Antinomian III
Antinomian III
Antinomian III
Mortify the flesh
Leather creates welts & rivers of pain ptmqnc3
Agony of devotion
Broken white mind
Defiling the temple of God
Adorning the altar of flesh
Antinomian is a collaborative publication between the
Qliphotic Noise Cult and the Poison Tongue Militia.
QNC releases free noise albums with a focus on the
Adversarial and Ophidian currents.
All releases available at
All Biblical references from the Catholic translation.
If a name must be used, let us say Ophite – therefor shall it
Black gematria be known from whom comes our Gnosis. Not demiurge, but rather
Blasphemous invocations of an outside reality the uncreated, liberating and limitless, ouroboros eleven.
Intoning words of power
Candlelit rites of darkness
Scrawling sigils of ancient names
Sibilant invocation of the nuclear chaos
Genesis children of demons.
In the beginning, When God created the heavens and the The Lord God gave man this order: “You are free to eat
earth, the earth was a formless wasteland and darkness from any of the trees of the garden except the tree of
covered th abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters. knowledge of good and bad. From that tree you shall not eat;
Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. the moment you eat from it you are surely doomed to die.
1:13 2:1617
Here, at the first, is darkness existing before the Then the Lord God said: “See! The man has become one of
touch of Demiurge solidified matter. The abyss is not created us, knowing what is good and what is bad. Therefore, he must
as absence of light, but precedes YWHW and is thus invaded by not be allowed to put out his hand to take fruit from the
the light. tree of life also, and thus eat of it and live forever.”
And so there are faces to the Cosmos.
All words and names of the Void and Chaos therein are valid,
they are reflections of an indescribable Darkness, blurry and
indistinct. Each is a lie and an underestimation. The Chaos
that is the Void is beyond words or thought, form or
All hells are but amateur paintings of the Void, all devils
aspirants to Chaos.
In watery depths of infinite blackness, with no floor or sky,
there is Leviathan. In shades of no light She writhes and
twists upon Herself, massive and sinuous.
In a garden of thorns nourished with blood, Lilith births the
spawn of demons and teaches initiates forbidden rites. She is
the great whore, and only accepts pain as payment.
In a grim throne room surrounded by a massive stone fortress, Black flame of the Genesis Serpent
Lucifer broods. Resinous Gnosis, demon invocation
Burn through clay, demiurge denial
Liberated, formless, chaosophic glory
Adoration of knowledge, transformation
Revolt against stagnation, reject the empty Christ
Black revelation of blasphemous spirit
Smoke and ash Gnosis, shells of creation
Qliphotic forms within, sigils burned in flesh
Ophite cult arise
Ophite cult arise