Heq Mar15 Dip Oop Report

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BCS Level 5 Diploma in IT


Wednesady 23rd March 2016 – Afternoon

Answer any FOUR questions out of SIX. All questions carry equal marks
Time: TWO hours

Answer any Section A questions you attempt in Answer Book A

Answer any Section B questions you attempt in Answer Book B

The marks given in brackets are indicative of the weight given to each part of the question.

Calculators are NOT allowed in this examination.

Section A
Answer Section A questions in Answer Book A

General comments on candidates' performance

Future candidates are advised to note the following observations:

 Answer all parts of the questions attempted. Some candidates omitted parts of
the question. Even if unable to provide a full answer, a partial answer might result in
the extra marks that could make a difference between a failure and pass.

 Avoid repetition. Some candidates attempted to gain extra marks by repeating

points already made. Future candidates are advised that no marks will be gained for
such efforts.

 Answer the questions set. Some candidates attempted to gain marks by providing
answers that were related only vaguely, if at all, to the questions set. Future
candidates are advised that no marks are given for such answers.

 Use care when writing code. Care and precision is necessary when answering
questions using code. Often the examiners had difficulty identifying which variables
or commands were being used; inevitably, the candidates lost marks as a result.

Note that the answer pointers contained in this report are examples only. Full marks were
given for valid alternative answers.
Section A

Describe the following design patterns:
i) Adapter;
ii) Decorator;
iii) Singleton.

For each pattern, state the motivation for the pattern, give a UML class diagram for the
pattern and an explanation of the classes which participate in the pattern.
(25 marks)
Answer Pointers
From: http://www.blackwasp.co.uk/gofpatterns.aspx

The adapter pattern is a design pattern that is used to allow two incompatible types to
communicate. Where one class relies upon a specific interface that is not implemented by
another class, the adapter acts as a translator between the two types.

 Client. The client class is that which requires the use of an incompatible type. It expects to
interact with a type that implements the ITarget interface. However, the class that we wish
it to use is the incompatible Adaptee.

 ITarget. This is the expected interface for the client class. Although shown in the diagram
as an interface, it may be a class that the adapter inherits. If a class is used, the adapter
must override its members.

 Adaptee. This class contains the functionality that is required by the client. However, its
interface is not compatible with that which is expected.

 Adapter. This class provides the link between the incompatible Client and Adaptee
classes. The adapter implements the ITarget interface and contains a private instance of
the Adaptee class. When the client executes MethodA on the ITarget interface, MethodA
in the adapter translates this request to a call to MethodB on the internal Adaptee
The decorator pattern is a design pattern that extends the functionality of individual objects
by wrapping them with one or more decorator classes. These decorators can modify existing
members and add new methods and properties at run-time.

 ComponentBase. This abstract class is the base class for both the concrete components
and all decorator classes. The base class defines any standard members that will be
implemented by these classes. If you do not wish to create any actual functionality in this
class you may decide to create it as an interface instead.

 ConcreteComponent. The ConcreteComponent class inherits form the ComponentBase

class. There may be multiple concrete component classes, each defining a type of object
that may be wrapped by the decorators.

 DecoratorBase. This abstract class is the base class for all decorators for components.
The class inherits its public interface from ComponentBase so that decorators can be used
in place of concrete objects. It adds a constructor that accepts a ComponentBase object
as its parameter. The passed object is the component that will be wrapped. As the
wrapped object must inherit from ComponentBase, it may be a concrete component or
another decorator. This allows for multiple decorators to be applied to a single object.
When calls to the DecoratorBase's members are made, these are passed unmodified to
the matching member of the wrapped object.

 ConcreteDecorator. The ConcreteDecorator class provides a decorator for components.

In the diagram, an additional method has been included in the decorator. The Operation
member can be implemented in two manners. Firstly, the operation may be unchanged. In
this case, the implementation simply calls the base method. Secondly, the underlying
operation may be modified or replaced completely. In this case, new functionality will be
added, which may or may not call the base method.
The singleton pattern is a design pattern that is used to ensure that a class can only have
one concurrent instance. Whenever additional objects of a singleton class are required, the
previously created, single instance is provided.

The UML class diagram describes an implementation of the singleton pattern. In this
diagram the only public interface element is the static "GetSingleton" method. This method
returns the single instance held in the private "instance" variable. Usually an instance of the
class is created only when first requested.

The constructor for the class is marked as private. This prevents any external classes from
creating new instances. The class is also sealed to prevent inheritance, which could lead to
subclassing that breaks the singleton rules.

