What Is Anesthesia?: Every Year, Millions of Americans Safely Undergo Surgery With Anesthesia. Credit: Istock

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What is anesthesia?
Anesthesia is a medical treatment that prevents patients from feeling pain
during surgery. It allows people to have procedures that lead to healthier and
longer lives.
To produce anesthesia, doctors use drugs called anesthetics. Scientists have
developed a collection of anesthetic drugs with different effects. These drugs
include general, regional, and local anesthetics. General anesthetics put
patients to sleep during the procedure. Local and regional anesthetics just
numb part of the body and allow patients to remain awake during the
procedure. Every year, millions of Americans safely
undergo surgery with anesthesia. Credit:
Depending on the type of pain relief needed, doctors deliver anesthetics by iStock.
injection, inhalation, topical lotion, spray, eye drops, or skin patch.

What is general anesthesia?

General anesthesia affects the whole body, making patients unconscious and unable to move. Surgeons use it
when they operate on internal organs and for other invasive or time-consuming procedures such as back
surgery. Without general anesthesia, many major, life-saving procedures would not be possible, including
open-heart surgery, brain surgery, and organ transplants.
Doctors provide general anesthetics either directly into the bloodstream (intravenously) or as an inhaled gas.
General anesthesia delivered intravenously will act quickly and disappear rapidly from the body. This allows
patients to go home sooner after surgery. Inhaled anesthetics may take longer to wear off.
General anesthetics typically are very safe. But they can pose risks for some patients, such as the elderly or
people with chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Also, side effects may linger for several days in some patients,
especially the elderly and children.
Serious side effects—such as dangerously low blood pressure—are much less common than they once were.
Still, as with any medical procedure, some risks exist. To minimize these risks, specialized doctors called
anesthesiologists carefully monitor unconscious patients and can adjust the amount of anesthetic they receive.

What are local and regional anesthesia?

Doctors use local and regional anesthetics to block pain in a part of the body.
With these anesthetics, patients stay conscious and comfortable. Usually,
patients may go home soon after surgery.
Local anesthetics affect a small part of the body, such as a single tooth. They
are often used in dentistry, for eye surgeries such as cataract removal, and to
remove small skin growths including warts and moles.
Dental injections deliver local
anesthetics that numb part of the Regional anesthetics affect larger areas, such as an arm, a leg, or everything
mouth. Credit: iStock.
below the waist. For example, this sort of anesthesia is used for hand and
joint surgeries, to ease the pain of childbirth, or during a C-section delivery.

Anesthesia ● September 2017 ● Page 1

How does anesthesia work? Learn More
Until recently, we knew very little about how anesthetics work. Scientists are now able NIGMS Resources
to study how the drugs affect specific molecules within cells. Most researchers agree
that the drugs target proteins in the membranes around nerve cells. Because inhaled Biomedical Beat Blog Posts
anesthetics have different effects than intravenous ones, scientists suspect that the two on Anesthesiology
different types of drugs target different sets of proteins. Profile of Anesthesiologist
Daniel Sessler in Findings
What do anesthesiologists do? Magazine
Anesthesiologists are doctors who carefully monitor
Understanding Anesthesia
patients throughout surgery and during recovery. They
use highly advanced electronic devices that constantly
display patients’ blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, Burns Fact Sheet
heart function, and breathing patterns. These devices Physical Trauma Fact Sheet
have dramatically improved the safety of general
Anesthesiologists use digital anesthesia. They also make it possible to operate on Sepsis Fact Sheet
devices to monitor patients’ vital many patients who used to be considered too sick to Anesthesiology Research
signs throughout surgery. Credit: have surgery.
iStock. and Training Programs
Anesthesiologists also provide pain relief for less Other Resources
invasive procedures, such as those used to examine
blood vessels and internal organs (endoscopy) and during labor and delivery. Anesthesia (Medline Plus,
As experts in pain management, anesthesiologists may advise patients and their doctors
on how to manage pain. Waking Up to Anesthesia:
Learn More Before You Go
How are anesthesiologists trained? Under from NIH News in
Like all medical doctors, anesthesiologists earn a college degree, often in a life sciences Health
field, then a medical degree (M.D. or D.O.). After that, they complete a 4-year residency
program in anesthesiology. Many also train for an additional year or more in a specialty such as pain
management, pediatric anesthesiology, or critical care medicine.

What does the future hold for anesthesiology?

Scientists are learning more about how anesthetics work at the most basic level. They are also studying the
short- and long-term effects of these drugs on specific groups of people, such as the elderly and cancer
survivors. These studies will reveal whether certain anesthetics are better than others for members of those
Research on how a person's genetic makeup affects how he or she responds to anesthetics will allow doctors
to further tailor drugs for each patient. In the future, scientists hope to design anesthetics that are safer, more
effective, and more personalized.
Knowing how anesthetics affect pain and consciousness could also lead to new treatments for conditions that
affect consciousness, such as epilepsy or coma. Studies of anesthesia may even help us better understand the
nature of consciousness itself.
NIGMS is a part of the National Institutes of Health that supports basic research to increase our understanding
of biological processes and lay the foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. For
more information on the Institute's research and training programs, visit https://www.nigms.nih.gov.
Content revised September 2017

Anesthesia ● September 2017 ● Page 2

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