MDI 0045 Am1 Cable Sheath Bonding Design FINAL
MDI 0045 Am1 Cable Sheath Bonding Design FINAL
MDI 0045 Am1 Cable Sheath Bonding Design FINAL
Amendment No: 1
(Supersedes MDI 0045.am0)
As the information contained in this publication is subject to change from time to time, Endeavour
Energy gives no warranty that the information is correct or complete or is a definitive statement of
procedures. Endeavour Energy reserves the right to vary the content of this publication as and
when required. You should make independent inquiries to satisfy yourself as to correctness and
currency of the content. Endeavour Energy expressly disclaims all and any liability to any persons
whatsoever in respect of anything done or not done by any such person in reliance, whether in
whole or in part, on this document.
1.0 PURPOSE............................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................ 4
3.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 4
4.0 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................ 4
4.1 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................. 4
4.2 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 5
5.0 ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Design criteria ................................................................................................................. 6
5.2 Design assumptions ....................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Safety considerations ..................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Bonding system selection considerations .................................................................... 7
5.5 End-point bonded cable.................................................................................................. 7
5.5.1 Connectivity ............................................................................................................... 7
5.5.2 Maximum length requirements ................................................................................... 8
5.6 Mid-point bonded cable .................................................................................................. 9
5.6.1 Connectivity ............................................................................................................... 9
5.6.2 Maximum length requirements ................................................................................. 11
5.7 Cross bonded cable ...................................................................................................... 11
5.7.1 Single major section ................................................................................................ 12
5.7.2 Multiple major sections ............................................................................................ 12
5.7.3 Connectivity ............................................................................................................. 13
5.7.4 Maximum minor section length requirements ........................................................... 14
5.7.5 Maximum minor section imbalance .......................................................................... 15
5.8 Mixed bonded cable ...................................................................................................... 15
5.9 Cable trench profiles..................................................................................................... 16
5.9.1 Standard trench profile............................................................................................. 16
5.9.2 Alternative trench profile .......................................................................................... 17
To set out the minimum sheath bonding design requirements for single core cables installed in
Endeavour Energy’s transmission and sub-transmission networks.
This document provides the design requirements for all end-point, mid-point and cross bonded
33 kV, 66 kV and 132 kV single core cables.
The end-point and mid-point bonding requirements within this standard covers cables connected:
• within the premises of a single substation;
• between a substation and a UGOH; and
• between two UGOHs.
The cross bonding requirements within this standard covers cables connected:
• between substations;
• between a substation and a UGOH; and
• between two UGOHs.
• Company Policy 9.2.5 Network Asset Design
• Earthing Design Instruction EDI 0001 Earthing design risk assessment
• Mains Design Instruction MDI 0011 Underground distribution cables - continuous current
• Mains Design Instruction MDI 0046 Transmission underground cables - continuous current
• Network NSW Specifications – 33kV cables specification (V9.2)
• Network NSW Specifications – 66kV cables specification (V7.2)
• Network NSW Specifications – 132kV cables specification (V10.2)
• ENA National Electricity Network Safety Code (Doc 01-2008)
4.1 Abbreviations
Cross sectional area
Earth continuity conductor
Gas insulated switchgear
Overhead earth wire
Sheath voltage limiter
Underground to overhead
4.2 Definitions
Cross bonding
A method for managing the metallic sheath voltage by designing the cable installation to have
three (3) sections where the metallic sheath is transposed between the sections and earthed at
each end.
Floating end
The end of the cable where the metallic sheath is unearthed.
Metallic sheath
Metallic covering over the cable insulation designed to carry fault current. This metallic sheath
may be a copper wire screen, corrugated copper or aluminium laminate.
Mid-point bonding
A method for managing the metallic sheath voltage by earthing the metallic sheath at one point
along the cable length, usually in the middle.
End-point bonding
A method for managing the metallic sheath voltage by earthing the metallic sheath at one end of
the cable, also known as single-point bonding.
Zone and transmission substations.
If the requirements and assumptions of this standard are satisfied, a detailed sheath bonding
design is not required. If the requirements and assumptions of this standard are not satisfied, a
detailed sheath bonding design must be submitted to the Mains Assets Manager for review,
demonstrating compliance with the design criteria listed in Section 5.1.
