way we can potentially catch poorly performing reducer implementations.
An interesting thing to note here is that this middleware completely ignores the first parameter (the
object holding getState() and dispatch()), as we don’t need it for our example.
Connecting to Redux
Adding a middleware to the Redux store can be done only during the store creation process:
The simplest way to connect a middleware to the Redux store is to use the applyMiddleware() store
enhancer available as an API from Redux itself (store enhancers are explained in the Store chapter):
The applyMiddleware() function can receive an arbitrary number of middleware as arguments and
create a chain to be connected to the store:
Note that the order of registration is important. The first middleware, in our case
middlewareA, will get the action before middlewareB. And if the code there decides to
modify or suppress the action, it will never reach either middlewareB or middlewareC.
In real-world applications, you may prefer to apply some middleware only in development or pro-
duction environments. For example, our measureMiddleware might output unwanted information
in the live product, and an analyticsMiddleware might report false analytics in development.
Using the spread operator from ES2015, we can apply middleware to the store conditionally:
if (development) {
} else {
Async Actions
What makes middleware so powerful is the access to both getState() and dispatch(), as these
functions allow a middleware to run asynchronous actions and give it full access to the store. A
very simple example would be an action debounce middleware. Suppose we have an autocomplete
field, and we want to prevent the AUTO_COMPLETE action from running as the user types in a search
term. We would probably want to wait 500 ms for the user to type in part of the search string, and
then run the query with the latest value.
Chapter 6. Middleware 102
We can create a debounce middleware that will catch any action with the debounce key set in its
metadata and ensure it is delayed by the specified number of milliseconds. Any additional action
of the same type that is passed before the debounce timer expires will not be passed to reducers but
only saved as the “latest action” and executed once the debounce timer has expired:
Debounce flow
0ms: dispatch({ type: 'AUTO_COMPLETE', payload: 'c', meta: { debounce: 500 }};
// Suppressed
10ms: dispatch({ type: 'AUTO_COMPLETE', payload: 'ca', meta: { debounce: 500 }};
// Suppressed
20ms: dispatch({ type: 'AUTO_COMPLETE', payload: 'cat', meta: { debounce: 500 }};
// Suppressed
// The action with payload 'cat' is dispatched by the middleware.
The skeleton of our middleware needs to inspect only actions that have the required debounce key
set in their metadata:
debounceMiddleware skeleton
if (!debounce) {
return next(action);
Since we want each action type to have a different debounce queue, we will create a pending object
that will hold information for each action type. In our case, we only need to save the latest timeout
for each action type:
if (!debounce) {
return next(action);
if (pending[action.type]) {
If there is already a pending action of this type, we cancel the timeout and create a new timeout
to handle this action. The previous one can be safely ignored—for example, in our case if an ac-
tion { type: 'AUTO_COMPLETE', payload: 'cat' } comes right after { type: 'AUTO_COMPLETE',
payload: 'ca' }, we can safely ignore the one with 'ca' and only call the autocomplete API for
Timeout handler
() => {
delete pending[action.type];
Chapter 6. Middleware 104
Once the timeout for the latest action has elapsed, we clear the key from our pending object and
next() method to allow the last delayed action to finally pass through to the other middleware and
the store:
Complete debounceMiddleware
if (!debounce) {
return next(action);
if (pending[action.type]) {
pending[action.type] = setTimeout(
() => {
delete pending[action.type];
With this basic middleware we have created a powerful tool for our developers. A simple meta
setting on an action can now support debouncing of any action in the system. We have also used
the middleware’s support for the next() method to selectively suppress actions. In the Server
Communication chapter in Part 3 we will learn about more advanced uses of the async flow to
handle generic API requests.
Chapter 6. Middleware 105
Usually our flow will begin with a LOGIN action containing the login credentials:
type: 'LOGIN',
payload: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'will-never-tell'
After our access to the server completes successfully, another action will typically be dispatched,
similar to:
payload: 'access_token'
One of the reducers will make sure to update the access token in the state, but it is unclear who is
responsible for issuing the two additional actions required: FETCH_USER_INFO and FETCH_NOTIFICA-
Chapter 6. Middleware 106
We could always use complex action creators and the redux-thunk middleware in our login action
But this might cause a code reuse problem. If in the future we want to support Facebook Connect, it
will require a different action altogether, which will still need to include the calls to FETCH_USER_INFO
and FETCH_NOTIFICATIONS. And if in the future we change the login flow, it will need to be updated
in multiple places.
A simple solution to the problem is to cause the two actions to be dispatched only after the login is
successful. In the regular Redux flow, there is only one actor that can listen for and react to events—
the middleware:
Our new code holds the flow in a single place and will allow us to easily support login via Twitter,
Google Apps, and more. In practice we can combine flows together and add conditions and more
complicated logic, as we have full access to both dispatch() and getState().
There are a few external libraries that try to make flow management easier, such as
Chapter 6. Middleware 107
Simple nullMiddleware
const nullMiddleware = () => next => action => {
next(action !== null ? action : { type: 'UNKNOWN' });
In this middleware we catch any attempt to send null instead of the action object and dispatch a fake
{ type: 'UNKNOWN' } instead. While this middleware has no practical value, it should be apparent
how we can use the middleware’s power to change actions to support any input type.
The famous redux-thunk⁴⁷ middleware is in essence the following code:
Simplified redux-thunk
const thunkMiddleware = ({ dispatch, getState }) => next => action => {
if (typeof action === 'function') {
return action(dispatch, getState);
return next(action);
It checks if the action passed is a function and not a regular object, and if it is, it calls it, passing
dispatch() and getState(). A similar approach is used by other helper middleware that know how
to accept promises that dispatch a regular action once a promise is resolved, use Error objects to
report errors, use arrays to execute a list of actions provided in parallel or sequentially, and more.
Chapter 6. Middleware 108
Parameter-Based Middleware
In addition to the basic middleware we’ve discussed so far in this chapter, some middleware might
be reusable and support parameters being passed during their creation.
For example, consider the nullMiddleware we created in the previous section:
Simple nullMiddleware
The 'UNKNOWN' key is hardcoded into our middleware and will not allow easy reuse in our other
projects. To make this middleware more generic, we might want to be able to support arbitrary action
types and use the applyMiddleware() stage to specify how we want our middleware to behave:
Customizable middleware
Here we want our nullMiddleware to dispatch 'OH_NO' instead of the default 'UNKNOWN'. To support
this we must turn our middleware into a “middleware creator”:
nullMiddleware creator
Now instead of returning the middleware directly, we return a function that creates a middleware
with custom parameters passed in. This behavior can be further extended to allow complex
middleware as libraries that can be easily customized when added to the store.
Chapter 6. Middleware 109
applyMiddleware(middlewareA, middlewareB, middlewareC)
Calling next(action) within middlewareB results in calls to middlewareC and the reducer.
Calling dispatch(action) within middlewareB results in calls to middlewareA, middlewareB,
middlewareC, and the reducer.
Calling dispatch() multiple times is a common and valid practice. next() can also be called more
than once, but this is not recommended as any action passed to next() will skip the middleware
before the current one (for example, potentially skipping the logging middleware).
Middleware are an exceptionally versatile and useful part of Redux and are commonly used to hold
the most complicated and generic parts of an application. They have access to the current action, to
the store, and to the dispatch() method, giving them more power than any other part of Redux.
Part 3. Redux in the Real World
Chapter 7. State Management
One of the main strengths of Redux is the separation of state (data) management from the
presentation and logic layers. This division of responsibilities means the design of the state layout
can be done separately from the design of the UI and any complex logic flows.
To illustrate this concept of separation, let’s consider our recipe book application. The app can
manage multiple recipe books, each having multiple recipes. A recipe, in turn, is an object containing
a list of ingredients, preparation instructions, images, a favorited flag, etc.:
const state = {
books: [
id: 21,
name: 'Breakfast',
recipes: [
id: 63,
name: 'Omelette',
favorite: true,
preparation: 'How to prepare...',
ingredients: [...]
