8 Republic Vs Bagtas
8 Republic Vs Bagtas
8 Republic Vs Bagtas
“We are of the opinion and so decide that when the relation is
purely that of debtor and creditor, the debtor can not be held
liable for the crime of estafa, under said article, by merely
refusing to pay or by denying the indebtedness.”
It appears that respondent judge failed to appreciate the
distinction between the two types of loan, mutuum and
commodatum, when he performed the questioned acts. He
mistook the transaction between petitioners and
respondents Rosalinda Amin, Tan Chu Kao and Augusto
Sajor to be commodatum wherein the borrower does not
acquire ownership over the thing borrowed and has the
duty to return the same thing to the lender.
Under Sec. 87 of the Judiciary Act, the municipal court
of a provincial capital, which the Municipal Court of Jolo is,
has jurisdiction over criminal cases where the penalty
provided by law does not exceed prision correccional or
imprisonment for not more than six (6) years, or fine not
exceeding P6,000.00 or both. The amounts allegedly
misappropriated by petitioners range from P20,000.00 to
P50,000.00. The penalty for misappropriation of this
magnitude exceeds prision correccional or 6-year
imprisonment. (Article 315, Revised Penal Code).
Assuming then that the acts recited in the complaints
constitute the crime of estafa, the Municipal Court of Jolo
has no jurisdiction to try them on the merits. The alleged
offenses are under the jurisdiction of the Court of First
Petition granted.