The requirements of this standard were established using the following criteria:
• the maximum standing voltage on the metallic sheath under balanced load conditions must
not exceed 160 V;
• the maximum voltage on the metallic sheath under a single line to ground through fault
condition must not exceed 90% of the SVL rated voltage; and
• if the cross bonding has unequal minor section lengths, the de-rating effect from the
circulating current in the metallic sheath must not exceed 1% of the cable rating calculated in
Mains Design Instruction MDI 0011 Underground distribution cables - continuous current
ratings or Mains Design Instruction MDI 0046 Transmission underground cables - continuous
current ratings. If the de-rating exceeds 1%, the cable current rating must be updated to
include the effects of unequal minor sections.
The requirements specified in this document are only valid if the following assumptions are
satisfied in the design.
• the single core cables used in the design comply with applicable NNSW cable specifications;
• only one cable circuit (of any voltage) is installed within the trench;
• SVLs have a 7.5 kV rating;
• the UGOH footing impedance is less than or equal to 10 Ω whilst meeting the requirements of
EDI 0001; and
• the substation earth grid impedance, obtained from the Substation Primary Design Manager,
is less than or equal to 0.5 Ω (if the cable bonding is directly connected to the substation).
• a minimum of two (2) km of OHEW connected to the UGOH. However, the OHEW can be
less than two (2) km if connected directly to a substation; and
• the cable and ECC are installed in the configurations illustrated in Section 5.9.
• The cable is installed in the configurations illustrated in Section 5.9 without an ECC.
Under normal operating conditions, a voltage will be induced onto the metallic sheath. The
metallic sheath must be treated as live low voltage and be adequately insulated to prevent
inadvertent contact.
Under fault conditions, there is a risk of an earth potential rise occurring at the link boxes.
Therefore, the risk must be managed in accordance with the requirements of Earthing Design
Instruction EDI 0001 Earthing design risk assessment.
The following must be considered (but not limited to) when selecting the bonding system:
• the number of joints required (costs of the joints and reliability impacts);
• costs associated with purchasing and installing an ECC for end-point and mid-point bonded
• compatibility of the bonding system with future cable extensions and associated bonding; and
• if three (3) or more cable drums are required for the cable installation, cross bonding should
be used.
5.5.1 Connectivity
End-point bonded cables must have one end of the metallic sheath connected to earth. The
floating end of the metallic sheath must be connected to an SVL to manage voltage transients on
the metallic sheath.
End-point bonded cables connecting a UGOH to another UGOH must be connected as shown in
Figure 2. The SVLs are to be installed on the side of the cable with the most accessible UGOH.
The maximum lengths of the cables (L) are outlined in Section 5.5.2.
Connected to L (maximum cable length) Connected to
UGOH substation
Cable Sheath
Link Box
Footing Earth Grid
Resistance Resistance
Connected to Connected to
L (maximum cable length)
Cable Sheath
Footing Footing
Resistance Resistance
The maximum cable lengths (L) for end-point bonded systems are listed in Table 1.
The maximum cable length varies depending on the location of the ECC with respects to the
cable cores. The standard trench profile (outlined in Section 5.9.1) is the preferred arrangement
however the alternative trench profile (outlined in Section 5.9.2) may be used if the maximum
cable lengths are insufficient.
Cable details
Maximum cable length L (m)
33 31.5 1100 1500 1500 1800
31.5 950 1300 1200 1500
40 750 1100 950 1400
5.6.1 Connectivity
Mid-point bonded cables must have the metallic sheath, at the mid-point, connected to earth via
an earthing link box. The floating ends of the metallic sheath must be connected to an SVL to
manage voltage transients. Cable bonding connecting a substation to a UGOH must be
connected as shown in Figure 3, whereas a UGOH to UGOH connection must be connected as
shown in Figure 4.
The maximum lengths of the cables (L) are outlined in Section 5.6.2.
Cable Sheath
Footing Substation
Resistance Earth Grid
Connected to Connected to
L (maximum cable length)
Cable Sheath
SVL Links
Link Box
Footing Footing
Resistance Resistance
The maximum cable lengths (L) associated with mid-point bonding is the total length of the
underground cable, including the midpoint joint, and is listed in Table 2.