This state layout contains all the required information and conforms exactly to the description of our
application, but it requires complex nested reducers and access to deep nested data is complicated.
While still workable, these problems lead to convoluted code. Let’s explore both of them in detail.
Chapter 7. State Management 112
Action-aware reducers
In this implementation, all the “parent” reducers must be aware of any actions used in their children.
Any changes or additions will require us to check multiple reducers for code changes, thus breaking
the encapsulation benefits of multireducer composition and greatly complicating our code.
The second option is for reducers to pass all actions to their children:
Action-passing reducer
In this implementation, we separate the reducer logic into two parts: the first to allow any child
reducers to run and the second to handle the actions for the reducer itself.
While this implementation doesn’t require the parent to know about the actions supported by its
children, it means we are forced to run a very large number of reducers for each recipe. A single
action unrelated to recipes, like UPDATE_PROFILE, will run recipesReducer() for each recipe, and it
in turn will run ingredientsReducer() for each of the ingredients.
Chapter 7. State Management 114
Also, since this or similar code will be used for the UI, any changes to structure of the state will need
to be reflected not just in the reducers, but in the UI as well. This approach breaks the separation of
concerns and increases the amount of work required for state structure changes.
State as a Database
A recommended approach to solve the various issues raised above is to treat the application state as
a database of entities. Like in a regular table-based database, we will have a “table” for each entity
type with a “row” for each entity. The entity id will be our “primary key” for each table.
Chapter 7. State Management 115
In our example, we will break down nesting to make our state as shallow as possible and express
connections using IDs:
Normalized state
const state = {
books: {
21: {
id: 21,
name: 'Breakfast',
recipes: [63, 78, 221]
recipes: {
63: {
id: 63,
book: 21,
name: 'Omelette',
favorite: true,
preparation: 'How to prepare...',
ingredients: [152, 121]
78: {},
221: {}
ingredients: {}
In this structure, each object has its own key right in the root of our state. Any connections between
objects (e.g., ingredients used in a recipe) can be expressed using a regular ordered array of IDs.
Chapter 7. State Management 116
Let’s examine the implementation of the reducers needed to handle the ADD_INGREDIENT action using
the new state structure:
return recipe;
return => !== action.payload.recipeId
? recipe
: recipeReducer(recipe, action));
There are two things to note in this implementation compared to what we saw with the denormalized
1. The books reducer is not even mentioned. Nesting levels only affect the parent and children,
never the grandparents.
2. The recipes reducer only adds an ID to the array of ingredients, not the whole ingredient
To take this example further, the implementation of UPDATE_RECIPE would not even require any
change to the recipes reducer, as it can be wholly handled by the ingredients reducer.
The main improvement is that we do not need to be aware of the structure or nesting of the state to
access deeply nested information. Rather, we treat our state as a conventional database from which
to extract information for the UI.
A more common example might be displaying a single recipe. With the table approach, we can get
to any entity directly by its ID:
No deep searches are needed; the data is simple and quick to access.
Chapter 7. State Management 118
id: 63,
name: 'Omelette',
favorite: true,
preparation: 'How to prepare...',
ingredients: [
id: 5123,
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 2
id: 729,
name: 'Milk',
quantity: '2 cups'
Since the only way to update the Redux store is by sending actions to the reducers, we must build a
payload that can be easily handled by our reducers and find a way to extract the payload from the
denormalized data returned from the server.
Chapter 7. State Management 119
const updateData = ({
payload: {
recipes: {
63: {
id: 63,
name: 'Omelette',
favorite: true,
preparation: 'How to prepare...',
ingredients: [5123, 729]
ingredients: {
5123: {
id: 5123,
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 2
729: {
id: 729,
name: 'Milk',
quantity: '2 cups'
Chapter 7. State Management 120
Using this approach, our recipes reducer’s support for UPDATE_DATA can be as simple as:
Our reducer checks if the payload contains any recipes and merges the new data with the old recipes
object, thus adding to or otherwise modifying it as needed.
Chapter 7. State Management 121
To use the library, we first define the schema for our data:
Here we defined two entity types, a basic ingredient and a recipe that holds an array of
ingredient objects.
The normalizr library allows for much more complex schemas. Consult the documentation
for details.
Once we have obtained the data from the server and defined a schema for the data, we can use
normalizr to automatically normalize the data:
ingredients: {
5123: {
id: 5123,
name: 'Egg',
quantity: 2
729: {
id: 729,
name: 'Milk',
quantity: '2 cups'
recipes: {
63: {
id: 63,
name: 'Omelette',
favorite: true,
preparation: 'How to prepare...',
ingredients: [5123, 729]
The normalizr library did all the hard work for us. Now we can update our store by sending the
relevant parts to each reducer:
With this approach each reducer only has to handle its own entity types, making the reducer code
simple and nondependent on other actions and entities.
Chapter 7. State Management 123
It is best to keep the schemas of all the entities in a separate (and reusable) place in your
application; for example, in a lib/schema.js file.
Persisting State
In many cases we will want to keep the current state after a page refresh or the application’s tab being
closed. The simplest approach to persisting the state is keeping it in the browser’s localStorage.
To easily sync our store with localStorage (or any other storage engine), we can use the redux-
persist⁵² library. This will automatically serialize and save our state once it has been modified.
To use the library, we need to install it with npm (npm install -s redux-persist) and modify the
store and reducer creation files to add the functionality.
Chapter 7. State Management 124
Original reducers/root.js
In the new code, we are using the persistCombineReducers() method of redux-persist instead
of the regular combineReducers() from redux. An additional config parameter provides the
information needed by redux-persist on where and how to store the state.
The config object has many other configuration fields, described in detail in the
redux-persist library’s documentation.
Chapter 7. State Management 125
Original store.js
To have our store support persistence, we create a new persistor object wrapping our original store.
While we are still going to use the regular store in our application, the new persistor object allows
for more advanced functionality (e.g., smarter updates to the UI).
With both of these changes done, our store and the browser’s localStorage will automatically be
in sync and our state will persist across page refreshes.
Real-World State
In a real-world application, our state will usually contain a number of different entities, including
the application data itself (preferably normalized) and auxiliary data (e.g., the current access token,
or pending notifications).
Sample state
const state = {
books: { },
recipes: { },
ingredients: { },
ui: {
activeRequests: 0
currentUser: {
name: 'Kipi',
accessToken: 'topsecrettoken'
As our application grows, more types of state entities will creep in. Some of these will come from
external libraries like redux-forms or react-router-redux, or others that require their own place
in our state. Other entities will come from the application’s business needs.
For example, if we need to support editing of the user’s profile with the option to cancel, our
implementation might create a new temp key where we will store a copy of the profile while it
is being edited. Once the user clicks “confirm” or “cancel,” the temporary copy will either be copied
over to become the new profile or simply deleted.
For a very large project, it might be beneficial to separate the “server data” and the “auxiliary/tem-
porary data” under different root keys:
const state = {
db: {
books: { },
recipes: { },
ingredients: { }
local: {
ui: {
activeRequests: 0
user: {
name: 'Kipi',
accessToken: 'topsecrettoken'
vendor: {
forms: {},
router: {}
This allows for easier management of different parts when deciding what has to be synced with
localStorage, or when clearing stale data.
In general, the state is the front end’s database and should be treated as such. It is important to
periodically check the current layout and do any refactoring that’s necessary to make sure the state’s
structure is clean, clear, and easy to extend.
There are a few questions to consider when deciding whether to add something to the state:
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” the data should go into the state. If the answer to all
of these questions is “no,” if you’re looking to reduce the complexity of your state, keep it out.
A few examples of data that can be kept outside of the state are:
You can think of this as similar to putting data in a database or keeping it temporarily in memory.
Some information can be safely lost without affecting the user’s experience or corrupting their data.
In this chapter we discussed the structure of our Redux state and how it should be managed for
easier integration with reducers and the UI. We also learned that the state should be considered the
application’s database and be designed separately from the presentation and logic layers.
In the next chapter we will talk about server communication, the best method of sending data to
and receiving it from our server—using middleware.