Examiner’s Comments

This question examines the Design aspect of the syllabus

The answer pointer sets out a very complete answer to the question whereas candidates
received full credit for answers where the UML was correct but the explanation was less
complete. The syllabus explicitly mentions design patterns and further lists five specific
design patterns which candidates should study. The list includes Adapter, Decorator and
Singleton. The question could therefore be answered by recalling book work. Despite this,
the question was poorly answered which may indicate that this area of the syllabus has not
been studied in sufficient depth. A large number of candidates who answered this question
only attempted to describe the Singleton pattern and therefore were only eligible for partial

a) Give the object oriented terminology for each of the following object oriented features
and supply an example of code that illustrates the feature:
i) A blueprint for an object which defines all the data items contained in the
object and the operations that are permitted for the data;
ii) A representation of something within the domain that the program models
which contains values of data and which implements operations on that data;
iii) An operation which will manipulate the data contained in an object;
iv) A variable which holds data that describes an individual object;
v) A variable which holds data that is relevant to all the objects created from the
same template.
(5 x 3 marks)
Answer Pointers

i) This is known as a class

class MyClass {
private int a;
private static int b;
public void increment() {
a = a + 1;

ii) This is an object

MyClass anObject = new MyClass();

iii) This is known as a method

public void increment() {

a = a + 1;

iv) This is known as an instance variable. It can only be referenced within the context of
an object

class MyClass {
private int a;
private static int b;
public void increment() {
a = a + 1;

a is an instance variable

v) This is known as a class variable

class MyClass {
private int a;
private static int b;
public void increment() {
a = a + 1;

b is a class variable
b) Using an object oriented language with which you are familiar to give an example of
(10 marks)
Answer Pointers

public interface ISoundBehaviour {

public void makeSound();


public class MeowSound implements ISoundBehaviour {

public void makeSound() {


public class RoarSound implements ISoundBehaviour {

public void makeSound() {


public class Cat {

private ISoundBehaviour sound = new MeowSound();

public void makeSound() {


public void setSoundBehaviour(ISoundBehaviour newsound) {

sound = newsound;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Cat c = new Cat();
// Delegation
c.makeSound(); // Output: Meow
// change the sound it makes
ISoundBehaviour newsound = new RoarSound();
// Delegation
c.makeSound(); // Output: Roar!
Examiner’s Comments

This question examines the Concepts aspect of the syllabus

In answers to part a) most candidates recognised a class whilst a smaller number

recognised the description of an object. The majority of candidates were able to provide
acceptable code demonstrating a method, an instance variable and a class variable.

Many candidates attempting this question chose not to answer part b). The answer pointer
indicates a very complete answer and full credit was available for simpler solutions. Quite a
few candidates were aware that this question had appeared in previous papers and were
able to reproduce the answer pointer presented in the corresponding examiners’ report.

a) Explain what is meant by the term abstract data type and how abstract data types are
implemented using an object oriented programming language.
(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

An abstract data type (ADT) is a mathematical model for data types where a data type is
defined by its behaviour (semantics) from the point of view of a user of the data, specifically
in terms of possible values, possible operations on data of this type, and the behaviour of
these operations. An ADT is typically implemented as a class, and each instance of the ADT
is usually an object of that class.

b) Explain why it is possible that the same abstract data type can have a variety of
(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

Data structures can be implemented in a variety of ways, some are simple to implement,
some are more efficient. For example a queue can easily be implemented using an array
structure. If this is done then removal from the queue involves a shuffling along of array
members so that the element previously second in the queue becomes the first. If instead of
using an array a linked list implementation is used then element removal can be more
efficient. Whatever the underlying implementation, the interface remains the same.

c) What use might you make of an abstract class in implementing an abstract data type?
(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

Given the answer to part b) we see that whilst different implementations of abstract data
types may exist each implementation must implement exactly the same methods. An
abstract class can be used to define these methods and then specific implementations can
inherit from this class. The compiler can then ensure that every implementation supports the
essential methods.
d) Explain the way in which the concept of type can be used in a programming language.
(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

Programming languages which support the concept of type enable the programmer to define
the type of every variable. When this has been done the compiler is able to warn the
programmer about operations which may yield incorrect results. For example if x is a floating
point variable and y is an integer then the programmer can be warned that y=x may result in
a truncated value.

e) What is the relationship between the concept of type in a typed programming language
and the concept of class in an object oriented programming language?
(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

Declaring that an object belongs to a class is analogous to typing a variable. Typing

effectively says what operations are valid for a variable. If an object is identified with a class
then the class defines the operations which are valid for it. However, in OOP because of
inheritance an object may also inherit valid operations from a superclass. Therefore an
object may conform with more than one class but have only a single type.

Examiner’s Comments

This question examines the Foundations aspect of the syllabus

This material assessed in the question has appeared in previous examination papers.
Despite this, and the fact that much of the material is book work, many of the answers given
were very poor. Candidates did not understand what is meant by the term Abstract Data
Type (ADT) even though it appears explicitly in the syllabus. Some confused it with abstract
class (event though part c) hints that these two concepts are distinct). Others confused it
with abstraction. Very few answers indicated that a given ADT may have a number of
differing concrete implementations. Parts d) and e) of the question have appeared in
numerous past paper, however, there were few good answers offered.
Section B

B4. Consider the following class definition:

public class date

private int day; // from 1 to 31
private int month; // from 1 to 12
private int year; // from 2000 upwards
public void advance; // move to next day

a) Implement a constructor that initialises new objects of date class to be set to the 1st of
January 2000.

