How To Improve Airport Operation PDF
How To Improve Airport Operation PDF
How To Improve Airport Operation PDF
Summary: This paper discusses airport operational performance issue. The focus is on
research executed to find out which areas need to be improved in the airport
operations in near future. Also, features of IT solutions for achieving better process
control and the overall performance are briefly described. This paper is a part of
project “Centre of Excellence for Air Transport”ITMS 26220120065.
Key words: airport operation, performance, control process, IT solution
As air traffic continues to grow, fuel prices rise, security remains strict and capacity is
stretched to the limit, the need for efficient airport operations is at an all-time high. The
problems created by poorly run systems are felt by everyone involved in air travel – in terms
of delayed flights, long queues, lost baggage, wasted time and rising costs. From this point of
view, the airport operation seems to be critical in the whole industry.
Time is money. Every single airline is aware of this well known fact. Time is a critical
value. Especially time spent on the ground during handling procedure. This period does not
allow an airline to generate any revenues. Revenues can be generated only when the aircraft is
in the air. Therefore is reducing of non-productive period spent on the apron one of the
biggest challenges which airlines are facing in these days when the market is oversaturated
with competition.
Reducing stay on the ground means possibility of adding additional frequency for an
aircraft flying on short or medium-haul routes. Consequences of this step are obvious. From
marketing point of view, more frequencies means more attractive schedule, more attractive
schedule means competitive advantage. From economic point of view, more frequencies
means more passengers, more passengers means more revenues.
As long as current trends, let us have a look at UK example. Background research on
industry and business trends forecasts a 140 % increase in annual UK passenger traffic in the
first thirty years of this century, from 200 million in 2002 to 485 million by 2030. A
significant portion of that traffic (275 million passengers) is expected to migrate to low cost
Prof. Ing. Antonín Kazda, PhD., University of Žilina Faculty of Transport and Communication, Air transport
department,Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia, Tel.: +421415133451,
E-mail: [email protected]
Ing. Martin Hromádka, University of Žilina Faculty of Transport and Communication, Air transport
department,Univerzitna 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia, E-mail: [email protected]
airlines, which have experienced a sustained 9% annual growth in the volume of flights in
recent years. This trend signals an increase in demand for the 30 minutes turn-around,
represents mostly business travellers that put a high value on their time, and aggravates the
pressure for punctuality and efficiency on airport operations.
Furthermore, the introduction of larger aircraft to long haul flights (e.g. A380 and 747-
8) is expected to cause increased ramp congestion, requiring effective management of ground
support equipment and similar assets. Finally, cargo operators are looking to leverage
extensive international passenger networks and larger aircraft with mixed cargo / passenger
capability. This trend is compounded with tighter restrictions on passenger baggage, creating
room and opportunities for cargo, but adding complexity to logistic processes in the airport.
Airports and ground service providers must utilize the available resources in the best
possible way in order to cope with the new trends. This is the case for the staff and equipment
concerned with ground handling on the ramp and in the terminal, as well as for infrastructure
and building resources — such as runways, taxiways, apron and terminal resources such as
stands, gates or check-in counters — which typically can only be extended in the long run and
with large financial effort. Also, wastage of scarce Air Traffic Flow Management slots must
be minimized.
Challenging optimization problems arise at the tactical planning and at the online
control level, where the task is additionally complicated by frequent changes of the flight
schedule, such as delays, re-routings, or aircraft changes.
Next steps to be taken are discussed bellow. Industry response to these results is leading
the University of Cambridge to launch a new phase of the research. The scope would expand
on the previous work and:
• Audit the critical areas of ground-based asset management, aircraft line maintenance,
baggage handling, and passenger transit;
• Expand the benchmarking exercise beyond its original focus on short haul flights, by
adding long haul and air cargo to the scope of investigation;
• Study more efficient uses of airport ramp capacity and facilities;
• Explore new partnership models between airlines, ground handlers, fuellers, caterers,
airport operators, and systems integrators;
• Pilot more integrated information systems;
• Deploy innovative technologies such as auto-identification wherever justified by the
as checkk-in, securitty or boardiing, as well as ramp haandling services on the apron, e.g. baggage
transporrtation and loading.
Thhe use of auutomated sccheduling teechniques ty ypically savves plannerss up to 30% % of their
time to create rosters. Additioonally, advaanced IT teechniques can lead to staff schedu ules that
require 2 – 5 % less working timet comparred to manu ually generaated solutionns.
Obviously, thhe scale of airport opeerations maakes scheduuling system ms essential tools in
the dayy to day woork at airpoorts. In com mparison to o paper andd pencil appproaches, the t mere
transparrency introdduced by scheduling
s systems can n lead to work
w time savings of 8% and
Fllexible IT solution techniques
t enable foor evaluatinng alternative staff planning
practicees, e.g. by revising pattterned rosteers and shifft duties or by
b cross utiilizing stafff groups.
These syystems has also been very
v successsfully emplo oyed for evaaluating alteernative reg
and conncessions inn corporatee bargain negotiations
n and for opptimizing thhe staff miix. Such
proceduural changess can lead too savings off up to 12%% in staff cossts.
O a real tiime level, hub
On h controol systems integrate innformation from the different d
handlingg services. This
T allowss for trackinng and moniitoring of thhe different handling prrocesses,
displayiing interdeppendencies and analyzzing criticall chains. Additionally
A , interdepenndencies
betweenn the flightss (e.g. transsfer passenggers) can bee displayedd. Providingg an aggregaate view
on handdling activities, hub conntrol providdes decision
n support thaat is essentiaal in avoidinng flight
delays and
a increasiing service quality.
Airport operaation can be
A b improvedd at any mo oment. Wheen the airpoort finds an nd solves
the botttleneck in itts operationn, the new bottleneck
b occurs
o at thee same timee. Thus, conntinuous
operatioon monitoriing must be b on daily basis to help
h an airpport keep iits competittiveness.
Nowadaays, airportts are impllementing various
v kin
nds of soluutions whicch are desiigned to
improvee control prrocess, stafff planning or
o better ussage of grouund handlinng equipmen nt. They
are alsoo searching for operatioonal areas to
t be optimized. All thhese steps can lead to lowering
delays and
a financiaal saves for all stakehollders involvved in the avviation induustry.
Thhis paper isi publishedd as one of o the scienntific outpuuts of the pproject: “CCentre of
Excellennce for Aiir Transporrt” ITMS 26220120 0065. We support
s ressearch activ
vities in
Slovakia/Project is co-financed by EU.
(1) Optiimized airpport operattions in thhe informattion-enabledd environm
ment. Availlable at:
m (5. 10. 20011).
Kazda, Hromádka:
H H to improove airport operation
How o 121
Number 5, Volume VI, December 2011