Chapter 8. Server Communication
Server communication is vital for most web applications. The basics can be implemented with a few
lines of code, but it can quickly grow into a complicated mechanism that handles authentication,
caching, error handling, WebSockets, and a myriad of other features and edge cases.
For simple applications, the most commonly taught approaches are either writing the server
communication code inside the UI layer or using libraries like redux-thunk⁵³ that allow action
creators to dispatch actions asynchronously.
When a project grows, however, it becomes clear that it’s best to have a single place to handle
authentication (setting custom headers), errors, and features like caching. This means we need to be
able to access the store and dispatch asynchronous events—which is the perfect job for a middleware.
There are numerous solutions for performing actual network calls, from abstract third-party libraries
like superagent⁵⁴, request⁵⁵, and axios⁵⁶ to the native low-level XMLHttpRequest⁵⁷ and fetch()⁵⁸
APIs. Each has its pros and cons, and comparing them is out of scope for this book. In our examples
we will use axios for simplicity.
If you are not familiar with middleware, it is strongly recommended that you read the
Middleware chapter before proceeding.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 130
Consider another example where we would like to fetch a list of comments for a user:
Even without the more complex functionality mentioned earlier, the code contains a lot of
duplication between action creators. And there are a few other problematic issues:
• We can’t log actions before the network request completes, preventing the regular Redux
debug flow.
• Every action creator has repetitive functionality for handling errors and setting headers.
• Testing gets harder as more async action creators are added.
• If we want to change the server communication strategy (e.g., replace axios with superagent),
we need to change multiple places in the code base.
Keeping the code as short and stateless as possible is easier when all the action creators are simple
functions. This makes them easier to understand, debug, and test. But keeping the action creators
clean from async code means moving that code into another part of the stack. Luckily, we have
the perfect candidate—middleware. As we will see, using this approach we can keep action creators
simple and generate actions that contain all the information needed for a middleware to perform
the API requests.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 131
API Middleware
A quick glance at the previous two action creator examples reveals that there are only two differences
between the functions: the URL and the action that gets dispatched when data is successfully fetched.
In the spirit of generality, we can create an abstract layer to handle network requests and only pass
it the url and onSuccess parameters. But using a shared function or library does not fully solve all
the problems mentioned earlier. Our action creators will still be asynchronous, which means they’ll
be harder to test and more difficult to debug using the regular Redux debug flow of monitoring all
actions dispatched to the store.
Another approach would be to create a new middleware that will handle all the server communica-
Our middleware will listen to any action with type 'API' and use the information in its payload to
make a request to the server. It will let any other actions flow down the middleware chain.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 132
The new action creators return plain JavaScript objects that are easy to test. Now we can move all
the asynchronous code into our new API middleware:
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(onSuccess(data)));
It should immediately become clear that the middleware approach will give us a single place to
encapsulate all the requirements of a server communication layer. One of the biggest benefits is that
all our action creators will now return plain objects instead of async functions. This makes action
creators much easier to create and test. With the API middleware approach, server communication
is now declarative: we simply build an object describing the required network call.
axios.get(process.env.BASE_URL + action.payload.url);
In this chapter we will be using just the url parameter, assuming that BASE_URL is already defined
for us.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 135
or a type constant:
The difference between these approaches is in the way the API middleware dispatches an action
once a network request is resolved:
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(onSuccess(data)));
.then(({ data }) => dispatch({ type: onSuccess, payload: data }));
Both approaches have their pros and cons. Passing an action type makes actions serializable and
thus easier to output to logs and debug visually. However, because this approach separates actions
from the results of network calls, it might be harder to follow the flow of side effects created by the
Error Handling
Our current example ignores error handling. To solve this problem, we need to extend our
middleware to catch server errors and dispatch events when they happen:
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(onSuccess(data)))
.catch(error => dispatch(apiError(error)));
The dispatched action creator apiError(error) could be caught by a special reducer to display an
error message or another middleware for more processing.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 137
In more complex scenarios, we might need an API request to have a custom error handler. To support
this, we can extend our API middleware to support not just the onSuccess parameter in the action
creator, but also an onFailure one:
We can now extend our API middleware to dispatch the action.payload.onFailure() action
creator every time we have a failed network request or receive an error from the server:
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(onSuccess(data)))
.catch(error => {
if (onFailure) {
To do so, we will need to create a new logOut() action creator and implement the flow in other
parts of our stack. This usually means clearing all data, removing the access token, and redirecting
the user to the login screen:
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(onSuccess(data)))
.catch(error => {
if (onFailure) {
The preceding code uses another trick to pass the current URL to the logOut() action
creator. This will allow us to save the current URL before navigating to the login page and
potentially bring the user back to it after a successful login.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 139
While this approach might work at the beginning, our error handling code will become more
complex and application-specific as the code size grows. A cleaner approach would be to have the
API middleware only emit an error action and use a different middleware to catch and handle
various errors:
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(onSuccess(data)))
.catch(error => {
if (onFailure) {
Now the API middleware only sends the accessDenied() action, and we create different middleware
to handle the (complex) flow of handling the problem:
A common place to store the current user’s information (such as the access token) is in the Redux
store. As all our API logic is now located in one place and the middleware has full access to the store
using the getState() method, we can extract the accessToken from the state and set it as a header
for our server requests:
if (accessToken) {
Object.assign(defaultHeaders, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}` });
axios.get(url, { headers })
All our server calls will now automatically get the correct headers without us having to worry about
this in any other parts of our application.
This new action creator will build an action object containing two new features, the method to use
and the data to send to the server:
Here, we dispatch an apiStart() action before starting any server communication and dispatch
apiFinish() on both successful and failed server responses:
return Object.assign({}, state, {
pendingRequests: state.pendingRequests - 1
Our state will now contain an up-to-date count of active server requests in state.ui.pendingRequests,
which can be easily used to display a spinner or similar UX effect to the user. One caveat with this
feature is that sometimes you will have to manually reset the number of pending requests when
cancelling requests or navigating between pages to hide the spinner for stale requests.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 143
Multiple Spinners
In single-page applications, the better UX practice is usually not to block the entire UI with one
loading indicator, but to show multiple localized indicators depending on different pending network
requests. An example could be two independent loading indicators for movie details and reviews.
A simple solution to this problem would be adding a label property to our API action payload and
having the API middleware pass it to apiStart() and apiFinish() actions:
Transforming Data
In many cases servers do not return data in the same structure in which we organize it in our state.
This means that some API endpoints might require special preprocessing of data before it is sent to
the server, or special post-processing of the response before it is stored in the state.
The API middleware offers a simple approach to the problem by adding support for transformRe-
quest and transformResponse properties to the action object:
We will usually store a function like fixWeirdCommentsAPI() in a special library and test
it separately (with the hope of removing it in the brighter future).
Chapter 8. Server Communication 145
Libraries like axios sometimes provide request and response transformations as part of their APIs,
which makes supporting this feature virtually effortless:
const {
method = 'GET',
} = action.payload;
[dataProperty]: data,
.then(response => dispatch(onSuccess(
.catch(error => { /* handle errors */ });
However, if you use low-level browser APIs to make requests, adding data processing is still
relatively easy:
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(
onSuccess(transformResponse ? transformResponse(data) : data)
Chapter 8. Server Communication 146
Normalizing Responses
In Redux applications where the normalizr⁵⁹ library is used, the API middleware can automatically
apply the normalization on the received data:
const {
method = 'GET',
} = action.payload;
[dataProperty]: data,
.then(({ data }) => dispatch(onSuccess(normalize(data, schema))))
.catch(error => { /* handle errors */ });
More information about normalizr can be found in the State Management chapter.
Our action creators can define a schema to automatically convert a complex nested response.