If the location of the mid-point joint (where the metallic sheath is connected directly to earth) is
not at the middle of the cable run, the maximum cable length on either side of the mid-point joint
must be no greater than half of the maximum cable lengths listed in Table 2.
The maximum cable length varies depending on the location of the ECC with respects to the
cable cores. The standard trench profile (as outlined Section 5.9.1) is the preferred arrangement
however the alternative trench profile (as outlined in Section 5.9.2) may be used if the maximum
cable lengths are insufficient.
Cable details
Maximum cable length L (m)
prospective Standard trench Alternative trench
Voltage CSA fault current profile profile
(kV) (mm2) (kA) (clause 5.9.1) (clause 5.9.2)
Substation UGOH - Substation UGOH -
33 31.5 2200 3000 3000 3600
31.5 1900 2600 2400 3000
40 1500 2200 1900 2800
Unlike end-point and mid-point bonded systems, cross bonded systems do not require an ECC
but uses the metallic sheath to provide earthing continuity.
Cross bonded cables consisting of one major section, made up of smaller minor sections, have
the metallic sheath earthed at each end of the major section. The metallic sheath must be
transposed between the minor sections and is connected to SVLs to manage voltage transients.
However, the cable cores are jointed straight though as illustrated in Figure 5.
The minor section lengths and allowable differences between minor section lengths must not
exceed the values stated in Section 5.7.4 and Section 5.7.5 respectively.
Major Section
Cable Sheath
Earth Resistance
Figure 5 - Connectivity of a cross bonded cable system with one (1) major section.
The cross bonded major sections can be combined to achieve long cable lengths. The
connectivity of multiple cross bonded systems is illustrated in Figure 6 and there is no limit to the
number of major sections permitted in a cable run.
Figure 6 - Connectivity of a cross bonded cable system with two (2) major sections.
5.7.3 Connectivity
Connected Connected to
to substation substation
Cable Sheath
Connected Connected
to UGOH to substation
Cable Sheath
Footing Substation
Earth Earth
Resistance Earth Grid
Resistance Resistance
Connected Connected
Cable Sheath
Footing Earth Earth Footing
Resistance Resistance Resistance Resistance
The maximum minor section lengths for cross bonded systems are listed in Table 3. As cross
bonded systems do not require an ECC, the trench profiles outlined in Section 5.9.1 and 5.9.2
result in the same maximum minor section lengths.
31.5 1300
40 1300
5.7.5 Maximum minor section imbalance
For a given major section, the length of the minor sections should be as close to equal as
possible, i.e. the minor section length should ideally be the length of the major section divided by
three (3). If the minor section lengths are not equal, circulating currents will exist in the metallic
sheath which may de-rate the cable. Refer to Annexure A – concepts, for an explanation of this
The magnitude of circulating current is dependent on the difference in minor section lengths
(within a given major section) and can be represented as a ratio. The difference ratio is listed
below and must be less than 1.3.
𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠
𝑆ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠
≤ 1.3
Where a new bonding system is to be installed adjacent to an existing bonding system, the
designer must consider whether it is more practical to convert the existing bonding system to suit
the additional cable length or to create a mixed bonded system (multiple bonding systems are
used on a continuous length of cable).
If a mixed bonded system is used, separate link boxes are required for each bonding system and
must be connected to earth as shown in Figure 10 so that:
• the sheath is not continuous between bonding systems where an SVL is installed; and,
• the cable metallic sheath can be isolated for testing purposes.
However, one (1) link box is permitted where no SVLs are connected between the mixed bonding
systems and if the link box can isolate the metallic sheath of each cable independently (i.e. a link
box with seven (7) links – six (6) for the bonding leads and one (1) for the earth connection).
Figure 10: Where SVLs are connected between mixed bonding systems, separate link
boxes are required to be installed.
5.9 Cable trench profiles
The following configuration is based on Endeavour Energy’s standard trench profile. The ECC
must be installed in a conduit 50 mm from the edge of the trench, as shown in Figure 11 below. If
cross bonding is used, the ECC is not required.
If the maximum cable lengths for end-point or mid-point bonded systems are insufficient using the
standard trench profile, the alternative trench profile may be used, as depicted in Figure 12. If
cross bonding is used, the ECC is not required.