(5 marks)
Answer Pointers

public date()
day = 1;
month = 1;
year = 2000;

or a variant thereof (e.g., if implemented outside the class with a scope resolution operator).

b) Implement setters for day, month and year.

(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

public bool setDay(int newDay)

if(newDay>0 && newDay <32)
day = newDay;
return true;
return false;

public bool setMonth(int newMonth)

if(newMonth>0 && newMonth <13)
month = newMonth;
return true;
return false;

public bool setYear(int newYear)

year = newYear;
return true;
return false;

or a variant thereof (e.g., if implemented outside the class with a scope resolution operator).
Partial marks were given for implementations that did not ensure that the object retained a
valid state (i.e., did not bounds-check the argument before storing it in the data members).

c) Implement the advance method, which moves to the next day, ensuring that all data
members are updated appropriately.

(15 marks)

Answer Pointers

public void advance()

const int daysInMonth[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30, 31,30,31};

day = 1;
month = 1;

variants that did not discriminate between month lengths were awarded partial marks.
Examiner’s Comments

This question examines Syllabus 8D: Practice

The was the least well answered question in Section B of the exam. For a significant
proportion of candidates, it appeared that they had very little practical programming
experience with an object oriented language, and were unable to provide a satisfactory
answer to the easier questions (a) and (b). Part (c) was poorly answered by nearly all
candidates, with most unable to devise an algorithm that could take into consideration the
different lengths of months. Several candidates that did propose a working solution
presented code that was far longer and more complex than necessary.


a) Describe the meaning of <<extend>> and <<include>> in a UML use-case diagrams

(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

<<extend>> implies a generalization relationship in which the extending use-case continues

(i.e. adds more functionality to) the behaviour of the base use case. The extending use case
is optional, and may be invoked depending upon a condition.

<<include>> implies a generalization relationship that entails the inclusion of a behaviour

defined in a another use-case. The included use case is mandatorily invoked, and the base
use case is incomplete without it.

b) How do we represent the visibility of class members as private, public and protected in a
UML class diagram?

(5 marks)
Answer Pointers

private: -

public: +

protected: #

in appropriate sections of a class, represented as a rectangle of a diagram, i.e., preceding

the names of data and methods.
c) How are aggregation and composition relationships represented in a UML class

(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

aggregation: empty diamond

composition: filled diamond

d) How are specialisation and generalisation relationships defined, and how they are
represented in a UML class diagram?

(10 marks)

Answer Pointers


The relationship stresses that a more elaborate form of a base class (also known as a super
class) has been produced, that includes the heritable components of the base class, and
perhaps includes additional data members and methods. For instance, a textbook may be a
specialization of a book.


The specialization relationship can be viewed in reverse. A base class is a more generalized
version of a derived class, which contains fewer data members or methods, and is less
specific in its domain of representation. For instance, a book may be a generalization of a
textbook. A group of classes may have been produced in a design that share common
properties. A super-class could be used to retain these common properties, which can then
be inherited to prevent duplication.

representation in UML:

Both are shown on a UML class diagram using an empty triangle. It is a matter of
perspective which of the two relationships is at work: from the perspective of sub-classes,
the super-class is a generalization. From the perspective of the super-class, the sub-classes
are specializations.
Examiner’s Comments

This question examines the Syllabus 8C: Design

Generally, this question was reasonably well answered, although candidates were
frequently unclear about the distinction between generalization and specialization,
and between <<include>> and <<extend>>, suggesting that further study and
practice is required in UML.


a) Four basic features of object-oriented programming languages are said to be

abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation and inheritance. Define each of these terms.

(20 marks)
Answer Pointers


The concept of exposing only essential data and other details to the users of a class, whilst
hiding unnecessary information that could lead to either confusion or increase the probability
of making mistakes.


Allows entities to be used in multiple forms whilst retaining similar syntax (for example,
method overloading and overriding, template classes, operator overloading, default
arguments, and so on)


Prevents our data from unwanted accesses by binding code (methods) and data (attributes)
together into a single unit called an object.


Promotes the reusability of code; a sub-class acquires all the heritable features of its
superclass parents, and may use them and extend upon them.
b) How does method overloading differ from method overriding?

(5 marks)

Answer Pointers

Method Overloading:
Having several versions of the same method name, but with different signatures. The
appropriate version is executed, depending upon the arguments passed when the method is

Method Overriding:

Creating of two or more methods with the same name and signature in different classes in
the class hierarchy (i.e., super-class and sub-class), such that (for example) a sub-class
version can overshadow an inherited (super-class) version.

Examiner’s Comments

This question examines the Syllabus 8D: Practice

Many candidates conflated the concepts of abstraction and encapsulation in part (a), and
frequently confused overriding and overloading in part (b). However, most of those
attempting this question were able to provide a reasonable description of inheritance and
polymorphism. Since this question requires an understanding of basic terminology, and
appears in the syllabus, it is surprising that fuller answers were not provided.

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