However, normalized responses usually consist of data about multiple entities and require either
handling one response action in multiple reducers or, better, sending multiple actions to update
different parts of the state according to the response from the server.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 147
For example, this action creator defines a network call that will automatically normalize a complex
response containing an array of movies, each having a list of reviews and actors:
You might notice that the onSuccess property now contains a function that returns an array of
actions instead of a single action creator. While we can easily add support for this functionality in
our API middleware, a more generic solution would be to add a new middleware to the stack. This
new middleware will catch all actions that are of type Array and dispatch them one at a time:
Chaining promises
The solution appears to be quite straightforward, but there are a few issues with this code:
• Exact branching and catching of errors is not obvious and can become complex as the chain
• It is hard to debug and understand what stage in the chain we are currently at.
• It is nearly impossible to cancel or abort the chain if the user navigates to a different part of
the UI and the current request chain is no longer needed.
Clearly, chaining promises is not an ideal solution. Ultimately what we need to do is to dispatch
additional actions as a result of the previous action’s success. This specific case is called a side effect,
and it is part of a broader concept we will discuss in the Managing Side Effects chapter.
There are a lot of ways to achieve the same goal, but we are going to concentrate on just a few.
With any approach, our API middleware should remain the same and only handle the network
communication; the only thing that will be different is where and how we organize our flow logic.
Let’s first take a look at the approach we saw earlier, using actionArrayMiddleware. With this
approach, we define the next actions as part of a success callback passed within the action’s payload.
Chapter 8. Server Communication 149
Note that the action still remains a plain JavaScript object (although not serializable) and there is no
logic or async code involved within the action itself:
This approach keeps all the server communication logic hidden in the API middleware and exposes
only the logic interface—but there are some downsides too. First of all, the whole flow is distributed
between multiple functions (if not files), and the deeper the dependencies are the more time it will
take to understand the flow. Then, there is no way to update the store only after all network calls
are resolved. And since the actions are not serializable, we can’t use them together with workers or
Another approach is adding an additional middleware that will handle the complex flow. It will listen
to the action(s) resulting from an API call and dispatch additional network requests as needed. This
topic is covered in more detail in the next chapter.
In this chapter we have learned about various approaches to setting up a comprehensive mechanism
for server communication. We have used Redux’s concept of middleware to move most of the
complicated and asynchronous logic away from our action creators and created a single place where
error handling, caching, and other aspects of network calls can be concentrated.
In the next chapter we will dive deeper into managing side effects beyond chaining network requests.
Chapter 9. Managing Side Effects
Redux is a great tool that addresses one of the main problems of UI frameworks: state management.
The unidirectional data flow model makes it easy to understand how events change the state.
However, there’s one problem Redux doesn’t solve out of the box: the management of side effects.
Actions are descriptions of events originated by a user, a network call, or a timer. In some cases
a single action might generate multiple other actions in a synchronous or asynchronous manner.
One example is executing a number of actions after a user has logged in, such as fetching user
information, showing new notifications, and maybe opening a tutorial.
Since Redux does not provide a solution out of the box, the community has created a number of
libraries to tackle this problem: redux-observable⁶⁰, redux-loop⁶¹, redux-saga⁶², redux-promise⁶³,
redux-effects⁶⁴, redux-thunk⁶⁵, and more.
Each of these solutions is built with a different approach and mental model in mind and has its
own pros and cons. Some of them suggest managing side effects in the UI itself, which we find a
bad practice since we want the UI layer to be completely disconnected from business logic. Some
require additional libraries. Some suggest describing flows in action creators. Most of them, though,
rely on the middleware part of the Redux stack to handle the side effects.
We will skip the long conversation about handling business logic flows in the UI layer by saying
just don’t do it and proceed straight to discussing other approaches.
Chapter 9. Managing Side Effects 151
If you are building a very small application for yourself without any thought for future scalability,
using redux-thunk might be the best and easiest option. However, if you are working on a large
application either alone or with a team, we would strongly advise against using redux-thunk to
describe flows.
Besides the issues with asynchronous thunk action creators described in the Server Communication
chapter, the biggest problem with handling side effects with redux-thunk is the lack of connection
between the actual function and the side effects. Instead of triggering one action, a click on a button
might trigger three different actions, and without conscious effort to add logging it might be very
hard to understand the causality and origin of side effects.
Chapter 9. Managing Side Effects 152
At first glance it looks practically the same; some might even think there is quite a bit of boilerplate
code involved. However, this approach has at least one big advantage over the redux-thunk example:
the side effects are triggered as a result of another action, not as a result of the user’s interaction
with the UI. This allows for easier debugging, since we can trace all actions in the flow and clearly
see what actions are sent as a result of others.
Besides that, you might want to create separate middleware to handle domain-specific parts of the
business logic. For instance, if you have additional business rules for discounts, you might want to
create a special discountMiddleware to handle all the cases. Or, if you have specific requirements
for notifications, you could combine all logic for notifications in a notificationsMiddleware.
In large applications you would have a set of middleware dedicated to each big feature, just as with
actions and reducers. The downsides of this approach are a bit more code and a steeper learning curve
for new developers being introduced to the code base; but structured in the right way, middleware
scales much better than logic in action creators.
Other Solutions
There are numerous solutions for handling side effects maintained by the Redux community, so why
reinvent the wheel? We would encourage you to do your research and play with different approaches
before you commit to any of them, however. The larger the project, the harder and more stressful it
is to change an existing approach to managing side effects.
Chapter 9. Managing Side Effects 153
Every third-party library has its learning curve and scalability potential. While redux-thunk and
redux-promise might be very easy to learn, they become painful to use as a project grows.
Conversely, libraries like redux-observable or redux-saga scale better but require learning new
concepts, like sagas and RxJS (which may or may not be a problem, depending on the prior
knowledge of your team and the level of experience of the engineers working on the project).
In this book we concentrate on using middleware to handle side effects because of the benefits it
offers: it’s closer to the existing tooling available in Redux, supports most use cases, and does not
require additional libraries.
If you decide to try going in the lean middleware direction, it might be useful to get your team
familiar with the common design patterns described in the next section. You might even be
unconsciously using them in your applications already, since they are obvious and logical ways
to organize events in a system.
Messaging Patterns
At its core, Redux is all about actions that change the state. Although its architecture wasn’t directly
inspired by the concepts of event sourcing and the command-query separation principle (which was
invented over three decades ago), the fundamentals are close and allow us to use existing principles
and patterns to handle side effects. There are two main types of messaging patterns to consider when
working with Redux: routing patterns and transformation patterns.
You can find more information on the patterns described here and others in the great book
Enterprise Integration Patterns⁶⁶ by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf.
Routing Patterns
Technically speaking, routing patterns are used to decouple a message’s source from the ultimate
destination of the message. To simplify, we could also say that these patterns are used to decide what
side effects are triggered in response to actions. Let’s take a look at some common routing patterns:
filtering, mapping, splitting, and aggregation.
Chapter 9. Managing Side Effects 154
Filtering is useful when you have some actions, but have to dispose of some of them based on certain
criteria. Examples include debouncing or throttling actions. If you receive Redux messages through
a WebSocket every half a second, you might want to throttle them and only update the state once
every few seconds to increase performance and the responsiveness of the UI.
Debounce pattern
let timeout;
Mapping refers to triggering a different side effect from an action depending on either the content
of the action itself or the context of the application. For instance, you might want to handle network
calls differently depending on whether the application is online or offline.
Mapper pattern
This pattern is useful for dispatching multiple actions as a response to another action. For example,
calling ORDER_ITEM might trigger API_REQUEST and TRACK_ORDER actions.
Splitter pattern
Aggregation refers to triggering a side effect as a result of multiple actions. An example could be
sending a LOCK_ACCOUNT action after three unsuccessful LOGIN actions or sending a START_GAME
action once two players have joined the game.
Aggregator pattern
if (players.length === 2) {
dispatch({ type: START_GAME });
Transformation Patterns
Transformation patterns (such as enriching, normalization, and translation) change the contents of
actions before they reach the reducer. Sometimes an action that is sent from the UI is different from
the action that is expected by the reducer or middleware, either because it is missing some of the
required information at the time of sending or because the original action is more eloquent in terms
of its API.