Underbored cables must use the lengths associated with the standard trench profile in Section
Joint bays and transitions to UGOHs where the cable arrangement changes to flat for short
lengths do not need to be considered and the values for the standard arrangement will suffice.
Single core cables connected between the switchgear and transformer (inside a substation) of
lengths less than 200 m must be:
• end-point bonded without SVLs;
• the source end of the cable unearthed (floating); and,
• the load end of the cable earthed.
As the metallic sheath is to be treated as live low voltage, a non-tracking heat shrink insulation
cover (suitable for a minimum of 4 kV) must be installed around the exposed metallic sheath
wires at the unearthed end, as shown in Figure 13. If the cable termination is installed both
outside and horizontally, suitably rated self-amalgamated tape must be applied 20 mm either side
under the heat shrink insulation to prevent moisture ingress.
Lengths greater than 200 m will require SVLs to be installed or a bonding design completed to
verify SVLs are not required.
20 mm 20 mm
(minimum) (minimum)
Cable termination
If the cable metallic sheath is required to be earthed at the GIS, as defined by the selected
bonding method or Section 5.10.1, the metallic sheath must be bonded to the plugin termination
flange on the GIS enclosure. Electrical connections must also exist between the plugin
termination flange and the GIS enclosure. The number, size and nature of these connections
must be in accordance with the GIS manufacturer’s specifications.
To prevent fault current travelling through the GIS enclosure frame, electrical connections must
be made between the plugin termination flange and the earth bar (which is connected to the
substation earth grid), as shown in Figure 14.
If the metallic sheath is required to be connected to a link box with SVLs (as stipulated in end-
point or mid-point bonding), the metallic sheath is to be connected directly to the link box and
must not be connected to the GIS flange.
Connection to
earth bar
The ECC and bonding leads must be 240 mm² stranded copper single core cables.
General Manager Asset Management has the authority and responsibility for approving this
instruction and approving variations from the requirements of this instruction.
Manager Asset Standards & Design has the authority and responsibility for:
• revising and updating this instruction in accordance with Company Policy and Procedures;
• endorsing and recommending changes and revisions to this instruction.
• overseeing that all designs carried out under their responsibility conform to the requirements
of this instruction;
• endorsing and recommending changes and revisions to this instruction; and,
• endorsing variations from the requirements of this instruction.
Mains & Civil Design Manager has the authority and responsibility for:
• overseeing that all designs carried out under their responsibility conform to the requirements
of this instruction;
Substation Assets Manager has the responsibility to maintain equipment specifications and
provide connection diagrams to allow for the safe connection to GIS and transformers within the
Company’s substations.
Power Quality & Reliability Planning Manager has the authority and responsibility for
supplying fault level and source impedance information.
Manager Network Connections has the authority and responsibility for verifying all designs
submitted by Level 3 Accredited Service Providers (ASP) conform to the requirements of this
It will be the ASP’s responsibility to obtain the latest issue of any instruction or drawing relevant
to or listed in this instruction for use during the design of any project.
End-point and mid-point bonding requires the metallic sheath to be earthed at one location. The
load in the cable induces a voltage on the metallic sheath. If the metallic sheath was bonded to
earth at the ends of the cable, the voltage on the metallic sheath causes a circulating current that
may de-rate the cable.
As a consequence of only bonding the metallic sheath to earth at one point, the metallic sheath is
unable to carry the fault current back to the source for a phase to earth fault. Hence, an ECC is
installed with the cable to provide a fault current return path.
In contrast to end-point and mid-point bonding, cross bonding enables the metallic sheath to be
bonded to earth at the ends of a major section (after three minor sections). This is due to the
metallic sheath being transposed, producing a voltage 120° out of phase from the metallic sheath
voltage in each minor section. The summation of these voltages after three equal minor sections
is approximately zero, resulting in very little circulating current. This is depicted in Figure A 1.
With the metallic sheath earthed at the ends of each major section, the metallic sheath forms the
path for fault current to flow back to the source and does not require an ECC.
Voltage (V)
Distance (m)
Figure A 1 – The generalised voltage profile over the metallic sheath for one phase. The
metallic sheath transposition allows the voltage vectors to summate to approximately zero
after three minor sections.