Inggris Unit 3
Inggris Unit 3
Inggris Unit 3
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Nim : PO7124318092
Task : Unit 3 Page 74
Pre-reading questions
People all over the word eat rice. Millions of people in Asia, Africa, and South America
eat it every day of their lives. Some people eat almost nothing but rice.
Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than seven thousand (7.000) kinds of rice. Most
kinds are water plants. Farmers grow rice in many countries, even in the southern part of the
No one really knows where rice came from. Some scientists think it started to grow in two
places. They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia thousands of years ago. Someone
in China wrote about it almost five thousands (5.000) years ago. Another kind probably grew in
West Africa. Other scientists think rice came from India, and Indian travelers took it to other
There are two main ways to grow rice. Upland rice grows in dry soil. Most rice grows in
wet soil. People in many countries do all of the work by hand. This is the same way farmers
worked hundreds of years ago. Some countries now use machines in their rice farms. The
farmers all use fertilizer. Some insects are enemiesof rice. Farmers poison them.
People use every part of the rice plant. They make animal feed and rice oil from it. They
also make baskets, brooms, rug, sandals, and roofs for their houses. They burn dry rice plants for
Terjemahan :
Orang-orang di seluruh dunia makan nasi. Jutaan orang di Asia, Afrika, dan Amerika
Selatan memakannya setiap hari dalam hidup mereka. Beberapa orang hampir tidak makan apa
Beras adalah sejenis rumput. Ada lebih dari tujuh ribu (7.000) jenis beras. Sebagian besar
jenisnya adalah tanaman air. Petani menanam padi di banyak negara, bahkan di bagian selatan
Tidak ada yang tahu dari mana beras itu berasal. Beberapa ilmuwan berpikir padi mulai
tumbuh di dua tempat. Mereka berpikir bahwa satu jenis padi tumbuh di Asia selatan ribuan
tahun yang lalu. Seseorang di Cina menulis tentang haal itu hampir lima ribu (5.000) tahun yang
lalu. Jenis lain mungkin tumbuh di Afrika Barat. Ilmuwan lain berpikir beras berasal dari India,
Ada dua cara utama menanam padi. Padi di dataran tinggi tumbuh di tanah kering.
Sebagian besar padi tumbuh di tanah basah. Orang-orang di banyak negara melakukan semua
pekerjaan dengan tangan. Ini adalah cara yang sama dengan para petani bekerja ratusan tahun
yang lalu. Beberapa negara sekarang menggunakan mesin di pertanian padi mereka. Para petani
semuanya menggunakan pupuk. Beberapa serangga adalah musuh padi. Petani meracuni mereka.
Orang-orang menggunakan setiap bagian dari tanaman padi. Mereka membuat pakan
ternak dan minyak dari situ. Mereka juga membuat keranjang, sapu, karpet, sandal, dan atap
untuk rumah mereka. Mereka membakar tanaman padi kering untuk memasak.
A. Vocabulary
brooms grass probably West
rice rugs eastern soil
sandals even roofs insects
1. They also make baskets, brooms, rugs, sandals, and roofs for theirs houses.
2. Rice is kind of grass.
3. People all over the world eat rice.
4. Farmers grow rice in many countries, even in the southern part of the United States and
in eastern Australia.
5. Some insects are enemies of rice.
6. Another kind probably grew in West Africa.
7. Upland rice grows in dry soil.
C. Vocabulary Review
Match the words that mean the opposite
Column A Column B
1. Already not yet a. easy
2. Large small b. cold
3. Toward away from c. not yet
4. Enemy friend d. northern
5. Difficult easy e. small
6. Hate love f. friend
7. Cheap expensive g. each other
8. Collect each other h. away from
9. Heat cold i. pass out
10. Southern northern j. wood
k. ekpensive
l. love
D. Questions
1. Why do some people eat almost nothing but rice?
Some people only eat rice because that is how they were raised. In other cultures,
rice is the main staple at all meals.
2. In what countries is rice n important food?
In Asia
3. What kind of plants is rice?
Rice is the kind of grass
4. How many kinds of rice are there?
There are more than seven thousand (7000) kinds of rice. Most kinds are water
5. Scientists have two ideas about where rice came from. What are they?
They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia thousands of years ago.
Someone in China wrote about it almost five thousands (5.000) years ago. Another
kind probably grew in West Africa. Other scientists think rice came from India, and
Indian travelers took it to other parts of the world.
6. What does “upland” mean?
An area of high to grow rice
7. Why do rice farmers use fertilizer?
To fertilize rice and multiply the seedlings
8. Why do most farmers grow rice by hand?
Because there hasn't been machines
9. How do farmers kill insects?
Use poisons
10. People eat rice. Tell others ways people use the rice plant.
People use every part of the rice plant. They make animal feed and rice oil from it.
They also make baskets, brooms, rugs, sandals, and roofs for their house. They burn
dry rice plants for cooking.
F. Main Idea
1. Rice is a very important crop, but nobody knows where it came from.
Main idea paragraph 3
No one really knows where rice came from. Some scientists think it started to grow in
two places. They think that one kind of rice grew in southern Asia thousands of years
ago. Someone in China wrote about it almost five thousands (5.000) years ago. Another
kind probably grew in West Africa. Other scientists think rice came from India, and
Indian travelers took it to other parts of the world.