Chapter 9. Managing Side Effects 156
Enriching refers to adding missing properties to an action. For instance, you might want to add the
current date to a SUBMIT_ORDER action. Instead of making the UI aware of specific business logic and
adding the date from there, you could extend the action by adding another property to the action
Enricher pattern
Normalization—where your server returns a different structure from what is used on the client side—
is very common in the server communication layer. Usually it is done by changing the server’s
response before sending another action with the normalized result.
Normalizer pattern
Sometimes to clarify the UI you might want to dispatch actions that are different from those expected
by the reducers. One example is having two separate SHOW and HIDE actions, and only handling
TOGGLE in the reducer.
Translator pattern
In this chapter we presented a number of solutions to one of the most complicated issues in modern
UI development: managing side effects. While Redux does not provide us with an opinionated
solution out of the box, it is robust enough to allow different approaches to this problem. We’ve
seen some well-established design patterns and examples of how we could use them to think about
side effects and use middleware to organize them in a clear way.
In the next chapter we will cover WebSocket-based communication and how well it can work with
the Redux architecture.
Chapter 10. WebSockets
WebSockets have brought a robust socket communication method directly into our browsers. What
started as a solution for polling data changes on the server is slowly taking over more and more
responsibilities from traditional REST endpoints. The action-based architecture of Redux makes
working with WebSockets exceptionally easy and natural, as it involves using WebSockets as pipes
to pass actions to and from the server.
Basic Architecture
WebSockets allow us to open a connection to a server and send or receive messages in a fully
asynchronous way. The native implementation in browsers has only four callback methods that
are required to fully support WebSockets:
While multiple WebSockets might be used, most applications will require a single one or at most a
few connections for different servers based on function (chat server, notifications server, etc.).
To start, we will build a system to communicate with a single WebSocket, which can later be
extended for multi-WebSocket support.
Chapter 10. WebSockets 159
Connecting to Redux
The general Redux architecture is all about sending well-defined messages to the store. This same
scheme can work perfectly for server communication over WebSockets. The same structure of a plain
object with the type property can be sent to the server, and we can receive a similarly structured
response back:
Communication flow
A more robust example might be a chat server, where we can dispatch to the store a message similar
to { id: 'XXX', type: 'ADD_MESSAGE', msg: 'Hello' }. Our store can handle this immediately
by adding the message to the current messages array and send it “as is” over a WebSocket to the
server. The server, in turn, can broadcast the message to all other clients. Each will get a perfectly
standard Redux action that can be passed directly to its store.
This way our front end can use Redux actions to pass information between browser windows using
the server as a generic dispatcher. Our server might do some additional work, like authentication
and validation to prevent abuse, but in essence can act as a message passer.
An ideal WebSocket implementation for Redux would allow us to dispatch actions and have them
smartly routed to the server when needed, and have any actions coming from the WebSocket be
dispatched directly to the store.
As with any infrastructure-related code, middleware is the perfect place for our WebSocket
implementation. Using middleware will allow us to catch any actions that are required to be sent
over the network and dispatch anything coming from the server. The basic WebSocket setup is as
To make the code more readable, we can replace the four different assignments with a single use of
Object.assign() and use code similar to this:
Using Object.assign()
Object.assign(websocket, {
onopen() { },
onclose() { },
onerror(e) { },
onmessage(e) { }
In our middleware, we want to make sure a WebSocket is created only once. Thus, we cannot put
the setup code inside the action handler:
The code in the innermost block gets called every time an action is dispatched, so this would cause
our setup and WebSocket creation code to be called multiple times. To prevent this, we can do the
initialization outside the action callback block:
// TODO: Initialization
Let’s get back to the initialization code and consider how to handle each of the four callbacks: onopen,
onclose, onerror, and onmessage.
This is mainly an informative stage. We need to indicate to our application that the socket is ready
to send and receive data, and we might choose to notify the rest of the Redux application that the
socket is ready (perhaps to show some indication in the UI).
Chapter 10. WebSockets 161
Handling onopen
The wsConnected() function is a simple action creator that should be implemented in one of the
action creator files:
The close or disconnect event is very similar to onopen and can be handled in the exact same way:
Handling onclose
The WebSocket implementation in a browser can provide information on various failures in the
underlying socket communication. Handling these errors is similar to handling regular REST API
errors and might involve dispatching an action to update the UI or closing the socket if needed.
Chapter 10. WebSockets 162
In this example we will stop at a generic console.log() and leave it to the reader to consider more
advanced error handling methods:
Handling onerror
Websocket.onerror = (error) =>
console.log("WS Error",;
This callback is called every time a new message is received over a WebSocket. If we have built our
server to be fully compatible with Redux actions, the message can simply be dispatched to the store:
Handling onmessage
websocket.onmessage = (event) => dispatch(JSON.parse(;
Before sending any actions, we need to make sure that the WebSocket is open and ready for
transmissions. WebSockets have a readyState property that returns the current socket status:
Even when the socket is open, not all actions have to be sent (for example, actions like TAB_SELECTED
or REST_API_COMPLETE). It is best to leave the decision of what to send to our action creators. The
standard way to provide special information about actions to middleware is to use the meta key
inside an action. Thus, instead of using a regular action creator:
This way our middleware can use the meta.websocket field to decide whether to pass the action on
or not:
Chapter 10. WebSockets 164
Note, however, that this code might cause a surprising bug. Since we are sending the whole action
to the server, it might in turn broadcast it to all other clients (even ourselves). And because we didn’t
remove the action’s meta information, the other clients’ WebSocket middleware might rebroadcast
it again and again.
A Redux-aware server should consider stripping all meta information for any action it receives. In
our implementation we will remove this on the client side, though the server should still do the
Using this approach, sending actions to our server via a WebSocket becomes as simple as setting the
meta.websocket field to true.
Chapter 10. WebSockets 165
OPEN: 1,
Object.assign(websocket, {
onopen: () => dispatch(wsConnected()),
onclose: () => dispatch(wsDisconnected()),
onerror: (error) => console.log(`WS Error: ${ }`),
onmessage: (event) => dispatch(JSON.parse(
Handling authentication with WebSockets can be a little tricky, as in many applications WebSockets
are used alongside regular HTTP requests. The authentication will usually be done via regular
REST or OAUTH calls and the front end granted a token either set in cookies or to be saved in
To allow the server to authenticate a WebSocket, a special agreed-upon action has to be sent by the
client. In the case of Redux, a special action object can be serialized and sent before doing any other
work over WebSockets.
Sample Flow
A simple way to implement authentication might be to send an API action to our server containing
an email address and a password:
type: API,
payload: {
url: 'login',
method: 'POST',
success: loggedIn,
data: {
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'top secret'
If successful, our API middleware will dispatch the LOGIN_SUCCESS action containing the informa-
tion returned from the server:
type: LOGGED_IN,
payload: { token: 'xxxYYYzzzz' }
Our user’s reducer will probably act on this action to add the token to the state, to be passed in the
headers of future API requests to the server.
Chapter 10. WebSockets 167
To make WebSockets authenticate using this token, we can add special code to our WebSocket API
that will act upon LOGGED_IN and LOGOUT actions:
Now the passage of LOGGED_IN will cause a new WebSocket-enabled action to be dispatched and
processed by our middleware to authenticate with the server:
> Store:
{ type: API, payload: ... }
> Server:
POST http://.../login
> Store:
{ type: LOGGED_IN, payload: token }
> Store:
{ type: WEBSOCKET_AUTH, payload: token, meta: { websocket: true }}
> WebSocket:
{ type: WEBSOCKET_AUTH, payload: token }
Chapter 10. WebSockets 168
In a more sophisticated implementation of the WebSocket middleware, it would be best to keep track
of the authentication state of the WebSocket and prevent actions from being sent or received before
the WebSocket has been authenticated or after it has been logged out from.
When the token is already present in a cookie, it will be passed to the WebSocket as soon as the socket
is opened. This might cause problems if the login process happens after the application loads—or,
even worse, when the user logs out the WebSocket might remain authenticated. It is better to use
the action-based authentication approach described here to avoid these and similar issues.
This chapter has illustrated how well WebSockets work with Redux and the practical steps needed
to set up WebSocket-based communication.
In the next chapter we will cover the subject of testing and how each part of our Redux application
can be tested, both separately and together.
Chapter 11. Testing
One of the key strengths of Redux is its testability. We can create automated unit tests for each
of the different actors (reducers, action creators, and middleware), and combine them together for
comprehensive integration testing.
There are a large number of testing tools available. We will be using the Jest⁶⁷ library from Facebook
here, the latest version of which proves to be an excellent choice for testing Redux; however, the exact
tooling you use is relatively unimportant as most parts of our Redux application will rely on plain
JavaScript functions and objects with no complicated libraries or async flows to test. Use of other
frameworks and tools such as Karma, Mocha, and so on should look very similar to the examples in
this chapter.
To find out how to install and work with Jest, check out the getting started guide⁶⁸.
Directory Organization
To start off, we need a way to organize our tests. There are two main approaches: putting the tests
together in the same directory with the implementation files, or putting them in a separate directory.
We will use the latter approach, but the choice is largely a matter of convenience and personal
preference, with the only side effects being different test runner configurations.
We will create a separate test file for each implementation file in our project. In the case of
app/actions/recipes.js, our test file will be tests/actions/recipes.test.js.
Chapter 11. Testing 170
File Structure
In our test files we will use a describe() function to wrap all our tests. The first string parameter
to this function will allow us to easily determine which groups of tests are failing or succeeding:
describe('actions/recipes', () => {
// TODO: Add tests
Inside this function other nested describe() functions can be used, to further distinguish between
different sets of states (for example, testing failing or succeeding API calls). Each test in Jest is
wrapped in an it() block describing what the test does. To keep the tests readable and easy to
understand, it is generally recommended to create as many short tests as possible (each within its
own it() block) rather than creating very large single test functions:
describe('actions/recipes', () => {
it('addRecipe', () => {/* TODO: Implement test */});
Our setRecipes() action creator receives a single parameter and returns a plain JavaScript object.
Since there is no control flow logic or side effects, any call to this function will always return the
same value, making it very easy to test:
describe('actions/recipes', () => {
it('addRecipe', () => {
const expected = { type: 'ADD_RECIPE', payload: 'test' };
const actual = actions.addRecipe('test');
This test is built in three parts. First, we calculate what our action creator should return when called
with 'test' as an argument—in this case a JavaScript object containing two keys, type and payload:
The second stage is running the action creator actions.addRecipe('test') to get the value built
by our action creator’s implementation:
And the final stage is using Jest’s expect() and toEqual() functions to verify that the actual and
expected results are the same:
If the expected and actual objects differ, Jest will throw an error and provide information describing
the differences, allowing us to catch incorrect implementations.
Chapter 11. Testing 172
it('ADD_RECIPE', () => {
const expected = { type: 'ADD_RECIPE', payload: 'test' };
Using Snapshots
The approach of calculating the expected value and then comparing it to dynamically calculated
values is very common in Redux tests. To save typing time and make the code cleaner to read, we
can use one of Jest’s greatest features, snapshots⁶⁹.
Instead of building the expected result, we can ask Jest to run the expect() block and save the result
in a special .snap file, generating our expected object automatically and managing it for us:
it('ADD_RECIPE', () => {
The expected calculation is gone, and instead of using isEqual(), Jest will now compare the result
of the expression inside expect() to a version it has saved on disk. The actual snapshot is placed in
a __snapshots__ directory in a file with the same name as the test file plus the .snap extension:
Chapter 11. Testing 173
The structure is more complicated than that of a regular JavaScript object, but the result is exactly
the same as our original expected calculation:
What happens when our code changes? In some cases we want to intentionally change the
structure of our action object. In these cases, Jest will detect that the returned value does
not match what is saved inside its snapshot file and throw an error. But if we determine
that the new result is the correct one and the cached snapshot is no longer valid, we can
easily tell Jest to update its snapshot version to the new one.
The modified addRecipe() action creator will set payload to "Default" if the user does not provide
a title. To test this behavior we can create two tests, one that provides a parameter (as we already did)
and one that provides an empty string. A fully comprehensive test might contain multiple “empty
string” cases, for null, undefined, and '':
In contrast to what we discussed earlier, here we tried putting multiple expect() functions into the
same test. While this approach will work, it will be harder to identify which of the test cases failed
in the event of an error.
Chapter 11. Testing 174
Since we are using JavaScript to write our tests, we can easily create test cases for each input value
without increasing our code size significantly (by creating an it() clause for each). We can do that
by adding all the possible inputs into an array and automatically creating corresponding it() blocks:
Using this approach we get three different it() blocks automatically generated by JavaScript,
keeping our tests clear and the code short.
Chapter 11. Testing 175
With redux-thunk, our action creators can return a function instead of a plain JavaScript object.
The thunk middleware will call such a function with the dispatch() and getState() methods as
arguments. This allows the action creator to use the axios library to get data from the server and
dispatch an action when it’s done using dispatch().
Mocking axios
Before we move on to the actual tests, we have to lay out some infrastructure to mock the axios
library. With Jest, we can create overrides for any imported library using the built-in mocking
To do this we need to create a __mocks__ directory at the same level in the project as the node_-
modules directory. Inside we can place files named to override any Node package. For example, the
axios.js file will override import axios from 'axios' in our project.
Next, we need to update the package.json file to include a jest key with an axios property pointing
to the axios mock directory:
"jest": {
"axios": "<rootDir>/__mocks__/axios.js"
Chapter 11. Testing 176
Now, our mocked axios library will allow us to mock successful and failing API requests:
axios mock
export default {
request: (params) => (mocked || noMocks)(params),
get: (url) => (mocked || noMocks)({ url }),
name: 'mock'
Chapter 11. Testing 177
The main two APIs we use are the mockRequest() and mockRequestError() functions. After a call
to the mock, a promise is created to be returned once axios is used by our code:
.then(data => console.log(data));
Here we create a mock store object with a single thunk middleware. This store object can be used
as a regular Redux store; it supports dispatching of actions and will later allow us to assert that the
correct set of actions was sent to our store.
Chapter 11. Testing 178
describe('actions/recipes', () => {
let store;
Our mock store gets automatically recreated before each iteration of the tests, clearing any actions
cached from the previous run.
Async test
it('FETCH_RECIPE', () => {
return store.dispatch(actions.fetchRecipe(100));
Since store.dispatch() in this case returns a promise (remember, our fetchRecipe() action creator
returns a call to the axios library), we can use it to create an async test.
Chapter 11. Testing 179
To add an expect() clause to the code, we can use the same promise and run our tests as soon as it
is resolved:
it('FETCH_RECIPE', () => {
return store.dispatch(actions.fetchRecipe(100))
.then(() => expect(store.getActions()).toEqual([]))
The expect() clause is similar to what we used in our previous tests. We are using the mocked store’s
getActions() method to get an array of all the actions dispatched to the store. In our implementation
we expect a successful network call to dispatch the result of the setRecipe() action creator.
Running this test now will fail, since we didn’t instruct our mocked axios library to mock the target
URL. Using the small utility library we created previously, we can create the mock that will result
in the correct action sequence:
it('FETCH_RECIPE', () => {
mockRequest('recipe/100', 200, '{"title":"hello"}');
return store.dispatch(actions.fetchRecipe(100))
.then(() => expect(store.getActions()).toMatchSnapshot())
Here we mock a 200 successful response from the axios library and expect that dispatching the async
action created by fetchRecipe(100) results in a later dispatch of the action created by setRecipe().
Testing Reducers
Testing reducers is very similar to testing action creators, as reducers by definition are idempotent
(given a state and an action, the same new state will be returned every time). This makes reducer
tests very easy to write, as we simply need to call the reducer with different combinations of input
to verify the correctness of the output.
return state;
There are two main test cases to consider, adding a recipe to an empty list and a non-empty one. We
can test the first case as follows:
describe('reducers/recipes', () => {
it('should add recipe to empty list', () => {
const initialState = [];
const action = { type: ADD_RECIPE, payload: 'test' };
const expected = [{ title: "test" }];
const actual = reducer(initialState, action);
Before we simplify the code, let’s consider the second test case, adding a recipe to a non-empty list:
Chapter 11. Testing 182
In this test we start with a list containing a single item and update our expected result to match.
While this works, it has a maintenance problem. What will happen if our recipes contain more fields
in the future?
Using this method of writing tests, we will need to find each test definition’s initial state and add
more properties to it. This complicates the test writer’s job without providing any benefits. Luckily,
we already have a way to create non-empty states: the reducer! Since we already tested adding to an
empty list in the first test, we can rely on our reducer to create a non-empty list with all the required
recipe information:
This only partially solves the problem, though, as we are still treating the initial state as an empty
array ([]). While this is true in our test case, other reducers might have more complicated structures
to deal with. A simple solution would be to create a const initialState = {} at the root of the
tests and rely on it when needed:
describe('reducers/recipes', () => {
const initialState = [];
Chapter 11. Testing 183
The same initialState is used in all the tests, but it is still hardcoded in our test file. If our reducer
changes the way state is built, we will be forced to update the test files accordingly. To remove this
dependency we can rely on a feature that is enforced by Redux’s combineReducers(). It mandates
that any reducer called with an undefined state must return its part of the initial state structure:
This means we can use the reducer to get the initial state to use for all of our tests by calling it with
undefined and any action:
The result will put the same [] in the initial state, but now any changes to what the reducer considers
to be the initial state will be automatically picked up by the tests as well.
Chapter 11. Testing 184
Original tests
expect(reducer(initialState, action)).toEqual(expected);
The first step will be to combine action, actual, and expect() into a single line:
Simplified tests
The second step is to use Jest’s snapshots instead of manually calculated expected values:
Avoiding Mutations
One key requirement is that our reducers never modify the state, but only create a new one.
Our current tests do not verify this behavior (try changing .concat() to .push() in the reducer
While we can try to catch these mistakes by manually verifying that the initial state did not change,
a simpler approach would be to “freeze” the initial state and have any changes to it automatically
stop the tests. To achieve this we can use the excellent deep-freeze⁷² library, installed as follows:
Installing deep-freeze
Using deep-freeze
Chapter 11. Testing 186
Any attempt by any parts of our code to modify initialState will now automatically throw an
> TypeError: Can't add property 0, object is not extensible
To ensure that our reducers never change the original state, we can always call deepFreeze() on
the state before passing it on to the reducer:
This can lead to painful edge cases where all the tests pass, but the system doesn’t work. To avoid
this, we can stop using hardcoded action objects in reducers and rely on action creators directly:
expect(reducer(baseState, addRecipe('test'))).toMatchSnapshot();
While somewhat breaking the unit test principle, combining the reducers with action creators results
in cleaner code, fewer bugs, and less duplication.
Unknown Actions
One last issue to test with reducers is that they gracefully handle unknown actions and return the
original state passed to them without modifications.
Since every action can propagate to the whole reducer tree, it is important for the reducer
to return the original state and not a modified copy. This will allow UI libraries to identify
changes in the tree using reference comparison.
An important thing to note about this test is the use of .toBe() instead of .toEqual() or
.toMatchSnapshot(). Unlike the other methods, .toBe() expects the result of the reducer to be
the exact same object, not a similar object with the same data:
The main goal of this test is to verify that our reducer returns the original state if the action sent
was not intended for it:
return state;
Testing Middleware
The middleware are where most of the complex logic of our application will reside. Since they have
full access to the store’s dispatch() and getState() methods as well as control over the actions’
flow via next(), middleware can become quite complex, with nontrivial asynchronous flows.
Middleware signature
To test middleware we will need to mock dispatch(), getState(), and mock() and call sampleMid-
dleware() and nextWrapper() to get our test target, the innerCode() function:
We can now use the regular Jest tests to test the middleware() function we built by calling it with
action objects:
In the case of our simple middleware, we only want to verify that it passed the action correctly down
the chain by calling next(action). Since we used Jest’s function mocking, we can get a full history
of calls to each mock by accessing next.mock.calls:
Our test verified that there was only one call to next(). In that call there was only one parameter
passed, and that parameter was the sample action.
We could do all the three tests in one go by using:
Generic setup
describe('sample middleware', () => {
let next, dispatch, getState, middleware;
beforeEach(() => {
next = jest.fn();
dispatch = jest.fn();
getState = jest.fn();
middleware = sampleMiddleware({ dispatch, getState })(next);
Using this structure, our middleware will be rebuilt before each test and all the mocked functions
will be reset, keeping the testing code itself as short as possible.
Chapter 11. Testing 191
API middleware
if (accessToken) {
headers['Access-Token'] = accessToken;
Our middleware catches any actions of type 'API', which must contain a payload key with a url
to make a request to and a success parameter that holds an action creator to call with the returned
In our Redux call, calling dispatch(apiAction()) will result in our API middleware doing a GET
request for server/fake.json and, if successful, dispatching the SET_DATA action with the response set
as payload. When there is an error, an action created by apiError() will be dispatched containing
status and statusText.
Another important feature of the API middleware is that it will dispatch apiStarted() before
contacting the server and apiFinished() on success (or apiError() on failure). This allows the
application to keep track of the number of active requests to the server and display a spinner or
some other user indication.
To fully test this middleware we can split the tests into three groups: general tests, success tests, and
failure tests.
To make our tests cleaner we will be using the structure discussed previously and mocking the axios
API as discussed in the “Async Action Creators” section of this chapter.
Chapter 11. Testing 193
We will also use the sample API action creators from earlier to drive the tests and a fake data response
from the server:
beforeEach(() => {
next = jest.fn();
dispatch = jest.fn();
middleware = apiMiddleware({ dispatch })(next);
General tests
The first test for any middleware is to ensure that it passes unknown actions down the chain. If we
forget to use next(action), no actions will reach the reducers:
Here we verify that dispatch() is never called and next() is called exactly once with our
sampleAction. Since we will be using dispatch.mock.calls and next.mock.calls very often in
our tests, we can shorten them a little by adding the following to our setup code:
beforeEach(() => {
next = jest.fn();
dispatch = jest.fn();
dispatchCalls = dispatch.mock.calls;
nextCalls = next.mock.calls;
Another general test could be to verify that the API_STARTED action is dispatched every time the
middleware is about to access the server:
Our expect() call only checks that the first dispatch() action is API_STARTED because the
middleware might call additional actions later on.
In the success scenario, we need to mock the axios library to return a successful response. We will
be using the same mockRequest() utility introduced in the “Async Action Creators” section of this
Our basic success tests need to check that API_FINISHED is dispatched once the API is done and that
our success() action creator is called, passed the response, and dispatched to the store:
describe('success', () => {
beforeEach(() => mockRequest('recipes.json', 200, JSON.stringify(data)));
A first attempt at testing the first case might look similar to the API_STARTED test:
Unfortunately, this code will not work. Since API_FINISHED is only dispatched after the API’s
promise is resolved, we need to wait for that to happen before calling expect().
Chapter 11. Testing 196
As discussed in “Async Action Creators,” we rely on our call to the middleware to return a promise
that gets resolved once the network call completes. Only then can we run assertions and verify that
everything behaved according to our expectations:
In this version of the test, only once the promise returned by the call to middleware() is resolved do
we check the array of calls to dispatch(). Since our new test is a one-liner, we can use some ES2015
magic and Jest’s toMatchSnapshot() method to shorten the code:
Testing that the API middleware correctly sends the response from the server via the action creator
provided in action.payload.success is very similar:
After the network request is done, we check that the third call to dispatch() sent us the same action
object as a direct call to the setData(data) action creator.
Remember that we mocked the server response for the axios library with mockRequest(),
passing it the stringified version of data.
Chapter 11. Testing 197
The failing case is similar to the success one, except that we mock the server request to fail. There
are two tests in this scenario, verifying that API_FINISHED was not dispatched and that API_ERROR
was dispatched instead:
describe('error', () => {
beforeEach(() => mockRequestError('recipes.json', 404, 'Not found'));
Here we have used all the methods discussed previously to test both cases.
Integration Tests
The role of the integration tests is to verify that all the parts of the application work correctly
together. A comprehensive unit test suite will ensure all the reducers, action creators, middleware,
and libraries are correct. With integration tests, we will try to run them together in a single test to
check system-wide behavior.
Chapter 11. Testing 198
As an example of an integration test, we will verify that when the fetchRecipes() action creator
is dispatched, data is correctly fetched from the server and the state is updated. In this flow we will
check that the API middleware is correctly set up, all the required action creators are correct, and
the recipes reducer updates the state as needed.
Basic Setup
Since the integration tests will be using the real store, we can simply require and initialize it as in
our regular application:
describe('integration', () => {
it('should fetch recipes from server', () => {
describe('integration', () => {
it('should fetch recipes from server', () => {
const data = [{ title: 'test' }];
return store.dispatch(fetchRecipes())
.then(() => expect(store.getState().recipes).toEqual(data));
To make sure our reducer updates the state, we first verify that our initial recipes list is empty
and check that it was changed to contain the server-returned data after the fetchRecipes() action
In this chapter we have discussed in detail various methods of testing Redux using the Jest library.
Given the clear division of responsibilities in Redux and in keeping with its plain JavaScript objects
and idempotent functions, most unit tests (and integration tests) are short and simple to write.
This in turn means that we, as developers, can minimize the time we spend writing tests and still
have a comprehensive and understandable testing suite.
Congratulations, you have reached the end of this book! We hope it helped you understand Redux
better. Keep reading if you are interested in the future of Redux and want to learn about Redux-
related libraries and resources.
The Evolution of Redux
A word from our friend Mark Erikson⁷³, Redux co-maintainer and author of the Redux
FAQ and several of the Redux ecosystem resources linked to in the next section.
In many ways, Redux has been “done” since its initial 1.0 release in August 2015. The 2.0 and 3.0
releases less than a month later cleaned up a few bits of the public API, and 3.1 in January 2016
allowed passing an enhancer as the last argument to createStore(). The changes since then have
mostly been small internal tweaks and minor cleanup that isn’t meaningfully visible. Even the recent
4.0 release is primarily about updating TypeScript typings and smoothing out edge cases.
So where is Redux going in the future? There are a few different answers to that question.
Redux Roadmap
First, the core Redux library will remain stable, with some additional tweaks around the edges.
For example, users frequently ask for combineReducers() to allow scenarios like passing additional
arguments to slice reducers, or skipping warnings when state slices exist without a slice reducer to
handle them. We may try breaking up the combineReducers() functionality into smaller functions
to allow users to supply their own implementations for iterating over state values and combining
them, or allow options to turn off warnings, then reimplement the internals of combineReducers()
to use those customizable options. Overall, though, the core API will stay the same.
React-Redux, on the other hand, will see some major changes in the near future. React-Redux 5.0 was
already a complete internal rewrite that moved the subscription logic out into memoized selector
functions, and added top-down subscription behavior to ensure that parent components are updated
before their children. With the release of React 16, the React team is pushing forward with changes
to React’s API and behavior that will require corresponding changes to the internals of React-Redux.
In particular, the React team has proposed a replacement for the existing context API, which React-
Redux currently uses to make the store instance accessible to nested components. The upcoming
work on async rendering will also require changes and adaptation by all of the state management
libraries in the React ecosystem. Look for more major changes to the internals of React-Redux over
the course of 2018. Ideally, all of those changes will be handled in ways that keep the public API the
same, so that your application code won’t have to change.
If you’d like to get involved, there are always opportunities to help improve the Redux documen-
tation. We’ve always got several open issues with the “docs” tag that are available for people to
work on. There are also tentative plans to revamp the React-Redux docs, and possibly to rework the
current build system for the Redux docs as well.
The Evolution of Redux 201
• Redux is used in an estimated 55-60% of React apps, and Redux or Redux-inspired libraries
are frequently used in the Angular, Vue, and Ember ecosystems as well.
• My Redux addons catalog⁷⁵ currently lists over 2,000 Redux-related addons, tools, and
• While there are many side effects libraries available, the four most popular are:
– redux-thunk as a starting point for simple async logic
– redux-saga for complex async logic using generators
– redux-observable if you prefer to use observables
– redux-loop for those who want to emulate Elm-style side effects in reducers
• There are many different approaches for fetching data and making network calls; everyone
seems to be doing it differently.
• Store state persistence is very common.
• Redux-based routing is attracting interest as an alternative to React-based routing.
In addition, the Redux community continues to build valuable tools to solve a variety of use cases,
from generating reusable action creators and reducers, to tools for data fetching and network
behavior, to higher-level abstractions on top of Redux.
To me, the real excitement is what’s happening in the ecosystem, and I can’t wait to see what the
community builds next!
Further Reading
Despite its small size, the Redux library has had a huge effect on the way developers handle data
management in single-page applications. It’s already used in many large production applications,
and a large ecosystem has grown up around it.
Today, there are a lot of great materials about Redux all over the internet. This book attempts to
group together best practices for real-world use of Redux and show how to use it correctly in large
applications—but since the web world is constantly moving forward, it is always a good idea to
keep up to date and explore new libraries and methods. In this section of the book, we would like to
mention some good Redux-related sources for further learning.
Useful Libraries
The Redux ecosystem now includes dozens (if not hundreds) of useful libraries that complement
or extend its features. Here’s a short list of libraries that have gained widespread popularity and
are strongly recommended for use in large Redux projects—we recommend that you check out the
source code of these libraries to get a deeper understanding of the extensibility of Redux:
If you count the Redux store as a client-side database of your application, you can definitely
count selectors as queries to that database. reselect allows you to create and manage
composable and efficient selectors, which are crucial in any large application.
Further Reading 203
Written by Redux cocreator Andrew Clark, this library can reduce the amount of boilerplate
code you need to write when working with action creators and reducers. We find it
particularly useful for writing reducers in a more ES2015 fashion, instead of using large switch
If you ever need to implement undo/redo/reset functionality in some parts of your application,
we recommend using this awesome library. It provides a higher-order reducer that can
relatively easily extend your existing reducers to support action history.
redux-logger is a highly configurable middleware for logging Redux actions, including the
state before and after the action, in the browser console. It should only be used in development.
Our advice is to use the collapsed: true option to make the console output more readable
and manageable.
This reasonably simple store enhancer enables persisting and rehydrating parts of the store
in the browser’s localStorage. It does not support other storage implementations, such
as sessionStorage. Be aware that localStorage isn’t supported in private mode in some
browsers, and always check its performance in large applications.
Resource Repositories
The Redux repository on GitHub has an Ecosystem documentation section⁸⁴ where you’ll find a
curated list of Redux-related tools and resources.
There is also a less-curated (and thus much larger) resource catalog managed by the community
called Awesome Redux⁸⁵. This repository contains a good amount of resources related to using Redux
with different libraries such as Angular, Vue, Polymer, and others.
If you are looking for more React/Redux-focused material, Mark Erikson maintains a resource
repository called React/Redux Links⁸⁶. The materials there are separated by difficulty level, and
a broad range of topics are covered (state management, performance, forms, and many others).
The same author also maintains a more Redux-focused resource list called Redux Ecosystem Links⁸⁷,
which has a similar structure.
Closing Words
Improving the Book
Writing this book was an amazing journey for us, and we really hope you enjoyed reading it.
This is the second edition of the book, improved mainly due to the great feedback we got from the
Redux community.
If you find any issues, or have suggestions or comments on how to improve the book, we would
really love to hear them.
Please drop us a line at [email protected].
What’s Next
Done reading the book and still have questions, or wonder how the tools can best be used in large
and complex Redux-based projects?
Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]; we would love to try to help.